lgbt internship reflection

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I wrote this reflection following the completion of my internship in the LGBT Center at Case Western during the Spring of 2014. Within the reflection I share specific details about the projects I worked on throughout the semester and my thoughts on continuing my LGBT work within Higher Education.


RUNNING HEAD: Internship Journal RUNNING HEAD: Internship Journal

Practicum Summary


Higher Education Administration and Student PersonnelM.Ed. Program

Dr. Rosemary Gornik Practicum Faculty Advisor

Spring, 2014 SemesterMay 09, 2014 Submission

Brandi L. Hoffman

I have been inspired by my internship from day one. That is something I dont think every student can say about their internship experience this semester. I find myself as one of the lucky ones who can. I am inspired today, still, at the end of the semester to continue working for Liz and with the LGBT Center because I believe that they do so much good for this community. I am inspired because I have personal connection and love for the LGBT community in general. I have been an ally since I have come to understand that meaning in undergrad, and I am so glad that I found this unique opportunity to become involved in my graduate experience. With that, I move to explain some of the adoration I claim for this internship as well as some of the areas I could continue improving upon in the future. The purpose of my internship experience can be best explained by reading the purpose statement of my practicum plan. The statement explains, The purpose of this practicum experience is to enable Brandi the unique opportunity to work in an office that specifically serves the LGBTQ population of Case Western. Although the office is not located within the Division of Student Affairs its services are actively utilized by many offices of the division and it provides programming for Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni as well as members of the surrounding Cleveland community. Brandi has worked with students who identify as LGBTQ while employed at both her undergraduate and graduate career but the LGBTQ Centers specific focus will allow her to gain a greater understanding of the intricacies of diversity and diversity programming. As the semester progressed, I found myself shifting the primary goals that I had set with Liz at the start. I can say that I have grown, changed and developed in this experience but at the end Im glad to say that I have still fulfilled the purpose I came to the LGBT Center with in the first place. Granted, I set a very loose foundation in my purpose statement. This I did for a reason, I was unsure what this experience would bring me. Both Liz and I agree that this has not been a typical internship experience. It has been unique in the fact that my major task has been to research and analyze, with the objective to create a more refined vision of what the office should strive to do to improve the services offered. There were not strict guidelines or task responsibilities assigned to me to complete. Instead I was given room for creativity and was handed the project with the understanding that I should do what I saw best fit. I have enjoyed the freedom and the ability to follow the path I wanted to with my internship this semester. Initially my internship started out with the goal of the creating of a program for international LGBT students to have as a network of support on campus. The goals created for me to complete are outlined here from my practicum plan. Goals: Creation of a conversation group program- anticipated to be hosted in April. The program will be designed especially for international students of the Case Western community. Issues will be addressed as seen fit for community needs upon completion of community research. This project will include: Conducting research of other universities and community LGBT Centers with current programming that serves this specific population. Conducting research of the current CWRU international population. Collaboration with members of the International Affairs Office of Case Western. Organization of the program structure and planned attendance in a location mindful of the students safety and comfort. Implementation and co-facilitation of the conversation group. Assessment of the program. Attendance at monthly conversation groups held in the center that will cover multiple LGBTQ topics (ex: Gender Identity, Asexuality, etc.) Attendance at committee meetings specific to policy change on the Case Western campus affecting LGBTQ benefits of employees. Attendance/involvement at diversity training programs of student and faculty groups performed by Liz. Development of an internship training guide. Assist with general office organization and functions as needed

It is safe to say that I did not meet all of these goals. Most for reason of time or inability to attend meetings or programs as schedule due to personal or other professional time conflicts. Others for reason of project direction changes but overall my time was well spent in the center. As I explained in my internship journal, This semester has also served its purpose for me in helping to sort out and narrow my scope of interest in the field of Higher Education as a whole. I find myself most attracted and interested in serving students who are underrepresented or who need help in growing themselves in their identities as a person. I can see where my undergraduate degree in Sociology is kicking in. Regardless, this internship has shown me a clearer picture of the kind of work that drives me and interests me on a personal level and that incorporates the human development side of Higher Education into my work. This experience has helped me better shape my path for the future for helping me identify the areas of interest that excite me. I gained relevant experience in my academic work as well. For example, at the ACPA conference during the Case Studies Competition I spoke with validity and confidence about the issues of the LGBT community in religious campus settings. I could do this because of my experience and perspective gained from working at the Center. I feel this experience did meet my expectations for the most part as well. It did fall short on some experiences I had hoped to gain, such as experience in LGBT committee meetings. My informal experience of advocacy has grown, but the process of advocacy in a professional setting could use some more work. Looking towards the coming semesters I know that I have grown substantially in my ability to research and analyze data, make connections that matter and the ability to speak publically to my fellow professionals while critically analyzing my context and the role it plays in my knowledge. Moving forward I am excited to continue my work with the LGBT community and hopefully with Liz as well. It will be a great experience being trained to become a Safe Zone facilitator at Notre Dame College in the fall semester. I cant wait to see what I will learn and grow from in my next experience! 5