l^f clothing thÉ^ french...

BY J. A. SELBY; ~ C0ÏitfiïÔlA,oÔ. C., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 15. 1871. YOL. VII-NO. 100. maie» open investigations ôbserW tjotfB, Bees and heats -with his own im- ppryexted j eyes »nd ; pars,, reoe i yes. . $o. hearsay or ex parte testimouy^pxeroissa unbiased jndginout, eater's to 'no party, interests, arrows oit khkV Whereof he BpcaksV and »Ot tors the troth ria it »H. Hin s ta thine nts,: iii general,co ii firma tho be* lief that the Ka Kins bill was.wholly uncalled forby áf>y" e*4fsHñg ernergeboy; that. tbo> excitement1 whioh has beeb orouaod About;it is mainly a bog-boar, a protest of despairing partisanship, a desperate struggle of p^dióalism to ro-. ttiin its grasp upon tho -South.- He Sus¬ tains iBhérmau s opinion, and" that of Homce:Greoley, and of ...roany unbougbt aud unbiased witnesses whose testimony has already been given before the Inves¬ tigating Oornmitteei thnt: lt" would have boon far botter for the South and for thé oouutry if tho liberal and kind action of ^Uo Government toward tho South, and amnesty had been substituted jor violent, oppressiv'e ahdViiiruíc'tivQ reconstruction lows, enforcement Aotfl,' and anch mea- aorea4ts have culminated in tho Ku-Klux hjU. tl. . Speaking of Ytlie politics of Georgia, this Bpeoial èommiBsioppr says it is in Augtieta"a one-Bided subject,, the'city being- í so ii largely Democratic as to be nearly, unaujaioua. Tho city jroyern- ment is carried on without a .ripple of 'dlscdrdi There ls no dèsiro to overturn the1 -Constitutional amendments. 'The people are satisfied with negro ^suffrage, and disposed.(P attend to business rather .than politjcs.. Gen. . Bobprt To om bs, -whoso utterances tho Republicans of the' North'1 are attempting ro triagnify'iñtó importance,'tides not-reflect the Bonti- »eni8 l.QOO mon in.tho 8tate.< The adopt any'pblidy frdm Radical influehdes nod1 carpet-bag selfishnessy and aeauro:tfori,them fvgood ^..^tgi BPV^WPflV.«nd bringt p ea qa *ud ^TÏb're^e^ ifcr,Jo*f SduíE 'Carolina, before clhè ' Kit 'KIuxOomftifiBO, ^s-only an o th or Unie in JJUQ Olia>n ,qf evjden QÍ> proyi ng tho inf arny of. tho, .Radicals in .their rale at tb,o South/ Liait Vus hoja, in'r^uu'émb'rán'ce thlt5tmtffetfmoTly''oomeB ^m onónbT tboine'nibdrö of tho iladloal<party, who htvi resided in South .Carolina since lí}<57» Bankrqptoy, member of the Legislature arid Öi?dmt} dago,1 sud ''b'tnV; oabvassed the State from one end . to tho ot her as a leaodidate for Govoruor^oo-thoparb of .^M«W»fvWtoa*-fl*911» ^^.4amf«ing .rovojatuon.it would appear that plunder WbfcMt thb object « tho government, 'dtíhaüed^igríorarY^o ira legislativo power, Ia disgraceful arid.corrupt ballot ita .popo¬ lar oge-?^ W^ç^fk^m^fP^^^iSi1- ita bloody parposee. It ts terrible to con tern pia té, edd make à man- shudder white ho^ada'tho exhibition bern made, ,diûcloning!:how; *ho. whit« oitistona .hnvo boenj.in Sp.ath.:CaroUao, exppfed.to the r'tfla o(.talien adveuitu,rors, .plunderers, rhmoh's abd degraded blacks.;, ¡¿ í^ [New POTK 'Newa. '1 -M!^ .Il- j.rtP-^TL- 1-rn .<.i -i I ! i A.; 'newJy-fledged, Philadelphia dootor ^ëoeiit\9^^^ii^B^iaiitï; JAY, anfrttm rlfi*VTbasie -fte1 >há&!totV 'A'bOy wbTd.'iwTiile1 sbffliirig. px^jj-CcBDigob ia: kernel in bia &i/rárfíSfa vWhe.sd90bM.,qMmined#;i the' cai e.carefn Hy Jocked ot the p at 1 en t, a Tongue; and then' told 'tho' fatU«* pf tho boy to mak^n Jiot firc. When that' was1 dono tho doöfcorAWd,!th'0m to take the1 boy and, hom liirp Ovo* tho'fire nh tit the k(*ne.r goT h^ 2?ho, ¿ila mao wen}, up etairs abd' got tita r h,P,t¿gun»'Wnt"^hîle he wag goatling it ílpa"! ; , : A, jury in North Cprolinaj .nftor being charged in the usual way by the judge,! -retired.to thejr.rpom, when a white juror ve nfured to a^k a qolorodussociato if, ho understood .the'. nhargo pf the judge. ''Golly !',' exclaimed tho astonished juror, Vho don't charge us nu flin for dpt, does l^ëî .Why, I thought we. was gwino to S»wargin . . ... V-. .-?'Mrs.. Blizabeth Charles, of Charles¬ ton;, who, with ber husband, was stop- pipg in the City Hotel building, Angus- ta^Gsi, wa» killed «n Tuesday morning, by a' quantity of plastering falling, upon her from the ceiling. ^ .HotiCe. *~' DR. D.-L. BOOZEB will be absent from his office until MONDAY, tho 7th instant, Angl ._ , 6 Citizens'Saving^Bank of B.:C. A LL. SAVINGS DEPOSITS mado ln thia A. Hant on or hôfore Ihd ßth day of each calendar i month Will' bcar intoro'at for-thajb month SB U dopositod on the lat inatanU' >. . , ', .'.' ?. Ü. ll. HM ITU, .. ' Aojftlatl 4 '. Assistant flashier.' < l'ßodiiig Oats. C j/ O AA BUS H ELB. PHI ME- BEAYX OATS. S.WV/, 1 July 87 jj_ , BOPF.fl .'- . »ottoe. ahí* I /"\WISG to tho' aochloiital br.rntinp of tho Ux'hollordi the lea ^ashiup. nc- ÍÍÜE \?lll ha eold urjfil further ordnrB. All tho BO hav- ïnar.ltoBMa will prcsebt th'<-m an.a' tho money wmberWunaed. JOHN-G.-WEEGE RS. ^rntofa1'"i- . . : ' -.-' .? .l S!jîpB| Ç 0TTÄ0EI HOUSE; ?}Yaihingion street, fi,exl,door to ¡faeohio IfaU, : ',0,'.H.', punnïlffi, T»roprlcr»r. hrtn!B Proprietor of tho COTTAGE HOUSE ^ JL the ncatofit and most retired aaloon In tho city-having had a largo oxporience'át the Obarleaton and Columbia Hotels, pledgoa to his guests the most choice brenda of WIN EH. LIQUORS and BEGABST «nd will be pleased to havohfh old frimula.toll and *eo him. A NIOE LUNCH served up'daily, from ll to 1 o'etook. O.a. DU HUE. July 27 _ Tho Dootorfj Rocommond Seegers'Seer ÏM'preferénoo to London Porter and Scotch Ale. Why? They know it la unadulterated. Seegers' Beer ia Pore. IT don't contain Gooooulna Indiens Fish Barries to'make sleepy or headaohe. COUNTY CLAIMS' ANO.JURY CKftTI« FTC ATîCfî bought by Feb5> ' D. GAMBRILL, DrokwJ -^ JÊ.^.wi-ouo egg « MÂNHO.PJD : ^QW.jLpstl, kaw Restored! {] Just published, in a sealed enve¬ lope. Price, sit cenia. " ' ?A XECTUBE on the Natural Tic a tm out il and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea or Bb'niinal WoakneRB, ?.Involuntary Emissions,' Sexual Debility, and .Impedimenta to Marri« age generally; Nervousness, Consumption^ Epilopay «nd Fit*; Mental and Physical Inca¬ pacity. rcBulting from Hclf-Abueo, ftc, by Ro¬ ri HUT J. CÛLVERWELL, M". D.', author of the "Oreen Bookk" fto. , vt<\ jpaon to Thousands of Sufferers/' Rent nh dor seal, in a plain cnvclopo, to any address, pout-paid, on'receipt of six oentn, or two postage stamps, by CUAS. J. C. KLINE ACO., 137 Bowery, New York-V. U. Bax, -4,580. jqug 12_._._gmo MK 1>1CAX.. TH'S BRIDAL CHAMBER. ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN, on groat BO- oi M o vila and abuses, which interfere with. MARBIAOE, with eure moana of relict for the erring and unfortunate, di Beaut o' And de¬ bilitated. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. .Address HOWARD SANITA¬ RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 8outh Ninth atreat.' Philadelphia, Pa. .. May 21Jhno Tlate Oèletor ateel ¿^^e"i$ost, lasting, agree-. able, aiid . refreshing of all pferfiimes, for use on the 9$¡l Vb\-tile, ßath. #br sale by all Druggists and Por- fumers: ^ . Sept 17- . .? .. .". '? .'*»?! : Wanted toRent, ' W A.COTTAGE, at moderato rate, within VMlwo or throe sanares ol tho.PncaNIX Office. g-aApply, pr addreTlaJH: Ni g:. at tbfa-Omce. ART^Ùâ C..M0ÜÉE, 1 AMörÜ'ey and Counsellor . at Law,' ' ;. : F :. 1 »COLUMBIAVS^O., REMOVED hia :oüleo to No. 2. Law Rango. .. vt... , .' Joly *- 48mo v.o dv.-ijflmOSflÄ.-HarriBgß, .ty S\r\Ci BOXES SMOKED'HERBINQSjuBt ZUU receivod S&A rolf sale, al fifty^denta pdrborybV ol iiJaRMiAPNBW A SON ..«! The'Ö&srgiü «in «;> iifiaiS is tho thhd eonsoa wa haV.q BQM those ?JLi QINSi »nd have never .had a single .com bTaidt. "WO offer' 'them- with7 ï&iéwt?d conf* dence, .at.(moderate prices ond reasonable terms. LÖRICK. & LOWRANCE, Agts., JmylB'îfmo . Qolumola, a 0. 8BSN*»'TttaU OLID flDlNbä ABROAD! DBIli AS» FEVER WMi !»? -? - i Keinitfih'a Great Medicine, A'POSITIVE CÜRE! QBND ail '.tho' incurable canoe'.' One bottlo O isiall that poad bo taken. ^ Banish pain I Banish suffering I To the afflicted this ls'tid¬ ings of great joy. ' I '?? '.- I have bech.curcd. J. Ai DAVIS. f hkro bairn oured. O' B. THOMAS. I have be/an cured. J A. ELK in H. . Ï have been cured. J. If. DISEKEB. I bava boen cured. D. WAUK. iharo been cared. M. G. LOOAN. ll can bo cured by calling ou HEINITBH and get a bottlo of thia groat medicino. Pro- par cSTo ply. by E. ii. HEINITBH, Athis Drug Store, opposite Puozstx office. Joly 25 j_?? _ We Have the Royal Heinitsh'a Baking Powders! WHICH for purity of material and per¬ fection in baking ia ahead of all of hors. Snitablo for all kinds ot batter; is the lightest, sweetest, whitest, cheapest powders in the city. The time saved by tho uso of this pow* der, together with its absolute oertaiuty to make sweet and light bread, biaouits, cakes of any kind, puddings, pio-crueta, dumplings, corn-bread; etc., render ita moat economical aud desirable article for good houee-Uoopers. Prepared and f r sale only bv JuU 25 t: E. H. HEINITBH. Drnggiat. Ohoic3 Family Flour. BARRELS strictly choice. For aalo low. E. HOPE. 200 .imported Ale and Forter. CASKS-Pints-beBt brands, in atoro and for ea!e GEO. SYMMtíRB. 25 Cheap Fertilizer. A £\ SPN« COTTON HEED MEAL. Excel- *±\f Towt for manure EDWARD HOPE. 1 THE M0RRI8 COXTON OIN 1ÍAS DISTANCED ALL OTHERS, '" A ND IB warranted tn do it again. For full XJL particulars, relative to theao machines, addroHB ''E. MORRIU, Janö lSStno Colombia, 8. C. Lar.a! Lard!!" PÛRE LEAF LARD-"guaranteed strictly pure"-in barrel« half barrels, kegs and 3, 6 and 10 caddies, foi snlo at reduced prices, by,_JOHN AONEW lt BON. ICE GOLD SOPA WATER with PURE FRUIT SYRÜPS, can be obtained at HoKENZIE'S SA¬ LOON. Try it __ Ol-« BANK BIULS and MUTILATKD tURRBNCY bougbtandaOldby Nov 23. Orno D. QAM URI LL. Broker. Heals furnifbftd at all hours at POLLOCK'S.) Tüornwell'a Collected Writings, THÉ^ OGIOAL' and1 Ethical, *2 vblumee, ombelHôhed'wfth Dr; Thornwolra por¬ trait. $4 per volume MomorioB Of PatujoB. By MacDotT. ti. The Conservative Reformation «nd ita Thc* ology. 'By Hov. Çharlos E. Krowth, D. D. $5. Tho Unseen World. By ROT. Dr. Stork, tl. SEW NOVKLS, lld ; Fink add White Tyranny. By Mrs! Harriot Beeober Stowo. fi.&o. Her Lord jud Shaster, Ev Flureuco Kary- att. 60 conta. Won, not Wooed. By tho author of Bred in tho Bono, deo Moonta. Terrible Temptation. By Charles Hoado. 35 cents. Uniform edition of Oraco AgnRor'a Works, such aa Mother'« ReoompeOao, Vale of Cedars, frc. at tl per volume. Tho above books sent to any address, post paid, on rocoipt of prico. DUFFIE & CHAPMAN, AngUBt 1 _j_Dooksellore. Bloat TJaef ni Invention of the'Agc! THE FAN AND FLY DRIVER! INVENTED DY F. M. HUNT. PATENTED 31 A nen 21,1871. THIS Machine, which is now offered for sale, surpasses any of its ago. It ia use¬ ful, cheap and durablo. Any boy or girl can operate with it. For the table, it has not an equal. For the sick room, it stands unrival¬ ed. For the nursing mother, its intrinsic valuo ia inestimable; as it fans to rest the little darlings, and keeps them freed from trouble.' No family should bo without pne. Au a labor-saving Machine, it saves tho biro of ono servant. Aa an investment, there is nothing! ever offered to the pu olio in whiah an nativo, energetic mancan maka moro money at.' It is tho Modi ino for the times, fl ,000,000 worth will'bo Bold. Any man with ordinary energy can make from tl5 to $100 per week, olear of all expenses. Can be aeon at I. BulEOaoher's Jewelry Store. .T"" . JOHN WOOLLEY, ': ;'1 Agent lot Biehiand County, Joly23 j .'. P.O. Addrbaa; Columbia. '?' 'Notice to Contractors. PROPOSAL^ for the removal or bodies now Interred in "Potter'rt Field," near Greon- ville Railroad 'Depot, 'and re-interment' of same in new Potter's Field,i pear Elmwood Cemetery, will be received and. submitted to Connell at regular Picoting, Tuesday,'August 8,1871. »V " . '..¿Tho follbwing rcaolutioua, adopted by Coun¬ cil July 25, 1871, are pnbliahed tom informar klon: :. . . Jrteaofoed, That tho bodies now interred In tho old rottet'« Field Bb alb be removed and re-interred in the new Putter's Field» liesolved. That tho.Clerk shall advertise for proposals to do this work bj contract., Ifesdlbeil, Th at','Ri ropioving tho bodies, the bones:'which may not Se! encased shall'be properly bc rod boioro being removed, arid Ail mementooaOr hoad-utones which mat now be ?non tho 'gravea shaU also ho removed and placed upon'the new graves. < lieg'olbrd, That any person who may have relátivoo Or íriínde buried io the 'old/Potter's field are hereby, given the privilege of. ra* moving said bodies, from and after this date. By Order of Council. - WM. J. ETTEB, . August 1'4 _ . City Clerk. ,í> '¡jiíRftijí ,.' : 11 *l*t"T-r. > jr^CÍÍA.BAOA; * ,t.;. OLOR.E, ,. .. ÑORFOtÍK, 1 RED TOP, , .. FLAT DUTCH, For sale by .. W. C. FISHER, Druggist and Apothecary, if Joly 20 3mo Opposite Columbia Hotel. To the Teachers of South Carolina. THE second annual meeting of the Educa¬ tional Instituto of Routh Carolina will be reid at Greenville, at 8 o'clock P. M., on WEDNESDAY, August 23, 1871. Tho aonual address will be delivered by loner al W. K. Easley. Other distinguished speakers have been invited and aro expected ,o deliver addresses. The delegates .will be entertained by the dthsons of Greenville, a nd will bo passed over lie different railroads, going and returning, 'or one faro. All who pronoae to attend are requested to íotify Prof. J'. B. Patrick, at Greenville, by nail, in order that proper arrangements may io made in advance for their entertainment. Mombora of the' Instituto, as well as those vho desire to become'members, are earnestly requested to attend. HUGH: B. THOMPSON, President Educational Inatitute of Routh Ca¬ rolina. ?_'_Angnst 1 1 ^TURNIP SEED bd - AT m S E. E, JACKSON'S, cc ig tel P North Carolina Corn Whiskey. r?t\ BARRELS of enuorlor quality for «ale SH-1 by thé barrel._fi. HOPK.__ Old Government Java. OA MATS GOVERNMENT JAYAJCOFFEE. ¿iXj 50 bags choice Rio and Laguayra. For mic isw. Bj HOPE. Native and Foreign Wines. SOUPPERNONO, Concord, Hauterns, Cla¬ ret, Champagnes, Just receive* and for sale low, by * E. HOPE. Claret Wino . i ON draught. THIS DAY. at a low price, by tho gallon or dozen. EDWARD HOPE. Congress Water. -f /\ OASES for salo low by ll 9 Jnno 17_GEO. BVMMERB. Seegers' Beer it Pure. IT don't contain Copperas, Salt, Um« or Alum. March ll CLOTHING HOUSES OP CHILDS & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S . C. WE1 hayo marked down all of our largo atockof READY-MADE CLOTHING to Bach loir ßenroa that MIA price cornea within roach of ali that wish a good Utting garment, made in tho latoet style and hy tho beat mak¬ ers in Now York. Wo aro tho only honae that sell All Linen Drawers at il.50. We aro tho only honae that have the imported Bee-Sucker Calcutta- Balta, warranted genuino. An in¬ spection of onr largo stock will aottlo the mind of any ono that money is mado by buy¬ ing from UH. Thirty-two Inch Bole Leathor Trunks, only a few left.'at $20._Jone 23 The University of Virginia COMl'ItlSKB THE FOLLOWI.NO DEPARTMENTS » 1SCHOOL OF LATIN. 2. School of Greek. . 8. Behool of Modern Langnagoa. 4. Behool of Moral Philosophy. 5. School of History and English Literature G. School of Cbomiatry. 7. School of Natural Philosophy. 8. School ol Mathematica. 9. School of Com¬ mon and Statute Law. 10 School of Consti¬ tutional and Civil Law and Equity, ll. School of -Physiology and Surgery. 12. Behool of Anatomy and Matoria Medica. 13. School of Medicino and Obstetrics. 14. School or Ap- Îlied Mathematica. IS. Bchool'of Analytical, nduatrial and Agricultural Chemistry. IG. School oí.Natural History and Agriculture- (Professor to .bo elected.) JW Provision mado for classes in Mineralogy and Geology, Hebrew. Political Economy, Practical Physics, Medical Jurisprudence and Sanskrit. ? Diplomas and Certificates of Proficiency aro givou in the sepáralo schools. Tho following Degrees aro conferred: 1. Bachelor of Lottern. 2. Bachelor CTSoiohcca. 8. Maetet of Arts. 4. Doctor of Mcdiotno. G. Bachelor of Law. C. Civil Engineer. 7. Mining.Engineer.jj .. Tho espouses Of tho (Undent, excU/elvo of teri booké, clothing and pocket money,'amount to -from1 1865 td $895- per session bf nine months; of which antun $220 to $250 are pay¬ able nu admission. Session opens October 1. For. catalogues, addrcan OHARE.ES 8. VENABLE, i Chairman of Faculty. P. P., University of Va. .July 23 rath 91 FIRE INSUHAJSTGE. JJeoTge Huggins* Agency, Established in Columbia, 8. C., A. D. 1849. THE following companies have complied with the laws of the State of South Caro¬ lina, and havo boen duly licensed by tboComp- troller-Genoral of tho.Stato, and hy city of Columbia, for tho present year, representing a CAPITAL OF OVKU S30.ÛÛO.00O. iEjtpa Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. Imperial Firè Insurance Company, of Lon¬ don, i ".. Wit Union Firei .Inturanco Company, of San Frauciüco, California. Pheonix Piro Insurance Company, of Now York. ; ?fun:: Putnam Fine'Insurance Company, ai Hart¬ ford, Connecticut. (-??.? |j Manhattan Firó Insurance Company,of New York. OEOUCTE nuootNsTAacnt. Office at Mr. Duffie's now bookstore, oppo¬ site tho Columbia Hotel. May 2013mo MANUFACTURER AND DEALER, No. 20 Hayna streut and IIorlhc-ck'B Wharf, Dharloaton, S. C. This"ia tho largest and most aompk-te factory of the kind in 'the Southern States, and ail artlolca in thia lino nan he furnished hy Mr. V. P. Toalc at price« which defy competition. ear A pamphlet with full and detailed list if all sizes of Doors. Sashes and Blinds, and tho prieoa of each, will bo aent freo and poet paid, on application to Joly JUilyr_TOALE. OEÖ.RÖE TUPPER, BEOKER, Beal Estate and Insurance Agent, COLUMDIA, S. C. OFFICE over W. 0. Fintier'« Drug Store, apposite Columbia Hotel, Main street. May 2 Pearl Grist. ?t f\ BB LS. FRESH PEARL GRIST, jutt JLvJ" received and fur tale low hy June lr> JOHN AGNEW * SON. Pickled Tongues, Beef, &c. JUST Opened, choice Fulton Market BEEF, Choice Pickled Tun gund, Choice Sugar-Curod llama, Clínico Silbar Cured Stripe, Clínico No. 1 Mackerel. For liajo low hy JOHN-.AGNEW & SON. Seegers' Beer DON'T contain Strychnine. It is pure, and warranted tobe KO. March ll Claret on Draught. TUST oj oned, ono Cask choico TABLE pf CLARET, tor sal« low, hythe, gallon or dnzon, hy JOHN AON KW & BON/; Teas! Teas'.'. TeosíÜ WE hhve just received an invoice hf choice TEAS, consisting ot UNCOLORED JAPAN, Hyson, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Imperial, Oolong and Knglirth Breakfast Toa:;. For sale at nur annal low prices. . Jane 2d _ JOIlN AON BW St SON. Jewelry and Silverware, OF tho most approved etylea, cnn ho ob¬ tained at I. HULZUACHER'S establish¬ ment, Main atroet, Columbia Hotel Row. Beta and half sota in great variety. Also, solitaire and clu«ter DIAMONDS. BPEOTA- OLES and EYE-OLABMEB to auit all ages. Imported and DomeatioCigars at POLLOCK S mm FRENCH CASSlBfinE PANTS, FORMERLY $16 to $18, wo 'are now making for $12 mid < 113, to CIOBO ont our Uno or French Gooda Light Oas si m ero Suits at Cast. Now ia the timo to order onr perfect fitting SHIRTS, warranted to please. ' A few Ladlea' TRAVELING TRUNKS, at coat. aa- Gall and accuro BARGAINS at Ju'yll R. & W. C. 8WAFFIELD'B. Tax Notice. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOB, RICHLAND CO., COLUMBIA, S. C., Juno 28, 1871. IN pursuance*' of an Act of tho General AB numbly, at.its last BCBBIOU, my office in Co- lumbiawül bo open, on and after 1st day of July next, to Anguet 10, to receive tho returns of Personal Proporty ot the tax-payers of thia County for tho year 1871. Bianka can bo ob¬ tained at thia office, in tho Court House. Tax-payers are required to enter on blanks all transféra or purchases of real cs tato, and also all new buildings erected since last re¬ turn. . Where tax-payers neglect to maka their re¬ turns, tho County Auditor ls compelled, by law, to charge them with tho return of the previous year and add fifty per cent, thereto as penalty. Bi. J. CALNAN, June 29_Auditor Bichlaad County. SHIELDS & GLAZE, coLiimniA, a. c., - J Palmetto Ironworks, MANUFACTUREES of STEAM ENGINES add BOILERS, BiWOtfel arid Cane Milla, all sizes, all kinds of Agricultural Im¬ plements, Houso and-'Btore Front e.ilron Rail ing, Iron and llrsBs Casting} 8h af ting, Pul leys and Hangers rando to order. Manufacturers of UTLEVS IMPROVED LE VER.COTI" ON PRESS, which .waa awarded tho first premium, in North Carolina, Sooth Carolina,' Alabama and. Louisiana last fall. Wo also manufacture'tho 'DIXIE SCREW COTTON PBEB3-a cheap and durable one. Send for circulars. .. Orders filled on short nolico and on most rcasonablo terms. \. -, , Juno 24 8mo SEDUCTION TN inti ii OFt... Spring and Sujpfetèr Clothing, ' B. &' w. c.- sWA$FIBLD;S. WP: ha VJ the largest retail etook in tho State, and, anxions to reduce it, will sell it at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tho. stock is unbroken, and iho'best stock we have ever handled. 1 New HATS, of a deairablo style, jnet're. ccived. This réduction will apply also to onr CUS¬ TOM DEPARTMENT. May 16 New Books, bu Express. T3HX8I0AL CAUSE OF THE DEATH OF J. CHURST, ¿co., by Stroud, and letter hy Sir James Simpson, M. D. 1 War and Culturo, by Arthur Holps. $1,60. Hugh Miller's Life and Letters, two vol¬ umes, :by Peter Bayne, with portrait. f4. Christianity, and Pohitiviuam. by .MoCoah. Poople's Practical Poultry Book, complete. Whv Did Ho Not Die? From the German; by Mrs. Wlstar. Callirkoo, a Romance, by Rand. $2. Climates for Livalida. by L. Bill. $1 25. Body aud Mind, by Maude ley, London. .$1. Q'ho Old Fashioned Boy, by Farquarson. Little Mon, by author of Little Women. Pike County Ballads, by John Hay. $1.50. Mrs. beeton's. Hook of Household Manage¬ ment. Muat complote work. Illustrated. Also, some now Novels by good authors, Jnf-t opened, at! BRYAN A MoCARTER'fl June 13_Rookstoro. Guns, Pistols, Etc. I INFORM my friends and public ia general that I hava mut received an entire new W ^% ^atock of Donhle and Singlo Bar» roi GUNS, REPEATERS, Flasks, PouoheB, Pistol-BaRti, Caps, Buck-shot. Cartridges. Cartridges foj all kinds of Pistols, Powder aud Snot. ALSO, REPAIRING done at short notice. _ Oct8_' P. W. KRAFT. Mum street. Pearl Grist. -| r\ BARRELS PEARL GRIST. JLvr 5 barrel!» Poarl Hominy, for eale h> July 13 U. HOPE. Refined Oil. COTTON SEED REFINED OIL, by tho gal- lou or barrel. Also, iu glaass, pints and quarts. For salo low. .' E.HOPE. w Malt Corn Whiskey, lt RANTED two year« old, at Vc\ ll JOHN (J. SEEG EBB'. Scythes and Grain Cradles. DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES. ¿á 10 doz; Grifiiu's Grain.and Grata Scythes, iupt received and foi BaJo low by Muy 17 _JOHN AGNEW A SON. Gun and Blasting Powder. AFULL supply of the celebrated Dupont's OUN AND BLASTING POWDER, in kegs and ca nu ist LIV, is now offered to merchants and couBnmor» at tho lowest markot ratee, by the undersigned, who are Bole agents for tho manufacturera at thia place._ _> May 25 JOHN AGNEW A BON. Every One Drinks Bengora' Beer, BECAUSE lt gives strength and Improves their health._. March ll STOCKS, BONDS and COUPONS bought and sold by D. G AM BRILL, Broker. Blackwell's g«nulno Durham Smoking To* bacwo at POLLOCK'S. Twenty Per ftartT^elow *. N p > Tn»' ly * jjj » CO^ MARK! More than Extraordinary J 'aaaM HAVING diapered of ?i tt tho bnlk of our bum- l^f Clothing and Hats, iilffljlTfiyfl^ft^, Wo liavo determined to ffljfflMBSrHBW, give greater facilities iHBBBHBBBSa^tw and larecr inducc- |}WlKD/lj BWtrta mente to thoeodofiirouB r-\'.'.. BBS °r purchabing the boat JBa01 Goode, by (tolling JBKu tho, remainder of -our V^n BKWMpH Stock' at twenty per '^PfiftfflP^ cent, below tho coat WmfitosBmB mark. TBoffJ'AgoBWB Wo beg to call tho QiHgB l^StftwSß attention of the pnMir IniuK^.WS to our Btock of COL- n^f;;^ LAItS and CUFFS, B-'^' W^T -which, for quantity, Sw ri w'vA quality, etj le. and va- ?h jgfml riety', wlli Surpass any mÚiw á&n in tho State, embracing Wfflitâ? tho world -renowned WfôW CLOTH-FACED PA- Mjàjgr PER COLLAS, apeoial- J^¿áMK¡L ly adapted to thia cli- Gïf" C^ïfwPi mate, doing away with XaMhtaJ» whl tho Hiuiay material for- morly known ae Paper ^| >-4 Collars. Do not fail to call carly, to bo convinced of the above facta, at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAB, Juno 28 . Main Rt rent. AFEW reasons why they'should havo the preference over nUotberHr*'-' ". : . 'K L, .Wheeler. $.Wil«oir>, Bowing, fflaob.lne is much simpler than any of tho otliQra; re¬ quiring -lost* than half tho amount of ma¬ chinery, (iii 'n ??; 1 bidni.-r 2. Aa the result íbJs einjplicity, thia ma¬ chino ia much..lees liable.than the othero to getout'of renaflv -.?..??-.««?."--- ?'. 3. Auother reeolt of .ibis simplicity ia greater durability. " . 4. Another result la less friction, nrid|'con¬ sequently .greater eaB.e ; and:.ra.pí¿ity of mo¬ tion, with lesB noiao. 5. And greatest of all, that-lt lace nt) fihut- U«, and makea tho lock. twitch f ... .,. , , lt is the cheapest to buy th«.neat. Buy the machino that nair justly, fairly 'abd "honora¬ bly won a reputation and independence agftihsVa strong and hittercompetition. For mot-o than twenty yea re baa She- WhooW-A Wibmu.not only stood drat and iorenioat, but how et hod« the ord i vailed Sewing BTtchinoof the enlightened-civilized world. Buy th ¿ ma¬ chine ^tiftt baa been tbua teated and proved, abd thou yon are snro fo oct thP'treat.' For . yalu .mi thu caiient poprtbla tartha. :.Solea- room Main street, second door belqw Fpç&Bix omco.CfllumliiavS.'G. ..' -jil J.,B,J>ÜB»LBX, Agent, A. WHITE, General Southern Agent. : JnneSl ?. 11 rJ *--'"'?- grap The Dexter Stahles. . TUE undorçignqd boro, re- MsJFfy moved fheir Stablea to the new JwföSy^a buUdiog, Immddiatóly Ponth of ^/i»Sft^rÄJ*nnW « Boil.and, with a new Vfc^^SP^Twookw CABBlAflES, BXfG- G1EB ana.Arid HORSES, ore prepared lo an- Bwer-aM ctdU Uhat may bo mado nprm them. Fordes .bought and copi ou .oomrhiseipp. eraori'sin Want of good stock, áro invited Jo crtve no a call. Liberal advances made On stock loft for nato. BOYCE A CO. W. IL BOYCB. Wt'hÜ , jp. H. pKTTiKorjrj^ ; Janela. CORRECT TIME tMAY be obtained bv calling at ISAAC áULZUAOHEU'S and.purchasing ono of tho-o i ne Uv celebrated ELGIN WATCHES, and where.yon can flue?. ». complete stock of DláTMoDa*f>; Jeweln, Silver and Plated Ware, rf tho bewt mannfaoture. In > addition ° are the United. States, Waltham, English and .Bwias WatcbcB in Gold and'Silver Cases, which will be closed out at New York pricea. Constantly on h.md fine Gold Chaina,'Seal Binge, Ob arma, Lookete, Sleeve Battons, Bete, and a varied stook of Fancy.Articles. ij'i All binds of Repairing done promptly, and warranted, by ' ISAAC SULZnAClfElf, April 27 ?' Under Columbia Fotel. M. H. BERET'S Furniture Ware-room Main Street, near Pintn. ,iv-ir*"*?\>fra NO W on b arid a od dfdly' r'e- $T<^^3itsr0''irinK from the m'annfac- ^"D<qgy torios of Now York, BoBton, ^^TT*^«§y Ciuoinnati and Louisville tho JT 3> Isrgeat aaaortmeht of, FUR¬ NITURE ever kept hi thia market, cpnèiètlng in part of' Walnut Parlor, Chamber ana Din- ing-lloom SuitBV 200 Bedsteads of diffiVefat patterns, in Walnut and Imitation; alto; tho solebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chaira. , - All kinda of MATTRESSES made to order. UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done at short061 notice and in the beat m auber. Terme oaah and Gooda cheap. ... Oct 80 STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & 00., Grocers and Commission Merchants, CilAJILO TTE, X. ??.' SOLICIT ordera Tor COTTON, Corn. Flour,. Paeon, La rd, Ac., and Family Grocerfee generally Orders nil od carefully and prompt¬ ly._;_. .FebTlyr Livery and Sale Stahles. ducted by Agnov ic Co., at the old stands of tho late firm. His Omnibuses and Carriages will convoy paaeengera to »nd from tho Rail¬ road Dopte to the Columbia Hotel, tho Niok- oreon Honso, or any part of tho cityj He will also furn ich. Il orne?. Buggies, Carriages, Arc, for birooa reasonable terms, and solicite the patronage of tho fiirnda of the lato finn. June 28_OWEN DALY. . For Sale. . íXi\i\ A0!l.ES«°i. B»rnwaB, D,Ul/v on tho Ediato. 760 ACRES in Kershaw-in lota to Bait. Saw MiU and S 000 aeree of Land in Lexing¬ ton, on North Ediato, (7,000. . '2,500 aero» Waterer Bottom Land, $2 pr aero 2,500 acres creek bottom and'pine Land, at fi per acre. 1 HOUBO in thia city, $5,000. HOUSE and thirteen sores LAND, near tho city-$8.600. Apply to JOHN BAÜ8KETT, Attorney at Law «nd Beal Estate Agent. Sen». 26^_ ly C10TTON SHED OIL CAKE can be had j at all times, and in any quantity, of Jan_E. ROPE. Tho boat place to get a cool Bummer drink is at POLLOCK'H.

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C0ÏitfiïÔlA,oÔ. C., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 15. 1871. YOL. VII-NO. 100.

maie» open investigations ôbserWtjotfB, Bees and heats -with his own im-ppryexted j eyes »nd ; pars,, reoe iyes. . $o.hearsay or ex parte testimouy^pxeroissaunbiased jndginout, eater's to 'no party,interests, arrows oit khkV Whereof heBpcaksV and »Ottors the troth ria it »H. Hinstathine nts,: iii general,co ii firma tho be*lief that the Ka Kins bill was.whollyuncalled forby áf>y" e*4fsHñg ernergeboy;that. tbo> excitement1 whioh has beeborouaod About;it is mainly a bog-boar, aprotest of despairing partisanship, adesperate struggle of p^dióalism to ro-.ttiin its grasp upon tho -South.- He Sus¬tains iBhérmau s opinion, and" that ofHomce:Greoley, and of...roany unbougbtaud unbiased witnesses whose testimonyhas already been given before the Inves¬tigating Oornmitteei thnt: lt" would haveboon far botter for the South and for théoouutry if tho liberal and kind action of^Uo Government toward tho South, andamnesty had been substituted jor violent,oppressiv'e ahdViiiruíc'tivQ reconstructionlows, enforcement Aotfl,' and anch mea-aorea4ts have culminated in tho Ku-KluxhjU. tl. .Speaking of Ytlie politics of Georgia,this Bpeoial èommiBsioppr says it is inAugtieta"a one-Bided subject,, the'citybeing- í so ii largely Democratic as to benearly, unaujaioua. Tho city jroyern-ment is carried on without a .ripple of'dlscdrdi There ls no dèsiro to overturnthe1 -Constitutional amendments. 'Thepeople are satisfied with negro ^suffrage,and disposed.(P attend to business rather.than politjcs.. Gen. . Bobprt Toom bs,-whoso utterances tho Republicans of the'North'1 are attempting ro triagnify'iñtóimportance,'tides not-reflect the Bonti-»eni8 oí l.QOO mon in.tho 8tate.< The

adopt any'pblidyfrdm Radical influehdes nod1 carpet-bagselfishnessy and aeauro:tfori,them fvgood^..^tgiBPV^WPflV.«nd bringt peaqa *ud^TÏb're^e^ifcr,Jo*f SduíE 'Carolina, before clhè ' Kit'KIuxOomftifiBO, ^s-only an othor Unie inJJUQ Olia>n ,qf evjden QÍ> proying tho infarnyof. tho, .Radicals in .their rale at tb,oSouth/ Liait Vus hoja, in'r^uu'émb'rán'cethlt5tmtffetfmoTly''oomeB ^m onónbTtboine'nibdrö of tho iladloal<party, whohtvi resided in South .Carolina since lí}<57»Bankrqptoy, member of the Legislaturearid Öi?dmt} dago,1 sud ''b'tnV; oabvassedthe State from one end . to tho other as aleaodidate for Govoruor^oo-thoparb of.^M«W»fvWtoa*-fl*911» ^^.4amf«ing.rovojatuon.it would appear that plunderWbfcMt thb object « tho government,'dtíhaüed^igríorarY^o ira legislativo power,Ia disgracefularid.corrupt ballot ita .popo¬lar oge-?^ W^ç^fk^m^fP^^^iSi1-ita bloody parposee. It ts terrible tocon ternpia té, edd make à man- shudderwhite ho^ada'tho exhibition bern made,,diûcloning!:how; *ho. whit« oitistona .hnvoboenj.in Sp.ath.:CaroUao, exppfed.to ther'tfla o(.talien adveuitu,rors, .plunderers,rhmoh's abd degraded blacks.;, ¡¿ í^[New POTK 'Newa. '1

-M!^ .Il- j.rtP-^TL- 1-rn .<.i -i I !i A.; 'newJy-fledged, Philadelphia dootor^ëoeiit\9^^^ii^B^iaiitï; JAY, anfrttmrlfi*VTbasie -fte1 >há&!totV 'A'bOy wbTd.'iwTiile1sbffliirig. px^jj-CcBDigob ia: kernel in bia

&i/rárfíSfa vWhe.sd90bM.,qMmined#;i the'caie.carefnHy ,£ Jocked ot the p at 1en t, aTongue; and then' told 'tho' fatU«* pf thoboy to mak^n Jiot firc. When that' was1dono tho doöfcorAWd,!th'0m to take the1boy and,hom liirp Ovo* tho'fire nh tit thek(*ne.r goT h^2?ho, ¿ila mao wen}, up etairs abd' got titar h,P,t¿gun»'Wnt"^hîle he wag goatling itílpa"! ; , :

A, jury in North Cprolinaj .nftor beingcharged in the usual way by the judge,!-retired.to thejr.rpom, when a white jurorvenfured to a^k a qolorodussociato if, hounderstood .the'. nhargo pf the judge.''Golly !',' exclaimed tho astonished juror,Vho don't charge us nu flin for dpt, doesl^ëî .Why, I thought we. was gwino toS»wargin . . ... V-..-?'Mrs.. Blizabeth Charles, of Charles¬ton;, who, with ber husband, was stop-pipg in the City Hotel building, Angus-ta^Gsi, wa» killed «n Tuesday morning,by a' quantity of plastering falling, uponher from the ceiling.

^ .HotiCe.*~'

DR. D.-L. BOOZEB will be absent from hisoffice until MONDAY, tho 7th instant,Angl ._ ,


Citizens'Saving^Bank of B.:C.A LL. SAVINGS DEPOSITS mado ln thiaA. Hant on or hôfore Ihd ßth day of eachcalendar imonth Will' bcar intoro'at for-thajbmonth SB U dopositod on the lat inatanU' >.

. , ', .'.' ?. Ü. ll. HM ITU, ..' Aojftlatl 4 '. Assistant flashier.'< l'ßodiiig Oats. C j/

OAA BUSHELB.PHIME- BEAYX OATS.S.WV/, 1 July 87 jj_ , BOPF.fl.'- . »ottoe. ahí* I

/"\WISG to tho' aochloiital br.rntinp of thoUx'hollordi the lea ^ashiup. nc- ÍÍÜE \?lllha eold urjfil further ordnrB. All tho BO hav-ïnar.ltoBMa will prcsebt th'<-m an.a' tho moneywmberWunaed. JOHN-G.-WEEGERS.^rntofa1'"i- .. :


-.-' .?

.lS!jîpB| Ç0TTÄ0EIHOUSE;?}Yaihingion street, fi,exl,door to ¡faeohio IfaU,: ',0,'.H.', punnïlffi, T»roprlcr»r.hrtn!B Proprietor of thoCOTTAGE HOUSE^JL the ncatofit and most retired aaloon In thocity-having had a largo oxporience'át theObarleaton and Columbia Hotels, pledgoa tohis guests the most choice brenda of WIN EH.LIQUORS and BEGABST «nd will be pleasedto havohfh old frimula.toll and *eo him. ANIOE LUNCH served up'daily, from ll to 1o'etook. O.a. DUHUE.July 27_

Tho Dootorfj Rocommond Seegers'SeerÏM'preferénoo to London Porter and ScotchAle. Why? They know it la unadulterated.Seegers' Beer ia Pore.

IT don't contain Gooooulna Indiens FishBarries to'make sleepy or headaohe.


-^ JÊ.^.wi-ouoegg« MÂNHO.PJD :^QW.jLpstl, kaw Restored! {]Just published, in a sealed enve¬lope. Price, sit cenia. " '

?A XECTUBE on the Natural Tic atmoutil and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea orBb'niinal WoakneRB, ?.Involuntary Emissions,'Sexual Debility, and .Impedimenta to Marri«age generally; Nervousness, Consumption^Epilopay «nd Fit*; Mental and Physical Inca¬pacity. rcBulting from Hclf-Abueo, ftc, by Ro¬riHUT J. CÛLVERWELL, M". D.', author of the"Oreen Bookk" fto. ,vt<\ jpaon to Thousands of Sufferers/'Rent nhdor seal, in a plain cnvclopo, to anyaddress, pout-paid, on'receipt of six oentn, ortwo postage stamps, by CUAS. J. C. KLINEACO.,137 Bowery, New York-V. U. Bax, -4,580.jqug12_._._gmo


ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN, on groat BO-oiM o vila and abuses, which interferewith. MARBIAOE, with eure moana of relict forthe erring and unfortunate, di Beaut o' And de¬bilitated. Sent in sealed letter envelopes,free of charge. .Address HOWARD SANITA¬RY AID ASSOCIATION, No. 2 8outh Ninthatreat.' Philadelphia, Pa. .. May 21JhnoTlate Oèletorateel

¿^^e"i$ost, lasting, agree-.able, aiid .refreshing of allpferfiimes, for use on the

9$¡l Vb\-tile, ßath. #br saleby all Druggists and Por-fumers:


. Sept 17- . .? .. .". '? .'*»?!: Wanted toRent, '

W A.COTTAGE, at moderato rate, withinVMlwo or throe sanares ol tho.PncaNIX Office.g-aApply, pr addreTlaJH: Ni g:. at tbfa-Omce.ART^Ùâ C..M0ÜÉE, 1

AMörÜ'ey and Counsellor . at Law,' ';. : F :. 1 »COLUMBIAVS^O.,

REMOVED hia :oüleo to No. 2. LawRango. .. vt... , .' Joly *- 48mov.o dv.-ijflmOSflÄ.-HarriBgß, .tyS\r\Ci BOXES SMOKED'HERBINQSjuBtZUU receivod S&A rolf sale, al fifty^dentapdrborybV ol iiJaRMiAPNBW A SON"« ..«! The'Ö&srgiü «in «;>iifiaiS is tho thhd eonsoa wa haV.q BQM those?JLi QINSi »nd have never .had a single .combTaidt. "WO offer' 'them- with7 ï&iéwt?d conf*dence, .at.(moderate prices ond reasonableterms. LÖRICK. & LOWRANCE, Agts.,JmylB'îfmo . Qolumola, a 0.8BSN*»'TttaU OLID flDlNbä ABROAD!

DBIli AS» FEVER WMi!»? -?-

i Keinitfih'a Great Medicine,

A'POSITIVE CÜRE!QBND ail '.tho' incurable canoe'.' One bottloO isiall that poad bo taken. ^Banish pain IBanish suffering I To the afflicted this ls'tid¬ings of great joy. ' I '?? '.-

I have bech.curcd. J. Ai DAVIS.f hkro bairn oured. O' B. THOMAS.I have be/an cured. J A. ELK in H. .Ï have been cured. J. If. DISEKEB.I bava boen cured. D. WAUK.iharo been cared. M. G. LOOAN.ll can bo cured by calling ou HEINITBHand get a bottlo of thia groat medicino. Pro-

parcSTo ply. by E. ii. HEINITBH,Athis Drug Store, opposite Puozstx office.Joly 25 j_??_We Have the Royal Heinitsh'a BakingPowders!WHICH for purity of material and per¬fection in baking ia ahead of all ofhors.Snitablo for all kinds ot batter; is the lightest,sweetest, whitest, cheapest powders in thecity. The time saved by tho uso of this pow*der, together with its absolute oertaiuty tomake sweet and light bread, biaouits, cakes ofany kind, puddings, pio-crueta, dumplings,corn-bread; etc., render ita moat economicalaud desirable article for good houee-Uoopers.Prepared and f r sale only bvJuU 25 t: E. H. HEINITBH. Drnggiat.

Ohoic3 Family Flour.BARRELS strictly choice. For aalolow. E. HOPE.200

.imported Ale and Forter.CASKS-Pints-beBt brands, in atoroand for ea!e GEO. SYMMtíRB.25

Cheap Fertilizer.A £\ SPN« COTTON HEED MEAL. Excel-*±\f Towt for manure EDWARD HOPE.1 THE M0RRI8 COXTON OIN

1ÍAS DISTANCED ALL OTHERS, '"A ND IB warranted tn do it again. For fullXJL particulars, relative to theao machines,addroHB ''E. MORRIU,Janö lSStno Colombia, 8. C.

Lar.a! Lard!!"PÛRE LEAF LARD-"guaranteed strictlypure"-in barrel« half barrels, kegs and3, 6 and 10 caddies, foi snlo at reduced prices,by,_JOHN AONEW lt BON.ICE GOLD SOPA WATER withPURE FRUIT SYRÜPS, can beobtained at HoKENZIE'S SA¬LOON. Try it


Ol-« BANK BIULS and MUTILATKDtURRBNCY bougbtandaOldbyNov 23. Orno D. QAM URILL. Broker.Heals furnifbftd at all hours at POLLOCK'S.)

Tüornwell'a Collected Writings,THÉ^ OGIOAL' and1 Ethical, *2 vblumee,ombelHôhed'wfth Dr; Thornwolra por¬trait. $4 per volumeMomorioB Of PatujoB. By MacDotT. ti.The Conservative Reformation «nd ita Thc*ology. 'By Hov. Çharlos E. Krowth, D. D. $5.Tho Unseen World. By ROT. Dr. Stork, tl.SEW NOVKLS, lld ;Fink add White Tyranny. By Mrs! HarriotBeeober Stowo. fi.&o.Her Lord jud Shaster, Ev Flureuco Kary-att. 60 conta.Won, not Wooed. By tho author of Bred intho Bono, deo Moonta.Terrible Temptation. By Charles Hoado.35 cents.Uniform edition of Oraco AgnRor'a Works,such aa Mother'« ReoompeOao, Vale of Cedars,frc. at tl per volume.Tho above books sent to any address, postpaid, on rocoipt of prico.

DUFFIE & CHAPMAN,AngUBt 1 _j_Dooksellore.Bloat TJaefni Invention of the'Agc!THE FAN AND FLY DRIVER!INVENTED DY F. M. HUNT.

PATENTED 31 Anen 21,1871.THIS Machine, which is now offered forsale, surpasses any of its ago. It ia use¬ful, cheap and durablo. Any boy or girl canoperate with it. For the table, it has not anequal. For the sick room, it stands unrival¬ed. For the nursing mother, its intrinsicvaluo ia inestimable; as it fans to rest thelittle darlings, and keeps them freed fromtrouble.' No family should bo without pne.Au a labor-saving Machine, it saves tho biroof ono servant. Aa an investment, there isnothing! ever offered to the pu olio in whiah annativo, energetic mancan maka moro moneyat.' It is tho Modi ino for the times, fl ,000,000worth will'bo Bold. Any man with ordinaryenergy can make from tl5 to $100 per week,olear of all expenses. Can be aeon at I.BulEOaoher's Jewelry Store..T"" . JOHN WOOLLEY,': ;'1 Agent lot Biehiand County,Joly23 j .'. P.O. Addrbaa; Columbia.

'?' 'Notice to Contractors.PROPOSAL^ for the removal or bodies nowInterred in "Potter'rt Field," near Greon-ville Railroad 'Depot, 'and re-interment' ofsame in new Potter's Field,i pear ElmwoodCemetery, will be received and. submitted toConnell at regular Picoting, Tuesday,'August8,1871. »V "


'..¿Tho follbwing rcaolutioua, adopted by Coun¬cil July 25, 1871, are pnbliahed tom informarklon: :.. .Jrteaofoed, That tho bodies now interred Intho old rottet'« Field Bbalb be removed andre-interred in the new Putter's Field»liesolved. That tho.Clerk shall advertise forproposals to do this work bj contract.,Ifesdlbeil, Th at','Ri ropioving tho bodies, thebones:'which may not Se! encased shall'beproperly bcrod boioro being removed, arid AilmementooaOr hoad-utones which mat now be

?non tho 'gravea shaU also ho removed andplaced upon'the new graves.< lieg'olbrd, That any person who may haverelátivoo Or íriínde buried io the 'old/Potter'sfield are hereby, given the privilege of. ra*moving said bodies, from and after this date.By Order of Council. - WM. J. ETTEB, .August 1'4

_. City Clerk.

,í> '¡jiíRftijí ,.' : 11 *l*t"T-r.>


,t.;. OLOR.E, ,. ..


, .. FLAT DUTCH,For sale by .. W. C. FISHER,

Druggist and Apothecary, ifJoly 20 3mo Opposite Columbia Hotel.To the Teachers of South Carolina.THE second annual meeting of the Educa¬tional Instituto of Routh Carolina will bereid at Greenville, at 8 o'clock P. M., onWEDNESDAY, August 23, 1871.Tho aonual address will be delivered byloner al W. K. Easley. Other distinguishedspeakers have been invited and aro expected,o deliver addresses.The delegates .will be entertained by thedthsons of Greenville, a nd will bo passed overlie different railroads, going and returning,'or one faro.All who pronoae to attend are requested toíotify Prof. J'. B. Patrick, at Greenville, bynail, in order that proper arrangements mayio made in advance for their entertainment.Mombora of the' Instituto, as well as thosevho desire to become'members, are earnestlyrequested to attend.

HUGH: B. THOMPSON,President Educational Inatitute of Routh Ca¬rolina. ?_'_Angnst 1 1


S E. E, JACKSON'S,cc igtel PNorth Carolina Corn Whiskey.r?t\ BARRELS of enuorlor quality for «aleSH-1 by thé barrel._fi. HOPK.__

Old Government Java.OA MATS GOVERNMENT JAYAJCOFFEE.¿iXj 50 bags choice Rio and Laguayra. Formicisw. Bj HOPE.

Native and Foreign Wines.SOUPPERNONO, Concord, Hauterns, Cla¬

ret, Champagnes, Just receive* and forsale low, by *E. HOPE.

Claret Wino . iON draught. THIS DAY. at a low price, bytho gallon or dozen. EDWARD HOPE.

Congress Water.-f /\ OASES for salo low byll 9 Jnno17_GEO. BVMMERB.

Seegers' Beer it Pure.IT don't contain Copperas, Salt, Um« orAlum. March ll



WE1 hayo marked down all of our largoatockof READY-MADE CLOTHING toBach loir ßenroa that MIA price cornea withinroach of ali that wish a good Utting garment,made in tho latoet style and hy tho beat mak¬ers in Now York. Wo aro tho only honae thatsell All Linen Drawers at il.50. We aro thoonly honae that have the imported Bee-SuckerCalcutta- Balta, warranted genuino. An in¬spection of onr largo stock will aottlo themind of any ono that money is mado by buy¬ing from UH. Thirty-two Inch Bole LeathorTrunks, only a few left.'at $20._Jone 23The University of Virginia


1SCHOOL OFLATIN. 2. School of Greek.. 8. Behool of Modern Langnagoa. 4.Behool of Moral Philosophy. 5. School ofHistory and English Literature G. School ofCbomiatry. 7. School of Natural Philosophy.8. School ol Mathematica. 9. School of Com¬

mon and Statute Law. 10 School of Consti¬tutional and Civil Law and Equity, ll. Schoolof -Physiology and Surgery. 12. Behool ofAnatomy and Matoria Medica. 13. School ofMedicino and Obstetrics. 14. School or Ap-Îlied Mathematica. IS. Bchool'of Analytical,nduatrial and Agricultural Chemistry. IG.School oí.Natural History and Agriculture-(Professor to .bo elected.) JW Provisionmado for classes in Mineralogy and Geology,Hebrew. Political Economy, Practical Physics,Medical Jurisprudence and Sanskrit.? Diplomas and Certificates of Proficiency arogivou in the sepáralo schools.Tho following Degrees aro conferred: 1.Bachelor of Lottern. 2. Bachelor CTSoiohcca.8. Maetet of Arts. 4. Doctor of Mcdiotno.G. Bachelor of Law. C. Civil Engineer. 7.Mining.Engineer.jj ..Tho espouses Of tho (Undent, excU/elvo ofteri booké, clothing and pocket money,'amountto -from1 1865 td $895- per session bf ninemonths; of which antun $220 to $250 are pay¬able nu admission. Session opens October 1.For. catalogues, addrcan

OHARE.ES 8. VENABLE,i Chairman of Faculty.P. P., University of Va. .July 23 rath 91

FIRE INSUHAJSTGE.JJeoTge Huggins* Agency,

Established in Columbia, 8. C., A. D. 1849.

THE following companies have compliedwith the laws of the State of South Caro¬lina, and havo boen duly licensed by tboComp-troller-Genoral of tho.Stato, and hy city ofColumbia, for tho present year, representing aCAPITAL OF OVKU S30.ÛÛO.00O.

iEjtpa Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford,Connecticut.Imperial Firè Insurance Company, of Lon¬don, i ".. WitUnion Firei .Inturanco Company, of SanFrauciüco, California.Pheonix Piro Insurance Company, of NowYork. ; ?fun::Putnam Fine'Insurance Company, ai Hart¬ford, Connecticut. (-??.? |jManhattan Firó Insurance Company,of NewYork. OEOUCTE nuootNsTAacnt.Office at Mr. Duffie's now bookstore, oppo¬site tho Columbia Hotel. May 2013mo

MANUFACTURER AND DEALER, No. 20Hayna streut and IIorlhc-ck'B Wharf,Dharloaton, S. C. This"ia tho largest andmost aompk-te factory of the kind in 'theSouthern States, and ail artlolca in thia linonan he furnished hy Mr. V. P. Toalc at price«which defy competition.ear A pamphlet with full and detailed listif all sizes of Doors. Sashes and Blinds, andtho prieoa of each, will bo aent freo and poetpaid, on application toJolyJUilyr_TOALE.OEÖ.RÖE TUPPER,BEOKER,

Beal Estate and Insurance Agent,COLUMDIA, S. C.

OFFICE over W. 0. Fintier'« Drug Store,apposite Columbia Hotel, Main street. May 2

Pearl Grist.?t f\ BBLS. FRESH PEARL GRIST, juttJLvJ" received and fur tale low hyJune lr> JOHN AGNEW * SON.

Pickled Tongues, Beef, &c.JUST Opened, choice Fulton Market BEEF,Choice Pickled Tun gund,Choice Sugar-Curod llama,Clínico Silbar Cured Stripe,Clínico No. 1 Mackerel.For liajo low hy JOHN-.AGNEW & SON.

Seegers' BeerDON'T contain Strychnine. It is pure, and

warranted tobe KO. March llClaret on Draught.TUST oj oned, ono Cask choico TABLEpf CLARET, tor sal« low, hythe, gallon ordnzon, hy JOHN AONKW & BON/;Teas! Teas'.'. TeosíÜ

WE hhve just received an invoice hf choiceTEAS, consisting otUNCOLORED JAPAN,Hyson, Gunpowder,Young Hyson, Imperial,Oolong and Knglirth Breakfast Toa:;.For sale at nur annal low prices. .

Jane 2d_


Jewelry and Silverware,OF tho most approved etylea, cnn ho ob¬tained at I. HULZUACHER'S establish¬ment, Main atroet, Columbia Hotel Row.Beta and half sota in great variety. Also,solitaire and clu«ter DIAMONDS. BPEOTA-OLES and EYE-OLABMEB to auit all ages.Imported and DomeatioCigars at POLLOCK S



'are now making for $12 mid <

113, to CIOBO ont our Uno or French Gooda

Light Oas simero Suits at Cast.Now ia the timo to order onr perfect fitting

SHIRTS, warranted to please.'

A few Ladlea' TRAVELING TRUNKS, atcoat.

aa- Gall and accuro BARGAINS atJu'yll R. & W. C. 8WAFFIELD'B.

Tax Notice.OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOB, RICHLAND CO.,COLUMBIA, S. C., Juno 28, 1871.IN pursuance*' of an Act of tho General ABnumbly, at.its last BCBBIOU, my office in Co-lumbiawül bo open, on and after 1st day ofJuly next, to Anguet 10, to receive tho returnsof Personal Proporty ot the tax-payers of thiaCounty for tho year 1871. Bianka can bo ob¬tained at thia office, in tho Court House.Tax-payers are required to enter on blanksall transféra or purchases of real cs tato, andalso all new buildings erected since last re¬turn..Where tax-payers neglect to maka their re¬turns, tho County Auditor ls compelled, bylaw, to charge them with tho return of theprevious year and add fifty per cent, theretoas penalty. Bi. J. CALNAN,June 29_Auditor Bichlaad County.

SHIELDS & GLAZE,coLiimniA, a. c., - J

Palmetto Ironworks,MANUFACTUREES of STEAM ENGINESadd BOILERS, BiWOtfel arid CaneMilla, all sizes, all kinds of Agricultural Im¬plements, Houso and-'Btore Front e.ilron Railing, Iron and llrsBs Casting} 8hafting, Pulleys and Hangers rando to order.Manufacturers of UTLEVS IMPROVEDLEVER.COTI"ON PRESS, which .waa awardedtho first premium, in North Carolina, SoothCarolina,' Alabama and. Louisiana last fall.Wo also manufacture'tho 'DIXIE SCREWCOTTON PBEB3-a cheap and durable one.Send for circulars. ..Orders filled on short nolico and on mostrcasonablo terms. \. -, , Juno 24 8mo


inti iiOFt...

Spring and Sujpfetèr Clothing,' B. &' w. c.- sWA$FIBLD;S.WP: haVJ the largest retail etook in thoState, and, anxions to reduce it, willsell it at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.Tho. stock is unbroken, and iho'best stockwe have ever handled. 1

New HATS, of a deairablo style, jnet're.ccived.

This réduction will apply also to onr CUS¬TOM DEPARTMENT. May 16New Books, bu Express.T3HX8I0AL CAUSE OF THE DEATH OFJ. CHURST, ¿co., by Stroud, and letter hySir James Simpson, M. D. 1War and Culturo, by Arthur Holps. $1,60.Hugh Miller's Life and Letters, two vol¬umes, :by Peter Bayne, with portrait. f4.Christianity, and Pohitiviuam. by .MoCoah.Poople's Practical Poultry Book, complete.Whv Did Ho Not Die? From the German; byMrs. Wlstar.

Callirkoo, a Romance, by Rand. $2.Climates for Livalida. by L. Bill. $1 25.Body aud Mind, by Maude ley, London. .$1.Q'ho Old Fashioned Boy, by Farquarson.Little Mon, by author of Little Women.Pike County Ballads, by John Hay. $1.50.Mrs. beeton's. Hook of Household Manage¬ment. Muat complote work. Illustrated.Also, some now Novels by good authors,Jnf-t opened, at! BRYAN A MoCARTER'flJune 13_Rookstoro.Guns, Pistols, Etc.

I INFORM my friends andpublic ia general that I havamut received an entire newW ^% ^atock of Donhle and Singlo Bar»roi GUNS, REPEATERS, Flasks, PouoheB,Pistol-BaRti, Caps, Buck-shot. Cartridges.Cartridges foj all kinds of Pistols, Powderaud Snot.

ALSO,REPAIRING done at short notice._Oct8_' P. W. KRAFT. Mum street.

Pearl Grist.-| r\ BARRELS PEARL GRIST.JLvr 5 barrel!» Poarl Hominy, for eale h>July 13 U. HOPE.

Refined Oil.COTTON SEED REFINED OIL, by tho gal-lou or barrel. Also, iu glaass, pints andquarts. For salo low. .' E.HOPE.

wMalt Corn Whiskey,ltRANTED two year« old, atVc\ ll JOHN (J. SEEG EBB'.

Scythes and Grain Cradles.DOZ. superior GRAIN CRADLES.¿á 10 doz; Grifiiu's Grain.and Grata Scythes,iupt received and foi BaJo low byMuy 17 _JOHN AGNEW A SON.Gun and Blasting Powder.

AFULL supply of the celebrated Dupont'sOUN AND BLASTING POWDER, in kegsand ca nu ist LIV, is now offered to merchantsand couBnmor» at tho lowest markot ratee, bythe undersigned, who are Bole agents for thomanufacturera at thiaplace._ _>May 25 JOHN AGNEW A BON.Every One Drinks Bengora' Beer,BECAUSE lt gives strength and Improvestheirhealth._. March ll

STOCKS, BONDS and COUPONS boughtand sold by D. GAMBRILL, Broker.Blackwell's g«nulno Durham Smoking To*bacwo at POLLOCK'S.

Twenty Per ftartT^elow *.

N p > Tn»' ly * jjj »

CO^ MARK!More than Extraordinary J

'aaaM HAVING diapered of?i tt tho bnlk of our bum-

l^f Clothing and Hats,iilffljlTfiyfl^ft^, Wo liavo determined toffljfflMBSrHBW, give greater facilitiesiHBBBHBBBSa^tw and larecr inducc-|}WlKD/lj BWtrta mente to thoeodofiirouBr-\'.'.. BBS °r purchabing the boatJBa01 Goode, by (tollingJBKu tho, remainder of-ourV^n BKWMpH Stock' at twenty per'^PfiftfflP^ cent, below tho coatWmfitosBmB mark.TBoffJ'AgoBWB Wo beg to call thoQiHgB l^StftwSß attention of the pnMirIniuK^.WS to our Btock of COL-n^f;;^ LAItS and CUFFS,B-'^' W^T -which, for quantity,Sw ri w'vA quality, etj le. and va-?h jgfml riety', wlli Surpass anymÚiw á&n in tho State, embracingWfflitâ? tho world -renownedWfôW CLOTH-FACED PA-Mjàjgr PER COLLAS, apeoial-J^¿áMK¡L ly adapted to thia cli-Gïf" C^ïfwPi mate, doing away withXaMhtaJ» whl tho Hiuiay material for-

morly known ae Paper^| >-4 Collars. Do not fail tocall carly, to bo convinced of the above facta,at GOODMAN'S CLOTHING BAZAAB,Juno28. Main Rt rent.

AFEW reasons why they'should havo thepreference over nUotberHr*'-' ". : . 'KL, .Wheeler. $.Wil«oir>, Bowing, fflaob.lne ismuch simpler than any of tho otliQra; re¬quiring -lost* than half tho amount of ma¬chinery, (iii 'n ??; 1 bidni.-r2. Aa the result oí íbJs einjplicity, thia ma¬chino ia much..lees liable.than the othero togetout'of renaflv -.?..??-.««?."--- ?'.

3. Auother reeolt of .ibis simplicity iagreater durability. "

.4. Another result la less friction, nrid|'con¬sequently.greater eaB.e ; and:.ra.pí¿ity of mo¬tion, with lesB noiao.5. And greatest of all, that-lt lace nt) fihut-U«, and makea tho lock. twitch f ... .,. , ,lt is the cheapest to buy th«.neat. Buy themachino that nair justly, fairly 'abd "honora¬bly won a reputation and independenceagftihsVa strong and hittercompetition. Formot-o than twenty yea re baa She- WhooW-AWibmu.not only stood drat and iorenioat, buthow et hod« the ord i vailed Sewing BTtchinoofthe enlightened-civilized world. Buy th ¿ ma¬chine ^tiftt baa been tbua teated and proved,abd thou yon are snro fo oct thP'treat.' For .yalu .mi thu caiient poprtbla tartha. :.Solea-room Main street, second door belqw Fpç&Bixomco.CfllumliiavS.'G. ..'

-jil J.,B,J>ÜB»LBX, Agent,A. WHITE, General Southern Agent. :JnneSl ?. 11 rJ *--'"'?- grapThe Dexter Stahles.

. TUE undorçignqd boro, re-MsJFfy moved fheir Stablea to the newJwföSy^a buUdiog, Immddiatóly Ponth of^/i»Sft^rÄJ*nnW « Boil.and, with a newVfc^^SP^Twookw CABBlAflES, BXfG-G1EB ana.Arid HORSES, ore prepared lo an-Bwer-aM ctdU Uhat may bo mado nprm them.Fordes .bought and copi ou .oomrhiseipp.eraori'sin Want of good stock, áro invited Jocrtve no a call. Liberal advances made Onstock loft for nato. BOYCE A CO.W. IL BOYCB. Wt'hÜ, jp. H. pKTTiKorjrj^ ; Janela.CORRECT TIMEtMAY be obtained bv calling at ISAACáULZUAOHEU'S and.purchasing onoof tho-o i ne Uv celebrated ELGINWATCHES, and where.yon can flue?. ».complete stock of DláTMoDa*f>; Jeweln,Silver and Plated Ware, rf tho bewtmannfaoture. In > addition °

are theUnited. States, Waltham, English and .BwiasWatcbcB in Gold and'Silver Cases, which willbe closed out at New York pricea.Constantly on h.md fine Gold Chaina,'SealBinge, Obarma, Lookete, Sleeve Battons, Bete,and a varied stook of Fancy.Articles. ij'iAll binds of Repairing done promptly, andwarranted, by ' ISAAC SULZnAClfElf,April 27 ?' Under Columbia Fotel.M. H. BERET'S

Furniture Ware-roomMain Street, near Pintn.,iv-ir*"*?\>fra NOW on barid aod dfdly' r'e-$T<^^3itsr0''irinK from the m'annfac-^"D<qgy torios of Now York, BoBton,^^TT*^«§y Ciuoinnati and Louisville thoJT 3> Isrgeat aaaortmeht of, FUR¬NITURE ever kept hi thia market, cpnèiètlngin part of'Walnut Parlor, Chamber ana Din-ing-lloom SuitBV 200 Bedsteads of diffiVefatpatterns, in Walnut and Imitation; alto; thosolebrated Georgia Split-bottom Chaira. , -All kinda of MATTRESSES made to order.UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING done atshort061 notice and in the beat m auber.Terme oaah and Gooda cheap. ... Oct 80STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & 00.,Grocers and Commission Merchants,CilAJILOTTE, X. ??.'SOLICIT ordera Tor COTTON, Corn. Flour,.Paeon, La rd, Ac., and Family Grocerfeegenerally Orders nilodcarefully andprompt¬ly._;_. .FebTlyr

Livery and Sale Stahles.

ducted by Agnov ic Co., at the old stands oftho late firm. His Omnibuses and Carriageswill convoy paaeengera to »nd from tho Rail¬road Dopte to the Columbia Hotel, tho Niok-oreon Honso, or any part of tho cityj He willalso furn ich. Il orne?. Buggies, Carriages, Arc,for birooa reasonable terms, and solicite thepatronage of tho fiirnda of the lato finn.June28_OWEN DALY.. For Sale. .

íXi\i\ A0!l.ES«°i. B»rnwaB,D,Ul/v on tho Ediato.760 ACRES in Kershaw-in lota to Bait.Saw MiU and S 000 aeree of Land in Lexing¬ton, on North Ediato, (7,000. .'2,500 aero» Waterer Bottom Land, $2 pr aero2,500 acres creek bottom and'pine Land, atfi per acre. 1 HOUBO in thia city, $5,000.HOUSE and thirteen sores LAND, near thocity-$8.600. Apply to JOHN BAÜ8KETT,Attorney atLaw «nd Beal Estate Agent.Sen». 26^_ lyC10TTON SHED OIL CAKE can be hadj at all times, and in any quantity, ofJan_E. ROPE.Tho boat place to get a cool Bummer drinkis at POLLOCK'H.