lewis hine [eng]

Download Lewis hine [eng]

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Post on 11-Aug-2015



Art & Photos

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  1. 1. Lewis Hine
  2. 2. Biography Lewis Hine was born on the year 1874 (Wisconsin), and died on the 1940. He entered in the University at the 1900, and in the next ten years he realized that he wanted to be photographer while he works for the National Child Labor Committee reporting the situation of the child workers. At 1932 he published his collection Men At Work about the Empire State's construction. Finally he died in the same condition of the people he photographed.
  3. 3. Topics of the author's work The Hine's work is famous for his photos that reflected the hard conditions of work of a lot of workers (the most were inmigrants) during and then the Big Depression. With his photos, Hine denounced with ingenuity the inhuman conditions in which workers were working.
  4. 4. This photo is a part of his work Men At Work about the Empire State's construction. In the photo appears some workers having lunh over a beam hanged in the air, without any protection and like it was the most normal thing in the world. With the Chicago city at the background, represented the 'boom' of the construction of skycrapers in Chicago then of the fire that destroyed the city.
  5. 5. This photo is a part of his work for the National Child Labor Committee. In the photo appears some children who worked in a factory. They are dirty (sign of their life conditions), and all have old coats. Except the boy who is more left all are serious or expectant for the photo, representing the situation in wich they lived.