level 6: lesson 3 office: making apologies scene

“I promise it won’t happen again.” Scene LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 OFFICE: Making Apologies

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“I promise it won’t happen again.”

Scene LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 OFFICE: Making Apologies

SCENE: Andrew Baz, the Financial Manager of Addison and Associates, talks to Walter Gorden, the controller in charge of Japanese accounts.

Andrew: Walter, can I speak with you for a moment, in private?

Walter: Sure.

Andrew: Why don't you log off and meet me in my office in five minutes?

Walter: Um, ok. No problem.

(in the office)

Andrew: Please close the door and have a seat, Walter. Didn't you get the email requesting the figures from the Japanese accounts? I just got another phone call from the CFO. You were supposed to submit the corrected figures last Friday. He still has not received them. What is going on with your fiscalclosing?

Walter: I am still waiting for the figures from the Tokyo office. I cannot complete my closing until I receive them.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 OFFICE: Making Apologies Conversation

Andrew: What? Why didn't you tell me that the Tokyo office hasn't submitted the figures?

Walter: Honestly, I didn't want to bother you. You seemed really busy, and I didn‘t think there was anything you could do about it.

Andrew: You should have told me so that I could keep the CFO informed.

Walter: Please accept my apologies. I promise it won't happen again.

Andrew: Well, it's a little late now. I will call the CFO and try to patch things up. You’d better make sure that your figures are in order. I don't want any more delaysonce we receive Tokyo's numbers.

Walter: I assure you that my figures are in order. Again, I am terribly sorry. Next time I will talk to you directly as soon as there is a problem. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you this time, please let me know.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Conversation OFFICE: Making Apologies

PRACTICE 1: Everyone makes mistakes, so the workplace has this protocol: First apologize, and then give the reason for the mistake. Imagine you are apologizing to your boss (instructor) in the situations below.


You did not come to an important meeting. You wrote down the wrong date. I: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Didn't you get the memo about the meeting?U: I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting.

I wrote down the wrong date in my schedule. (reason)


I'm terribly sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm really sorry...Please accept my apologies for…


Situation 1: Your clients' personal information is on your work PC. You forgot to log off of your work computer before leaving the office.

I: May I have a moment, please? Were you aware that you did not log off the system yesterday?

U: I'm so sorry I_____________________________.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 OFFICE: Making Apologies Practice


Situation 2: Your son is very sick. You couldn't go to work because you had to stay home and take care of him. You missed a very important deadline.

I: I need to speak with you for a minute. You were aware of how important this deadline was, right?

U: Please accept my apologies for_____________________.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 OFFICE: Making Apologies Practice


You did not come to an important meeting. You wrote down the wrong date. I: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Didn't you get the memo about the meeting?U: I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting.

I wrote down the wrong date in my schedule. (reason)


I'm terribly sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm really sorry...Please accept my apologies for…

PRACTICE 1: Everyone makes mistakes, so the workplace has this protocol: First apologize, and then give the reason for the mistake. Imagine you are apologizing to your boss (instructor) in the situations below.


Situation 3: Your boss says you have to play golf with clients on Sunday. You have already planned a family trip for the weekend.

I: Do you have a minute? You realize how important these clients are, don't you?

U: _______________________________________.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


You did not come to an important meeting. You wrote down the wrong date. I: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Didn't you get the memo about the meeting?U: I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting.

I wrote down the wrong date in my schedule. (reason)


I'm terribly sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm really sorry...Please accept my apologies for…

PRACTICE 1: Everyone makes mistakes, so the workplace has this protocol: First apologize, and then give the reason for the mistake. Imagine you are apologizing to your boss (instructor) in the situations below.


You did not come to an important meeting. You wrote down the wrong date. I: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Didn't you get the memo about the meeting ?U: I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting.

I wrote down the wrong date in my schedule.Next time, I will double check the date. (what you will do in the future)


I assure you it won't happen again.I promise it won't happen again.Next time, I will...In the future, I will...From now on, I will…


Situation 1: Your clients' personal information is on your work PC. You forgot to log off of your work computer before leaving the office.

I: May I have a moment, please? Were you aware that you did not log off the system yesterday?

U: I'm so sorry I __________________________________.

PRACTICE 2: After giving a reason for the mistake, point out that it will not be repeated. Then explain how you will prevent a similar mistake in the future.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


Situation 2: Your son is very sick. You couldn't go to work because you had to stay home and take care of him. You missed a very important deadline.

I: I need to speak with you for a minute. You were aware of how important this deadline was, right?

U: Please accept my apologies for_____________________.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


I assure you it won't happen again.I promise it won't happen again.Next time, I will...In the future, I will...From now on, I will…

PRACTICE 2: After giving a reason for the mistake, point out that it will not be repeated. Then explain how you will prevent a similar mistake in the future.


You did not come to an important meeting. You wrote down the wrong date. I: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Didn't you get the memo about the meeting ?U: I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting.

I wrote down the wrong date in my schedule.Next time, I will double check the date. (what you will do in the future)


Situation 3: Your boss says you have to play golf with clients on Sunday. You have already planned a family trip for the weekend.

I: Do you have a minute? You realize how important these clients are, don't you?

U: _______________________________________________.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


I assure you it won't happen again.I promise it won't happen again.Next time, I will...In the future, I will...From now on, I will…

PRACTICE 2: After giving a reason for the mistake, point out that it will not be repeated. Then explain how you will prevent a similar mistake in the future.


You did not come to an important meeting. You wrote down the wrong date. I: Can I speak with you for a moment?

Didn't you get the memo about the meeting ?U: I'm terribly sorry I missed the meeting.

I wrote down the wrong date in my schedule.Next time, I will double check the date. (what you will do in the future)

PRACTICE 3: (switch roles) Practice reprimanding an employee. When in a management position, it is best to reprimand subordinates in private. Isolate the situation first before bringing the mistake to the employee’s attention.


Can I speak with you for a moment…(in private)?Do you have a minute...(in private)?Can we talk for a minute...(in private)?May I have a minute of your time...(in private)?Were you aware of...?Didn't you know...?You knew...right?You realize...right?What is going on with...?


Your employee came to work two hours late and didn't call the office.

U: Can we talk for a minute? You realize you are two hours late, right?I: I'm terribly sorry. The train broke down on my way to work in

a place where there was no cell phone service.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies

PRACTICE 3: (switch roles) Practice reprimanding an employee. When in a management position, it is best to reprimand subordinates in private. Isolate the situation first before bringing the mistake to the employee’s attention.


Can I speak with you for a moment…(in private)?Do you have a minute...(in private)?Can we talk for a minute...(in private)?May I have a minute of your time...(in private)?Were you aware of...?Didn't you know...?You knew...right?You realize...right?What is going on with...?

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


Situation 1: Your company has a strict dress code. Your employee showed up to work without a tie and jacket.

U: Can I speak to you for a moment? You realize________, right?

I: I'm so sorry. My jacket and tie were in my backpack. I left my backpack on the train.


Situation 2: Your employee was supposed to pick up a foreign client at the airport. Your employee did not show up.

U: _________________? You realize how important___________?

I: Please accept my apologies. I called the office and left a message. I had to take my wife to the hospital.

PRACTICE 3: (switch roles) Practice reprimanding an employee. When in a management position, it is best to reprimand subordinates in private. Isolate the situation first before bringing the mistake to the employee’s attention.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


Can I speak with you for a moment…(in private)?Do you have a minute...(in private)?Can we talk for a minute...(in private)?May I have a minute of your time...(in private)?Were you aware of...?Didn't you know...?You knew...right?You realize...right?What is going on with...?


Situation 3: At a company drinking party, your employee offended the CEO and the General Manager's wife.

U: ____________________________________________________

I: ____________________________________________________

PRACTICE 3: (switch roles) Practice reprimanding an employee. When in a management position, it is best to reprimand subordinates in private. Isolate the situation first before bringing the mistake to the employee’s attention.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Practice OFFICE: Making Apologies


Can I speak with you for a moment…(in private)?Do you have a minute...(in private)?Can we talk for a minute...(in private)?May I have a minute of your time...(in private)?Were you aware of...?Didn't you know...?You knew...right?You realize...right?What is going on with...?

Task 1: Your instructor is your boss. You scheduled your boss for two different meetings with clients at the same time. As a result, your company lost a client. Respond to your instructor.

Remember! When apologizing, first give a reason for your mistake and point out that it will not be repeated. Then explain what you will do to prevent similar problems in the future.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Summary OFFICE: Making Apologies

Task 2: You are the boss. Your employee lost a company laptop with very important information saved on the hard drive. Reprimand your employee.

Remember! When in a management position, it is polite and respectful to reprimand staff in private.

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 OFFICE: Making Apologies Summary

“I promise it won’t happen again.”

LEVEL 6: Lesson 3 Finished OFFICE: Making Apologies