leucorrhoea - whitish discharge causes symptoms & diet


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Leucorrhoea (White discharge)

Natural Treatment 100% NATURAL





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What is Leucorrhoea(Whitish discharge)


Leucorrhoea is a condition where a thick and sticky discharge releases from the vagina of women.

Leucorrhoea is a natural defense mechanism which preserves the flexibility of vaginal tissues by lubricating it.

It is not a disease but symptom in some diseases like diabetes, anemia or in some bacterial infections.

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What is Leucorrhoea(Whitish discharge)


Normally it presents with whitish discharge from vagina but sometimes may associates with some other symptoms like itching, burning sensation, redness of vaginal tissues with foul smell.

Leucorrhoea may also seen in young girls before their first menstruation.

Leucorrhoea may be physiological or pathological.

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Types of Leucorrhoea


1. Physiological Leucorrhoea

2. Pathological Leucorrhoea

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Physiological Leucorrhoea


This type of Leucorrhoea makes a defense mechanism.

This yellowish, white discharge keeps vaginal area lubricated which helps to preserve the flexibility of the vaginal tissues.

It also helps in maintaining the chemical balance.

This white and sticky discharge called Leucorrhoea is result of estrogen hormonal stimulation.

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Physiological Leucorrhoea


Leucorrhoea may also seen in young girls before their first menstruation.

It is very common in different stages of pregnancy presents with white, milky substance sometimes with foul smell. As pregnancy time increases, amount of discharge also increases.

Sometimes this discharge also occurs in female infants due to uterine exposure to estrogen which disappears later.

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Pathological Leucorrhoea


Type of leucorrhoea where there is inflammation of vaginal tissues.

It also presents with yellowish, thick discharge with foul smell.

This type of leucorrhoea occurs due to some bacterial infections.

It may be due to sexually transmitted diseases.

Psychological factors like anxiety, stress, depression are also responsible.

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Causes of Leucorrhoea


Improper dietary food habits and improper life style.

Fungal infections.

Excessive intake of heavy, cold, sweet, unctuous and dense foods.


Consumption of too much cheese, yogurt, milk and butter.

Chronic amoebiasis.

General weakness, fatigue and emaciated body.

Hormonal disturbances.

Improper vaginal hygiene. Excess sexual intercourse.

Repeated abortions.

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Symptoms of Leucorrhoea


Thick, yellowish white vaginal discharge. Feeling of Weakness and fatigue. Pain in low back and thigh region. Dragging sensation in the abdomen. Frequent Headache. Constipation. Irritability and under eye dark patches in

some chronic cases. Burning sensation in hands and feet.

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Ayurvedic Concept of Leucorrhoea In Ayurveda it is referred by term shweta

pradara. In Sanskrit ‘Shweta’ means ‘white’ and ‘Pradara’ means discharge. It is a metabolic disorder arise due to improper functioning of dhatus (tissues). Mainly kapha is vitiated in leucorrhoea.

Besides unhygienic habits, it is mostly seen in weak and anemic females. Cause for weakness may be long illness.


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We at Planet Ayurveda Provides Best Ayurvedic Treatment for


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It is a blend of herbs which regulate and balances the female health, improve reproductive system. Ingredients are Ashok, Shatavari and Lodhra.

Female Health Support

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1. Ashoka (Saraca indica) - Saraca naturally balances female hormones. Improves complexion, alleviates burning sensation, reduces edematous conditions, improves digestion and assimilation, useful in management of inflammation of lymph nodes and excessive bleeding during menstruation.

Benefits of Herbs in Female Health Support

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2. Lodhra (Symplocarpus racemosa) – It has astringent properties. In Ayurveda therefore it is used for decreasing secretions. It tones and cools the epithelial layer. Also reduces frequency of contractions in uterus. Used in various Ayurvedic formulations meant for the management of excessive vaginal discharge.

Benefits of Herbs in Female Health Support

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Gandhak Rasayan is a herbal supplement for rejuvenation. It improves immune system. It purifies blood and gives luster to the skin. It also improves digestive fire and used to treat conditions like- chronic fever, urinary tract disorders, pruritus, bleeding disorders.

Gandhak Rasayan

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Pitta Balance by Planet Ayurveda is a blend of herbs having soothing properties and are rich in calcium like Praval pisti, Akik pisti, Jawahar mohra pisti, Kamdhudha ras, Mukta pishti and Giloy satava.

Pitta Balance

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Combining all these, pacifies pitta and alleviates hyperacidity.

Useful in Burning micturition.

Burning sensation of palm and sole is cured.

Rich in calcium therefore supports in curing osteoporosis.

Increases immunity and supports system in fatigue.

Benefits of Herbs in Pitta Balance

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Helpful in bleeding conditions.

Praval pishti helps in osteoporosis, degeneration of bones. Cleanses blood. Beneficial in leuchorrhoea, dysmenorrhea, bleeding disorders and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Balances acid and alkaline in the body.

Jawahar mohra pishti relives anxiety.

Benefits of Herbs in Pitta Balance

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Kamdudha Ras balances pitta and alleviates anxiety and emotional disturbances. Helps in burning sensation.

Giloy satva increases immunity, reduces burning sensation, useful in diabetes and urinary tract infections. It is anti pyritic, aphrodisiac, hepato-protective antioxidant and anticancer in nature.

Benefits of Herbs in Pitta Balance

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An Ayurvedic herbal formulation to cure leucorrhea, excessive bleeding and pre menstrual syndrome. It balances aggravated kapha. Stimulates digestive fire and physiological functions.

Pradrantak Churna

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1. Lodhra (Symplocarpus racemosa) - it is known stambhana drug (astringent) in Ayurveda therefore decreases secretions and have cooling properties. Reduces frequency of contractions in uterus. Used in various Ayurvedic formulations meant for the management of excessive vaginal discharge. It influences endometrial prostaglandins.

Benefits of Herbs in Pradrantak Churna

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2. Udumbar (Ficus glomerata) - due to its astringing effects it cures many diseases like pradara, rakta pradara(metrorrhagia), pravahika (dysentery). It has anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory, anti protozoal, hypoglycaemic Astringent, stomachic, carminative properties.

Benefits of Herbs in Pradrantak Churna

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3. Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - useful as antibacterial, antiviral, antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory and in wound healing activities.

4. Ashoka (Saraca indica) - Saraca naturally balances female hormones. Alleviates burning sensation , kills all infectious agents ,reduces edematous conditions, useful in management of inflammation of lymph nodes and excessive bleeding and pain during menstruation.

Benefits of Herbs in Pradrantak Churna

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Cap. Female Health Support- 2 cap twice daily with plain water, after meals.

Cap. Pitta Balance- 1 cap. twice daily with plain water, after meals.

Tab. Gandhak Rasayan- 2 tab. twice daily with plain water, after meals.

Pradrantak Churna- 1 tablespoonful twice daily with plain water or juice, after meals.

What are the dosage for these herbal remedies


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Free !! - 2 Packs of PRIVA-HY Feminine Hygiene Wash with 1 Month Supply of Leucorrhoea Care


Price - $ 12 Per Pack


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Diet and Life Style in Leucorrhoea


More liquids (water, milk, juice, soup).

Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Salads.

Fruits - papaya, apples, pomegranate and musk melons are highly beneficial.

Betel nuts after meals.

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Diet and Life Style in Leucorrhoea


Maintain proper hygiene.

Wash undergarments properly and dry in sunlight.

Drink plenty of water

Do regular mornings walk and yoga

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Diet and Life Style in Leucorrhoea


Avoid fasting/excess dieting.

Food which is oily, spicy, sour and heavy to digest.

Non veg food items.

Excess puddings.

Tea and Coffee.

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Diet and Life Style in Leucorrhoea



Don’t watch anything which is sexually transmitted.

Avoid unnecessarily use of cosmetics in genital area.

Avoid Sleeping in day time.

Avoid nylon undergarments.

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Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea


10 gm of powdered Arjun bark (Terminalia arjuna) and 4 gm of Shatavari roots (Asparagus racemosus) boiled in 1part milk and 4 parts water till one part is left cures leucorrhoea.

Root decoction of Asparagus (shatavari) is given.

Soak overnight 10 gm of Coriander seeds (dhania) in 100 ml of water and drink it early morning for 7-8 days.

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Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea Tandulodaka is considered to be best in

leucorrhea, that means rice water. Boil three tablespoon of rice in three cups of water in a pan. Remove the rice to get water after straining. Add one teaspoon of sugar to it and drink when its lukewarm once a day.

Eating one banana with ghee twice a day is beneficial to alliviates the condition called leucorrhoea.


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Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea


Make a decoction from the ladyfinger by boiling 200 gm of it in one liter of water, boil at least for half an hour. Filter it. Add some sugar to taste and drink 70ml/dose at an interval of 3 hrs. It is an effective home remedy for leucorrhoea.

Crushing and eating betel nut with rose petals in sugar, gives good relief from leucorrhoea.

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Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea


Equal powder of Dry Amla (Embilica officinalis) and mulethi (liquorice) taken with honey thrice a day.

Amla fruit pulp along with Tribulus powder taken with honey.

Root powder of Abutilon indicum (kanghi) taken for leucorrhoea.

Decoction of Leaves of Ficus virens (pilkahn) used to wash women genitals.

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Home Remedies for Leucorrhoea


A spoonful of leaf powder of Sida cordifolia (bala) with milk for 5 days.

Fenugreek seeds can be taken internally as tea and externally also as a douche.

A regular douche made from decoction of the bark of the banyan tree is useful.

Essential oils of bergamot and lavender are useful in leucorrhoea.

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Some Douches


Powdered Triphala (Myrobalans) 30gm, barks of Neem (Azadhiracta indica) 20 gm, Udumbar (Ficus racemosa) 20 gm, Pipal (Ficus religiosa) 20 gm. Boil in 2 liters of water till half and add 10 gm of Borax. Can be used to wash the vaginal area 3 times in a day.

100gm of fresh Neem leaves boiled in 500ml water till turns green add 10 gm of Alum. Filter it and use it to wash vaginal area.

Suppositories made up of leaves and seeds of henna (Lawsonia inermis) when placed in the vagina treats leucorrhoea.

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It is the leading supplier of Leucorrhoea Care Pack through out the world.

Please click on the link given belowto Buy this package onlinehttp://www.planetayurveda.com/leucorrhoea-ayurvedic-treatment.htm

Planet Ayurveda is the major manufacturer of Leucorrhoea Care Pack.


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Dr. Vikram Chauhan, BAMS, MD (AYURVEDA), CEO & Founder of Planet Ayurveda and Krishna Herbals Co.

Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan, BAMS- Gold Medalist, MD (Alt. Med.)

Dr. Vaidya Madan Gulati, BAMS- Gold Medalist), MD (AYURVEDA)

Vaidya Anthony Rouse, Graduate in Ayurveda

Company Address- #3604, Sector-23-D, Chandigarh (U.T), India

Contact Us- 0091-172-5073604 0091-9915593604


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