letters and sounds a brief history of writing sam foss and katie kupferschmidt

Letters and Sounds A Brief History of Writing Sam Foss and Katie Kupferschmidt

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Letters and Sounds A Brief History of Writing Sam Foss and Katie Kupferschmidt

Letters and SoundsA Brief History of Writing

Sam Foss


Katie Kupferschmidt

Page 2: Letters and Sounds A Brief History of Writing Sam Foss and Katie Kupferschmidt

• There can be no doubt that writing grew out of


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Ideographic or Logographic Writing

When symbols come to stand for ideas corresponding to individual words and each word

is represented by a separate symbol

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Tie Coon


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Semetic Writing to Greek Alphabet

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Adding Vowels

• Yod >> iota (i)

• The Consanant

he >> epsilon (E)

• Gimel>> gamma

• Daleth>> delta

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Romans adopt Greek Alpha Bet

• Changed the forms of some letters:– Curved gamma (C), delta (D), and pi (P)

• Some letters maintained their form:– Epsilon (E)– H

• Addition of the letter G

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Ox >>>>> Aleph >>>>> Alpha >>>> Modern A

Form changes over time…

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• Pairs of letters to represent single sounds, or even longer sequences like the German trigraph sch

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• When the English came to Britain runic writing was a highly specialized craft

• Christianity

• Introduction of

Norman-French customs

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Insular Handwriting

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Gradually the letters of the alphabet assumed their

present number.

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white alphabet a-z graffitisource: puregraffiti

Vs. Ancient Semetic

My how times change… Or not?

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English Consonant SoundsThe Stops:

Bib, ruby, ebb, rabble,

bride, naked, pick,

Bacon, trek

The Fricative:

Raffle, off, phantom,

Bathe, thin, fizzle, vise

The Affricates:

Major, surgeon, budget,

Educate, spinach,


The Nasals:

Mum, summer, time,

Honor, inn, finger

The Liquids:

Lapel, felon, hole, rear,

Baron, err, bare

The Semivowels:

Won, which, yet, chignon

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English Vowel Sounds

Front Vowels:

Evil, cede, been, ape,

Basin, gray, bet, threat,

Central Vowels:

But, calm, aunt, solder

Back Vowels:

Ooze, too, rude, roof,

Good, road, toe, owe,

All, law, talk,


Ride, my, style, dye,

Eye, aisle, oil, boy

Vowels before [r]:

Mere, bare, urge, art,

Poor, oar, fire

Unstressed vowels:

Coffee, taxi, bucket, melon,

Window, remedy, butter,

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Spelling Pronunciations

• Example:

The t of often has come

to be pronounced once


Popular misunderstanding that many people suppose that the ‘best’ speech is that which conforms most closely to the writing system.

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Pronunciation Spellings

When a word’s spelling

Is changed to agree

With its pronunciation.

• Examples:

Perculate for percolate

Momento for memento

Spicket for spigot