letter to the department of justice regarding the proscution of state officials who are responsible...

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  • 7/24/2019 Letter to the Department of Justice regarding the proscution of state officials who are responsible for the water dis


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    Honorable Loretta Lynch ID: LFG-2016-DOJ-0007

    United States Department of Justice

    Office of the Attorney General

    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

    Washington, DC 20530

    Sent via: Mail

    February 13th

    , 2016

    Re: Request for the prosecution and a thorough federal investigation into the individuals for their

    individual criminal responsibility for the Flint, Michigan water disaster

    Honorable Attorney General Loretta Lynch,

    My name is Isaiah X. Smith and I am sending the United States Department of Justice this letter for the

    purpose of requesting a federal investigation and the prosecution into officials that are or were

    employed by the State of Michigan for their individual criminal responsibility regarding the Flint,

    Michigan water disaster.

    The Flint water disaster incident started when the City of Flint, Michigan changed the water source that

    people received water from. The drinking water source that the City of Flint, Michigan switched the

    source of water that people drink from became contaminated and contained a poisonousness lead

    substance which thus created a serious public health emergency disaster. The contaminated water has

    affected approximately 6,000 to 12,000 individuals and has caused an enormous amount of damage tothe health of people.

    The contaminated water that children and adults were and are drinking is extremely concerning and

    dangerous. According to the World Health Organization in regards to lead poisoning and children, lead

    affects childrens brain development resulting in reduced intelligence quotient (IQ), behavioral changes

    such as shortening of attention span and increased antisocial behavior, and reduced educational

    attainment. Lead exposure also causes anemia, hypertension, renal impairment, immunotoxicity and

    toxicity to the reproductive organs. The neurological and behavioral effects of lead are believed to be


    Making a political move is not why I am asking the United States Department of Justice to conduct a

    thorough federal investigation into this incident but because of the deliberate indifference with regards

    to government officials with the State of Michigan who had a responsibility as to addressing that issue

    but failed to do so. Officials knew about the dangerous emergency situation that was going on and failed

    to serve and protect the public from harm. Officials with the State of Michigan also tried to cover up

    their wrongdoing and have not taken responsibility for their actions. Therefore those individuals are

  • 7/24/2019 Letter to the Department of Justice regarding the proscution of state officials who are responsible for the water dis


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    responsible for the Flint, Michigan water disaster and they should be held accountable for their actions

    under the law.


    Isaiah X. Smith

    Isaiah Smith Campaign

    P.O Box 163411

    Fort Worth, Texas, 76161

