let the most perfect food in the world-bee pollen, help you

t-Or live learn love Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you. Bee Pollen is the flower pollen collected by worker bees for food, which contains many essentials nutrients! This highly nutritious food (along with honey to form bee bread) is required by worker bees to obtain the energy to work continuously during their short lifespan, which explains why they only select the most nutritious varieties of pollen for their food. The nutrients present in pollen range from a large number of vitamins and minerals, to protein and amino acids in balanced proportions. Scientists have estimated that bee pollen contains more than 200 nutrients, everything you need for survival. In essence, bee pollen is nature's most perfect food. It can help you replenish the nutrients your body is lacking from your diet every day! Nevertheless, some pollen may have more or less nutrients than others, depending on the source of the pollen. Single source pollen definitely lacks some types of nutrients. That's why it's important for you to select the right blend of pollen for supplementation. Choose the right type of bee pollen HDI Pollenergy 520 is a superior blend of pollen with high nutritional value, which helps provide you with energy you need to stay healthy and live life to the fullest! How can HDI Pollenergy 520 help you? Boost energy levels with its large number of essential nutrients e.g. proteins, amino acids, vitamins and mineral, which are easily converted to energy. Increase strength and endurance levels of people who take bee pollen regularly. Also improves performance and stamina of athletes! Replenish nutrients, a perfect food complement to any diet, especially diets that are nutritionally deficient. Increase concentration and brain function, through increasing oxygen supplied to the brain. Content of glutamic acid also transport potassium to the brain to boost concentration and learning ability. Protect against heart disease and stroke. Helps ensure that blood vessels are not blocked by cholesterol travelling through blood and improve blood circulation. Also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides levels. High antioxidant level that helps protects you from free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous substances which can damage or even destroy body cells, leading to diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The food we eat today does not contain as many nutrients for our body as in the past. Soils today do not contain as many minerals and nutrients as years ago due to over farming. In the modern world today, we expose our crops to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which are not easily removed by washing our vegetables with water or soaking them. What about preservation processes such as freezing and canning, as well as the method of preparation and cooking of your food? These may also result in nutrient depletion! Each type of nutrient has a specific function and is used by the body differently. Without enough nutrients, your body may not be able to function to its best ability. You may feel tired easily, lack energy to go about the day's activities and suffer from health problems in the long run. Coupled with the highly stressful lifestyle you lead every day, it is easy to feel burnt out in no time!

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Post on 27-Jan-2022




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Page 1: Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you

t-Or live learn love

Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you.

Bee Pollen is the flower pollen collected by worker bees for food, which contains many essentials nutrients! This highly nutritious food (along with honey to form bee bread) is required by worker bees to obtain the energy to work continuously during their short lifespan, which explains why they only select the most nutritious varieties of pollen for their food.

The nutrients present in pollen range from a large number of vitamins and minerals, to protein and amino acids in balanced proportions. Scientists have estimated that bee pollen contains more than 200 nutrients, everything you need for survival. In essence, bee pollen is nature's most perfect food. It can help you replenish the nutrients your body is lacking from your diet every day! Nevertheless, some pollen may have more or less nutrients than others, depending on the source of the pollen. Single source pollen definitely lacks some types of nutrients. That's why it's important for you to select the right blend of pollen for supplementation.

Choose the right type of bee pollen HDI Pollenergy 520 is a superior blend of pollen with high nutritional value, which helps provide you with energy you need to stay healthy and live life to the fullest!

How can HDI Pollenergy 520 help you? Boost energy levels with its large number of essential nutrients e.g. proteins, amino acids, vitamins and mineral, which are easily converted to energy.

Increase strength and endurance levels of people who take bee pollen regularly. Also improves performance and stamina of athletes!

Replenish nutrients, a perfect food complement to any diet, especially diets that are nutritionally deficient.

Increase concentration and brain function , through increasing oxygen supplied to the brain. Content of glutamic acid also transport potassium to the brain to boost concentration and learning ability.

Protect against heart disease and stroke. Helps ensure that blood vessels are not blocked by cholesterol travelling through blood and improve blood circulation. Also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides levels.

High antioxidant level that helps protects you from free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous substances which can damage or even destroy body cells, leading to diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

The food we eat today does not contain as many nutrients for our body as in the past. Soils today do not contain as many minerals and nutrients as years ago due to over farming. In the modern world today, we expose our crops to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which are not easily removed by washing our vegetables with water or soaking them. What about preservation processes such as freezing and canning, as well as the method of preparation and cooking of your food? These may also result in nutrient depletion!

Each type of nutrient has a specific function and is used by the body differently. Without enough nutrients, your body may not be able to function to its best ability. You may feel tired easily, lack energy to go about the day's activities and suffer from health problems in the long run. Coupled with the highly stressful lifestyle you lead every day, it is easy to feel burnt out in no time!

Page 2: Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you

t-Or live learn love

Jadikan makanan paling sempurna di dunia - debunga lebah membantu anda!

Lebah-lebah yang mengumpul debunga hanya memilih debunga yang mengandungi banyak nutrien sebagai makanan. Debunga lebah digunakan oleh lebah-lebah untuk membekalkan tenaga bagi menjalankan tugas-tugas.

Kandungan nutrien yang terdapat dalam debunga adalah jenis vitamin, mineral, protein dan kadar asid amino yang seimbang. Debunga lebah adalah makanan paling sempurna di dunia. la menggantikan keperluan nutrien tidak dapat dalam makanan anda. Sesetengah debunga mempunyai lebih atau kurang kandungan nutrien. Satu sumber debunga sememangnya kurang nutriennya berbanding debunga lebah campuran. Oleh itu adalah sangat penting mengambil debunga yang berkualiti.

Dapatkan debunga lebah yang berkualiti HDI Pollenergy 520 merupakan gabungan debunga lebah yang berkualiti dan mempunyai kandungan nutrien yang tinggi serta dapat membekalkan tenaga yang diperlukan sepanjang hari.

Bagaimana HDI Pollenergy 520 dapat membantu anda? Meningkatkan tenaga, kandungan nutriennya seperti protein, asid amino, vitamin dan mineral akan ditukarkan kepada tenaga.

Meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh badan bagi mereka yang mengambil debunga lebah secara teratur. Bagi atlet pula, pengambilan debunga lebah juga membantu meningkatkan stamina dan prestasi mereka.

Menggantikan kandungan nutrien, makanan yang sempurna untuk keperluan diet anda, terutamanya bagi mereka yang mengalami kekurangan zat makanan.

Meningkatkan daya konsentrasi dan kecerdasan otak, debunga lebah dapat meningkatkan kandungan sel darah merah yang bertindak meningkatkan bekalan oksigen kepada otak. Kandungan asid glutamic dalam debunga lebah berfungsi mengangkut potassium ke otak. Justeru, meningkatkan konsenstasi dan kemampuan otak bagi kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa.

Mengelakkan serangan sakit jantung dan strok, pengambilan debunga lebah membantu mengurang­kan kolestrol dan triglicerides yang mungkin menyebabkan serangan sakit jantung dan strok.

Antioksidan . Kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi dalam debunga lebah berupaya menghalang serangan radikal bebas yang membahayakan sel tubuh. Sekiranya sel tubuh badan kita terdedah kepada radikal bebas, kemungkinan besar kita diserang penyakit jantung, bahkan kanser.

Makanan pada masa kini tidak mengandungi nutrien yang secukupnya berbanding makanan yang kita ambil pada masa lalu. Tanah yang tidak subur kurang menghasilkan tumbuhan yang kaya dengan nutrien. Dalam era moden ini, kita menggunakan baja kimia dan racun perosak/serangga dalam pertanian. Bahan-bahan ini sukar disingkirkan dengan hanya merendam atau membasuh sayur-sayuran dengan air. Bagaimana pula dengan penyimpanan dan pengawetan makanan? Kaedah pengawetan seperti pembekuan dan pengetinan serta kaedah penyediaan dan cara-cara makanan dimasak juga akan menyebabkan kandungan nutrien berkurangan.

Setiap nutrien mempunyai fungsi yang spesifik dan digunakan secara berbeza oleh tubuh kita. Tubuh badan kita gagal berfungsi dengan baik jika kekurangan nutrien. Kita mungkin terasa letih, kurang bertenaga dan kemungkinan dijangkiti penyakit. Ketegangan yang kita hadapi setiap hari akan menyebabkan kita mungkin jatuh sakit pada bila-bila masa!

Page 3: Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you

••*-~*~g*~~~~~~~!I. m~~~~B*~~~m~~~, ~ftAffi %*AA~~~I~,~M~~MBfilQ~* fi~f, fi~g*s1-J~~rrb#~~~ o ~~s1-Jg*ftx:5J'-kA::k~tt~*fo:nt~Iot¥Ll3f ~~~~m~1otffl•~•o#$*~*~~ *~~tt2oofrrA~~*Pfrms1g**o • WI,~~¾~~Wfi~~~~~oBm~ fr :ft%i*ft B #i,X~~ffiRz.S1B* 1 ~rm, ~~~~*m~~,~~~~ey~~A~~ ~*~y~~~g*ftx:%0~~,~v~~ tf iE1!fari~~~M WJf~tr 1EB*o ~tf ~%n¥-1 ~m HDI 520ffljJ~~*rrbm1ft~, ~g*ri~ ~~,mWJm~~~--~~~,u~m~ ]!ffl~!

t-Or live learn love

HDI 520~n~m:rul-fiirffiltfJ1~? t!frt~~ -- A::k~?£f£f1~1t~t~~S1±~ g*ftx:%~M~lot,.~B,•~*fflW~ lot 0

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m~,amffi~~*~,~-~~*~•~-~~~~~~•o ~ B s1±JJ!~:tio ~frr*~~:nt~lotfOg** 0 ft}Jl!~t!tW' A~ffl 1t$He!J4JJt#~1t~' ~ffl::kA:xt~~i~S15R.911fLl O ~1ltZ?'r' ~ ~~~#h~,~~~ffl-~~~ttW, ~&~~ffl~~h~~ey t~~i~g*rl~o ~~~g**~B~~~~~,~%W~~~~~~fflo~B*~ g,%WM~~~-~~~-~o~m~?£f£~~~~, ~ffln~ grm~~~~B:#-•*~ffl~o*AA~¾,~m~oo~•-~ ¾fil, ~iJPI B #s1-J~s*~fflh~, f~t1cg)t*~1~~:tl !

Page 4: Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you


t-Or live learn love

I was suffering from Hypoklemia In 2018 I was having some health issues. Initially I thought I was tired when my back and ;

- neck would become stiff with chest tightness and dizzi'ness. These symptoms lasted for 3 weeks and during this time I lost my appetite and did not feel thirsty. Then I became paralyzed and was hospitalized. I was diagn9sed with Hypokalemia, a potassium deficiency, with a reading of 2.50 mmol/L (Normal reading: 3.5-5.1 mmol/L). A lack of potassium causes irregularities in nerves and muscle cell function, body fluid ipibalance and irregular blood pressure. Long termed effect causes heart problem. My potassium level did not normalize even after 8 days in the h6spital. I was worried if I would be healthy again. Thefl I met a HDI Enterpriser who -recommended me HDI Clover Honey, Pollener~y 520, Bee Propolis Tablet and Liquid Royale Jelly. After just 2 days, I felt the difference, my potassium lev I increased to 3.1 mmol/L and the other symptoms disappeared. I was discharged 4 days later. Now I am able to walk j nd' ride a motorcycle. Thank you HDI! ; ,,,.

.. JJt .~ 1i {ff~, 1fiJ. ij ft 2 o 18 !r¥= , tit 81 {ft!* tll :fJfY )[:fc lJL tit 811f =ffl3fO J_VHf13~ 1~1:l:P! , JJixiH~ fO ~ ¥ , tit IV-1'1 ~m¾~-~fil)[:fc®H*~T moft~AA~,tlt~¾T-~,~-~~~oMJ§" tlt@~~T, itx!m~~o J§"*t1t*i~~7'11~tffllfilfil, tff17j(fQ~2.50mmol/L (iE'm 7'J 3 .5-5. 1 m mo I/ L) o flytz:Jffl * J@¥~ f$ g:2fO ~Jl ~ tamer =!h ff~~~JQ!JlU , {21t*~ f ~ fO lfilffi ~ ~l!JlU o -ltAA 81 ~ nrPJ * J@¥~ ;t,, ~J± 1'6:1 ¾fil o tit 81 tffl 7.K f ~p ~ ft 1iJJc; \:XJ§" t!~Ji ~ tij(~ iE 1ft O )§"*' tlt~¥UT~1il '§l~TffJ' 1filttz;tlt~[[-§fffi!l!t~' s2omjJ{t;fj}' !l!t~JtfO 1i )[:fc !l!t £ 1L o 1x. 1x. m.x f§" , tit• m ¥U ~ Jf , tit 8"J.tffl 7.K f :ft.1Jo ¥U 3 . 1 m mo I/ L , Jt frnfil)[:iclli~~ To [9 :xJ§"tlt@tll ~, :fJl!fttltPT !V-1i-JEfOkf{lf J¥tE$ To~ i!B!M HDI !

Saya menghidap Hypokalemia Saya mengalami beberapa masalah kesihatan pada tahun 2018. Pada m_ulanya saya-e'erfikir ia disebabkan oleh keletihan apabila belakang dan leher saya kaku, dada bersesak dan pening kepala. Gejala ini berterusan selama 3 minggu dan ketika ini saya hilang selera makan dan tidak dahaga. Kemudian, saya menjadi lumpuh dan dimasukkan ke hospital. Saya didiagnosis menghidapi Hypokalemia, dengan tahap 2.50 mmol/L (Tahap normal: 3.5-5.1 mmol/L). Kekurangan kali ,um boleh menyebabkan penyimpangan fungsi saraf dan sel otot, ketidakseim­bangan pada cairan dalam tubuh dan tekanan darah yang tidak teratur. Kesan jangka panjang akan menyebabkan masalah jantung. Tahap kalium saya tidak normal walaupun selepas 8 hari di hospit-al. Selepas itu, saya berjumpa dengan HDI Enterpriser yang mengesyorkan saya mengambil HDI Clover Honey, Pollenergy 520, Bee Propolis Tablet dan Liquid Royale Jelly. Selepas 2 hari, saya merasakan perbezaannya, tahap kalium saya me_flingkat kepada 3.1 mmol/L dan semua gejala yang lain hilang. Selepas 4 hari saya boleh keluar dari hospital. Saya boleh berjalan dan juga menunggang motosikal. Terima kasih HDI!

Page 5: Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you

t-Or live learn love

I was suffering from Hypertension

About 1 year ago, I started feeling tired, dizzy and had trouble sleeping. After consulting with a doctor, I was diagnosed with Hypertension (high brood pressure). My average blood pressure reading was 150-160 / 90 mmHg. 1 ·was given a medication (Amlodipine) to regulate my blood pressure. My friend recommended me HDI products and I started tpking HDI Pollenergy 520. Bee Propolis Tablet and RoyalJ elly Tablet. After a month, I could feel the positive result, I was sleeping better, not feeling tired nor having any ... dizziness. My blood pressure has normalized to 130/50mmHg. I am so happy with these wonderf.ul HDI products.

Saya menghidap Hipertensi Kira-kira 1 tahun yang l'alu, saya mula berasa letih, pentng kepala dan sukar tidur. S telah berundi ri"g dengan doktor, saya didiagnqsis menghidap Hipertensi (tekanan darah tinggi). Bacaan tekanan darah purata saya ialah 150-160 / 90 mmHg. Saya juga diberi ubat

- (Amlodipine) untuk mengawal tekanan darah saya. Rakan saya mengesyorkan saya r

mencuba produk HDI, jadi saya mula mengambil HDI Pollenergy 520, Bee Propolis Tablet dan Royal Jelly Tablet. Setelah sebulan, saya dapat merasakan kesan yang positif dan saya boleh tidur dengan lena, tidak letih atau pening kepala lagi. Bacaan tekanan darah saya sudah menjadi normal, iaitu 130 / 80mmHg. Saya sangat gembira dapat bertemu dengan produk-produk ,iDI yang hebat. I


Page 6: Let The Most Perfect Food in the World-Bee Pollen, help you

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TRIMEE PROMOTION 1 Nov - 31 Dec 2020 t-Or

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