let the adventure begin!peakystriders.org.au/newsletters/newsletter sep 2017.pdf · 25 y ears...

25 Y ears www.peakystriders.org.au Finally, the time has come! Let The Adventure Begin! On board will be Robyn Sullivan (the chief instigator of this particular adventure) and her mum Betty Sanders, Maureen Connelly, Jennie Davie, Annetta James, Anne Wilson, Jan Coghlan, Elizabeth Whitcombe, Denice Blomfield, Lynne Brannock, Lyn Morriss, Jen Howard, Margaret Decker, Carol Warren and Moira Hamilton. As Di Craven said: ‘Oh to be a fly on the wall’! Have a great time everybody and we look forward to hearing all about it when you get back. anniversarysurpisesanniversarysurprisesanniversarysurprisesanni Lucky Dips - The Chosen Few in August September 2017 After almost two years in the planning, the anniversary cruise sets sail tomorrow 02/09 for ten fun filled nights. The first couple of days are at sea after which ports in Noumea, Isle of Pines, Mystery Island and Vila will provide exciting excursions for sightseeing and shopping. Three more days at sea will bring the ship back to Sydney, no doubt with an exhausted group of Peakies who will have great memories and amazing tales of their experiences. Margaret Champers & Chocs 01.08.17 Lynne Glasses & Chocs 05.08.17 Lisa Champers & Chocs 08.08.17 Maureen Champers & Chocs 10.08.17

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25 Y ears


Finally, the time has come!

Let The Adventure Begin!

On board will be Robyn Sullivan (the chief instigator of this particular adventure) and her mum Betty Sanders, Maureen Connelly, Jennie Davie, Annetta James, Anne Wilson, Jan Coghlan, Elizabeth Whitcombe, Denice Blomfield, Lynne Brannock, Lyn Morriss, Jen Howard, Margaret Decker, Carol Warren and Moira Hamilton. As Di Craven said: ‘Oh to be a fly on the wall’! Have a great time everybody and we look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.


Lucky Dips - The Chosen Few in August

September 2017

After almost two years in the planning, the anniversary cruise sets sail tomorrow 02/09 for ten fun filled nights. The first couple of days are at sea after which ports in Noumea, Isle of Pines, Mystery Island and Vila will provide exciting excursions for sightseeing and shopping. Three more days at sea will bring the ship back to Sydney, no doubt with an exhausted group of Peakies who will have great memories and amazing tales of their experiences.


Champers & Chocs



Glasses & Chocs



Champers & Chocs



Champers & Chocs


City2Surf, 13 August 2017

Ready and well trained for the big day were Jan C, Anne W, Elizabeth, Carol H, Jen H and late entry Maureen replacing Denice who joined our great support crew with Terrie and Jennie D.

Keeping warm in a sunny spot in Hyde

Park we met up with Gail and Rhonda.

The weather was tops, no wind or rain

and very sunny - a great walk. We all

managed the hills and ‘Heartbreak

Hill’ with such ease (had to be all that

Lugarno Hill training – we certainly

think it helped). As usual lots of

bands – music of all types, volumes

and enough to keep us motivated to

cross that finish line which we all did

with happy faces and thinking how

well we had done to achieve another


A special thank you to our support crew for the cheers and having those goodie bags ready with the lollies, drinks

and the chips – a healthy pick me up. After the cross country walk to the buses and a quick trip back to Bondi

Junction – we all enjoyed the train ride back to Oatley – much chatter with hardly anyone nodding off.

Lovely to see the Peakies at the Oatley pub to welcome us back – and of course the well-earned drinks and pizzas, a

great way to finish a fabulous day.

High School Reunion Husband takes the wife to her high school reunion. After meeting several of her friends and former school mates, they are sitting at a table where he is yawning and overly bored. The band cranks up and people are beginning to dance. There’s a guy on the dance floor living it large - break dancing, moon walking, back flips, buying drinks for people - the works. Wife turns to her husband and says: “See that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down”. Husband says: “Looks like he’s still celebrating!!!”

Many thanks to those Peaky members who donated to help Terrie’s daughter Marnie after a fire

destroyed her home. It was a great effort with $590 raised, and much appreciated by Marnie

and her family as expressed in her thank you letter circulated to everyone by email.

Philippe and Robin Donnadieu were amongst the thousands of participants but unfortunately they did not get to meet up with the Peaky gang. They sent in this photo taken after they crossed the finish line - exhausted but happy to have done it. Jen Howard has given a run down on the event, saying a ‘fresh’ morning

started the day at 6.30 am, as we caught the train to Town Hall for our walk

to Bondi.

Member Profile

Anne Wilson

My early childhood holds many fond memories. Growing up in Clovelly (a place dear to my heart) was paradise and although poor we felt blessed - life seeming one big holiday. Living close to the water we could swim at will in summer and had many other children in our neighbourhood to play with, being told always "to come home when it is dark". Until now I have not shared this story. My Dad called me "Flossy" as in "Flossy Few Clothes" as undressing was a habit of mine when I was quite young. Fortunately I grew out of this. Our next door neighbours were a rough and tumble lot - 5 kids in all - and we keep in contact to this day. Smoking behind their outdoor dunny was particularly wicked but so exciting. Not so much when we were found out. At 20 I married the love of my life. His speedboat was a big drawcard. John and I had 3 children and lived 50 years in Lugarno and although John passed away in 2008 I still live in the same (but different) house. One of my most joyous occasions was the night I joined Peakies. Although keeping

up was difficult I do remember Di telling me of her poor record for people staying beyond their first walk. I was completely hooked and now they can't get rid of me. My hand goes up for every walk or social outing and as I am now in my 70's I am trying to squeeze everything in. Don't let anyone tell you that ageing is the pits. Sure it has its downside (waist, boobs, knees etc) but friends and family (and health) are all that matter in the long run.

Saturday morning tea roster

All members who walk Saturday mornings are

rostered to provide water or food on a convenient

agreed date. When you are rostered please remember

not to spend more than $18-$20 for which you will be

reimbursed. Any more than that you will have to bear

the cost yourselves.

With winter Saturday walks we average anything from

12-18 walkers staying for morning tea with a cost of

$1 per person. You can see we just come out even

sometimes making $1-$2 per walk. This is put away

for Cheryl to replenish coffee, tea, sugar, milk, butter,

jam, vegemite and golden syrup. We don’t want to

make a huge profit but neither can we run things at a


We all enjoy the morning cuppa and a chat on

alternate Saturday walks, and encourage as many as

possible to join us in this great start to the weekend.

For newcomers, this is how it works. You can be

rostered on for water or food whichever you prefer.

Water – we provide the airpots and a spare kettle.

You are required to take the airpots home from the

previous alternate Saturday, and on the morning

needed allow extra time for you to boil the water, fill

each of the airpots and bring the pots to the allocated


Food – take home the goods from the previous

morning tea. Wash dirty cups and utensils. Buy or

bake food for morning tea based on about 18-20

walkers. Let Cheryl know the cost (with receipts if

possible) and she will reimburse you.

Suggestions for food: Scones (only 1 dozen as these

can be cut in half); tea cakes; bar cakes (Woolies have

3 for $10); bread (damper/cob/fruit loaves) muffins.

Anything else you can think of, perhaps a favourite

recipe you have! Try for half savoury and half sweet so

that everyone’s taste is catered for.

Many will relate to Jean’s

little snippet, called


I remember the cheese of my childhood And the bread that was cut with a knife When the children helped with the housework And the men went to work – not the wife. The cheese never needed an ice box And the bread was so crusty and hot The children were seldom unhappy And the wife was content with her lot. The kids were a lot more contented They didn’t need money for “kicks” Just a game with their mates in the paddock And sometimes the Saturday flicks. I remember the shop on the corner Where a pennyworth of lollies was sold Do you think I’m a bit too nostalgic Or is it – I’m just getting old. I remember when the loo was the dunny And the pan man came in the night It wasn’t the least bit funny Going out the back with no light. The interesting items we perused From the newspapers cut into squares And hung on a peg in the out house It took little then to keep us amused. The clothes were boiled in the copper With plenty of rich foamy suds But the ironing seemed never ending As mum pressed everyone’s “duds”. I remember the slap on my backside And the taste of soap if I swore Anorexia and diets weren’t heard of And we hadn’t much choice what we wore. Do you think that bruised our ego? Or our initiative was quite destroyed We ate what was put on the table And I think our life was better enjoyed.

Let’s Get Social Look who’s geared up for


Time: 12.30 pm Lunch Place: Concordia Club (opposite Tempe Train Station) For: Peaky Members Partners and Friends Entry Fee: $15 - live band and folk dance

groups will be the entertainment. Menu: Entrees from $4 - $14 Mains from $15 - $29 Schnitzels from $20 - $24 Fish either $18 or $24 Vegetarian either $16 or $18 Desserts from $4 - $8.50 Menu details: www.concordiaclub.org.au

Saturday 25 November

Combined 25 Year Anniversary And Christmas

Nature calls

Peaky walkers have some wonderful experiences during our excursions and the natural environment is amongst the

favourites. Thanks to our keen shutterbugs who have shared their snaps with us.

A lizard, a snake and a beautiful flower amongst

the rocks taken by Julie during the Walk for Will


Brian captured this friend eyeing

off the hot cross buns in Oatley


This magnificent tree took Gail’s

fancy during the Spit to Manly


Carol K snapped these guests at our breakfast in Evatt Park

The Bush Telegraph

Sorry to hear you were unwell, CHERYL. Saturday 5th August had Gail supplying a beaut breakfast and as we delved into the basket of goodies we found there was no milk (black tea is now a favourite!) only one teaspoon between the lot of us, and one bread knife that became multi-purpose for buttering, layering golden syrup and whatever else it was needed for. What a flexible lot Peakies are – nothing phases them particularly when food

is involved, but appreciation of Cheryl’s organising skills certainly came to the

fore that morning.

Please stay healthy Cheryl - we can’t do without you!

Speaking of health …………..

Too close to the bone?

Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint. Both have trouble walking and appear to require a hip replacement. The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week. The SECOND patient sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment, then waits 8 weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray which isn’t reviewed for another week, and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.

Why the different treatment for the two patients? The FIRST is a Golden Retriever. The SECOND is a Senior Citizen. Next time, take me to a vet!!

Check out www.7bridgeswalk.com.au to register - Sunday 29th October, up to 28km from 7.30 am to 4.30 pm



Congratulations Jen Howard

Some of you will remember that way back when – 2008 actually – there was a ‘Walk Talk’ segment started in the newsletter. Sue Garcia was PO at that time and she felt it was a good opportunity for Peakies to share their ‘snippets of wisdom’ as it is a well-known fact that there is a wealth of information amongst members. Over the last nine years there have been numerous recommendations on good books, ‘cheap eats’ and ‘special occasion’ restaurants,

and recipes.

Here is another one to add. As warmer weather is just around the corner, try this frozen lemon cake.

Ingredients 4 eggs separated, 600mls whipping cream, 1 cup sugar, 2-3 lemons, approx 2 packages lady fingers (Di Leo Savoiardi from Woolies are a

good size and 1 pkt enough) ⅓ cup lemon juice and some lemon rind

Line a 23cm springform pan, firstly with baking paper and then lady fingers cut to fit sides of pan. Cut off pieces are scattered on base of pan.

Beat egg yolks, sugar, lemon rind and juice (use rind from 2 lemons, then squeeze for ⅓ cup juice). Beat egg whites and fold into mixture. Beat cream and fold into mixture. Pour mixture into pan and freeze. This is quite impressive when served whole. Any leftovers can be returned to the freezer and then served as individual slices with berries.


WOW – what a fabulous day was had by all. Fourteen Peakies joined Jen on a lovely sunny day, travelling by train then ferry to Chiswick for a mandatory morning coffee, then a walk along the foreshore to Abbotsford where a delicious lunch awaited us. The venue and table setting overlooking the water set the mood for some wine, some food and quite a few laughs. And then there was cake! (sparklers replaced all those candles) It was hard to drag ourselves away but we did. As no one was all that keen to finish up the day, there was another stopover at Circular Quay for coffee/tea scones and cream and more laughs that almost brought the house down. On leaving with apologies to the waiter for all that noise, he said it sounded like fun and he only wished he could have joined us.


Other half



In 2015 Maureen compiled a booklet of the recipes that Peakies had

contributed and this was sold for $5 as a charity fundraiser for the Cancer

Council. The recipes are many and varied – savoury and sweet – and there

are nine copies of these booklets still available. Please see Maureen and

grab one while you can.