lessons to be learned from the finnish school system

Several Lessons to Be Learned from the Finnish School System by Thomas The Internet has been abuzz since the release of “ What Makes Finnish Kids So Smart? ” by Ellen Gamerman of the Wall Street Journal. In essence, Finland teens are able to deliver the goods on international tests and now American educators have begun researching the Finnish system to see what tidbits they can glean. According to Gamerman, the differences between Finland and American education are enormous. High-school students rarely get more than a half-hour of homework a night in Finland. Furthermore, children don’t start school until they reach seven. Ther e are no classes for the gifted students and no recognition organizations for those who achieve. There is also little in the way of standardized testing. In other words, Finland educates its children with a model that is virtually the anti-thesis of what we do in America. Yet out of the 57 countries tested, Finland’s 15 -year-old students earned some of the highest scores in the world. Different Schools and Different Kids However, though school is different, it should be noted that Finnish youth appear to be very similar to their American counterparts in their teenage behaviors. According to Gamerman, they also “waste hours online, love sarcasm and listen to rap and heavy metal.” The difference is that these students are way ahead of their American counterparts in math, science and reading. At the same time, it must be noted that Finland as a country is nothing like America. It has its own language yet teachers encounter very few students who do not speak the language. In contrast, in America, one of every twelve American students is learning English. The people are far more homogeneous in terms of both income and education. Perhaps more importantly, there are no poor and no wealthy schools, each school educates children at the same per pupil rate. Perhaps that is one reason why the ga p between Finland’s highest performing and lowest performing schools was amongst the lowest of all 57 countries tested.

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Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System


Page 1: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

Several Lessons to Be Learned from the

Finnish School System

by Thomas

The Internet has been abuzz since the release of “What Makes Finnish Kids So Smart?” by

Ellen Gamerman of the Wall Street Journal. In essence, Finland teens are able to deliver the

goods on international tests and now American educators have begun researching the Finnish

system to see what tidbits they can glean.

According to Gamerman, the differences between Finland and American education are

enormous. High-school students rarely get more than a half-hour of homework a night in

Finland. Furthermore, children don’t start school until they reach seven. There are no classes for

the gifted students and no recognition organizations for those who achieve. There is also little in

the way of standardized testing.

In other words, Finland educates its children with a model that is virtually the anti-thesis of what

we do in America. Yet out of the 57 countries tested, Finland’s 15-year-old students earned some

of the highest scores in the world.

Different Schools and Different Kids However, though school is different, it should be noted that Finnish youth appear to be very

similar to their American counterparts in their teenage behaviors. According to Gamerman, they

also “waste hours online, love sarcasm and listen to rap and heavy metal.” The difference is that

these students are way ahead of their American counterparts in math, science and reading.

At the same time, it must be noted that Finland as a country

is nothing like America. It has its own language yet teachers encounter very few students who do

not speak the language. In contrast, in America, one of every twelve American students is

learning English.

The people are far more homogeneous in terms of both income and education. Perhaps more

importantly, there are no poor and no wealthy schools, each school educates children at the same

per pupil rate. Perhaps that is one reason why the gap between Finland’s highest performing and

lowest performing schools was amongst the lowest of all 57 countries tested.

Page 2: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

After examining the Finnish school system, there are at least three items that could be easily

applied to American schools despite the cultural and economic differences. Each of these three

also address the differing socioeconomic status in our country, providing a helping hand for

those with a desire to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Quality Pre-School for All

Kati Tuurala, Microsoft’s education manager in Finland, believes that a great deal of Finland’s

educational success can be attributed to major reforms implemented in the 1970s. Those reforms

included an emphasis on primary education for every single child in the country.

“That’s the reason for our present-day success,” Tuurala states.

In all three Scandinavian countries students begin formal schooling only at age seven, two years

after most American children begin school. However, prior to entering school, all children have

participated in a high-quality government funded preschool program. As opposed to a focus on

getting a jump academically, these early-childhood programs focus on self-reflection and social

behavior. It is interesting to note that one of the most notable attributes of Finnish children is

their level of personal responsibility. The early focus on self-reflection is seen as a key

component for developing that level of responsibility towards learning.

This approach also seems more in line with the original theory of kindergarten set forth in 1837

by German Educator Friedrich Froebel. His kindergarten, literally meaning a

“children’s garden,” was envisioned as a place and time where children could learn through play

opportunities. The writings of Froebel reveal these thoughts: “We notice that if children are not

given the care which takes their stage of human development into consideration, they will lack

the foundation for the task ahead in school and for their later lives in general.” He further wrote

“that the present and future living conditions of men and women of all social classes rest on the

careful consideration and rounded mental and physical care of early childhood.”

We noted in our recent post America’s Misplaced Priorities, the High/Scope Perry Pre-School

study that indicates the lifelong implications of children exposed to quality preschooling. Given

the broad socioeconomic status of our residents and the various views of education by parents

within that group, one of the best ways to homogenize American youngsters and help create a

new generation that values education is through such universal preschool programming.

We also noted in a prior post the anthropological viewpoint of Martin Haberman and a recent

study of 207 school-based programs designed to foster children’s social and emotional skills that

directly supports Haberman’s views. The four year study sponsored by the Chicago-based group

Page 3: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

CASEL, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, reveals that if the

teacher takes the time to teach students to better manage their emotions through the practice of

empathy, caring, and cooperation, there will not only be an improved social climate in the

classroom, student academic achievement levels also improve in the process.

Finland appears to focus on this process during the preschool years, a factor that leads to

exceptionally positive results later on. It is also the first step in eliminating socioeconomic

differences within the school setting.

Delineated High School While there is little grading and in essence no tracking in Finland, ninth grade does become a

divider for Finnish students. Students are separated for the last three years of high school based

on grades. Under the current structure, 53% will go to academic high school and the rest enter

vocational school.

Using that format, Finland has an overall high-school dropout rate of about 4%. Even at the

vocational schools the rate of 10% pummels America’s 25% high school drop out rate.

There is no silly “college for all” mantra and there certainly isn’t a push to have all students sit

through a trigonometry class if that is not relevant to the student. More importantly, there is also

no negative connotation to the concept of vocational school.

We noted previously the writings of Charles Murray in an earlier post, Too Many Americans Are

Going to College, that far too many people see such training as second class while college is

thought of as first class. Julie Walker, executive director of the American Association of School

Librarians, notes the obvious student responsibility results at this juncture.

While “the U.S. holds teachers accountable for teaching” in Finland “they hold the students

accountable for learning.”

Perhaps more importantly, there is a realization of the realistic academic potential of the entire

student population. As Murray notes in another article, “Half of all children are below average,

and teachers can do only so much for them.”

Most educators cringe upon hearing such a statement given an inherent belief that they can make

a difference in the life of a child. But Murray does not contest that thought. Instead he focuses on

the fact that there are limitations to innate intelligence.

Murray’s opinion, and we concur, is that more American students should examine the option of

vocational education/training. Notes Murray, finding a lawyer or physician is relatively easy but

finding a plumber, carpenter or other qualified tradesman in America actually tends to be far

more difficult.

Page 4: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

Such a push would again begin the process of leveling the socioeconomic playing field by giving

every young adult a meaningful trade or vocational opportunity at a minimum.

Free Higher Education All that said, perhaps the most positive aspect may have nothing to do with what takes place at

the traditional school age level at all. Instead, it may well have everything to do with Finland’s

approach to higher education.

In Finland, there are 20 universities which are owned and largely funded by the Finnish

government. University studies are available to all students though students are selected based on

the results of entrance exams. Most importantly, theses schools are free to students.

In addition, in Finland, another set of higher education institutions called polytechnics is

available, again for free. These schools offer a very close link to working life with a focus on

developing expert skills for various different vocational sectors. The entrance requirement for

entering a polytechnic is that a student must have passed the traditional academic high school

matriculation exam or have completed their initial vocational qualification.

Whereas higher education in Finland levels the socioeconomic playing field, higher education in

America currently exacerbates existing social disparities and inequalities. In America, a parent’s

income becomes a key component of the higher education process. Therefore, a parents’ social

class is a significant predictor of participation in higher education. While it is possible for some

very bright children to escape their social and economic situations, higher education in America

today tends to perpetuate the socioeconomic stratification that currently exists.

Three Possibilities Each of the aforementioned areas would seem to be a potential catalyst for significant change in

American education. Unfortunately, none of these is consistent with any of the recent

governmental education changes implemented here.

In fact, our most recent attempt at creating a similar catalyst towards improving education, our

legislation known as the No Child Left Behind Act, stands as a truly oppressive act when

compared to the steps taken by Finland. Whereas both countries indicate a desire to have a

highly educated workforce, the government of Finland has created a true system of opportunity

whereby its citizens can in fact join that workforce.

Photo of Finnish student by Ekurvine.


1 Theo Polk { 03.31.08 at 4:03 pm }

I would like to receive more info. regarding homework for our children and how to make

it more appealing to them once they enter higher education.

2 GreySwan { 05.15.08 at 11:18 pm }

Page 5: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

I wanted to save you the trouble: Finnish students do well because the students are

genetically smarter than the students in America. Thats it. There school system is so-so,

but the students are great. To make it simpler, here is an estimated average IQ by Race.

Blacks – 85

Hispanics – 92

Caucasians – 100 (Up to 107 in certain countries)

East Asians – 100-110

Jews – 115

Brahmins – 115

Thats it. The US has more blacks and hispanics so we do worse. Asia does well because

there are more Asians (who are smarter).

Ahh, to think how much money and misery I have just saved you.


3 WhiteSwan { 06.04.08 at 11:45 pm }

RE: GreySwan

There is a problem with your premise of Race. If you are to examine a person’s genetic

lineage through DNA testing, you would find that most people (except for extremely

isolated communities) especially in the USA have a very mixed background. The concept

of Race simply if a farce in the genetic sense. However if you examine different cultures,

you will find that learning is not treated the same way. “Jews” and Asians both have

strong learning ethos. While in my estimation, the “Blacks” and “Hispanics” in the US as

a whole do not.

The problem is then cultural, which is a hard fix.

4 dstorre { 06.05.08 at 8:47 pm }

Tests of intelligence are as often as not tests of what communities do to the minds of their

people. We know that IQ’s can be improved by better surroundings. A generally low test

score, therefore, in any part of the country and among large numbers of its inhabitants,

may merely reveal that in that region society is an enemy of its people.

H.A. Overstreet

maybe the problem is not race or culture, but a racist society that propagates a white

power structure. In the article they mention that class, not iq, predicts college entry. Thus,

does iq matter?

5 BlueMoon { 06.06.08 at 1:01 am }

Page 6: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

So sick of these Europe vs USA comparisons… when Europe has the levels of diversity

that the USA experiences, they too will experience dropping test scores. Step into the

average American school and you will find disparity in achievement based on race.

Attribute it to whatever you wish, it’s there, and it’s real.

6 amandaaa { 06.06.08 at 10:58 am }

to further what bluemoon said, these european countries don’t have the land mass or the

population that the us has, either. it’s much like compparing the state of say,

massachusetts with the us as a whole- only if they had been left completely to their own

devices. not to say the article isn’t interesting or worthwhile- it is worth looking at what


7 mandinchka { 06.08.08 at 11:51 am }

There is a sizable Swedish minority in Finland that the original article does not address.

8 Petul { 06.11.08 at 4:20 am }

mandinchka, yes you’re right there is a Swedish minority with arounf 200 000 people in

Finland. However they attend their own school where teaching is in swedish. I know this

because I’m a part of this minority and have just finished ninth grade. It’s really fun

reading this kind of articles. thx

I’ll gladly answer questions about the school system from a students perspecitve, just

contact me at me email [email protected]

9 Jonesin { 06.13.08 at 2:17 pm }

The US also has a larger per capita number of guns in schools I’m sure. That is not

strictly an ethnic concern. Any country that idolizes 50 cent for gettin’ shot 9 times has

cultural problems.

10 anon { 06.19.08 at 3:29 pm }

It is not a matter of ‘race’ or genetic differences that determine the overall lower IQ’s of

many minorities in the USA, GreySwan. These lower IQ’s are a by-product of the very

socio-economic differences that the current American education system tends to

exacerbate. Furthermore, the role of organizing education is largely relegated to the

individual states, so the geographic/population differences between the US and European

countries is somewhat less relevant. One of the many larger problems that we have is a

cultural disdain of “elitism” and “academia” in general. Look at your school boards

America! They are full of people WITHOUT a college degree, let alone a degree in the

field of education. In fact Margaret Spellings, the current Secretary of Education for the

US Department of Education and one of the principle authors of ‘No Child Left Behind’,

Page 7: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

NEVER even worked as an educator or any other area associated with child

development! Her main qualification was simply being another administration crony.

11 Martin { 06.23.08 at 9:40 am }

I would guess its very hard to learn in a school that isn’t socialy integrated. Learning is a

communication of ideas, hence if the students have are exposed to prejeduce’s learning is

going to be retarded because there won’t be a free exchange of ideas

12 Cornel { 06.24.08 at 7:59 am }

There is another issue with IQ tests. Most of them are favoring a certain group of

individuals. The first IQ tests that were created showed a high unbalance between males

and females, and they have been recalibrated (initial test subjects were Caucasians). But

after noticing that there are differences between races, the test creators only assumed that

such an event is normal and did not recalibrate the tests.

All in all, I am not very confident that above presented IQ statistics really show the true

distribution of intelligence. Furthermore, there are several types of IQ tests. The main

types are the ones that require some prerequisite knowledge and tests that don’t requires

such knowledge. This can also influence the results.

13 Donald Kaspersen { 06.24.08 at 8:42 pm }

Part of the problem of dividing students before high school into two different tracks is

that it requires one to believe that middle school grades reflect the potential of all

students. It also requires the dividing of students by educators be without bias and that

parents believe them to be so.

Finland has two major cultural groups – Finns and Swedes, peopel that have been living

with close association for centuries in societies that, for the most part, have cultural

norms that include inter-cultural respect.

I have worked with a man who was raised in another European country known for the

quality of people they turn out and which also have a tracking system, but the cultural

norms were different. His father was killed in Normany, and, his mother having no

personal skills, was forced to take in other people’s wash to survive. Despite his

brilliance, the people in charge of tracking students determine that it would never do to

send a washer-woman’s son on to a university. He has the equivilent of a community

college education and has outshone doctors of chemistry I have known.

It is simplistic to think that you can adapt the European system to America. Do you really

think that minorities, if they are found in greater numbers in the non-academic track are

going to stand for it. The politics is completely unworkable here. When we are not

measuring by money earned, we are measuring meritocratically.

Page 8: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

And it will not only be minorities that will complain. The American dream for those who

have come to this country from Europe is that one generation, or perhaps two, will work

in service and blue collar jobs so that another can enter the American university system.

If a tracking system tends to extend the generations that it takes for families to get their

college graduates, their doctors, their lawyers, their teachers, their business people, they

will yell loud and long. State legislatures and Congress will buckle. If you think that the

cry against elitism is bad now, just wait.

New York City had more students in a vocational track when I was a student decades

ago. While the structures survive, it seems to me, having worked six years in the ’90s in a

vocational highschool, the number of students that were involved in skills that would

improve the economics of their generation from the previous one was lower.

If educators behind ivy-covered walls pine for the Finnish system, that is harmful,

because our society will have to come up with another model to work for our far more

ethnically complex society.

14 Ryan { 07.04.08 at 2:49 am }

Okay, so who, in particular, is the author of this article? The lack of ownership is no

accident. Whoever wrote this knows very little about education and even less about

forming a valid argument around a decent thesis.

You (the author) make some good points along the way, but your three “suggestions”

lack any real justification based on any significant findings in [the Swedish study]. Just

about every fallacy in forming a good argument is included in this post. This is sad,

because your motivation seems pure. I just wish more intelligent people would receive

attention over tripe such as this.

15 lucklucky { 07.25.08 at 10:09 pm }

Well i would expect from someone that talks about education to not have a sloppy

discurse: “Free Higher Education”

Education is not free, there are many resources being diverted to it that could be in other

places. “Tax Based Education” would be much more correct.

16 GreySwan { 08.18.08 at 3:23 pm }

It is true that there is much racial admixture in the US. E.G. Half Blacks/Half Whites

have an IQ ~94 — Just what you might expect. The reason blacks in the US are so much

smarter than in africa is because they are ~20% white. This has nothing to do with

‘socioeconomic status’, its the other way around. That is why Chinese are successful in

EVERY country in the world they go to.

17 cmagalhy rivera { 10.28.08 at 8:41 pm }

Page 9: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

This information is so true and so wonderful. I ‘m a retired teacher in Puerto Rico and

will take this information to my school. It is important to start making changes that really

do work! Thank you.

18 sadsas { 01.13.09 at 9:18 pm }

America is stupid even though i am an American i can still admit it is true

19 Spanish teacher { 05.01.09 at 11:41 am }

Lets take all the accountability out of the hands of students, blame it on race, money,

culture and IQ, and then test them on how “they learn” and see the results… Does anyone

else see the problem here?!?!?! Americans just don’t want to be accountable!!!

20 joe { 05.23.09 at 1:17 am }

This is why I homeschool.

21 jeanine { 06.28.09 at 12:11 am }

“There are no classes for the gifted students and no recognition organizations for those

who achieve. There is also little in the way of standardized testing.”

This sounds like the reason they have free university education…there may be a lack of

grants/scholarships to be had is academic achievement is not celebrated by organizations

there. Standardized tests, unfortunately, influence a student’s access to those

scholarships. Without financial aid, it would seem impossible for many students to afford


22 Doug { 07.20.09 at 12:53 pm }

First of all there are some “read between the lines” racists commenting here. I would

argue that our IQ tests and our standardized tests are deliberately designed to make the

WASP culture look more intelligent. They are biased and that’s that. I think the only

people who will argue this point are the WASPs.

NCLB is not at all about the students. It is there to intentionally try to break up the largest

union in the country. The NEA. Look at the facts. What happens to a school that does not

meet or exceed on state standardized tests(which supposedly by 2012 must be 100% of

all students)? After a couple of year of “failure” the Feds can come in and fire everyone

and start over. Anyone that understands tenure knows that even the administrators in a

school have a difficult time letting go of a tenured teacher who slipped through the

system even if they are horrible at the job. Why? The Union will support them no matter


Page 10: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

Responsibility is also a great factor here. Americans have become a nation of people who

cannot take responsibility for their own actions. We are all “sue happy”. If someone falls

down on the sidewalk in front of my house I somehow become responsible. I didn’t push

them down. They were not paying attention. Take responsibility. Having worked in the

public school system for the last 12 years, I have seen this lack of personal responsibility

over and over again. It is never the student or parents fault something happens. It is

always someone else s fault. This is also why we are depriving our students of using

technology in the classrooms. We are afraid that a student might cyber bully another

student and the school will be held accountable. Why isn’t the student who did the

bullying held accountable? I do not believe that European schools face this problem

because they teach personal responsibility early on.

I think it is brilliant that they don’t start academics until kids are 7. I think that a child’s

dislike of school comes from the fact that at 5 we are insisting that they become fluent

readers. Kindergarten is the new 1st grade in this country. It is a researched fact that some

kids will read very early while some will not fully get it until the end of second grade or

early third. In American schools by that time they are tagged and labeled as slow or

learning disabled and thus “left behind”. And finally, as someone above commented no

education is free. However, giving people a chance to educate themselves without going

into massive debt will also increase the number of people that are actually contributing to

society and paying taxes. People are always complaining about where there tax money is

going. This is an example of how that money would be useful and in turn create more

money that would help the country.

23 Leslie { 06.23.10 at 8:55 pm }

I believe it is useful to understand how the country is different but also how we are

operating in a global market; therefore, comparing international education standards is

important. First Finland has worked for 35 years on improving their education, second

there teachers are repsected and treated with dignity, the teacher preparation program is

free and is highly competitive with only 15% of candidates accepted into the 3-year

program. They also have not watered down their curriculum and fuzzied to focus with

high-stakes standardized tests. In addtion, schools are funded equally – and in the US that

does not happen. Diversity is in all countries – check the facts people. And for Joe —

Homeschooling in many countries is outlawed – and probably for good reason.

24 Leslie { 06.23.10 at 9:01 pm }

Doug – check the ED Code Principals can remove teachers and can do this quiet easily if

they follow the steps – teachers not doing their jobs should be fired and Principals need to

do their jobs. The system might have flaws but random firing because of a Principal’s

personal agenda would hurt everyone. Careful what you wish for.

I agree with the idea of starting school later, students who start later will do better for a

myriad of reasons – emotional, physical, and intellectual.

25 ferridder { 07.25.10 at 6:37 am }

Page 11: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

jeanine: You have the cart before the horse in two ways in a single paragraph:

With free education, there is no need for scholarships (Finland has universal state-funded


Standardized tests are supposedly intended to measure and improve the learning of

students, but lead to “teaching to the test”. Better to have an inherent focus on learning,


Donald: The US has by far the lowest social mobility of western countries. Enough said.

26 Brandy { 08.14.10 at 11:07 pm }

Leslie – It’s clear that the extent of your knowledge of the Finnish state school system

comes from a single article (I know, because I’ve read the same article several times, and

you are quoting almost verbatim).

You’ve stated that teachers who don’t do their job effectively should be fired – well, I

completely agree. But as a parent whose children have, collectively, attended 16 years of

public school in the U.S., I can tell you that it is rare for this to happen. I have literally

dozens of examples, but in one instance, my child had a teacher that would HIT students

on top of the head with her pointer! This was in a public school in Ojai, CA. She also did

things like leave the kids unattended for long periods of times (these were 6 year olds),

which is also illegal in CA. Many, many complaints later, she still had her job. And like I

said, this is just one example where a teacher we dealt with should have been fired – it

simply doesn’t happen when it should.

We eventually resorted to homeschooling our children. I’ve studied the Finnish core

curriculum and common practices and can say from personal experience that their model

is similar to what we feel makes our own homeschool so successful. Clearly, you know

very little about homeschooling, or you would not promote the idea that it is illegal in

many countries “for good reason”. Actually, the main reason homeschooling is illegal in

some countries is very much about governmental control, and not education at all.

Know what you are talking about before insulting others.

27 opiskelija { 08.20.10 at 3:38 am }

Studies and degrees

At universities students can study for lower (Bachelor’s) and higher (Master’s) degrees

and scientific or artistic postgraduate degrees, which are the licentiate and the doctorate.

It is also possible to study specialist postgraduate degrees in the medical fields.

In the two-cycle degree system students first complete the Bachelor’s degree, after which

they may go for the higher, Master’s degree. As a rule, students are admitted to study for

the higher degree. Universities also arrange separate Master’s programmes with separate

student selection, to which the entry requirement is a Bachelor’s level degree or

corresponding studies.

Page 12: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

Studies are quantified as credits (ECTS). One year of full-time study corresponds to 60

credits. The extent of the Bachelor’s level degree is 180 credits and takes three years. The

Master’s degree is 120 credits, which means two years of full-time study on top of the

lower degree. In some fields, such as Medicine, the degrees are more extensive and take

longer to complete.

The system of personal study plans will facilitate the planning of studies and the

monitoring of progress in studies and support student guidance and counselling.

University postgraduate education aims at a doctoral degree. In addition to the required

studies, doctoral students prepare a dissertation, which they defend in public. The

requirement for postgraduate studies is a Master’s or corresponding degree.

Universities select their students independently and entrance examinations are an

important part of the selection process.

An admitted student may only accept one student place in degree education in a given

academic year. The aim is to simplify student selection procedures by means of a joint

universities application system to be introduced in the 2008/2009 academic year.

Universities also offer fee-charging continuing education and open university instruction,

which do not lead to qualifications but can be included in a undergraduate or

postgraduate degree.

28 Kennie { 09.30.10 at 9:34 pm }

I was enjoying this article! It shows the differences between our schools well and shows

that there are changes that need to b made. However, the person who wrote this…needs

to get a reality check. I’m sixteen years old. And I HATE the way you look upon

teenagers so stereotypicaly. We’re not ALL the same! We dont all spend countless hour

listening to rap music or heavy metal. Some of us try to carry our weight in society. And

with all due respect…you must spent a lot of time on the interent having written this

article and probably more. You are a loser and one of the lowest forms of a human being

in the world and you need to change your attitude towards people! Because some of us

make due with the life we are given. But people like you spend there time acting like they

know EVERYONE in the world. Get A LIFE!

29 Tony Tavares { 12.02.10 at 4:34 pm }

Part of the success of the Finnish education system is related to a emphasis on equality

and the provision of equitable supports, as well as a strong child care and early childhood

education system.

In addition, as some of the other comments suggest, the Finnish system offers support for

the three official languages of Finland and other minority languages, as this quote from a

2004 Finnish government document on early childhood and early child care (ECEC)

demonstrates. See http://pre20090115.stm.fi/cd1106216815326/passthru.pdf

Page 13: Lessons to Be Learned From the Finnish School System

“ECEC-system consists of municipal and private services.

Municipalities must offer day care in the official

languages of Finland: Finnish, Swedish and Sàmi. Day

care should also support the language and culture of

speakers of Romany and children of immigrant background.”

30 Teacher { 12.08.10 at 6:36 pm }

All of you are talking using very little facts and haven’t researched either side of the

argument extensively and that will include myself. What I do know is that this is what is

working in Finland and since our country wants to be NUMBER ONE why aren’t we

looking that the countries that are ahead of us and how their education is ran. If you look

at the following article you will see that in Singapore they are very successful as well and

use the complete opposite approach.


The key is that they VALUE education whereas the US values only one thing and that is

MONEY. Now as an educator in the US I know what we are doing is not working and the

philosophy of every child should be college bound is not realistic. I have 18 year old

students who are still in the 9th grade not doing anything but disrupting the learning of

those who want to learn. I believe kids should start school at age 7. I also think in the US,

because of our diversities, students should be given choice to at the age of 16 (which is

the age of the students who are in grade 9 in Finland) if they want to continue on a

college bound track or start learning a trade to be productive citizens in our society. This

would better prepare our students for college who want to be college bound and those

who want to learn a trade and start working. Plenty more research needs to be done on

what is working and why.

31 Mike { 12.26.10 at 10:05 am }

I think it would be a great idea to follow numerous school systems over seas, but it coud

never work in our countrydue to the seperation of academic and vocational students at the

ninth grade level based on grades, I think the organizations like the ACLU wuld have a

field day wtih that,and stop it dead in its track, no matter how great the benefit.