lessons on satellite meteorology part vii: metop introduction to metop instruments the sounders with...

Lessons on Satellite Meteorology Part VII: Metop Introduction to Metop Instruments The sounders with focus on IASI The GRAS instrument The ASCAT scatterometer The EARS retransmission system SEVIRI BEL archive

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Lessons on Satellite MeteorologyPart VII: Metop

Introduction to MetopInstrumentsThe sounders with focus on IASIThe GRAS instrumentThe ASCAT scatterometerThe EARS retransmission systemSEVIRI BEL archive

Metop satellite

− European contribution to the IJPS (Initial Join Polar System)

− Replace the NOAA morning orbit satellite

− Metop orbit in 102 minutes

− Payload of instruments coming from Europe and US.

− Metop-A launched October 2006 − Now fully operational but…− Exception for the HRPT (High Resolution Picture Transmission) retransmission system

RMIB HRPT antenna

Metop instruments

GOME/2 ?

The sounding instruments: IASI, MHS, AMSU-A1 & -A2, HIRS/4

Atmospheric profiles

assimilation in NWP

Atmospheric chimistry

Precipitation estimate

Soil temperature

IASI: the Infrared Atmospherique Sounding Interferometer

(15.5µm) (3.62µm)

IASI level 2 (geophysical products)

TWT: temperature and water vapour atmospheric profiles + surface skin temperature (90 levels)

OZO: ozone “profiles” (currently 4 layers)

TRG : trace gases (CO, CH4, N2O, CO2)

EMS: surface emissivity (12 wavelengths)

CLP: cloud parameters

IASI observations over Belgium (17 Nov. 2007)

selected pixel

Observations at 9:18 and 20:45 UTC (+ some at 10:58 UTC)

IASI Level 1data for the selected pixel

Level 2 for this pixel

Temperature profile

Humidity profile

IASI for atmospheric chimistry(including at IASB/BIRA)

GRAS – GPS Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding

Level 1 available +/- 500 occultations/day

Spatial resolution: +/- 300km

Level 2 processing by the GRAS SAF. Availability in April 2008.

Usage:Assimilation in NWP

Climate monitoring (transfer troposphere <-> stratosphere)

ASCAT, the Advanced Scatterometer

Active radar sensing of the ocean surface wind

C-band, 5.2555 GHz

12.5 km

KNMI processing (OSI SAF)

Assimilated at ECMWF since July 2007

Day-2 products: soil humidity (TU Wien)

Using ASCAT to cross the ITCZ during the Jacques Vabre transat (Le Havre to Salvador de Bahia)

Metop products

EUMETSAT products:


SAF products:

GRAS SAF: atmospheric profiles

OZONE: total ozone, ozone profile, NO2, UV index from GOME-2

Nowcasting: cloud and precipitation from AVHRR + AMSU

OSI: surface wind (ASCAT), sea ice, SST, ocean surf. Radiation,

LSA: soil humidity (ASCAT), …

EARS: the EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission system for Metop/NOAA

Summary of part II -- Metop

Metop data already assimilated at ECMWF (IASI, ASCAT)

Improvement in southern hemisphere

Large panel of products based on different sensing techniques

Not very efficient for nowcasting in Northern countries due to HRPT problems

Activation of redundant HRPT non before 2008