lesson plan model

Lesson Plan Model Date: May, 7 th 2009 Level: 2 nd Grade High School Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes: To learn and apply the use of Second Conditional Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 75) Introduction Role calling Motivation Core of the class Pre-stage Introduce second conditional. While-stage Students compare contents. Post-stage Activities Check the answers Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye Time 10 min 10 min 15 min 5 min 5 min Comments Greet the students. Call the row. Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session. The teacher introduces the Second Conditional. Each student writes on their copybooks examples where the second conditional is presented. Students compare between first and second conditional. Students look and choose the correct rule to form the second conditional. Students read five opinions using second conditional. They are asked if they agree or disagree. Students complete six sentences using the second conditional with words from a box. Check new contents from the class Send homework: students will complete five sentences with their ideas using second conditional. Ex: If computer games were cheaper, I’d buy them more

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Page 1: Lesson Plan Model

Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 7th 2009

Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes: To learn and apply the use of Second Conditional

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 75)

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Introduce second conditional.

While-stageStudents compare contents.

Post-stageActivities Check the answers

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


10 min

10 min

15 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the row.Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session.

The teacher introduces the Second Conditional.Each student writes on their copybooks examples where the second conditional is presented.

Students compare between first and second conditional.Students look and choose the correct rule to form the second conditional.Students read five opinions using second conditional. They are asked if they agree or disagree.

Students complete six sentences using the second conditional with words from a box.

Check new contents from the classSend homework: students will complete five sentences with their ideas using second conditional. Ex:If computer games were cheaper, I’d buy them more often.

Say good bye.

Dia del alumno (11 de mayo)

Lesson Plan Model

Page 2: Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 13th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn new vocabulary about the internet. To understand a reading about websites. To give opinions about magazines and website.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 77), radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Check the homeworkSpeaking

While-stageNew vocabularyReading

Post- stage Activities




10 min

10 min

15 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session.

Homework is checkedSpeaking: in pairs students read and compare theirs opinions from the homework.

Students learn new vocabulary about the Internet.Internet Quiz: students match sentences halves 1-8 and

a- h, from the box.

Reading: “Websites” Pre – reading: Talk about favorite websites While- reading: Skim reading “Websites” what’s the reading about?Students give points to the websites read according how much they liked them. Post- readingStudents read the text again and extract information on which websites would they find things like: a magazine, reviews, a sort section, MP3s.

Students underline expressions about the future, first and second conditionals in the text.

Check new contents from the classAnswer questions and doubts Say good bye.

Page 3: Lesson Plan Model

Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye

Post-stagePlan a website.

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye

Listening “Websites”Students listen to Kate, Carol and Emma talking about computers and the internet. Students match names 1-3 with words a-c.Students complete the end of 6 the sentences according to the listening.

Students listen again and they check their answers.

Writing: Mind maps.Students look an example of a website designed by Sarah.Students complete her mind map with some words from a box.Students order parts of Sarah’s website.

Students learn some useful expressions for writing a description about websites.Students write a description of their favorite website.

Students compare between first and second conditional.Students look and choose the correct rule to form the second conditional.Students read five opinions using second conditional. They are asked if they are agree or disagree.

Students complete six sentences using the second conditional with words from the box.

Check new contents from the class, say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 4: Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 14th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes: To learn Mind maps To write a description about Websites Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book (page 75)

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Remember “websites” reading.

While-stageListening Writing

Post-stageDescription of a website

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


10 min

10 min

15 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the row.Explain students what the teacher is going to do in the session.

Students continue working on “websites”.Students remember the previous reading and answer some questions

Listening “Websites”Students listen to Kate, Carol and Emma talking about computers and the internet. Students match names 1-3 with words a-c.Students complete the end of 6 the sentences according to the listening.Students listen again and they check their answers.

Writing: Mind maps.Students look an example of a website designed by Sarah.Students complete her mind map with some words from a box.Students order parts of Sarah’s website.Students learn some useful expressions for writing a description about websites.

Students write a description of their favorite website

Check new contents from the classAnswer questions and doubts Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 5: Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 18th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To take the test Unit 7 “Microchip Magic” Reading Comprehension

Resources: whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Explanation the test



Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


10 min

5 min

45 min

15 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the row.Explain students what the teacher is going to take the test.

Teacher explains the test.

Students answer the test.

Reading: “Magazines” Pre- reading

Students talk about favorite magazines. While-reading

Students read the reviews and answer some questions about the text.Students listen the story

Post-reading Check the answers and some students read the reading.

Answer questions and doubts Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 6: Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 20th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn new vocabulary about rules. Legal and illegal. To check the pronunciation of the new vocabulary To understand a reading called “ Banned”

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Rule’s vocabulary

While-stageReading “Banned”


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


10 min

10 min

25 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the row.Explain students the start of the new unit called Rules.Students start unit 8 page 79.

Students look 10 words which have relation with rules.Students looking some pictures guess the meaning. Then listen and repeat the words.Students decide and write which words should be legal or illegal.

Reading: “banned” Pre- listening

Students talk about the Society’s rules. For example, for them Which things result legal and illegal?

While- reading Students read quickly “banned”.Students talk what does the reading is about.Students listen the reading. And they put in order five sentences.Students read the text again and they answer six questions.

Post- reading Check the answers.Students make a list of words unknown for them. Some students read reading.

Homework:Student at home look in a dictionary the list of new words.

Answer questions and doubts Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 7: Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 25th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To understand and answer question about “Banned”. Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Test



Closing Good bye


10 min

55 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students that the teacher is going to take the Reading Test and after the test teacher will continue with “Banned”.

Students answer the Reading Test, called The Elephant Man.

Students check the homework.

Say Good Bye.

Miercoles 27: alumnos ausentes fueron a ver una obra de teatro.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 8: Lesson Plan Model

Date:May, 28th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn Can, Could and Be allowed to. To use Can and Could.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, photocopies, power point, data, computer, audiovisual room.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Explanation: Permission

While-stageCan and could


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

15 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students what the teacher is going to explain about permission.

Students extract sentences (from the Banned) where can, could and be allowed to are presented in the text. They write them in their copybooks.Students translate and understand the meaning of those sentences.Teacher explains that can, could and be allowed to are used to talk about permission

Students read again the sentences and compare between them.Teacher explains the rule of can and its present and past forms.Students write a box with the rules for the use of can, could

Can / could + verb, without To

Students write new sentences to understand better the use of can and could.

Students look Banned again and complete a table applying the rule learnt for permission. They complete the sentence with the correct form. Students work on a extra photocopy where they have to complete a crossword with vocabulary of legal and illegal, then they look some information about the difference between soccer and American football. They have to complete six sentences using can and could.

Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model video

Page 9: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 1st 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn and use Be allowed to. To learn the pronunciation of can and could.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, power point, data, computer, radio, Cd, audiovisual room.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review can and could.

While-stageBe allowed to


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

40 min

20 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students that the teacher is going to continue with Permission.

Review past content, use of can and could in present and past forms.Students remember some sentences extracted from “Banned” where Be allowed was present.

Students remember verb To Be forms.Teacher explains the use of Be allowed to and it’s affirmative and negative forms, present and past forms too.Students lean the rule of Be allowed to:

Be allowed to + verbPronunciation.Students listen and repeat can, could and were.

Listening: students complete a paragraph with the correct form of Be allowed to. Then listen and check.Students write sentences about themselves with words from the box using can / can’t, could / couldn’t and be allowed to.Ex: When I was fourteen. I couldn’t stay out after midnight.

Listening: PronunciationStudents listen and repeat pairs of sentences where can, could, was and were appear.

Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 10: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 3rd 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To use can, can’t, could, couldn’t and Be allowed to. Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review listening

While-stageReview Permission


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

5 min

20 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students that the teacher is going to continue with Permission.

Listening: Students listen and repeat some phrases. They have to choose A or B according what they listened.

Students review past content. Use of can, could and Be allowed to.Students make some exercises to review and reinforce the content on Permission.

Working in pairs, students ask and answer questions about item 5.Ex:When you were fourteen, could you stay after midnight?

Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 11: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 4th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To use can, can’t, could, couldn’t and Be allowed to. To understand a reading.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review Permission

While-stage“Strict or soft?” reading

Post-stage Speaking

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

5 min

20 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students what the teacher will do in the session.

Students review past content. Use of can, could and Be allowed to.

Reading: “Strict or soft?” (Questionnaire) Pre-reading:

Students talk about their own situation with their parents about permission and rules at home.

While-reading:Students read “Strict or soft? And do the questionnaire according theirselves opinions.

Post-reading:Students share their results with the rest of the class.Teacher gives them their category (soft or strict) according to their own results from the reading.

Different students read “Strict or soft?” again.Students talk and share opinions about the previous activity.

Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye.

Lunes 8 no hay clases por jornada SIMCE

Lesson Plan Model

Page 12: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 10th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn obligation: have to and must.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Exploring Obligation

While-stageHave To and Must

Post-stage Exercises

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

20 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Explain students that they will learn “Obligation” in the session.

Students write some sentences from “Strict or Soft” where Have to and Must appear.Students read the sentences and understand the meaning for Have to and Must.

Students learn that Have To and Must are used to talk about Obligation.Students learn the use of Have / Has To according to the pronouns.Students learn the affirmative form for Have / Has To and MustStudents read again some examples about Have To from the reading.Students learn Must and its negative form Mustn’t. Students read some examples from “Strict or Soft” to understand better them.

Students work on an extra material where Have To and Must are worked. If Students don’t finish the activity, they will continue it at their home.

Review of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye.

Lesson Plan Model

Page 13: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 11th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To use obligation: have to and must. To learn and use the negative form for Have To. (no obligation).

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book., data móvil, computer.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review Obligation

While-stage No Obligation


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

20 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains that she continues working on “Obligation” in the session.

Students check the homework.Students remember and make a revision about the previous session Obligation.

Now, students pay special attention on the negative form for Have To: “Don’t / doesn’t have To”.Students read some examples from the reading to understand better them.Students learn differences between Mustn’t and Haven’t To. Students understand that they will use the negative form of Have To, when there is no Obligation.Students write the rule for Must and Have To.Rule:Must and mustn’t express an obligation.Haven’t / hasn’t is used where there is no obligation.Students write some examples.

Students rainforest the new content doing an exercise. They have to choose the correct form of Obligation to complete the paragraph about Kim and Mark’s parents.Students work on an extra material where all the content about Obligation is checked.

Check the activity and revision of the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 14: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 15th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn vocabulary about Households and objects. To learn contrast: However, Although, But and on the other hand.

Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio. Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review Obligation

While-stageHouseholds’ vocabulary.Student’s obligations.


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

50 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains what she will do in the session.

Students make last revision about Obligation.

Students learn new vocabulary about households and objects.Students match some objects with the tasks from a box.Students write true sentences with affirmatives and negatives forms of Have To. Ex:I don’t have to wash my clothes.Speaking: Students work in pairs asking and answering questions with expressions. They have to use the new vocabulary. ReadingStudents read “ Delighted Schoolgirl wins battle to wear trousers”Students answer true or false.Listening: Students listen to three boys about where they go to the school. Then answer some questions.

Students work on a extra activities using the new vocabulary learnt.

Check the activity and revision of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 15: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 17th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To learn and use contrast: However, Although, But and on the other hand. Resources: whiteboard, markers, student’s English book, radio. Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review previous session

While-stageExpressing Contrast.

Post-stageTotal revision: Unit 8.

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

5 min


10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains what she will do in the session.

Students make are revision about the previous session.

Students underline in the previous reading words that express contrast.Students learn: However, Although, But and On the other hand.Students translate 4 sentences to understand better the words that express contrast.Students look at Ruben’s ideas for new school rules. They match 1-4 with a-d.

Students work on Progress check 8, here students will remember all the contents learnt on this unit.

Check the activity and revision of the content learnt in the session. Answer questions and doubts.Say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 16: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 18th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To apply all the contents learnt in Unit 8 Resources: pen and two sheets for the test

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage



Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


4 min

40 min

1 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains the test.

Students answer the Test.

Say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 17: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 22nd 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To ask where things are in formal and informal way. To learn how to describe things. (size, shape, look like, made of) To learn how to describe uses To learn prepositions and adjectives.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Asking in formal and informal way.

While-stageDescribing things


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

30 min

30 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the session.

Students learn two forms about how to ask where things areWhere is / are the copy paper (s)? It’s / they’re on the shelf (informal)Students remember To Be verbDo you know where my notebook(s) is / are?It’s / they’re on the top shelf between the printer and the papers(formal)

Students learn how to describe things considering: Size, shape and look like.

What size is it? / What shape is it? / What does it look like?It’s big/ small ...It’s round, wide, oval, etc..It’s a long, narrow, flat thing.

Made ofWhat’s it made of? It’s made o f plastic

Uses What is it used for? It’s used for opening doors

Students practice in pairs the different forms for asking with a vocabulary given by the teacher.

Ask for questions, say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 18: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 24th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To remember forms for asking and describing things. To learn vocabulary about office’s objects.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review forms for asking

While-stageOffice’s vocabulary


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

10 min

10 min

10 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the session.

Students remember the forms about how to ask, describe and uses for things.

Students write and learn a list of objects that they can find in an office.Students check the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

Students work in pairs and practice using the new vocabulary

Ask for questions Teacher gives the students the test and check them with students Say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 19: Lesson Plan Model

Date:June , 25th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To ask where things are, using informal way. Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review previous session

While-stageAsking where things are (formal and informal)

Post-stageComplete a chart.

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

15 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the session.

Students looking their photocopies remember the informal way to ask where things are.Students remember and review the vocabulary about Office

Listening and speaking Practice Students listen an example where a boy helps to a friend with his homework. Then they continue with a list of vocabulary reversing roles to ask.

Students looking their photocopies remember the formal way to ask where things are.

Listening and Speaking Practice Students listen an example where they have to ask where things are, reversing roles.

Listening Students listen a conversation then complete a chart about where things are located.Students using all the contents learnt, work in pairs asking and answering some questions according the commands given to them.

Ask for questionsTeacher gives them their English test and checks them.Say good byePor motivos de rendición de pruebas de síntesis, hay desfase de horario. Este día se trabaja solo30 minutos en aula para el ramo de inglés. Se cubre solo hasta el While- stage y se entregan pruebas. 29 de junio: feriado

Page 20: Lesson Plan Model

Lesson Plan ModelDate:July, 1st 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To ask where things are, using formal way. To describe things using adjectives for size, shape and look like. To extract specific information about location and description.

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Review: Asking where things are formal way.

While-stageListening practice

Post-stageRevision: where things are and description .

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

10 min

20 min

5 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the session.

Students looking their photocopies remember the formal way to ask where things are.Students remember how to describe things using adjectives or size, shape and look like.

Listening and speaking practiceStudents in groups of four listen an example where they have to ask where things are reversing rolesStudents receive some vocabulary about office. They looking their photocopy ask and answer on where things are using the formal way.Students listen a conversation then complete a chart about where things are located.Students make a list of ten objects in a desk space at their home then they have to describe them and his partner in picture will have to draw his partner’s desk. Reverse role.Students receive another photocopy. They listen a conversation about description.Students listen an example then they have to choose one of the boxes and described it to their partner; the partner will guess which one is.

Students review content for speaking test

Ask for questionsSay good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 21: Lesson Plan Model

Date:July, 2nd 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To describe things about what they are made of. To describe uses for things

Resources: complementary photocopies for speaking work, whiteboard, markers, radio, Cd.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage

While-stageDescribing practice


Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

5 min

20 min

10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the session.

Describe What things are made of.Describe uses

Working in pairs, students write inside in a box what objects are made of. Then they choose one of the objects from the list and tell their partner what it’s made of and what shape it is, but don’t say what it is.

Listening Students listen to people describing inventions. They write the name of each object.Then, students answer which of the inventions do you think is the most useful? Why?.

Students receive some cards with different questions; these questions have the same format that teachers will use for the speaking test. They ask and answer according to the pictures given.Students look the table for the evaluation and all the parameters that will be considerate for the evaluation.

Ask for questionsSay good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 22: Lesson Plan Model

Date:July, 6th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To apply all the contents learnt for the Speaking Test. Resources: flashcards, cards for evaluation.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Speaking Test


Speaking Test

Post-stageSpeaking Test

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

1hr y 10 min

5 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the test


Say good bye

Lesson Plan Model

Page 23: Lesson Plan Model

Date:July, 7th 2009 Level: 2nd Grade High School

Skill: oral and written expression. Expected Outcomes:

To apply all the contents learnt for the Speaking Test. Resources: flashcards, cards for evaluation.

IntroductionRole callingMotivation

Core of the classPre-stage Speaking Test


Speaking Test

Post-stageSpeaking Test

Closing Ask for questions, doubts. Good bye


5 min

40 min

1 min


Greet the students.Call the role.Teacher explains about the test


Say good bye

8 de Julio despedida y convivencia.

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