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Sleeping Arrangements Starter: Where could all the students go to sleep? Stretch: What are some of the practical issues you need to be aware of? Learning goal Writing non-fiction texts Prior knowledge/skills Understanding what non-fiction and fiction texts are; experience of non-fiction texts in everyday life. Application Understanding the conventions of diary entries and showing our understanding through writing a diary entry PROUD Open-minded to others’ views. Date C/W ARTICLE 13: the right to express ourselves freely

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Sleeping Arrangements

Starter: Where could all the students go to sleep?

Stretch: What are some of the practical issues you need to be aware of?

Learning goal Writing non-fiction textsPrior knowledge/skills Understanding what non-fiction and fiction texts are; experience of

non-fiction texts in everyday life.

Application Understanding the conventions of diary entries and showing our understanding through writing a diary entry

PROUD Open-minded to others’ views.

DateC/W ARTICLE 13: the right to express ourselves freely

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Today’s focus

You are going to write a diary entry describing what it was like to sleep at school.You are going to focus on:• Diary conventions (what does a diary

include?)• Use of sensory language • Accurate and effective paragraphing

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Anne Frank’s Diary• Anne Frank was in hiding

with her family for just over two years.

• They were never able to leave the building, and had to live crammed together, with a strict schedule to make sure that they were silent during office hours.

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October 9th 1942: “Today I have nothing but dismal and depressing news to report. Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken away in droves. The Gestapo is treating them very roughly and transporting them in cattle cars to Westerbork, the big camp in Drenthe to which they’re sending all the Jews. Miep told us about someone who’d managed to escape from there. It must be terrible in Westerbork. The people get almost nothing to eat, much less to drink, as water is available only one hour a day, and there’s only one toilet and sink for several thousand people. Men and women sleep in the same room, and women and children often have their heads shaved. Escape is almost impossible; many people look Jewish, and they’re branded by their shorn heads. If it’s that bad in Holland, what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized places where the Germans are sending them? We assume that most of them are being murdered. The English radio says they’re being gassed. Perhaps that’s the quickest way to die. I feel terrible. Miep’s accounts of these horrors are so heartrending… Fine specimens of humanity, those Germans, and to think I’m actually one of them! No, that’s not true, Hitler took away our nationality long ago. And besides, there are no greater enemies on earth than the Germans and Jews.”

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Starting: Find two examples of reporting something that happened. Find two examples of explaining how she felt. Write these out in your books as quotations, showing clearly which is reporting events and which is feelings!

Practising: Explain the events that Anne is reporting, using quotations to support your points. Then explain how Anne feels about the events: quote words and phrases that show that she is reflecting or thinking instead of reporting.Confident: Find examples of different tenses used in this extract (past, present, future). Explain why Anne Frank uses different tenses in her diary entry, using quotations to support your point

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October 9th 1942: “Today I have nothing but dismal and depressing news to report. Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken away in droves. The Gestapo is treating them very roughly and transporting them in cattle cars to Westerbork, the big camp in Drenthe to which they’re sending all the Jews. Miep told us about someone who’d managed to escape from there. It must be terrible in Westerbork. The people get almost nothing to eat, much less to drink, as water is available only one hour a day, and there’s only one toilet and sink for several thousand people. Men and women sleep in the same room, and women and children often have their heads shaved. Escape is almost impossible; many people look Jewish, and they’re branded by their shorn heads. If it’s that bad in Holland, what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized places where the Germans are sending them? We assume that most of them are being murdered. The English radio says they’re being gassed. Perhaps that’s the quickest way to die. I feel terrible. Miep’s accounts of these horrors are so heartrending… Fine specimens of humanity, those Germans, and to think I’m actually one of them! No, that’s not true, Hitler took away our nationality long ago. And besides, there are no greater enemies on earth than the Germans and Jews.”

Starting: Find two examples of reporting something that happened. Find two examples of explaining how she felt. Write these out in your books as quotations, showing clearly which is reporting events and which is feelings!

Practising: Explain the events that Anne is reporting, using quotations to support your points. Then explain how Anne feels about the events: quote words and phrases that show that she is reflecting or thinking instead of reporting.

Confident: Find examples of different tenses used in this extract (past, present, future). Explain why Anne Frank uses different tenses in her diary entry, using quotations to support your point

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Writing your own diary: Normally you are not allowed to go to sleep in school…

And nor is the teacher!

But if you had to stay the night you would have to....

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Close your eyes and put your head down on the desk

• It’s been a stressful day• You’re tired• You want to be at home but you know you

can’t go home• You finally lie down• You listen to the noises of people settling

down around you• You’re starting to fall asleep....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kgYquX6H8g (snoring)

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What can you hear? Feel?


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What would the school be like at night? Would there be some creepy parts?

Close your eyes and imagine walking between the buildings – or around one of the buildings – in the dark.

Now make a list of words and phrases to describe what you can see, hear, feel (or what you think you can see, hear and feel…).

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What does a diary include?

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Write a diary entry

• You have spent one night at school • Write your diary entry describing what it

was like to sleep at school– Where did you sleep? – Use the five senses to describe it. – How did it feel?

• Use clear paragraphs

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11th March 2018Dear Diary,

Last night was … I can’t believe ... Firstly, … I could see …There were … You can imagine what …

Then ... To start with, I felt …All I could hear was … Then I started to think …Eventually, …

This morning, … Now I feel … Let’s see what today brings!

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DateDear Diary,Last night was awful / amazing / …. I can’t believe I’ve just slept overnight at the school. Firstly, we all went to ___________________________________. I could see ______________________________________________________.The beds were ___________________________________________________.There were _________________ of us in the ___________________________ so you can imagine what it ______________________ like.

Then we all settled down to sleep. To start with, I felt ____________________.All I could hear was ________________________________________________.Then I started to think about ________________________________________ and worry that ___________________________________________________.Eventually, _______________________________________________________.

This morning, we ____________________________________. Now I feel _________________________________. Let’s see what today brings!

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