lesson 33 : paul’s perilous voyage from caesarea to italy (27:1-44)

Lesson 33 : Paul’s Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Lesson 33 : Paul’s Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44). I. Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study. Paul (and company) left Caesarea, headed for Rome , to stand before Caesar (27:1-8). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Lesson 33:Paul’s Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Page 2: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

A. Paul (and company) left Caesarea, headed for Rome, to stand before Caesar (27:1-8).1. Paul had appealed to Caesar, therefore, by Roman law, he

must stand before Caesar.2. An entire chapter (44 verses) is devoted to Paul’s perilous

voyage to Italy. Why?3. Paul had at least two friends, travel companions with him

on the perilous voyage.4. Paul and other prisoners were delivered to a centurion

named Julius (27:1, 3, 43).5. The large Alexandrian ship sailed with difficulty from

Myra to Fair Havens (27:6-8).


Page 3: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

B. Paul warned against sailing further in dangerous conditions but was rejected (27:9-12).1. This was a dangerous time of year to be sailing and Paul

warned of disaster (27:9-10).2. However, “the majority” decided to sail from Fair Havens

for Phoenix (27:11-12).


Page 4: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

C. Paul and company got caught at sea in a “typhoon” called Euraquilo (27:13-20).1. A “northeaster” came from the mountains & pushed the

ship out to sea (27:14-15).2. Totally unprepared, the sailors secured the dinghy and

undergirded the ship (16-17).3. They were “violently storm-tossed” and unable to

determine their location (without seeing sun or stars), so they gradually abandoned all hope of being saved (27:18, 20).


Page 5: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

D. Paul and company were assured that God would deliver without loss of life (27:21-26).1. Paul reflected on the wisdom of his personal advice in Fair

Havens (cf. 27:10) to draw his listeners to adhere even more to the Divine wisdom he was about to share (27:21).

2. Paul assured there would be no loss of life because God had so promised (27:22-26).


Page 6: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

E. In a night of horrible fear, Paul encouraged his shipmates to follow God’s plan (27:27-38).1. After 14 harrowing nights on turbulent seas, they began to

draw near land (27:27). 2. They “took soundings” by throwing a lead weight on a rope

into the sea to measure.3. Fearing the “run aground” reality of Paul’s message (27:26,

29), they made ready.4. Paul again assured they would be saved, but they had to

obey God’s plan (27:31).


Page 7: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study

F. Paul and company shipwrecked on Malta, abandoned ship & all were saved (27:39-44).1. Having already recorded three shipwrecks (2 Cor. 11:25), this

was Paul’s fourth.2. As day dawned, they made a run for shore but struck a

reef/sandbar (27:39-41).3. The ship was gradually breaking up in the violent waves, so they

abandoned ship (41).4. Lest they be killed for losing prisoners (12:19), the soldiers

planned to kill them (27:42).5. Julius, knowing Paul saved all of their lives, determined to save

Paul’s life (27:43-44).6. As God had promised (27:22, 31, 34), they all made it safely to

land (27:44).


Page 8: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

A. God’s promises never fail!1. God had promised Paul that he would see Rome

(23:11+27:24), and He doesn’t fail!2. The nature of God’s promises: “Not a word failed…All came

to pass” (Josh. 21:45).3. The nature of God: His “word is truth” (John 17:17) and He

“cannot lie” (Titus 1:2).4. The last sentence: “They all escaped safely to land”

(27:44), just as God promised!

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Page 9: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

B. God’s promises of salvation are conditional!1. God had promised all lives would be saved (27:22, 24, 34),

even when no hope (20).2. However, His promise was not unconditional. They had to

obey His word to be saved!a) “Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved” (27:31).

3. God’s promise of salvation from sin & eternal life is also conditioned on obedience.a) “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”

(John 3:3-5).

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Page 10: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

C. God’s providence is a certainty and a marvel to behold, yet difficult to pinpoint precisely.1. In the big picture, Paul knew he would make it to Rome

(23:11; 27:24). But how?2. God did not employ miraculous measures to fulfill His

promise, but natural means.3. In the big picture, we may not know how God is working,

but He is (Ro. 8:28; Phil. 2:13)!

II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

Page 11: Lesson 33 : Paul’s  Perilous Voyage from Caesarea to Italy (27:1-44)

A. May we be able to say that we constantly belong to God and constantly serve Him!

B. May we be able to say that we absolutely believe God will keep His Word to precision!

C. May we trust God’s promises and obey Him fully, in order to receive His blessings!

D. Even in the midst tumultuous storms of life, let us give thanks to God for His provision!

III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives