lesson 3 note-taking

When do you typically take notes? How has this skill contributed to your success? Two Complete Sentences :

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Two Complete Sentences: When do you typically take notes? How has this skillcontributed to yoursuccess?

2. Follow this template: 3. Summarize notes in your ownwords at the bottom of your notes. 4. Developed in 1949 at CornellUniversity by Walter Pauk. Designed in response to frustrationover student test scores. Meant to be easily usedas a test study guide. Adopted by most major law schoolsas the preferred note taking method. 5. Cornell note taking stimulatescritical thinking skills. Note-taking helps studentsremember what is said in class. A good set of notes can helpstudents work on assignmentsand prepare for tests outside ofthe classroom. 6. Good notes allow students to helpeach other problem solve. Good notes help students organizeand process data and information. Cornell notes help students retainand recall information by having 3different ways/sections where youprocess the information. Writing is a great tool for learning! 7. Dont forget the heading:Name, Class, Period, Date, TopicNotes go here, in thelarge right hand column.Questions,subtitles,etc. go here,in the lefthand column.A 3 to 4 sentence summary down thereon the bottom of the last page of notes 8. Speaker says: Hippocrates, aGreek who is considered to be theFather of modern medicine, wasBorn on the island of Cos in460 B.C.Abbreviate!Notes say: Hippocrates (Gr.)Father of med. B. Cos 460BC 9. USE THIS TEMPLATE TO TAKENOTES ON THE FOLLOWING VIDEO. 10. YouTube: AngelaLee Duckworth-The key tosuccess- Grit 11. Make use of the format Cover the right side of your notes;review and answer study questionsfrom the left using the right side as ananswer key Quiz yourself out loud Cover the right side with blankpaper; write out answers tothe left column studyquestions 12. Write! Write summaries of the most importantmaterial in the summary/reflectionsection Write a quiz for others using notes;exchange sheets and quiz a partner Write anticipated test questionsbeyond those already in theleft-hand column and writeanswers 13. Review Look over notes frequently tokeep information and questionsstill unanswered fresh in mind Recite information from notes 14. Study in a Group Exchange notes with others to fleshout information and understanding Use notes in study groups to provide acommon ground of material forreference and review Rewrite notes if necessary 15. Individual Reading:Using one of the Today ILearned articles to create onefull page of Cornell Notes.Be prepared to share somekey points with the class. 16. USE THIS TEMPLATE TO TAKENOTES ON THE ARTICLE OF YOURCHOICE. 17. EXIT TICKETAnswer the following question in threecomplete sentences:Consider another course that you finddifficult, such as ELA, Science, Math,etc.; how can using Cornell notes helpyou understand the material?