lent 2014: 40 days of prayer - the southeast … · a call to 40 days of prayer the number 40 has...


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Page 1: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

LENT 2014:


Page 2: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history


The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God

changed the course of human history through a 40 day flood.

Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai, where he was given the Ten

Commandments. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years

before entering the Promised Land. And Jesus faced Satan’s

temptations for 40 days in the wilderness before beginning His

public ministry.

The leadership at GFMC encourages our entire church family to

move in one direction, toward the face of God, this Lent. Our

congregation will be participating in a 40 Days of Prayer

adventure from March 10 – Easter. This will be an exciting time as

we focus upon knowing God more deeply and discovering His

plans for our lives individually and collectively.

During the 40 Days of Prayer, weekly worship services will focus

upon The Anatomy of Prayer. Opportunity will be provided to

Adopt a Service, and pray weekly for a specific worship service.

As a part of our 40 Days of Prayer emphasis, each person is

challenged to have a daily time of Bible reading, prayer and

reflection. This Lenten Prayer Guide can serve as a daily tool for

worshiping God, listing your prayer requests and intercessions for

others, and recording the insights the Lord gives you. The booklet

also contains a guide for reading through the Gospel of John in 40

days if you so choose.

40 Days of Prayer is a simple emphasis, yet its impact can be

profound. Whether you are in middle school or a senior citizen,

someone new to the Christian faith or a believer of many years,

God has a desire to connect with you over the coming 40 days!

Don Postema, in Space for God, writes the following words:

“Prayer is taking time to let God recreate us, to touch us as an

artist who is making a sculpture, a painting, or a piece of music

with our lives.”

May the creative Spirit of God hover over us personally and as a

congregation, making us a people who passionately follow Him!

Page 3: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

HOW DO I PRAY? ©2004 Shawna Koon, Southwest Community Church (Indian Well, CA)

P.R.A.Y.E.R is adapted and used with permission

There is no one “right way” to pray, but many have found that

using a prayer tool can be helpful. The following P.R.A.Y.E.R.

acrostic is provided as one helpful guide for your devotional time:







P: PRAISE God for who He is.

When you think of God and His nature, what images come to

mind? Over the next forty days, begin your time of prayer by

focusing upon the worthiness of our great God. Enter into His

presence and thank Him for Who He is. Perhaps an attribute of

God from your Scripture reading will be fresh on your heart. The

next section in this booklet, Names of God, also provides a listing

of names and characteristics of God to assist in your reflection.

“I will proclaim the name of the Lord; how glorious is our God!”

Deut. 32:3

“I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your

name, O Most High…Those who know Your name trust in You, for

You, O Lord, have never abandoned anyone who searches for

You.” Psalm 9:2,10

R: REMEMBER what God has done for you and give thanks.

In the Old Testament we see a pattern of grateful response to God

for His provisions and actions. His followers often sang songs of

praise or built monuments to commemorate times when God had

acted in miraculous ways. As you pray, identify specific ways God

has provided for you. Whether looking back into your distant past,

or just the last 24 hours, take time to identify and thank Him for

Page 4: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

His blessings, His watch care, and His strength to face life’s


“Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise.

Give thanks to Him and bless His name.” Psalm 100:4

“It was there at Gilgal that Joshua piled up the twelve stones

taken from the Jordan River. Then Joshua said to the Israelites, "In

the future, your children will ask, 'What do these stones mean?'

Then you can tell them, 'This is where the Israelites crossed the

Jordan on dry ground.' For the Lord your God dried up the river

right before your eyes, and He kept it dry until you were all across,

just as He did at the Red Sea when He dried it up until we had all

crossed over. He did this so that all the nations of the earth might

know the power of the Lord, and that you might fear the Lord your

God forever." Joshua 4:20-24

A: ADMIT your sins and needs to God.

Often we rush to make requests of God without first examining our

hearts to clear away the barriers that limit our fellowship with Him.

The Bible says that sin separates us from God. Our Heavenly

Father calls us to humbly approach Him, laying openly before Him

our sins and short-fallings. As you pray, confess anything in your

life that does not line up with God’s commands and principles. Ask

Christ to search your heart and bring to your attention any

unworthy thoughts, attitudes or actions in need of His cleansing,

healing touch.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my

thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me

along the path of everlasting life.” Psalm 139:23-24

“But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to

forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” 1 John 1:9

With a restored relationship, then present your needs and

requests to Him. Be specific and completely honest; nothing is

too small or trivial for God’s attention. However, as you speak

with God about your needs and your desires, check your motives.

The Bible tells us that we often do not have things we desire

Page 5: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

simply because we don’t ask God to supply our needs, or we ask

for things with selfish motives. Use those two admonitions as

guidelines as you talk openly with God. He is a loving Father who

cares about you, and He wants to give you an abundant life.

“. . . And yet the reason you don't have what you want is that you

don't ask God for it. And even when you do ask, you don't get it

because your whole motive is wrong—you want only what will give

you pleasure.” James 4:2-3

“Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell

God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do

this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful

than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your

hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philip. 4:6-7

Y: YIELD your will to God’s perfect will.

Being in a conversation with God means that we not only talk to

Him, but that we also listen to Him. Many times this part of prayer

can be the most difficult. Don’t rush through it. Become quiet and

receptive, allowing the Holy Spirit to hover over you. Is God

bringing to mind something long forgotten, or are you suddenly

able to see a difficult situation from a new perspective? Do you

feel prompted to do a particular action, or to respond to a

perplexing problem in a surprising way? If a Scripture comes to

mind, take the time to open up your Bible and meditate upon that

truth. Writing down the thoughts and images that come to mind

during this time is often helpful. Space is provided on the daily

Prayer Journal pages to record your insights and conversations

with God.

“Serve only the Lord your God and fear Him alone. Obey His

commands, listen to His voice, and cling to Him.” Deut. 13:4

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own

understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will

make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5 & 6

Page 6: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

E: EXPRESS the needs of others.

One of the greatest ways we imitate Christ is to intercede on behalf

of others. Just as Christ stood in the gap for the greatest need of

mankind, we too should stand in the gap, bringing before God the

needs of others. Don’t be limited by geography or circumstance –

uplift your church family, coworkers, community, nation, and

world. If you’ve been praying for someone or some situation for a

long time and you don’t yet see any evidence of change, don’t give

up! God is working in the lives of those you pray for, even when

you are not able to detect His involvement.

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your

requests, plead for God's mercy upon them, and give thanks.”

1 Tim. 2:1

“He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the

oppressed. So he himself stepped in to save them with his mighty

power and justice.” Isaiah 59:16

R: RELY upon God’s plan, provision, and protection.

Now that you’ve spoken to God and listened to His leading, rest in

the assurance that His perfect plan always comes to pass. He has

heard your concerns and He will act. You can be sure that all

things will work together for good. Trust in His love and

sovereignty, knowing that you serve a mighty God.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for

the good of those who love God and are called according to His

purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to

act.” Psalm 37:7

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me

and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1

NOTE: The P.R.A.Y.E.R. acrostic

is adapted for daily use

in the Prayer Journal pages of this booklet

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Provided are some of God’s names which reveal His character and

nature. Choose one and meditate on how knowing this truth about

God impacts your life.


A faithful God who does no wrong

A forgiving God

A fortress of salvation

A glorious crown

A jealous and avenging God

A Master in heaven

A refuge for His people

A refuge for the needy in his


A refuge for the poor

A sanctuary

A shade from the heat

A shelter from the storm

A source of strength

A stronghold in times of trouble

An ever-present help in trouble

Architect and builder

Builder of everything

Commander of the Lord’s army

Creator of heaven and earth

Defender of widows

Eternal King

Father of compassion

Father of our spirits

Father of the heavenly lights

Father of the fatherless

God Almighty

God and Father of our Lord Jesus


God Most High

God my Maker

God my Rock

God my Savior

God my stronghold

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

God of all comfort

God of all mankind

God of glory

God of gods

God of grace

God of hope

God of love and peace

God of retribution

God of the living

God of the spirits of all mankind

God of truth

God our Father

God our strength

God over all the kingdoms of the


God the Father

God who avenges me

God who gives endurance and


God who relents from sending


Great and awesome God

Great and powerful God

Great, mighty and awesome God

He who blots out your


He who comforts you

He who forms the hearts of all

He who raised Christ from the dead

He who reveals His thoughts to


Helper of the fatherless

Him who is able to do

immeasurably more than

all we ask or imagine

Him who is able to keep you from


Him who will judge the living and

the dead

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Holy Father

Holy One

Holy One among you




Judge of all the earth

King of glory

King of heaven

Living and true God

Lord (Adonai)

Lord Almighty

Lord is Peace

Lord (Jehovah)

Lord Most High

Lord my Banner

Lord my Rock

Lord of all the earth

Lord of heaven and earth

Lord of kings

Lord our God

Lord our Maker

Lord our Shield

Lord who heals you

Lord who is there

Lord who makes you holy

Lord who strikes the blow

Lord will provide


Maker of all things

Maker of heaven and earth

Most High

My advocate

My comforter in sorrow

My confidence

My help

My helper

My hiding place

My hope

My light

My mighty rock

My refuge in the day of disaster

My refuge in times of trouble

My song

My strong deliverer

My support

One to be feared

Only wise God

Our dwelling place

Our judge

Our lawgiver

Our leader

Our Mighty One

Our Redeemer

Our refuge and strength

Righteous Father

Righteous judge

Rock of our salvation


Sovereign Lord

The Almighty

The compassionate and gracious


The Eternal God

The consuming fire

The everlasting God

The exalted God

The faithful God

The gardener (husbandman)

The glorious Father

The Glory of Israel

The God who saves me

The God who sees me

The great King above all gods

The just and mighty One

The living Father

The Majestic Glory

The Majesty in heaven

The One who sustains me

The only God

The potter

The rock in whom I take refuge

The spring of living water

The strength of my heart

The true God

You who hear prayer

You who judge righteously and test

the heart and mind

You who keep Your covenant of

love with Your servants

You who love the people

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A banner for the peoples

A Nazarene

Alpha and Omego

Ancient of Days

Anointed One

Apostle and high priest

Author and perfecter of our faith

Author of life

Author of their salvation

Blessed and only Ruler

Branch of the Lord

Bread of God

Bread of life


Chief cornerstone

Chief Shepherd

Chosen and precious cornerstone

Christ Jesus my Lord

Christ Jesus our hope

Christ of God

Consolation of Israel

Covenant for the people

Crown of splendor

Eternal life

Faithful and True

Faithful and true witness

First to rise from the dead

Firstborn from among the dead

Firstborn over all creation

Firstfruits of those who have fallen


Fragrant offering and sacrifice to


Friend of tax collectors and sinners

God of all the earth

God over all

God’s Son

Great high priest

Great light

Great Shepherd of the sheep

Guarantee of a better covenant

He who comes down from heaven

and gives life to the world

He who searches hearts and minds

Head of every man

Head of the body, the church

Head of the church

Head over every power and


Heir of all things

Him who died and came to life


Him who loves us and has freed us

from our sins

His one and only son

Holy and righteous One

Holy One of God

Holy servant Jesus

Hope of Israel

Horn of salvation

Image of the invisible God

Immanuel (God with us)

Indescribable gift


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ our Lord

Jesus Christ our Savior

Jesus of Nazareth

Judge of the living and the dead


King of the ages

Lamb of God

Light for revelation to the Gentiles

Light of life

Light of men

Light of the world

Living bread that came down from


Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Lord (Kurios)

Lord of glory


Lord of peace

Lord of the harvest

Lord of the Sabbath

Lord (Rabboni)

Man accredited by God

Man of sorrows

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Mediator of a new covenant

Merciful and faithful high priest

Messenger of the covenant


Morning star

My friend

My intercessor

One who makes men holy

One who speaks to the Father in

our defense

One who will arise to rule over the


Our glorious Lord Jesus Christ

Our God and Savior Jesus Christ

Our only Sovereign and Lord

Our Passover lamb

Our peace

Our righteousness, holiness and



Prince and Savior

Prince of Peace

Prince of princes

Prince of the hosts

Ransom for all men

Refiner and purifier

Resurrection and the life

Righteous Judge

Righteous man

Righteous One

Rock eternal (rock of ages)

Ruler of God’s creation

Ruler of the kings of the earth

Savior of the world

Second man

Shepherd and Overseer of your


Son of man

Son of the Blessed One

Son of the living God

Son of the Most High God

Source of eternal salvation

Sure foundation


The Amen

The atoning sacrifice for our sins

The Beginning and the End

The bright Morning Star

The exact representation of His


The First and the Last

The gate (door)

The Good Shepherd

The Head

The last Adam

The Life

The Living One

The living Stone

The Lord Our Righteousness

The man from heaven

The man Jesus Christ

The most holy

The One and Only

The only God our Savior

The radiance of God’s glory

The rising of the sun (Dayspring)

The stone the builders rejected

The testimony given in its proper


The true light

The true vine

The truth

The way

The Word (logos)

True bread from heaven

Wisdom from God

Witness to the peoples

Wonderful Counselor

Word of God

Word of life

Your life

Your salvation

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A deposit (earnest)

Another Counselor

Breath of the Almighty


Holy One

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit of God


Spirit of Christ

Spirit of counsel and power

Spirit of faith

Spirit of fire

Spirit of glory

Spirit of God

Spirit of grace and supplication

Spirit of His Son

Spirit of holiness

Spirit of Jesus Christ

Spirit of judgment

Spirit of justice

Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord

Spirit of life

Spirit of our God

Spirit of sonship (adoption)

Spirit of the living God

Spirit of the Lord

Spirit of the Sovereign Lord

Spirit of truth

Spirit of wisdom and of understanding

Spirit of wisdom and revelation

The Gift

The promised Holy Spirit

The same gift

Voice of the Almighty

Voice of the Lord

Page 12: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 1: Monday, March 10

Optional Gospel Reading: John 1:1 - 28

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I praising Him for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to confess to God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 13: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 2: Tuesday, March 11

Optional Gospel Reading: John 1:29 - 51

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 14: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 3: Wednesday, March 12

Optional Gospel Reading: John 2:1 - 11

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 15: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 4: Thursday, March 13

Optional Gospel Reading: John 2:12 - 25

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 16: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 5: Friday, March 14

Optional Gospel Reading: John 3:1 - 21

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 17: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 6: Saturday, March 15

Optional Gospel Reading: John 3:22 - 36

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 18: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 7: Sunday, March 16

Optional Gospel Reading: John 4:1 - 42

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 19: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 8: Monday, March 17

Optional Gospel Reading: John 4:43 - 54

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 20: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 9: Tuesday, March 18

Optional Gospel Reading: John 5:1 - 15

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 21: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 10: Wednesday, March 19

Optional Gospel Reading: John 5:16 - 47

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 22: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 11: Thursday, March 20

Optional Gospel Reading: John 6:1 - 24

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 23: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 12: Friday, March 21

Optional Gospel Reading: John 6:25 - 59

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 24: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 13: Saturday, March 22

Optional Gospel Reading: John 6:60 – 7:13

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 25: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 14: Sunday, March 23

Optional Gospel Reading: John 7:14 - 53

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 26: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 15: Monday, March 24

Optional Gospel Reading: John 8:1 - 30

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



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PRAYER JOURNAL Day 16: Tuesday, March 25

Optional Gospel Reading: John 8:31 - 59

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 28: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 17: Wednesday, March 26

Optional Gospel Reading: John 9:1 - 41

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 29: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 18: Thursday, March 27

Optional Gospel Reading: John 10:1 - 21

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 30: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 19: Friday, March 28

Optional Gospel Reading: John 10:22 - 42

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 31: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 20: Saturday, March 29

Optional Gospel Reading: John 11:1 - 44

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 32: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 21: Sunday, March 30

Optional Gospel Reading: John 11:45 - 57

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 33: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 22: Monday, March 31

Optional Gospel Reading: John 12:1 - 11

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 34: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 23: Tuesday, April 1

Optional Gospel Reading: John 12:12 - 36

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 35: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 24: Wednesday, April 2

Optional Gospel Reading: John 12:37 - 50

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 36: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 25: Thursday, April 3

Optional Gospel Reading: John 13:1 - 17

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 37: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 26: Friday, April 4

Optional Gospel Reading: John 13:18 - 38

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 38: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 27: Saturday, April 5

Optional Gospel Reading: John 14:1 - 14

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 39: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 28: Sunday, April 6

Optional Gospel Reading: John 14:15 - 31

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 40: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 29: Monday, April 7

Optional Gospel Reading: John 15:1 - 17

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 41: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 30: Tuesday, April 8

Optional Gospel Reading: John 15:18 – 16:4

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 42: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 31: Wednesday, April 9

Optional Gospel Reading: John 16:5 - 33

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 43: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 32: Thursday, April 10

Optional Gospel Reading: John 17:1 - 26

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 44: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 33: Friday, April 11

Optional Gospel Reading: John 18:1 - 27

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 45: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 34: Saturday, April 12

Optional Gospel Reading: John 18:28 – 19:15

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 46: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 35: Palm Sunday, April 13

Optional Gospel Reading: John 19:16 - 27

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 47: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 36: Monday, April 14

Optional Gospel Reading: John 19:28 - 42

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 48: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 37: Tuesday, April 15

Optional Gospel Reading: John 20:1 - 18

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 49: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 38: Wednesday, April 16

Optional Gospel Reading: John 20:19 - 31

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 50: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 39: Thursday, April 17

Optional Gospel Reading: John 21:1 - 14

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 51: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history

PRAYER JOURNAL Day 40: Good Friday, April 18

Optional Gospel Reading: John 21:15 - 25

Praise & Remember: What attribute or name of God am I thankful for today?

For what blessing, situation, or provision am I thankful today?

Admit: What sin, barrier or short falling do I need to bring before God?

Yield: As I am silent before God, what thought, image, or insight is God sharing

with me today?

Express: What requests for myself & others am I bringing before the Lord?



Page 52: LENT 2014: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER - The Southeast … · A CALL TO 40 DAYS OF PRAYER The number 40 has always been significant to God’s people. God changed the course of human history


The purpose of this Prayer Journal

is to serve as a guide

for you to experience for the first time,

or refresh your existing pattern,

of daily Bible Reading and Prayer.

Now that this Lenten Guide

is complete,

how will you continue the pattern

of reading God’s Word

and also listening and talking to God?

Talk with someone else –

perhaps someone from your small group

or your pastor

if you are not sure which

book of the Bible to read through next.

It isn’t important how much you read daily;

it IS important that you stop and reflect

upon what you are reading

so that God’s Word can become

personal to you.