leigh library, brewton campus - jdcc.edujdcc.edu/library/nb_fa08.pdf · leigh library, brewton...

LEIGH LIBRARY, BREWTON CAMPUS ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY COLLECTION FALL SEMESTER, 2008 BF408 .P49 2005 PINK A whole new mind ( copy 3) BF412 .N84 2008 NU GENT American nerd BF431 .M825 2007 MURD OCH IQ BF441 .M33x 2008 MacD ONALD Your brain BF448 .A75 2008 AR IELY Predictably irrational BF698 .R65 2008 REISS The normal personality BF637 .O94 R625 2006 R OBBINS The overachievers BJ 1533 .C9 F67 2008 FORNI The civility solution BJ 1533 .N6 R56 2008 R IEMEN Nobility of spirit BJ 1581.2 .P368 2008 PATCHETT W hat now? BL 53 .N49 2006 NEW BERG W hy we believe what we believe BL 625.9 .C64 F74 2008 FR EITAS Sex and the soul 1

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FALL SEMESTER, 2008 BF 408 .P49 2005 PINK A whole new mind (copy 3) BF 41 2 .N84 2008 NU GENT American nerd BF 431 .M825 2007 M U RDOCH IQ BF 441 .M33x 2008 MacDONALD Y our brain BF 448 .A75 2008 AR IELY Predictably irrational BF 698 .R 65 2008 R EISS T he normal personality BF 637 .O94 R 625 2006 R OBBINS T he overachievers BJ 1 533 .C9 F67 2008 FOR NI T he civility solution BJ 1 533 .N6 R 56 2008 R IEMEN Nobility of spirit BJ 1 581 .2 .P368 2008 PATCHET T W hat now? BL 53 .N49 2006 NEW BER G W hy we believe what we believe BL 625.9 .C64 F74 2008 FR EITAS Sex and the soul


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BL 980 .I8 B84 2006 ANANAS Damanhur BL 980 .I8 M47 2006 MER R IFIELD Damanhur BM 755 .S295 A3 2007 SCHOLEM Lamentations of youth BP 67 .U 6 B37 2006 BAR NET T American Islam BR 520 .D47 2007 DER SHOW IT Z Blasphemy BS 1 85 1 996 .N37 Life application study Bible: New King James V ersion BS 1 91 .5 .A1 2006 S26 T he H arperCollins study Bible: New R evised Standard V ersion BS 1 95 2006 .N36 T he MacArthur study Bible: New American Standard Bible BS 680 .L4 E369 1 996 EIMS Be the leader you were meant to be BT 82.2 .G73 2008 GR AINGER In the world but not of it BT 795 .K73 2007 KR AYBILL Amish grace BV 21 0.3 .B43 2007 BECKET T Sister W endy on prayer BV 4909 .M667 2008 MOR R IS T he promise CD 561 0 .H 545 2006 H IER ONIM U S Founding fathers, secret societies: Freemasons CT 1 00 .C8 R EF Current biography yearbook, 2006 (R eference Collection)


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CT 274 .J35 F57 2008 FISHER H ouse of wits CT 275 .B5946 A3 2008 ALA BR AGG T he prince of Frogtown (Alabama Collection) CT 275 .B7851 6 B73 2001 b ALA BR AGG Ava’s man (Alabama Collection) D 804.1 9 .D63 1 999 Documents on the H olocaust D 81 0 .S8 S234 2008 CONANT T he irregulars D 839.7 .A56 M45 2006 MEISLER Kofi Annan DA 554 .K56 2007 KING Twilight of splendor DA 566.9 .C5 A5 2003 CH U R CHILL Never give in! DK 51 1 .C37 S45 2008 SEIER STAD The angel of Grozny DS 62.8 .M485 2008 MEY ER Kingmakers DS 1 07.5 .G38 2008 GAR FINKEL Ambivalence DS 1 35 .K8 S23 2008 SABAR My father’s paradise DS 371 .4 .M56 2007 MILLS Karzai DS 480.842 .V 66 2007 V ON T U NZ ELMANN Indian summer


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DS 557 .B57 2007 BISSELL T he father of all things DS 578.32 .L44 M67 2008 MOR GAN Bombay Anna DT 636.53 .C66 A3 2008 COOPER T he house at Sugar Beach DT 1 59.6 .D27 P78 2007 PR U NIER Darfur DT 1 59.6 .D27 S74 2007 STEIDLE T he devil came on horseback DT 51 6.828 .B43 A3 2007 BEAH A long way gone E 1 69 .Z 83 C66 2007 CONAW AY V anishing America E 1 78 .Z 75 2003 Z INN A people’s history of the U nited States E 1 85.96 .A83 2002 R EF ASANTE 1 00 greatest African Americans (R eference Collection) E 457.45 .G66 2005 GOODW IN T eam of rivals E 646.5 .G48 2003 GETLER R ebel gold E 840.8 .M467 A3 1 999 M cCAIN Faith of my fathers E 901 .1 .P38 A3 2008 PAU L T he revolution F 31 7 .M7 S36 2006 SCOT T H emingway’s hurricane


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F 869 .L89 J5545 2007 MEY ER HOFF Four girls from Berlin F 1 386 .L48 2008 LIDA First stop in the New W orld F 1 569 .C2 P368 2008 PAR KER Panama fever GE 1 95.7 .E54 2008 Endangered earth GE 1 97 .F76 2008 FR IEDMAN H ot, flat, and crowded GF 86 .N84 2006 NY ER GES H ow to survive anywhere GN 41 9.25 .B63 2008 Body piercing and tattoos GN 805 .B6954 2007 BR ADLEY T he prehistory of Britain and Ireland GV 749.7 .E985 2008 Extreme sports GV 1 325 .N49 W 35 2007 W EINR EB T he kings of New Y ork HB 74 .P8 L479 2006 LEV IN Freakonomics HC 260 .P6 P47 2007 V ER NON H unger HD 57.7 .C645 2001 COLLINS Good to great HD 9000.5 .W 656 2007 W orld hunger HD 9502.5 .C543 U 63 2008 ASPLU ND Profiting from clean energy


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HF 5386 .C735 2004 COLLINS Built to last HF 541 5 .I265 S72 2008 FORD Increase your W eb traffic in a weekend (Gift) HF 571 8 .P475 2008 PER KINS T he art and science of communication HM 851 .P34 2008 PALFR EY Born digital HM 851 .W 44 2008 W hat is the impact of cyberlife? HM 1 033 .H 43 2007 HEATH Made to stick H Q 35.2 .B65 2007 BOGLE H ooking up H Q 63 .R 45 2008 R eligion and sexuality H Q 799.5 .R 63 2004 R OBBINS Conquering your quarterlife crisis H Q 1 1 72 .A58 2007 ANTLER Y ou never call! Y ou never write! H S 1 61 0 .W 55 2008 W hite supremacy groups H T 1 53 .M393 2008 MATLOFF H ome girl H T 371 .E53 2007 T he endless city H V 6452 .N72 C37 2008 CAR LO Gaspipe H V 6453 .I8 C42 2007 SAV IANO Gomorrah


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H V 6773 .K69 2008 KOW ALSKI Cyber bullying H V 6773.52 .H 363 2008 H ate crimes H V 9468.5 .K53 S54 SHEPHARD Guantanamo’s child HX 276 .M3 2005 MAR X T he communist manifesto and other writings JC 596 .H 64 2006 HOLT Z MAN Privacy lost JC 599 .U 5 W 63 2007 W OLF T he end of America JZ 4971 .L43 2006 LeBOR “Complicity with evil” JZ 5560 .C67 2008 COR T R IGH T Peace K 31 65 .M33 2008 R EF MADDEX Constitutions of the world (R eference Collection) KF 373 .K76 A3 2008 KR OGER Convictions KF 538 .P65 2007 POLIKOFF Beyond (straight and gay) marriage KF 3941 .G858 2007 Gun control KF 4558 2nd .C67 2006 COR NELL A well-regulated militia KF 4545 .S5 G73 2006 GR ABER Dred Scott and the problem of constitutional evil


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KF 4749 .L32 2006 LABU NSKI James Madison and the struggle for the Bill of R ights KF 4772 .D47 2008 DER SHOW IT Z Finding Jefferson KF 4772 .F737 2008 Freedom of the press KF 4783 .R 435 2008 R eligious liberty KF 8870 .S23 2008 SCALIA Making your case KZ 1 1 81 .T 67 2008 TOTANI T he T okyo war crime trial LA 231 1 .W 42 R EF W ho’s who among students in American junior colleges, 2008 (Gift) (R eference Collection) LB 1 057 .J46 2006 JENSEN Enriching the brain LB 2331 .61 5 .U 6 E93 2008 EW ELL U .S. accreditation and the future of quality assurance (Gift) LB 2831 .5 .L68 2007 LOV ELY Generations at school LB 3034 .Y 427 2008 Y ear round schools LB 3051 .K667 2008 KOR ET Z M easuring up LC 21 3.2 .N64 2008 NOGU ER A T he trouble with Black boys LC 1 390 .G87 2005 GU R IAN T he minds of boys LD 6501 .P39 R 67 2007 R OSIN God’s H arvard


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ML 1 97 .R 76 2007 R OSS T he rest is noise ML 41 7 .Y 33 A3 2002 Y anni in words (Gift) ML 420 .K875 S65 2008 SMIT H T he pearl NA 703 .A53 2006 R EF ANDER SON T he encyclopedia of North American architecture (R eference Collection) NC 750 .M485 2007 MET Z GER T he art of perspective PE 1 066 .K55 2007 KIR KPAT R ICK W orld Englishes PE 1 408 .S4538 1 990 SEBR ANEK W riters, Inc. (Gift) PL 856 .U 673 A661 3 2007 M U R AKAMI After dark PN 94 .C38 2006 CASTLE Literary theory PN 1 059 .A9 B63 2007 BOGEN Be a poet PN 1 999 .W 27 C37 2007 CAPODAGLI T he Disney way PN 41 29.1 5 .E33 2008 EIDENM U LLER Great speeches for better speaking PN 41 29.1 5 .M65 2007 MONAR T H T he confident speaker PQ 9698.1 3 .O3546 A451 3 1 998 COELHO T he alchemist


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PR 1 1 09 .A2 1 999 T he Norton anthology of English literature (Gift) PR 5496 .R 568 2004 R obert Louis Stevenson PR 6001 .U 4 Z 69 1 970 FU LLER A reader’s guide to W . H . Auden (Gift) PR 6029 .R 8 N49 OR W ELL 1 984 PR 6045 .O72 Z 647 2006 GOLDMAN T he Cambridge introduction to V irginia W oolf PR 6045 .O72 Z 787 2008 LIGH T M rs. W oolf and the servants PR 6054 .O95 P38 2006 DOY LE Paula Spencer PR 6063 .C335 Z 42 2007 M cCANN Z oli PR 6068 .U 757 E53 2008 R U SHDIE T he enchantress of Florence PR 61 1 3 .A87 I51 5 2007 MATAR In the country of men PR 61 1 9 .T 33 B92 2007 STACE By George PR 91 99.4 .Y 696 S53 2007b Y OU NG T he shack PR 9387.9 .A3935 S29 2008 AKPAN Say you’re one of them PR 9540.9 .A83 W 37 2008 ASLAM T he wasted vigil

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PR 961 9.3 .B71 53 P46 2008b BR OOKS People of the book PS 1 541 .Z 5 B46 2008 BENFEY A summer of hummingbirds PS 3503 .A61 565 Y 4 1 990 BAR NES Y ears of grace PS 351 1 .I9 G7 1 996 FIT Z GER ALD The great Gatsby PS 351 1 .R 94 A6 2007 FR OST T he collected prose of R obert Frost PS 3537 .T 31 6 A82 2000b STEGNER Angle of repose PS 3551 .N3455 W 66 2006 ANDER SEN H eyday PS 3552 .U 3394 B66 2007 BU CKLEY Boomsday PS 3554 .A29 G55 1 985 DAILEY T he glory game (Gift) PS 3554 .I259 B75 2007 DIAZ T he brief wondrous life of Oscar W ao PS 3554 .I398 M39 2007 DILLARD The maytrees PS 3557 .I296 F56 2008 GILB T he flowers PS 3558 .I375 M36 1 990 H IJU ELOS T he mambo kings play songs of love PS 3560 .O3745 T 74 2007 JOHNSON T ree of smoke

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PS 3561 .E428 I7 1 983 KENNEDY Ironweed PS 3563 .A4345 B3 1 999 MAMET Bar mitzvah (Gift) PS 3563 .C337 R 63 2006 M cCAR T H Y T he road PS 3566 .A4554 F54 1 996 PALAHNIU K Fight club PS 3566 .A7756 R 86 2007 PATCHET T R un PS 3568 .O31 25 H 58 2008 R OBINSON H ome PS 3568 .O855 A77 1 998 R OT H American pastoral PS 3568 .O855 P67 2002 R OT H Portnoy’s complaint PS 3568 .U 81 2 B75 2007 R U SSO Bridge of sighs PS 3569 .H 7385 F67 2000 SH R EV E Fortune’s rocks (Gift) PS 3569 .M39 T 47 1 991 SMILEY A thousand acres PS 3569 .T 33828 L5 1 995 STEEL Lightening (Gift) PS 3573 .I385 S53 2007 W IGGINS T he shadow catcher PS 3601 .L333 L67 2007 ALARCON Lost city radio

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PS 3602 .Y 58 M74 2008 BY NU M M s. H empel chronicles PS 3603 .L54 F56 2007 CLINCH Finn PS 3604 .U 83 T 73 2008 DuV ALL T rain to yesterday PS 3605 .G48 W 43 2006 EGGER S W hat is the what PS 3607 .I4527 L66 2008 GILMOR E Looking for salvation at the Dairy Q ueen PS 3608 .O725 L68 2007 HOR AN Loving Frank PS 361 6 .H 4556 W 45 2007 ALA PH ILLIPS T he well and the mine (Alabama Collection) PS 361 9 .H 3365 G84 2008 SHAFFER T he Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel P ie Society PS 3621 .L44 P48 2007 U LINICH Petropolis PS 3623 .R 63 S76 2008 W R OBLEW SKI T he story of Edgar Sawtelle PS 361 9 .O3797 S37 2007 SOFER T he Septembers of Shiraz PZ 7 .C234937 Ajm 2008 CAR R OLL Alice through the looking-glass PZ 7 .C234937 Al 1 999 CAR R OLL Alice’s adventures in W onderland PZ 7 .H 34625 Iv 2008 HEAR N Ivy

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PZ 7 .S9744 T up 2008 SW EET T opelo rides the rails Q A 76.73 .C1 53 Z 3 2008 Z AK An introduction to programming with C+ + (Gift) Q A 76.76 .S46 D44 2008 DEEK Open source Q B 64 .D535 2008 DICKINSON T he backyard astronomer’s guide Q C 981 .8 .G56 S548 2008 SILV ER Global warming and climate change demystified Q H 1 5 .R 44 2008 R ICE V oyages of discovery Q H 46.5 .A884 2007 AT TENBOR OU GH Amazing rare things Q H 581 .2 .L56 2008 LIPTON T he biology of belief Q L 31 .I78 I79 2007b IR W IN Steve & me Q L 696 .C53 M65 2006 MOIR R eturn of the condor Q L 698.3 .V 49 2006 V EZ O W ings of spring Q L 737 .C4 R 63 2008 R OT HENBER G T housand mile song Q L 737 .P9 R 436 2008 R EDMOND The primate family tree Q L 737 .P96 B39 2008 BEAR Z I Beautiful minds

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Q R 46 .G453 2008 Germ wars R 690 .S727 2009 R EF CAR EER STANFIELD Introduction to the health professions (College & Career R eference Collection) R 727.3 .T 39 2007 TAY LOR W hat do I say? R 733 .O95 1 998 OZ H ealing from the heart R A 653.5 .P36 2007 Pandemics RB 1 1 3 .P3636 2009 Pathophysiology made incredibly easy! RC 280 .B8 S586 2007 SOR AY A Soraya RC 440 .S795 2005 ST U AR T Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing RC 440 .V 536 2008 V IDEBECK Psychiatric-mental health nursing RC 552 .B84 B841 2 2008 Bulimia RC 552 .S4 S457 2008 Self-mutilation RC 569.5 .M8 E54 2007 T he Jekyll and H yde syndrome RD 99.25 .W 776 2009 PR EU SSER W inningham and Preusser’s critical thinking cases in nursing RD 120.7 .G66 2006 GOODW IN Black markets R J 506 .E1 8 H 477 2008 HER Z OG U nlocking the mysteries of eating disorders

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R M 1 70 .C464 2008 CHEEV ER I.V . therapy demystified R T 41 .C857 R EF Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature, 2007 (R eference Collection) R T 41 .J56 2008 R EF JOHNSON H andbook for Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (R eference Collection) R T 41 .L87 2009 BLACK Medical-surgical nursing (2 volumes) (Gift) R T 41 .M46 2007 M en in nursing R T 41 .P844 2009 POT TER Fundamentals of nursing R T 41 .T 46 2007 Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (2 volumes) R T 41 .T 465 2008 BOY ER Study guide to accompany Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing R T 51 .P365 2006 PER R Y Clinical nursing skills & techniques R T 65 .P69 2009 R EF Professional guide to diseases (R eference Collection) R T 74.7 .U 75 2009 U LLR ICH Precepting in nursing R T 82 .C87 2007 CU R NAY N A good day in hell R T 82 .K34 2007 CAR EER KAT Z A career in nursing (College & Career Collection) R T 86.7 .O24 2009 OCH S Study guide and skills performance checklists for Potter/Perry Fundamentals of nursing R T 1 20 .T 73 L37 2005 CAR EER LaR U E H ighway hypodermics (College & Career Collection)

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S 521 .5 .A67 K56 2007 KINGSOLV ER Animal, vegetable, miracle SB 450 .H 67 2008 W HEELER H ortus revisited SB 453 .N468 2003 T he New Y ork T imes 1 000 gardening questions & answers SB 61 2 .A2 K38 2007 R EF KAU FMAN Invasive plants (R eference Collection) SF 428.2 .D735 2007 DRAKEFORD Essential care in the field SF 61 3 .H 44 A283 HER R IOT All things bright and beautiful SF 61 3 .H 44 A285 HER R IOT All things wise and wonderful SF 61 3 .H 44 A3 1 992b HER R IOT All creatures great and small SF 745 .T 76 2007 T R OU T T ell me where it hurts TA 9 .M345 2005 R EF M cGraw-H ill concise encyclopedia of engineering (R eference Collection) T J 1 63.2 .E86 2007 EV ANS Fueling our future T K 51 05.78 .W 65 2007 T he wireless society T K 51 05.8881 7 .W 42 2008 W eb 2.0 heroes T R 465 .M62 2007 MOOR TGAT T he art of personal imagery T R 655 .P437 2008 PEARCE Earth then and now

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T R 726 .L42 G5336 2008 GR EEN-AR MY TAGE Extraordinary leaves TX 837 .B5284 2007 BIT TMAN H ow to cook everything vegetarian U 264 .L365 2007 LANGEW IESCHE T he atomic bazaar Z 657 .B73 2008 Book banning Z 721 .P561 3 2007 POLAST R ON Books on fire Z 201 1 .H 34 2002 R EF HAR NER Literary research guide (R eference Collection) CDs CD152 ADAMS T he Chairman dances CD153 All at once well met CD154 PAR T Da pacem CD155 BACH Messe en si mineur CD156 BACH Two and three part inventions CD157 BAR TOK Concerto for orchestra CD158 H ILDEGARD Canticles of ecstasy

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CD159 BLOCH Conserti Grossi, Nos. 1 and 2 CD160 BR AHMS A German requiem CD161 BR AHMS Symphonie No. 4 e-moll, op. 98 CD162 BR IT TEN Peter Grimes CD163 H ot new tracks from the hottest contemporary Christian music artists (Gift) CD164 COPLAND Appalachian spring CD165 COPLAND Copland, the populist CD166 DEBU SSY Debussy CD167 DEBU SSY Preludes for piano: Books I & II CD168 DOW LAND John Dowland Collection CD169 DU FAY M issa L’homme arme : Supremum est mortalibus bonum CD170 DU NSTABLE Motets CD171 DV OR AK Cellokonzert, op. 1 04 CD172 ELGAR Cello concerto in E minor, op. 85 ; Sea pictures

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CD173 GIOV ANNI Like a ripple on a pond CD174 GIOV ANNI T ruth is on its way CD175 HANDEL W ater music ; Fireworks music CD176 HAYDN T he London symphonies : Nos. 95, 96, 98, 1 02, 1 03, 1 04, V ol. 1 CD177 HAYDN T he London symphonies : Nos. 93, 94, 97, 99, 1 00, 1 01 . V ol. 2 CD178 GESU ALDO T enebrae CD179 In paradisum : music of V ictoria and Palestrine CD180 JOSQ U IN Motets & chansons CD181 LASSO Lassus CD182 GU ILLAU ME Messe de Notre Dame CD183 PER OTIN Perotin CD184 HOR OW IT Z T he historic return CD185 H U GHES T he voice of Langston H ughes CD186 IV ES An American journey


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CD187 JOSQ U IN M issa Pange lingua CD188 LEONIN Sacred music from Notre-Dame Cathedral CD189 OFFENBACH Les contes d’H offman CD190 LISZ T Sonata, ballades and polonaises CD191 MAHLER Symphony no. 2 in C minor, R esurrection ; Symphony no. 5 CD192 MENDELSSOHN-BAR THOLDY A midsummer night’s dream ; Symphony no. 3, Scottish CD193 MOZ AR T Piano concertos nos. 1 7, 21 , 6 CD194 MOZ AR T Symphonien nos. 35-41 CD195 PALEST R INA M issa Pape Marcelli ; M issa Aeterna Christi M unera CD196 PAR KENING Jubilation CD197 Passage CD198 T he three tenors in concert CD199 PR OKOFIEV R omeo and Juliet CD200 PU CCINI La Boheme


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CD201 R AV EL Daphnis & Chloe ; Suite No. 2 ; R apsodies espagnole CD202 CHOPIN Ballades and Scherzos CD203 Sacred bridges CD204 SAINT -SAENS Piano concertos 1 -5 CD205 SHOSTAKOV ICH Symphony no. 5 : Symphony no. 9 CD206 SIBELIU S Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7 : Symphonic poem “En Saga”, Op. 9 CD207 ST R AU SS Four last songs : Six orchestral songs CD208 V enetian church music CD209 V ision CD21 0 W AGNER Ouverture et preludes CD21 1 W AGNER T he best of the R ing CD21 2 W est side story CD21 3 SCH U BER T W interreise CD214 V ERDI Messa da R equiem CD21 5 MONTEV ERDI V espro della Beata V ergine


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CD21 6 MOSBY Poetry on record: 98 poets read their work, 1 888-2006 CD21 7 BOU R GEOIS Director’s choice (Gift) DVDs DV D984 – DV D992 Mosby’s nursing video skills (3 DV D set) (3 copies) (Gift - Nursing Dept) DV D993 Simulation in nursing education (Gift - Nursing Dept.) DV D994 M icroS im (Gift – Nursing Dept) DV D995 Simulation in nursing education (Copy 2) (Gift - Nursing Dept.) DV D996 Ace of hearts DV D997 American aloha DV D998 Another perfect stranger DV D999 T he bodyguard DV D1000 Brother John (Gift) DV D1001 ST R OBEL T he case for faith DV D1002 Casper DV D1003 Christy DV D1004 T he climb DV D1005 Earthsea


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DV D1006 Eragon DV D1007 Expelled DV D1008 Fame DV D1009 T he final inquiry DV D101 0 Fly away home DV D101 1 Free W illy: triple feature DV D101 2 God grew tired of us DV D101 3 Grace is gone DV D101 4 T he great debaters DV D101 5 H awaii’s last queen DV D101 6 H idden places DV D101 7 T he hiding place DV D101 8 H ocus pocus DV D101 9 Joshua DV D1020 Keeping the faith: T he preacher’s wife DV D1021 Knights of the R ound T able DV D1022 Last flight out DV D1023 T he list


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DV D1024 Martian child DV D1025 T he note DV D1026 O brother, where art thou? DV D1027 T he other side of heaven DV D1028 Perfect stranger DV D1029 T he perfect stranger DV D1030 Pilgrim’s progress DV D1031 Practical magic DV D1032 P.S. I love you DV D1033 Second glance DV D1034 Secret lives DV D1035 Shall we dance? DV D1036 Showstoppers DV D1037 Spider DV D1038 Stomping on the yard DV D1039 T he sword in the stone DV D1040 T ake the lead DV D1041 T hough none go with me


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DV D1042 T he wager DV D1043 W elcome to Paradise DV D1044 Y our road to passing the U .S. citizenship test DV D1045 T ime Life’s Lost civilizations (4 DV Ds) DV D1046 DU NGY T ony Dungy on wining with quiet strength DV D1047 T he talented M r. R ipley (Copy 2) VIDEOCASSETTES V C1 861 Delegating effectively (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 862 V C1 863 H oyer Lifter In-Service video (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 864 ALBR ECH T Assisted delivery and cesarean section (Gift – Nursing) V C1 865 – V C1 867 POOLE Crisis obstetrics (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 868 – V C1 869 KELLY Physical examination of the newborn (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 870 – V C1 871 H ILL Postpartum nursing assessment (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 872 FOW LER 1 2-lead ECG (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 873 FOW LER Anatomy and physiology of the heart (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 874 FOW LER Atrial dysrhythmias (Gift – Nursing Dept.)


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V C1 875 FOW LER AV heart blocks (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 876 FOW LER Differential interpretation (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 877 FOW LER ECG monitoring (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 878 FOW LER Ischemia, injury and infarction (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 879 FOW LER Junctional dysrhythmias (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 880 FOW LER Pathophysiology of coronary artery disease (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 881 V entricular dysrhythmias (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 882 Arterial lines (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 883 V C1 884 Chest drainage (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 885 Nervous system (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 886 Shock (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 887 Gestational age assessment of the newborn (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 888 Occupational acquired bloodborne diseases (Gift – Nursing Dept.) V C1 889 T he odyssey


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FALL SEMESTER, 2008 AI 3 .R 48 R EF R eaders’ guide to periodical literature (v. 67, 2007) (R eference Collection) HA 203 ,U 1 7 2008 R EF State rankings, 2008 (R eference Collection) H V 6787 .C77 2008 R EF Crime state ranking, 2008 (R eference Collection) LB 1 775.2 .W 64 2005 W ONG T he first days of school LB 2328 .C55 2002 COHEN American community college (Gift) PN 61 01 .G52 2006 T he giant book of poetry Q R 46 .G453 2008 Germ wars R 737 .O47 2008 CAR EER OLR ECH Student success for health professionals made incredibly easy (College & Career Collection) R A 407.3 .H 423 2008 R EF H ealth care state rankings, 2008 (R eference Collection) RB 1 1 3 .H 83 2008 H U R ST Pathophysiology review RB 1 1 3 .P3636 2009 Pathophysiology made incredibly easy RC 440 .V 536 2008 V IDEBECK Psychiatric mental health nursing RC 489 .A7 A75 2007 Art in treatment RC 489 .B4 D51 5 2007 Dialectical behavior therapy in clinical practice RD 99.25 .W 776 2009 PR EU SSER W inningham and Preusser’s critical thinking cases in nursing


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R M 1 70 .C464 2008 CHEEV ER I.V . therapy demystified R T 41 .C857 R EF Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature (v.52, 2007) (R eference Collection) R T 41 .M46 2007 M en in nursing R T 41 .P844 2009 POT TER Fundamentals of nursing R T 42 .N823 2008 R EF Multisystem disorders (R eference Collection) R T 48 .N78 2008 R EF Signs and symptoms (R eference Collection) R T 48.5 .D533 2009 Diagnostic tests made incredibly easy R T 49 .A45 2008 R EF All-in-one care planning (R eference Collection) R T 49 .A45 2008 All-in-one care planning R T 51 .N82 2008 R EF Nurse’s 3-minute clinical reference (R eference Collection) R T 51 .P365 2006 PER R Y Clinical nursing skills and techniques R T 55 .D53 2009 CAR EER DiDONA NCLEX review (College & Career Collection) R T 55 .R 563 2008 CAR EER R INEHAR T NCLEX-R N exam cram (College & Career Collection) R T 55 .R 565 2008 CAR EER R INEHAR T NCLEX-R N practice questions (College & Career Collection) R T 65 .P69 2009 R EF Professional guide to diseases (R eference Collection) R T 74.7 .U 75 2009 U LLR ICH Precepting in nursing


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R T 82 .C87 2007 CU R NAY N A good day in hell R T 82 .K34 2007 CAR EER KAT Z A career in nursing (College & Career Collection) R T 84.5 .M38 2008 M cKENNA Nursing models, theories and practice R T 85.2 .O3694 2008 O’BR IEN A sacred covenant R T 86.7 .O24 2009 OCH S Study guide and skills performance checklists for Perry/Potter Fundamentals of nursing R T 1 20 .T 73 L37 2005 CAR EER LaR U E H ighway hypodermics (College & Career Collection) SF 428.2 .D735 2007 DRAKEFORD Essential care in the field