(l{:.'e>ic .) headquarters · p. mail: [email protected] website: office ms fax...

/~~ (l"{:.'E>IC .) ~'-'. - '/":; ~/1n f '"J~I~:,,/ ••• .1 \.~., Headquarters EMPLOYEES' STATE INSlJRANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAWAN; CIG MARC; NEW DELHI-1l0002 Pt. File No.lJ-121l4/3/2007-Med-I1RTI Dated 19.07.2010 To The CPIO RTI Branch, llqrs. Office, New Delhi. Sub:-Compliance of orders of Central Information Commission on the appeal of Sh. Mohit Gupta. Sir, With reference to your branch letter F.No. 7-12/14/ID NO.880/MGI2010- RTI-636 dated 05.07.2010, kindly find enclosed herewith information regarding suspected cases of occupational Diseases received from ESIC Hospitals -Joka (Kolkata), Andhcri (Mumbai), Indore, Basaidarapur (Delhi) and K.K. Nagar (Chcnnai ) lor further necessary action. This issues with the approval of Medical Commissioner. l.ncl: - As mentioned Yours Sincerely, / (R. S. Patwal ) Dy. Director (M) Copy to:- I £rector, System Branch with the request to kindly upload the -/ i~'f~)f)l1ation on the wcbsitc urgently by 20.07.2010 in compliance with C.LC order. ~no1 Dy.l1i~ector (M) 1>.h..I./ hafl','j u ma/dor

Upload: others

Post on 26-May-2020




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Page 1: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

/~~(l"{:.'E>IC .)~'-'. - '/":;

~/1n f '"J~I~:,,/••• .1 \.~.,



Pt. File No.lJ-121l4/3/2007-Med-I1RTI Dated 19.07.2010


The CPIORTI Branch,llqrs. Office,New Delhi.

Sub:-Compliance of orders of Central Information Commission on theappeal of Sh. Mohit Gupta.

Sir,With reference to your branch letter F.No. 7-12/14/ID NO.880/MGI2010-

RTI-636 dated 05.07.2010, kindly find enclosed herewith information regardingsuspected cases of occupational Diseases received from ESIC Hospitals -Joka(Kolkata), Andhcri (Mumbai), Indore, Basaidarapur (Delhi) and K.K. Nagar(Chcnnai ) lor further necessary action.

This issues with the approval of Medical Commissioner.

l.ncl: - As mentioned

Yours Sincerely,

/(R. S. Patwal )

Dy. Director (M)

Copy to:-

I £rector, System Branch with the request to kindly upload the-/ i~'f~)f)l1ation on the wcbsitc urgently by 20.07.2010 in compliance with

C.LC order.


Dy.l1i~ector (M)

1>.h..I./ hafl','j u ma/dor

Page 2: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

.~ ~1U\ll ~ PI·111...:·'Employecs':State. Insurance Corporation ..:..... .,:~, It!r.wirit'~4l(ot aa,qfl'~$ ~ "iIRr

. ... . 1\f~~elH.ospit~la·nd Occupational Disease Centre'''~(.~.~;r.:'"1'''t;.~NaD~a Nagar,Indorc -:452011"':

.: .-:~~ I Tde•.~73~-2SS441l~ IFu-:0731:-Z559080. .. E~~ail:iD~iDd:ore@esi~nic;.inIwwW.eslc;nlc.in ... '.

. ,-~.' . .' .......


To,Dr. S.K.JainMedical CommissionerESIC, HQrs.Office"Panchdeep BhawanNew Delhi-l10002

Sub:-Information regarding suspected cases of Occupational Disease.

Sir,Your Letter No. U-12/14/3/2007/Med-I/Policy RTI . Dated: 20-07-2010.

casesas follows.S.No Name of JP and Specify the ~ol\ow up Whether the Whether. Whether

Ins. No. type of treatment case was the case the caseoccupational provided to refered to was wasdisease the worker special Medical informed confirmed

Board for to chief by theconfirmation inspector Special

" ... ,.. .. .... - ". - ._-- .- of f~g:.ories.. M~_c!ic,~1Board

1. Hameede bee. 43 silicosis Tab. Yes ------- Noy female. Ins.No. Detiphyline1034955 R 100

Tab. M.V.1BD ;

Yours Faithfully,


1 Medical SpecialistESICModel Hospital

L_Nanda Nagar lndore

•• •

Page 3: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)




~ '.) "lSO_•.-.cmI •••••• ~Tcldn In 28lO3166 PBX- lS3672eJ

E-Man lJ!S:andbedl!esk.nlc.ln..No:EMHAlMumbaiJ DMSI 12010 Date: 16.07.2010

ToThe Dy. Medical Commissioner,Hqrs. Office,E.S,!. Corporation,Pancbdcep Bhawan,C.I.G~ Road, New Delhi.

Sub: Information regarding suspected cases of Occupational Diseases-Compliance of order of the CIC on the appeal of Sh, Mohit Gupta.


In .reference to your letter No. U-I2/14/3/2007/Med.IIPolicy RTI dt. July, 2010 I amstibmittingth~ requjred infonnati~n in prescribed profonnaofthis hospital as under :

This is for youe information and necessary action.

Sr Name ofIP & Specify the Follow up. Whether the Whether the WhethNo. Ins. No. type of treatment case was case was case"

Occupational provided· to referred to in formed to confinDisease the worker Special Medical ·Chief theSp

'Board for Inspector of MedicConfirmation ·the factories Board

J . Mr.Harlshankar Noise Yes Yes Case yet to CaseYadav Induce be be eoIns. No, Hearing confirmed by

I3]/4420915 Loss by Special Medic. Medical Board



Yours faithfully,


. . l~.1 ' H)(Dr. (Mrs. S.. Gaikl)

Dy. Medical Superintendent

Page 4: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


"aa1Ja0a%a aa01Jaae1a··aapaaA :taSa Oiaa0a:a :tasA:aa Do" aiA%aaOa Phone25100664

1aoS:ta<Oa Fax25460187

taS%aApaaAae Aae%a °aae%aa aa~a0a%a,a01a:aaEa

Employees' State Insurance Corporation Hospital,aa/A tOa ,aaii 9001 :2000 1aJE%aaaa¥a:a ISO

~ 9001 :2000 certifiedoaoa/AaaAa1ai, aaAaf2JaAanj, ~a/A aaaeeaae

110015Basaidarapur, Ring Road, New Delhi-11 0015

DM(H)A-16j52j77 j07 jRTIjMed(H) Dated: 15.07.2010


Dr. S. K. JainDy-Medical Commissioner,ESICorporation,ClG Road,New Delhi

Sub: Information regarding suspected cases of Occupational Diseases-Compliance of order ofthe(IC on the appeal of Sh. Mohit Gupta.


With reference to your office letter No. U-12/14/3/2007/Med-I/Policy RTI dated July, 2010on the above cited subject.

In this connection desired information is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal andnecessary action.

Yours faithfully,


. - ...._- - ~-.-----------....----1. Sh. Keshav Raj

Mishra.]. 2_~-338~301 _

ISh Dashrath InterstKr 5089037 lung di

l' with

asbesto._ .. - ---- _._---_ .._- . ---.--

? Byssi

the Follow up Whether the Whether Whether thetreatment case was the case case was

tional provided referred to was confirmed by theto the special informed special medicalworker medical to chief Board

board for inspectorconfirmation of factories-

nosis Yes Yes Yet to beconfirmed

_.- 1--------- 1-------itial Yes Yes Yet to besease confirmed

sis 1_._------ ---' ----- --- --_. ----- ----

_ _._-)--. ------.----.-- ---SI.No. Name ofthe Specify

IP & Ins. No. type of, occupaI disease

Page 5: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


mail: [email protected]: www.esic.nic.in



(ISO 9001-2000 Certified)ASHOK PILLAR ROAD, CHENNAI - 600 078

: 044- 24892171: 044- 24893714: 044- 24891094

•. .

No.TNIMSIESICHlODC/20 10 Dated: 19.7.2010

To .,Dr.S.KJain,Dy.Medical Commissioner,Headquarters Office,ESI Corporation,C.I.G. Marg,New Delhi-2.



Sub: Information regarding suspected cases of Occupational Diseases-Compliance of order of the CIC on the appeal of Sh.Mohit Gupta.

Reg; Hqrs. Lr. No.U-12/14/3/2007IMed.llPolicy RTIl1558 dt. July 2010. *****

With reference to above, I have to forward herewith the information regardingSuspected cases of Occupational Disease found/reported ODCwise along with remarksof the ODC-Incharge of this Hospital for further necessary action.

Encl: as above.Yours faithfully,

r--'CM1..----r:::-I \ CV~\'J. '



Page 6: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

Remarks of the ODC-in-Charge ESIC Hospital, K.K.Nagar, Chennai

Ref. HQ ESIC letter U-12/14/312007/Med-IIP0Iicy RTI/1558 Dt 15-7-10

Sub. Information regarding suspected cases of Occupational Diseases-compliance of the order of CICon the appeal of Sh.Mobit Gupta .

..1. Our OOC in Chennai receives cases of suspected occupational diseases for SpecialMedical Board from 5 Southern state5-Tamil Nadu, Puducherry,Kerala, Andhra Pradeshand Kamataka.

2. Suspected cases from the peripheral ESl Dispensaries and other ESI Hospitals areevaluated in our ODC in detail and diagnosis is made and recommended for MedicalBoard.

3. Special medical Board is held every month and disability is awarded to the workersdisabled by Occupational diseases.

4. As we are getting JPs from other states, as a policy, we report OD cases to our ESIHeadquarters in our monthly ODC report.

5. Details of OD cases from 5 south em states for the last 5 years who have appeared beforeSpecial Medical Board is given State wise in Annexure. Karnataka -Nil reported



ESIC Hospital, K.K.Nagar



Page 7: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


Tamil Nadu

Se No Name IPNo Diagnosis

1. Shri. R.Vaidyanathan 2808804 Byssinosis

2. Shri.Jayavelu 11296178 Byssinosis

3. Shri. M.Renu 3043341 Silicosis

4. Shri. Velmurugan 845871 Occupational eye injury

5. Shri.T. Saravanan 1740771 silicosis

6. Shri. R..Ganesan 11204016 Byssinosis

7. Shri.N.Ganesan 10762078 Byssinosis

8. Shri.R Palaniswamy 1636067 Occupational Acne

•, ~



Page 8: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

Puducherrv cases


Se No. Name IPNo Diagnosis

l. Shri. Balasubramaniam 2920339 Byssinosis

2. Shri.K.Chandrasekharan 10850833 Noise induced Hearing loss( Nllfl.)


3. Shri.Pitchamani 1446652 Byssinosis

4. Smt. Ellaiazagi 11069383 Occupational asthma

S. Shri. Lucas 1468487 Manganese toxicity

Occupational Parkinsonism

O. Shri. Gandhivaradan 13703401 Contact Dermatitis

7. Shri. Rajappan 14455193 Byssinosis

H.Shri.D.Natarajan 1461038 Byssinosis

9. Shri.D.Subbarayan 1456803 Byssinosis

10. Shri. V.Muthulingam 1469601 Byssinosis

•. i

Page 9: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

AndhraPradesh Cases



f f'

~e IPNo Diagnosis

I 1. Shri.Nageshwariah ]733809 Pneumoconiosis

2.Shri.C.lbtnachandrith 305952 Mesothelioma

3.Shri. Seeniah 4775020 Acoustic trauma

4;,.Shri.Laksmi narsaiah 4775211 NlHL( Noise induced

hearing loss)

5. Shri. Srinivasa Reddy 4775231 NIHL

6. Shri.Damodar 4775374 NIHL

7. Shri. Narasimalu 4546658 Methanol blintlttess

8. Shri. Parasuramulu 4775095 NIHL

9. Shri.Balaiah 4775404 NIHL

10. Shri.G.Srinivas 4775092 NIHL

Page 10: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

Kerala region cases

Se No. Name IPNo

Contact Dermatitisd'

LShri. Sudarsanan 963092"

2. Smt. Vimalamma 935616

3. Shri.M.K Chandrasekharan 930960

4.Shri. K.B.Mohan Nair 931229

5. Shri.Sivan Kutty 438685

6. Smt. Beeja Bai 2764524 .

7. Shri. P.VRajendran 931103

8. Shri. Kumaran Nair 417559

9. Shri. Krishnan Kutty 1882092

10. Shri. AruI Swamy 740481

11. Shri. AniI Kumar 1925589

12. Shri. P. Natarajan 1049420

13. Shri.Sudheer 1771647

14. Shri. Sankara 1049510

15. Shri.Abdul sattar 418032

16. Shri. Krishnan Kutty

17. Shri. AT.Gopalan

18. Shri. P.T.A1i kutty




19. Shri. Gunasekharan 1731927

20. Shri C.Sukumaran 2010188

21. V.Sankaran ).. 1049510



Byssinosis NIHL



Lead toxicity








Occupational asthma







Occupational asthma

Page 11: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


Fax: 033 2467 2795, Phone: 033 2467 2799 16280 11764

File No. No. H.41.Z.15/15/14lESIC/ODCI20041 Dated: 16-07-2010

ToDr. S.K. JainDy. Medical CommissionerESI Corporation ,;"Panchdeep Bhaw~p"CIG Marg.New Delhi-02

Sub: Information regarding suspected cases of Occupational Disease Complianceof order of the CIC on the

rappeal of ~h. Mohit Gupta.


In reference to your letter no U.18/14/0/2007/Med-IJPolicy RTI dated 09.07.2010 (Photo copyenclosed), please find enclosed herewith the list of suspected cases of Occupational Disease found /reported ODe wise as per the proforma asked for in your letter.

Yours faithfully

Sd/-Enclo: As above.

(Dr. T. K. Danda)Medical Superintendent


Page 12: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


, ';0"-'

,:~- '--'~,


Fax: 033 2467 2795, Phone: 033 2467 2799 / 6280 /1764

SI. Name of IP and Specify the type Follow up Whether the Whether Whether the case wasNo. Ins. No. of occupational treatment case was the case confirmed by the Special

disease provided to referred to was Medical Boardthe worker Special informed

Medical to Chief" Board for Inspector

., confirmation of. factories01 Dharamraj Talco silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)


02 Ramsakal Roy Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07), FA41-7766583 (22.04.09), (01.09.09)

03 Goutam Yadav. Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)41-7780199

04 Nagandra Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)Mahato41-7255087

05 Gourisankar Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07),Singh old treated PTB '. (23.04.09)41-7780722

06 Gopal Ghosal Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)41-7483184

07 Ramakanta Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)Prasad41-7177143

08 Joydeb Pakhira Talco silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)41-4152085 with asbestosis

09 Gourisankar Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07), YesBarma old treated PTB (01.09.0941-7778081


10 Umashankar Giri Silicosis Yes Ye~ Yes Yes (26.04.07)41-7484024

11 Surendra Bhagat Talco silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)41-9754465

12 Shankar Ghosh Sificosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)41-2251754 old treated PTB '.

13 Sannyashi Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07)Maharana41-2800445

14 Surendra Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (26.04.07),41-2805780 FA(07.05.08), Yes

• (13.05.08)15 Nishar Ahmed byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07),

41-4629599 ! with COPD (03.09.09)

Page 13: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

.. /~

-' ----...

i Pradip Kr Show Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes YesA 41-7485945 (27.04.07),(23.04.09)/,

Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07),( 17 Sankar Prosad YesShanna FA(23.04.09), yes41~9529200 - (03.09.09)

18 Md Riyasuddin Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes NO (27.04.07)41-12156876

19 Saktipada Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07),Adhikary ., (03.09.09)41-2830173 "

20 Sahajmal Khan Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07),41-2834436


21 Md Mukter Coal workers Yes Yes Yes NO (27.04.07), Yes41-8230847 Pneumoconiosis (03.09.09)

22 KrisbnaDas Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07)41-9943393 PTB (06.05.08)

23 Dipak Kr Dutta Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07)41-9803847

24 Rabindralal Dey Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07) Death41-7780725

25 Srikishan Rai Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.04.07),41-9236820 PTB - (23.04.09)

26 Bijoy Kr Singh Pneumoconiosis Yes Yes Yes NO (26.04.07)44-343813

27 Patras Minz Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (29.08.07),44-261436 -, yes (29.11.10)

28 Chamru Kujur Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.08.07)44-576441 old treated PTB

29 Prasan Kr Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.08.07)Pradhan old treated PTB44-169766

30 Jagannath Das Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (29.08.07)44-170635 (29.11.07),(06.05.08)

31 DSRoy Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.08.07)44-92609

32 Sri Lalan Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attendChowdhury (29.08.07),(29.11.07),44-580723 (06.05.08)

33 Prasant Kr Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.08.07)Mohanty old treated PTB44-209543 .

34 Ganji Tette Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.08.07),44-126738 ., (29.11.07)

35 Sudarshan Mercurial Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (29.08.07)Pradhan Poisoning44-66451

36 BB Paikraj • Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend44-584197 • (29.08.07),(29.11.07),




Page 14: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


//if Jaglal Yadav Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (29.08.07)41-7489114 old treated PTB

/38 Radhamohan Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (30.08.07),'/ Parit old treated PTB (01.09.09)

41-778009739 Ajoy Panday Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (30.08.07)

41-7491762 PTB ,

40 Sita Ram Kunwar Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (30.08.07)41 Fatick Singh Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (30.08.07)

419820190 ,;.

42 Ashok Prasad Byssinosis Yes > Yes Yes Fail to attend (30.08.07)41-8276633 -. (28.1 1.07)

43 Chandrika Ram Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (30.08.07)41-4967888 (29.11.07)

44 Sontosh Kr. Das Obstructive Yes Yes Yes No ( 30.08.07)41-3571477 airway disease

45 Ram Narayan Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attendKurmi (30.08.07X28.11.07)41-9263910

46 Ram Babu Show Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (30.08.07)41-7491478 (28.11.07)

47 Samaroo Prasad Metal fume Yes Yes Yes Yes (31.08.07)41-6114892 fibrosis

48 Paresh nath Byssinosis jute Yes ,- Yes Yes Yes (31.08.07)Pandit41-9265480

49 Chandreswar Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (31.08.07),Roy old treated PTB - > (03.09.09)41-7483949 with post TB

50 Dharamdeo Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (31.08.07),Yadav old treated PTB (03.09.09)41-7490123

51 Paulus Ekka Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (31.08.07)41-4952914 old treated PTB

52 Panchadeo Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (31.08.07),Yadav old treated PTB (04.09.09)41-7176084

53 Brindalal Yadav Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (31.08.07'41-12160683 old treated PTB (28.11.07), (29,01.09)

54 Allauddin IByssinosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (31.08.0741-7864084 - , (28.11.07),.

Yes(13.05.08)55 Ardhendu Oil acneand Yes Yes Yes NO (31.08.07)

chatterjee irritant dermatitis41-5115732 "

56 Haripada Manna BIL varicose Yes Yes Yes NO (31.08.07),41-4882308

t veins (LL) with (12.11.08), . varicose ulcer Rt


Page 15: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)


(I AnilKrDas Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07)41-2752095 airway disease

/58 Ganesh eh Singh Byssinosis due Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.l1.07)I

/ 41-4267564 to jute dust, 59 SovaRai Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07)

41-4963722 airway disease60 DharamNath Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes Yes (27.11.07)

Yadav old treated PTB41-7176085 .. -

61 Monohar Thakur Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07)41-7295147 airway disease

62 Mrinan Kanti .• Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07)• airway diseaseDas >

41-746885063 Musafir Mahato Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend

41-776862 (27 .11.07),Yes(29 .11.10)64 Paresh Yadav Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07)

41-8240529 airway disease65 Mohan Dutta Metal fume Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07),

Roy fibrosis of lungs (24.06.08)41-8636086

66 Naba Kr Sarnanta Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (27.11.07)41-8992880 airway disease

67 Surendra Kr Sha Occupational Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (28.11.07),41-9774109 astharna (13.05.08),

r - 02.11.08),(29.01.09)68 Omprakash Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend

Sharma (28.11.07),(13.05.08),41-9775936 (12.11.08),(29.01.09)

69 Rajkumar Show Byssinosis due Yes -, Yes Yes Yes (28.11.07)41-9980944 to iute dust

70 Chandi Caran Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (28.11.07)Paul41-3743909

71 SitaRam Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (28.11.07~Kunwar41-9942158

72 Kalyan Kumar Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (29.11.07)Banerjee treated PTB41-4550536 I

73 Sayad Maqsood Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.11.10).Alam44-94955 r- -

74 Tarakeswar Old treated PTB Yes Yes Yes NO (06.05.08),41-7521974 with ? (04.09.09)

Bronchiactesiswith obstruction -,

75 Rajendra Rabi Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (06.05.08)Das with old treated41-7175707 i PTB

Page 16: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

••.••••••••••••~2~---------------- _/.

/'1/ KamalCh Das Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (06.05 ..08) I.' 41-748182077 Mukunda Banik Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (06.05.08)

41-7483187 treatedPTB78 MadanSantra Asbestosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (06.05.08)

41-457736079 Ashish Sadhu Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (07.05.08)

41-122182080 Debendra Pathak Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attend (07.05.08),

41-6131435 Yes(l2.l1.08)81 Jolban Mia Occupational Yes YeS Yes Failto attend


Bronchitis (07.05.08),(12.11.08),,(29.01.09)

82 Bijoy Shankar Talco Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Fail to attendShow . (07.05.08),(12.11.08),41-4253295 (29.01.09)

83 NareshRoy Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (07.05.08)41-7174378 treatedPTB

84 Balchand Kahar Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (07.05.08)41-7177785

85 Madan Prasad ?Pneumoconiosis Yes Yes Yes NO (07.05.08), FA41-9522766 (12.11.08), (29.01.09),

Yes (06.05.09)86 Rampada Maity Taleo Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (07.05.08)

41-4910180 with old treatedPTB

87 Pradip Kr Ojha Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (07.05.08)41-7177119


88 MadanMohan Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)Prasad treated PTB41-7173349

89 Murari Mohan Silicosis with old Yes . Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)Chakraborty treated PTB41-7468988

90 Sankar Occupational Yes Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)Chakraborty Asthma41-7525145

91 Suklal Majumder Silicosis Yes Yes Yes YeS (08.05.08)41-7768984

92 Gopal Goshal ISilicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)41-7483184

93 Kalyan Kr Dutta Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)41-7423174

94 Gourisankar Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08), yesVerma treated PTB

r- ,(01.09.09)

41-777808195 Kripal Thakur Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)•

41-7780357 •• treatedPTB96 Biswanath Orang Silicosis Yes -. Yes Yes Yes (08.05.08)

41-7777078 j

Page 17: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

Pi 3


••Sitaram Kunwar Silicosis Yes Yes Yes FA (08.05.08), Yes41-9942185 (29.01.09)

98 Bindalal Yadav Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes FA (l3.05.08),41-12160683 treatedPTB 01.11.08)

99 Kamluddin Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (l3.05.08)44-172374

100 Antony Barla Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (13.05.08)44-172978 treated PTB

101 Sitaram Rajvhar Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (13.05.08)41-7483945 treated PTB

102 Dhiren Ch Das ~Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)41-1571939 ..

103 Puran Singh , Silicosis Yes - Yes -- Yes FA (11.11.08),41-74794471 (29.01.09), Yes

(07.05.09)104 AnwaraBibi Silicosis Yes Yes Yes FA (11.11.08), yes

41-9506616 > (07.05.09)105 Samsuddin Sk Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (11.11.08)

41-2575361 airway disease106 Mansur Khan Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)

41-9544499107 Rishideo Mishra Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (11.11.08)

41-7492061 airway disease108 SankarDas Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)

41-9943394109 Ramekbal Talco Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)


no Lakhan Ch Saha Talco Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)41-9548617


111 Harisadhan Tung Talco Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)41-4919455

112 Arjun Yadav Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)41-4919455 -,

113 Hajarilal Mondal Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)41-7470973 treated PTB

114 Bikrama Prasad Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (11.11.08)41-7173048 treated PTB

115 Umashankar Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (12.1 L08)Ghosh treated PTB41-7484329


116 Pradip Kr'Das F'I'C'pericardial Yes Yes Yes NO (12.11.08)41-7598968 pleural effusion

(tuberculosisetiology) withobstructiveairway disease


117 Lalan Singh ~licosis with Yes Yes Yes NO (12.11.08), Yes41-7476865 PMF (07.05.09)


Page 18: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

•••..........•3~--------------....------ ~--,8 Anup Purkait Lead Poisoning Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09), FA

41-8255504 -, (04.09.09)119 Parsurarn Singh FTC, Filariasis Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09)

41-1520879 withhypertension

120 Bholanath Sha Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (28.01.09)41-7486025

121 Monoranjan Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09),Sahoo (01.09.09)41-9232900

122 Abdulla Mondal Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09),41-7226972 -. airway disease (01.09.09)

123 Shibbachan , Silicosis with Yes Yes Yes FAYadav PTB (28.01.09),Yes(06.05.09)41-7483957


124 Manik Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09),Chowdhury airway disease (01.09.09)41-9706232

125 AjitKrDas PTB sequele Yes , Yes Yes NO (28.01.09),41-4911402 with Obstructive (02.02.09)

airway disease126 Mahesh Rabidas Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09)

41-9702447127 Binod Bihari Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes FA (28.01.09),

Gangully (07.05.09), (02.09.09)41-1573381

128 Anil Kt Das Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (28.01.09)41-2552095 airway disease

129 SovanRoy Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes NO (29.01.09)41-9857820

130 Sankar Ghosh Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (29.01.09)r

41-2251754 treated PTB131 Dhararnraj Talco Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (22.04.09)


132 Sachidananda Silicosis Yes-,

Yes Yes Yes (22.04.09)Yadav41-7487754

133 Santosh Kr Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes(22~04.d9)Bhowtnik41-9941984


134 Kuldeep Prosad Talco Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (22.04.09)41-9754508

135 Goutam Yadav Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (22.04.09)41-7780199 treated PTB

136 Narsingh Singh Silicosis Yes Yes Yes FA (22.04.09)41-7179161

137 Nagendra t .Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes Yes (23.04.09). ~Mahato41-7255087 I

Page 19: (l{:.'E>IC .) Headquarters · p. mail: ms-odcchennai@esic.nic.in Website: Office MS Fax ESIC HOSPITAL: K.K. NAGAR EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORA nON (ISO 9001-2000 Certified)

)8 Joydev Pakhira Talco silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (23.04.09)41-4152085 with suspected

asbestosis139 Nishar Ahmed Byssinosis jute Yes

,Yes Yes Yes (23.04.09)

41-4629599140 Md Riyasuddin Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (06.05.09)

41-12156876 airway disease141 Shaktipada Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes FA (06.05.09)

Adhikary ,;41-27839173

142 Sahajrnal Khaa Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes FA (06.05.09)41-23834436 .

143 MdMuktar Coal Workers Yes Yes Yes FA (06.05.09)41-8230847 Pneumoconiosis

144 D.K. Dutta Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (07.05.09)41-9803847 ,. ,

145 SwapanDas Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (02.09.09)41-7491625

146 Gupteswar Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (02.09.09)Mishra41-7175008


147 BabanBurma Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (02;09.09)41-99442458

148 AB Khalil Obstructive Yes Yes Yes NO (02.09.09)41-4511956 airway disease

149 Chittararijan Das Silicosis Yes Yes Yes .Yes «()2.09.09)41-9943847

150 Sunil Kr Karar Byssinosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (02.09.09)41-35740448

151 Santosh Kr Das Byssinosis jute Yes Yes Yes FA (03.09.09)41-3571477

152 Rajendra Rajak Silicosis Yes Yes Yes· Yes (04.09.09)41-7175255 ,

153 Suraj Singh Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (04.09.09)41-9941787

154 Chandravan Ram Silicosis Yes Yes Yes Yes (04.09.09)41-7474024

155 Ramkrishna Das Silicosis with old Yes Yes Yes Yes (04.09.09)41-7177281 treated PTB
