
Dress Your Legs According to Body Type By: www.fabulousafter40.com

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Post on 27-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Legs

Dress Your Legs According to Body Type By: www.fabulousafter40.com

Page 2: Legs

A lot of women are very insecure about their body, especially their legs, and society pushes it further by showcasing only skinny legs as the only acceptable norm.

But believe it or not ladies, with the right choices, you can still look fab and sexy without having to be ashamed of your body.


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Stout (Short and Thick Legs)

Pick a top that fits your body without being too tight and that won't cover past your hips so your legs won't look shorter.

For your legs, avoid loose clothes, try around some skirts and shorts that don't go past the knee, or if you're a bit conservative try some leg fitting short, just make sure that its length won't go past your knee


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Toothpick (Short and Thin Legs)

Basically the same as stout legs make sure your top is just at hips length, but you can opt for slightly looser clothes.

Also the same for the legs, except that leggings and shorts will be your best friend here, opt for lighter shade shorts like those faded ones. 

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Swimmer’s (Long and Thick Legs) 

There are a lot of options for long thick legs, but there are also limitations. If you decide to wear loose top that covers beyond your hips, pair it with tights, to give emphasis to your legs and "assets". For hip length and hanging tops, wear shorts with dark shades.

If ever you decide to wear leggings, rarely are women able to pull it off, but if you can, then by all means, don't let anyone stop you. There's also body fitting clothes and tank tops, which you can pair with either leg hugging jeans or harem pants, depending on the occasion of course.


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Spindly (Long and Thin Legs)

The Helen of leg types, long and thin legs can basically wear anything for their bottom and still look dashing.

But remember that you also have to make it compliment your top, never should they be competing for attention, harmony is the key. And also wear colors that will compliment your skin tone, but don't be afraid to get out and experiment. 


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for more Fashion tips

And to complete it with added height, posture and appeal, top it off with heels, there are thousands of heels that you can try, and it doesn't even have to be designer ones, as long as it suites your taste.

Or if you're not quite sure you're prepared for heels you can opt for elevated sandals or even flip flops, if you know how to bring yourself, then you won't be having problems. 
