legal opinio1

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  • 7/29/2019 Legal Opinio1








    In considering the drafting of any law it is pertinent to always take into

    Consideration the Nigerian Constitution or any other Constitution as the case

    may be.

    The Constitution remains the grund norm and basically any other law that is

    inconsistent with the constitution remains null and void to the extent of thatinconsistency. It also follows that any state law that is inconsistent or in

    conflict with an Act of the National Assembly shall be void to extent of the

    inconsistency and the Act shall supercede.

    The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria hereinafter called

    the Constitution provides for an exclusive legislative list reserved for the

    NASS. In the first schedule, item 29 provides for fishing and fisheries other

    than fishing and fisheries in rivers, lakes, waterways, ponds and other inland

    waters within Nigeria to be within the exclusive legislative competence ofthe NASS. See also item 64.

    The National Assembly has through enactment established

    the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) with the responsibility

    among other things, to improve and develop Inland Waterways for


    Section 2 of the Act establishing the authority provides for the objectives of

    the authority.

    The emphasis here is on navigation of the Inland Waterways of Nigeria and

    the improvement and development thereof and not fishing.

    Section 9 of the Act provides thus, particularly sub-section (J) and

    (K) thereof

    J- Grant of licences to private waterway operators;

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    K- approve the design and construction of inland river crafts

    Section 8 provides for the general functions of the authority thus;

    it shall be the function of the authority to-

    (a) Provide regulations for inland navigation

    (b) Ensure the development of infrastructural facility for a

    national inland waterways network connecting the creeks

    and the rivers with the economic center using the river-ports

    as nodal point for internodal exchange; and

    (c) ensure the development of indigenous technical and managerial

    skill to meet the challenges of modern inland waterways transportation

    Section 10 of the Act provides for the declaration of navigable waterways.

    The rivers and their tributaries distributaries, creeks lakes, lagoons and

    intra- coastal waterways specified in the second schedule to this Act are

    hereby declared Federal Navigable Waterways.

    By this section river Cross River is declared a Federal Navigable Waterway

    and no other river or water in Cross River State is so declared.

    While section 11 defines areas under the control of the authority.

    - All navigable waterways, Inland waterways, river-ports and Internal

    Waters of Nigeria, excluding all direct approaches to the

    ports listed in the third schedule to this Act and all other

    waters declared to be approaches to ports under or

    pursuant to the Nigerian Ports Authority Act up to 250

    metres beyond the upstream edge of the quay of such

    ports, shall be under the exclusive management, direction

    and control of the Authority.

    Section 29 of the Act is the interpretation section which definesInternal water to mean all waters

    on the land ward side of the baseline of the territorial sea

    Inland waterways- Includes all waterways, river, creeks, lakes, tide kinds

    lagoon below the low water baseline.

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    River Craft - Includes any vessel, barge or lighter canoe, boat or tug of

    any kind whatsoever towed or self- propelled by any type

    of motor or otherwise.

    Analysis of the subject- matter:

    The subject-matter of this opinion seeks to regulate fishing in the inland

    waterways of Cross River state by giving permission, registration of fish

    farmers and for other matters connected therewith.

    The purpose of this legal opinion is to examine the contents of the subject

    matter as to determine whether there is a conflict with the Constitution or

    any other extant Federal Act or there is compliance thereof and that the

    principles of legislative drafting has been complied with.

    Section 1 of the subject matter deals with permit for fishing crafts. Itprovides thus:

    1 (1)- As from the commencement of this law no person shall operate

    for the purpose of fishing a motor or non-motor fishing

    craft (hereinafter referred to as a craft) within the

    inland waters of the state unless a fishing permit in

    respect of that craft has been issued to the owner or

    operator of the craft under this law.

    This sub-section of the section 1 of the subject matter provides

    basically the operation of a craft in the inland waterways

    of the state subject to a fishing permit being issued to the

    owner. It presupposes that the operation of the craft is

    predicated on the fishing permit.

    The subject matter also defines a craft under S.19 as a

    vessel which is used for or equipped to be used for

    fishing this includes canoes with or without motor

    engines except trawlers

    While section 29 of the NIWA Act defined River Craft to include any

    vessel, barge or lighter canoe, boat or tug of any kind

    whatsoever towed or self-propelled by any type of motor

    or otherwise.

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    (1) The exclusive list of the constitution item 29 does not preclude the Cross

    River State Government from regulating fishing within the State Internal

    Waterways PROVIDED that sections 10 and 11 of the NIWA Act is

    complied with and not negated with respect to operations on river Cross


    (2) For fishing to take place, there be navigation within the inland


    (3) Section 8 of this Act NIWA Act provides that the regulation of inland

    navigation is that of the authority.

    (4) Designs and construction of the inland river crafts is that of the authority.

    It therefore follows that any craft operating for the purpose of fishing underThe subject matter must comply with the regulation of the authority and

    NIWA Act within river Cross River and no other. Note that all inland

    waterways as defined by the NIWA Act is under the control of NIWA and

    authorization of the authority is required for the navigation of same

    either for the purpose of fishing or transportation and if it has been given it

    should be reflected by making such section that require that approval

    contingent upon such reference; S.2 and 3 of the subject matter which

    conflicts with the NIWA Act ought to be recast by making the sections

    subject to the Constitution and the NIWA Act.

    The subject matter itself is a good law but must not conflict with the NIWA

    Act particularly with the navigation aspect of the law vis--vis use of crafts

    for the purpose of fishing.

    The Act has vested upon NIWA the control and regulation of inland

    waterways within Nigeria and therefore all activities within that

    jurisdiction must be complied with.

    This is our humble legal view of the subject matter which we hope meetsevery necessary standard.