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  • 7/29/2019 Legal Compliance Register


    UD Environment, Health & Safety Acts and Rules applicabl e to Environmental Aspects of IAL, P-II as per the,,,, (latest till march 2009).

    A. Environment Specific

    Sr.No. Year Name of the legislation Applicability Reason for non-applicability

    Water Pollution Related

    1 197 4/88 T he Water (P re ven ti on & C on trol of Pol lu ti on) Act & Ame nd me nt Act Yes

    2 1975 The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rule Yes

    3 1977 The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) CESS Act & Amendment 1992 / 2003Yes

    4 1978/03 The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) CESS Rules Yes

    5 1992 Notifications for Union territories No Area not covered under Union Territories

    Air Pollution Related

    6 1981/ 87 T he Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act & Amendment Act Yes

    7 1982 The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Rules Yes

    8 1983 The A ir (Prevention and Control of Pol lution) (Union Terri tories) Rules No Area not covered under Union Terri tories


    1994 Notification no. GSR 384 (E) (11.04.1994) National Ambient Air Quality Standards Yes

    Environment Protection Related

    10 1986/91 The Environment (Protection) Act Yes

    11 1986 The Environment (Protection) Rules Yes

    12 1 998 The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules Yes

    131999 The E nv ironment (P ro tecti on) (S econd A mendment) R ul es N o A pp li cabl e fo r new gense t

    14 2 001 The Environment (Protection) Amendment, Rules No Applicable for petrol and kerosene

    15 2 002 The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules Yes

    1 6 200 2 T he En viron ment (Pro te cti on) Th ird Amen dmen t Ru les N o App li cabl e fo r ne w gen set

    17 2002 The Environment (Protection) Fourth Amendment Rules No Applicable for vehicle manufacturing company

    18 2 003 The Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules No Applicable for generator manufacturer

    192004 The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, No Applicable for new genset, D iesel engine

    20 1991 /03 Notifications for Coastal Regulation Zone Delegation and Powers No No coastal area

    21 1994/04 The Environment Impact Assessment Notification & Environment Clearance No Establishment is not coming under specific projects as per rules

    221987/04 Recogni tion of Environmental Laborator ies and Analysts No Applicable for laboratories only

    Hazardous Substance Management Related23 2001 Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules Yes

    24 1934 Petroleum Act 1934 Rules 2002 Yes

    25 2000 The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules No It is not a municipal corporation


    2003Re-cycled Plastics Manufacture & Usage Rules and Amendment Rules NA Applicable for food industry

    271998 Dumping & Disposal of Fly Ash Noti fication No No generation of f ly ash

    28 1997 Prohibition on the Handling of Azodyes No No use of Azodyes

    29 1996 Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Response) Rules NA Responsibility lies with State & Central Govt.


    2000Manufacture, Use, Import, Export & Storage of Hazardous Micro-organisms, Genetical ly Engineered Organisms or Cell Rules and Noti fication, 2000 No No activi ty as per these rules

    31 1989/94/2000 Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules & Amendment Rules Yes


    2000/03/08The Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans boundary) Rules & Amendment Rules Yes

    33 1998/ 03 The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, Yes

    34 2000 Notification for Recognition of the laboratories that are allowed to use of pathogenic micro organisms or genetically engineered organisms or cells for the purposes of researchNo It is applicable for pathological laboratories

    Noise Pollution Related

    3 5 20 00 /02 N oi se Poll utio n (R eg ul ati on & Co ntro l) Ru les Y es

    36 2003 The Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules No Applicable for genset manufacturing

    37 2002 The Environment (Protection) Fourth Amendment Rules, No Applicable for vehicle manufacturing comp

    38 2002 The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, Yes

    39 2001 The Environment (Protection) Amendment, Rules No Applicable for petrol, kerosene, genset

    40 Eco-mark schemes NA No requirement for ecomarking

    41 Eco-sensitive zones NA Establishment is not coming under zones as per rules

    42 1999 The Environment (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, No Applicable for new genset

    43 1998 The Environment (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, Yes

    Ozone Layer Depletion Related

    4 4 20 00 Ozone D ep letin g Sub stan ces (Reg ul ation ) R ul es Y es

    Public Liability Insurance Related

    45 1991/92 T he Public Liability Insurance Act NA No chemical storage as per the list

    46 1991/93 The Public Liability Insurance Rules

    NANo chemical storage as per the list

    Occupational Health and Safety Related

    47 1948 The Factories Act Yes

    48 1988 Motor Vehicles Act Yes

    49 1989 Central Motor Vehicle Rules Yes

    50 2003 The Indian Electricity Act 2003 and last amendment 2007 Yes

    51 2005 The Indian Electricity Rules 2005 Yes

    52 1998 The 2-T Oil (Regulation of Supply and Distribution) Order No No activity as such

    53 1997 Static & Mobile Pressure Vessel Rules Yes

    54 1884 Explosives Act Yes


    Gas Cylinder Rules Yes

    56 2005 The Atomic Energy Radiation & Protection) Act No Class IV radiation (only safety precautions has to be fol lowed during maintenance work)

    Note - Latest amendments in Act upto Mar 09 are considered.

    (Managing Director)