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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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AGIOFILI BEACHBeach_Location Near Vassilki, Lefkada

rating Beach Sea_Floor Water Access No_Amenities Snorkeling Comments

5=Superb (best we visited. Worth going far out of our way to swim there again) Small Pebbles Small Pebbles 5/5 Poor = Accessible by car, poor road, long walk or climb Bring your own food and water Good snorkeling site Best beach I vistited when we were away with beautiful crystal clear turquoise water that got deep very quickly. Jumping in off the cliffs surrounding the beach was brilliant, and snorkelling at the foot of cliffs was amazing. I'm definitely going again!

Pentru majoritatea plajelor sunt indicatoare si pot fi gasite usor. Pentru Agiofili nu este nici un indicator din cate-mi amintesc. Masina se lasa in Vasiliki, unde se poate (cu parcarile era o problema in perioada in care am fost eu). Pentru a ajunge la Agiofili trebuie sa treci prin port. Este de fapt centrul, o zona plina de restaurante si baruri la malul marii. Mergi mai departe (in directia opusa plajei si surferilor) sau intrebi pe oricine:). Imediat, drumul face o panta si se strica brusc. Mai e de mers cam 2-3 km pe jos. Se poate si cu masina daca nu tii la ea. Plaja la care am visat dupa ce am vazut poze pe net a fost Agiofili. Este situata foarte aproape de locatitatea Vassiliki din sudul insulei. Se poate ajunge cu vaporasul (5E/pers dus-intors), pe jos (pt cei mai sportivi dintre noi) sau cu masina pe un drum neasfaltat, dar decent. Pot sa o compar doar cu Porto Katsiki, deoarece doar pe acestea doua le-am vazut. In opinia mea, avantajele Agiofili vs Porto Katsiki ar fi: aglomeratie mai mica datorita pozitiei mai "retrase", intrare ceva mai lina in apa, apa mai limpede deoarece sunt mai putine valuri, senzatia de plaja privata datorata dimensiunilor acesteia. In orice caz, indiferent pe care plaja veti merge, cred ca veti fi foarte incantati sa gasiti o apa demna de imaginile cu Bora-Bora (cu mentiunea ca nisipul auriu e inlocuit de pietricele albe destul de rotunjite pt a nu crea probleme talpilor ). Sa zicem ca se ajunge si usor si un pic mai greu ....sunt 2 variante : cea usoara cu vaporasul, care pleaca din Vassiliki si te si aduce inapoi .... si varianta un pic mai grea cu masina , din Vassiliki , dupa zona cu terase ( din acea zona pleaca ferry-boat-ul catre Kefalonia ), se face un drum neasfaltat (forestier), se poate merge destul de usor si fara sa ai o masina de teren.....de aici e un pic mai complicat de explicat ....se bifurca drumul la un moment dat si trebuie mers catre dreapta .....se ajunge la un gard care blocheaza drumul ....aici se poate parca , dar atentie sunt locuri cam pentru max 5 masini , asa ca recomand sa mergeti devreme .... sau lasati masina ceva mai departe. De aici

Lefkada Agiofili: Agiofili beach is situated near the village of Vassiliki, 38 kilometers from the town of Lefkada, on the southern part of the island. It is a small beach with sandy coast and crystal waters and offers various water sports activities, like windsurfing, scuba diving, and sea kayaking, in a relaxing and care-free atmosphere. Visitors can also enjoy swimming in the small bay of Ammousa.

se merge pe jos 15-20 min, portiune de drum unde puteti "admira" plasele de paianjeni ( brrrrrrr ), dar cum spuneam nu sunt de speriat asa de tare .....plaja este superba , apa foarte curata , e un golfulet de vis, uiti ca prin minune de drumul facut pana acolo . Destul de multi oameni merg pe acest drum pe jos din Vassiliki ....este ok cand te duci , dar cand trebuie sa pleci e mai dificil, apa te oboseste si soarele o ajuta din plin , asa ca nu stiu cat iti mai arde sa mergi pe jos si la intoarcere cam 2 km .

AGIOS IOANNIS Location: Lefkada, Near Lefkas town. Beach Name: Agios Ioannis and Myloi (Windmills) This is one long beach with the south end named Agios Ioannis and another part named Myloi after the old windmills that are found there. My Rating Overall: 2 = good beach, could go for swimming again if we happened to be in the area Beach: Small Pebbles Sea Floor: Small Pebbles and smooth Rock at places Water: 3 = very nice and clean sea. We would go swimming there again if we were in the area Access: Good = paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: Restaurant (on the beach), Bar (on the beach), Organized beach RV / Camper Accessibility: Site suitable for parking for the day, but not for camping. Snorkeling: S = only sand bottom Notes: Ai Giannnis is a very long beach with different areas exhibiting unique character. At the south end the beach is organized with a lifeguard on duty, while near the area called "Myloi" was packed with windsurfers (who made normal swimming at this spot uncomfortable). Further north the beach is offered for quiet swimming. Agios Ioannis beach is the closest beach to the islands capital, just a couple of kilometres away, and one of the best beaches of the island. Endless, golden and sandy, with turquoise waters, the beach reminds of a Caribbean landscape; the remains of old windmills give to the place a unique strong atmosphere. Because it is a windy beach it has become the second favourite windsurfing spot of Lefkada after Vassiliki. It attracts many skilled windsurfers and kite surfers.

AGIOS NIKITAS Location: Agios Nikitas, on the west coast of Lefkas My Rating Overall: 2=good beach, could go for swimming again if we happened to be in the area, though it would not be our first choice. Beach: SP=Small pebbles, LP=Large pebbles

Sea Floor: SP= Small pebbles, LP=Large pebbles Water: 2= Nice sea, we had a nice swim but we did not notice anything special about the water Access: Poor=accessible by car, poor road, long walk or climb If you live or stay in a hotel in Agios Nikitas this beach is within walking distance, and you probably park at your hotel's parking lot. If you on the other hand drive there by car hoping to spend the day at the beach, parking is only available at the main road which tends to get very crowded in the summer. The walk to the beach takes you through the town of Ag. Nikitas. Amenities: R=restaurant (on the beach), B=bar (on the beach), T=town within walking distance, H=hotel on the beach RV / Camper Accessibility: N= Campers explicitly forbidden, or the site is unsuitable for RV parking See "Access" above. A better option would be to drive a couple of kilometers south to Kathisma beach to find ample space for an RV. Go early in the day though because after 11:00 am it is hard to find parking. Snorkeling: P=looks promising but I did not dive Notes: This is the little beach right at the edge of Agios Nikitas. It is flanked by restaurants, hotels, and bars, and also serves as the port of the town with few fishing boats and water taxis sailing around. A better option would be to take the water taxi for a five minute ride to Mylos beach which is one of the best. You can also walk to Mylos beach, but the path through the cliffs is steep and dangerous. Pefkoulia beach is also nearby near the road before you reach Agios Nikitas, and Kathisma beach is a couple of kilometers farther south. Agios Nikitas is a small fishing village of located 12 kilometres west of the capital of the island. It has a beautiful little beach boarded by some excellent taverns. Because of the proximity of the village to some of the most beautiful beaches of Lefkada (Porto Katsiki, Kathisma and Pefkoulia) it has now become an important resort attracting thousands of visitors every summer.

DESIMI BEACH Location: Lefkada Near Nidri My Rating Overall: 2=good beach, could go for swimming again if we happened to be in the area Beach : LP=large pebbles Sea Floor: LP=large pebbles Water: 2=nice sea, we had a nice swim but we did not notice anything special about the water Access: Fair=accessible by car, poor road condition

Amenities: R=restaurant (on the beach) RV / Camper Accessibility: N= Campers explicitly forbidden, or the site is unsuitable for RV parking Snorkeling: N=does not look promising, I did not dive As with nearby Vilcho Bay you will find the sea here is a bit of a playground for speedboats and small yachts. There are off white rocks to the left of the beach in which you can pick out a cave. The water here is clear despite all the boats. The bay lies on the small peninsular near to Vilcho. It is surrounded by a large campsite which you have to walk through to reach the pebbly beach. There is a superb view from here of the hillsides.

EGREMNI My Rating Overall: 5=superb beach, best we have visited and worth going far out of our way to swim there again. In other words, we would travel around the world just to swim there. Beach: SP=Small pebbles Sea Floor: SP= Small pebbles Water: 5= The sea water was some the best for swimming. We would go way out of our way to swim there again and would travel around the world if we had to. Access: Poor=accessible by car, poor road, long walk or climb Driving to Egremni takes you through a very narrow and steep road. At some point you reach the end of driving, which is really a spot where the mountain has been bulldozed by someone to make a parking lot or two. You can park on the side of the road right before the parking lot for free, but this means another two hundred meters uphill when you are leaving the beach. Once you park, to reach the beach you have to climb down a few hundred makeshift steps and at the end you have to balance on a *very* shaky wooden structure. Amazingly enough there is a cantina before you reach the bottom, and another one at the beach so you can buy some water for the journey. You will definitely need some water before you head up to your car at the end of the day. Amenities: C=cantina (on the beach) RV / Camper Accessibility: See "Access" above. It should not be too difficult to drive down towards the parking lot, and there should be enough space to turn around at the end of the day. Snorkeling: P=looks promising but I did not dive Notes: One of the best beaches in Greece! It is so hard to access that it is never crowded, although it is so long that it would take thousands of people to make it feel crowded. Right at the bottom of the steps is the little make-shift bar, and a bunch of sun beds and umbrellas for rent. Further south the beach is deserted and bathers are spaced hundreds of meters apart. The

way up the thousand steps is a major deterrent, but if you don't like crowds, it is definitely a better beach than the nearby Porto Katsiki.Egremni is a beautiful beach situated 30 kilometres south from the Lefkadas capital. The long sandy beach is surrounded by impressive cliffs and clear waters and is only accessible via 250 steps descending along the cliff. Sun beds and umbrellas can be rented on the beach. Approaching by car and scooter you take a turn off the asphalt road to find a long 3km descent on a dirt road which has a fair few rocks as well. At the bottom is a carpark where you are charged. From here there are 354 steps down to the sand. They are quite safe apart from a bit of a rickety wooden staircase right at the bottom. The journey down is very pleasant and you can see the delightful blues of the water and the bright white of the beach itself. A row of loungers sit by the entrance but most of the beach is free of these and very undeveloped. The beach is very long with only a small shack near the entrance to spoil the view. Sitting on the beach the rock face behind you is very steep and the rocks chalky. At the back there are pebbles which diminish in size as you approach the water and finally become what can be described as sand. The water here is beautiful but dont attempt to snorkel because the waves and sands cloud it somewhat. The aquamarine water spreads into the beyond. On the way from the main town you will pass through Athani. It is a pleasant village with a few restaurants which provide good views for a meal. Impressions: The worst thing about this beach is the long climb up at the end of it. But its worth it for the beautiful water and pebbly sand this beach has to offer. The rock face behind you gives you a nice feeling of isolation and there are few beaches in the world that can compete with this one.

GYRA BEACH Location: Lefkada (near the town). As you go over the draw beach you have an option to turn left towards the town of Lefkada, and if you turn right the road takes you to Gyra beach My Rating Overall: 3=good beach, would choose it for swimming among other beaches if we were in the area. If we were visiting the area we would consider this beach a good place to swim. Beach: S=sand (sandy beach) Sea Floor: S=sand (sandy beach) Water: 3= Very nice and clean sea. We would go swimming there again if we were in the area Access: Good=paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: R=restaurant (on the beach), B=bar (on the beach), C=cantina (on the beach), H=hotel on the beach RV / Camper Accessibility: P= RV plenty Room for Parking Many RV's park towards the south end of the beach, and especially around the area called Mylos Beach. This is a favorite wind surfing spot as well. Snorkeling: N=does not look promising, I did not dive Notes: The beach near the town of Lefkada is vast. There are areas where bathers concentrate, usually around restaurants or bars, and there are large stretches that are completely vacant. Most people seem to concentrate at the two ends: near the castle at the north, and around the deserted windmills (Milos beach) at the south end.

KATHISMA My Rating Overall: 2=very good beach, would go out our way to swim there again Beach: P=pebbles (very fine small round pebbles) Sea Floor: S=sand (sandy beach) Water: 4=sea water was excellent and inviting for swimming. We would go out of our way to swim there again Access: Good=paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: R=restaurant (on the beach), B=bar (on the beach), C=cantina (on the beach), H=hotel on the beach. Lifeguards on duty RV / Camper Accessibility: P= RV Room for Parking. Site suitable for parking on the side of the road for the day, but not for camping. Snorkeling: 1=not very interesting underwater activity, or visibility was average. The rocks at the North end are of some interest, and there are a few large rocks and sea life at the south end. Notes: While this was one of the best beaches in Lefkada, the crowds have been overwhelming. Despite its size, the beach is now almost completely covered in parasols, and parking is all but impossible in the summer months. Kathisma has been over-built with bars, restaurants, hotels, and apartments at a very fast pace the last five years, and it has acquired a reputation as a "party" beach with plenty of noise pollution blasting from the bar megaphones, and the vehicles that crawl the narrow steep road in vain search for a parking spot. A better choice would be Egremni another 20 minutes drive further south. Our original report from 2000 indicated that Kathisma was voted to the top 10 greek beaches by visitors who voted at a popular magazine poll. Sadly, popularity does not always indicate quality.

Kathisma is one of the most beautiful beaches of Lefkada. It is located 14 kilometres east of the capital, nearby the village of Agios Nikitas. The long beach has fine white sand and the sea is of an amazing turquoise colour; the whole place is surrounded by impressive cliffs. Sun beds, umbrellas and water sports facilities can be found there, as well as various accommodations, restaurants and bars.This is a very, very long beach with lots of different batches of sun loungers along it. There is quite a bit of development here with hotels situated prominently behind. As with the vast majority of beaches on the island the water is perfect and a beautiful shade of blue. The waves really roll in here. Impressions: A very nice beach but in competition with other beaches on the west coast it does not come out on top. There is also a fair bit of development here which might not be to the taste of everyone. Kathisma la 7 km sud de Kalamitsi. Spectaculos peisajul,marea si chiar pietricelele (sau pietre, pe alocuri) Valuri, numai la mal, superbe. Noi am fost dezamagiti de faptul ca la 1 m de mal eu nu mai atingeam ! Asa ca, teribila frustrare, sotia si baiatul s-au marginit la mal. MIKROS GIALOS Location: Lefkada (Near Nidri) My Rating Overall: 3=good beach, would choose it for swimming among other beaches if we were in the area Beach : LP=large pebbles Sea Floor: LP=large pebbles Water: 4=sea water was excellent and inviting for swimming. We would go out of our way to swim there again Access: Good=paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: T=town within walking distance RV / Camper Accessibility: P= RV Room for Parking. Site suitable for parking on the side of the road for the day, but not for camping. Snorkeling: 2=the bottom of the ocean is of some interest. Would snorkel if I were in the area.The beach of Mikros Yialos is one of the most beautiful beaches of the island of Lefkada, located 25 kilometres south of the capital, nearby the village of Poros. The long sandy beach is boarded with crystalline waters and has sun beds, umbrellas, taverns and snack bars. Continue on the road that takes you through Poros and after a few km of twists and turns you arrive at this bay. Its of medium sized with the pebbly surface you

find on many of the islands. A popular venue with a nice view out to the water and the hills climbing behind. A street at the back contains a number of bars and tavernas. Poros itself is worth a look at. The houses here are well kept with some of the roofs almost Chinese in their style with the tiles hanging over the edge. Impressions: A very nice beach which doesnt have beach activities but is good for sunbathing with plenty of restaurants nearby.

MYLOS AN Location: Agios Nikitas, Lefkas My Rating Overall: 5=superb beach, best we have visited and worth going far out of our way to swim there again. In other words, we would travel around the world just to swim there. Beach: SP=Small pebbles Sea Floor: SP= Small pebbles Water: 5= The sea water was some the best for swimming. We would go way out of our way to swim there again and would travel around the world if we had to. Access: Poor=accessible by car, poor road, long walk or climb. Boat=accessible by boat only The walkway to the beach is too dangerous to traverse, so the best way to get there is via water taxi from Agios Nikitas. The isolation of the beach is about to end though since a new bar/restaurant is being built which will provide safe foot access to Milos beach via a wooden staircase. It should be ready in the summer of 2004. Amenities: No access to any amenities, so bring your own water and food. The new restaurant should change all this soon though. RV / Camper Accessibility: There is no way to drive down to the beach, and parking around the town of Agios Nikitas is a major headache. A couple of kilometers south you can reach Kathisma beach where there is plenty of parking for campers. Snorkeling: P=looks promising but I did not dive

MYLOS LEFKADA TOWN Location: Lefkas, Near the town of Lefkada. Mylos is a spot on the south end of the large beach that circles around the town of Lefkada and is called Gyra My Rating Overall: 3=good beach, would choose it for swimming among other beaches if we were in the area. If we were visiting the area we would consider this beach a good place to swim. Beach: S=sand (sandy beach) Sea Floor: S=sand (sandy beach)

Water: 3= Very nice and clean sea. We would go swimming there again if we were in the area Access: Good=paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: B=bar (on the beach), C=cantina (on the beach), T=town within walking distance, H=hotel on the beach RV / Camper Accessibility: O= Site suitable for free camping; Many RVs park around this part of the beach, and most seem to enjoy windsurfing. Snorkeling: N=does not look promising, I did not dive

PEFKOULIA My Rating Overall: 4=very good beach, would go out our way to swim there again. We would travel for miles when in Greece, and we would even stay in the area just for the beach. Beach: SP=Small pebbles Sea Floor: SP= Small pebbles Water: 4= Sea water was excellent and inviting for swimming. We would go out of our way to swim there again Access: Good=paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: R=restaurant (on the beach), B=bar (on the beach), C=cantina (on the beach), O=organized beach, CA= free camping on the beach RV / Camper Accessibility: N=Site is unsuitable for RV parking All cars park far up the main road. So there is space for RV parking, but not close to the beach. Moreover, the parking on the edge of the busy road is very tight. Snorkeling: N=does not look promising, I did not dive. Maybe further up the coast at the north end of the beach snorkeling might be interesting. Notes: Nice beach a little to the north of Agios Nikitas, on the west coast of Lefkas. It is a popular spot of many Greeks for free camping. The north end of the beach is full of tents and make-shift camp grounds. Pefkoulis is an impressive large sandy beach of located north of the fishing village of Agios Nikitas, 10 kilometres from Lefkada Town. Considered as one of the best beaches of the island, the sea at

Pefkoulia has a wonderful turquoise colour, as if some bleach has been dropped in the blue waters. Easily accessible and very popular, this beach can get overcrowded during summer. Some taverns can be found in the area. Pefkoulia is a very long beach, the majority of which has little development and is backed only by a steep rock face. Next to this there is a sloping corridor of white sand before the beach gets progressively pebbly towards the sea. Its not one of the islands sporty beaches and the main activity here is swimming in the sea which has some nice rolling waves which break close to shore. There is little wind here and though the main coastal road runs very close there is little in the way of traffic noise. Impressions: A good choice if you want somewhere a bit larger than near Agios Nikitas which is also less crowded. It doesnt quite have the beauty of Egremi or Porto Katsiki but is probably the best in the north of the island. PORTO KATSIKI My Rating Overall: 4=very good beach, would go out our way to swim there again Beach : S=sand Sea Floor: S=sand Water: 4=sea water was excellent and inviting for swimming. We would go out of our way to swim there again Access: Poor=accessible by car, poor road, long walk or climb Amenities: C=cantina RV / Camper Accessibility: N= site is unsuitable for RV parking Snorkeling: 0= very poor visibility. Somehow the limestone rock seems to be dissolved in the water giving it an interesting hue, and making it very difficult to see beyond one or two meters beyond your mask. Notes: This was one of our favorite beaches until 2004 when we visited and found it to be too crowded, too loud, and too uncomfortable to enjoy swimming. In the summer so many cars drive down the narrow road that we witnessed a major traffic jam with people waiting in their cars for about half hour. The road is so narrow that at times one (or many) car must backup so the other cars can go by. Near the beach many cars park on the side of the road making traffic impossible in the 40 C (100 F) heat. If you go before 11:00 am the entire beach is shaded by the cliff behind it (the beach faces west), and if you go in the afternoon you will find that the large waves take up about half of the beach width leaving a narrow band for sunbathing. The steps to the beach number maybe about one hundred so getting to the sand is not too bad, but once there you will be hard pressed to find a little spot to nail your umbrella (although you can rent one). To make the experience more interesting there is a number of travel agents who walk up and down the beach handing out brochures for daily cruises from Nydri and using megaphones to announce them as well! My idea of enjoying the beach includes no guy with a megaphone, so If you feel the same way you might want to skip Porto Katsiki, and instead head for Egremni nearby. The access there is harder (many steps to climb),

but you will really enjoy swimming and sunbathing in one of the best beaches of Greece. Porto Katsiki beach is located 40 kilometres south-west of the capital of Lefkada and is one of the most beautiful beaches of the island. Long and sandy, this beach is surrounded by impressive hills and is reachable by 80 steps descending along the cliff. A car parking and snack bars can be found on top of the stairs. Porto Katsiki can also be reached by taxi-boat from the villages of Vassiliki and Nidri. Having become very popular over the years, this beach attracts thousands of visitors during summer time. A fabulous beach but also so popular it can be hard to find space. This is not one of the sporty beaches but the perfect place to sunbathe. This beach of Porto Katsiki is a lot busier than nearby Egremeni and this is a lot easier to access. Indeed there is only 50 steps down to this beach as opposed to the 350 odd of Egremeni. There is a sizeable car parking area after the descent from the main road. Next to here are the beach shops along with a fair few bars and restaurants. Taking the trip down the aforementioned steps one can turn left or right. Both are beautiful bays with rocks sitting slightly out in the beautiful water. The beach is of medium size and you can sit right up against the rock face. The craggy front provides some shade from the sun in places which is helpful because the beach is a suntrap. From the sea you can look up at the face and notice the streaks of orange that run down it. Cape Lefkata is at the end of the southwestern promontory. It is still a bit of a journey from Porto Katsiki on a road that progressively worsens. Finally you reach the imposing lighthouse at the end and can enjoy the view of Kefallonia. The worth of a journey to the lighthouse is debatable. You can enjoy the views without journeying the final 4km of dusty road. Porto Katsiki of, asta nu e plaja, e opera de artaCam 1 ora de mers cu masina din Kalamitsi, vreo 25 km, dar se parcurg mai greu din aceleasi motive de serpentine fara numar, mai ales dupa Athani (a, prin Athani iar o portiune pitoreasca de drum ingust, la vale si in curba).La Porto Katsiki pana in 11 e umbra si plaja e relativ goala. In plus, gasesti si parcare fara probleme(atentie, vorbesc de 30 august) gratis. Exista si un tarc unde parcarea costa 4 eur si la care apeleaza cei care n-au mai gasit la liber.Dar plaja, of, plaja mi s-a parut un fel de monument. Chiar daca-i stiam toate detaliile din zecile de pe poze de pe net, acolo, cand o vezi, simti oarece fioriCel putin, asta e parerea noastra.Si, in plus, pietricelele de pe plaja si din apa sunt mult mai suportabile pentru talpi. In mare poti merge cativa metri pana trece de cap.La plecare merita luata in considerareo masa la Taverna Oasis (la 5 km de Porto Katsiki) unde se mananca bine si e o priveliste de vis. VASILIKI My Rating Overall: 3=good beach, would choose it for swimming among other beaches if we were in the area Beach: LP=large pebbles Sea Floor: LP=large pebbles Water: 3=very nice and clean sea. We would go swimming there again if we were in the area Access: Good=paved road all the way to the beach, parking near the beach Amenities: T=town within walking distance RV / Camper Accessibility: P= RV Room for Parking. Site suitable for parking on the side of the road for the day, but not for camping.

Snorkeling: N=does not look promising, I did not dive Notes: Perfect windsurfing spot. Any given day one can watch the spectacle of hundreds of wind surfers taking advantage of the winds.The beach itself is right at the edge of town of Vasiliki. There is a much nicer beach a little further south named Agiofili. Vassiliki is a picturesque fishing village located in a verdant area, 38 kilometres south from Lefkada Town. It is situated in the bay of Vassiliki in front of a long pebble beach famous for its perfect windsurfing and sailing conditions. Water sports facilities and windsurfing clubs renting material are available on the beach. In the surrounding area one will find a wide range of accommodations, camping sites, taverns, shops, cafes and modern bars. The beach also has some hotels that offer facilities for windsurfers and their material. The bay has a big reputation for windsurfing. Indeed if the wind is right then the bay is absolutely packed with windsurfers. During the day lessons are given here and you can see all standards in evidence, from beginners to experts. Windsurfing aside the long pebbly beach is used mainly for spectating family members and is not ideal for sunbathing. There is quite a bit of wind; that said some do brave it and there are loungers. Behind the beach sit a row of hotels and bars and behind these is the main street itself. Vassiliki (bine, aceasta e in sud) plaja surferilor, dar eu nu prea i-am vazut. Cadrul naturaldeosebit. Plaja normala, adica cu intrare lina in apa si fara acel albastruPietre la mal, dar nisip in apa dupa 2-3 m. Pe plaja pietre sau chiar pietroaie.

NIKIANANikiana is located 9 kilometres north of the islands capital, Nikiana is a small sandy beach which has grown into an important beach resort, offering a wide range of accommodations, taverns, cafes and bars. This beach is very close to the main coastal road. There is a thin strip of pebbles in front of a row of hotels with a good view of mainland Greece. The water laps peacefully here and the Cypress trees bob in the wind in the distance. Just north of this beach is a small harbour and beyond this is a small bay. The latter is very popular and very close to the coastal road. There are trees here and pretty flowers. Although the area around the beach is well developed the hotels are well designed and in no way ugly. One of the best beaches on the east coast.

NIDRI:Nidri is one of the most popular and cosmopolitan resorts of Lefkada, Nidri attracts thousands of visitors every summer. It is located 17 kilometres from the

capital of the island. A beautiful beach with crystalline waters can be found in the resort of Nidri and offers all the needed facilities; from there, one can enjoy a nice view over the islets of Heloni, Scorpio, Sparti, Scorpidi and Madouri. A wide range of hotels, taverns, cafes, bars and nightclubs.


Its a bit of a drive from the main coastal road (4 km) to this beach but the journey is pleasant, taking you through the green surroundings you find all over the island. You will finally reach a pretty small bay which is bordered with rocks. The water here is very calm and the beach itself is mostly made up of large, smooth, white pebbles. A few boats bob in the bay and there are also loungers here. This is a superb beach and is popular with families. It does get busy though and quite crowded because it is not large.

ATHANIAthani is situated at a distance of about 40 km from the town of Lefkada. From here you can go to Lefkatas Cape, from which, according to the legend, Sapfo killed herself due to her unfullfilling love for Faonas Also here you can visit the ruins of the temple of Apollo and the church of Agios Nikolaos and you can easily reach the sensational beach of Porto-Katsiki, with its sharp rocks, the light colored sand and the green blue waters.

CROAZIERA: Makedonia Palace: Se pleaca din portul Nidri : Porto Katsiki -- Egremni -- Kefalonia -- Ithaka -- Meganisi -- Cave Scoprio; Nu trebuie ratata plimbarea cu vaporasul. Se pleaca din Nidri la 10 dimineata se merge la egremni, porto katsiki, kefalonia si alte cateva insulite din jur. Se ajunge inapoi pe la 7 seara. Costa doar 40 de euro de pereche. Noi am obtinut chiar 35. Am luat o croaziera cu Makedonia Palace. Cam mare vaporul asta pentru gustul nostru. Puhoi de lume, te bateai pe un loc mai bun de pozat. 15 euro de persoana, copilul gratis. S-a plecat la 10 si ne-am intors pe la 7 si ceva seara. Ne-a plimbat pe la Egremni cu plaja si inotul de rigoare, Porto Katsiki numai pentru poze, In Kefallonia intr-un port, in Ithaca, la Ulise (pauza cea mai lunga, pentru masa) si la sfarsit pe langa insula lui Onassis. Cam lunga plimbarea! De remarcat ca toate vasele aveau 90% acelasi traseu si se tineau unu dupa altul! Partea buna e ca, datorita apei adanci, la plaje, trageau direct la mal, pe plaja. Portul de pe plecare este Nidri din est. Nidri este un bazar. Soseaua ce vine din Lefkada intra direct intr-un bazar, cu magazine, baruri, taverne, etc, trotuarele fiind inghitite de acestea. Cred ca este singurul loc de pe insula pretabil la shopping. Din port din Nidri am cumparat croaziera care pleaca la Porto Katsiki, kefanonia, Itaka, Meganisi, Scorpios. De la firma cu numele de Macedonia Palace,cu doar 15 euro in mai,ca din iunie s-a facut 20. Firma pentru plecare in croaZiere,Macedonia Palace,are biroul pe stanga in Nidri,cand vii dinspre Lefkada.De acolo mai continui drumul cam 100 de metri si pe dreapta ,intro straduta ,e o parcare fara plata,noi acolo am lasat masina mereu,la sfatul agentului de la Macedonia Palace.Noi am ales firma aceasta,deoarece doar ea poate sa te lase la coborare foarte aproape de mal,avand o scara mai lunga decat celelalte,chiar am urmarit treaba asta ca am facut de 2 ori aceeasi croaziera,pentru ca ne-am simtit minunat in mijlocul marii. Macedonia Palace pleaca din portul Nidri la 10 dimineata si dureaza croaziera pana la 19 aproximativ!In mai costa 15 euro,iar de la 1 iunie s-a facut 20 de euro,dar urmareste ca in anumite zile aveau reduceri pentru italieni si romani. Din Nidri pleaca zilnic, dimineata la 9,30-10, trei vase in croaziera. Tariful din Nidri este de 15 euro/persoana. Din Vassiliki croaziera nu se organizeaza in fiecare zi (eu am stat 10 zile si s-a plecat in toata aceasta perioada o singura data din Vassiliki, probabil este saptaminala, cel putin pentru iunie) si este 20 euro/persoana. Cred ca croaziera cu plecare din Vassiliki nu are in traseu oprirea la Porto Katsiki, sper sa nu gresesc. In schimb, din Vassiliki ai 2 ferry pe zi catre Kefalonia (Fiscardo) si retur, in jur de 7 euro/persoana. Am fost in croaziera cu Makedonia Palace. Nu mergeti cu ceilalti cum s-a mai spus pe forum. Am plecat din Nidri ora 9.55 am vizitat Porto katsiki de pe vas, debarcare la Egremni, oraselul Fiscardo de pe Kefalonia, Itaka in portuletul Kioni unde am avut pauza de masa, pesteri la Insula Meganisi, baie la insula Scorpios(a lui Onassis), intoarcerea la 19,30. foarte dragut. Cascada Katarakta: Mai exact, din Nidri pornesc 3 drumuri, merge catre Rachi, Dimosari, pe urma apare cu albastru Water Falls. Noi am mers pe jos, fara harta, vreo 4 km, sunt si cateva indicatoare, nu ai cum sa te ratacesti. E un drum superb intre lamai Top plaje: Porto Katsiki,Egremni,Katisma

Plaja care mi-a placut cel mai mult: Agiofili. Se ajunge greu la ea , masina (daca nu e de teren) trebuie lasata departe de plaja. Noi am mers cu ATV-urile. Mi s-a parut mai tare ca Porto katsiki sau Egremni. Plaja cea mai aglomerata: Kathisma. Porto Katsiki este cea mai buna, adica intrarea in mare relativ lina (apa trece peste cap dupa 4-5 m), urmeaza Egremni (3-4m)si Kathisma, unde imediat apa trece de cap. Toate au pietricele, dar altfel nu cred ca marea ar fi avut culoarea aceea incredibila. Urmeaza doua poze cu plaja din Kalamitsi, pe care am abordat-o de cateva ori pentru peisaj, pentru faptul ca este mai retrasa si mai ales pentru stancile tocmai bune pentru sarituri (pentru cei curajosi). Egremni, pentru care cele 350 de scari merita efortul! Apoi Nidri, de care am fost tare impresionata. Fiskardo (Insula Kefalonia), care era inclus in croaziera pe care am ales-o noi, este singurul sat de pe insula care nu a fost distrus de cutremurul din 1953. As vrea sa va spun cu toata sinceritatea mea ,ca daca m-as duce din nou in insula Lefkada, NU m-as caza in Athani!Ahtani si plaja Pefkulia,sunt cele 2 lucruri,mai putin frumoase,intalnite pe insula. Kathisma este cea mai usor accesibila , egremni superba dar trebuie sa ai nervi tari pana ajungi acolo, si putere sa urci la plecare cele 350 de scari, porto katsiki un vis, dar la fel de greu de ajuns( asta pentru cei care au rau de inaltime), plaja de la kalamitsi am ratat-o, sotul meu dupa doi km de curbe si iar curbe a zis .gata pana aici, am ratat-o, ce n-am reusit sa vad Agiofili, n-am reusit. Croaziera am prins-o cu 15 euro de persoana cu makedonia Palace, poate ca repet ce-au zis toti nu trebuie ratata. Din Vassiliki am plecat intr-o zi cu feribotul in Kefalonia, unde am reusit sa vad Fiskardo, Assos, care este un sat superb plin de flori si o apa calda, calda si superba Myrtos, care de sus iti taie rasuflarea, dupa ce mergi cativa km pe marginea prapastiei, la cateva sute de metri inaltime, intr-o parte munte, in cealalta marea dai de plaja Myrtos, care vazuta de sus este cel mai frumos loc pe care l-am vazut pana acum. Kavalikefta - cea mai apropiata plaja de satul Kalamitsi, la doar 20 serpentine departare, cu un mini beach bar si o parcare neamenajata de capacitate redusa Megali Petra plaja idilica,invecinata cu mai sus mentionata,dar totusi mai izolata, cu marea de un albastru ireal ce ne-a ramas in inima pentru totdeauna. Vassiliki cu pietricele si portiuni de nisip, mai ingusta si foarte vestitia printre iubitorii de windsurfing. Intrarea in apa este mai lina, dar mare atentie la aricii de mare pe care i-am vazut adusi pe mal. Mylos fascinanta, dar greu accesibila...mult mai solicitant drumul decat neam asteptat,cu plecare din Ag. Nikitas, cararea traverseaza un versant printr-o padure de pini. Porto Katsiki cea mai populara, spectaculoasa prin contrastul intre peretii inalti de stanca ce o inconjoara si culoarea turquoise a apei. Foarte aglomerata atat pe uscat cat si pe apa.Nici o problema in a gasi loc de parcare dar numai contra cost(taxa 6 euro), cu mai multe terase pe platoul de deasupra plajei. Kathisma plaja lunga, amenajata cu umbrelute si locuri de parcare cu o faleza unde se poate lua masa la una din nenumaratele taverne. Exista posibilitatea de a te initia in parapanta evident contra cost(40 euro/ coborarea). Agiofyli o plaja pitoreasca la sud de Vassiliki accesibila atat cu masina cat si pe mare, cu apa limpede si nu asa adanca(noi am optat pentru varianta cu vaporasul ce costa 6 euro/persoana). Pefkoulia usor accesibila, cu nisip si intrare lina in apa, dupa parerea mea cea mai buna pentru familisti.

Agiofili. Locul 1. Noroc ca am aflat de ea de pe un forum strain. E una din cele mai frumoase plaje. E ascunsa intr-un mini golf, e cu piatra alba rotunjita (deci ai parte de cel mai fain masaj la picioare) iar in apa are stanci si pesti numai bune de admirat la snorkeling. Sesiunea de baie aici avea minimum o ora. Se ajunge cu vaporasul (sase euro de persoana) fie cu masina din portul Vasiliki pe un drum nepavat si neaparat cu GPS. Masina tre sa fie mica si nu foarte joasa ca sa nu aveti emotii. Daca va place aventura recomand masina, daca sunteti mai cu frica de Dumnezeu atunci vapor scrie pe tricoul vostru. sunt cateva sezlonguri (nu ajung la toata lumea) si nu exista bufet, muzica si alte dandanale. Voi si natura - adica lucrul pentru care ati condus 1200 de km. Plaja nemarcata. Locul 2. GPS N 38.59971 E 020.61911. O plaja incredibila. Mica, adapostita, feerica. Se afla intr-un golf la baza unei proprietati luxoase. Ma mir ca proprietarul n-a inchis-o complet. O scara ingusta, betonata, coboara pe langa gardul acestei proprietati catre una din cele mai placute surprize in materie de plaje. Am fost doar noi si o pereche de italieni. Se ajunge cu masina pe un drum asfalatat din localitatea Marantochori. In apropiere exista cateva pensiuni de lux (mi s-au parut) si un camping. Plaja e tot cu piatra, in apa se continua vreo 20 de metri tot cu piatra si apoi o intindere de nisip alb pe fund - dar apa are deja 6-8 metri. Sunt si cateva stanci mari si grote. Nici nu stiu sigur daca merita locul doi. Daca stau bine si ma gandesc cred ca e mai frumoasa decat Agiofili. acum cand mai uit pe Google Earth vad ca e doar la o azvarlitura de bat de Agiofili si imi dau seama cat e de explorat daca mergi in Lefkada. Vlycho. Locul 3 Am gasit-o pe GPS la N 38.65565 E 020.71863. Am fost de doua ori in zile diferite si am fost pe ea maxim 10 oameni. Se ajunge cu masina din soseaua principala, pe un drum pavat cu piatra de aproximativ 2 km. In larg, la aproximativ 12 km ai in fata insula Meganisi si celebra Skorpios a lui Onasis. Plaja e cu piatra, iar apa cristal. E cea mai pustie: nu sezlonguri, nu bar, nu terasa. In ambele zile de pe mega iahturile din larg veneau aici la plaja, incognito, niste milionare necunoscute. Daca lor le-a placut, as zice ca nici noua nu ne-a cazut la stomac aceasta plaja. Micros Gialos. Locul 4. GPS N 38.63990 E 020.69580. Se afla chiar in satucul Mikros Gialos. O plaja incantatoare, cu un aer campenesc. Erau multe familii cu copii. E tot cu piatra, iar chiar langa ea sunt taverne si pensiuni. Are si parcare si era si un camping chiar langa. E cea mai dotata dintre cele enumerate din punct de vedere al confortului dar in nici un caz nu iti strica vacanta cu gradul ei de civilizatie. E pur si simplu un satuc mai confortabil. SEE & Do Some of the best beaches in Greece: Porto Katsiki- Kathisma- Egremni- Agios Ioannis- MylosAgiofili. The archaeological museum, the museum of gramophones and the public library of Lefkada. The Monastery of Faneromeni. The picturesque windmills in Gira. The mountainous village of Karya, famous for its broidery and the folklore museum. Dimossary Waterfalls near Nidri. The Byzantine church of Agios Ioannis in Lefkada. The island Madouri where the poet Aristotelis Valaoritis was born and the island Skorpios of Aristotle Onassis.

The Castle of Agia Mavra. The gorge of the bee with the watermills, ideal for walking.

Am mancat bine la Keramidakis (mai sus de Nidri - pe dreapta, cu terasa pe coasta estica - specific pescaresc), la taverna Avra (de la intersectia catre plaja Egremni - excelent), si la o taverna din Ag. Nikitas (nu-mi amintesc numele deloc) - la care am gasit ciorba "de casa" de peste si de pui (raritate in zona, precum stiti) foarte reusite, la pret rezonabil (5 euro). Desi am lapsusul asupra numelui tavernei, este situata cam la mijlocul aleii care duce la plaja, pe stanga coborand, si are niste bostani multicolori agatati cu sfoara de streasina si "detine" si un ospatar roman din Craiova (sorry pentru descrierea precara!). La fel de multumiti am fost la alta taverna "Avra" din Lygia - chiar pe cheiul portului - si acolo este un ospatar roman - din Sibiu. Mancare foarte buna si la Restaurantul Teocharis Brothers de pe plaja Kathisma. Dar peste tot mancarea e buna si toti tin la meniurile traditionale, toate sunt asa cum stiti bucataria greceasca - inegalabila. Au compensat insa din plin plajele superbe, apa extraordinara, peisajul muntos si mancarea de la taverna "The Barrel" din Nidri, in fiecare seara am mancat altceva si toate au fost la superlativ inclusiv servire. Consider ca merita vizitat: 1. Englouvi: aici e o taverna sub umbra unor falnici copaci in care am savurat cel mai bun iaurt cu nuci si fructe (4 E) cu o doamna f draguta de-ti venea s-o iei acasa, care ne-a indrumat ce sa vedem in zona. Pe acolo se stia de Timisoara si Ceausescu...hehehe.... Aici am cerut fantastica linte care este cunoscuta in lume, ei fac o supa f groasa cu linte si usturoi, insa nu era vremea ei si nu o aveau in menu...Bun. De la Englouvi urmezi placuta Ag Donatos, o straduta mica de crezi ca nu incape masina, la un moment dat se bifurca: in stanga gasesti Ag donatos, in dreapta Air American Force. Daca mergi pe Ag donatos, se gaseste imediat o mica bisericuta parasita, al acestui Ag Donatos, vis a vis ruinele turnului din care a fost aruncat in timpul persecutiei crestine si in jur niste mogaldete de pietre ca niste iglu-uri daca te uiti bine cateva au si usa, astea fiind Farm Monuments of Voltos (aici se cultiva lintea cu pricina). Pt cine este interesat de ruine. Revii pe drumul unde exista bifurcatia (cateva minute) si mergi pe celalalt din dreapta cu Air Force, urci tot urci, deja se vede spre ce, este o statie parasita cu o priveliste deosebita. De acolo te mentii la inaltime si mergi pe celalalt varf ( o distanta de 3-5 minute) unde se vede o sfera bleu - acoperisul unei biserici Ag. Elias- seamana cu constructiile din Santorini. Ei, aici priveliste. De jur imprejur. Este cel mai inalt loc accesibil cu masina din care poti efectiv savura insula. Bisericuta este deschisa. 2. Manastirea Faneromeni- Fecioara Maria - protectoarea insulei: pe drumul Lefkada - Frini spre Tsoukalades (f aproape de capitala). Superba. Intre 14-16 au inchis, asa ca ne-am plimbat la umbra in gradina lor f ingrijita, cu papagali, pauni,

cerbi si caprioare, testoase si pestisori. In spate se vede f frumos Ag Ioannis si Lefkada. Aici ne-am inchinat si aprins lumanari la Icoana facatoare de minuni, am cumparat pt toti cei de acasa replici ale icoanei (intre 5 si 30 E), ne-am odihnit intr-o incapere rustica servind rahat - adica dulce, pus la dispozitie pt oaspeti, am vizitat Muzeul de icoane, manuscrise bisericesti datand si din 1700 unele dintre ele, intrarea gratuita, se poate filma etc mai putin in muzeu. 3. Cascada Dimosari cu un drumeag in care-ti vine sa faci sute de poze 4. Cape Ducato (sau Lefkata, Cape of the lady, Jump of Sapho) - initial s-ar fi aruncat Artemis suferinda pt Adonis apoi Sapho pt Faun. Farul nu mi se pare cine stie ce insa drumul si peisajul merita 5. Castelul si biserica din incinta, Agia Mavra- intrare libera. A fost o perioada cand intreaga insula purta numele Santa Maura. In aceasta bisericuta se fac foarte multe nunti, noi am gasit fundite de satin peste tot agatate. Aici am gasit un ghid care detalia unui grup de englezi. Asa am aflat ca la greci copilului abia nascut i se spune bebi sau beba daca e fetita si nu este voie sa fie chemat pe nume pana la botez, respectiv 8 luni. Tinerilor casatoriti inainte de noaptea nuntii li se astern petale de trandafiri dar si bancnote de la 100 E in sus si ca dar, primesc separat electrocasnice etc care sunt trecute de miri insisi pe o lista. Darurile de Craciun si le daruiesc pe 1 ianuarie, nu se serbeaza aniversari ci doar sarbatorile religioase de aceea cei mai in varsta trebuie sa se uite in acte sa stie cati ani au.... Si multe alte traditii interesante, acum nu stiu daca sunt si actuale, ghida vorbea la prezent despre ortodoxii greci. 6. Pe drumul Nidri- Vassiliki, dupa ce treci de Marandochori se ajunge la Kontarena (este in drum, nu se face abatere deloc) si imediat pe stanga este o taverna The Old Plane Tree. Coborati si cativa metri mai incolo langa taverna vedeti un platan plantat in 1204. Chiar si arata de 800 ani, nici nu-mi dau seama cum mai dau vlastari. La ce taverne sa mancati, multumesc celor de pe forum care au recomandat, nu-mi pare rau, am mai citit si review-uri de pe tripadviser si altele: 1. Ultima taverna incercata si cea mai buna, asa ca incepeti cu ea: Taverna Dimitris din Paleokatouna (recomandata tripadviser) - dealurile Nidri, se ajunge asa: este un drum care vine exact pe deasupra Nidri-lui ca sa nu innebunesti prin oras cu masina daca vii dinspre Vassiliki pe stanga intalnesti Taverna Olive Tree si pe dreapta o benzinarie Silk Oil dupa care la ceva timp urmeaza o intersectie micuta, pe copacul din stanga in intersectie ai semn pt Taverna Dimitris, de la Nidri si pana la taverna este 1 km; daca vii din Lefkada spre Nidri chiar inainte de a intra in Nidri este pe stanga El Petrol-benzinarie, de acolo la prima intersectie unde arata semnul Waterfalls, urci pe drumul paralel cu Nidri, nu cumva sa mergi spre munti adica spre cascada - la fel pe dreapta exista placute cu aceasta taverna) De ce o recomand. Priveliste superba asupra Nidri-ului si Vlicho bay, plus cele mai bune preturi de pe insula si cele mai mari portii. Noi ne asteptam ca la asemenea priveliste sa dam 4 E tzatziki etc. Nope. Exemplu: tzatziki 2.5 E, greek salad 4 E (3 E fara feta), 2 E cartofi prajiti, 5 E souvlaki (imens) de porc, si 5, 5 E de pui, 2, 5 E grilled feta (excelenta, si fried feta e buna), 1 E greek coffee etc. Tzatzikile si salata greceasca ajung pt 2 persoane. Nu au mancaruri gen kleftiko, stifado, dar au tot felul de gratare. In ultima seara am rezervat o masa cu asezare "strategica". Deschide la 18.40, pe la 20.30 se aglomereaza

2. Ionion (recomandata tripadviser) in Nidri chiar in port spre capat, treci de Rest Chinezesc, nu au f buna atmosfera, insa preturile sunt bune, mancarea buna, portii mai mici decat Dimitris 3.Olive Tree (recomandata tripadviser) cum intri in Nidri dinspre Vassiliki, pe stanga, preturi ceva mai mari, peste insa f proaspat, vine si ti-l arata, bucatarul f dragut, mi-a spus f serios ca daca nu-mi place mancarea (necunoscand-o) o ia inapoi si-mi aduce altceva, iar la desert am comandat baklava cu inghetata si nemaiavand a trimis-o pe sotie cu moto pana in Nidri sa cumpere. Mi-era de-acum si jena de-atata deranj ce-am provocat. 4. Oasis Tavern (recomandata aici pe forum)- Athani, priveliste superba, preturi potrivite. Ne-a placut f tare 5. Greco Levante (recomandata aici pe forum) - preturi mai mari un pic, salatele (chef salad, greek salad) f mari, aici am comandat vlida (locala) la 5 E si mam trezit cu 3 linguri de un fel de spanac fiert. Nu recomand nici iaurtul cu nuca, pt ca alunele erau rancede, poate ca a fost o intamplare! Sa prinzi apusul aici! DRUM: Ponti este continuarea vestica a localitatii Vassiliki. Se trece dintr-una in alta si eu nu mi-am dat seama care ar fi delimitarea dintre ele intrucit nu este marcata prin nici un indicator. Autostrada se intersecteaza cu soseaua Ioannina - Fillipiada (trece pe deasupra acesteia) la sud de Ioannina, deci veti avea indicator de Ioannina la dreapta, iar iesirea care va intereseaza este spre Arta, acesta este orasul mai mare dupa Filippiada. Aceasta sosea este ca la noi, in doar 2 benzi, mie mi s-a parut relativ aglomerata, curbe incontinuu; a fost dealtfel partiunea in care mi-am cam pierdut rabdarea si n-am mai tinut cont de linia continua (pe care, oricum, daca ai vizibilitate, n-o prea respecta grecii...) Iar la dreapta pentru Preveza se face dupa Filippiada. Si in ceea ce priveste drumul, postez aici ce mi-au trimis cei de la Philippos astfel incat sa nu ne "ratacim"(pana la Ioannina nu mai era nevoie, ca stim de la Corfu): Concerning the best way to get to Lefkada, in case you are coming by car through Bulgaria or the former Yogoslavia, it is by the new EGNATIA highway till Ionannina, then the national road from Ionannina to Preveza. From Preveza there is the undesea tunnel (PREVEZA/AKTION) , cost of the passage 3-euro per car, after exiting the tunnel you just follow the road till the crossroad (it's more like a T ) where you have to turn on the right, and cross the village of Aghios Nikolaos. From Aghios Nikolaos just follow the road (about 10 km) till the iron mobile bridge connecting Lefkada island with the mainland. The first town you'll meet entering the island is the capital , Lefkada town. After crossing the second bridge, turn on the left and drive along the harbour.There you will see signs indicationg Nydri or Vasiliki, follow this signs to exit the town. Pentru a veni in sprijinul celor care vor detalii precise privind rute, distante, timp, oportunitati de cazare, o sa reproduc, succint datele plecarii noastre: - asadar, am plecat duminica 2 august 2009, din Bucuresti, la ora 5,10; la ora 6,30 treceam Podul Prieteniei, iar dupa ce am utilizat soseaua de centura a Sofiei, am intrat in Grecia la ora 13,50 (583 km parcursi); - am intrat pe autostrada Egnatia Odos la ora 15,30 (730 km parcursi), iar la ora 17,50 paraseam autostrada (la Ioannina) (953 km); - am trecut prin tunelul de la Preveza-Aktio la ora 19,05 (1053 km) iar la ora 19,30 opream in vecinatatea hotelului Lefkas din orasul cu acelasi nume (1076 km).

Am facut doar doua popasuri: unul de 20 minute la o benzinarie OMV de dupa Sofia, iar al doilea, de 15 minute, practic dupa multi kilometri pe Egnatia Odos. Drumul spre Lefkada: am plecat la 3.30 din Bucuresti, pe urmarorul traseu>Bucuresti-Giurgiu-Ruse-Byala(ocolire pe un drum mai nasol)-Lukovit-autostrada spre Sofia-traversat Sofia(a postat cineva traseul prin Sofia, care este extraordinar de bun, am mers tot drumul fara gps, doar harta si postul despre care vorbeam)-BlagoevgradSandanski-Kulata-apoi spre Salonic, autostrada+drum european E 79 parca-intrat pe Egnatia Odos spre Ioanina(am urmarit Veria-Kozani-Grevena-Metsovo-Ioanina)-am coborat de pe autostrada directia Arta sau Preveza-tunelul de la Preveza -Aktio-sosire la ora 18 in Lefkada. Pentru cei care vor s traverseze Sofia n drumul spre Grecia, evitnd centura, v prezint traseul pe care l-am urmat eu prin Sofia anul trecut i anul acesta: Dup ce se trece de oseaua de centur a Sofiei, se merge Bul. Botevgradsko shose ? pn la pasajul subteran pe sub calea ferat. n aceast zon, n special pn la primele 2-3 semafoare, mergei legal (50 km/h) pentru c pot fi poliiti cu radare (eu am ntlnit vreo 4 motocicliti-poliiti la umbra unui boschet mai mare, care erau pregtii s intre n aciune). n pasaj ncercai s mergei pe banda I-II i la ieire s rmnei pe ea pentru c mergei nainte (atenie, pe drepta vine o bretea i o parte din cei ce vin de pe ea vor sa fac stnga). nainte de pasaj i dup el sunt intersecii semaforizate (n Sofia toate semafoarele de pe acest traseu au cronometre). Se merge nainte, parcurgnd bul. Madrid, bul. Yanko Sakazov (aici este un parc pe dreapta) apoi se ajunge la un sens giratoriu, cu un obelisc n centru. n sensul giratoriu se ia viraj spre stnga, intrnd astfel pe bul. Vasil Levski. La prima intersecie, privind n lungul strzii situate pe dreapta, vei vedea catedrala Alexander Nevski iar la urmtoarea intersecie pe stnga vei vedea Universitatea. O s fie o intersecie semaforizat, la care se va sta mai mult (durata de verde cred c este mai mic dect pe direcia perpendicular). De aici se merge nainte, fiind pe acelai bulevard. La un moment dat traficul este dirijat spre dreapta, de unde strada va avea sens unic (bul. Patriarh Evtimiy). ncercai s rmnei pe primele dou benzi de circulaie, pentru c se va ajunge la o intersecie cu semafoare n dou faze, iar voi trebuie s mergei spre dreapta (de fapt jumtate dreapta), pe bul. Gen. Mihail D. Skobelev. Dup cca. 400m ajungei la un alt sens giratoriu, tot cu un obelisc n mijloc, dar i cu copaci. Se va lua tot la stnga, ca la sensul giratoriu anterior. De aici intrai pe strad cu piatr cubic, tramvaiul este pe linie separat de carosabilul autovehiculelor, pe partea stng fa de cum mergei. Aici vei merge pn la a doua intersecie semaforizat pe bul. Gen. Eduard I. Totleben apoi se va schimba numele n bul. Tsar Boris III, care se termin tocmai la ieirea din ora, dup intersecia cu centura. Distane msurate pe Google Earth: 7,3 km de la centur pn la intersecia dinainte de pasajul pe sub calea ferat 0,6 km ntre interseciile dinainte i dup pasaj 1,6 km de la intersecia de dup pasaj pn la sensul giratoriu 1,1-1,2 km pn la deplasarea pe sensul unic 1,2-1,3 km pe bd. Patriarh Evtimiy, pe sens unic 0,4 km pn la al doilea sens giratoriu 5,2 km de la sensul giratoriu pn la centur Deci cam. 17,5 km prin ora.

Deci traseul, sintetizat, pentru cei care nu vor s foloseasc GPS-ul sau nu le poate fi de folos (s-au mai plns unii c i-a dus pe cmpii): la dus, spre Grecia, se merge nainte pn la primul sens giratoriu unde se ia la stnga, apoi iar nainte pn la al doilea sens giratoriu, unde iar se ia la stnga, apoi nainte pn la ieirea din ora. La ntoarcere se merge n sens invers, se parcurs sensurile giratorii n ordine invers, dar se face viraj dreapta la fiecare din ele. Denumirile strzilor le-am cules de pe Google Earth, care pentru Sofia deja a introdus numele strzilor. Vizualiznd pe Google Earth cele precizate, sper s v descurai cu succes la traversarea Sofiei. Am fost la sfarsit de octombrie in Lefkada chiar pe noua autostrada. Prima observatie este ca autostrada de la Ioannina se duce catre Igoumenitsa nu spre Preveza - Lefkada. De la Ioannina o iei spre Arta si apoi spre Preveza deci alt tip de drum. Nu ca n-ar fi bun dar nu te duci cu 120. Traseu durata este relativa, in functie de trafic Bucuresti-Promahonas(intrarea in Grecia) 573 km -7 ore Promahonas-salonic 116 km 1,5 ore ( partial autostrada) Salonic-Ioanina 260 km - 2,5 ore (autostrada egnatia) Ioanina-lefkada 132 km 2 ore de la intrarea pe insula pina in sud la Vassiliki aproximativ 40 minute.