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  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 1



    Piecewise polynomial finite element spaces on a triangulation Th={K}of a bounded domain d, d= 1, 2, 3,into elementsK.

    The 3-noded triangular finite element basis functions for P1(K).The 6-noded triangular finite element basis functions for P2(K).

    TheP3(K) andP5(K) finite element spaces.

    Rectangular finite elements in


    .Pr(K) spaces defined with tetrahedrons.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 2



    The finite element spaces examined here consist ofpiecewisepolynomialfunctions on a triangulation Th = {K} of a bounded domain d, d= 1, 2, 3,into finite elementsK.

    Ford= 1, the elementsKwill be intervals,

    Ford= 2, triangles or quadrilaterals, and

    Ford= 3, tetrahedrons.

    VhH1() VhC0(), for 2nd order boundary value problems

    VhH2() VhC

    1(), for 4th order boundary value problems

    where = and


    () =v:vis a continuous function defined on

    C1() =vC0() :DvC0(), ||= 1

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 3

    VhH1()VhC0() andVhH2()VhC1()

    Vh H1()the functions vVh are continuous, i.e. Vh C

    0().This equivalence arises in piecewise polynomial approximations as fol-lows:

    A functionvVh is a polynomial on each finite elementK

    vis taken to be continuous across adjoining element boundaries, thusthe derivativesDv, ||= 1, exist and are piecewise continuous, e.g.vH1().

    If v is not continuous across a certain inter-element boundary S,i.e., v / C0(), then the derivatives Dv, || = 1, would be -functions supported bySwhich are not functions inL2() and thusv /H1()

    Similarly, Vh H2() the functions v Vh andtheir first deriva-

    tives are continuous.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 4


    To define a finite element spaceVh, one needs to specify:

    1. The triangulationTh={K}in

    2. The nature (type of polynomials) of the functions v in Vh on each



    cubic, etc.

    3. The parameters to be used to describe the functions in Vh:

    the values ofv at the nodes ofTh,

    the values ofv at points on the sides ofTh (e.g. midpoints),

    the values ofv at the center ofTh, etc.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 5

    Formal definition of a finite element

    Define a finite element to mean a triple (K, PK,) where

    Kis a geometric object, for example a triangle,

    PKis a finite-dimensional linear space of functions defined on K,

    is a set of degrees of freedom,

    such that a function v PK is uniquely determined by the degrees offreedom.

    For example for the triangle with degrees of freedom the nodal values, wehave that (K, PK,) is a finite element, where

    K is a triangle,


    are the values at the vertices ofK

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 6



    LetTh={K}be a given triangulation of into triangles K.

    For eachr= 0, 1, 2, . . . ,let us define

    Pr(K) ={v:vis a polynomial of degree ronK}

    For example,P1(K) is the space of linear functions v defined on K, i.e.

    v(x) =a00+ a10x1+ a01x2, x K, aij

    The basis ofP1(K) is (dimP1(K) = 3): 1(x) = 1, 2(x) =x1, 3(x) =x2

    P2(K) is the space of quadratic functions v onK, i.e. v(x)P2(K) is ofthe form:

    v(x) =a00+ a10x1+ a01x2+ a20x21+ a11x1x2+ a02x22, xK, aij R

    The basis ofP2(K) is (dimP1(K) = 6): {1, x1, x2, x21, x1x2, x


    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 7



    For eachr= 0, 1, 2, . . . ,we defined:

    Pr(K) ={v:vis a polynomial of degree ronK}

    Pr(K) =

    v : v(x) =



    j2forxK, whereaij

    dimPr(K) =(r+ 1) (r+ 2)2

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 8



    () :v|KP1(K), KTh}

    Vh is the space of continuous piecewise linear functions discussed earlier.

    As global degrees of freedom to describe the functions in Vh, we choose

    the values at the node points ofTh (including the node points on ).EahKTh is a triangle with verticesa

    i, i= 1, 2, 3.

    The element degrees of freedomare the values i at the vertices ai, i =

    1, 2, 3.

    TheoremLetK Th be a triangle with vertices a

    i =ai1, a


    , i= 1, 2, 3.. A function

    v P1(K) is uniquely determined by the degrees of freedom, i.e., given the

    valuesi, i= 1, 2, 3, there is a uniquely determined functionvP1(K) suchthat:

    vai=i i= 1, 2, 3

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 9

    Theorem: LetKTh be a triangle with vertices ai = (ai1, ai2), i= 1, 2, 3.

    A functionvP1(K) is uniquely determined by the degrees of freedom.

    Need to show that given the values i, i = 1, 2, 3, there is a uniquelydetermined functionvP1(K) such that: v

    ai=i, i= 1, 2, 3.

    Since v(x) = c1x1+c2x2+c3 for some constants ci , we obtain thelinear system of equations below for the unknowns ci:

    c1ai1+ c2a

    i2+ c3=i, i= 1, 2, 3,

    This system has a unique solution for giveni if and only if detB = 0:

    B =

    a11 a12 1

    a21 a22 1

    a31 a32 1

    By basic linear algebra: detB/2 = area ofK, and thus detB= 0.

    HenceB is non-singular, which proves the desired result.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 10

    Theorem (another proof): LetKTh be a triangle with vertices


    , i= 1, 2, 3.A functionvP1(K) is uniquely determined by the degrees offreedom.

    Recall that since v(x) = c1x1+c2x2+c3 for some constants ci R, weobtained the following linear system of equations for the unknownsci:

    c1ai1+ c2ai2+ c3=i, i= 1, 2, 3, ()

    We notice first that dimP1(K) = number of degrees of freedom (= 3)

    i.e. (*) has the same number of unknowns as equations.

    Solutions of (*) are unique if the only solution of (*) with i= 0, i= 1, 2, 3,is given byci= 0, i= 1, 2, 3,or formally,

    IfvP1(K) andv(ai) = 0, i= 1, 2, 3, thenv0

    This approach does not require knowing detB and can be generalized tohigher order polynomials in which case computing detB is complicated.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 11

    Basis functions forP1(K)

    We can now determine the basis functions for P1(K) associated with thenodal values, i.e. the functions iP1(K), i= 1, 2, 3,such that

    i(aj) =ij =

    1 ifi=j

    0 ifi=j

    i, j = 1, 2, 3.

    v(x) = 3i=1

    v(ai)i(x), xK, v(x) P1(K)

    To determinei, we can solvec1ai1+ c2a

    i2+ c3=i, i= 1, 2, 3,for three

    special choices of the rhs, namely, (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1).

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 12

    Basis functions forP1(K)

    Alternatively, to determine e.g. 1, letd1x1+d2x2+d3= 0 be the equationfor the straight line through the verticesa2 anda3. Then:

    1(x) =(d1x1+ d2x2+ d3)

    where the constantis chosen so that1(a1) = 1.

    In the same way, we may determine2 and3.

    If the triangleKhas vertices at (1, 0), (0, 1) and (0, 0), then:

    1=x1, 2=x2, 3= 1 x1 x2

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 13

    Vh={v: v|KP1(K), KTh, andv is continuous at the nodes}


    () :v|KP1(K), KTh}To show this equivalence, we need to prove that: vC0(). Indeed:

    It suffices to show thatv is continuous across inter-element boundaries.

    LetK1 andK2 be two triangles inTh having the common sideSwiththe end pointsN1andN2.

    Let vi=v|KiP1(Ki), i= 1, 2, be the restrictions ofvto the elementsK1 andK2, respectively.

    Then the functionw=v1 v2defined onSvanishes at the end pointsN1 andN2.

    Sincewis linear onSit follows thatw vanishes onS.

    Hence,v is continuous across Sand as suchvC0


    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 14

    A finite element spaceVh using piecewise quadratic functionsv:


    Let K Th be a triangle with vertices ai, i = 1, 2, 3, and denote the

    midpoints of the sides ofKbyaij, i < j, i, j = 1, 2, 3.

    TheoremA functionv P2(K) is uniquely determined by the following degrees offreedom:

    v(ai), i= 1, 2, 3,v(aij), i < j, i, j= 1, 2, 3

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 15

    Theorem: A functionvP2(K) is uniquely determined by the following

    degrees of freedom: v(ai

    ), i= 1, 2, 3, andv(aij

    ), i < j, i, j = 1, 2, 3

    Since dim P2(K) = 6 (=number of dof), it is sufficient to prove that if:vP2(K) andv(a

    i) = 0, v(aij) = 0, i < j, i, j = 1, 2, 3, =v0.

    Consider the sidea2


    . Along this side, v has a quadratic variation andvanishes at the pointsa2, a23, anda3. Thusvvanishes identically ona23

    and we can write:

    v(x) =1(x)w1(x), xK

    wherew1P1(K) andi, i= 1, 2, 3 are the basis functions forP1(K).

    In the same way, we see that v also vanishes along the sidea1a3:

    v(x) =1(x)2(x)w0, xK, w0= constant.

    If we now finally takex=a12: 0 =v(a12) =w01(a12)2(a

    12) =w01

    2 12,

    so thatw0= 0 and hencev0 and the proof is complete.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 16

    A functionvP2(K)

    ForvP2(K): v= 3i=1

    v(ai)i (2i 1) + 3


  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 17

    The finite element space: Vh=vC0

    : v|KP2(K), KTh

    We have seen that the global degrees of freedom of the functions v Vhcan be chosen as:

    1. the values ofv at the nodes ofTh,

    2. the values ofv at the mid points of all the sides of the triangles in Th.

    Global basis functions

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 18

    The finite element spacev|KP3(K), KTh

    LetKbe a triangle with vertices ai, i= 1, 2, 3,and define:

    aiij = 1

    3(2ai + aj), i , j = 1, 2, 3, i=j

    a123 = 1

    3(a1 + a2 + a3)

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 19

    Theorem: A functionvP3(K) is uniquely determined by the following

    degrees of freedom: v(ai

    ), v(aiij

    ), i , j = 1, 2, 3, i=j andv(a123


    Since dim P3(K) is equal to the number of dof (=10), it is sufficient to showthat ifv P3(K) andv(a

    i) =v(aiij) =v(a123) = 0, i, j = 1, 2, 3, i=j,thenv0.

    Observe that ifv has a cubic variation along the sidea2a3 thenv0 ona2a3. In the same way it follows that v vanishes on the sides a1a3 anda1a2 and hencev(x) =1(x)2(x)3(x), whereis a constant.

    If we now choosex=a123

    : 0 =v(a123

    ) =1

    3 1

    3 1

    3 == 0 =v0.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 20

    The finite element spaceVh=vC0

    :v|KP3(K), KTh

    Let vi = v|Ki P3(Ki), i = 1, 2, where K1 and K2 are twotriangles with common sideS

    Suppose thatv1andv2take the same values at the end points and

    the two pointsaiij

    ofS.Sincev1 v2 varies cubically onS, it follows thatv1=v2onS.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 21

    The finite element spaceVh=vC0

    :v|KP3(K), KTh

    We now introduce the finite element space Vh with the following degreesof freedom:

    1. the values ofv at the nodes ofTh

    2. the values ofv at the points aiij on the sides ofTh

    3. the values ofv at the center of gravity for all KTh.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 22

    AnotherP3(K)finite element space where Kis a triangle with vertices



    , i= 1, 2, 3,and center of gravity a


    .TheoremA functionv P3(K) is uniquely determined by the following dof: v(a

    i), i=1, 2, 3, vxj


    , i= 1, 2, 3, j = 1, 2,andva123

    Since dim P3(K) = # of dof, it suffices to prove that ifv P3(K) &vai= v




    = 0, i= 1, 2, 3, j = 1, 2, () =v0

    From (*) vsai= vx1


    s1+ vx2


    s2= 0, i= 1, 2, 3.

    We then have: vsa2

    = vs


    = 0, where s is the direction from a2 to

    a3. Usingv(a2) =v(a3) = 0 =vvanishes alonga2a3 sincevvaries as acubic polynomial along this side. Similarly,v vanishes ona1a2 anda1a3.

    Hencev(x) =1(x)2(x)3(x), whereis a constant.

    If we now choosex=a123: 0 =v(a123) =13



    == 0 =v0.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 23

    The finite element spaceVh=vC0

    :v|KP3(K), KTh

    We expressed every functionvP3(K) uniquely by the following degreesof freedom:

    v(ai) i= 1, 2, 3,v



    , i= 1, 2, 3, j = 1, 2,


    The corresponding finite element space VhC0

    is given by

    Vh={v: v|KP3(K), KTh,

    v and vxi , i= 1, 2,are continuous at the nodes}

    with the following degrees of freedom:

    1. The values ofv and vxi, i= 1, 2,at the nodes ofTh,

    2. The values ofv at the center of gravity of eachKTh.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 24

    A finite element space satisfying VhC1()

    We work with functions that are polynomials of degree 5 on eachK.Theorem

    LetKbe a triangle with vertices ai, i = 1, 2, 3, and let aij be the midpointon the side aiaj, i , j = 1, 2, 3, i < j. A functionv P5(K) is uniquely

    determined by the following dof:

    Dv(ai), i= 1, 2, 3, || 2,




    , i , j = 1, 2, 3, i < j

    where n denotes differentiation in the outward normal direction toS.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 25

    A finite element space satisfying VhC1()

    Since dimP5(K) = 21 (# dof), need to show that if all dof = 0 v= 0.

    Withsthe direction on the sidea2a3, we conclude that

    v(ai) =v


    (ai) =2v



    (ai) = 0, i= 2, 3

    Sincevis a polynomial on the sidea2a3 of degree at most 5 = vvanishesona2a3. Further, vn is a polynomial of degree at most 4 ona

    2a3 and










    = 0, i= 2, 3,

    Thus bothv and vn vanish ona2a3.

    We may factor (1(x))2 out ofv (x).

    v (x) = (1 (x))2p3 (x) , xK, p3P3(K) =v=212223,

    SincevP5(K) we conclude that = 0 so thatv= 0 onK.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N Z b 26

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 26

    A finite element space satisfying VhC1()

    ConsiderK1 &K2 with a common side Sand letv1, v2P5(Ki).

    Assume that: Dv1=Dv2, at the end points ofS, || 2,


    n =


    nat the midpoint ofS

    Withw=v1 v2, we then conclude that:


    s =


    2s = 0, at the end points ofS


    n =


    n =





    = 0, at the midpoint ofS

    It follows thatw= wn = 0 onS (*)

    Fromw= 0 onS= ws = 0 onS(stangent toS) (*)

    From (*) = v|Ki=viand its 1st derivatives vary continuously across S.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N Z b 27

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 27

    A finite element space satisfying VhC1()

    Define the spaceVhC1

    Vh = { v:v|KP5(K), KTh, Dvis continuous at the nodes for

    || 2 andv

    nis continuous at the midpoints of each side }

    Each function v|K P5(K) is determined with the following degrees offreedom:

    Dv(ai), i= 1, 2, 3, || 2,



    , i , j = 1, 2, 3, i < j

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N Zabaras 28

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 28

    A three-dimensional finite element: Tetrahedron

    Consider that is the union ofTh = {K} of non-overlapping tetrahe-dronsKsuch that no vertex of one tetrahedron lies on a side of anothertetrahedron.

    Forr= 1, 2, . . ., andKTh, we define:

    Pr(K) = { v:vis a polynomial to degreer onK, i.e.,v has

    the formv (x) =




    m3, aijm }

    For r = 1, a function v P1(K) is uniquely determined by the valuesv(ai), i= 1, 2, 3, 4, where theai are the vertices ofK.

    We then introduce the space:

    Vh={vC0() :v|KP1(K), KTh}

    with global dof the values at the nodes ofTh.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N Zabaras 29

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 29

    Rectangular finite elements in2: Bilinear functions

    Letai, i= 1, 2, 3, 4 be the vertices of the rectangularKwith sides parallelto the axis in2.

    Define: Q1(K) ={ v:vis bilinear onK, i.e.,v (x) =a00+ a10x1+ a01x2+ a11x1x2, xK, aij }

    A function v Q1(K) is uniquely determined by the values v(ai), i =

    1, 2, 3, 4.

    IfK1, K2 have a common side S and v1, v2 Q1(Ki) agree at the end

    points ofS, thenv1 v2= 0 onSsincev1 v2varies linearly onS.We defineVh={vC

    0() :v|KQ1(K), KTh}where

    Th = {K} is a subdivision of into non-overlapping rectangles suchthat no vertex of any rectangle lies on a side of another rectangle.

    The values at the nodes are the global degrees of freedom.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N. Zabaras 30

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    N. Zabaras 30

    Rectangular finite elements in2: Biquadratic functions

    We can also use polynomials of higher degree on each rectangle. Forexample, we may choose


    :v|KQ2 (K) , KTh

    whereQ2(K) is the set of biquadratic functions on K, i.e.,

    Q2(K) =

    v:v (x) =



    j2, x K, aij

    For this elements, we use as global degrees of freedom the following:1. the values at the nodes ofTh,

    2. the values at the midpoints of the sides ofTh,

    3. the values at the midpoint of each rectangle KTh.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N. Zabaras 31

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    Finite element examples

    In the elements shown, the various dof are denoted as follows: function values values of the first derivatives

    values of the second derivatives

    / value of the normal derivative

    value of the mixed derivative 2


    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory

    N. Zabaras 32

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture3 Cornell


    Local support of finite element basis functions

    The support is always local.

    If and are two basis functions associated with the nodes N1 andN2,then the supports of the functions and overlap only if N1 and N2belong to the same element.

    The basis functions shown below correspond to a node, midpoint of a sideand a point in the interior.

    Lecture 3: Examples of finite elements and finite element spaces Materials Process Design and Control Laboratory