lecture 2. vcl 155 islam and art

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Pensyarah:Pn Azma Wati bt AyobNama:Noralimi b Ahmad ZukefliNo Matrik:B09001336


Lecture 2 Definition of Islamic Art

Lecture 2

An Introduction to Islamic Art of the Malay World

VCL 155Islam

(lit. surrender, reconciliation, from the word salam, peace or salvation).The religion revealed to the Prophet Muhammad between 610 and 632 C.E.It is the last of all the Divine revelations before the end of the world.The name of the religion was instituted by the Quran (Surah 5: ayah 5) during the farewell pilgrimage:

Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam for your religion.ArtThe Concise Oxford Dictionary defines art as human creative skill or its application.

Art is creative activityresulting in visual representation.

ArtArt is the production or expression of that which is beautiful.

Art is visual or spatial communication.


Art is some creation of man that appeals to his emotions and his intellect by means of his senses.All inner feelings, aspirations and spiritual states must be given some external manifestation in order to be perceived through the senses by others. This manifestation is art.Art is the aesthetic dimension of the life of a society or civilization, and, in its larger meaning, co-extensive with the culture of the society. It includes all the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and personal facets of mans existence: his religion, beliefs, faith, poetry, historiography, manners traditions, ideals and ambitions.Art expresses the soul of a people to a degree beyond the reach of other cultural aspects and achievements of a society.

Islamic ArtThe imagination behind art is human, but the afflatus, the original impulse, is divine.

Mans effort is almost without limit, and his skill is a thing of wonder, yet no work of art inspired by man alone will ever be a real work of art, and religion, that some otherworldly inspiration, is essential to art. inspiration, is essential to art.The principle of tradition in religion is the prime mover of the spirit of the artist. All believers yearn to be drawn towards the transcendent; the Divine spirit breathed into us at the moment of our creation is the cause of this desire.Every soul is a part of the Divine Creator and pines to be with Him again. Hence mans wish to live among forms that echo the transcendent archetypes. Islamic art is no more than a reflection in the world of matter of the spirit and even of the form of the Quranic revelation.

The sacred art performs the same function as does the Revelation itself by becoming means of causing repercussions in the human soul in the direction of the Transcendent.Islamic art, regardless in which century or continent it was produced, reveals a remarkable consistency in content and form.the power of the aesthetic values of Islam are such that, even without the consciousness and pursuance of those value, the artist and the spectator alike have been guided to an artistic unity.Islamic artist, whether consciously or unconsciously, had his own criteria for the beautiful and for the artistic expression of his world and God view.

Why Islamic Art?This mean that Islam represents a total order which involves all the planes of human existence, the body as well as the soul, and which decides naturally the place which each art occupies and the role it will play in the spiritual and physical equilibrium of the Dar al Islam-literally the house of Islam. It is by conforming to a certain hierarchy of values that arts are integrated in Islam, and that they become Islamic art, whatever the source of their diverse elements may be Islamic art is the fruit of the marriage between technique (al-fann) and wisdom (al-hikma).In is purest and most perfect form it is attribute of God who is called al-hakim. One of the several dimensions of Gods hikma is beauty, the paramount concern of art.