lecture 2-thermal strain

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  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Thermal Strain

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    When the temperature of a

    component is increased or

    decreased the material

    respectively expands or


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Thermal Expansion, (or the increase in

    length) for most materials, resultsfrom an increase in temperature.

    The extent of the expansion ( L)depends on the temperature change

    ( T), the length of the part (L0), andthe coefficient of thermal expansion

    of the material involved.L = L0 T (linearexpansion)

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Typical values of coefficient oflinear expansion

    Carbon Steel 12 x 10-6 /0C

    Aluminium 24 x 10-6 /0C

    Copper 17 x 10-6 /0C

    Cast Iron 10 x 10-6 /0C

    Brass 16 x 10-6 /0C

    Bronze 18 x 10-6 /0C

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Thermal Strain

    The thermal strain (T) is given


    T = L / L0

    T = T

    If this expansion or contraction is notresisted in any way then the processes

    take place free of stress.

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    If the changes in dimensions

    are restricted, then stresses

    termed temperature stresses

    will be set up within the


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Thermal Stress

    The thermalstress (FT) is

    given by:

    FT = EwhereE Elasticmodulus

    (a)Bar of initial length L;

    (b)Elongation L due toheat;

    (c)Thermal stress in

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    For Large temperature changes,both and E vary withtemperature.

    We shall assume that the

    temperature changes aresufficiently small for and E to beconsidered as constants.

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Thermal Stress

    In (c), when the bar

    is subjected to

    change in

    temperature, the

    total strain is zero,

    i.e. the elastic strain

    must be equal and

    opposite to the

    thermal strain, thus

    (a)Bar of initial length L;

    (b)Elongation L due toheat;

    (c)Thermal stress in

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Differential thermal expansion

    Results whenever there is a

    temperature difference or gradient from

    point to point in metals. The differential

    occurs because most metals expand

    with increasing temperature. If the

    increase (or decrease) in temperature is

    different in different sections of a

    material, the sections will have

    expanded to a different extent.

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Differential thermal expansion

    In this case, the compressive andtensile stresses can result in thebending of the part, as shown below:

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Compound Bars

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    In certain applications it is necessary to

    use a combination of elements or bars

    made from different materials, each

    material performing a different

    function, such as electric cables.

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain



    In overhead electric cables, for example,

    it is often convenient to carry the current

    in a set of copper wires surrounding steel

    wires, the latter being designed tosupport the weight of the cable over large


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    When an external load W is applied tosuch a compound bar it is shared

    between the individual component

    materials in proportions depending on

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    When two or more members are rigidlyfixed together so that they share the same

    load and extend or compress the sameamount, the members form a compoundbar.

    The stresses in each member arecalculated using the following:

    1.The total load is the sum of the loads

    taken by each member.2.The total load taken by each member isgiven by the product of its stress and itsarea.

    3.The extension or contraction is the same

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Each member carries a portion of

    the total load W proportional to its

    EA/L value.

    Force in member 1 :

    If all members are of equal lengththe stress of one member (F1) is

    given by:

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    Stress in member 1:

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    If the compound bar is subjected to

    a temperature rise each material

    will attempt to expand by different


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    The two materials are now rigidly joined asa compound bar and subjected to the same

    temperature rise, each material will attemptto expand to its free length position buteach will be affected by the movement ofthe other.

    The higher coefficient of expansion material(brass) will therefore seek to pull the steelup to its free length position and converselythe lower coefficient of expansion material(steel) will try to hold the brass back to itsfree length position.

    The result is an effective compression of the

    brass from its free length position and an

  • 8/14/2019 Lecture 2-Thermal Strain


    The tensile force applied to the shortmember by the long member is equal in

    magnitude to the compressive forceapplied to the long member by the shortmember.

    Tensile force in steel = compressive forcein brass

    steel Asteel = brass Abrass

    These are two equations with twounknowns which can be solvedsimultaneously to obtain

