lecture 1. nov. 16

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  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    LIS 141

    Medical Libraries

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Exercise 1

    Most important medical library in theworld?


    Medical School Library

    Hospital Library

    Government Agency Library

    Pharmaceuticals and other Company Library

    Libraries of Professional Societies

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Historical Background

    Ancient Egypt, Assyria & China

    Assyria: King Ashurbanipal

    800 out of 30,000 medical Alexandria: Brucheum & Serapeum

    Romans: Byzantium

    East & Spain Royal Library at Bokhara

    US National Library of Medicine

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Medicine in the Philippines

    Pre-Spanish beliefs, and practices

    Establishment of hospitals, infirmaries and

    orphanages Establishment of U.S.T. and conduct of

    medical education

    UP PGH 1910 ; College of Medicine -1911

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16



    The library that is exclusively orpredominately concerned withmaterials and information whether

    acquired or accessible in the fieldsof health sciences, and exclusivelyor largely serves all the needs of

    members of health, allied andrelated professions and services

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    a library serving students, practitioners andresearchers in one or more of the healthsciences, such as medicine, dentistry, nursing

    and pharmacy. It may be maintained and supported by a

    university; a hospital; medical society; apharmaceutical firm engaged in research; or

    unit of the government.

    Synonymous with health sciences library(Reitz, 2004).

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Types of Medical Libraries


    Form of materials

    Type of users Parent organizations

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    National Medical Libraries

    concerned with collecting and preservingthe cultural heritage published in and/or onthe respective country of the national


    provide information on the subject as awhole regardless of origin and format.

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    Medical School Libraries

    Belong to the academic institution thatteaches medicine, nursing and pharmacy

    May be departmental libraries of their

    university library, autonomous, orindependent of them; (subject sections)

    Vary in their size, space, staff, automation

    and the services they provide.

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Hospital Libraries

    whether public or private, it should assurethe hospitals educational, clinical,

    administrative and research personnel of

    access to information which enables themto give the best patient care within theformation which enables them to give the

    best patient care within the limitations offunds at hand

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Hospital Libraries

    whether public or private, it should assurethe hospitals educational, clinical,

    administrative and research personnel of

    access to information which enablesthem to give the best patient carewithin the formation which enables them to

    give the best patient care within thelimitations of funds at hand

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    Government Agency Libraries

    may be responsible for different healthinstitutions such as hospitals, laboratories,and research centers

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Pharmaceutical and other Companylibraries

    belong to the private sector, and are notusually accessible to outsiders as theirservices are tailored to their staff and

    customers. pharmaceutical companies, health insurance

    companies, medical advertisers, medicalpublishers, vendors of health information, and

    marketing departments in organizations doingbusiness in the medical fields

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Libraries of Professional Societies,Voluntary Health Organizations andFoundations Professional societies

    Not just bibliographic control but also writing, editingand indexing reports, proceedings and digests relatedto the history and policies of the societies

    Voluntary Health Organizations

    generally small and specialized; may be involved inpublic education, support of services in diagnosis ortreatment centres, support of research, publicationsfor professional or general audiences.


    usually provide special services for a limited set ofusers as they support the program of their institution

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Libraries of Regional and InternationalOrganizations

    (WHO) together with its various regional officesand centres plays a significant role in the field ofmedical information and informatics in all its

    member states. Other organizations include the Pan-American

    Health Organization (PAHO), and the Council ofArab Ministers of Health, previously mentioned,

    which established the Arab Centre for MedicalLiterature (ACMEL).

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Libraries of Other Health Care Entities

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Nam dapibus, nisi sit amet pharetra consequat, enim leo tincidunt

    nisi, eget sagittis mi tortor quis ipsum.

    Medical and Health LibrariansAssociation of the Philippines


  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Nam dapibus, nisi sit amet pharetra consequat, enim leo tincidunt

    nisi, eget sagittis mi tortor quis ipsum.


    1986 - "Current Management Trends for

    Health Care Libraries

    - Sponsored by PCHRD ;participated by 20 Librarians

    - from 40 initial members to 143(Regular: 99 ; Associate : 29 ;

    Institution: 15)


  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16


    Nam dapibus, nisi sit amet pharetra consequat, enim leo tincidunt

    nisi, eget sagittis mi tortor quis ipsum.


    Annual Congress Symposium/Forum

    Newsletter Publications

    Other Activities

  • 8/3/2019 Lecture 1. Nov. 16
