lecture 1 biochem 232 cells

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  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

    otal pages-13 1

    1Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Dr. Abdalla El- Mowafy (JU):

    [email protected]


    Active site


    Diabetic retinopathy

    House-keeping rules


    Cell phones off, please.

    Breaks and food. 50 minute

    lecture Quite pls !

    Questions welcome

    any time.

    Exams and evals: MCQ-False/True. Little notes

    2Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

    otal pages-13 2

    Total: 100

    1- Quizzes (10) Marks

    Quiz-1,2 (week-3) (week-5)

    - 5

    Quiz-3, 4 (week-10) (week-12)

    - 5

    2- Midterm 25

    3- Final 40

    4- Practical

    20 Exam

    5 (work-behavior-attendance = (


    3Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JUDr. Abdalla El- Mowafy 2010 (JU)

    What is biochemistry ?= Chemistry of cells and organs

    (biological systems)

    Is the chemistry/function of biomolecules in health anddisease:

    - Carbohydrates: e.g. Glucose- Glycogen (Diabetes)- Proteins: Enzymes- Hormones (metabolism- activity)- Lipids: Cholesterol (How/when Good, or Bad ?)- DNA: Genes (DNA: Characters- Diseases)

    Clinical Chemistry (application of biochemistry):- Cholesterol level indicates risk of atherosclerosis - CPK enzyme diagnoses myocardial infarction (heart attack)- Glucose in blood diagnoses Diabetes mellitus

    4Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JUDr. Abdalla El- Mowafy 2010 JU)

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

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    Biochemistry of the Living Cell

    Cell Cycle:Division, Cancer and Apoptosis

    5Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    The Cell Cycle :

    The life of a cell from its formation froma dividing parent cell until its own


    cell cycle


    6Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

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    why cells divide?

    Roles of Cell Division *: Reproduction: )(

    Cells divide to form two daughter cells.

    Growth: Embryonic cells grow and divide to form organism

    Repair (healing, replacement): - Bone marrow stem cells grow and divide to give

    rise to new blood cells. 7

    Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Various stages in cell cycle, aim to:

    Cells must grow (get ready for division). DNA (chromosomes) is replicated (duplicated)

    Chromosomes separate into 2 similar sets

    Cell divides into similar daughter cells(cytokinesis)

    Mitotic cell cycle

    8Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

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    State PhaseAbbreviation



    (most of


    Gap 0 G0A resting phase where the cell has left the cycle and hasstopped dividing.

    Gap 1 G1Cells increase in size. The G1checkpointensures thateverything is ready for DNA synthesis.

    Synth-esis S DNA replication occurs.

    Gap 2 G2The cell continues to grow before mitosis. The G2checkpointensures that everything is ready for the M (mitosis/division).

    Metaphase1 hr

    Mitosis MThe cell divides into two daughter cells. A checkpoint in themiddle of mitosis (Metaphase Checkpoint) ensures that thecell is ready to complete cell division.

    Cell cycle stages**


    Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    3Gs = -S, M =


    variable lengthof time

    10-12 hours

    4-6 hours

    ~24 hours for typicalhuman cell to divide

    ~1 hours formitotic phase

    Cell cycle stages**

    10Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Restingnot activelygrowingordividing

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

    otal pages-13 6

    What controls cell division ?

    Frequency of cell division

    Controlled by specific chemical signalspresent in cytoplasm

    Cell-Cycle Control System

    11Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Checkpoints arecontrol points

    Located at G1,G2, and M

    STOP points incell-cycle unlessoverridden byGO signals

    Mechanical Analogy for the Cell-CycleControl System :

    G1 checkpoint

    G2 checkpointM checkpoint




    12Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

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    Cell Cycle Control Molecules *

    Two main types ofcontrol molecules

    Protein kinases


    Changes in the abundance and activityof control molecules pace the cellcycle.

    13Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Cell - Cycle Control Molecules

    Kinases (Enzymes that add phosphate group on cell proteins) Cdks - cyclin-dependent kinases

    Phosphorylate other cell proteins Give the GO signals at G1 and G2 checkpoints

    Example: first discovered Cdk was the MPF Maturation-promoting factor

    gives the GO signal at G2 checkpoint

    14Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

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    1)- Cyclin increasesduring G1, S, & G2

    2)- It complexes withCdk at G2 to formMPF

    3) MPF allows

    crossing the G2checkpoint (M)

    4) Cyclin is degradedand Cdk is released



    Mechanism of the cell-cycle control at the G2checkpoint ( viaMPF) **



    15Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Characteristics of animal Cells inCulture: how cancer cells differ *?

    Density-dependent inhibition Cells grow and divide until they reach a

    certain density, then they stop

    Anchorage dependence Cells grow attached to a surface

    Culture flask or extracellular matrix

    16Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

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    Cells are anchored to dish and divide

    Cells stop dividing when they form acomplete single layer (like healing)

    If some cells are removed, cell growthbegins until the gap is filled

    Density-dependent inhibition: NORMAL Cells

    17Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Density and anchorage regulations areabsent in cancer cells*

    Cancer cells grow beyond a single layer forming a clump ofoverlapping cells. Do not display anchorage dependence

    multiple layers of cells

    18Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

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    Cancer Cells *

    No density-dependent inhibition

    No anchorage dependence (logic !).

    Immortal - continually divide

    Not under cell-cycle control

    may manufacture own GF

    may have mutation in signaling pathway

    may have mutation in cell cycle controls

    19Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Cancer Cells: carcinogenesis*

    Transformation (normal cell cancer cell)

    initiated by carcinogens (Chemicals/smoking) and

    requires >1-2 mutations in certain-genes thatcontrol cell division and/or apoptosis. This leads touncontrolled cell proliferation/growth (tumor):

    Benign: cells remain at original site -

    Malignant: cells are invasive = (metastasis) .They migrate to, harbor and disrupt other tissues(liver- bone- lung- brain). 20

    Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

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    Growth and metastasis of amalignant breast tumor

    A tumor grows from a single cancerous cell and mayinvade neighboring tissues.

    21Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    Growth and metastasis of amalignant breast tumor

    cancer cells spread throughlymph and blood vesselsto rest of the body

    cancer cells mayestablish a newtumor at a newsite in the body

    22Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

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    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

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    Unlike necrosis (traumatic cell death ):

    PCD Occurs in multicellular organisms

    through certain biochemical signals that leadto selective death of certain cells (keepingothers), and organized disposal of cellulardebris.

    Programmed cell death (PCD)

    (Apoptosis): role in health and disease

    23Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    How apoptosis occurs* ?

    1. Cell shrinks and gets rounded(breakdown of the protein cytoskeletonby caspases).

    2. The cell membrane forms irregularbuds (blebs).

    3. The cytoplasm becomes dense, and theorganelles get tightly packed.

    4. Chromatin condenses into patches andDNA gets fragmented.

    5. The cell breaks into vesicles (apoptoticbodies) which are then phagocytosed .

    24Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

  • 8/8/2019 Lecture 1 Biochem 232 Cells


    iochem-232-DrMowafy-Pharmacy-JU 9/21/2010

    A) For development: removal ofun-needed tissue. Differentiationof fingers and toes in adeveloping human embryooccurs because cells betweenthe fingers apoptose; the resultis that the digits are separate.

    B) Removal of a damaged cellafter virus infection, ionizingradiation, toxic chemicals orstarvation.

    Functions of apoptosis:

    1) cell termination*

    Incomplete differentiation in twotoes due to lack of apoptosis

    Embryonic foot of mouse-developed foot

    25Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU

    2) Cell Homeostasis:

    is achieved when the rate of mitosis (cellHomeostasis

    division) in the tissue is balanced by cell death.Disturbance of this equilibrium leads to seriousconditions (tumor OR cell loss/organ dysfunction).

    In the adult organism, the number of cells is keptrelatively constant through cell death and division.Cells must be replaced when they become diseased,and proliferation must be offset by cell death.

    Functions of apoptosis:

    2) Cell Homeostasis*

    26Dr. Mowafy bichm-1-Fop-JU