lecture 06 context-free grammars

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  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars


    TIC 2151 – Theory of


    Lecture 6

    Context-Free Grammars (CFG)

    TIC 2151  – Theory of Computation

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars


    Lecture 6 – Outline

    Introduction Formal description of a CFG

    Ambiguous CFGs

     Normal forms

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars


    Context-free grammars (CFG)

    context-f ree grammars CFG, a more powerful method of describing

    languages. Such grammars can describe certain features that have a

    recursive structure, which makes them useful in a variety of applications.The collection of languages associated with context-free grammars are called

    the context-f ree languages.

    A language is context free if and only if some pushdown automaton recognizes

    it.Languages that can be accepted by some PDA or generated by some CFG are


    Many useful languages are context-free, including most programming

    languages, query languages, and markup languages.

    We can establish a relationship between the regular languages and the context-

    free languages. Because every regular language is recognized by a finite

    automaton and every finite automaton is automatically a pushdown automaton

    that simply ignores its stack, we now know that every regular language is also a

    context-free language.

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    Context-free grammars (CFG)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars


    The following is an example of a context-free grammar, which we call G.

    Grammar G:

    A => 0A1

    A => B

    B => #

    derivation of a word

    You may also represent the same information pictorially with a parse tree.

    See next slide

    Context-free grammars (CFG)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars


    parse tr ees for the word 00#11

    Formal description of a CFG

    Formally written we have the grammar G:G = (V, S, R, S)

    with V = {A,B}

    S = {0,1,#}

    R = {[A, 0A1], [A, B], [B, #]}

    S = A

    Context-free grammars (CFG)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars


    G = ({S}, {a, b},R, S). The set of rules, R, is S => aSb | SS |

    This grammar G generates strings such as abab, aaabbb, and aababb.

    Give a parse trees for aaabbb and abab



    Give the formal definition for the following grammar an describe the

     produced language: S => aSb | SS |

    Context-free grammars (CFG)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars




    Give the formal definition for the following grammar and give parse trees for

    a + a x a and (a + a) x a

    Formal Definition

    Context-free grammars (CFG)

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    Give the formal definition for the following grammar and give parse trees for

    a + a x a and (a + a) x a

    Formal Definition

    Context-free grammars (CFG)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars




    o Sometimes a grammar can generate the same string in several different

    ways. Such a string will have several different parse trees and thus

    several different meanings.

    o This result may be undesirable for certain applications, such as programming languages, where a program should have a unique


    o A grammar is called ambiguous if there is at least one word having two

    different parse trees.

    AmbiguityContext-free grammars (CFG)

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    Consider the following rules of a grammar and give two different parse trees for 

    a + a x a

    This grammar generates the string a + a x a ambiguously.

    Sometimes when we have an ambiguous grammar we can find an

    unambiguous grammar that generates the same language.

    A grammar is called inherently ambiguous if there is no equivalent

    unambiguous grammar to generates it. {aib jck  | i=j or j=k} is inherently


    AmbiguityContext-free grammars (CFG)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    When working with context-free grammars CFG, it is often convenient to

    have them in simplified form. One of the simplest and most useful forms

    is called the Chomsky normal form.


    any context-free grammar may be transformed to a CNF grammar expressing the

    same language

    Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    Original CF grammar S => ASA | aB

    A => B | S

    B => b | e

    1. Insert a new start symbol

    S0 => S

    S => ASA | aB

    A => B | S

    B => b | e

    2. Remove the rule B => e

    S0 => S

    S => ASA | aB | a

    A => B | S |

    B => b

    Converting a CFG to CNF

    Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

    Step 1. Add a new start variable S0 and the rule S0S,

    where S was the original start variable. This change

    guarantees that the start variable   doesn’t occur on the

    right-hand side of a rule

    Step 2.we take care of all   e-rules. We remove an   e-ruleC  , where C is not the start variable. Then for each

    occurrence of an C on the right-hand side of a rule, we

    add a new rule with that occurrence deleted. if R   uCv

    is a rule in which u and v are strings of variables and

    terminals, we add rule R   uv. The rule R   uCvCw

    causes us to add R  

    uvCw, R  

    uCvw, and R  

    uvw.If we have the rule R   C, we add R   unless we had

     previously removed the rule R  e .

    We repeat these steps until we eliminate all   e -rules not

    involving the start variable.

    Try to follow every step! Don t go to the next step, if you

    still have problems with the one before!

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    3. Remove the rule A => e

    S0 => S

    S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS | S

    A => B | S

    B => b

    4. Remove the rule S => S

    S0 => S

    S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS

    A => B | S

    B => b

    5. Remove the rule S0 => SS0 => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS

    S => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS

    A => B | S

    B => b

    Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

    Step 3 .Eliminate all unit rules of the form

    CD. We repeat these steps until we

    eliminate all unit rules.

    Try to follow every step! Don t go to the next step, if you

    still have problems with the one before!

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    6. Remove the rule A => B

    S0 => ASA | aB | a | SA | ASS => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS

    A => S | b

    B => b

    7. Remove the rule A => S

    S0 => ASA | aB | a | SA | ASS => ASA | aB | a | SA | AS

    A => b | ASA | aB | a | SA | AS

    B => b

    8. Insert new symbols for the last incorrect rules

    S0 => AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS

    S => AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS

    A => b | AA1 | UB | a | SA | AS

    B => b

    A1 => SA

    U => a

    Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

    Try to follow every step! Don t go to the next step, if you

    still have problems with the one before!

    Step 4. Take care of rules with more

    than two terminals or variables.

    convert all remaining rules into the

     proper form.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    Covert the following CFG into Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)


    1. elimination of e, we obtain: 2. elimination of the unit production we obtain

    Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) CFG to CNF

    3. convert all remaining rules into the

     proper form. replace a  by A, b  by B 

    and c  by C, we obtain

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    Our next problem:

    I f we have a word w, how can we determine if it can be 

    generated by a context-free grammars CFG ? 


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars




    C D

    w1w2. . . . . . wk  wk+1. . . wn

    The Cocke-Younger-Kasami

    Algorithm (CYK)

    CYK – The Concept

    For each word, there must be a rule of the form A BC, whereB produces the left part of the word and C the right part.

    We replace the occurrence of BC with A.

    This process is repeated, and should leave us with the start

    variable S.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    Given the following grammar

    S => AB

    A => ab | aAb

    B => c | cB

    and in Chomsky normal form

    S => ABA => CD | CF

    B => c | EB

    C => a

    D => b

    E => c

    F => AD

    we build a table for aaabbbcc:

    a a a b b b c c

    C C C D D D E,B E,B

    A B







    If we find S here,

    we knowaaabbbcc

    is part of the language.

    CYK – In Action Example (1)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    a a a b b b c c

    C C C D D D E,B E,BA   B







    This (darkgray) partis produced by B

    As there is a rule S => AB,

    we can fill S here.

    This (gray) part

    is produced by this A

    CYK – In Action Example (1)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    a a a b b b c c

    A F

    B E

    C D


    If there is one of the following

    rules, so write the left side X in the box:

    X => AD

    X => BE

    X => CF

    If there are more than one, write all.

    CYK – In Action

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    For the grammar:

    we prove the membership of 00100111 and 01011100:

    CYK – In Action Example (2)

    S => SS | BA | BC

    A => SCB => 0

    C => 1

    0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

    B B C B B C C C

    S S







    0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0

    B C B C C C B B

    S S


    YES NO

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 06 Context-Free Grammars



    Learning Outcomes

    After completion of this lecture, you should be able to:

    Draw parse trees for words generated from CFG.

    Given the definition of a CFL, design a grammar (i.e. give the

    grammar rules).

    Convert a CFG into Chomsky Normal Form.

    Apply the CYK algorithm to determine if a word is generated

    form a CFG.