lect 2.2 extr intr earth

THE EXTERIOR AND THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH n.k.agarwal ex-Director, GSI Visiting Professor, UPES

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By N.K Agarwal (ex-Director,GSI)




    n.k.agarwalex-Director, GSIVisiting Professor, UPES

  • Earth From Outer Space



  • The earth is a solid spherical body

    having about 6371 km radius.

    It is surrounded on its exterior by

    different layers of gases called


    The entire amount of water occurring

    on or below the surface of the earth is

    called Hydrosphere.

    The solid earth is called theLithosphere.

    The Exterior to Interior of Earth

  • The envelope of air that completely

    surrounds the earth is known as the


    It is the presence of the atmosphere

    with its abundant supply of oxygen

    that makes the earth a unique planet in

    the universe.

    The oxygen is responsible for the

    origin & growth of life on earth.


  • The atmosphere extends to about 1000kmfrom the surface of the earth.

    99% of the total mass of the atmosphereis found within 32km.

    The atmosphere is made up of 78% ofNitrogen, 21% of oxygen. The remaining1% is made up of carbon dioxide, argon,neon, helium, ozone, water vapor, dustparticles etc.

    Atmosphere (contd.)

  • The atmosphere has a layered structure.

    There are 5 distinct layers:1. Troposphere

    2. Stratosphere

    3. Mesosphere

    4. Thermosphere

    5. Exosphere

    Atmosphere (contd.)

  • This is the first layer of the atmosphere.

    It extends to a height of 18km at the

    equator( as the air is hot and lighter) and

    8km at the poles (as the air is cold and


    In this layer, temp. decreases with height.

    This is due to the fact that the density of

    air decreases with height and so the heat

    absorbed is less.


  • Since the troposphere contains most ofthe water vapor & clouds, So, all weather

    changes occur in the troposphere

    (tropo means change).

    Temperature decreases with height in the

    troposphere, since the main heat source

    is the solar radiation which is absorbed at

    the ground level.

    Troposphere (contd.):

  • The rate of decrease of temperature,called the lapse of temperature which is

    about 5C/km.

    The height at which the temperature stops

    decreasing is called tropopause.

    ( temp may be as low as 58C).

    Troposphere (contd.):

  • This is the 2nd layer of the atmosphere

    It extends from the tropopause to about

    50 km above the surface of the earth.

    Temperature increases due to the

    absorption of the ultraviolet radiation of

    the sun by ozone present in this layer. The

    temp. slowly increases to 4C.

    2. Stratosphere:

  • This layer is free from clouds and

    associated weather phenomena. Free

    from weather changes, it provides ideal

    flying conditions for large jet planes.

    At about 50 km, the temp begins to fall

    again. This marks the end of the

    stratosphere which is called stratopause

    , where the temp. is about as high as at

    the ground level.

    Stratosphere (contd.):

  • The stratosphere is crucial to life onearth. It contains ozone. The ozone layer is

    located about 24km above the earth.

    Ozone gas absorbs some of the

    ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

    Most of the worlds ozone is found in the

    stratosphere, where it may exceed 5 ppmv

    (parts per million by volume).

    There is very little water vapor at these

    heights .

    Stratosphere (contd.):

  • At about 50km, the temp begins to fall

    again. This marks the end of the

    stratosphere which is called


    Since ozone is formed in the

    stratosphere, this zone is also called the

    ozonosphere. The ozonosphere is of

    utmost importance to the life on earth, as

    it absorbs most of the U.V. radiations from

    the sun , which would otherwise severely

    harm all living things.

    Stratosphere (contd.):

  • The ozone layer is a natural shield

    against the ultraviolet rays reaching the

    earth from solar radiations.

    It has been discovered that certain gases

    (like CO2 originating from industrialized

    world are producing destructive effects

    on the size & volume of the ozone envelop.

    Ozone holes or gaps are being

    developed in this layer that are becoming

    increasingly dangerous for the life system

    of the planet.

    Stratosphere (contd.):

  • One ozone hole was detected by NASA in

    Sept.,2000 over Arctic that was of a size of

    28 million sq.km.

    Since then, a global scale effort has been

    accelerated binding all the nations to

    curtail generation of ozone destroying

    gases by introducing alternate


    Stratosphere (contd.):

  • Above the stratosphere, lies the


    The mesosphere extends to a height of 80


    Here the temp. decreases again falling as

    low as 90C .

    The mesosphere has the coldest

    temperatures in the atmosphere.

    The end of this layer is known as the



  • The thermosphere lies above the


    This layer extend upto a height of about

    90 km.

    In this layer, temp. rises dramatically,

    reaching upto 1480C. This increase in

    temp. is due to the fact that the gas

    molecules in this layer absorb the cosmic

    rays and the ultraviolet radiation of the



  • This results in the break up of the gas

    molecules into +ively & -ively charged

    particles known as ions. Thus, this layer

    is also called ionosphere.

    The electrically charged gas molecules of

    the thermosphere reflect radio waves

    (longer wave length) to the earth back

    into space .

    In this way, radio messages can be


    Thermosphere (contd.)

  • The ionosphere protects us from meteorsand obsolete satellites, because the high

    temp. burn nearly all the debris coming

    towards the earth.

    Thermosphere (contd.)

  • This layer lies above the thermosphere.

    The exosphere extends beyond the

    thermosphere upto 960km.

    Till today, very little is known about it.

    It is perhaps a low density, high temp



  • The subject of structure of theatmosphere is being constantly enriched

    with findings from artificial satellites.

    Many new information is being gathered

    about the physical, chemical, electrical,

    thermal and other properties of the

    atmosphere through new tools of

    investigations and the information are

    under constant revision.

    R & D Efforts

  • It is a collective name for all the natural water

    bodies occurring on or below the surface of the


    Although hydrosphere makes only 0.03% of

    mass of the earth (5.97 1021 tonnes), its

    relevance to the existence of life on this planet

    can be well understood.

    The hydrosphere occupies as much as 70% area

    of our globe.

    More than 98% of the hydrosphere is made up of

    huge surface bodies of saline water called sea &



  • The 4 important constituents of the hydrosphere :

    1. Water contained in oceans & their associated

    extensions, called seas and bays. The 5 major

    oceans (the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the

    Arctic & the Antarctica) and their associated

    smaller extensions called seas & bays together

    2. Water contained in rivers & lakes.

    3. Frozen water in the form of glaciers and Ice


    4. Ground water stored in the rocks below the

    earths surface.

    Hydrosphere (contd.)

  • The presence hydrosphere and atmosphere

    are the unique features of our planet which

    are largely responsible for making life

    possible in the earth.

    Creating Geological Agencies like Rivers,

    Glaciers, Wind, Oceans etc. that

    continuously change the surface of the earth

    by erosion and depositional processes.

    Weathering of rocks take place due to the

    presence of the atmosphere and


    Importance of Hydrosphere and Atmosphere

  • While the atmosphere & the

    hydrosphere constitutes the gaseous

    and liquid realms of the earth, the

    lithosphere represents the solid earth.


  • The earth is a solid nearly spherical body

    Slightly Flattened at the Two Poles

    Slightly Bulging at The Equator

    The Polar Radius is 6357km

    The Equatorial Radius is 6378km

    The Mean Radius is 6371km

    The Temperature Increases With Depth- The

    Average Geothermal Gradient is ~30oC/km

    Salient Features of Earth

  • The interior of the earth is nowhere

    exposed to our direct observation.

    With our present scientific skills, we can

    hardly penetrate up to a few km. below

    the surface of the earth whereas the

    average radius of the earth is about

    6371 km.

    Interior of the Earth

  • Interior of the Earth

    We have Limited Direct Knowledge of the

    Interior of the Earth through :

    Deep Mines which are only a few km deep

    Deep Oil Well Drilling only a few km deep

    Deep Ocean Drilling up to 12km

    Our Knowledge About the Interior of Earth is Based on

    Indirect Evidences (Seismology Study of Earthquakes)

  • Our knowledge on the internal

    structure of the earth is based on the

    evidence obtained with the help of

    seismic waves (earthquake waves)

    That originate at the Focus and Travel

    Through the Interior of the Earth in All


    Earth's Internal Structure

    The point on the surface vertically above the

    Focus is Known as Epicenter

  • During an earthquake, 3 types of waves are

    generated at the Focus (point of origin of

    earthquake below the surface):

    1. Primary or P waves (Push & Pull Motion)

    2. Secondary or S waves (Transverse or Shear Motion)

    3. Long or L waves (Elliptical and PerpendicularMotion)

    The waves can also be produced artificially by an


    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)

  • The seismic waves radiate in all directions

    from the focus passing through the earths


    Moving faster in the higher density


    Showing Abrupt Variation in Velocities

    Across Boundary of Two Different Mediums

    (Discontinuities & Densities)

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)

  • The P & S waves travel through the body of the

    earth and hence are distinguished as Body


    The L waves are confined mostly to near the

    surface of the earth and are thus known as

    Surface waves.

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)

    The P & S waves are recorded on the surface after

    having passed through materials deep within the

    earth and thus, are considered important in the

    study of internal structure of the earth.

  • These waves travel with characteristic

    velocities through different media, so that

    from their arrival times at Recording

    Stations, many important conclusions are

    drawn regarding the nature of the materials

    lying in their path.

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)

  • The P & S waves reach the surface after

    being reflected & refracted at various

    depths below.

    If the earth were of a uniform nature from

    the surface to the centre, seismic waves

    travelling through it would be recorded

    on the surface without any change in

    their velocity.

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)

  • The abrupt changes in the velocity of

    seismic waves at various depths

    actually represent seismic

    discontinuities and these depths are

    taken as demarcating zones of different

    material composition within earth.

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)

  • 1. The Crust-Mantle Mohorovicic Discontinuity

    2. The Mantle Core Discontinuity

    These basic discontinuities demarcate 3 major

    internal zones of the earth :

    1. the Crust,

    2. the Mantle and

    3. the Core

    The Two Most Significant Discontinuities are :

  • This is the first major discontinuity and isnamed after its discoverer, Mohorovicic, aseismologist of Yugoslavia who firstdiscovered this discontinuity, in 1904,

    It occurs at 3040 km below the continents , 5-6 kmbelow the oceans and 6070 km below the mountains.

    Both the P & S waves on reaching depthsundergo sharp increase in their velocity.

    The P waves attain 7.75 km/sec from 5.4km/secin overlying layer.

    The S waves attain 4.35 km/sec from 3.35km/sec.

    The Mohorovicic Discontinuity

  • The Mohorovicic Discontinuity marks the lower

    limit of the crust.

    The crust is divided into two layers:

    1. The upper layer called SIAL (Rich in Silica)

    2. The lower Layer Called SIMA (Rich in Mafic


    The crust makes just an insignificant part in the structureof the earth when compared with the radius of the earth(~ 6371km).

    The Crust

  • The Upper Layer - SIAL

    It is made up of light rocks mainly Granite,

    Sedimentary rocks with an average density

    of 2.7.

    The rocks on average have Silica 65-75%

    with Alumina the other most abundant


    SIAL is Found only in the Continental Parts

    of the Crust. It is Known as Continental

    Crust. (not found in Oceanic Parts)

    On an Average it is 30-40km Thick under

    Continents but Under Mountains it is ~70km


    The Crust (contd.)

  • The lower Layer - SIMA

    It is made up of dark and heavy rocks mainly

    Mafic rocks like basalts and related rocks (Rich

    in Mafic Minerals) collectively known as Basic

    Rocks, with an average density of 2.8-3.0 and

    with ~50% Silica.

    The basalts are associated with other heavier

    rocks collectively known as Ultrabasic Rocks

    with density of ~3.4 and 40-45% Silica.

    The thickness of SIMA varies from 5-20km

    The Crust (contd.)

  • Beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity lies

    still denser rock (average density 4.53).

    This layer is called the Mantle.

    Its thickness is About 2900 km.

    Density increases with depth.

    The rocks are rich in iron & magnesium but

    poor in silica.

    The Mantle

  • It is the 3rd and the innermost structural

    shell of the earth.

    It starts at a depth of about 2900km below

    the surface and extends right up to the

    centre of the earth, at a depth of 6371 km.

    The behavior of P & S waves below the

    depth of 2900 km throws sufficient light on

    the existence of the 3rd layer called the


    The Core

  • At depth of 2,900 km there exists the second

    discontinuity which is called Mantle Core


    It was first discovered from seismic records by

    B. Gutenberg in 1918 and in his honour it is

    named as Gutenberg Discontinuity.

    The Core (Cont.)

    The record of seismic waves indicates that the

    core has 2 distinct zones:

    1. The Outer Core

    2. The Inner Core

  • The Outer Core comprises the region

    from a depth of 2900 to 5170 km below

    the earth surface.

    This region behaves like liquid

    because the S waves from the

    earthquake shocks are not transmitted

    through this zone (it is the

    characteristic of S waves that they are

    unable to travel through liquids)

    The Outer Core

  • The Inner Core with a thickness of about

    1216 km is believed to be solid metallic


    At the base of the mantle, density is about

    5.7 gm/cc that jumps to 9.7 gm/cc at the

    top of the core.

    The density reaches to ~12.0 gm/cc at the

    boundary of inner core and becomes 16.0

    gm/cc at the centre of the earth.

    The Inner Core

  • The chemical composition of the inner

    core is believed to be iron and nickel.

    The velocity of P waves recorded in the

    core bear close resemblance to that

    recorded for nickel iron alloys.

    The Inner Core

  • It is fairly established that the mean

    density of the earth is 5.517 gm/cc.

    The average density of the rocks of the

    crust is 2.8-2.9 gm/cc

    The average density of the materials of

    mantle is 4.53 gm/cc.

    Hence, all calculations suggest a density

    of 9.71-16.0 gm/cc for the material of the

    core which is comparable to alloys of

    nickel & iron.

    Density of Core

  • Inside the Earth



    Liquid Core


    Crust thickness varies

    From 5-70 km

    1216 km

    3486 km


    6357 km at Poles

    Density (gm/cm3)

    Earth 5.517

    Continental Crust 2.80

    Oceanic Crust 2.90

    Mantle 4.53

    Outer Core 9.71

    Inner Core 16.0 48

  • The Earth's interior is

    characterized by a gradual

    increase in temperature,

    pressure and density with


    At only 100 km depth, the

    temp is ~1300C.

    At the Earth's center, the

    temperature is >6700C.

    The pressure in the crust

    increases ~280 bars for

    every kilometer depth.

    Earth's Internal Structure


  • Depth wise the Earth consists of 3 major divisions marked by differences in chemical composition Crust, Mantle and Core

    Crust: Outermost rigid layer - 2 types:

    1. oceanic - 5-20 km

    thick and is

    composed of basalt

    (igneous). Young

    (3.8 billion

    years old).

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)


  • Mantle: comprises ~82% of the Earth by

    volume (~2900 km).

    The mantle is

    characterized denser

    rocks and is able to

    flow (plastically) at very

    slow rates.

    Core: composed of iron, nickel and other

    minor elements.

    The outer core is

    liquid capable of flow

    and source of the

    Earth's magnetic field


    The inner core is solid

    Fe-Ni (~1216km).

    Earth's Internal Structure (contd.)


  • A = Sedimentary Rock; B = Granitic (SIAL) Layer; C = Basaltic ( SIMA) Layer

    Moho at 3040 km below thecontinents , 5-6 km below theoceans and 6070 km below themountains.

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    This chapter helps you in understanding :1) What is Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Lithosphere,

    the three layers of Earth?

    2) What is the importance of Atmosphere and Hydrosphere in relation to changes on the surface of the earth, on the rocks and deposition of sediments?

    3) How information about the Interior of Earth is obtained?

    4) What is the Internal Structure of Earth?

    Summary :

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