learnings from us trip as part of innotrek, 2014

My learning from the US trip in May 2014 Pallav Nadhani

Post on 17-Oct-2014




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Lessons I learnt fro my US trip, as part of innoTrek 2014


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My learning from the US trip in May 2014

Pallav Nadhani

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The week-long trip (innoTrek 2014) was organized by NASSCOM for 25+ fast-growing Indian Software Product Entrepreneurs to meet successful Silicon

Valley entrepreneurs, VCs, mentors and other ecosystem stakeholders.

Huge thanks to Ravi Gururaj and his team at NASSCOM (Ashok, Rajat etc.) for making this

happen! If you get a chance to be a part of this next year, DO NOT MISS IT!

I’ve reflected my learning through a bunch of quotes (none of which are my own, though).

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On the country, ecosystem, and culture there

Business goes where it is wanted. Business stays where it is appreciated. Business flourishes where it is nurtured.

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On the country, ecosystem, and culture there

Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.

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On the country, ecosystem, and culture there

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

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On the country, ecosystem, and culture there

Rules are there for a reason. Don’t break it, unless you are willing to redefine everything, with details, and see it to the end.

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On the country, ecosystem, and culture there

If you are good at something, don’t do it for free!

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Takeaways for business

Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.

~ Seth Godin

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Takeaways for business

Don’t half-ass a dozen ideas.Pick one and kick ass instead!

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Takeaways for business

One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested.

~ E. M. Forster

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Takeaways for business

Suits hire suits, shorts hire shorts. Decide what you are building.

~ H R Pearson

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Personal lessons

I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum

~ Frances Willard

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Personal lessons

If you love life, don't waste time, because time is what life is made of.

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Personal lessons

Don’t fall into the trap of confusing activity for achievement.

Pause during your day and ask: ‘Is this helping us build shit or sell shit?’ If the answer is no, then

you’re working on the wrong things.

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All in all, it was a great trip, with lots of learning, bunch of new friends, and a fresh approach to

building companies!

There’s a *LOT* we need to learn from the US companies and overall ecosystem there, if we aim to make India a product powerhouse. As of now, we’re at-least a decade (or more) behind them –

both from approach to learning and attitude/cultural perspective.

Let’s be realistic, pragmatic, and work together to see how we can make a better tomorrow!

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Thank you!

If I can be of any help, reach out to me on Twitter at @pallavn

P.S. We build awesome JavaScript data visualization solutions for web/mobile, which are

used by 22,000 customers and 500,000 developers in 118 countries, including over 80% Fortune 500

companies. Check us out @ http://www.fusioncharts.com &
