learning perspectives abasolo austria mendoza

LEARNING PERSPECTIVES CS 295.016 Raymund Abasolo, Sarah Mendoza, Reagan Austria

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CS 295.016

Raymund Abasolo, Sarah Mendoza, Reagan Austria

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³a learning or meaning-making theory, that offers an

explanation of the nature of knowledge and how human

beings learn´ (Abdal-Haqq, 1998)

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key people


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Jean Piaget Swiss cognitive

psychologist child development

resear ch cognitive development

stages the basis of learning is


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Jerome S. Bruner (1915- ) one of the best known and

influential psychologists of the twentieth century.

one of the key figures in theso called 'cognitiverevolution'

has great influence in thefield of education


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Lev Vygotsky a Soviet psychologist

and the founder of cultural-histori


"Zone of proximaldevelopment" (ZPD)o range of tasks that are too

difficult for the child to master alone but that can be learnedwith guidance andassistance of adults or more-skilled children.

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John Dewey led the progressive

movement in Americaneducation

instruction needs to becentered aroundactivities that aremeaningful to students'experiences

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characteristicsideas and concepts


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"Only by wrestling with the conditions of theproblem at hand, seeking and finding his ownsolution (not in isolation but in correspondencewith the teacher and other pupils) does one learn."

~ John Dewey, How We Think , 1910 ~

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learning is an active process in which learnersconstruct new ideas or concepts based upon their 

current/past knowledge (Bruner) cognitive structure provides meaning and

organization to experiences and allows the individualto "go beyond the information given"


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learner is at the center of the educational stage knowledge cannot be handed from one person to

another (teacher to learner), but must be"constructed" by each learner by interpreting andreinterpreting a constant flow of information.

a discovery approach based on the assumption thatstudents should build (construct) knowledge for themselves.

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teacher roles and learner roles


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learner  engages in an active dialog with teacher (i.e., socratic 

learning) selects and transforms information, constructs

hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitivestructure to do so


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implications to teaching andlearning


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Principles: Instruction must be concerned with the experiences

and contexts that make the student willing and ableto learn (readiness).

Instruction must be structured so that it can be easilygrasped by the student (spiral organization).

Instruction should be designed to facilitate

extrapolation and or fill in the gaps (going beyond theinformation given).

SOURCE: http://tip.psychology.org/bruner.html


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promotes authentic learning, critical thinking,individualized instruction, and project-based learning

relies heavily on the students' initiative

allows students to learn at their own speed

curriculum should be organized in a spiral manner sothat the student continually builds upon what they havealready learned.

learning activities are characterized by activeengagement, inquiry, problem solving, andcollaboration with others. "Correct" answers and singleinterpretations are de-emphasized.

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REFERENCES:Sadker, M. P. and D. M. Sadker (2005).Teachers, Schools, and Society. 7th edition. Boston : McGraw-Hill.Lefrancois, G. R. (1994). Psychology for Teaching . 8th edition. California : Wadsworth Publishing Company."Lev Vygotsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2010.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Vygotsky>."IDKB - Models/Theories." George Mason University Classweb. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2010.

<http://classweb.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resour ces/IDKB/models_theories.htm>.Moore, Julie. "Learning Theory Fundamentals." Encyclopedia of Educational Technology . N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2010. www.etc.edu.cn/eet/eet/."Jerome Bruner and the Process of Education". The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education . N.p., n.d. Web. 23 July 2010.http://www.infed.org/thinkers/bruner.htm."IDKB - Models/Theories." George Mason University Classweb. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2010.http://classweb.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resour ces/IDKB/models_theories.htm."Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology." Projects Server Introduction. University of Georgia, Association for EducationalCommunications and Technology, n.d. Web. 24 July 2010. http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Main_Page.Thanasoulas, Dimitrios "Constructivist Learning." SEAsite - SE Asian Languages and Cultures. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2010.<http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/Teachers_Page/Language_Learning_Articles/constructivist_learning.htm>.Ismat , Abdal-Haqq. "Constructivism in Teacher Education: Considerations for Those Who Would Link Practice to Theory. ERIC Digest. ."ERICDigests.Org - Providing full-text access to ERIC Digests. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2010. <http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-3/theory.htm>.

"Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning." THIRTEEN - New York Public Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Aug. 2010.<http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/constructivism/index.html>.Jones, M. Gail , and L. Brader-Araje. "The Impact of Constructivism on Education: Language, Discourse, and Meaning." American CommunicationJournal 5.3 (2002): n. pag. American Communication Journal . Web. 2 Aug. 2010.Grow, Gerald. "Cognitive Model of Learning." Longleaf Publications home page. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Aug. 2010.<http://www.longleaf.net/ggrow/StrategicReader/StratModel.html>.

 Ar chives Jean Piaget . Web. 2 Aug. 2010. <www.ar chivespiaget.ch >.

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Raymund AbasoloReagan Austria

Sarah Mendoza

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Short Intro

Etymology (meriam-webster online)

cog·ni·tionPronunciation: \käg-ni-shn\Etymology: from Latin word ³cognoscere´ meaning ± to come toknow, investigate

cog·ni·tive1 : of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity2 : based on or capable of being reduced to empirical factual


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Cognitive learning is about enabling people tolearn by using their reason, intuition and

per ception.

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CharacteristicsIdeas and Concepts

challenge the limitations of behaviorismo people are not ³programmed animals´ that merely

respond to environmental stimuli, focus more on the internal processes and connections

that take place during learning.

Focus is on how learners remember, retrieve, and storeinformation in memory

Examines the mental structure and processes relatedto learning

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Key People Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin Frederic Bartlett

David Ausubel Robert Gagne Charles M.Reigeluth

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Atkinson - Shriffin

proposed a model of human memory Identified 3 memory stores:

o Sensory memoryo Short Term memory or working memoryo Long term memory

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Frederic Bartlett

developed the Schema theory views organized knowledge as an elaborate network of 

abstract mental structures which represent one's

understanding of the world. Schema - internal knowledge structure. New information

is compared to existing cognitive structures called"schema". Schema may be combined, extended or alteredto accommodate new information. (schemata - plural)

Schemata grow and change as new information isacquired.

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 A diagram that describes how a person's schema of "egg" mightinclude the components shown:

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David Ausubel

He was active in his field between the 1950s and 1970s Subsumption Theory concerned with how individuals learn large amounts of 

meaningful material from verbal/textual presentations in a school


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Main Principles:o most general ideas of a subject should be presented firsto differentiated in terms of detail and specificityo prior knowledge is essential for the comprehension of new informationo  Advance Organizers

 An advance organizer is information that is presented prior to learningand that can be used by the learner to organize and interpret new

incoming information Expository - describe the new content. Narrative - presents the new information in the form of a story to

students. Skimming - used to look over the new material and gain a basic 

overview. Graphic organizer - visuals to set up or outline the new information. Concept mapping

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Robert Gagne

Conditions of Learning learning tasks for intellectual skills can be organized in ahierar chy according to complexity: stimulus recognition,response generation, procedure following, use of terminology,

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outlines nine instructional events and correspondingcognitive processes:

(1) gaining attention (reception)(2) informing learners of the objective (expectancy)

(3) stimulating recall of prior learning (retrieval)(4) presenting the stimulus (selective per ception)(5) providing learning guidance (semantic encoding)(6) eliciting performance (responding)(7) providing feedback (reinfor cement)(8) assessing performance (retrieval)(9) enhancing retention and transfer (generalization).

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Example:The following example illustrates a teaching sequence

corresponding to the nine instructional events for the objective,Recognize an equilateral triangle:1. Gain attention - show variety of computer generated triangles2. Identify objective - pose question: "What is an equilateraltriangle?"3. Recall prior learning - review definitions of triangles4. Present stimulus - give definition of equilateral triangle5. Guide learning- show example of how to create equilateral6. Elicit per formance - ask students to create 5 differentexamples7. Provide feedback - check all examples as correct/incorrect

8. Assess performance- provide scores and remediation9. Enhance retention/transfer - show pictures of objects and askstudents to identify equilaterals

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Elaboration theory proposes seven major strategy components:1. An elaborative sequence

- choose organizing structure: (conceptual, procedural,theoretical)

Learning prerequisite sequences-learner's background

Summary Synthesis

- integration of previously presented ideas Analogies

- relate to the learners field of experience

Cognitive strategies-embedded/ detached cues Learner control

- learner's motivation and relevance

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Teacher Roles

use of graphic organizers and concept maps to ³offer students the concrete experience needed for cognitivelearning to take place´

use technology in the classroom to allow exploration

and attract attention understand the learner's background present ideas in an increasing order of complexity ask questions that will guide, and trigger learner's mind

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Learner Roles

do not simply know and memorize. connecting and organizing knowledge around

important concept

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Other Concepts:

Practicing or rehearsing improves retention especiallywhen it is distributed practice.

Serial Position Effects - It is easier to remember items

from the beginning or end of a list rather than those inthe middle of the list, unless that item is distinctlydifferent.

Meaningful Effects - Meaningful information is easier tolearn and remember 

Organization Effects - When a learner categorizes inputsuch as a grocery list, it is easier to remember.

you can't for ce someone to learn

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Martin, S. (2006). Definition of Cognitive Learning . Retrieved July 16, 2010 from:http://ezinearticles.com/?Definition-of-Cognitive-Learning&id=365039

Instr  ctional Design Knowledge Base (2006). Instructional Models. Retrieved July16, 2010 from:http://classweb.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resour ces/IDKB/models_theories.htm

Ho, Wenyi (). Cognitive Theories of Learning. Retrieved July 16, 2010 from:http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/w/x/wxh139/ cognitive_1.htm#gestalt

Learning-Theories.com (2008). Cognitivism. Retrieved July 20, 2010 from:http://www.learning-theories.com/cognitivism.html

Kearsley, Greg (2010). Subsumption Theory (D.Ausubel). Retrieved July 20,2010 from: http://tip.psychology.org/ausubel.html

Kearsley, ACT * J.Anderson. Retrieved July 20, 2010 from:http://tip.psychology.org/anderson.html

Kearsley, Greg (2010). Conditions of Learning (Gagne). Retrieved July 20, 2010

from: http://tip.psychology.org/gagne.html Wikipedia. (2010). Advance Organizers. Retrieved July 21, 2010 from

http://wik.ed.uiuc.edu/index.php/Advance_organizers Abott, Bruce (2009). Human Memory. Retrieved July 21, 2010 from:

http://users.ipfw.edu/abbott/120/AtkinsonShifrin.html Sabine, Reljic (2010). Elaboration Theory. Retrieved July 21, 2010 from:


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Raymund Abasolo

Reagan AustriaSarah Mendoza

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Tries to explain behaviors ± observableand predictable responses

SR (stimulus-response) theory

tabula rasa ± blank slate behavior can be learned or unlearned repeated behavior becomes an automatic 

response memory is associated with events

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Classical conditioning ±learningthru stimulus substitution.

Watson¶s behaviorism Connectionism Operant Conditioning

Social Learning Theory

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physiologist knownfor classicalconditioning.

EXPERIMENT:Involves a food, adog and a bell



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IMAGE SOURCE: http://www.northern.ac.uk/learning/NCMaterial/Psychology/lifespan%20folder/PAVLOV.gif 

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father of Behaviorism 1913 article "Psychology as the Behaviorist

Views It ³

humans are born with a few reflexes emphasized the importance of learning and

environmental influences in humandevelopment

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The Little Albert Experiment: Albert is not afraid of rats Rat is paired with loud noise Albert is frightened by the sound

Albert is afraid of rats Albert is afraid of white, furry objects Reversing the experience

Twelve Infants Quote

IMAGE SOURCE: http://www.nndb.com/people/078/000030985/john-b-watson-1-sized.jpg

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3 PRIMARY LAWS law of exer cise/repetition:

Repetition = retention

law of effectpleasure and pain principle)

law of readiness


ctions are more predisposed tohappen

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Burrhus Frederic Skinner 

Learning is based onthe effects of behavior (reinfor cement and

punishment) OPERANT ± random

behavior; not caused

by any stimulus


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_d8ls7V72AkA/SyvENnrkplI/AAAAAAAAAV4/KuXaFC9ylb c/S700skinner-80s-smilin %5B1%5D.

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Burrhus Frederic Skinner 

OPERANT CONDITIONING positive reinfor cement (reward)Peter is given a jelly bean for being good. Presenting unpleasant stimulus (punishment I)

Peter¶s nose was tweaked for being bad. punishment II (penalty)Peter¶s jelly bean is taken away for being bad

negative reinfor cement (relief)Peter¶s nose is released because he said sorry

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Skinner Box "engineer the

environment and

you can engineer human behavior´

B. F. Skinner 

IMAGE SOURCE: http://mrbakerrocks.info/IMAGES/SkinnerRat.jpg

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psychologist doing a study onadolescent aggression

focused on learning,

modeling, and imitation BoBo Doll Study (1961) departed from behaviorism Social cognitivism

IMAGE SOURCE:http://www.psychnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/bozo-300x300.jpg

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SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY Human learning is a function

of observation and imitation.

Steps in the modelingprocess:

 Attention > Retention > Reproduction > Motivation

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Teacher ± centered focuses on a new behavioral pattern being

repeated until it becomes automatic

providing stimulus material and promptingthe correct response

view errors as not enough conditioning


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Passive listeners receiver of the information response

until the behavioral change ispermanent

absorb instructional presentations andmaterial, and use them to create

performances which indicateattainment of correct mental models

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Behaviorism is seen in directinstruction

students learn their attitudes towardschool, subjects due to classicalconditioning

Rewarding correct trials

Carefully chosen reinfor cementimproves learning

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Shaping is useful in classroommanagement

Modeling and learning Monitoring and feedback

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8/8/2019 LEARNING Perspectives Abasolo Austria Mendoza

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/learning-perspectives-abasolo-austria-mendoza 61/61