learning generic invariances in object recognition...

Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report massachusetts institute of technology, cambridge, ma 02139 usa — www.csail.mit.edu MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-061 CBCL-294 December 30, 2010 Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and Scale Joel Z Leibo, Jim Mutch, Lorenzo Rosasco, Shimon Ullman, and Tomaso Poggio

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Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Technical Report

m a s s a c h u s e t t s i n s t i t u t e o f t e c h n o l o g y, c a m b r i d g e , m a 0 213 9 u s a — w w w. c s a i l . m i t . e d u


December 30, 2010

Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and ScaleJoel Z Leibo, Jim Mutch, Lorenzo Rosasco, Shimon Ullman, and Tomaso Poggio

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Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition:

Translation and Scale

Joel Z Leibo1,2,3, Jim Mutch1,2,3, Lorenzo Rosasco1,2,3, Shimon Ullman4,and Tomaso Poggio1,2,3

1Center for Biological and Computational Learning, Cambridge MA USA

2McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Cambridge MA USA3Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA USA

4Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel


Invariance to various transformations is key to object recognition but existing definitionsof invariance are somewhat confusing while discussions of invariance are often confused. Inthis report, we provide an operational definition of invariance by formally defining percep-tual tasks as classification problems. The definition should be appropriate for physiology,psychophysics and computational modeling.

For any specific object, invariance can be trivially “learned” by memorizing a sufficientnumber of example images of the transformed object. While our formal definition of invari-ance also covers such cases, this report focuses instead on invariance from very few imagesand mostly on invariances from one example. Image-plane invariances – such as translation,rotation and scaling – can be computed from a single image for any object. They are calledgeneric since in principle they can be hardwired or learned (during development) for anyobject.

In this perspective, we characterize the invariance range of a class of feedforward archi-tectures for visual recognition that mimic the hierarchical organization of the ventral stream.We show that this class of models achieves essentially perfect translation and scaling invari-ance for novel images. In this architecture a new image is represented in terms of weightsof ”templates” (e.g. “centers” or “basis functions”) at each level in the hierarchy. Such arepresentation inherits the invariance of each template, which is implemented through repli-cation of the corresponding “simple” units across positions or scales and their “association”in a “complex” unit. We show simulations on real images that characterize the type andnumber of templates needed to support the invariant recognition of novel objects. We findthat 1) the templates need not be visually similar to the target objects and that 2) a verysmall number of them is sufficient for good recognition.

These somewhat surprising empirical results have intriguing implications for the learningof invariant recognition during the development of a biological organism, such as a humanbaby. In particular, we conjecture that invariance to translation and scale may be learnedby the association – through temporal contiguity – of a small number of primal templates,that is patches extracted from the images of an object moving on the retina across positionsand scales. The number of templates can later be augmented by bootstrapping mechanismsusing the correspondence provided by the primal templates – without the need of temporalcontiguity.

This version replaces a preliminary CBCL paper which was cited as: Leibo et al.”Invariant Recognition of Objects by Vision,” CBCL-291, November 2, 2010


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Part I

Invariance: definition

1 Introduction

How is it that we can recognize objects despite the extreme variability of the retinal images thatthey may generate? Consider translation invariance: an object translating across an organism’svisual field activates an entirely different set of photoreceptors when it is on the left versus whenit is on the right. Somehow the visual system must associate all the various patterns evoked byeach object so that perceptual invariance is maintained at higher levels of processing.

The retinotopy of the neural representation of visual space persists as information is passed fromthe retina to the brain. The receptive fields of neurons in primary visual cortex inherit the spatialorganization of the retina. In higher visual areas cells respond to increasingly large regionsof space (Desimone and Schein, 1987; Logothetis et al., 1995). At the end of this processinghierarchy, in the most anterior parts of the ventral visual system (in particular: AIT) there arecells that respond invariantly despite significant shifts (up to several degrees of visual angle1).

Perhaps because of the strong interest in the problem of invariance from multiple scientificcommunities including neurophysiology, psychophysics and computer vision, multiple mutuallyinconsistent definitions coexist. In the first part of this report, we provide an operational def-inition of “invariance” – to translation and other transformations – that can be used acrossphysiological and psychophysical experiments as well as computational simulations.

2 Defining invariance

2.1 Neural decoding and the measurement of population invariance

Invariance in neuronal responses can be studied at the single cell or population level. Even when“single-cell invariance” is nominally the property of interest, it is appropriate to think in terms ofa population. In the case of a single-cell study, this means focusing on the population of inputs tothe recorded cells, since a cell’s responses can be regarded as the outputs of a classifer operatingon its inputs. We interpret electrophysiology studies of neuronal populations in terms of theinformation represented in the cortical area being recorded from, while we interpret single-cellstudies in terms of the information represented in the inputs to the recorded cells2.

1The claim that IT neurons respond invariantly to shifts in stimulus position has had a long and somewhattwisted history since Gross et al. first recorded single-unit activity from that region in the 1960s. Initial reportsdescribed receptive fields always larger than 10 by 10 degrees, some fields more than 30 by 30 degrees and onecell responding everywhere on the 70 by 70 degree screen (Gross et al., 1969). Since these early reports, the trendhas been toward more careful measurement and smaller average field size estimates. However, even the smallestof the resulting measurements still show a substantial proportion of cells in IT cortex with larger receptive fieldsthan are present in striate cortex (DiCarlo and Maunsell, 2003) and the claim that visual representations increasein position tolerance as they traverse the ventral stream from V1 towards IT is not in doubt.

2In the case of a population consisting of a single cell, a specialization of our proposed definition of AuT (seesection 2.4 reduces to “rank-order invariance” as proposed by Logothetis et al. (1995) and Li et al. (2009).


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Whether we consider a single cell or a population, the critical issue is whether or not the repre-sentation enables invariant readout. All physiological measures of invariance involve the adoptionof a particular method of decoding information from neural responses. The primary differencebetween apparently distinct measures is often the choice of decoding method. This becomes aparticularly thorny issue when measuring population invariance. The visual task being modeledplays an important role in the choice of decoding method. Most decoding is done using a classifierwith parameters that are typically fit using training data (Hung et al., 2005; Li et al., 2009; Liuet al., 2009; Meyers et al., 2008; Quiroga et al., 2007). In this conceptual framework, in orderto address questions about invariant recognition of novel objects encountered for the first timeat a particular location or scale, the classifier must be trained using a single training exampleand tested with an appropriate universe of distractors. In contrast, the easier task of invariantlyrecognizing familiar objects with prior experience at many locations is modeled with a classifiertrained using more examples. Our operational definitions encompass both these situations andallow the direct comparison of results from both types of experiments as well as many others.

2.2 The problem of invariance

We are mostly concerned with the problem of recognizing a target object when it is presentedagain at a later time, perhaps after undergoing a transformation. In our framework, an imageis generated by an object. The image is then measured by a brain or a seeing machine. It is onthe basis of these measurements that a decision as to the identity of the object must be reached.

In our specific problem, an image of a target object has already been presented and measured.The task is to tell whenever a newly presented test image represents the target object. Testimages may be instances of the target object under various transformations or they may beimages of entirely new objects called distractors.

2.3 The classification point of view

We formulate an operational definition of invariance range in terms of classification accuracy. Wewill use standard measures of classification performance and remark about trade-offs betweenthese measures. Some of these performance measures are related to selectivity while others arerelated to invariance. We proceed by first defining a quantity called Accuracy under Transfor-mation (AuT ). We then define the Invariance Range in terms of AuT . The following section ofthis report (2.4) contains a more formal version of this same definition.

We start with the specialization of the definition for the case of translation invariance for novelobjects which is easy to generalize to other transformations and object classes.

Definition Choose a disk of radius r and a universe U of target and distractor objects. Train aclassifier C with the target at the center of the disk. Test the classifier on the case where all targetand distractor objects can appear anywhere on the disk with their locations drawn from a uniformdistribution. We define Accuracy under Transformation as a summary statistic describing theclassifier’s performance on this test and indicate it as AuTC,U (r).

Remark: We can analogously define AuTC,U for any transformation. For example, we could userotated or scaled versions of target and distractor images in order to define scaling or rotationinvariance.


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Remark: AuT is defined in general as a function of a set of parameters. This may be the radiusof the region over which objects could be translated in the case of translation invariance or amaximum allowable rotation angle in the case of rotation invariance on the plane.

2.4 Formal development of the classification point of view

Let X denote the set of all images of targets and distractors. For a test image x ∈ X there aretwo possibilities:

y = −1 : x contains a distractor objecty = 1 : x contains the target object

The problem is described by the joint probability distribution p(x, y) over images and labels.

We consider a classifier C : X → R and a decision criterion η. Any choice of classifier andcriterion partitions the set of images into accepted and rejected subsets: X = Xη

A ∪XηR.

XηA = {x : C(x) ≥ η}

XηR = {x : C(x) < η}

We can now define some measures of the classifier’s performance on this task.

TP (η) :=∫X

P (y = 1, C(x) ≥ η|x)p(x)dx = True positive rate

FP (η) :=∫X

P (y = −1, C(x) ≥ η|x)p(x)dx = False positive rate

TN(η) :=∫X

P (y = −1, C(x) < η|x)p(x)dx = True negative rate

FN(η) :=∫X

P (y = 1, C(x) < η|x)p(x)dx = False negative rate

Note: The probability p(x) of picking any particular image is normally assumed to be uniform.

Remark: In an experimental setting, the classifier may refer to any decision-maker. For ex-ample, C(x) could be a human observer’s familiarity with image x, upon which the decisionof “same” (target) or “different” (distractor) will be based. This is the interpretation normallytaken in psychophysics and signal detection theory. Our approach is more general and couldalso apply to situations where C(x) is interpreted as, for instance, the membrane potential of adownstream neuron or a machine learning classifer operating on data.

Example: In psychophysics and signal detection theory the underlying distributions of targetPP = P (x, y = 1) and distractor PN = P (x, y = −1) images are assumed to be Gaussian overthe familiarity C(x). Any choice of classifier and decision criterion apportions the probabilitymass of PP and PN over both Xη

A and XηR giving us the situation depicted in figure 1.


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Figure 1: Example distributions in the case where PP and PN are Gaussian over C(x). The top panelshows an example distribution PN of test images arising in the case that y = −1 and the bottom panelshows an example distribution PP of test images in the case the y = 1. The performance measures: TP(true positive), TN (true negative), FP (false positive) and FN (false negative) rate correspond to thequantities obtained by integrating each distribution over the regions shown here.

The goal of this decision task is to accept test images judged to contain the same object asthe target image and reject images judged not to depict the target. In this case “invariance” isrelated to the rate of acceptances, i.e. judging more test images to be the same as the target,while “selectivity” is related to the opposite tendency to reject - judging more test images to bedifferent from the target image. For any decision criterion we get a picture like the one shown infigure 1. In this picture, the blue region is related to invariance while the red region is related toselectivity. We will refer to the acceptance rate (blue region) and the rejection rate (red region).

Remark: For η a decision criterion:

Acceptance rate ∝ TP (η) + FP (η) (1)Rejection rate ∝ TN(η) + FN(η) (2)

If we change the decision criterion to optimize any performance measure e.g. TP (η), FP (η),TN(η), FN(η) then there must be a concomitant decrease in some other performance measures.For example, increasing TP (η) -a good thing- must be accompanied by an increase in FP (η) -abad thing.

The measure AuT - defined informally above and formally below - is a bias-free summary statistic.It provides information about the tradeoff of acceptance rate - related to invariance, and rejectionrate - related to selectivity. See section 2.5 for additional discussion of this point.


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2.4.1 Defining Accuracy under Transformation (AuT )

The performance measures considered so far depend on η. Varying η generates the operatingcharacteristic (ROC) curve3:

ROC(η) = [FP (η), TP (η)]∀η (3)

Note: All values of ROC(η) will fall on the unit square, (0 ≤ TP (η) ≤ 1) and (0 ≤ FP (η) ≤ 1),because both quantities are integrals of probability distributions. Let ROC(z) denote the ROCcurve viewed as a function of the false positive rate.

We propose to use the area under the ROC curve (AUC) as a bias-free summary statistic for thedefinition of Accuracy under Transformation (AuT ).

Definition: Accuracy under Transformation For X a set of images with labels y and PPthe distribution of targets on X, PN the distribution of distractors on X, and C(x) a classifierpartitioning X according to a parameter η. Let TP (η), FP (η) and the ROC curve be defined asabove. The Accuracy under Transformation AuTC,X is the area under the ROC curve:

AuTC,X =∫ 1


ROC(z)dz (4)

Remark: It is simple to extend this operational definition to study parametrized transformationssuch as translation, scaling and rotation.

Let X be the union of a sequence of sets of images Xi ordered by inclusion.

X =⋃i

Xi with Xi ⊂ Xi+1∀i

Then we can compute the corresponding AuTC,Xifor each index i.

As an example, you could study translation invariance by letting Xi contain all the images oftarget and distractor objects at each position in a circle of radius ri. Subsequent sets Xi+1

contain objects at each position within radius ri+1 > ri thus Xi ⊂ Xi+1.

Remark: In discussions of invariance we often want to speak about relevant and irrelevantdimensions of stimulus variation (Goris and Op De Beeck, 2010; Zoccolan et al., 2007). Forexample, the shape of the object could be the relevant dimension while its position in space maybe the irrelevant dimension. Our notion of Accuracy under Transformation extends to capturethis situation as well. To illustrate, we consider the case of two parametrized dimensions. Leti, j index the union X =

⋃i,j Xi,j . So for each pair i, j there is a corresponding subset of X. We

require that:Xi,j ⊂ Xi+1,j and Xi,j ⊂ Xi,j+1 ∀(i, j)

Accuracy under Transformation may be computed for each pair of indices i, j using equation 4.If one of the stimulus dimensions is not continuous then this situation is easily accomodated byletting either i or j take on only a few discrete values.

3In the case that C(x) is a likelihood ratio test, the Neyman-Pearson lemma guarantees that the ROC curvewill be concave and monotonic-increasing. Insofar as all other classifiers approximate likelihood ratio tests, thenthey too will usually induce concave and monotonic-increasing ROC curves.


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2.5 Selectivity and invariance

It is not possible to give operational definitions for “selectivity” and “invariance” that encompassall the common usages of these terms. The interesting cases that may be called selectivity-invariance trade-offs arise when Accuracy under Transformation (AuT ) declines when consideringincreasingly extreme transformations (e.g. translating over larger regions). If AuT (r) = AuTdoes not depend on the translation range r then classification performance can be said to be“invariant” to translation.

In the context of a same-different task there is another sense of the selectivity-invariance trade-off. The classifier’s acceptance rate is related to invariance while its rejection rate is related toselectivity. This captures the intuition that invariance is a tendency to accept most inputs andselectivity is a tendency to reject all but a few inputs.

In summary, when discussing the “selectivity-invariance trade-off” it is important to be clear. Ifselectivity and invariance are associated with the classifier’s rejection and acceptance rates thenthere is a trivial trade-off that can be seen by varying the decision criterion (the bias). On theother hand, there are situations in which there is a more interesting trade-off between Accuracyunder Transformation and r – the size of the region over which targets and distractors canappear. These two trade-offs have very different interpretations: the former can be attributedto bias differences between classifiers while the latter reflects more fundamental aspects of thetransformation or the representation of the stimuli. Care must be taken in experimental worknot to conflate these two trade-offs.

2.6 The invariance range

We can define the invariance range by picking a threshold level of Accuracy under Transformationθ and determining the maximal region size r for which AuT (r) remains above θ. The sameprocedure could be employed when varying any aspect of the classifier (e.g. number of trainingexamples) and determining the corresponding Accuracy under Transformation for each.

Definition: Invariance range Let Xi be a sequence of sets of images ordered by inclusion, Cian ordered sequence of classifiers and AuT (i) = AuTCi,Xi

be the classification accuracy obtainedby using Ci(x) to partition Xi. Let θ be a threshold value. Then the invariance range I is themaximal i for which AuT (i) > θ.

I =

{∞ AuT (i) > θ ∀imax{i|AuT (i) > θ} otherwise



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Figure 2: a) Example of separating hyperplanes in a feature space (left) for variable distances r overwhich targets and distractors may appear. Possible most extreme translations of the target are shownin the right column corresponding to the AuT on the left. b) For a particular value of r (range overwhich objects may appear), there is a trivial trade-off between acceptance rate and rejection rate obtainedby varying the decision criterion η. c) Another trade-off may occur across values of r. The invariancerange I is the maximal r for which AuT (r) is above a threshold θ.

Remark: If the invariance range is as large as the visual field, then we can say that there isno “selectivity-invariance trade-off”. In this case objects could appear under arbitrarily extremetransformations with AuT (r) never declining below θ. Conversely, a finite invariance rangeindicates the existence of a selectivity-invariance trade-off. A small invariance range indicates astronger trade-off, i.e. more accuracy is lost for smaller increases in allowable transformations.We can compare selectivity-invariance trade-offs across transformations (e.g. translation andscaling versus 3D rotation or illumination) or tasks (novel versus familiar objects) by comparingtheir associated invariance ranges.


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3 Measuring Accuracy under Transformation

3.1 Physiology

We can measure AuT (r) in physiology experiments. A typical experiment consists of an animalviewing stimuli, either passively or while engaged in a task, at the same time as the experimenterrecords neural data. The neural data could consist of any of the various electrophysiologicalor neuroimaging methods. In the case of a single-unit electrophysiology experiment, the dataconsists of the evoked firing rates of a collection of cells in response to a stimulus.

Assume we have recorded from n cells while presenting images of target y = 1 and distractorobjects y = −1. Define a classifier C(x) on the neural responses evoked by each image. Thenvary the threshold η accepting images with C(x) > η to draw out an ROC curve. AuT (r) is thearea under the ROC curve for each r.

Remark: Most electrophysiology experiments will not allow simultaneous recordings from morethan a few cells. In order to obtain larger populations of cells you can bring together cellsrecorded at different times as long as their responses were evoked by the same stimuli. Thesepseudopopulations have been discussed at length in various other publications (Hung et al., 2005;Meyers et al., 2008).

Remark: We can also measure AuT from other kinds of neural data. Many researchers haverecorded fMRI data while presenting a human or animal subject with stimuli. Replace cells withfMRI voxels and apply the same measurement process as for single-unit electrophysiology.

3.2 Computer Vision

Many computer object recognition systems can be described as having two basic modules. Aninitial feature transformation converts input images into a new representation. Then a classifierC(x) operates on a set of feature-transformed versions of images to answer questions about theimages e.g. do two test images correspond to the same object? We can directly compute AuTusing the classifier and the labels yx.

Remark: The classifier must be chosen appropriately for the task being modeled. For example,a same-different task involving novel objects appearing under various transformations, e.g. Dilland Fahle (1998); Kahn and Foster (1981), could be modeled with a classifier trained on a singleexample of the target image that accepts inputs judged likely to be a transformed version of thetrained image and rejects inputs judged likely to be distractors. An alternative same-differenttask using familiar objects which the subject had seen at all positions prior to the experimentcould be modeled using a classifier involving a larger number of training images under differenttransformation conditions.

3.3 Psychophysics

We can compute AuT in behavioral experiments by making a few extra assumptions. First, thesubject must be engaged in a same-different task e.g. the task is to accept images that show thetarget object and reject images that show a distractor object. Test images may be transformedversions of either target or distractor objects.


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We regard the subject’s response analogously to the thresholded output of a classifier. Thesubject’s choice of a decision criterion - called response bias in this context - is not controllable bythe experimenter. However, we can still estimate the area under the ROC curve without explicitaccess to the threshold as long as we assume that the underlying distributions PN and PP areboth Gaussian. This is the standard assumption of signal detection theory (Green and Swets,1989). In this case AuT is related to the standard psychophysical measure of discriminability d′

by the following:

AuT =12





where erf() denotes the error function:

erf(z) =2√π

∫ z



and d′ = Z(TP ) − Z(FP ) where Z() denotes a Z-score. See Barrett et al. (1998) for a simplederivation of this relationship.

Part II

Invariance in hierarchical models

4 A hierarchical model of invariant object recognition

4.1 Motivation from physiology

Extracellular recordings from cat V1 in the early 1960s by David Hubel and Torsten Wieselyielded the observation of simple cells responding to edges of a particular orientation. Hubel andWiesel also described another class of cells with more complicated responses which came to becalled complex cells. In the same publication (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962), they hypothesized that(at least some of) the complex cells may be receiving their input from the simple cells.

The simple cells’ receptive fields contain oriented “on” regions in which presenting an edge-stimulus excited the cell and “off” regions for which stimulus presentation suppressed firing.These classical “Gabor-like” receptive fields can be understood by noting that they are easily builtfrom a convergence of inputs from the center-surround receptive fields of the lateral geniculatenucleus (LGN). The V1 simple cells respond selectively when receiving an input from severalLGN cells with receptive fields arranged along a line of the appropriate orientation. Figure 3Ais a reproduction of Hubel and Wiesel’s original drawing from their 1962 publication illustratingthe appropriate convergence of LGN inputs.

In contrast to simple cells, Hubel and Wiesel’s complex cells respond to edges with particularorientations but notably have no off regions where stimulus presentation reduces responses. Mostcomplex cells also have larger receptive fields than simple cells, i.e. an edge of the appropriateorientation will stimulate the cell when presented anywhere over a larger region of space. Hubel


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and Wiesel noted that the complex cell fields could be explained by a convergence of inputs fromsimple cells. Figure 3B reproduces their scheme.

Figure 3: Adapted from (Hubel and Wiesel, 1962).

Following Hubel and Wiesel, we say that the simple cells are tuned to a particular preferredfeature. This tuning is accomplished by weighting the LGN inputs in such a way that a simplecell fires when the inputs arranged to build the preferred feature are co-activated. In contrast,the complex cells’ inputs are weighted such that the activation of any of their inputs can drivethe cell by itself. So the complex cells are said to pool the response of several simple cells. As avisual signal passes from LGN to V1 its representation increases in selectivity; patterns withoutedges (such as sufficiently small circular dots of light) are no longer represented. Then as thesignal passes from simple cells to complex cells the representation gains in invariance. Complexcells downstream from simple cells that respond only when their preferred feature appears in asmall window of space now represent stimuli presented over a larger region. Notice also thatsimple cells could be implemented on the dendritic tree of complex cells (Serre et al., 2005).

4.2 Model implementation

At the end of the hierarchy of visual processing, the cells in IT respond selectively to highly com-plex stimuli and also invariantly over several degrees of visual angle. A popular class of modelsof visual processing subject an input signal to a series of selectivity-increasing and invariance-increasing operations (Fukushima, 1980; Perrett and Oram, 1993; Riesenhuber and Poggio, 1999).Higher level representations become tuned to more and more complex preferred features throughselectivity-increasing operations and come to tolerate more severe identity-preserving transfor-mations through invariance-increasing operations.

We implemented such a biologically-plausible model of the visual system modified from (Serreet al., 2007a). This 4-layer model converts images into a feature representation via a series of


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processing stages referred to as layers. In order, the layers of the model were: S1→ C1→ S2→C2. In our model, an object presented at a position A will evoke a particular pattern of activityin layer S2. When the object is moved to a new position B, the pattern of activity in layer S2 willchange accordingly. However, this translation will leave the pattern in the C2 layer unaffected.

Figure 4: An illustration of the hierarchical model of object recognition.

At the first stage of processing, the S1 units compute the responses of Gabor filters (at 4 ori-entations) with the image’s (greyscale) pixel representation. The S1 units model the responseof Hubel and Wiesel’s V1 simple cells. At the next step of processing, C1 units pool over a setof S1 units in a local spatial region and output the single maximum response over their inputs.Thus a C1 unit will have a preferred Gabor orientation but will respond invariantly over somechanges in the stimulus’ position. We regard the C1 units as modeling Hubel and Wiesel’s V1complex cells. Each layer labeled S is computing a selectivity-increasing operation while the Clayers perform invariance-increasing operations.

The S2 units employ a template-matching operation to detect features of intermediate complexity.The preferred features of S2 units are preprocessed versions of small patches extracted fromnatural images. Here “preprocessed” means that the template-matching operation is performedon the output of the previous layer and so is encoded as the pattern of activity of a set of C1units. The S2 units compute the following function of their inputs x = (x1, ...xn)

r = exp

− 12σ


(wj − xj)2 (6)


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where the unit’s preferred feature is encoded in the stored weights w = (w1, ..., wn) and σ is aparameter controlling the tightness of tuning to the preferred feature. A large σ value wouldmake the response tolerate large deviations from its preferred feature while a small sigma valuewill cause the unit to respond only when the input closely resembles its preference.

Following Serre et al. (2007a) we chose the preferred features of S2 units by randomly samplingpatches from a set of natural images and storing them (C1-encoded) as the S2 weights. So theresponse of an S2 unit to a new image can be thought of as the similarity of the input to apreviously encountered template image. An S2 representation of a new object is a vector ofthese similarities to previously-acquired templates.

A practically equivalent and biologically more plausible operation at the level of S units involvesa normalized dot product instead of the operation described in equation 6.

4.3 Invariance simulations

First we consider a model in which we have replicated each S2 unit at nearly every position inthe visual field. In all our simulations C2 units pool over the entire visual field, receiving inputfrom all S2 units with a given template. Thus at the top level of the model, there will be exactlyone C2 unit for each template.

4.3.1 Simulation methods

Unless stated otherwise, all of the following simulations were performed as follows. The classifierranked all images by their correlation to a single “trained” image. The trained image was alwaysa single image containing the target at the center of the transformation range. That is, fortranslation simulations the trained image depicted the target at the center of the visual field, forscaling simulations the trained image showed the target at the intermediate size and for rotationsimulations the trained image depicted the object at 0 degrees (straight ahead).

All the AUC (equivalently: AuT ) values reported here are averages over several simulations.Each dataset contained a number N of objects. We chose each in turn to be the target objectand used the remaining N − 1 objects as distractors. The reported AUC values are the meansover all N simulations.

For all the translation invariance experiments, targets and distractors appeared only on an in-terval of length 2r as opposed to the entire disk of radius r. This was done for computationalefficiency reasons. We also repeated a subset of these simulations using the full disk and obtainedthe same results.


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4.3.2 Simulation results

Figure 5: Accuracy under Translation over intervals of increasing size. The size of the interval overwhich targets and distractors could appear is plotted as the abscissa with the corresponding AuT as the or-dinate. For these simulations there were 2000 C2 layer cells with patches randomly sampled from naturalimages. Panel A: The classifier computes the correlation from the representation of a target face pre-sented at the center to the representation of an input face presented at variable locations. The targets anddistractors are faces modified from the Max Planck Institute face database (Troje and Bulthoff, 1996).Theimages are 256x256 pixels and the faces are 120 pixels across. Panel B: The classifier still computes thecorrelation from the representation of a target face presented at the center to the representation of aninput face presented with variable location. However, now the positive class contains additional images ofthe same person (slightly variable pose and facial expression). A perfect response would rank the entirepositive class as more similar to the single “trained” example than any members of the negative class.The images used in this simulation were modified from the ORL face dataset, available from AT&T labo-ratories, Cambridge http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/dtg/attarchive/facedatabase.html. These imageswere 256x256 pixels and the translated face was 100 pixels across. The error bars show +/-1 standarddeviation over multiple runs of the simulation using different templates.

The model performs perfectly on the simple face discrimination task shown in the left panel offigure 5 (red curve). In this version of the model, each S2 unit is replicated at every positionin the visual field. C2 units corresponding to each template pool over all the corresponding S2units at every position. This C2 representation is sufficiently selective and invariant that perfectperformance is obtained. That is, the representation of a single target image is always moresimilar to itself across translation than it is to any other image; the invariance range is effectivelyinfinite. When running the classifier on the C1 representation (blue curve) we obtain a differentresult: these units have much smaller pooling ranges and thus do not yield position-invariantperformance. That is, AuT (r) declines with increasing distance from the trained location andinvariance range is finite.

In figure 5 panel B, the task was made slightly more difficult. Now the positive class contains


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multiple images of each person under small variations in pose and expression. The task is torank all the images in the positive class as being more similar to one another than to any ofthe distractor images. From the single training example we used (one example face presented inthe center of the visual field) the resulting Accuracy under Translation is imperfect (red curve).However, invariance range is unaffected by this change in task. i.e. AuT does not depend on theradius of the interval over which targets and distractors could appear.

The invariance range for scaling transformations is also nearly infinite. Accuracy under Scalingwas imperfect due to discretization effects in the scale pyramids of the model (see figure 6). Thedecline of AuT with scaling was modest and attributable to discretization effects.

The results in figure 7 appear to show infinite invariance range for translation over clutter.However, there are some caveats to this interpretation. The cluttered backgrounds used here arenot very similar to the to-be-recognized objects. Clutter is a problem for object recognition whenit is - in the words of Stuart Geman - “made up of highly structured pieces that will conspireto mimic an object” (Geman, 2006). The cluttered backgrounds used in this simulation areprobably not sufficiently similar to the test objects for this to occur.

Figure 6: Scale invariance. This model included scale pyramids at each level. The S1 layer contained10 scales which utilized the same scaling factors as the test images and each C1 unit pooled over twoadjacent scales. The C2 layer pooled over all scales. Templates for S2 / C2 were generated from 2000patches of natural images. See Serre et al. (2007b) and Mutch and Lowe (2008) for details on these scalepyramids. The classifier used only the vector of C2 responses evoked by each image. Error bars shownhere are +/-1 standard deviation across runs with different templates. The abscissa shows the range ofscales over which test images appeared. This test of scale invariance is analogous to the one in figure 5Afor translation invariance i.e. there was no variability in the appearance of the target face except thatwhich was produced by scaling.


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Figure 7: The effect of clutter. Model and testing procedure was the same as in Figure 5B. Training wasalways done with uncluttered images: our classifier measured the C2-layer similarity of each cluttered testimage to a single uncluttered image presented in the center. Error bars show the standard deviation overruns with different sets of S2/C2 templates generated by randomly sampling patches from natural images.Panel A: Full clutter condition. Clutter filled the background of the image. As the object translated, ituncovered different parts of the background clutter. Panel B: Partial clutter condition. Clutter did notfill the image; the object never occluded any part of the cluttered background.

Figure 8: 3D-rotation-in-depth: 10 testing faces for identity recognition were each rendered at 7 view-points using specialized 3D face modeling software (Facegen- Singular Inversions Inc.). None of thefaces had hair or other features of high rotation-invariant diagnostic value. All faces had the same skincolor. This simulation was conducted using the “full” version of the model which contains features at10 different scales. This is similar to the model used for the simulation shown in figure 6. The abscissadenotes the range of rotation away from 0◦ (straight-ahead view) over which faces were presented. Facescould rotate in either direction. Templates for S2/C2 layers were generated from 2000 patches of naturalimages. The classifier used only the vector of C2-layer responses evoked by each testing image. Errorbars show +/-1 standard deviation across runs with different templates.


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4.3.3 Implications for physiology

The results in figures 5, 6 and 7 found invariance ranges for translation and scaling that are,in principle, infinite. In contrast, a single-unit electrophysiology study in macaque AIT byZoccolan et al. (2007) found a significant negative relationship between the proportion of imagesthat evoke responses from a cell (sparseness) and that cell’s tolerance to translation and scalingtransformations. That is, cells with high sparseness also tended to have low tolerance and highlytolerant cells also tended to respond less sparsely. They interpret these results to mean thatthere is a trade-off between selectivity (sparseness) and invariance (tolerance). On the otherhand, our modeling results seem to suggest that, at least for translation and scaling, selectivityneed not be lost in order to gain invariance.

As mentioned in section 2.5, care must be taken in interpreting experimental results as evidenceof a fundamental selectivity-invariance trade-off. The Zoccolan et al. (2007) results could beaccounted for in two ways:

1. AIT cells have different biases, that is, they are all operating in different regimes of theirROC curve. This is the “trivial” selectivity-invariance trade-off.

2. The population of inputs to AIT cells employ a representation that is not similar to thatused by the C2 layer of our model. For example, the inputs to AIT cells could be moresimilar to the C1 layer of our model in which case a trade-off between Accuracy underTransformation and tolerance is expected (see figure 5).

If these results are attributable to bias differences between cells then it remains possible thatthe inputs to AIT employ a C2-like representation. It is also possible that AIT represents anintermediate processing stage, perhaps like our S2 layer, and invariant representations arise at alater stage of processing. Note: a computational simulation showed that this pattern of resultscan be obtained for S2-like cells in our model by varying the number of afferents or the tuningwidth parameter σ (Zoccolan et al., 2007). These two accounts of the electrophysiology resultsare not mutually exclusive and indeed both may occur.

5 Invariance for novel objects

5.1 The role of hierarchy

In order to achieve invariant recognition the neural pattern evoked by the object must be associ-ated with the patterns evoked by transformed versions of the same object. Given a collection ofpatterns evoked by the same object presented in every position, various unsupervised and super-vised methods exist to learn which to associate in order to achieve invariance (see section 5.3). Itis tempting to conclude that invariant recognition of novel objects should be impossible since noexamples of the transformed object are available for training. We have referred to this problemas the puzzle of initial invariance. However, it is really a non-problem for hierarchical modelsof object recognition. Novel objects can be encoded by their similarity to a set of templates(loosely, we can think of these as object parts or better as patches or fragments extracted fromimages of the object). In these models, invariance for novel objects can be inherited from the in-variant detection of templates. We can interpret the templates as familiar object parts that havepreviously been encountered, and associated with each other, over a variety of transformations.


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In the situation originally described by Hubel and Wiesel, there is a simple cell with each preferredorientation replicated at every position in the visual field. The complex cells are thus able to gainin invariance by pooling over several simple cells at a range of locations with the same preferredorientation. If complex cells accurately pick out cells with the appropriate preferred orientationas well as their translated counterparts, then the complex cell will come to respond selectivelyto edges of a particular orientation presented at a range of spatial locations. This scheme canbe repeated at higher levels of the hierarchy, thus generating invariance for more complicatedtemplate patterns.

Pooling in general, and max-pooling in particular, provides an idealized mathematical descriptionof the operation obtained after accurately associating templates across transformations. In thebrain, these associations must be learned4. Moreover, hierarchical models of object recognitiontypically work by first creating local feature detectors at every position and then pooling overall their responses to create an invariant template. This approach is only possible in the case ofimage-plane transformations, e.g. position, scale and 2D in-plane rotation. In these cases it ispossible to compute, from a single example, the appearance of the template under the full rangeof transformation parameters. We refer to such transformations for which this approach is avail-able as generic and note that there are also non-generic transformations such as viewpoint andillumination changes. The appearance of an object under non-generic transformations dependson its 3D structure or material properties and thus, in these cases, it is not possible to obtaininvariance by creating transformed features and pooling.

In all the simulations described in the previous section, input images were compared to thepattern evoked by the target object presented at the center of the receptive field. This methodof classifying input images by the similarity of their evoked responses to those evoked by thetarget object involves no training on distractors or transformed versions of the target. Therefore,the classifier models the task of invariantly recognizing a novel object. Figures 5, 6 and 7 showthat this particular biologically-plausible model of object recognition achieves translation andscale invariant performance for novel faces. Figure 8 shows that, for novel faces, the model isnot invariant to 3D rotation in depth, a non-generic transformation.

5.2 Psychophysics of initial invariance

We have shown that hierarchical models can recognize novel objects invariantly of position andscale, but can humans do this? A number of psychophysical studies have directly investigatedhuman performance on these tasks.

For psychophysical experiments with human observers, it is not trivial to pick a class of novelobjects for which the observers will truly be unfamiliar. Dill and Edelman (2001) showed thathuman subjects could distinguish novel animal-like stimuli with no drop in accuracy despite shiftsaway from the training location of (up to) 8 degrees of visual angle. However, it may be thatthe stimuli in that experiment were not sufficiently novel. Similar experiments using randomdot pattern stimuli showed that discriminability declines when objects are presented as little as2 degrees away from the trained location (Dill and Fahle, 1997, 1998; Kahn and Foster, 1981;Nazir and O’Regan, 1990). However, despite drops in performance with translation, accuracyremains significantly above chance. Notably, Dill and Fahle (1998) showed that recognitionperformance when objects appear at a novel location is the same as the performance obtainedbefore training at the to-be-trained location and significantly above chance. They speculate that

4Perhaps by Hebbian mechanisms operating over time. See section 5.3 of this report.


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there could be two recognition processes at work in these experiments with different propertiesand developing over different time scales. A translation invariant mechanism accounts for theinitial performance with one or very few training examples while a slow-to-develop non-invariantmechanism accounts for improved performance with increasing training at a particular location.We interpret our computational simulations of translation invariance as providing a biologically-plausible account of the initial invariance observed in these experiments. It is likely that theslow-to-develop position-dependent mechanism is related to other perceptual learning effects inthe literature (Poggio et al., 1992) which are not addressed by this model. The slow-to-developeffects could be accounted for by memorization of object-specific, localized templates.

5.3 Learning invariance

Replicating each template under all transformation parameters (e.g. positions) and pooling overall the resulting local feature detectors is a method to obtain invariance for generic transforma-tions. This method can be regarded as modeling the final outcome of an associative learningprocess that associates the neural patterns evoked by an object seen under transformations. Itis important to consider the learning algorithms that could bring about this outcome.

Many biologically plausible candidate learning algorithms are motivated by the temporal statis-tics of the visual world. Objects normally move smoothly over time; in the natural world, itis common for an object to appear first on one side of the visual field and then travel to theother side as the organism moves its head or eyes. A learning mechanism that takes advantageof this property of natural vision would associate temporally contiguous patterns of activity. Asa system employing such an algorithm gains experience in the visual world it would graduallyacquire invariant templates (Foldiak, 1991; Wiskott and Sejnowski, 2002).

There are numerous proof-of-principle computational systems that implement variations on tem-poral association algorithms to learn invariant representations from sequences of images (Franziusand Wilbert, 2008; Oram and Foldiak, 1996; Spratling, 2005; Stringer and Rolls, 2002; Wallisand Rolls, 1997) and natural videos (Kayser et al., 2001; Masquelier et al., 2007). Psychophysicalstudies test the temporal association hypothesis by exposing human subjects to altered visualenvironments in which the usual temporal contiguity of object transformation is violated. Ex-posure to rotating faces that change identity as they turn around leads to false associationsbetween faces of different individuals (Wallis and Bulthoff, 2001). Similarly, exposure to objectsthat change identity during saccades leads to increased confusion between distinct objects whenasked to discriminate at the retinal location where the swap occured (Cox et al., 2005).

There is also physiological evidence that the brain utilizes temporal associations in order to learninvariant templates. Li and DiCarlo (2008) showed that exposure to an altered visual environ-ment in which highly-dissimilar objects swap identity across saccades causes AIT neurons tochange their stimulus preference at the swapped location. They went on to obtain similar resultsfor scale invariance; objects grew or shrank in size and changed identity at a particular scale.After an exposure period, AIT neurons changed their stimulus preference at the manipulatedscale5 (Li and DiCarlo, 2010).

The biological mechanism underlying the brain’s implementation of learning by temporal associa-tion remains unknown. However, Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) (Bi and Poo, 1998;

5Notably, a control unswapped location and scale was unaffected in both experiments (Li and DiCarlo, 2008,2010)


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Markram et al., 1997) is a popular proposal for which computational simulations establishingthe plausiblity of the approach have been carried out (Masquelier and Thorpe, 2007).

Figure 9: Illustration of how invariance could be learned from a temporal sequence of images depictingan object translating across the visual field.

5.4 Do templates need to be learned from similar objects?

Prior visual experience allows the neural patterns evoked by a template under different trans-formations to be accurately associated, thereby enabling invariant detection of templates. Wehave shown that invariant recognition of novel objects is made possible by encoding novel objectsas their similarity to a set of familiar invariant templates. In this account, invariance for novelobjects is inherited from learned invariance for familiar component parts (templates).

It is a folk wisdom that templates only enable recognition of novel objects that resemble thetemplates or are built from them (as for instance Ullman’s fragments are (Ullman, 1999)). Weshow that the alternative hypothesis is true: any object can be encoded by its similarity toessentially any set of templates.

As evident from figure 10 (bottom right panel), even invariant templates extracted from highlyunnatural objects (random dot patterns) are sufficient to support invariant face identification.There are two6 sources of variability in the target and distractor images used for this task: thevariability due to translating the stimuli and the variability induced by the nature of the task(multiple appearances for each target). The former is resolved by the use of invariant templates.

Learning invariant templates from images similar to those in the test set produces a representationthat better reflects the most diagnostic aspects of the test images and thus affects overall accuracy

6Actually there is a third source of variability in the patterns induced by the target. This variability is dueto the discretization period of the recognition system. We do not consider this variability to be an unbiologicalartifact of our model’s architecture. Biologically implemented feature detectors also experience the exact sameretinal position mismatches that give rise to the discretization effect in our model. In our model implementation(and likely in biology as well), this effect is small compared to the variability introduced by the task itself.


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level (Serre et al., 2007b). However, invariance range is independent of overall accuracy. A setof invariant feature detectors that lead to the target often being confused with a distractor willcontinue to do so at all eccentricities.

Figure 10: AUC (AuT ) for recognizing targets versus distractors appearing anywhere within an intervalof a particular radius (using C2-layer features only). Red curve: 20 translation invariant features wereextracted from natural images. Cyan curve: 2000 invariant features extracted from natural images.Blue and green curves: 20 and 2000 translation invariant features extracted from random dot patternsrespectively. We build invariant templates by sampling randomly chosen patches from the template setof images. Error bars display +/- one standard deviation. The test images here were the same as thoseused in figure 5B.

5.5 How many templates are necessary?

After establishing that recognition does not in itself require the detection of features matchedto the test objects we can now attempt to discover the minimal requirements for invariantrecognition. Figure 10 (left panels) displays the results of two simulations we ran utilizing only avery small number of invariant templates (20) drawn from images of either random dot patterns(blue curve) or natural images (red curve). Surprisingly, these results show that invariance rangeis maintained despite using a very small number of templates.

When small numbers of templates are employed, accuracy is more affected by the similarity of thetemplates to the particular test images. That is, if you only have a few invariant templates it ishelpful to have extracted them from similar objects to the test set. Figure 11 shows classificationaccuracy as a function of the number and type of invariant feature detectors employed.


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Figure 11: AUC (AuT ) for the face identification task as a function of the number of templates used tobuild the model. Here invariant templates were derived from random patches of 20 natural images (redcurve) or 20 random dot patterns (blue curve). Restarting the simulation and choosing different randompatches gave us a measure of the variability. Error bars are +/- one standard deviation. The test imageshere were the same as those used in figure 5B.

The test images used for the above simulations contained some variability of shape in the positiveset of target images. The classifier was tasked with ranking all the test images by their similarityto the image of a particular face presented in the center of the visual field. Each face was includedin several versions with slight variations in pose, expression and lighting. We also tested the samemodel on a dataset including even more severe variability within the positive class: the Caltech101 set of images (Li et al., 2004); see figure 12.

Figure 12: Average percent correct on the Caltech 101 dataset using a regularized least squares (RLS)classifier with 30 training images per class. The templates were extracted from random patches drawnfrom either the training images (green curve), an unrelated set of natural images (blue curve) or randomdot patterns (red curve). Each datapoint is the average accuracy from 8 runs using different training/testimage splits and different randomly selected templates. The error bars show +/- one standard deviation.


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These Caltech 101 tests revealed that templates drawn from random dot patterns yield consider-ably worse performance than templates drawn from natural images. However, templates drawnfrom random dots still support a level of accuracy that is far above chance7. Accuracy on thismore difficult task increases when we increase the number of templates employed.

5.6 Summary

Invariant recognition of novel objects is possible by encoding novel objects in terms of theirsimilarity to a set of invariant templates. Furthermore, it is possible to learn a set of invarianttemplates by temporal association of templates obtained from an object undergoing transforma-tions during natural vision. We showed that this method of learning invariance for the recognitionof any novel objects works for generic image transformations such as translation and scaling.

We determined that the invariant templates need not be similar to the novel to-be-recognizedobjects in order to support invariant recognition. Furthermore, only a very small number oftemplates are needed to ensure invariance over the entire receptive field. Classification accuracy,however, does increase with the use of greater numbers of templates and more task-suitabletemplates.

In the final section of this report we discuss an extension of these ideas to motivate new learningalgorithms that can acquire invariant templates without the requirement of temporal association.

7Chance would be less than 1% correct on the Caltech101 set of images.


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Part III

Bootstrapping invariant objectrecognition

Upon first eye opening, a human infant is bombarded by visual stimuli. An early developmentaltask is to organize this input into objects and learn to recognize them despite identity-preservingtransformations. In the previous sections we have provided computational evidence that a new-born infant could acquire a relatively small set of invariant templates through the associationof convenient transforming features in its environment. We call these templates the primaltemplates8.

Our computer experiments show good performance using a small number of invariant templatesthat do not even resemble the to-be-recognized objects. Thus a very small number of objects– possibly just one – moving across and within the visual field may enable the learning of asufficient set of primal templates allowing invariant recognition. However, due to their smallnumbers and lack of similarity to the newly-encountered objects, many objects may be confusedand accuracy will not be high enough.

Utilizing the primal templates, the infant’s visual system could add new invariant templates. Theinvariant response of the primal templates could be used to establish correspondence betweenpatches of images of the same object after undergoing an identity-preserving transformation.Importantly, this method would not require temporal continuity between the patches. Withsuch a bootstrapping mechanism, the brain could bootstrap from an initially small set of primaltemplates into a much more complex system capable of representing the full richness of the visualworld.

8In this view, primal templates may come from any objects moving in the infant’s environment. For instance,patches of a mother’s face may serve this role.


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