learn sap mrp in 11 steps

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Learn Sap Mrp in 11 Steps


Learn SAP MRP in 11 Steps

Afterknowing- what is SAP MRP and its concept, SAP MRP configuration,Master Data involved in SAP MRP, we can jump to understanding the way in which the SAP MRP programs function. The following documentation arranged in links would take you through the 11 steps to understand the SAP MRP Concepts in detail.

Presentation of the SAP MRP Documentation

The SAP MRP Documentation is presented in 11 Simple steps which will be explained in 11 different Links on this website.

The following steps are executed in SAP MRP in the sequence given. Each step is executed one after the other. To understand and learn SAP MRP, you can should know the occurrence sequence and the details of each step.

Pre-requisites = Configuring SAP MRP

StepStep by Step Page Links to Explain the methodical working of SAP MRP - Material Requirement Planning

1Understanding SAP MRP and the purpose

2Creation of Material Master MRP Views and Assignment of MRP Types

3Planning File Entry and the Selection of Materials for SAP MRP Run

4Defining Planning Control Parameters for SAP MRP Run

5Understanding the Types of Planning Runs in SAP MRP

6Calculation of Shortage Quantities in SAP MRP Run and creation of Procurement proposals- Net requirement Planning or Gross Requirement Planning

7Lot Size calculations for the Procurement Proposals in an SAP MRP Run

8Scheduling of the Procurement Proposals in an SAP MRP Run

9Determination of the type of Procurement Proposal External or Internal

10BOM Explosion to calculate the quantities of header material and its dependent requirements.

11MRP Run Analysis using Stock Requirement List

Step 4:

Defining Planning Control Parameters for the MRP Run

After going through this step, you would learn about theavailable planning control parameters to choose when you run MRP usingvarious transaction codes in SAP.

MRPcan be run for a material or it can be run for a plant or it can be run for multiple plants configured in a scope of planning run.

Planning is defined to run at single item level, i.e., for the header level materials only (along with explosion of dependent requirements directly below the header material in the BOM structure, levels below are neglected) or at multiple item level where planning is carried out for the header level as well as for all the dependent BOM levels.

When you run the planning in SAP through the various available transaction codes, the selection screen gives you an option for selecting values for the following parameters. The selection screen shown below is a typical transaction code to run MRP. The Planning control parameters would be the same in all the SAP MRP Run Transaction codes.

The following transaction code as shown in the screen shot below is MD01, which is one of the transactions used for running MRP in SAP.

Processing Key

The Processing key decides the type of planning run that needs to be carried out for the material net change planning or net change planning in the planning horizon or regenerative planning. You have to choose one of the given options, when running MRP.

Selection of Materials for Planning - Method 1:

SAP MRP Run can use the NETCH planning or Regenerative Planning or the NETCH in the planning horizon method, to evaluate which materials are to be considered for planning. This is the recommended planning method.

Whenever there is a change in the situation of a material, i.e., any change relevant to SAP MRP, the system creates a planning file entry in order to have SAP MRP consider it for an MRP Run. This is called Net change planning (NETCH). The Net change method - NETCH can be used for running MRP because planning all the materials regardless of a change would overload the system. These changes are categorized as an introduction of a demand put for the material or creation of reservation for the material or the material has a sales order created, or the material is issued for production or the material is issued to the sales order delivery or the material is received from a purchase order or production order or the receipts or demands are deleted.

This is the recommended processing key, though when you start to use MRP for the first time, it is always nice to use the method 3 called regenerative planning in which the system plans all the materials in the plant or plans for all the materials in the scope of planning run.

Selection of Materials for Planning - Method 2:Planning all the materials for a plant (all the materials included in the planning file) in an MRP run is called Regenerative Planning (NEUPL) which is used when you go-live for the first time and when you would be using the system for the first time.

Selection of Materials for Planning - Method 3:

You can alternatively use the Net change planning in the planning horizon (NETPL) where the SAP MRP run takes place for only those materials which have undergone changes within the predefined Planning Horizon.

Transaction code to Create Planning File Entry MD20 / Transaction code to Display Planning File Entry MD21

Create Purchase Requisition Key

This planning control parameter can control, whether you want the procurement proposal to be created as a purchase requisition rather than planned orders (Purchase requisitions are created for the externally procured materials) in the planning horizon or in the opening period. You also have an option to have the system always create planned orders instead of purchase requisitions.

When the requirement lies in the opening period and you have an option of creation of purchase requisitions in the opening period, MRP would process creation of requisitions instead of planned orders, though when the requirement lies outside the opening period, the system would always create planned orders. Opening period is the number of workdays before the order start date accounted as buffer time for the MRP controller to process the planned orders in to purchase requisitions.

The procurement proposals can be created as purchase requisitions only if the procurement type in MRP views is set as X (both external procured and in house production) and F (externally procured)

Delivery Schedules

This control parameter is used for controlling the automatic creation of schedule lines (for scheduling agreements).

You can control whether you want the schedule lines to be created in the planning horizon or just in the opening period or you never want it to be created.

Creation of MRP List

The results of the planning run are included in the MRP list after the planning run. This control parameter controls whether the system should create the MRP list for all the planned order or whether it should not at all create MRP lists or whether it should create MRP list only for the planned order which are in exception.

You determine for which exception messages the system should create MRP lists in the configuration for MRP - Define and group exception messages.

Planning Mode

It is a known fact that the system plans the un-firmed planned order, purchase requisitions and scheduling agreements, again in the next planning run. This control parameter controls the very same thing.

You have an option to use the following planning modes:

Adopt Planning data Whenever there is a change in requirement quantities or dates or change in lot sizing procedure, for the un-firmed planned orders, the system re-explodes the BOM for the new adjusted quantities in the MRP run.

Re-explode BOM and routing For all the existing procurement proposals, which are un-firmed regardless of whether they have been added with quantities or changed for dates, the system re-explodes the BOM and Routing for them. The BOM is exploded if there has been a change in the BOM master data, material classification or change in production versions or BOM explosion numbers. The existing procurement proposals are not deleted but they are worked upon.

Delete and Recreate Planning data For all the existing procurement proposals, which are un-firmed regardless of whether they have been added with quantities or changed for dates, the system deletes the existing procurement proposals and re-explodes the BOM and Routing for them, thereby creating new procurement proposals.

Scheduling types

For in-house manufactured materials, the system offers two types of scheduling:

Basic Date scheduling where the lead times in the material master are used to calculate the planned order start and end dates. You can use this scheduling type if the lead times are pretty much constant for a product and the detailed scheduling is not what you seek for. In such cases building of Routing/Recipe is not required and you can live with the timings set in the material master.

Lead time Scheduling where the addition of all the operation times in the Routings/Recipes are used to calculate the planned order start and end dates. The capacity requirements are also calculated for the planned order. This type of scheduling is used when you are interested in detailed scheduling and capacity allocation on the work centers. In organization where you have to build Routings/Recipes and carry out detailed time study so as to create the task lists

Step 5:

Types of planning runs in SAP

There are various types of planning runs available for execution; you can use any one of them that suits your purpose. It is essential that you know all the available planning-run types in SAP, so that you can use them to best of your purpose.

Various Methods to Run MRP: There are ways to run MRP in SAP, they are as follows:

Single Item Single Level

In this method, ran through transaction code MD03, the system only plans the single material (at a plant) provided on the selection screen and one level below this material (suggesting single level explosion). This method does not explode the BOM for subsequent levels.

One can use this type of planning run for a given material at a given plant, when you only intend to plan one single material without disturbing the planning situation of all other dependent materials.

Single Item Multi Level

The single item multi level type of plannning run is ran through the use oftransaction code MD02. Here thesystem plans the single material (at a plant) provided on the selection screen.

This type of planning run plans for the higher level material (for which the planning run is carried out) and also all the BOM levels below the material (suggesting multi level explosion).

In the planning process when the components are required to be planned or withdrawn from another plant or they require transfer through a stock transfer order, the system plans that material in that respective plant.

It is a great idea, to select the display planning results" in the selection screen of the MRP run, so that you get to see the planning results during an MRP run, enabling you tocheck and save them. In this case, if a certain material has multiple BOM levels, the system offers you an option (in a pop-up box) to check the results of each of the BOM levels and save each level individually (proceed with stopping) as shown below.

If you select the display material list in the selection screen, the system displays the planning run results

The number of materials that were planned

The number of materials that were planned with exception

The planning parameters that were used in the selection screen

The number of planned orders created

The start time of planning run

The end time of planning run

The list materials that were planned

If you then press the Material Button on the top of the screen, the system list all the materials that were involved in the planning run and the provides a summary of each of these materials, subsequently you can see the planning results of a selected materials from the list.

If you are using simulative planning indicator in the selection screen, the planning results are not written to the database, but are held in the main memory, where you can test and correct the results and then save them to the database.

Total Planning online

The total planning runcarries out a multi level planning, for all the materials at a plant or for all the materials for a set of plants or MRP areas defined through scope of planning (available in the selection screen).

Total planning online iscarried out using MD01 transaction code. Here you also have an option to add in user exits offered by SAP, to carry out the MRP run for a set of MRP controllers, or for a particular procurement types (E In-house managed, F Externally procured, X Both) or for a particular set of defined materials. The user exits are used over and above the parameters selected in the selection screen. The name of the user exit enhancement is M61X00001.

Total Planning backgroundIn the total planning background option you can set theplanning run in the background, as carried out using transaction code MD01. Using theMDBT transaction code, you cancreate a variant of the MD01 screen and schedule it in the background, on a periodic basis or just execute it once(the program name of the transaction code MDBT, for which you have to create the variant of is RMMRP000).

It is usual that consultants schedule the MRP run using "total planning run in the background"(especially it is made to run in the night).It can take anywhere froma few minutes to8 hours depending upon the number of plants in the run, thenumber of material involved and the density of incoming demands and receipts.

Outcome of this step: You are now ready for the MRP run and have selected all the selection parameters on which MRP is required to run. The following step would start with the MRP run and calculate the quantities required to satisfy the demands.

Step 6: SAP MRP Run - Calculation of Shortage Quantities and Creation of Procurement Proposals

After using a particular planning run type and executing the MRP Run, the SAP MRP run program goes through a fairly complex and huge algorithm. This algorithm would be explained in the next few steps till the step 10. Thisis not a manual step, which one has to carry out manually.

When SAP Starts the MRP Run for a given material, it first goes thorugh something called as"net requirement planning" or"gross requirement planning", in which the receipts and issues are compared and netted off to find out the available stock, thus calculating the shortage quantities, which would ordered through creation of procurement proposals.

SAP planning can also be carried out using gross requirement planning which disregards the plant stock in the planning formulas.

Before carrying out the netting, MRP checks the strategies used for the material in the MRP 3 view which helps in identifying whether it is dealing with a made-to-order (MTO) or a made-to-stock (MTS) situation. MRP also checks the individual collective indicator which again helps it to ascertain whether it is a MTO or a MTS situation.

Along with checking the strategies, the netting is carried out for each requirement date, to ascertain whether the requirement is satisfied by the receipts. In case of shortages the system issues procurement proposals. The netting is carried out using the formula.

The MRP Run programs analyses all the demand and all the receipts available for a given material as shown below:

Add all the Receipts:

+ Stock in Inventory (Plant Stocks)

In made-to-order scenario, only the storage location stocks are considered which belong to the individual sales order line item in question Also note that Stock in inventory is not considered in Gross requirement planning method Unrestricted stock, Quality Inspection stock, and consignment stock is used as plant stock. If you want to use blocked stock, stock in transfer or restricted stock you can configure the same

+ Firmed Procurement Proposals Firmed Planned order or Firmed Purchase requisition

In made-to-order, the firmed receipts should necessarily be forthe sales order line item requirements, if the receipts are notfor the individual requirements then they are not consideredas firmed receipts

+ Scheduled Firmed Receipts from Production

In made-to-order, the receipts should necessarily be for the sales order line item requirements, if the receipts are not for the individual requirements then they are not considered as firmed receipts+ Scheduled Firmed Receipts from Purchase

In made-to-order, the receipts should necessarily be for the sales order line item requirements, if the receipts are not for the individual requirements then they are not considered as firmed receipts

Add all the Demands:

Demands are not considered in Manual/Automatic Reorder point planning.

+ Safety Stock included in the material master or as dynamically calculated

In made-to-order scenario the safety stock is not considered In Re-order point Planning Safety stock is not considered in calculating shortage quantities

+ Demand from Sales order

Sales order Demand is not considered in reorder point planning Sales order Demand is not considered in Forecast Based planning

+ Demand from Planned Independent Requirements

Made-to-order scenario will not consider the planned independent requirements Planned Independent Demand is not considered in reorder point planning Planned Independent Demand is not considered in Forecast Based planning

+ Demand from Material Reservation

Made-to-order scenario will not consider the material reservations Material Reservations are not considered in reorder point planning Material Reservations are not considered in Forecast Based planning+ Demand from forecasted figures

Used only in any Forecast based planning

> If this Receipts > Demand = Then a requirement proposal is not raised and the existing receipts are enough to cover the incoming demands.

> If this Receipts < Demand = Then a requirement proposal or a procuremnet proposal is raised for the quantity in shortfall (shortage quantity) to cover the incoming demands.

See the above facts illustrated in a table below:

MRP in Made to StockMRP in Made to OrderReorder Point Planning Forecast Based Planning

Receipts (X Considered, Blank Ignored)

+ Stock in InventoryXX

Inventory, only from, the sales order line item is considered


Firmed Procurement Proposals Firmed Planned order or Firmed Purchase requisitionXX

Firmed Procurement Proposals for the Sales order line item is only considered. Other Firmed Proposals for the material are ignored


+ Scheduled Firmed Receipts from ProductionXX

Production receipts for the concerned Sales order Line item are only entertained. Receipts from other Sales order Line item are not considered


+ Scheduled Firmed Receipts from PurchaseXX

Purchase receipts for the concerned Sales order Line item are only entertained. Receipts from other Sales order Line item are not considered


Issues (X Considered, Blank Ignored)

+ Safety Stock included in the material master or as dynamically calculated as Dynamic Safety StockX


+ Demand from Sales orderXX

Considered only in reorder point planning with External requirements

+ Demand from Planned Independent RequirementsX

Considered only in reorder point planning with External requirements

+ Demand from Material ReservationXX

Considered only in reorder point planning with External requirements

+ Demand from forecasted figures


> If this Receipts > Demand = Then a requirement proposal is not raised and the existing receipts are enough to cover the incoming demands.

> If this Receipts > Demand = Then a requirement proposal is not raised and the existing receipts are enough to cover the incoming demands.

Stocks types considered in Plant Stock:

SAP is configured to use the unrestricted stock, quality inspection stock and consignment stock in unrestricted and quality, for MRP. The system does not consider blocked stock or restricted inventory or stock in transfer in an MRP run unless you want it to be considered through configuration Logistics > Production > Material Requirement Planning > MRP Calculations > Stocks >Define Availability of stocks in transfer/blocked stock/restricted stock. Here you have an option to choose the stock types for MRP run as required for your organization.

Outcome of this step: After calculating the quantities required for satisfying the demand, SAP MRP evaluates the lot sizes of these arrived at quantities. This can be explained in the next step.

In the rescheduling check, the system checks - starting with the first requirement - whether all requirements can be covered by firmed receipts (purchase orders, production orders, firm planned orders, firm PReqs, firm delivery schedules). If this is the case, the firmed receipt is assigned a corresponding rescheduling proposal by materials planning, and a new order proposal (planned order, PReq, schedule line) is not created for the requirements.

The rescheduling check is carried out from the planning date up to the end of the replenishment lead time (from the material master) + rescheduling horizon.

If the firmed receipt is dated before the requirements, then the receipt is not needed until later; the rescheduling check is always carried out this way. Exception message 15 and the rescheduling proposal are then displayed.

If a requirement is not covered by a firmed receipt before the requirements date, then the system searches for firmed receipts that are further in the future and meet the following preconditions:

The firmed receipt is within the rescheduling horizon. The rescheduling horizon is set in Customizing for the MRP group (Transaction OPPR, Table T438M). A default value can be predefined in the Customizing of plant data (Transaction OPPQ, Table T399D).

The firmed receipt (the MRP element) participates in the rescheduling check. You can set which MRP elements participate in the rescheduling check in the Customizing of the plant data (Transaction OPPQ).

If an appropriate firmed receipt is found, it is assigned exception message 10. The exception messages can be changed in Customizing (Transaction OMD3 or table T458A). Thus, you can differentiate from the standard setting.

The rescheduling check is carried out before the actual materials planning, that is, before creating new order proposals. The rescheduling check for moving and for the cancelation check is carried out over the entire time axis. The rescheduling check for shifting forward is carried out over the area of the rescheduling horizon. The planning horizon has no influence on the creation of rescheduling proposals. It is therefore possible for rescheduling proposals to be carried out outside of the planning horizon. This is certainly very useful if requirements within the planning horizon are to be covered.

I would like to explain the following points in more detail:1. Requirements planning creates a new order proposal (planned orders, order requirements, or delivery schedules) although sufficient firmed receipt elements (firm planned orders, purchase requisitions, or schedule lines, production orders, shipping notifications, and purchase orders) exist.

2. In the requirements planning run, a new order proposal was created for a particular date, although on this date, a firmed receipt element with the same quantity already exists. However, this firmed receipt element has been given a reversal proposal in the planning run.

3. A requirement which cannot be covered by the current warehouse stock is in the past. Also in the past is a firmed receipt which covers this material shortage. The receipt, however, is after the material shortage. Materials planning responds in this case as follows: Cancellation proposal for the firmed receipt element and creation of a new order proposal which has a start date in the past.

4. There is a balanced stock/requirements situation, that is, for every requirement there is an appropriate receipt element. The receipt elements at the start of the time axis are firmed receipts, thus for example, production orders, purchase orders, firm planned orders, PReqs, or schedule lines. Now, a new larger requirement is added at the start of the time axis. As a result, new order proposals are created at the end of the time axis. The entire lot size determination becomes chaotic. Suddenly, there are more receipt elements than requirements for a lot-for-lot order quantity.

5. At the start of the time axis, there is a requirement which is not covered by an order proposal of materials planning. Although the material was replanned with MD01 or MD02, you cannot find a receipt element near the requirement which would be suitable to cover this requirement. Negative quantities are also displayed in MD05/MD06 for the available quantity.

6. The MRP controllers search for materials with exceptions using Transaction MD05/MD06 via exception groups (Customizing exception groups) in order to intervene manually if necessary. In this case, they are flooded by materials with rescheduling proposals. In most cases, the requirements date and receipt date are only one or two days apart.

These rescheduling proposals are often viewed as unnecessary. How can you avoid these rescheduling proposals in order to reduce the order/operation pool of the MRP controllers ?

7. A requirement could be covered by a receipt reservation which is further in the future. Instead, a new order proposal is created. Thus, the receipt reservation does not participate in the rescheduling check.

8. A rescheduling proposal 15 (move) is created for a firmed receipt element at the start of the time axis. On the other hand, a rescheduling proposal 10 (forward shift) is created for a later firmed receipt element.

How can you reach such a situation where the effect of both rescheduling proposals might be balanced?

9. You get a material with an assembly order and create an assembly order directly from a sales order. However, material requirements planning does not create a planned order for the sales order. The problem can occur if the material is scheduled deterministically. This may also be useful for materials which are obtained with assembly orders, for example to consider different requirements (no sales orders).

10. A distribution key is used for receipts (for example, planned orders). A planned order of 100 pieces is distributed as a result, for example Monday to Friday (in each case, 20 pieces). If you now firm the planned order, a subsequent planning run creates additional receipts.

Additional key wordsMD01, MD02, MD03, MD04, MD05, MD06

Cause and prerequisites1. The firmed receipt elements are later than the requirements and the rescheduling horizon is set too soon. If the firmed elements are outside of the rescheduling horizon, you can not use these as resources.

2. The rescheduling check is carried out before the lot-size calculation and has no information on the lot-sizing procedure selected. In Customizing for the period lot-sizing procedure, you can use the scheduling indicator to determine when the availability date of an order proposal is to be - at the requirements date, the start of the period, or the end of the period. If the availability date is at the end of the period, then all new requirements within the period are covered by one order proposal that is not available until the end of the period. If this receipt element is firmed (for example, by conversion to a production order or a purchase order), and if the requirements do not also lie at the end of the period and if the requirements lie outside the rescheduling horizon, then the system recognizes a shortage within the period and creates a new order proposal. The firmed receipt element is used to cover following requirements. If no further requirements exist, then the system flags the firmed receipt element with a reversal proposal 20. The availability date of the new order proposal is again set to the end of the period so that now two receipt elements exist for this date - one that has newly been created and one firmed with a reversal proposal.

3. The firmed receipt element was not included in the rescheduling check. This receipt element could not, therefore, cover the requirements before it. You can set which firmed receipt elements are taken into account in the rescheduling check in Customizing of the requirements planning plant parameters (table T399D).

4. The new requirements are near in the future. In-house production times are no longer sufficient to cover them. The firmed receipts (production orders which it is hoped are already in production) therefore have to be accessed. The rescheduling check therefore creates rescheduling proposals for the firmed receipts - provided that it was set in the Customizing of a plant data that these firmed receipt elements participate in the rescheduling check.

If these rescheduling proposals are followed, then the new requirements can be covered by the firmed receipts with the rescheduling proposal. As a result, the requirements originally covered by the receipt elements with the rescheduling proposal must be covered elsewhere. Materials planning creates new order proposals for this. If the new requirements are larger than the first firmed receipt, then rescheduling proposals are created on the same date for several firmed receipts. Now several firmed receipts cover a requirement. Materials planning now creates a new order proposal for each of the remaining requirements for each requirements date for the lot-for-lot order quantity. There are then more receipt elements than requirements elements.

Important: There is no fixed relationship between requirement elements and receipt elements. For firmed receipts, only the date determines which requirements are covered by which receipt element. The lot-sizing procedure is insignificant here.

5. Further in the future, there is a firmed receipt (in Transaction MD04/MD05/MD06, you might have to scroll many pages forwards). This is first used for covering requirements. Only if the quantity from the firmed receipt is no longer sufficient, does materials planning create new order proposals. Thus, the first requirement is covered by the first firmed receipt. In this case, it is not relevant whether the availability date of the firmed receipt lies before or after the requirements date. It is also unimportant whether further requirements lie between the first requirement and the firmed receipt. In Transaction MD05/MD06, the firmed receipt is assigned a corresponding rescheduling proposal.

6. In the Customizing of MRP groups, you can set tolerance values for the rescheduling check. Default values can be set using plant parameters. An exception message is created only if the firmed receipt lies more days after the requirement than the number of "comparison value for rescheduling shift" or more days before the requirements date than the number of "comparison value rescheduling move forward".

7. If the availability date of the firmed receipt is within the comparison values, then an exception message is not created and the material is not displayed in Transaction MD06 when accessing via MRP controller and exception group (provided that no other exceptions were calculated).

8. A dependent reservation representing a receipt (manufacture of co-products) normally cannot be rescheduled independently. This can only be done by rescheduling the superceding production order. Therefore, the dependent receipt reservation does not participate in the rescheduling check.

Since Release 3. 0A, stock transfer reservations always participate in the rescheduling check.

Manually created receipt reservations participate in the rescheduling check since Release 3.0A. The prerequisite for this is that either the production orders or purchase orders also participate in the rescheduling check (Customizing of plant parameters for requirements planning).

9. A safety stock is set in the material master for a material and there are outstanding requirements for the material in the past. A firmed receipt element in the past could now cover the requirements in the past, but it is assigned a rescheduling proposal to cover the FIRST requirement on the list, namely the unavailable safety stock. This requirement has the respective current date as the date. The firmed receipt element in the past is now given rescheduling proposal 10 (move) because the material shortage due to the missing safety stock is not as far in the past.

A firmed receipt which is expected later (for example, on the current date) now covers the NEXT requirement on the list, that is, the open requirements in the past. This receipt element is given rescheduling proposal 10 (move forward).

The problem is due to the fact that the missing safety stock represents a requirement for the current date, but this requirement is sorted at the beginning of the time axis.

The problem only occurs if there are requirements in the past. The respective firmed receipt elements always need special processing.

10. Requirements planning does not know the link between receipt and and outward movement elements. This also applies to the assembly order of a sales order. The sales order and assembly order are sorted according to date and inserted in a separate planning section. If the requirement date of the sales order is prior to the basic date of the assembly order, a rescheduling proposal is created if the assembly order participates in the rescheduling check. If this is not the case, that is, the assembly order does not participate in the rescheduling check, a new planned order is created to cover the sales order.

11. The rescheduling horizon is set too short or the firmed receipt element is set in such a way in Customizing that it does not participate in the rescheduling check. The rescheduling logic does not recognize that it is a distributed planned order in which the receipt date is decisive in ensuring that the relevant requirements are covered by the distribution period.

Solution1. Enter a longer rescheduling horizon for the MRP group of the material. A default value can be entered in the plant parameters for requirements planning.

2. Use a longer rescheduling horizon. For period lot-sizing procedures, with the availability date at the end of the period, this horizon should be at least so long so that all requirements lie within it.

3. In the Customizing of plant data, it is best to activate the rescheduling check for all firmed receipt elements.

4. This behavior is intended. There is no solution.Pay attention to the rescheduling proposals. These can provide valuable information on when a manual intervention is necessary.

5. Try to firm the receipt element as late as possible or to generate firmed receipts. This ensures that materials planning adjusts the receipt elements to the current requirements each over a long period of time. It also prevents materials planning from trying to cover requirements with firmed receipts that are too far in the past or future.

You firm an order proposal by making manual changes. For planned orders, a simple "posting" is enough without having to change any data.

For firm order proposals, "/*" is displayed at the end of the planned order number or purchase requisition number in MD05/MD06 as well as in MD04.

If special company-internal reasons make it necessary to firm a receipt element early, or to create a firm receipt element, then try to do this in a separate planning section (individual customer requirements).

In the Customizing of the planning group table, you can set the rescheduling horizon. Default values can be set in the Customizing of plant data. Firm receipts outside the rescheduling horizon do not participate in the rescheduling check. This also prevents rescheduling proposals over a long period. If, however, the firmed receipt moves into the rescheduling horizon, then materials planning immediately covers the first requirement that is not covered by earlier firmed receipts.

6. Set suitable comparison values in the Customizing of the planning group table or plant data.

7. No solution. If stock transfer reservations or manually created reservations also participate in the rescheduling check in a 2.2 release, then the modification XXXXXX given below can be installed.

8. No solution.

9. If you process assembly orders and you plan the material requirements, make sure that the rescheduling horizon is long enough.

10. Use a rescheduling horizon and set in Customizing that the firmed receipts participate in scheduling.