leadersship is influence

LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE Leadership is developed, not discovered. 1 .Everyone Influences someone Sociologists tell us that even the most introvert individual will influence ten thousand other people during his or her lifetime! That means that all of us are leading in some area while in other areas we are being led. All of us are leaders or a follower in realizing our potential, as a leader is our true responsibilities. A prominent influencer is there in every group this influencer may change with a different group of people or situation to become one of those influenced by another influencer. Your influence on a particular group will always depend on the words matched with your action to this group, your level of influence will be raised with the acceptance of your words and resistance of your adversaries in this particular group be it in business, office, church, organization or your social circles. You will influence the lives of the group as their leader while another leader in a different situation may influence you or a different group. Luke 21:15 niv “For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict”. How true it is to use words of wisdom, which God puts into our mouth, and we influence the lives of thousands. The prominent leader of any group is quite easily discovered, just observe who’s opinion seems most valid, who do people quickly agree with, who is the one others follow answer these question and you will know the leader in your group and his influence level. 2. We never know who or how much we influence. “Hitler was a leader and so was Richard Nixon, John F.Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Jesus of Nazareth, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all were leaders with different value systems and management abilities, each had their followers. Once you define leadership as the ability to get followers, you work backwards from that point or reference, to figure out your ability to lead. Most people confuse leadership with the ability to achieve a position, rank or title and forget to get followers.

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Post on 20-Jul-2016




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LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCELeadership is developed, not discovered.

1 .Everyone Influences someone

Sociologists tell us that even the most introvert individual will influence ten thousand other people during his or her lifetime! That means that all of us are leading in some area while in other areas we are being led. All of us are leaders or a follower in realizing our potential, as a leader is our true responsibilities.A prominent influencer is there in every group this influencer may change with a different group of people or situation to become one of those influenced by another influencer. Your influence on a particular group will always depend on the words matched with your action to this group, your level of influence will be raised with the acceptance of your words and resistance of your adversaries in this particular group be it in business, office, church, organization or your social circles. You will influence the lives of the group as their leader while another leader in a different situation may influence you or a different group. Luke 21:15 niv “For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict”.How true it is to use words of wisdom, which God puts into our mouth, and we influence the lives of thousands. The prominent leader of any group is quite easily discovered, just observe who’s opinion seems most valid, who do people quickly agree with, who is the one others follow answer these question and you will know the leader in your group and his influence level.2. We never know who or how much we influence. “Hitler was a leader and so was Richard Nixon, John F.Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Jesus of Nazareth, and Martin Luther King, Jr. all were leaders with different value systems and management abilities, each had their followers. Once you define leadership as the ability to get followers, you work backwards from that point or reference, to figure out your ability to lead. Most people confuse leadership with the ability to achieve a position, rank or title and forget to get followers. Often Leaders with status and no followers experience a life of frustrations and fail to develop their leadership skills. As a Corporate Trainers i have assisted thousand of people to first build up their leadership skill and then attain followers in their work place, this helps them to learn the levels of leadership. Our vision has been to help people identify “Leadership as influence, nothing more nothing less” The effective way to understand the power of influence is to think of the times you have been touched by the influence of a person or an event. Think also of little things or people who influenced you in a powerful way. I recall in 1997 when I met John Maxwell who spoke in our Church in Calcutta on “Leadership” one of the most important statements he made was “change the Leader change the organization “its so apparent in today’s

society when CEOs and corporate leaders fail with their Integrity to bring shame and bankruptcy, the fall of Enron WorldCom, Tyco, Barring Bank , Arthur Andersons , shook the global economy only to reveal corrupt leadership. John influenced my life and changed my perception of influence only to help me develop as a leader. Always remember our plans are many, as leaders we wish to influence all and everyone who touch our lives but it will always be the Lords purpose, which will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 niv “Many are the plans in a mans heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails.True leaders never get threatened by potential leaders, and therefore the key to success in any endeavor is the ability to lead others successfully. The effectiveness of your work will never rise above your ability to lead and influence others. You cannot produce consistently on a level higher than your leadership. In other words your leadership skills determine the level of your success and the success of those who work around you.

3. The best investment in the future is a proper influence today.The issue is not whether you influence someone. What needs to be understood is what kind of an influencer will you become. Are you growing as a leader, are you raising potential leaders, are you willing to teach the leadership principle to others, so that when you are not there the organization keeps growing. ”The bear fact is that leadership opportunities are plentiful and learning is within the reach of most people.” you can make the difference tomorrow by becoming a better leader today. As a leader in position you are not to withhold the good from others when it is in your power to act. Your influence on people around you will develop the leaders around you. Proverbs 3:27 niv “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.”Therefore as a leader in your organization, office, business profession or church you are not to hold back the good things from those who deserve them just because you are in leadership position.4. Influence is a skill that can be developed.Robert Dilenschneider, the CEO of Hill and Knowlton, a worldwide public relation agency, is one of America’s major influence brokers. He skillfully weaves his persuasive magic in the Global arena where governments and mega corporations meet. In his book entitled “Power and Influence” he shares the idea of the “power triangle” to help leaders get ahead in their leadership levels. He says “ The three components of this triangle are communication, recognition and influence. You start to communicate effectively; this leads to recognition and recognition in turn leads to influence.

Prem SarkarPresident & CEO www.harvesttranscription.com