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The Mandt System ® Leadership Programs

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The Mandt System®

Leadership Programs

Page 2: Leadership Programs - The Mandt Systemmandtsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/Mandt-Leadership-Brochure.pdf · influence employee commitment and retention rates (Donaldson, 2008)

Since 1975 we have partnered with organizations worldwide to create healthy relationships

Utilizing a research-based, continuous learning and development approach

Unrivalled global experts in preventing workplace and relational violence

Mandt Leadership Programs are about shaping leaders today – bringing together participants from a wide variety of sectors and providing a learning environment that will inspire them, and help them develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of themselves, their workplace, and role within their community.

Customer service and staff retention is directly related to management style and organizational culture. This training will include assessment tools to monitor a baseline for company/organizational culture through enhancing healthy workplace relationships.

Leaders, managers, and supervisors are in critical organizational roles. Recent research indicates people often join companies highly motivated and with lofty goals only to become disheartened and leave because managers and supervisors fail to engage and support their people and teams.

The Wilson Learning Research study results indicated between 56 and 83 percent of employee satisfaction is predicated upon the manager’s skills and style. It’s sound business practice to invest in and train managers and supervisors since their interactions with staff significantly influence employee commitment and retention rates (Donaldson, 2008).

Supporting Successful Leadership

Rethinking Management

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Mandt Supporting Successful Leadership Programs® are designed for company personnel working in leadership, managerial and supervisory positions. The intensive, variable-length programs assist organizations in training executives, directors, supervisory and managerial personnel by enhancing communication and relationship skills of these key leaders as they support the mission of, and people in, their organization.

The Mandt System® approach centers on the tenet of treating all people with unconditional dignity and respect. What sounds like a common-sense approach in working with people, (clients, customers, staff, patients), does not mean it is one that is often practiced. Cultivating respect in the workplace begins with leaders.

Supporting Successful Leadership is a two or three-day training that can be customized to meet your organizations particular needs. This practical application program includes individual assessments of personal management and conflict resolution styles as well as simulations/analysis of work place events, .

Throughout the sessions, participants complete personal profiles which are used to better understand themselves and others as they lead and support staff.

• Recognize how building healthy relationships can transform your company culture

• Learn to work within teams and bring different skills and styles to the table

• Develop and strengthen personal comfort levels and communication skills in approaching, meeting with and interviewing staff

• Hone time management, organizational and leadership skills

• Discover, first-hand, what skills promote effective leadership

• Network with and develop contacts in the community


Page 4: Leadership Programs - The Mandt Systemmandtsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/Mandt-Leadership-Brochure.pdf · influence employee commitment and retention rates (Donaldson, 2008)

“DASC just completed a 3 day MANDT for Managers with Dr. Karen Heller. We had participants from 6 different agencies although all serve persons with an intellectual disability. Attendees were managers, supervisors and some instructors that are aspiring supervisors and identified through our Succession Plan.

All of our staff were energized, educated and motivated with the experience provided by the excellent content and wonderful facilitator Dr. Karen Heller. I would recommend this training to all service providers and am working on trying to provide this again in our sector. The return on investment for our agency and our staff team has far exceeded our expectations!“

Cathy Deagle-Grammon, ED DASC, Dartmouth, NS

“This management training gave me a fresh look at my role and how to more effectively build a healthy positive team in our agency.”

“These 3 days has helped me rethink staff supervision and motivation. This will help us change the culture in our organization. Thanks.”

“Everyone here has been able to take back to their workplace tools for implementation. We look forward to bringing more of our team next time.”

What participants say....

“Best training I have attended in my last 10 years of management.”

“Instructor was a joy -- very informative and engaging.”

“This entire course should be part of required training for all instructors and managers.”

“Very timely training for me personally. I have made some valuable insights that will help me to reflect and make changes in my actions and interactions.”

“Love the focus on building Healthy Relationships. Excellent presenter!”

“Group participation was very good. Helpful everyday insight was very good!”

“Great course – lots of useful information. I can see the benefits and how they can be applied. This will be an ongoing project and will need follow-up for refresher.”

“Instructor is very well versed in all aspects of MANDT. This is an excellent course and well worth the time and resources!”

“Wonderful presentation – has made me rethink some of my future goals.”

“Very motivational speaker. Engaged the audience and provided many useful handouts.“

“Thank you for organizing this. The three people that attended from our agency really enjoyed the training and were raving about it upon their return to work. They feel that it will help them immensely in their management/supervisor roles within the agency, so thank you very much for that.”

Comments as reported by: Lynn Groves-Hautmann, CEO

Chrysalis, Edmonton, AB

Customer response....

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Supporting Successful LeadershipLeading Effectively Through Healthy Workplace Relationships

Course options:

Positive Workplace Managers

Examine qualities that constitute a positive workplaceBuild cultures of trust, competence and dependabilitySupport people using diagnostic SkillsInvestigate supervision approaches/stylesDiscover personal leadership profilesDelve into restorative disciplineMaintain legal safety

Foster Positive Workplace Communication

Assess the roles of facts and feelings within communication Recognize the interplay between non-verbal and verbal communication Engage Emotional Intelligence to determine message delivery channels Understand the Antecedent-Behavior Consequence Process Communicate to De-Escalate Situations

Positive Conflict Management

Recognize the impact of stress on communication and conflict Explore VANE and RADAR modelsDiscover personal conflict management style Strategize to support staff in conflictChoose combat or peace

Create Productive Teams

Form intentional teamsPlan for successNavigate through team conflictMotivate and support team members

Additional Learning Modules

• Navigating Conflict for Positive Outcomes

• Recruiting and Retaining Quality Personnel

• Coaching, Mentoring and Supporting Emergent Leaders

• Leading for Effective Customer Service

• Fostering Culture Change

• The Profitability of Diversity

• Gaining and Keeping Trust

• Managing Change and supporting people through the process

• Managing Workplace Stress

• Creating Productive Teams

• Bully Proofing Your Workplace

• Well-Being at Work: Promoting Emotional, Psychological and Physical Safety

Page 6: Leadership Programs - The Mandt Systemmandtsystem.com/wp-content/uploads/Mandt-Leadership-Brochure.pdf · influence employee commitment and retention rates (Donaldson, 2008)

About the Instructor:

Dr. Karen M. Heller

Dr. Karen M. Heller is a highly respected and recognized expert in the field of Organizational Leadership and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, with over 30 years of direct and practical experience. Her results-oriented approach places her in high demand as an international presenter, consultant, and trainer. Karen’s expertise encompasses the areas of behavior management/support, leadership and organizational change, conflict resolution and special education. Karen has been a certified Mandt instructor since 1998, and a member of the Faculty in an independent contractor role since 2007.  She also shares responsibility for co-developing and conducting trainings for the Mandt Leadership Programs. Karen earned her Doctorate in Organizational

Leadership, specializing in conflict resolution, from Nova Southeastern University and is President of Behavioral Dynamics, her consulting and training organization.

In addition to her work with The Mandt System, Inc. and Behavior Dynamics, Karen teaches Doctoral and Masters level courses in Psychology, Organizational Leadership, Ethics, and Multicultural Counseling for Capella University.  

We are very pleased to have Dr. Heller presenting and facilitating the Mandt Leadership Programs.

The Mandt System, Inc. Phone: 800-810-0755

Fax: 877-205-2821 Email: [email protected]


The Mandt System - Canada Phone: 800-542-9633 Fax: 877-331-0039

Email: [email protected] www.mandtsystem.ca