lea1 introductory slide show

Overview of the Learning Alliance on Extractive Industries (LEA1) ella.practicalaction.org

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Overview of the Learning Alliance on Extractive Industries (LEA1)


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• Explain what a Learning Alliance is (LEA), its objectives, key spaces and structure

• Provide an overview of the modules’ themes and issues that will be covered and analysed in the LEA

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What is a Learning Alliance?

• Is a group of people from different regions and sectors who address similar development challenges and who participate in learning activities and network to increase their knowledge of policies and practices in tackling those challenges.

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What does an ELLA Learning Alliance do?

• Brings together experts and interested individuals from Latin America, Africa and Asia to network and engage in a two way exchange and learning, on development challenges of common interest

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EI Learning Alliance’s main objectives

• Participants gain knowledge on a range of Latin American policy experiences and practices that promote responsible investments in extractive industries (EI) and that can be adapted and applied in their own countries.

• Participants exchange Africa/Asian perspective, compare and contrast with Latin American experiences.

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Learning Alliance’s key spaces

1. Online learning space

• Interactive platform for a two-way learning process

• Led by a Latin American moderator

• Structured in four thematic modules of six weeks each

• New threads and background materials posted weekly by the moderator.

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Learning Alliance’s key spaces

2. Networking SpaceThe online networking space aims to be a useful toolfor participants when engaging in conversations anddiscussions that go beyond the specific themes of themodules. This space may also be used by theparticipants to begin new collaborations and to buildnetworks.

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Learning Alliance’s key spaces

3. Face to Face MeetingsIn Tanzania, Ghana and India face to face meetings will be organised and facilitated by ELLA Regional Coordinators to enrich the discussion ofthe key issues to be addressed, posting conclusions to the ELLA website.

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Structure of ELLA Learning Alliance

Phase 1

(4 weeks starting March 19th)

• Welcome and agenda setting phase

Phase 2

(24 weeks starting April 16th)

• Intensive learning and exchange phase

Phase 3

(4 weeks)

• Learning into practice phase: Visit to Latin America and awards for taking forward acquired knowledge

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EI Learning Alliance’s Modules

Latin American experiences will be the foundation for the discussion during the modules, but participants will be invited to raise examples and issues from their own countries, allowing the three regions to learn from each other.

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EI Learning Alliance’s Modules

• Land Use Planning: national systems

• Land Use Planning: Restrictions

• Land Access: getting social license –territorial rights and property

• Land Access: getting social license –compensation methods

Module 1: Land Use Planning and Access

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Learning Alliance’s themes

• Environmental Impact Assessment Systems (EIAS) and its limitations

• State Environmental regulation

• Environmental disaster control

• Conservation and extraction: biodiversity offsets

Module 2: Environmental Protection and Mitigation in Extractive Industry Projects

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Learning Alliance’s themes

• Local Consultation

• Public Institutions

• The Private Sector Responds

• Case studies

Module 3: Preventing and Addressing Social Conflicts in the Extractive Industries

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Learning Alliance’s themes

• National and regional tax and royalties distribution policies

• Optimal allocation of extractive rent: some experiences

• Redistribution mechanisms effectiveness

• Legitimacy on resource allocation

Module 4: Distribution of Extractive Rent from EI

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At this stage, we would like you to enquire if this content meets your

expectations and to get feedback on those experiences that you are most

interested in.

Please give us your feedback by filling our short survey by March 28th.

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African and Asian coordinators:

Managed by:

Latin American Regional Centre of Expertise

Supported by: With the participation of:

Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nepal
