lds gospel doctrine lesson 14:

Gospel Doctrine Lesson Fourteen Purpose: To help class members humble themselves, forgive others, and show charity for one another Who is my Neighbor? Jesus teaches that we must become as little children Matthew 18:1-6, 10-11,14 Mark 9:33-34 Mosiah 3:19 Verse Quality Definition/ Etymology What does this quality look like in you, your friends, your family? Matthew 18:3 Converted In Greek means: Humble or to change direction Mosiah 3:19 Submissive Ready to conform to the authority or will of others; to place or rank under, to obey Mosiah 3:19 Meek Exercising god’s strength under His control Mosiah 3:19 Humble Don’t take credit for that which you have used God’s power to do Mosiah 3:19 Patient In Greek this translates to “endure during challenges” Mosiah 3:19 Full of love Greek word ‘agape’ means giving love whether or not it is returned and without self benefit; It can also be described as the feeling of being content Mosiah 3:19 Willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him; Why do you think subbmit is both the firt and last step?

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Post on 01-Oct-2015




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Worksheets that correspond to the LDS Gospel Doctrine Curriculum, New Testmament


  • Gospel Doctrine Lesson Fourteen Purpose: To help class members

    humble themselves,

    forgive others, and show charity for one another

    Who is my Neighbor?

    Jesus teaches that we must become as little children Matthew 18:1-6, 10-11,14 Mark 9:33-34 Mosiah 3:19

    Verse Quality Definition/ Etymology

    What does this quality look like in you, your friends,

    your family?

    Matthew 18:3 Converted In Greek means: Humble or to change direction

    Mosiah 3:19 Submissive Ready to conform to the authority or will of

    others; to place or rank under, to obey

    Mosiah 3:19

    Meek Exercising gods strength under His


    Mosiah 3:19

    Humble Dont take credit for that which you have

    used Gods power to do

    Mosiah 3:19

    Patient In Greek this translates to endure

    during challenges

    Mosiah 3:19

    Full of love Greek word agape means giving love

    whether or not it is returned and without self benefit; It can also be described as the feeling of being


    Mosiah 3:19 Willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict

    upon him; Why do you think subbmit is both

    the firt and last step?

  • Mark 9:42-43; 45; 47

    And whosoever shall offend (translation in Greek: cause to stumble) one of these little ones that

    believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea. And if they hand offend thee, cut it offAnd if they foot offend thee, cut it offAnd if thine eye

    offend thee, pluck it out.

    Scriptural symbolism of common body parts

    Hand: denotes mans own power often leading to the regarding himself as

    above others; results in pride Foot: Natural things of the earth; the path that leads to evil, the approach

    to temptation

    Eyes: Signify understanding (See Matthew 6:22)

    Rewrite the verses above in your own words utilizing the symbolism on

    the left.

    "No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in

    the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.

    Emma Goldman

  • Parable of the unmerciful servant Matthew 18:15,21-35

    We all love to be forgivenwe expect it and want it. But we oftentimes find it a struggle to forgiver; we resist it and sometimes even refuse to do it. The rabbis taught that you only needed to forgive someone three times. Do you need to forgive somebody? Has your heart been hardened? Take it to your

    Savior. You are only a prayer away from tenderness. We live in a hard world, but we dont have to live with a hard heart.

    Imagine being forgiven of a ten million dollar debt. Imagine the relief of knowing that your family would not be sold into slavery for generations,, your

    possessions auctioned off to the highest bidder, the shame of

    being unable to provide for those you love.

    A talent was worth about $1,000, so ten-

    thousand talents is ten million dollars!! The servant

    could never pay this debt back.

    By contrast, 100 pence was the

    equivalent of $20.

    What did the unmerciful servant ask for? What

    did he get?

    Have you accepted Gods forgiveness? Have you extended Christ-like forgiveness to another?

  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan: A type and shadow of the plan of salvation

    Luke 10:30-37

    Symbol Interpretation

    A certain man Adam. In Hebrew the name Adam means man, mankind Just like Adam we will all make this


    Went down

    From the garden into the world The Fall The parable implies that the man went down

    intentionally knowing the risks that would be involved in the journey.

    From Jerusalem A holy place; the presence of God

    To Jericho Jericho was readily identified with this world. At more than 825 feet below sea level, Jericho is

    the lowest city on earth.

    Fell All are fallen and are lost (Alma 34:9)

    Among thieves The influences of Satan

    Stripped him of his raiment

    The attackers apparently only wanted the travelers clothing, for no mention is made of

    any wealth or commodities he might be carrying. For some reason, the robbers seem interested in his garment, Early Christian scholars thoughs

    the oss of the travelers garment was a symbol for mankinds loss of his robe of immortality.

    Wounded, half dead

    The man was left precisely, half-dead. He had suffered the first death, becoing mortal, but the second death, the permanent separation from God, could still be averted (Alma 12:32-36)

  • Symbol Interpretation

    By chance The arrival of the Jewish priest was an accident, not the result of a conscious search

    Priest and Levite

    The law of Moses.; The problem is not that the bearer of this priesthood did not want to help the fallen man, but that the law of Moses di not have

    the power to save him.

    Samaritan A representation of Christ; Just as a Samaritan is not from Judea, so Christ is not of this world. (See

    John 8:48)

    As he journeyed It would appear that the Samaritan was searching for people to help. He did not happen by.

    Bound up his wounds Bandages represent healing and love. We also

    interpret this as the man becoming bound to the Lord through covenants

    Oil The Holy Ghost

    Wine The blood of Christ

    Set him on his own beast Took the burden of the mans sin upon himself

    Inn The church

    Repay Our eternal reward in heaven equal to all that the Father hath

    Seeing the parable in this light invites readers to identify with virtually every character in the story. At one level, people can see themselves as the good

    Samaritan, acting as physical rescuers and as saviors on Mount Zion, aiding in the all-important cause of rescuing lost souls. Jesus told the Pharisee, Go, and do thou likewise By doing as the Samaritan, we join with Him in helping to bring to

    pass the salvation and eternal life of mankind. Disciples will also want to think of themselves as innkeepers who have been

    commissioned by Jesus Christ to facilitate the long-term spiritual recovery of injured travelers. Or again, readers may see themselves as the traveler. As the

    parable begins, everyone sympathizes and identifies with the lone and weary traveler. We all need to be saved. As the story ends, all travelers can feel safe, having learned that, according to this interpretation, He who was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves iis none other than the merciful Christ. He is

    the most exemplary Neighbor

  • How did reading the parable of the Good Samaritan as symbolic of the plan of salvation expand your knowledge of the scriptures, our savior, or our heavenly Father? Did you gain any insight? Learn

    anything new?