ldm tuition bk

Become a School Holistic Program For Fitness, Teachers, Practitioners Dr Leslie M Moore

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Become a School

Holistic ProgramFor Fitness, Teachers, Practitioners

Dr Leslie M Moore

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Love and Divinity Studio HQDetroit, Michigan, United States♥Classes Are Private. Do Not Message. See BKstore.

Last active on: Jul 15, 2015 at 06:48 PM (EST)

About Love and Divinity Studio HQAbout LDM

Holistic Accredited & Certified. ISO 9001-2008/Teaching♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥

Welcome to LDM Satellite H.Q. and School (2011-15).♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥

Broadcast Rep: Self-Acclaimed, Former (itunes podcast) Radio Personality, Yoga Instructor, Holistic Practitioner-(ND/YogaTherapy non Medical)

2014-2016 Teacher Updates:Attending Schoolcraft College of Livonia MI. (Spring and Summers off)

Second College pending Fitness Major at Ann Arbor, MI (Concordia)

Applying Art and Fitness updates for teaching.

(Also IT Gaming Tech for Mia Jonita)

I also have two resumes listed in LinkedIn for HQ and Studio. Seeking to teach and share my experience.♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥

2015 Classes are Private. See Promo listings for Classrooms.♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥♥•*´¨♥¸.•♥

More about me.

In LDM, We are The Serendipity & Synchronicity of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Our mission: To always maintain union and Chibalance in all projects and courses taught.Certified and Accredited with: Entity Backdrop: 1. The American Council of Holistic Healers is an organization founded toserve the growing needs of the holistic health industry. They provide independent professional certification services to thosewho qualify. 2. Michigan Department of Education, Section: Non Public, Private Sector. Michigan Teacher Certification: AdultCont. (Vocational/professional)Education, *Ages 18 plus.3. Alumni Awards: Chapter: Beta Gamma Epsilon, Honors Society: Phi Theta Kappa, National Deans List, Nominated for TheInternational Scholar Laureate Program Delegation on Business.4. Certified under ISO 9001:2008 specifies requirements for a quality management system...All requirements of ISO9001:2008 are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and product provided.

Teaching PreferencesOnline TeachingOne-on-One at $20-30 per hourGroup Teaching at More than $100 per hourIn Person TeachingOne-on-One at $70-100 per hourGroup Teaching at More than $100 per hour

Offers free trial classes

Subjects or exams this organization teachesHatha, Chakra, and Ashtanga Yoga Training (Personal Fitness Training)Language of Instruction: EnglishYoga, Fitness, Yoga Psychology, Body Toning, Based 9 Years Experience and Research.

Meditation, Yoga Spirituality, Yoga Psychology, Metaphysical and Psychic Science (Religion )Language of Instruction: EnglishDepartments and Topics Mind, Body, and Spirit. Based 9 Years Experience and Research.

Experienced Dance Fitness, Weight Loss Wellness (Personal Fitness Training)Language of Instruction: EnglishModern and Contemporary dance, Primary Hip Hop and Bellydance. 30 Yrs Exp. Hip Hop, 5 Years Exp. Bellydance, and 1 yrs.Exp. Musical Theatre Dance

Organization StatisticsFollowing: 1

Tutorials: 4





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Leslie Moore

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Herbal Remedies, and Holistic Health (Health Care)Language of Instruction: EnglishHolistic Topics Mind, Body, and Spirit, featuring Naturopathic Prescription, Based 11 Years Experience and Research

Applications of Science, Physics, & Spirituality (Body, Mind and Soul)Language of Instruction: EnglishStudies Psychic Science, Intuition, and Spirituality. Based 11 Years Experience and Research

Yoga Tantra Therapy (Body, Mind and Soul)Language of Instruction: EnglishProjects, Teaching Yoga Therapy and Goddess Machinima Short Films. Jobs, Tantra Yoga Therapist (Fusion Studies, Ft Art)

Yoga Paths (Body, Mind and Soul)Language of Instruction: EnglishChakra Healing, Chakra Yoga, Yoga Fitness, Alternative Healing, CAM Methods, Holistic Health, Holistic Courses, MetaphysicalCounseling, Science and Spirit Engineering, Based 8 Years Experience, EDU,

Starting an Online Business (Business and Management)Language of Instruction: EnglishOnline Business, Virtual Business, Virtual Office, Remote Office, Remote Learning. Based 5 yrs Online Business Exp., includesVodcast, Podcasting, Audio Broadcasting.

Managing Business (Entrepreneurship)Language of Instruction: EnglishProject Mgt, Project Development, Business mgt

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