ldap theory

LDAP Theory and Management Brad Marshall [email protected] SAGE-AU Conf 2003 – p. 1

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2. Contents What is LDAP? Directory services LDAP Models Namespaces Schema Replication LDIF and DSML Search Filters LDAP Protocol SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 2 3. Contents cont Directory Life Cycle Directory Management Namespace Design Topology Design Replication Design Management Models Data Maintanence Metadirectories Virtual directories SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 3 4. History of LDAP Originally started as a front end to X.500 Provides much of X.500s functionality at a lower implementation cost Removed redundant and rarely used operations Uses TCP rather than OSI stack University of Michigan wrote rst LDAP implementation Most early LDAP implementations were based on it U.Mich eventually realized didnt need X.500 and wrote lightweight server Meant it was easier to deploy, and more people started using it SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 4 5. What is LDAP? LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Stanard protocol that can be used to access information over a network Based on X.500 Directory Service Described in RFC1777 and RFC2251 Stores attribute based data SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 5 6. What is LDAP cont Data generally read more than written to No transactions No rollback Client-server model Based on entries Collection of attributes Globally unique distinguished name (DN) - like domain name Entries arranged in hierarchical tree structure SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 6 7. Directory Services Directories are a specialized database Used in everyday lives - phone book, TV guides, etc Everyday directories fairly static Online directories are dynamic, exible, secure and can be personalized Examples of online directories are nger, DNS, NIS and unix password le SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 7 8. Why use LDAP Centrally manage users, groups and other data Dont have to manage separate directories for each application - stops the N + 1 directory problem Distribute management of data to appropriate people Allow users to nd data that they need Not locked into a particular server Ability to distribute servers to where they are needed Standards available for sharing data SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 8 9. What LDAP can do Find things - local ofce phone book, Internet directories such as Four11, BigFoot etc Manage things - users and groups. Removes N + 1 directory problem Lightweight database applications - sort bookmarks, small bits of data Security - store username and passwords, digital certicates, PKI etc SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 9 10. What LDAP cant do LDAP isnt a relational database No rollback for failed operations LDAP isnt a lesystem No locking or seeking Cant search blobs of data LDAP isnt good for dynamic objects Optimized for read, not write No locking to ensure transactions occur in a certain order - corruption could occur No generic SQL-like reporting language Not useful without applications SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 10 11. LDAP vs Databases Read-write ratio - LDAP is read optimized Extensibility - LDAP schemas are more easily changed Distribution - with LDAP data can be near where it is needed, and highly distributed Replication - with LDAP data can be stored in multiple locations Different performance - directories used for many different applications, and queries are usually simpler, but many more of them Data sharing - LDAP is designed for sharing data, databases designed for one application SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 11 12. LDAP vs Databases cont Database objects have complex relationships Transaction model - LDAP transactions are simple - usually changing one entry, databases can modify much more Size of information - LDAP is better at storing small bits of information Type of information - LDAP stores information in attributes Naming model - LDAP is hierachical Schemas - database schemas are entirely user dened, directories have core schemas to help interoperability Standards are more important for directories - LDAP clients can talk to any LDAP server, but database client can only talk to the database it was designed for SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 12 13. LDAP vs NIS Uses arbitrary ports No data encryption No access-control mechanism Uses a at (non scalable) namespace Uses a single-key database (providing only basic searching abilities) All changes had to be made by the superuser on the domain master Does not provide directory services for non name service applications No ability for clustering (slapd replication and round robin DNS for LDAP) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 13 14. X.500 Designed by International Telecom Union (ITU) and International Organization for Standards (ISO) First designed in 1988 First general purpose directory system Designed to be extensible - rich search operations Open standard Relies on large suite of protocols Early implementations buggy and slow Based on OSI network protocols, not TCP/IP SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 14 15. LDAP Directory Services Two general types of directory servers: Stand alone LDAP servers LDAP is only access mechanism Data stores tuned for LDAP LDAP gateway servers Translate betwen LDAP and some other protocol Original use of LDAP - gateway to X.500 Doesnt really matter where data is stored, as long as it is accessible via LDAP SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 15 16. Common LDAP Applications White pages Authentication and authorization Personalization Roaming proles Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Message delivery SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 16 17. LDAP Models Information Model - denes the types of data and basic units of info stored in directory Naming Model - denes how to organise and refer to the data Functional Model - denes operations in LDAP protocol Security Model - denes framework for protecting information SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 17 18. Acronyms Acronym Denition LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol DN Distinguish Name RDN Relative Distinguished Name DIT Directory Information Tree LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format DSML Directory Services Markup Language OID Object Identier SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 18 19. Namespaces Hierarchical data structure Entries are in a tree-like structure called Directory Information Tree (DIT) Consistent view of data - uniform namespace Answers request Refer to server with answer SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 19 20. Namespaces - Hierarchal dc=com dc=pisoftware ou=People ou=Group uid=bmarshal uid=jparker cn=dev cn=sysadmin SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 20 21. Namespaces - Flat dc=com dc=pisoftware uid=bmarshal uid=jparker ... SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 21 22. Namespaces cont Directory tree is similar to unix le system No root entry in ldap Each entry in ldap can both contain data and be a container In unix, an entry is either a le or a directory - not both LDAP distinguished names are read from bottom to top, unix le systems from top to bottom SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 22 23. Namespaces cont / usr local bin X11R6 bin sshd lib dc=com dc=pisoftware ou=People ou=Sysadmin ou=Group cn=dev uid=bmarshal dc=sun SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 23 24. Global View LDAP Server 1 LDAP Server 2 LDAP Server 3 Note each server must contain a subtree SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 24 25. Distinguished Names Dened in RFC2253 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names Built up by starting at the bottom, and connecting each level together with commas Contain two parts Left most part is called relative distinguished name Remainder is base distinguished name Eg: uid=bmarshal,ou=People,dc=pisoftware,dc=com RDN is uid=bmarshal Base DN is ou=People,dc=pisoftware,dc=com SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 25 26. Distinguished Names cont In each base DN, each RDN is unique This ensures no two entries have the same DN dc=com dc=pisoftware dc=sun ou=Peopleou=People Same RDN SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 26 27. LDAP Entry Entries are composed of attributes Attributes consist of types with one or more values Type describes what the information is Value is the actual information in text format Attributes have a syntax which species what type of data - see Schema later on SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 27 28. Referrals 1 2 3 4 LDAP Server 1 LDAP Server 2 1. Client requests information 2. Server 1 returns referral to server 2 3. Client resends request to server 2 4. Server 2 returns information to client SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 28 29. Aliases Aliases are used to point one LDAP entry to another Allows you to have structures that arent hierarchal Similar in sense to using a symlink in unix Not all LDAP servers support aliases - big performance hit SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 29 30. Aliases cont Created by: Entry with object class of alias Attribute named aliasedObjectName that points to DN of the alias Can use either referrals or putting a LDAP url in an entry SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 30 31. Schema Set of rules that describes what kind of data is stored Helps maintain consistency and quality of data Reduces duplication of data Ensures applications have consistent interface to the data Object class attribute determines schema rules the entry must follow SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 31 32. Schema cont Schema contains the following: Required attributes Allowed attributes How to compare attributes Limit what the attributes can store - ie, restrict to integer etc Restrict what information is stored - ie, stops duplication etc SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 32 33. Objectclass Used to group information Provides the following rules: Required attributes Allowed attributes Easy way to retrieve groups of information Entries can have multiple object classes Required and allowed attributes are the union of the attributes of each of the classes SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 33 34. Objectclass inheritance Object classes can be derived from others Extends attributes of other objectclass No multiple inheritance Cant override any of the rules Special class called top - all classes extend Only required attribute is objectclass Ensures all entries have a objectclass SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 34 35. Attributes Attributes have: Name - unique identier, not case sensitive Object identier (OID) - sequence of integers separated by dots Attribute syntax: Data attributes can store - eg integer, string etc How comparisons are made If multi valued or single valued SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 35 36. Attribute Abbreviations See RFC2256 uid User id cn Common Name sn Surname l Location ou Organizational Unit o Organization dc Domain Component st State c Country SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 36 37. Replication Replication is method used to keep copy of directory data on multiple servers Increases: Reliability - if one copy of the directory is down Availability - more likely to nd an available server Performance - can use a server closer to you Speed - can take more queries as replicas are added Temporary inconsistencies are ok Having replicas close to clients is important - network going down is same as server going down Removes single point of failure SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 37 38. Replication Options - Mods to Master LDAP Client Modifications Searches LDAP master (read/write) LDAP slave (read only) Updates replica SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 38 39. Replication Options - Referrals LDAP Client LDAP slave (read only)1 2 3 4 5 LDAP master (read/write) 1. Client sends modication to replica 2. Replica returns referral of master to client 3. Client resubmits modication to master 4. Master returns results to client 5. Master updates replica with change SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 39 40. Replication Options - Chaining 1 23 4 5 LDAP Master LDAP Slave Client 1. Client sends modication to replica 2. Replica forwards request to master 3. Master returns result to replica 4. Replica forwards result to client 5. Master updates replica SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 40 41. Replication - Single Master Single master Single server with read-write copy of data Use read-only replicas to handle load of reading and searching Uses referrals or chaining to deal with mods being sent to replicas Obvious single point of failure Simplest to implement SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 41 42. Replication - Floating Master Floating master Only one server with writeable copy of data at any time If master becomes unavailable, new master is chosen from remaining servers Actual alogorithm used depends on server - usually voting SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 42 43. Replication - Cascading Cascading replication Master replicates to hub which replays updates to futher servers Helps balance very heavy loads - master can be used for all writes, and pass off all replication to hub Can replicate out to local hubs in geographically disperse topologies - reduces cost Increase performance - put all reads on bottom servers SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 43 44. Replication - Fractional Fractional replication Replicates subsets of attributes Useful for synchronizing from intranet to extranet and removing data for security reasons Can help reduce replication costs by removing unneeded data SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 44 45. Replication - Multi-master Multi-master More than one server with writable copy of data Servers are responsible for ensuring data propogates Need a conict resolution policy - most current servers use a last writer wins policy Can have automatic failover when one is unavailable Most complex to implement SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 45 46. LDIF LDAP Data Interchange Format Represents LDAP entries in text Human readable format Allows easy modication of data Useful for doing bulk changes dump db, run a script over, import back Can use templates for additions Good for backups and transferring data to another system SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 46 47. LDIF Cont If attribute contains non-ascii chars, begins with a space, colon or less than, the value is stored in base64 and type separator is :: Can mix plain text and encoded values Can specify URLs, type separator is :< Entries in LDIF are separated with a blank line Continued lines start with spaces Utilities to convert from database to ldif and back slapcat: ldbm database to ldif slapadd: ldif to ldbm database Few non-LDAP related servers know how to deal with it SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 47 48. LDIF Example dn: uid=bmarshal,ou=People, dc=pisoftware,dc=com uid: bmarshal cn: Brad Marshall objectclass: account objectclass: posixAccount objectclass: top loginshell: /bin/bash uidnumber: 500 gidnumber: 120 homedirectory: /mnt/home/bmarshal gecos: Brad Marshall,,,, userpassword: {crypt}lDIOnUp17x2jc SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 48 49. DSML XML-based le format Can store both schema and data Can use as generic import/export format for directory data Many existing servers can deal with XML More complex than LDIF Not all LDAP servers support it SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 49 50. DSML Example topaccountBrad Marshall/bin/bash SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 50 51. Search Filters Consists of: Base and scope - what part to search Filter - what criteria attributes must fulll to be returned Attributes - what attributes to return Prex notation Standards RFC 1960: LDAP String Representation of Search Filters RFC 2254: LDAPv3 Search Filters SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 51 52. Search Filters Operators Basic lter types Presence Equality Substring Greater-than or equal Less-than or equal Approximate Extensible Joining lters & and | or ! not SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 52 53. Search Filter Details Presence Simple checks for presence of attribute Can return everything by using (objectClass=*) Equality Checks for entries containing given attribute and value Most commonly used search Fastest and easiest to index Case sensitivity depends on attribute syntax SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 53 54. Search Filter Details cont Substring matching Returns entries with values matching given substrings Useful for nding information, eg in white pages etc Not wildcard or regular expression matching Restricted to matching start, middle or end of strings Slower than presence or equality Middle substring matches slower than start or end SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 54 55. Search Filter Details cont Ordered matching (greater-than, less-than) Order determined by attributes syntax and matching rules Approximate lter Algorithm used determined by server Common to have soundex Extensible Allows applying an explicit matching rule to a search lter Not very common, but powerful SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 55 56. Search Filters Examples (objectclass=posixAccount) (cn=Mickey M*) (|(uid=fred)(uid=bill)) (&(|(uid=jack)(uid=jill))(objectclass=posixAccount)) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 56 57. Search Scope 3 types of scope: base limits to just the base object onelevel limits to just the immediate children sub search the entire subtree from base down SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 57 58. Base Scope SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 58 59. One Level Scope SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 59 60. Subtree Scope SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 60 61. Optimizing Searches Index commonly accessed attributes and appropriate lters Reduce opening and closing connections Only request attributes you need Limit the search scope if possible Minimize number of searches - combine searches into one, if possible Minimize updates - writes are slow Use replicas / high availability techniques on the server SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 61 62. Operational Attributes Attributes used by server that usually arent displayed Vary by directory vendor Usually time stamps, server access controls, admin information, last updated dates etc SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 62 63. Extending Schema To extend schemas, the process is as follows: Obtain Object Identier (OID) Choose name prex Create local schema le Dene custom attribute types (if necessary) Dene custom object classes (Note these examples are from OpenLDAP, others should be similar) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 63 64. Obtaining OID OIDs found in protocols described by ASN.1, eg SNMP OIDs are hierachical Do not just arbitrarily pick an OID OIDs are obtained from IANA, under Private Enterprise arc at no cost OID from IANA will be something like For experiments, OID 1.1 is available (regarded as dead namespace) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 64 65. Choose name prex Schema elements all have names Names should be descriptive and not likely to clash Convention is to prex names with few letters to localize the changes The smaller the organization, the longer the prex should be Examples are auFirm (Aust company) or comPisoftware (elements for pisoftware.com) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 65 66. Attribute Types and Object Classes attributetype directive used to dene new attribute types Uses Attribute Type Description, as per RFC2252 objectclasses directive used to dene new object class Uses Object Class Description, as per RFC2252 SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 66 67. Attribute Type Description AttributeTypeDescription = "(" whsp numericoid whsp ; AttributeType identifier [ "NAME" qdescrs ] ; name used in ; AttributeType [ "DESC" qdstring ] ; description [ "OBSOLETE" whsp ] [ "SUP" woid ] ; derived from this ; other AttributeType [ "EQUALITY" woid ; Matching Rule name [ "ORDERING" woid ; Matching Rule name [ "SUBSTR" woid ] ; Matching Rule name SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 67 68. Attribute Type Description cont [ "SYNTAX" whsp noidlen whsp ] [ "SINGLE-VALUE" whsp ] ; default multi-valued [ "COLLECTIVE" whsp ] ; default not collective [ "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" whsp ] ; default user modifiable [ "USAGE" whsp AttributeUsage ] ; default userApplications whsp ")" AttributeUsage = "userApplications" / "directoryOperation" / "distributedOperation" / "dSAOperation" SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 68 69. Attribute Type Example attributetype ( NAME name DESC names associated with the object EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{32768} ) attributetype ( NAME ( sn surname ) DESC surnames associated with the object SUP name ) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 69 70. Object Class Description ObjectClassDescription = "(" whsp numericoid whsp ; ObjectClass identifier [ "NAME" qdescrs ] [ "DESC" qdstring ] [ "OBSOLETE" whsp ] [ "SUP" oids ] ; Superior ObjectClasses [ ( "ABSTRACT" / "STRUCTURAL" / "AUXILIARY" ) whsp ] ; default structural [ "MUST" oids ] ; AttributeTypes [ "MAY" oids ] ; AttributeTypes whsp ")" SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 70 71. Object Class Example objectclass ( NAME posixAccount SUP top AUXILIARY DESC Abstraction of an account with POSIX attributes MUST ( cn $ uid $ uidNumber $ gidNumber $ homeDirectory ) MAY ( userPassword $ loginShell $ gecos $ description ) ) SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 71 72. LDAP Protocol Uses client server model Message oriented protocol - client sends messages to server and gets replies Can issue multiple requests at once - each response has message id to identify 9 basic protocol operations - interrogation, update and authentication LDAPv3 provides extended operations and controls Uses simplied version of Basic Encoding Rules (BER) - not plain text SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 72 73. LDAP Protocol Operations Interrogation operations search compare Update operations add delete modify rename Authentication and control operations bind unbind abandon SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 73 74. Typical LDAP conversation Client Server Open connection and bind Result of bind operation Search operation Returned entry 1 Returned entry 2 Results of search operation Unbind operation Close connection SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 74 75. Bind Operations How client authenticates to directory Opens TCP connection, gives distinguished name and credentials Server checks credentials are correct, returns result to client If credentials fail, returns an anonymous bind Authentication lasts while connection is open, or until client reauthenticates Credentials can be password, digital certicate or other SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 75 76. Authentication Levels There are 3 basic levels of authentication: Anonymous - no username and password Enabled by default, disable using disallow bind_anon in slapd.conf Unauthenticated - only username (sometimes called reference bind) Disabled by default, enable using allow bind_anon_cred in slapd.conf Authenticated - username and correct password Enabled by default, disable using disallow bind_anon_simple in slapd.conf SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 76 77. LDAP Security Model Authentication How to verify identities Password policies Criteria passwords must satisfy to be valid - ie, length, age etc Encryption Ensuring data is private Access control Who can access what data Auditing Determine if security model is being followed - ie, logs SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 77 78. Security Model - Authentication Anonymous access Simple password Proxy authentication Simple password over encrypted connection Certicate based authentication SASL based authentication SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 78 79. Password policies Minimum length Maximum age Syntax checking History keeping Expiration policy Account lockout policy SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 79 80. Access Control Set permissions on: Entire directory Subtree Specic entries Specic attributes Any entry that matches a search lter SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 80 81. LDAP URLs Denition taken from RFC2255 ::= "ldap://" [ ] "/" [ "?" [ "?" "?" ] ] ::= [ ":" ] ::= a string as defined in RFC 1485 ::= NULL | ::= | [ "," ] ::= a string as defined in RFC 1777 ::= "base" | "one" | "sub" ::= a string as defined in RFC 1558 SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 81 82. LDAP URLs DN Distinguished name Attribute list List of attributes you want returned Scope base base object search one one level search sub subtree search Filter Standard LDAP search lter SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 82 83. LDAP URL examples ldap://foo.bar.com/dc=bar,dc=com ldap://argle.bargle.com/dc=bar, dc=com??sub?uid=barney ldap://ldap.bedrock.com/dc=bar, dc=com?cn?sub?uid=barney SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 83 84. LDAP Related Standards Bodies Consortiums and Standard Bodies OASIS Directory Services Markup Language Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Common Informational Model (CIM) Network Applications Consortium (NAC) Users Group Open Group Directory Interoperability Forum (DIF) LDAP2000 Interoperability Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) LDAP Standards SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 84 85. IETF Working Groups IETF Working Groups LDAPExt Access Controls APIs LDUP Replication LDAPbis LDAPv3 Protocol revisions SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 85 86. LDAPv3 Internationalization - using UTF-8 Referrals and Continuations Security Authentication via SASL Integrity and Condentiality Protection via TLS or SSL Extensibility Feature and schema discovery LDAPv3 servers have a directory entry called root DSE (Directory Server Entry) Contains: protocol supported, schemas, other useful info SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 86 87. Directory Uses 3 main uses of directories Network directory Provides user account management Enterprise directory Global repository for shared information Details about people, organisations and devices Business directory Details about trading partners, customers, suppliers etc SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 87 88. Directory Life Cycle 3 main parts to life cycle: Design Understand directory requirements and gather data Deployment Actually try out directory Maintenance Update data, keep service running, and improve SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 88 89. Design Cycle Directory needs Understand what applications require Data Find existing data sources Determine relationship to directory Schema Develop schemas for applications requirements Namespace Organise data layout SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 89 90. Design Cycle cont Topology Determine where servers are located Determine how data is divided Replication Ensure data is available where it is needed Security Essential to meeting security and privacy requirements of users SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 90 91. Deployment Cycle Choose directory software Evaluate and choose software Piloting Inital testing to check design Performance and scaling testing Testing to see if system can handle the task Tuning Check process as well as technical User feedback Expose users to test system Going into production Move from pilot to production SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 91 92. Maintenance Cycle Data maintenance Keeping data up to date Data backups Ensure backups dont interfer with operations Replication can help here Schema additions Extend schemas when adding new applications Monitoring Integrate with existing system if possible Expansion Try to plan for expansion - growth may surprise you Changing requirements Dont get caught out SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 92 93. Directory Management Directory management consists of: Namespace and directory tree design Determine root naming context Integration with existing data Synchronization Maintaining data Choosing mangement model SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 93 94. Basic Design Steps Dene applications for directory Find data sources and relationships Schema design Namespace design and topology Replication Extraction and population Testing and deployment SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 94 95. Schema Design Be aware of existing schemas and use them if possible Use schemas provided with applications Dene and document any new schemas required Be prepared for schema evolution as things change SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 95 96. Namespace Design Designing a namespace is Hard Requires indepth knowledge of what the directory will be used for Hard to reorganise once data is put in - requires downtime, etc Needs to support applications that want to use it - be aware of existing standards SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 96 97. Namespace Design cont Try not to break out into different departments - what happens when person moves? Avoid designs that will have to change - eg, dont base on org chart Dont go overboard - too much hierachy can get confusing Probably wont get it right rst - will take some iterations SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 97 98. Namespace Design cont Good namespace design helps with: Delegation of authority Replication of data Security and access control Scalability Physical placement of servers SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 98 99. Tree Design 3 most commonly used tree designs for a single company Organizational Flat Geographical SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 99 100. Organizational Based Tree dc=pisoftware dc=com ou=Sales ou=Devel ou=Sysadmin ou=People ou=Groups ou=Apps SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 100 101. Organizational Based Details Mirrors organizational structure Good for using delegated administration management model People changing jobs mean a change to distinguished name Groups refer to distinguished names - no referential integrity checking SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 101 102. Flat Tree dc=pisoftware dc=com ou=People ou=Groups ou=Apps SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 102 103. Flat Details Simplest layout - all people and groups are in one level down from root Entries only added or removed on hiring and ring - not internal job changes Most directory servers cant split single branch across multiple servers Harder to delegate admin control SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 103 104. Geographical Tree dc=pisoftware dc=com ou=Australia ou=Asia ou=America ou=People ou=Groups ou=Apps SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 104 105. Geographical Details Branch for each geographical location of the company Each geographical location has a master, also replicates rest of tree Rarer for people to move between geographical locations Geographical dispersement of company might not match political SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 105 106. Choosing Root Naming Context Root naming context is servers top level entry Some servers can have multiple root naming contexts Two main choices: Traditional Domain component Active Directory doesnt give a choice for root naming context, most others do SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 106 107. Traditional Style Traditionally has been o=company,c=country Company is free-form string of company name Country is ISO 2 letter country code Inherited from X.500 Can cause conicts between similarly named companies SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 107 108. Domain Component Style Use DNS name to generate base DN See RFC2377 for more details - "Naming Plan for Internet Directory-Enabled Applications" example.com gives dc=example,dc=com Already globally unique Already registered Can trace back to who owns it easily Some CAs only allow traditional X.500 attributes, which doesnt include dc SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 108 109. Topology Design Directory tree can be spread over multiple physical servers Design is important to: Increase performance Increase availability Better manage directory Hold more entries than a single server could Users see one large directory Closely related to replication design SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 109 110. Topology Design Each server is delegated a partition of the directory Similar to DNS One server is the root and is common ancestor to all subpartitions Partitions must be a complete subtree, and not exclude any entries Servers can hold more than one partition, eg read-only copies SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 110 111. Topology Design - References Directory glued together using knowledge references Immediate superior knowledge references Points up the tree Hooks back up to ancestor Subordinate knowledge references Points down the tree to other partitions Hook to hang other partitions off SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 111 112. Topology Design - Why Partition Too many entries for a single server Increase performance and scalability Applications mostly read and modify entries in local section of tree Replication trafc to a single partition is too large If partitioning allows trafc to remain local, wont have to cross slow WAN links If directory use will rapidly expand SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 112 113. Topology Design - Why Not Partition All entries can t on a single server Applications modify entries across whole tree Not much replication trafc Organisation is centrally located, no slow WAN links Directory use is static and wont exceed capabilities of single server SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 113 114. Topology Design - Considerations Consider directory enabled applications and performance requirements Understand server software limitations and capabilities Consider physical layout of network and location of applications Ensure namespace design ts within constraints - ie, at namespace isnt good for partitioning SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 114 115. Replication Design Increases reliability and performance Allows locating data close to users and applications that need them Can manage data where it is being used Gives redundancy - applications can fail over to replicas Can distribute load across multiple servers, increasing performance Closely related to topology design SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 115 116. Replication Design Strategy High availability Multiple directories at one site Use multi-master to ensure write-failover Local availability Replicas at local ofces Useful if network links are unreliable or intermittant Helps reduce load on master server Masters can be at: Central ofce Local server is master for local part of directory tree SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 116 117. Replication Design Strategy cont Disaster recovery Two masters at geograhically disperse locations Provides failover and data protection Load balancing Spread user connections over servers Dedicate servers to read-only activities Dedicate servers to particular activities - ie, server for mail SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 117 118. Replication Issues to Consider Quality of links between remote sites Amount of bandwidth between sites Is replication trafc too much for link Physical location of users How many users What type of work they do Number of applications Type and proportion of operations done Size of directory SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 118 119. Management Models 3 main management models Centralized administration Distributed administration User self-administration SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 119 120. Centralized Administration Good for smaller organisations All changes are made in the one location or group of people Minimal admin infrastruture Low potential for duplication of data Can cause bottlenecks in changes being made - long delays Often seen as most secure - not always the case Possibly too much trust in central group Within sub-departments, possibility that changes may not happen quickly enough - eg, employee is red and notication takes time to make it to central accounts department SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 120 121. Distributed Administration Centralised department co-ordinates sub-groups, who do actual admin work Reduces admin bottlenecks Very scalable Similar to how DNS admin is done - root nameservers handle top level, then delegated out Namespace design is important - hard to distribute across at namespace SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 121 122. User Self-Administrated User creates and manages own account - eg Internet shopping Web forms often used to let end users admin own accounts Common to seperate end user admined accounts from other part of directory Lower level of trust of data done this way Usually use other form of data / contact - eg frequent yers database, using email address SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 122 123. Data Maintenance Maintenance is most important part Usually involved with maintance the longest, often least though about aspect Conguration is comparitively simple, managing contents is hard The best designed directory is useless with out of date or incomplete data SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 123 124. Managing Directory Contents People can have multiple accounts, or a single account (or group) can have multiple people associated Need to manage association between accounts and people, as well as managing the people This is essential to be able to terminate all accounts associated with a terminated employee Important as ldap doesnt ensure referential integrity - can be left with dangling references SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 124 125. Managing Data Flow Managing data integration between directories has a number of approaches: Replication Data export/import Scripting Metadirectories Virtual Directories SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 125 126. Replication Exactly duplicating data between directories This creates a copy of data for distribution, performance, scalability and redundancy No LDAP standard for replication, so hard to replicate between different vendors IETF is developing LDUP, an independant replication protocol SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 126 127. Data export/import Export data out from one directory, then import into next Can manipulate data after exporting Servers must support either of 2 main standards LDIF DSML Updates only happen periodically, data is out of sync between these times SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 127 128. Scripting Writing scripts to manipulate data between servers Allows choosing subset of data to transfer Easy to change / manipulate data Common languages are Perl, Java and C SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 128 129. Metadirectories Consolidates subsets of data from various locations Presents it as LDAP, XML, HTTP etc Consolidates and aggregates details about objects Can provide multiple views of data Helps manage relationships between directories Manages data ow between directories Can reect information back to original or new data sources Not just a consolidated directory of all information SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 129 130. Metadirectories cont Consists of: Metadirectory namespace Join engine Connectors Comes in two different forms Add on to existing directory Stand alone directory SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 130 131. Metadirectories Namespace Also called meta view Unied view of underlying directories / data sources Usually stored in a LDAP directory Uses join engine to synchronize underlying sources SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 131 132. Metadirectories Join Engine Managed data ow between external sources and metadirectory views Denes authoritive source for each bit of data Controls which data sources can be changed via meta directory Manipulates and unies connector views to provide meta view Links items in connector views with items in meta view Can construct attributes from other values SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 132 133. Metadirectories Connectors Provides data from external sources to join engine Connects between directory and data sources Can provide name mapping to translate from original data source to LDAP Denes which attributes to use or discard Provides a connector view Two types: Direct connector: talks directly to source, usually either LDAP or SQL Indirect connector: converts from source data into LDAP SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 133 134. Virtual Directories LDAP frontend to databases / directories Provides schema adaptors Failover and load balancing Namespace conversions Value manipulations Add/modify/delete attributes Remove or construct attributes based on criteria SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 134 135. Data Flow Analysis Schema mapping Mapping schemas between directories Determining authoritative source Find which directory has most up to date for each part of data Data tranformation Not all systems store data in the same format, eg may use extra lookup tables Change data representation to be the same format in each directory Namespace translation Sometimes cant translate directly - can get conicts Sometimes can just change root naming context SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 135 136. Data Sources Existing directory services Operating systems Existing databases Flat les or spreadsheets Applications Sysadmins End users SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 136 137. Common Data Problems Things to be careful of: Too much information - cant nd what is needed Not enough information Poor quality information Out of date information SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 137 138. Tips for Success Carefully pick and stick to scope of project Start small, show incremental successes Pick low hanging fruit, and stay visible Deploy in parallel with existing systems Design for end result - doesnt have to get there straight away Identify whos responsible early Use info with greatest value rst Allow time for political and process issues Be careful what you promise and manage expectations SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 138 139. Important RFCs RFC Title RFC2247 Using Domains in LDAP DNs RFC2251 LDAPv3 Protocol RFC2252 LDAPv3 Attribute Types RFC2253 LDAPv3 Disinguished Name RFC2254 LDAPv3 Search Filters RFC2255 LDAPv3 URL Format RFC2256 A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema RFC2307 LDAP Network Information Services Schema RFC2377 LDAP Naming Plan SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 139 140. Important RFCs cont RFC Title RFC2798 LDAP inetOrgPerson schema RFC2829 LDAPv3: Authentication Methods RFC2830 LDAPv3: Start TLS RFC2849 LDIFv1 RFC2891 LDAPv3: Server Side Sorting of Search Results RFC3112 LDAP Authentication Password Schema RFC3377 LDAP(v3): Technical Specication SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 140 141. References Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services Timothy A. Howes, Mark C. Smith and Gordon S. Good Macmillan Network Architecture and Development Series Implementing LDAP Mark Wilcox Wrox Press Ltd LDAP Programming, Management and Integration Clayton Donley Manning Publications SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 141 142. References cont Summary Report from Catalyst 99 Directory Namespace and Best Practices Workshop, The Burton Group and The Network Applications Consortium OpenLDAP 2.1 Administrators Guide, http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin21/ LDAP Linux HOWTO, Luiz Ernesto Pinheiro Malere, Linux Documentation Project LDAP Implementation HOWTO, Roel van Meer, Linux Documentation Project SunONE Directory Server 5.2 Deployment Guide SunONE Meta Directory Server 5.1 Deployment Guide The Slapd and Slurpd Administrators Guide, University of Michigan, Release 3.3 SAGE-AU Conf 2003 p. 142