ldap - lightweight directory access protocol


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Page 1: LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol


Page 2: LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Agenda• Background• Introduction to LDAP• Directory Structure• Distinguish Name• Sample DIT• Sample User Object• Attribute and ObjectClass• Object Type examples• Basic Operations of LDAP• LDAP application• Microsoft Active Directory• MS Active Directory and LDAP• MS Outlook and LDAP

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Background• Applications might interact with computers on the same local

area network, within a corporate intranet, within extranets linking up partners and suppliers, or anywhere on the worldwide Internet.

• To improve functionality and ease-of-use, and to enable cost-effective administration of distributed applications:• information about the services, resources, users, and other objects accessible

from the applications needs to be organized in a clear and consistent manner. • Much of this information can be shared among many applications.• But it must also be protected

• Such information is often collected into a special database that is sometimes called a directory.

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Background (cont.)What is directory?• A directory is a specialized list that lets you quickly look up

information about the things the directory references At its most basic definition, a directory is any database

specialized more for reading than for writing. Directory server is used to maintain information about some

set of entities (entities like people or organizations), and it provides for accessing that information

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Background (cont.)What is Protocol?• It is a set of rules that govern the communication between

the devices. Both sender and receiver follow same protocols to communicate with each other, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is most widely use protocol.


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Introduction to LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, LDAP is an Internet protocol that

email and other programs use to look up information from a server LDAP is a protocol for accessing specialized databases called directories. LDAP is designed to be a standard way of providing access to directory

services. In computer networking, LDAP is a protocol for querying and modifying

directory services running over network. Fundamentally it is a Network Protocol.

LDAP, provides a standard language that directory client applications and directory servers use to communicate with one another about data in directories.

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Introduction to LDAP (cont.)• A message protocol used by directory clients and servers.• There is LDAP API to be used by C and Java programs• With Microsoft it can by accessed via ADSI• All modern LDAP servers are based on LDAP version 3.• Clients and servers may or may not be on the same machine

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Directory Structure

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Directory Structure (cont.) LDAP architecture overview

• dn: cn=John Doe,dc=example,dc=com • cn: John Doe• givenName: John • sn: Doe • telephoneNumber: +1 555 6789• telephoneNumber: +1 555 1234 • mail: [email protected] • manager: cn=Barbara Doe,dc=example,dc=com• objectClass: inetOrgPerson • objectClass: organizationalPerson • objectClass: person • objectClass: top

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Directory Structure (cont.)PIMSATABC Bldg, Near regent plaza, Karachi74000(+92) 21-2371234

Organization Name: PIMSATStreet Adress: ABC Bldg, Near regent plazaCity: KarachiProvince: SindPostal Code: 74000Country: PakistanPhone Number: (+92) 21-2371234Organization Name: PIMSATStreet Adress: XYZ Bldg, Thandi Sarak,City: HyderabadProvince: SindPostal Code: 85123Country: PakistanPhone Number: (+92) xxx-xxxxxxx

Our Institute is located in Karachi, and another branch/campus of the institute located in another place Hyderabad.

How can we distinguish between these records?

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Distinguish Name• One way of distinguishing between two very similar records

is to create a unique name for each record in the directory• Strategy adopted by LDAP ; each record in the directory has

a distinguished name (DN).• The DN is always indexed and will always be returned in any

search.• A DN is composed of a combination of directory information,

and looks something like this :• dn: o=PIMSAT, l=Karachi, st=Sindh, c=PAKISTAN• dn: o=PIMSAT, l=Hyderabad, st=Sindh, c=PAKISTAN

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Distinguish Name (cont.)• Another format of writing DN

• uid=jheiss,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com• cn=users,ou=group,dc=example,dc=com

• Notice that the DNS name is example.com (specified by DC=Domain Component entries) for the domain

• OU is organizational unit• Each domain subdomain could create a tree structure in

LDAP (engr.example.com, sales.example.com, pre.engr.example.com, support.engr.example.com, etc)

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Sample DIT (Directory Information Tree)

Branched by agency Agencies in this example have branches containing:

Groups which contain people People in the organization Resources such as printers and conference rooms Applications (where application specific info. could be maintained)

Sa m p le New Yo rk Directo ry In fo rm a tio n Tree

o u =DOH

cn =OFT Adm in istra to rs

cn =Eth ics A p p Use rs

cn =Ethics A p p A d m inistra to rs

o u=Gro ups

u id =b dig m an

u id = jn o rtrup

u id =dstra zze ri

o u =P e o p le

cn =1 B Floo r Po stscrip t P rin ter

cn =Con fe re n ce Ro om 1 B -A

o u =Re sou rces

cn =OFT Po rtal

cn =Eth ics A p p lica tion

o u=A p plica tio ns

o u=OFT o u =TA X

o =NY,c=US

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Sample User Object

• Objects contain attributes, e.g.,• uid (user ID)• cn (common name)• sn (surname)• mail (e-mail address)

• Attributes can be multi-valued, e.g., givenname of both James and Jim

• This object contains• white-pages information• X.509 certificate for PKI

Sam ple U ser Obje ct

u id=jno r trup

cn : Jim N or trupcn: Jam es N or trup

g ivennam e: Jimgivennam e: Ja m es

sn: N ortrup

m a il: j no rt@ oft.sta te .ny.us


teleph onenum b er: 518 -402-2 018

facsim i lete le phonenum ber : 518-45 7-2019

streetaddress:N YSOFT $Execu ti ve Cham ber , State C ap i to l

use rcerti ficate : X.509 Cert if ica te

dn: u id=jno r trup ,ou=People,ou=NYSOFT ,o =NY,c=US

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Attributes and ObjectClass• Attributes hold the data for an entry.• A commonly used attribute is "objectClass".• Each record represents an object, and the attributes

associated with that object are defined according to it's objectClass• The value of the objectClass attribute.

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Object Type examples• Examples of objectClass:

• organization (needs a name and address)• person (needs name, email, phone & address)• course (needs a CRN, instructor, mascot)• cookie (needs name, cost & taste index)

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Basic Operations of LDAP Bind - authenticate, and specify LDAP protocol version, Start TLS - protect the connection with Transport Layer Security (TLS), to

have a more secure connection, Search - search for and/or retrieve directory entries, Compare - test if a named entry contains a given attribute value, Add a new entry, Delete/ Modify an entry, Modify DN - move or rename an entry, Abandon - abort a previous request, Extended Operation - generic operation used to define other operations,

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Enough LDAP!!!!!!OK Fine We understood LDAP and the LDAP server (directory) but where do we use it????

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LDAP Application• Microsoft Active Directory• Oracle Internet Directory• Oracle Unified Directory• Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition• Apache Directory Server• IBM Tivoli Directory Server• Red Hat Directory Server

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Microsoft Active Directory• Active Directory is Microsoft's trademarked directory

service, an integral part of the Windows 2000 architecture. Like other directory services, such as Novell Directory Services (NDS), Active Directory is a centralized and standardized system that automates network management of user data, security, and distributed resources, and enables interoperation with other directories. Active Directory is designed especially for distributed networking environments.

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Microsoft Active Directory (cont.)

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MS Active Directory and LDAP

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MS Active Directory and LDAP (config)

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MS Outlook and LDAP (Bonus Example)

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