laying down the law


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Laying down the law. Quiz 5. You be the judge…. Word Tower: JUD. Root: JUD-. Means “judge” Words that contain ‘ jud -’: j udicious injudicious p rejudice adjudicate. j udicious. Example: Not plagiarizing that assignment was a judicious decision. Definition: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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You be the judge…

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Word Tower: JUD

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Root: JUD-Means “judge”

Words that contain ‘jud-’: judicious injudicious prejudice adjudicate

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judicious Example:

Not plagiarizing that assignment was a judicious decision.


List people you consider to be judicious:

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In-: Injudicious:

What actions would you consider injudicious?

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prejudice A bias or discrimination

(Judgment BEFORE knowledge or pre-judgment)

What types of things can people have a prejudice about?

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adjudicate Prefix ad- means “to” Adjudicate means:

Where are adjudicators necessary?

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JUR LAW or SWEAR (as in an oath) We’ll cover:

perjury jurisdiction Abjure

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Per- means “away” It is a nounIf you lie on a witness stand, you commit perjury. Perjury means:

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jurisdiction Dict- means: ___________ *hint: diction,

dictionary Jurisdiction: The authority to administer

the law. Example: The matter falls outside the jurisdiction of this court.

Explain why this makes sense.

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abjure Ab- means “off”

Example: The martyr chose to die rather than abjure his religious beliefs.

So, abjure means:

More examples: The young actress knew she would have to abjure privacy

in order to gain fame. In taking the oath of citizenship, immigrants abjure

allegiance to their former countries.

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Arch- (2 specific meanings) Meaning 1: Meaning 2:

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Arch- Meaning 1: Most important/to rule

Examples: Archenemy Archbishop Anarchy Matriarchy Patriarchy Architect

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Arch- Meaning 2: Ancient

Examples: Archeology Archives Archaic

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Dem- Democracy---government of/by the

people CRAT=government (often in form “cracy”)

ex: aristocracy

Demographic: a single vital or social statistic of a human population, as the number of births or deaths. Example: Miley Cyrus' marketing demographic is preteen and teenage girls.

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Dem-Diseases:Epidemic: “epi”=AMONG “dem”=PEOPLE

Disease affecting or tending to affect a large number of individuals within a community or region at the same time.

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Dem-Pandemic: “pan”=ALL “dem”=PEOPLE

Disease occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population.

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Lie vs. Lay What’s the difference?

video explanation

In your words: Use LIE if: Use LAY if:

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The Rule: The principal parts (most-common verb forms) of

lie are: lie (present,) lay (past) and lain (past participle—started

in past and continues now). Today I will lie down on the couch. Yesterday I lay down on the couch. I have lain on this couch for three hours.

 The principal parts of lay are: lay (present), laid (past) and laid (past participle).

I will lay my keys on the table. Yesterday I laid my keys on the table. He had laid his keys on the table every day for the past year.

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Practice: I am dizzy and need to _______ down. He was going to ________ down right on

the kitten, but we stopped him. Do you ______ your clothes out before

you go to sleep at night? The dog was to _______ down for a nap.