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Law FirmsWho’s Who

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Smith & Williamson’s annualsurvey of the Irish commerciallaw sector provides an insightfuloverview of the current issues

occupying managers in the top firms.The latest survey finds that revenue andprofits increased for the majority of firmsthrough 2018. However, growth rates areslowing, margins are under pressure andthere is an increasingly competitivemarket for talent.

Paul Wyse, managing partner atSmith & Williamson, notes that payincreases of more than 5% wereexperienced by most Top 20 firms andby four in ten generally. “Challenges andissues for the legal sector include theincreasing footprint of UK andinternational firms, Brexit, cybersecurityand disruptive technologies,” says Wyse.

The view from Smith & Williamson isthat smaller firms are under-investing in

technology, opening up a gap with theirlarger peers and making them lesscompetitive. “Regional firms are finallyseeing benefits of the rising economictide but trail Dublin firms in ITinvestment, pay and scale,” says Wyse.“This leaves certain sector players poorlyprepared for the challenges of the nextdecade. The outlook for the sector as awhole is anticipated growth, but somefirms may find they are not able toparticipate or capitalise as expected.”

The Smith & Williamson findings areechoed in the Law Society’s annual countof the number of solicitors in Irelandwith Practising Certificates at the end of2018. The Law Society’s tally of 10,970solicitors represented a 4.8% increaseyear-on-year, larger than the 3.5% in PCnumbers in 2017.

According to Law Society directorgeneral Ken Murphy, the Top 20 firms

grew solicitor headcount by 5% last year.Murphy commented recently in the LawSociety Gazette that growth in the largestfirms in recent years has beencharacterised by stability. “The majorityof firms find themselves, relative to otherfirms, in or about the same position asthey were last year,” says Murphy. “Thebragging rights of being the ‘largest firm’have been passing back and forthbetween Arthur Cox and A&LGoodbody.”

Not far behind in the size ranking isMatheson, while the largest increase inPC growth numbers in 2018 was atMcCann FitzGerald, with an increase of31 practitioners. In percentage growthterms, the largest increase was at MasonHayes & Curran, who added 26solicitors. The Top 10 firms now all havea three figure solicitor count, afterRonan Daly Jermyn ended 2018 with a



While overall growth is good, commercial law firms in Ireland are tussling with a range ofchallenges, from talent competition to Brexit, writes Gerry Byrne

Growing Pains

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solicitor total of 101.Notwithstanding the generally

favourable backdrop for the sector, lawfirms are experiencing pressure onmargins. Salary inflation is the mainfactor, but so too are increasing costsassociated with IT investment andcybersecurity. “Salary levels are a majordriver of the compression of margins,”says Maples managing partner NicholasButcher. “Property is also expensive,while there is a lot of emphasis on ITdevelopment and the use of technologyto create efficiencies.”

At Walkers Ireland, Garry Fergusonpredicts that salary increases could wellbe affecting profitability in a year or two.Bryan Bourke in William Fry concurs.

“A law firm’s biggest cost is its employeesand there is no doubt that in a busymarket like this there is hugecompetition for people,” he says. “Salaryinflation is significant, and that’s a bigcost issue that cannot just be passedstraight on to the client.”

John White in Beauchamps points toseveral factors for margin pressure. “A lot of offices probably have had recentrent reviews so property is moreexpensive. Many firms have alsoinvested in IT but I would say the mainfactor is that salary costs are increasing.”

ByrneWallace’s Feargal Brennanexpects that rising costs will resultin upward pressure on fees. “The

market is very busy and there is a lot ofwork around. However, firms haven'tincreased their market rate for sometime, so I think you will see a bit of thatgoing on.” At Arthur Cox, BrianO’Gorman wonders if profits will reducethis year because of a general softness inthe sector. “It is too early to say,” headds.

Smith & Williamson’s research found

that cashflow is an issue that law firmsignore at their peril. Many assignmentsare lengthy and they can lock up aconsiderable amount of the debtors’ledger before payment.

“It’s all very well to do the work andhave great clients but that's a completewaste if you can't collect cash,” saysRichard Martin at Ronan Daly Jermyn.A few years ago the firm hired a chieffinancial officer from the agribusinesssector. “He couldn’t care less if we’reselling law or widgets. As a result, wehave enormously improved our financialdiscipline.”

John White in Beauchamps maintainsthat law firms are now giving morepriority to converting debtors into cashquicker than they would have done inthe past. Mark Walsh at Eugene F.Collins notes that most clients arereasonably flexible in terms of paying asthey go. “We wouldn’t take on a lot ofwork where we would only be paid atthe end,” says Walsh. “We encourage allour fee earners to make sure they billregularly.”

continued on page 48

Brexit engagement with clients hasbeen prioritised by law firms overthe past year. Pictured at aMatheson briefing are managingpartner Michael Jackson (left),consultant Lucinda Creighton andeconomist Dan O'Brien

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Young lawyers are now in demandmore than any previous time thatArthur Cox’s Brian O’Gorman can

recall. “They are also more expensive tohire,” he adds. Richard Martin in RonanDaly Jermyn agrees that recruitment ofquality commercial lawyers ischallenging. “In the big five there is analmost insatiable demand,” he explains.“Having our head office in Cork is anadvantage. We get Cork lawyers inDublin or London who want to comehome,” he says.

As new hire salaries continue to soar,most firms have developed schemes toretain staff. So-called ‘agile working’often includes ‘dress-down’ initiatives,where people dress casually in the office.“Projecting the right culture so thatpeople will actually want to work withyou is important,” says Feargal Brennanat Byrne Wallace. Pinsent Masons’ GayleBowen believes her firm is the only lawfirm in Ireland operating on a fully agilebasis. “I work from home on Friday. Weare fully set up to enable that with ourstaff. You have to be able to offer thatsort of flexibility now.”

The swing towards agile working issometimes explained by the suppositionthat millennials won’t tolerate workingtoo many late nights. John White inBeauchamps doesn't agree. “We havesome people who like the fact that weoffer flexible working in terms of remoteaccess,” he says. “On the other hand,many of the younger people who mightbroadly be described as millennials putin the hours and take responsibility thesame way as people did 15 or 20 yearsago.”

Michael Jackson in Matheson saysthat varying where you work can lead tobetter productivity. “When I wastravelling around foreign offices I oftenfound I could get more done becausethere are fewer interruptions. Ourpeople travel for business and the realityis they are already working a lot fromoutside the office.”

At Maples, Nicholas Butcher pointsout that it is not sufficient to offer a goodsalary. “People, especially the youngergeneration, are also looking for a morebalanced approach to their workingexperience.” For Philip Lee, recruitment

has been a positive experience to date.“We are not a mammoth firm but we areextremely fast-growing, so candidatessee potential for their careers. We alsoprioritise a good working environment.The idea is that you wake up on aMonday morning and say, ‘It would be agreat idea to go into work because there’ssuch a nice bunch there and they are sogood’. Ensuring that happens is the mostimportant job I have.”

Like many of its peers, William Frysources most of its intake from its in-house training programme. This isaugmented by a summer internship,where potential recruits spend a monthwith the firm while still in college. “It’s abigger investment but we get a muchbetter sense of them and they get a muchbetter sense of us,” says Bryan Bourke.

Julian Yarr at A&L Goodbodybelieves that lifelong training andprofessional development is of centralimportance in retaining talent. Thefirm’s graduate training programme isnow augmented by further training viathe ALG School of Business and Law it

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Arthur Cox is pleased to announce two senior appointments to strengthen and expand its Aviation Group. The Arthur Cox aviation team will now be co-chaired by Rob Murphy and existing chair Caroline Devlin. Laura Cunningham also joins the team as a partner.

L-R: Laura Cunningham, Caroline Devlin, Brian O’Gorman (Managing Partner) and Rob Murphy.


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sponsors at UCD. According to Yarr: “Once you’re with

us we will provide you with the sort ofskills that will make you the lawyer ofthe future. That is a very compellingcommitment that we make and it iscertainly backed up by the response wesee in terms of graduates wanting to join us.”

Retaining female solicitors isparticularly challenging, according toRichard Martin in Ronan Daly Jermyn.“We are employing more women thanmen at trainee and solicitor level but asyou go up the pyramid there are fewerwomen. I don’t think that's because of aglass ceiling. It is simply that thedemands of being a salaried or an equitypartner are such that mothers are sayingthat it’s too much. We have to find waysof increasing the level of flexibility forwomen in particular.”

Participation by female lawyers atpartnership level has been explored bysolicitor Suzanne Carthy. In researchpublished in the Law Society Gazette in2018, Carthy reported that one-third ofpartners in the six largest law firms arewomen, almost twice the proportionpertaining in England. However, Carthyalso noted that only one in four femalelawyers achieve partnership level, whiletheir male colleagues have a one in twochance of making it to the top table.

According to Carthy: “Moreover, sincedata collected does not distinguishbetween salaried and equity partners, itis likely that the percentage of female

equity partners with executive anddecision-making power is even smaller.In interviews, female solicitors describedelaying pregnancy, limiting theirmaternity leave, and concealing theirpregnancies for as long as possible toavoid being disadvantaged in promotionand pay decisions.”

Carthy suggests that a radical shake-up is essential to advance genderequity. “The profession must

recognise that a new model of evaluatingcontribution is needed to enable the nextgeneration of partners to reconcile theobligations of life outside work with ademanding and fulfilling professionalcareer.”

In Carthy’s study, women solicitorsworking in-house for corporates or forthe state bodies reported a much morepositive experience of flexible workingand career planning. More than two-thirds of solicitors in the state sector andin-house positions are female, andaround one-fifth of Irish solicitors arenow employed in-house as opposed to inpractice. In fact, with 108 solicitors onthe payroll, if AIB were a law firm itwould rank among the Top 10. Otherlarge non-practice lawyer employers arethe Central Bank with 94 solicitors, andBank of Ireland with 58.

Besides having to cope with the in-house competition for talent, the bigcommercial firms also face the pull fromnew arrivals in the market. Maples,Walkers and DAC Beachcroft have been

joined more recently by Pinsent Masonsand Clark Hill.

Ronan Daly Jermyn has entertained anumber of approaches over recent yearsfrom both UK and domestic firmsinterested in growth. All have beenrespectfully declined. “I wouldn't do itjust for the sake of expansion,” saysRichard Martin. “But if there was a firmthat had different but complementaryproduct lines to ours, then you'd befoolish not to consider it.”

At Maples, Nicholas Butcher says hedoesn’t hear much discussion aboutmergers between firms in Dublin. “Butthere is scope for merger activitybetween firms north and south of theborder to give them a foothold in eachother's jurisdiction,” he says.

Julian Yarr at A&L Goodbody says hisfirm is occasionally approached bysmaller and medium-sized firms. “Theyare perhaps recognising our benchstrength and the internationalconnections that we have,” Yarr suggests.“We are very much committed toremaining an independent law firm, and to investing in the market here tokeep us that way.”

At Arthur Cox, Brian O’Gorman sayshis firm is not interested in subsumingsmaller players either. “If Irelandbecomes more internationalised overtime, our strategy will still be to remainone of the small number of leadingdomestic independent firms,” he says,

In Eugene F. Collins, Mark Walsh says



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Lawyers lined up to promote the annual Calcutta Run fundraiser (l-r) Dermot Furey, Nicholas Butcher, David Phelan,Julian Yarr, Brian O’Gorman, Alan Murphy, Garry Ferguson, Stephen Fitzsimons, Declan Black, and Derek Hegarty

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that there are people “kickingthe tyres” to test the supportfor M&A, adding that hisfirm is currently notinterested. “We would lookmore to smaller practicesthat may be interested injoining if they had somethingthat we thought they couldadd to us. We are very aliveto our own culture,” saysWalsh

Beauchamps made asignificant acquisition in2012 when it took overLandwells, the Irish office ofa law chain established byPwC. “It ticked a number ofstrategic boxes for us interms of skills, long-standingcontacts with PwCexperience in internationalreorganisations, andconnections with the PwCnetwork across Europe,” JohnWhite recalls. “At themoment, I’m agnostic on thewhole topic of M&A.”

Philip Lee, by contrast, ispaying a bit more attentionto any overtures he receives.“We are always looking outfor a firm with the rightculture and the right skillsmix,” he says. “We would onlylisten to an overture from aglobal firm that would addvalue to our brand. We thinkour brand is stronger inIreland than most big lawfirms unless they are trulyglobal law firms.”

The absence of modernownership structures such aslimited liability partnerships(LLPs) is often regarded as asignificant obstacle tomerger/takeover activityamong Irish law firms. Asthings stands, Irish law firmsmust abide by rules requiringpartnerships to involveunlimited legal liability forthe partners.

ByrneWallace’s FeargalBrennan maintains thatintroducing LLPs, aspromised by government,wouldn’t generate muchmerger activity. “Lawpartnerships all have their

own culture and it’s veryindividualised,” saysBrennan. “To my mind, thisis the factor that would makeconsolidation in the marketmost difficult. Marryingdifferent business culturestogether is a difficult thing todo and in the end it mightnot work.”

Gayle Bowen in PinsentMasons disagrees. Whileemphasising that mergergrowth is not on her firm’sagenda, Bowen’s view is thatthe Irish market is ripe formergers. “We don’t have theright structures like LLPs. Ithink that’s the main issueand I think you would see alot more activity if they wereavailable,” she says.

For Mark Walsh in EugeneF. Collins, LLPs can’t comefast enough. “I would like tosee the legislation brought inquickly so that we can do it. Ithink it’s a very good idea. Infact, it’s a no-brainer.”Equally enthusiastic aboutLLPs is Philip Lee. “I thinkevery law firm would jump atthe chance. I cannot see anydownside. Why would youexpose yourself to unlimitedliability?”

The scale of technologyinvestment required byBig Law is one of the

reasons why mid-marketfirms may be mulling theirmerger options in the future.Large law firms are fastbecoming among the mostdigitised professions on theplanet, such is the volume ofdata that flows throughthem. However, investing inexpensive IT systems soaksup capital.

At Arthur Cox, BrianO’Gorman explains that thecore tech team is about 30people. “When we get bigprojects we often upscale it to80 or 90 people. Artificialintelligence has reallyrevolutionised large data-intensive projects. Regulatory

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Pictured L-R: (back) Vahan Tchrakian, Tax; Yvonne McWeeney, Finance and Capital Markets; Mairéad Ní Ghabháin, Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution; Michael Jackson, Managing Partner; Richard Kelly, Finance and Capital Markets; Gráinne Callanan, Corporate; Kieran Trant, Corporate; and Niamh Maher, Commercial Real Estate.

Pictured L-R: (front) Brian Doohan, Tax; Geraldine Carr, Employment; and Padraic Roche, Corporate.

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investigations, litigation, discovery andportfolio sales are the main areas whereour legal tech teams have been mostactive to date.”

ByrneWallace is also investingsignificantly in technology. “Clientsexpect it and it’s market-led,” saysFeargal Brennan. “It covers service levelrequirements and improves efficiency.But it’s also required to deal with thingsthat are of elevated importance to usnow, including regulatory issues such asprevention of money-laundering.”

A&L Goodbody’s Julian Yarr believesthat technology and people’sunderstanding of where they need todeploy it has changed in recent years.“We have increased strategic headcountand created new roles such as a head ofclient technology, client tech lawyers,data analysts, project managers andsolutions systems people,” says Yarr.“Some AI products that we looked atthree or four years ago are now muchmore capable of being used on anenterprise basis. I think we will see thattrend continuing.”

Mark Walsh in Eugene F. Collins seestechnology employed a lot in disputeresolution and discovery. “You needtechnology because of the huge volumesof data. But even with all this artificialintelligence, you’re still going to needmore lawyers to interpret it.”

At Matheson, Michael Jacksonwonders if AI is really as transformativeas it is often made out to be. “I’ve readsome amazing claims about sometechnologies, but when you trial themthey are not quite as advanced as youbelieved them to be. We are now using

AI for tasks that we wouldn’t have beenusing it for four or five years ago. Butequally, there is no substitute forexperienced lawyers controlling theprocess and defining the scope of whatthe machines are doing.”

Philip Lee also needs convincing thatAI and other technological solutions arealways the answer. “We are constantlyupgrading our IT systems and it is asignificant cost to the firm. People talk oflaw firms being replaced by artificialintelligence, but a killer IT solution hasnot arrived on my desk yet.”

Looming large over the legal sector isBrexit. At Eugene F. Collins, MarkWalsh says the final quarter of 2018

was very busy, with a lot of peoplefinalising transactions and trying toensure deals were completed in advanceof any Brexit uncertainty. “There wascertainly an element of a slow-down inJanuary/February 2019,” Walsh adds.“However, in recent weeks we have seena growth in activity, which would seemto indicate that business confidence isreturning and that people are starting toget on with transactions.

This optimism is shared at OBH,where Orlaith O’Brien says domesticclient activity has been holding up andthat Brexit has had a very positiveimpact on the firm’s property team. Theview from Damien Tansey Solicitors inSligo is that the commercial ecosystemhere has proven solid to date. “Brexitnegativity has not really taken hold andour clients remain bullish, as do theirlenders,” says Damien Tansey.

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Survey continued on page 56



Practice Solicitors

Arthur Cox 294

A&L Goodbody 292

Matheson 285

McCann FitzGerald 278

Mason Hayes & Curran 227

William Fry 2 1 1

ByrneWallace 136

Maples Group 1 1 3

Eversheds Sutherland 104

Ronan Daly Jermyn 101

Beauchamps 85

Dillon Eustace 83

Eugene F. Collins 6 1

LK Shields 6 1

Hayes Solicitors 55

Walkers Ireland 53

Philip Lee 49

McDowell Purcell 48

DAC Beachcroft 43


Whitney Moore 35

Practising solicitor numbers as of 31

December 2018. Source: Law Society

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The view from BrianO’Neill in Gore & Grimes isthat due to Brexit uncertaintytransactions have sloweddown. “We believe that theremay be a build-up oftransactions, which shouldinevitably flow – assumingthat the Brexit uncertaintycan be resolved,” says O’Neill.

At Hayes Solicitors, DavidPhelan describes domesticclient activity as remarkablyresilient. At Lavelle, MichaelLavelle says his firm isreceiving more instructionsfrom firms and companieslooking at Ireland as a base todo business. “Foreigncompanies are taking up officespace and planning to useDublin as a base to avoid theuncertainty of Brexit,” saysLavelle. “The negative side isthe difficulty completingtransactions between Irelandand the UK, and in particularbetween Irish companies andUK companies.”

At Dillon Eustace, MarkThorne’s view is that theimpact of a delayed Brexit ismore about the ongoinguncertainty as this impactsinvestment decisions, whichwill ultimately affect growthin the short to medium term.“We have seen the UK, Irishand EU regulators take abroadly pragmatic approachto ensure stability until thereis better clarity on theultimate outcome,” he adds.

Nicholas Butcher of Maplessays it is impossible to knowwhat wider transactionalwork, which would otherwisehave come to Ireland, hasbeen put on hold as a result ofBrexit uncertainty. Butcheradds that clients physicallylocating to Ireland results inthe need for not onlyregulatory advice but alsoproperty, employment andsimilar legal services. “Givenhow interconnected the Irishand UK’s economies are, it islikely to be a while yet beforethe new normal emerges andsettles.”

In Arthur Cox, BrianO’Gorman also sees theimpact of the uncertaintyswirling around Brexit. “Dealsaren’t being closed at themoment, and I think that’slargely driven by all theuncertainty of Brexit, plusother factors. If we get a bit ofclarity around Brexit it couldbe extraordinarily busy andwe will suddenly see all thosedeals that are currently onhold come to life,” he says. “It’s very hard to predict at the moment.”

Law firm Philip Lee says ithas experienced somedelays with decisions

from clients. On the flip side,the firm’s immigration grouphas had a significant increasein requests for advice. “We aregoing to gain as a result ofBrexit,” says managing partnerPhilip Lee. Brexit will beabsolutely nothing but goodnews for Ireland.”

Mark Homan at BHSMconcurs. “What is mostimportant is that there isclarity and leadership in termsof how the process will unfold.Ultimately, and in the longrun, we see Brexit as anopportunity for the Irisheconomy,” says Homan.

Richard Martin at RonanDaly Jermyn points out thatfor some multinationals,Brexit is just a nuisance. “Atthe other end, you have thebeef industry where it isabsolutely life or death,” headds. “We are stillsubstantially up at the end ofQ1, but not to the same extentas last year. People are stallingto see what’s going to happen.”

At McCann FitzGerald,Barry Devereux maintainsthat a Brexit delay, while farbetter than a no-deal scenario,won’t remove the ambiguityaround the outcome of Brexitwith all the consequences thisentails. “The only consistentelement throughout the Brexitnegotiations has been

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uncertainty, which has led to reluctancefrom some clients to engage on largestrategic matters,” Devereux adds. JohnHogan in Leman notes M&A activity isespecially challenged when confidence isoff. “That said, there is also the potentialfor foreign direct investment in Irelandfollowing Brexit, which presentsopportunities,” Hogan adds.

Alan Murphy in EvershedsSutherland expects domestic businessconfidence to rebound “as soon as theBrexit fog clears”. John White inBeauchamps also expects a bounce forIreland, and Dublin in particular, ifthere is a hard Brexit. “It will be atemporary bounce in terms ofinvestment here, but in the longer termit’s not going to be good,” he explains.

At financial services specialistWalkers, Garry Ferguson describes FSas the one silver lining on the Brexitcloud. “To date, therefore, Brexit haslargely had a positive impact for us,though we are alive to the potentialrisks for some of our clients. We havebeen advising banks, investmentmanagers and fintech operators aboutmigration to Ireland over the past yearand a half.”

Feargal Brennan at ByrneWallacebelieves that Ireland’s standing as adependable location for investment willbe enhanced in the coming years. “It’salso got to be a tremendous benefit onthe legal service side if Ireland cansuccessfully brand itself as a newlocation for international disputeresolution. We are working with someother firms, and some of our colleagues

in the bar, to help to brand Ireland Incas being such a centre.”

Matheson has seen significantinstructions across industrysectors from clients

implementing Brexit strategies,according to Michael Jackson. “Weanticipate this will be an area in whichwe will continue to be busy,” saysJackson. “There are swings androundabouts with Brexit, and we arecertainly seeing signs of some upsidesfor Ireland in financial services and inFDI.”

William Fry has not seen a majorslow-down caused by Brexit. “In fact,the arrival of financial services businessto our shores has seen increased levelsof activity in a number of areas for thefirm,” says Bryan Bourke. “I think some

buyers of companies are waiting to seewhat happens but I remain cautiouslypositive. As a successful entrepreneurialnation, Ireland has shown real resiliencein the past when dealing with politicaland economic uncertainties. I amoptimistic that we will do so again.”

Julian Yarr in A&L Goodbody likes tolook at the positive impact for Irelandfrom Brexit, such as the transfer offinancial services firms from London.“Despite the constant Brexit noise, clientswho only operate in the domestic marketappear to remain very focused on gettingon with running their businesses tomaximise opportunities. I think it’s fair tosay that the implications of a post BrexitEurope will be the new normal for manyyears to come,” Yarr adds.

Survey continued on page 60

Maples sponsors the Creative Space at the National Gallery. Pictured withmanaging partner Nicholas Butcher (right) is gallery director Sean Rainbird

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For lawyers without limits, contact:

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RICHARD MARTINManaging PartnerRonan Daly JermynPRIORITIES Key ongoing management issuesfor us include Brexit preparation, newtechnology adoption, cost control andprioritising investment. We have expandedour Dublin office from eight people when weopened in late 2014 to 50 people now. TheDublin office offers all of the firm’sspecialties, with key Dublin-based partnersdriving the development of the practice.Support, where necessary, is being providedin Cork or Galway.

We maintain a very strong focus onservice, with strong commercial advice andsupport to our clients. We also strengthenedour practice with several key appointmentsover the last year.

STAFFING There is unprecedentedcompetition to attract and retain qualitylawyers and professional staff. The firms thatsucceed will be those best able todifferentiate their offering and transformtheir operations to ensure they are usingpeople, processes and technology to deliverthe best client experience.

We recognise and embrace the demands

for new working lifestyles from the youngergeneration of lawyers, from flexible workingand work-life balance to employee values andwellness. Technology investmentcounterbalances increased labour cost, as itimproves efficiencies in the legal process,thereby reducing the impact of salaryinflation.

NOTABLE DEALS RDJ advised iNuaHospitality group, owner and asset manager

of seven hotelsaround Ireland, inrelation to a €40mequity fundraising,significant debtfinancing and moveto a single hotelgroup structure. Wehave been advisingiNua, and its founderand CEO NoelCreedon, since it wasestablished in 2012,so it was fantastic tosee it achieve this

significant milestone.We also advised Poppulo on its €30m

fundraising with Susquehanna Growth Equity.Notable property sector deals includedadvising O’Callaghan Properties on the €90moffice development and letting of NavigationSquare in Cork.

USP We invest in understanding ourclient’s business so we can providemeaningful insights and trusted advice thatgoes always beyond just legal advice. Weunderstand the importance of not just beinglegal partners, but of being connectors andproblem solvers. We are our client’s first portof call when they need trusted advice onissues affecting their business.



‘We understand the importance of being connectors’

For more information on our services, please get in touch on (0)1 611 0000 or email [email protected]

A modern law firmsteeped in history.










Business Of LawManaging partners in Ireland’s largest commercial law firmstell Robert O’Brien about their strategy, salary inflation, big

deals and what sets them apart

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ALAN MURPHYManaging PartnerEversheds SutherlandACTIVITY In the past year, we have had verystrong growth across multiple practiceareas. They included our corporate division,relating to data protection, cybersecurity,taxation, litigation and real estate. We seecontinued growth in these areas across theisland of Ireland this year and we are alsoanticipating very significant growth in theareas of corporate taxation and employment law.

Our challenge is to stay ahead of clientneeds at all times across all sectors, and toleverage the international expertise of ourcolleagues based in the EvershedsSutherland offices around the world tomaximum effect. Technology innovationfocused on improving our client offering anddriving administrative effectiveness iscentral to our work plan this year and weare proud to be industry leaders in this area.

STAFFING We have a strong culture ofinvesting in our people and fostering youngtalent, and this is something that we are

very proud of. While salary inflation is anissue across the sector, we are managing itprudently and it has not impacted on ourbusiness or client fees to any great extent.

NOTABLE DEAL Our real estate teamrecently acted for a joint-venture companyof Ronan Group Real Estate and ColonyCapital in their pre-let deal of its SpencerPlace office development to Salesforce, thelargest ever office letting in Ireland. Thedeal is a further example of the confidencethat US tech companies have in the Irishmarket and its workforce.

USP Increasingly, Irish-based clients aredemanding an international offering and weare uniquely positioned to deliver on that.We also anticipate that more internationalfirms will establish a position here or willexpand their existing investment in thisjurisdiction. Our mature market knowledgesets us apart in attracting this kind ofbusiness.

Through our Dublin Brexit group, we arealso offering businesses a bespoke Brexitadvisory and support service, drawing on theexpertise of our international colleagues andour multidisciplinary Belfast-based team.

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‘Irish-based clientsare demanding aninternationaloffering’

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JULIAN YARRManaging PartnerA&L GoodbodyACTIVITY A number of practice areas havegrown rapidly in the last few years wherewe have increased our bandwidth. Theyinclude regulatory, technology, financialinstitutions, white collar crime andinvestigations, aviation finance andcommercial property. We have also grownour client technology team with a newclient tech director, client tech lawyers,project managers and business analysts.

Management priorities for me includedelivering a client service that ranks withinternational best standards, having adiverse and inclusive workplace thatprioritises learning and development, andlooking to see how we can change andadapt to proactively meet the needs of adynamic market.

STAFFING Investing in our people andour business for future success is core toour strategy and we have always sought tobe ahead of the market in this regard. Themarket sets fee levels and pays for qualityand efficiency of service, combined with

breadth and depth of expertise. We seek todifferentiate on these key areas.

NOTABLE DEAL We advised NJJ Telecomon its $3bn acquisition of a majority stakein eir. This was a transformationaltransaction for eir and required us toprovide market-leading expertise across arange of specialists. The transaction wasled by partners in our corporate M&A teamtogether with partners from tax, pensions,employment, commercial technology, EUand competition and regulatory. Thestructuring of the transaction wasparticularly complex.

USP We want to be a step ahead for ourclients, for our people and the community inwhich we work. We can be pretty relentlessin doing so and are always prepared tochange how we do things, investing aheadof the market to meet this objective.

BRIAN O’GORMANManaging PartnerArthur CoxPRIORITIES Our principal focus is to makesure that we are providing the best adviceand service to our clients, and that involvesmaking sure that we have the best peopleworking in teams to service our clients.Ensuring that the firm adapts to the changinglandscape is also key. For example, we haveinvested a great deal in technology, bothinternally in the firm and in products andsoftware that enable us to deliver streamlinedand cost effective solutions to our clients.

PRACTICE We continue to invest acrossthe firm at all levels and this year we are aslightly bigger firm that we were last year.All areas in the firm have been busy, werecruit to make sure that we have sufficientstrength and depth to meet the demand forour services. We have continued to invest in our funds group, which has grownsubstantially in the past year since we were joined by three funds partners in lateral hires.

We have also recently announced anexpansion of our aviation team. Aviation is akey sector in the Irish economy and we arevery excited about the potential there.

STAFFING We work hard at maintaining asupportive and inclusive environment whereeveryone is encouraged to excel and to reachtheir potential. In recent years, we have had astrong focus on diversity and inclusion acrossa number of areas, including gender. One-third of our partners are women, and whilstthat is positive we need to improve on that.

NOTABLE DEAL Arthur Cox advised theIrish Stock Exchange plc on its €137macquisition by Euronext NV. The sale of theISE was a key strategic transaction in thecontext of the post-Brexit landscape ofIreland's financial markets. The transactionresponded to the strategic challenges andopportunities inherent in the changingregulatory relationship between the EU andthe UK. It also optimised Ireland’s position to take advantage of such opportunities, by strengthening its position as a Europeananchor and as an open and internationalvenue.

Survey continued on page 64



‘We want to be a step ahead forour clients’

‘We work hard at maintaining asupportive and inclusive environment’

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BRYAN BOURKEManaging PartnerWilliam FryPRIORITIES Our clients – and our own teamswho work with them. From a managementperspective, recruiting the best and staffretention will always be at the top of our listof priorities. We operate in an unbelievablycompetitive environment for talent, and itwould be incredibly short-sighted for us notto be focused on our people. With that comesour commitment to attaining a healthy work-life balance for our staff.

Technology, AI and information securityare also equally high on our list of priorities,and a large part of our VUCA (volatile,uncertain, complexity and ambiguous)environment. Our ISO27001 certificationrecognises our robust information securitymanagement system and provides ourcurrent and future clients with the necessaryassurance that we take the security of theirdata very seriously.

Corporate Responsibility is another keypriority for the firm. It's our belief that weshould make a positive and lasting differencein our community, workplace, marketplaceand our environment and, going back to our

people, they expect that of us and want to bepart of it. In addition, we are increasinglyseeing requests from our clients to vet ourCR activities as part of the tender processacross several industries.

STAFFING Salary inflation and technologyinvestments are a sign of the times and it isnot specific to the legal sector, thoughcertainly at the moment salary inflation isvery significant. As a firm we can't simplypass all of these costs on to our clients – wehave to work to achieve efficiencies.

NOTABLE DEAL William Fry advised LindeAG on its merger with US industrial groupPraxair, in a deal that will create the world’slargest supplier of industrial gas. The dealwas finalised in December 2018. The newcompany formed from the $90bn merger willbe based in Ireland.

USP We are commercial in our approach,business savvy and practical. William Fryworks to find solutions for our clients’businesses on time and in budget. We alsodeliver more than legal and taxation

knowledge – our specialists bring theirworking knowledge of the business and thesector the client operates in. We explain theoptions and we help to call it by telling ourclient what we would do if we were in theirposition.


DECLAN BLACKManaging PartnerMason Hayes & CurranACTIVITY Our activity remains focused onthe key task of providing clients with thebest advice and service. We have alsostrengthened our solicitor count in some ofthe burgeoning sectors in which MasonHayes & Curran is pre-eminent. Hiresincluded technology lawyers, financialservices lawyers, real estate andconstruction lawyers, and energy lawyers.

STAFF RETENTION We make it a priorityto ensure that everyone, not justsolicitors, who works in Mason Hayes &Curran is broadly satisfied with their workopportunities and rewards in the contextof their life objectives. Yes, there has beensignificant wage and other inflation and wemust respond to that. It is axiomatic thatsuch cost increases will be passed on toclients over time.

NOTABLE DEAL Mason Hayes & Curranwas the lead transaction advisor toPermanent TSB on Project Glas, the sale ofthe €2.1bn portfolio of loans, which wasone of the largest transactions in themarket in 2018. This was a very satisfyingassignment, as it allowed the client to

significantly reduce its impaired loan book,which is critical in a regulatory contextand leads to a much better impairmentprofile for PTSB. We brought someinteresting innovation and processimprovement to the sale, which helpedwith cost control and pricing outcomes. To do that for a client is obviously verysatisfying, too.

USP Nobody combines deep expertiseand experience with a user-friendly,collaborative approach quite like MasonHayes & Curran.


‘At the moment salary inflation is very significant’

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‘We combineexperience andexpertise withcollaboration’

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Andrew Bates (Partner and Head of Financial Services), Keith Waine (Partner and Head of Financial Regulation), Mark Thorne (Managing Partner).

New Partner Appointment

Dillon Eustace is delighted to announce the appointment of Keith Waine as Partner and Head of Financial Regulation. Keith will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of regulatory advice to the fi rm’s domestic and international client base. He brings signifi cant industry experience to Dillon Eustace from his former roles as Head of Legal and Compliance at a number of international banking institutions.

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BARRY DEVEREUXManaging PartnerMcCann FitzGeraldPRIORITIES We measure our success by theresults we achieve for our clients. To thisend, the recruitment and retention ofexceptional legal talent remains one of themost significant management issues for thefirm. Everything else is secondary to this.

The changing nature of the delivery oflegal services is also a significantmanagement issue. Under what we call‘Progressive Delivery’, we combine our deeplegal, business and regulatory expertisewith digital technologies, flexible resourcingand advanced project management skills.This approach allows us to deliver agilesolutions that are tailored to our clients’specific needs, in a cost-effective andtransparent way.

PRACTICE Hiring increases have beenacross all practice areas, although those thatstand out reflect growth sectors of theeconomy and changes in how we deliver legalservices. Specifically, we have seen increasesin the areas of funds and asset management,aircraft finance, energy, real estate andconstruction, planning and environmental,data privacy and cyber-risk, tax andlitigation, with a particular focus oninvestigations and large commercial disputes.

STAFFING We continue to attract,develop and retain the best legal talent inthe market, and the firm added morequalified solicitors than any other firm in2018. Our investment in technology assiststhis objective, as many tasks that used tobe the exclusive responsibility of lawyerscan now be carried out more efficiently andeffectively with new technologies – savingour lawyers for when they can add truestrategic value for clients. Clients benefitfrom reduced costs (up to 40% reductions),improved efficiency, better service andgreater effectiveness.

NOTABLE DEAL We advised IPL Plasticson its IPO on the Toronto Stock Exchange,which raised gross proceeds of Can$178m.An innovative structure saw a Canadiancompany established as the IPL holdingcompany by means of a scheme ofarrangement, coupled with IPL makingavailable to its shareholders a liquidityoption by share buy-back of up toCan$50m.

USP We enable progress. This is achievedthrough our culture and values, our world-class work, and being progressive. Today’sclients are redefining how they want theirlegal services to be delivered. Byleveraging our legal expertise with newtechnologies and efficiencies, we offer ourclients customised solutions that meettheir evolving needs.


NICHOLAS BUTCHERManaging PartnerMaples GroupPRIORITIES A key priority is the retentionand recruitment of talent. Another priorityis the issue of diversity and inclusion, as wecontinue our efforts to build and maintainan inclusive environment where differencesof opinion, beliefs and values are sought,listened to and respected.

A challenge and opportunity our businesswill face over the next 12 months is thechanging nature of the legal businessmodel. Investment in technology andcybersecurity also tops our agenda toensure both client and operationalefficiencies.

REBRAND Our new corporate identityhighlights the strength of the Maples Groupas a comprehensive solution for legal,fiduciary, fund, entity formation andmanagement services, as well as regulatoryand compliance services. It also unites ourofferings and solutions in a way thatdifferentiates us from others, giving us anedge over our competitors.

STAFFING With almost half of solicitorsnow under the age of 40, the need to meetthe expectations of younger generationsentering the profession means thatimaginative staff retention strategies are keyfor us. This includes a flexible attitude to theworking environment, and exploring agileworking which, over the past couple of years,we've been placing a huge emphasis on.

NOTABLE DEAL We recently advisedInsight Investment on the conversion of itsflagship umbrella QIAIF investment company(Ireland's single largest umbrella fundplatform, with 154 sub-funds and assets undermanagement of c.€53bn) into an Irishcollective asset-management vehicle. Thiswas the largest ever platform to use the ICAVAct procedure to convert from an investmentcompany to an ICAV.

USP We are the number one legal adviserto Irish-serviced funds. We are a trulyinternational business with 18 offices acrossthe world serving global companies. Thismeans we are uniquely placed to help ourclients to resolve their most complex legalissues, wherever they may be in the world.This has been a cornerstone of our growth formany years.


Survey continued on page 67

‘We are aninternationalbusiness servingglobal companies’

‘Clients areredefining howthey want legalservices to bedelivered’

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FEARGAL BRENNANManaging PartnerByrneWallacePRIORITIES In my view, the market isgenerally buoyant but changing. Those firmsthat place service and efficiency in deliveryof service at the forefront of what they dowill be those that are best positioned whenthe market moves in another direction. It isnot overstating it to say that it’s all aboutquality and service, service, service.

We are investing heavily in our servicequality, whether through expanding ourprofessional service support capabilities,investing in our technology platforms andadding service lines where there is ademonstrated need.

Culture is crucially important too. We area people business and need excellentpeople. This means excellence in legal andother skills, as well as being excellent inhow they engage with each other and withour clients. While we operate in a high-performance environment it is importantthat we are respectful and collegiate in howwe go about our business. ByrneWallace has

an excellent story to tell in this regard.NOTABLE DEAL It would be difficult to

single out any one deal in particular. Whathas stood out, however, is the high level ofindustry and market recognition that wehave achieved in the last 12 months throughvarious accolades and awards. These havebeen in recognition of the client work andtransactions we have advised on, the qualityof the service we provide and the nature ofour legal expertise.

USP What makes us stand out is ourunique culture and commitment to a ‘onefirm’ approach. The theory of being a multi-disciplinary practice is to ensure that ourclients gain access to the most excellentlevels of service available as efficiently aspossible. We work very hard to ensurethroughout our firm that we deliver thatservice to the highest levels, and in a co-ordinated and consistently excellent way.

‘It’s all about quality and service,service, service’

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MICHAEL JACKSONManaging PartnerMathesonPRACTICE At the beginning of 2019, weannounced the appointment of 10 newpartners across a range of industry sectors,bringing our number of partners to 96,operating in over 30 legal practice groups.These appointments reflect increasing clientdemand and our growth in response to that,right across our various teams.

All of our new partners work with a rangeof large domestic clients operating in keysectors of the Irish economy in addition tothe firm’s multinational clients withoperations in Ireland. Half of those 10 newpartner appointments at the firm are female,and 45% of partners promoted over the lastthree years have been women. In June lastyear, Matheson was named the sixth mostdiverse law firm in Europe by The Lawyermagazine.

Regarding client fees and pricing for legalservices, Matheson has appointed a dedicatedDirector of Pricing Strategy. This enables usto offer bespoke pricing models to meet theneeds of our clients across industry sectors,and to drive the essential value propositionwhich Matheson provides for its clients. Ourclients are also willing to recognise thatquality service and advice on complexmatters calls for different pricing models andfocus more on value than on price.

STAFFING No matter what business youare in, growing and maintaining financialperformance is always a challenge! Whilstmany efficiencies are underpinned by techinvestment, it is increasingly importantthat investment continues to be made in

our people. Attracting and retainingtalented lawyers, and developing relevantexpertise, is not only critical to deliveringvaluable results for our clients, but also forthe firm’s continued growth.

CORK OFFICE We opened our Cork officein September 2018 to support our growingdomestic and international client base inthe Munster region. Cork is a growing citywhich has proven itself to be an attractivelocation for FDI, for international financialservices and importantly, a location forambitious Irish companies that want to growtheir business. Cork is set to become thefastest growing city in Ireland over the next20 years and our decision to open a newoffice there is recognition of that futuregrowth potential.

NOTABLE DEAL Matheson advisedCanadian-owned Irving Oil on its acquisitionof Dublin-headquartered Top Oil. This dealwas a complex cross-border transactioninvolving the sale of a family-ownedcompany, which has a 200-year tradinghistory, to another long-standing familycompany (Irving Oil was founded in 1924).

USP Broadly speaking, the Matheson USP isour focus on being the law firm of choice forinternationally-focused companies andfinancial institutions doing business in andfrom Ireland. We have expanded our footprintto six offices globally with the opening of ourSan Francisco office in 2017 and Cork office in2018.

Alongside this, I would say that theMatheson approach is always to invest in ourpeople and our values, in particular to workcollaboratively across our practice groups andto nurture a client-first service ethos.

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‘We offer bespoke pricing models to clients across industry sectors’

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Our mission is to provide the very best legal advice to a diverse and ambitious range of clients across all practice areas. We believe the best commercial outcomes come from taking the time to really understand what drives a client’s business. Side by side with our clients, we achieve more.

John White, Managing PartnerE: [email protected]: +353 (0) 1 4180 600

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JOHN WHITEManaging PartnerBeauchampsPRIORITIES As the firm continues to grow,our focus is to ensure that we continue toattract top talent to our team which enablesus to deliver more to our clients. Our ambitionis to continue to invest in sectors like energyand natural resources, construction andprojects, government and financial services,while enhancing and growing core practiceareas like property, corporate and banking.Last year we appointed seven new partnersacross a range of practice areas, whichbroadens our expertise and adds to ourstrength in depth.

STAFFING Our ambition has always been toattract and retain the best and brightestprofessionals. The right people will only joinand stay if the work is rewarding andchallenging. Accordingly, working with adiverse range of clients in a dynamicenvironment is important for them. Salary isnow just one element of the discussion;benefits like flexible working, remote working

and a focus on health and wellbeing areincreasingly important to our team.

NOTABLE DEAL We acted for ColonyCapital in its financing joint venturedevelopment of the 430,000 sq.ft. SalesforceTower in Dublin’s Docklands – the singlelargest commercial letting deal in Irish history.We are also acting for Colony Capital in thefinancing and development of the 350,000 sq.ft. Facebook campus in Ballsbridge.

USP Our tagline of ‘Side by Side’ probablysums up our USP. We work with our clients,asking the right questions, understanding theirobjectives and ensuring that we have all theinformation before moving to solution mode.We never assume to know more than the clientdoes about their business or how they shouldapproach a project.

Building and sustaining real long-term clientrelationships is the added value dimensionthat makes us different.

We have always had a reputation forcollegiality and diversity, and I believe wehave been ahead of the curve in embracingflexible and remote working.


PHILIP LEEManaging PartnerPhilip LeePRIORITIES The top management priorityissue is finding space for the growing team.In 2019 I am allocating more time to connectwith my partners and support them inmanaging their teams. Maintaining theculture of the firm is always a challenge, inparticular as we grow. We take a holisticapproach to developing this, advocatingemployee wellbeing, corporate socialresponsibility and placing high priority onsustainability.

PRACTICE An exciting development for uswas the opening of our first UK office inLondon in 2018, headed by new corporatepartner, Andrew Tzialli. We are also delightedto have Rosemarie McGuiness as our counselin San Francisco. This is a great time toencourage FDI into Ireland as the UK embarkson kamikaze trade policies.

COSTS In previous years, we have beenoperating in an environment that saw littleincrease in fees. Greater pressure on costsfor talent, rising operational costs andcompeting with big budget FDI companies foroffice space, will mean that higher fees areinevitable for clients.

NOTABLE DEAL We have won someinteresting corporate work in emerging

technologies such as gaming, eSports, VR, AIand blockchain. For example, Andrew Tzialli’steam advised a company that is aiming to beIreland’s first fully regulated managedinvestment business operating exclusively incryptocurrency.

USP We are lawyers who want to use ourexpertise to shape society. We help ourclients achieve their objectives, and thatmeans knowing more than just the law; it’sabout knowing the client’s world andforeseeing the future in which they will liveand coming up with solutions and insights forthem. In size, we are a mid-market firm butwhat makes us special is that we have toptier specialist expertise.

Survey continued on page 72

‘Side by Side sumsup our USP’

Philip Lee (left) with recent partnerappointments (l-r) Andrew Tzialli,Sean McElligott, Siobhan McCabe,Ronan Dunne, Amanda-Jayne Comynand Hugh Cummins

‘We have top tier specialistexpertise’

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MARK THORNEManaging PartnerDillon EustacePRIORITIES The key issue facing DillonEustace is managing our growth across ourcore areas of business: litigation, corporate,banking, real estate and financial services.We significantly expanded our property teamover the last few years with the appointmentof two new partners and a number of seniorsupport hires.

The firm recently strengthened ourfinancial regulation, financial services,corporate and banking and capital marketsteams through internal appointment andlateral hires. As a result, we are now reapingthe benefit of this investment.

We have also seen a significant increase innew business in our corporate M&Adepartment, particularly in the area ofcomplex regulated M&A. Brexit is obviously akey focus for many of our financial servicesclients. They are working to ensure theymaintain the maximum access to Europeaninvestor markets and are setting contingencyplans in place.

STAFFING Dillon Eustace has an excellentrecord in retention, with many of our seniorpartners and associates having trained andstayed with the firm throughout. We are also

very cognisant of our need to ensure wecontinue to train and reward our staffappropriately to maintain our hard-wonretention record. Like all others, we areseeing the increasing need for and benefit ofa higher investment in technology andsystems to improve our processes.

NOTABLE DEAL Numerous dealsattracted attention, including advising FBD

on its convertible notes transaction,successfully defending The Sunday BusinessPost in the defamation action taken byDenis O’Brien, and acting for Merrion Capitalon its sale to Cantor Fitzgerald.

USP Dillon Eustace is a strong, focusedfirm with an excellent working environment,client service ethos and a good spread ofdomestic and international clients.


GARRY FERGUSONManaging PartnerWalkersPRIORITIES Retention is at the top of ouragenda. We have attracted and retainedthe best talent in the market over the lastdecade, and competitor firms and agenciescontinuously pursue our people. So far wehave managed quite well. Our success onretention has been attributable to a multi-faceted approach, not just a focus onremuneration. We trust and respect ourpeople, and recognise the vital role theyplay in our culture and strategy.

PRACTICE We have seen markedlystrong growth in both our regulatory areaand in our corporate services business,Walkers Professional Services. In responseto the needs of our financial servicesclient base, particularly those involved inBrexit migrations, we have opened anemployment law unit. We hired SusanBattye as the lead partner for this unit andwe expect to see growth in this area nextyear. Our funds and capital markets teamhas experienced further growth again inthe last year.

Regarding fees, as a financial servicesfirm we tend to focus on the delivery ofspecialised advice. Our clients aresophisticated purchasers of legal advice;they know how to assess quality and arehappy to pay a fair fee for a specialist,responsive and commercial service.

STAFFING We have always believed thatwe should remunerate at the top end ofthe market, so perhaps salary inflation hasnot been the flash point for us that it maybe generally in the market.

NOTABLE DEAL We have had a numberof high-profile Brexit migration mandates,which we are proud to have beenassociated with. Outside of these, our rolein a £142.5m synthetic SRT transaction forLloyds is typical of the type of complexcross-border transactions that we areinvolved in.

USP Our global network is extremelystrong and is a great source of internalreferrals for the Walkers Ireland office. Ourinternational offices are located in many ofthe world's leading financial servicescentres, and we are both coordinated andquite relentless in our focus on FS.


‘The key issue is managing growthacross our core areas’

Survey continued on page 74

‘Our clients arehappy to pay afair fee for aspecialist service’

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WE MAKETHE COMPLEXCLEARPhilip Lee continues to strengthen and grow. We have built a team that can advise on every aspect of business, at home and internationally. Our specialists combine top tier expertise with a dedication to achieving results.

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Pictured: Alice Whittaker, Partner, Environment and Climate

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GAYLE BOWENHead of OfficePinsent MasonsBACKGROUND A number of factors attractedme to join Pinsent Masons in 2018. I wasaware of its reputation as the leading lawfirm for innovation, and the firm's globalsectoral approach was also important, as itbrings deep sectoral expertise into the Irishmarket. Having a UK advisory capabilityduring Brexit was extremely important to mein my funds practice, as most of my clientsare based in the UK.

MARKET FOCUS We initially started withthree practice areas: investment funds,technology and corporate services. We haveexpanded significantly in our first year andnow have a litigation, employment, bankingand insurance capability, and will shortly havereal estate and energy practices.

Pinsent Masons operates under five keyglobal sectors, which are advancedmanufacturing and technology, financialservices, infrastructure, energy and realestate. We expect to have all five sectorscovered in Ireland by the end of the year. With new teams joining us in May, we willhave more than doubled the number ofpartners in Ireland to seven. Having startedwith only 10 staff initially, we expect to be atapproximately 50 by the end of the year.


competitive market for legal talent, and ofcourse any new entrant to the market isgoing to add to that pressure. While salariesundoubtedly will be a part of that, theprospect of joining a new large internationallaw firm with an excellent global reputation is exciting to most candidates.

To our knowledge, we are the first law firmin Dublin to operate on a fully agile basis.That drives a unique culture where people canbalance work with other responsibilities.

USP What makes us different is ourapproach to innovation and our global reach.We have over 1,600 lawyers worldwide acrossthe same global sectors that we operate inIreland. We have outstanding globalconnectivity, advising clients in 25 officesacross the world. A good example is on thefinancial services side, we have been able toadvise our clients on the implications ofBrexit in most countries that they operate.

Survey continued on page 76

LISA BRODERICKManaging PartnerDAC BeachcroftPRIORITY The biggest priority for me rightnow is finding new office space. We haveoutgrown our current location and areplanning the move to new offices in 2020. The move will also provide a great platformfor us as we grow to a full service firm, and expand our offering to includecommercial/corporate and real estate.

ACTIVITY We continue to strengthen ourdefendant injury risk practice with anemphasis on counter-fraud, large loss andtravel claims. We have been developing thisexpertise in partnership with our clients toensure that resources are being utilised in away that makes sense for them. Ourregulatory and public law team also continuesto increase its presence in the Irish market.

STAFFING The battle for talent isundoubtedly tough, but our history is one of organic, gradual and measured growth.

We have been meticulous in ensuring that the fit is right when we hire, as it is ineveryone’s interest. We also have a ratio ofwomen to men in management positions ofabout 2:1, and a genuine commitment toflexible working arrangements, which assistswith staff retention.

USP The firm is particularly strong in theareas of commercial litigation, employment,regulatory and the full insurance offering ofhealthcare, injury risk and professionalindemnity. The level of instructions wereceive are a testament to the service weprovide. In addition, being a trulyinternational firm enables us to deliveragainst the evolving needs of our clients.



‘We continue tostrengthen our defendant injuryrisk practice’

‘We have expandedsignificantly in our first year’

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JOHN LYNCHManaging PartnerWhitney MooreACTIVITY The past year has been animportant one for us, and we havestrengthened our core service areas, whichcomprise real estate, corporate and disputeresolution. We recruited for and expandedeach of those teams to meet our growingclient base and international referrals. Wehave also seen continued demand for ourintellectual property expertise, both in thedomestic market and internationally.Retention of existing clients through good

quality service, regular engagement andfeedback is fundamental to our firm, and wealso focus on attracting new business, withincreased emphasis on internationalreferrals.

STAFFING We invest in our staff andretention is important. Obviously,remuneration and benefits have to be right,but we also focus on other aspects thatimprove Whitney Moore as a place to work.These include a good working environment,opportunities to collaborate and worktogether, managers and team leaders whosupervise but avoid micromanaging, good

leadership and mentoring programmes, andchallenging and exciting work.

NOTABLE CASE Whitney Moore acted forMylan in successfully defending anapplication brought by TevaPharmaceuticals. The application was for apreliminary injunction to halt Mylan’sproduction in Ireland of a genericalternative to Teva’s blockbuster drugCopaxone, a multiple sclerosis treatment.This was an extremely unusual case.

The hearing took place in January 2018 and judgment was delivered in June,refusing Teva’s application for interlocutoryrelief. The main action is now listed forhearing this July.

USP Our relationship with our clients iskey. We need to understand our clients’business, goals and objectives, to help themachieve the outcomes they desire. This core principle applies across all of

our business: property, corporate anddispute resolution. Only with thisunderstanding can practicable commercialstrategies be put in place.Close involvement of our partners is also

a key feature of how we operate. It is afundamental basis of our quality controlpolicy and ensures clear internal lines ofcommunication at all times.

KIRBY TARRANTPartner in ChargeClark Hill

US law firm Clark Hill entered theIrish market in February 2019through a merger with O’GradysSolicitors.

CLARK HILL MERGER Clark Hill is a full-service law firm in the US with over 650lawyers and 25 offices spread throughoutthe country. We were approached by anIrish agency who advised us Clark Hill werelooking for a suitable commercial law firmto merge with. They also merged withGalligan Johnston is September 2018. ClarkHill has full ownership and our office is fullyintegrated.O’Gradys was in existence for over 30

years and is well established with specialityin insolvency and commercial litigation. Thelaw firm landscape is changing rapidly, andthe gap between the top 20 law firms interms of technology and ability to recruit iswidening. In order to keep pace with thesechanges and to service ever-demandingcommercial clients, I felt the time was right

to merge with an international law firm whocould provide the necessary technicalsupport and in-house expertise in so manyareas.

OPPORTUNITY Clark Hill has a wideclient base in the US, many of whom arevery keen to look at opportunities inIreland. Some of their clients are already inIreland and we would like to service theirneeds. The aim is for Clark Hill Dublin to bethe hub for inward and outward businessbetween the US and Ireland and for Irelandto be the hub for Europe also. Very few ifany Irish law firms have this wide access tolawyers and clients in the US. We already have over 20 solicitors and

we are actively recruiting. We certainly aimto grow bigger, but not just for the sake ofgrowth. We will grow in order to service ourclients’ demands, and given theopportunities that exist in the Irish market,we expect to be well into the top 20 overthe next few years.



‘We aim to grow bigger, but not just forthe sake of growth’

‘We need tounderstand ourclients’ goals andobjectives’

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MARK WALSHManaging PartnerEugene F. CollinsPRIORITIES We have worked hard to ensurethat we have balanced growth throughoutthe firm. Our main areas of strength arecorporate, banking, dispute resolution andproperty, and we have tried to ensure thatno area outgrows the other. In line with ourcontinued expansion, we welcomed two newassociates and six newly qualified lawyersacross our corporate, banking, disputeresolution and property departments at thestart of 2019.

STAFFING Managing talent and drivinghigh performance across all levels to ensureexcellence of delivery to our clients iscentral to our firm’s strategy. We have madeit a priority that our lawyers haveinteresting work, coupled with a good work-life balance. Learning, training anddevelopment opportunities are madeavailable to our lawyers to ensure that wecan retain good talent in what is a verycompetitive market.

Our lawyers work hard but they will not

be in the office until midnight every night.Another advantage for a firm of our size isthat we give our lawyers the opportunity totake on more responsibility so that theybecome involved at a more senior levelthan they might do in a larger firm. All thisleads to us having a very strong history oflawyers staying with Eugene F. Collins.

NOTABLE DEAL We advised theshareholders of hotel chain Tifco in relationto the sale of its shares to US privateequity firm, Apollo Global Management,which was one of the largest corporatetransaction in 2018. We advised theshareholders in respect of a pre-saleinternal restructuring, and the transactionalso involved property due diligence inrelation to Tifco’s 18 hotels. We have actedfor this company since it acquired its firsthotel, the Crowne Plaza Santry, in 2001.

USP We are big enough as a full-servicelaw firm to deal with large transactions inthe market, and because of our size we areable to be accessible and responsive to ourclients. As a result, our clients will get amore personalised service.

Survey continued on page 78

‘Our clients get amore personalisedservice’

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DAVID PHELANManaging PartnerHayes SolicitorsPRACTICE The 2018 appointment of KenCasey as partner to head our newcorporate law department has goneextremely well, thanks to the support ofour clients. We have had an ongoing strongflow of high level corporate and transactionwork. As the year went on and as some ofthe transactions have completed, they havebeen replaced with a consistent flow of newwork. This has come from a combination ofour existing clients and exciting new clientwins.

In the last year, we also promoted newpartners in each of our healthcare,property and commercial departments. Allof our new partners are experts in theirfield and are an example of promotinglawyers of the highest calibre to ensurefirst-class service to clients. The spread ofwork types they cover shows the range ofservices offered through our firm.

NOTABLE DEAL We were delighted to actfor the vendor in the sale of the GiraffeChildcare business to Busy Bees. The dealwas a great vote of confidence in adomestic Irish business, and in themanagement and staff of a fantasticchildcare provider. It was one of the biggertransactions during the course of the yearand was a demonstration of confidence inthe Irish economy.

USP We offer a combination ofexperience, expertise, quality of service,responsive, trustworthiness and value formoney. We also offer a partner-led service.We make sure we understand our clients’business, and are focused on achieving thebest value outcome for them in an efficientand practical way.

Survey continued on page 80

MARK HOMANManaging PartnerBHSMPRACTICE Last year we experienced ourseventh consecutive year of growth sinceour foundation in 2012, and this growth hasbeen mainly across our real estate,corporate, banking and litigationdepartments. Their activity has benefittedfrom buoyant economic conditions, and ourcorporate and banking departments havealso been strengthened by some keystrategic hires.

PRIORITIES We continue to focus on theconsistent delivery of quality service toclients – everything else emanates fromthis central tenet. We are also continuing tomonitor and control overheads in a marketthat is experiencing considerable inflation. 

STAFFING The market for solicitors hasnever been more mobile. We are mindful ofthis and we work hard to maintain theculture and conditions that have seen usnot only retain staff in the face of thischallenge but also attract new talent as we grow.

We constantly strive to stay ahead of thecurve in terms of technological

developments because in doing so weprovide more efficiencies and costeffectiveness for clients. Due to thisconstant drive for efficiencies, wageinflation has not impacted on cost forclients, and we strive daily to ensure itnever does.

NOTABLE DEAL BHSM advised in theacquisition of the landmark Clerys buildingon O’Connell Street in Dublin. We continue toadvise the owners on all aspects of theproject including finance, construction andlettings.

USP BHSM is a premium, partner-ledcorporate law firm, advising businessesacross all principal areas of law, as well as ina number of specialist areas. What sets usapart is our fundamental belief that thegrowth and success of our firm depends onthe growth and success of our clients. Weendeavour to foster genuine partnershipswith clients, and to assist them in developingand exploiting business opportunities.



‘We have had a strong flow of high level corporate work’

‘The market forsolicitors has never been moremobile’

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BRIAN O’NEILLManaging PartnerGore & GrimesPRIORITIES At the top of my list is themanagement of our staff. In recent years, withthe improvement of the economy and thesignificant increase in business, retention ofkey staff has been essential. As part of ourretention philosophy, we have investedsignificantly in staff training and technology.We maintain a focus on business development,profitability and cash flow. Despite a significantimprovement in the economic environment,pressure remains on fees and pricing generally.

PRACTICE In the past year, we appointedSally Alford as partner in our real estatedepartment. There has been significant andcontinued growth in this area, withinstructions coming from large institutionalinvestors and banks, receivers, high-net-worth individuals and property developers.

STAFFING Solicitor retention andrecruitment remains an issue and somethingwe keep a constant eye on. However, it is notas significant an issue currently as it was ayear or so ago. There have been salaryincreases in the firm and we have invested in

technology, though this has not resulted inhigher fees for clients.

USP We are a boutique, mid-marketcommercial law firm. We have a very lowturnover of key professional staff and havebeen involved in significant and complex legaltransactions and commercial litigation over the

years. As a result, our professional staff have agreat deal of experience and expertise in theirrespective practice areas. Our clients havebuilt strong relationships with the professionalstaff in our firm. When clients are introducedby a partner to the firm, that partner remainswith that client into the future.

MICHAEL LAVELLEManaging PartnerLavellePRIORITIES We are currently in a period ofgrowth, so the recruitment of solicitors whocan adapt and buy into the firm’s culture isour priority. In recent years, we have focusedon banking work, and on acting forentrepreneurial companies and individuals inthe SME sector. Ensuring that our service isefficient and satisfies our clients’requirements has been another top priority.Making sure that our entrepreneurial base ofclients grows over the next 12 months is agoal that our firm also expects to achieve.

PRACTICE We have taken on seniorsolicitors in both property and commerciallitigation. We are continuing to strengthenour commercial team to serviceentrepreneurial clients who require areactive, medium-sized firm that is notweighed down by the bureaucracy of thelarger firms. As a result, we continue toprovide a service that SME andentrepreneurial clients appreciate, withoutthe cost duplication of larger firms.

STAFF RETENTION While we successfullyrecruited solicitors in 2018, competition frominternational companies outside the legalsector appears to have caused issues for legalfirms hiring administrative staff. Our firm hasbeen very successful in retaining solicitors,

and we believe we have built a culture thatguarantees staff retention. With increasedinstructions from clients, the firm has beenable to deal with increased salaries and tofund investment in the best technology.

NOTABLE DEAL We were involved in thesale of an Irish IT company in 2018 for c.$40m. The sale was to a US buyer and thetransaction involved multi-jurisdictional duediligence and agreements. This was a uniquetransaction for us, as we were involved inestablishing the company as a startup some 10 years ago. The company remained a loyalclient from incorporation to sale.

USP We are a service-oriented firm thatstrives to make law as straightforward andcommercial as possible to entrepreneurs andSME businesses. We avoid unnecessary legaljargon. We are efficient and flexible, and weendeavour to solve problems rather than tomake them. We are ideally positioned forworking with emerging businesses and SMEs.



‘There has been significant growth in real estate instructions’

‘We avoidunnecessary legal jargon’

Survey continued on page 82

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GRAHAM P. KENNYPrincipalKenny SolicitorsPRACTICE We have experienced a surge innew instructions, which has enabled us tokeep our client costings static while ourprofit margins have risen. Our turnover hasdoubled year-on-year over the past threeyears. With sustained organic growth andplanned mergers this year, we aim to add toour current client offering while keepingcompetitive pricing as a priority.

ACTIVITY Private equity lending hasgained an increased foothold in the financialmarket. We have put increased emphasis onstrengthening our knowledge in the area ofequity funds. This has allowed us to both actfor lenders and introduce alternativeborrowing opportunities to our client base. The selling of business loans by banks to

venture capitalists is now commonplace andhas similarly increased the need for suchfunding. This is a unique area, whereknowledge and expertise in the dealsavailable with such funds is critical andextends far beyond the simple drafting oflegal agreements.

OPPORTUNITY Having worked and trained in one of the largest law firms inIreland, I am intimately familiar with thedifference a niche law firm can make. We

operate as a specialist consultancy practice,applying a dedicated team to our clients’specific needs. We compete not only in pricebut in our concentrated expertise in specificpractice areas.

NOTABLE CASE Conor McGregor has keptthe practice continually entertained but thecase of Quinn v IBRC has consumed most ofour time. The Quinn trial is the largest caseever to come before the courts, with claimsextending to €2.5bn. From a law firm’sperspective, it has led to us implementingnewly developed technical software for the

viewing and court presentation ofinnumerable documents.

USP We strive to be more than just astandard law firm. As principal, I have beenpersonally involved in a multitude ofbusinesses, ranging from extensive propertydevelopments in Ireland and the US toDublin’s best-known super bars andrestaurants. It is one thing to give objectiveadvice as a lawyer, but it is quite another tofeel its subjective consequences as abusiness owner. Our advice benefits fromactual boardroom experience.

PETER WALSHManaging PartnerOrpen FranksACTIVITY There are many challenges facinglaw firms today. They include new technology,new entrants, geopolitical risks, the war fortalent, prioritising investment, controlling thecost base and an increased regulatory burden.We have grown extensively within each of

our departments with new appointmentsacross the firm. Our success is down to astrong sense of organisational priority withinthe departments and the ability to makedecisions that are in the best interest of ourclients. Within the firm, we continuouslymeasure important growth factors, reviewingthem often. This is key to how the firmoperates.

STAFFING The firm’s biggest priority isretention of staff, given the current climate. A law firm is only as good as its solicitors.Making sure we have the right solicitor for thejob is an important part of being managingpartner, and the road to staffing and retentioncan be a tricky one.

As a full-service firm, we want to continueto recruit and retain talent at the right level.There are many practice areas with a dearthof qualified and experienced lawyers, whichmakes developing the practice and sustainingour growth vision challenging.

NOTABLE DEAL Orpen Franks’ corporatecommercial team advised on the sale of KingsLaundry Limited to French company Elis S.A. I single out this deal due to the broadrange of skills and sectors that we applied. Itwas a very interesting and energetic deal.

USP Capacity, responsiveness,accessibility, results and value: these are thevalues that are most important to our firm.We also have a good record of retention anddevelopment of quality professional staffcoming from the trainee programme throughto partner level.



‘Our advice benefits from actualboardroom experience’

‘A law firm is onlyas good as itssolicitors’

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DAMIEN TANSEYSenior PartnerDamien Tansey SolicitorsACTIVITY Our Sligo office is now the biggestlaw office in the county, if not the north-west. We are now seeing higher levels ofbusiness activity in the region. Long-awaitedmajor infrastructure projects have finallycommenced and this is having a positiveknock-on effect. More companies are seekingadvice from us on debt finance and businessexpansion. We expect recent growth in ourcommercial law practice to continue and areplanning accordingly.Our new office in Dublin will open on

Herbert Street in Q3 2019. One of our keypractice areas is medical negligence andpersonal injury litigation, and increasinglyour clients within this segment want to meet in Dublin.As Irish companies become more

sophisticated, they are changing how theybuy legal advice. A large Dublin law firm willregularly be selected for big ticket M&A. Butfor other corporate work, clients sometimeswant greater cost efficiencies, and want to

deal with one multi-disciplined lawyer ratherthan several different specialist lawyers.

PRIORITIES We have invested heavily intechnology in recent years. This has broughtus better cost efficiencies and allowed us tobe more responsive to our clients. It remainsa challenge to ensure that technology spend,and the management time we invest intechnology, is well directed. We find thateffective technology options are popular withstaff in allowing greater work-life balance.

NOTABLE DEAL In 2018, we acted on theacquisition, funding and development of theIDA’s first ever ‘Fast Landing’ space inIreland. Fast Landing is a turnkeycollaborative working environment in Sligofor companies looking to quickly establishoperations in the north-west. When USmultinational GW Plastics recently announced200 new IDA-supported jobs for Sligorecently, the existence of a variety of realestate options was key.

Survey continued on page 84

‘Some clients want to deal with one multi-disciplined lawyer’

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JOHN O’CONNORManaging PartnerO’Connor SolicitorsACTIVITY We have experienced growth inturnover and work volume over the last 12months. We have seen significant growth inthe charities sector, where we act for anumber of approved housing bodies andNGOs. Most people are aware of the currenthousing crisis and therefore charitableinstitutions such as housing bodies are vitalfor providing a means by which people canacquire either a rental or mortgage property.We are also seeing a number of internationalcharities establishing operations in Ireland,particularly from UK-based institutions.

STAFFING Managing growth, and inparticular recruiting good people across allpractice areas, are our principal priorities.We absolutely believe our success is due tothe people who work with us, so recruitingand retaining top quality lawyers andprofessional support staff to service ourclients is one of our primary objectives.

Solicitor recruitment has been an issue incircumstances where there have been anumber of new entrants to the legal servicesmarket. While salary inflation and technicalinvestment have undoubtedly increasedcosts, we have sought to absorb thoseincreases and use this to grow market share.

NOTABLE CASE The firm acted in litigation involving a contractual disputeconcerning pay entitlements of medicalconsultants. The case was widely reportedand the government indicated the total valueof the claim was some €700m. Thesettlement reached in these cases is being implemented for all 2008 contractholders, and it was great to be involved in acase that should have a long-term positiveeffect for the recruitment and retention of medical consultants. The case also involved very significant and complexdiscovery. We partnered with specialistdiscovery firms to deliver significant costsavings to the clients.

USP O’Connor Solicitors is a well-established medium-sized practice with acorporate law firm ethos. We are thereforeideally placed to advise our national andinternational corporate clients, as well as our private clients across a range of practiceareas. Being a medium-sized firm with aproactive business culture allows us toprovide comprehensive legal advice to ourclients in the most cost-effective waypossible.

ORLAITH O’BRIENPartnerOBH PartnersSTRATEGY We made a decision 18 months agoto become more involved with startupbusinesses. Last year we partnered withDublin BIC for its Funding and Scaling series,and this year we sponsored the ‘One to Watch’competition at the recent Futurescope event.

We have also supported the Female Founderprogramme for the last two years, mentoringsome of the finalists and sponsoring thewinner. As a result of this we are involved insome new and innovative projects.

PRIORITIES Building a strong team ofproactive and service-focused lawyers. This year we are also focusing on investmentin IT and upgrading systems.

STAFFING We have made some strong newhires, particularly with a new partner joiningas head of our finance team next month. As a niche practice we have a lot to offer,including a good work-life balance.

NOTABLE DEAL We acted for Australiandiamond producer Newfield Resources in the

reverse takeover of Stellar Diamonds plc. We originally acted on the AIM listing of WestAfrican Diamonds plc and on its subsequentacquisition by Stellar Diamonds, also byreverse takeover. So it was interesting to beinvolved in the acquisition of these projectsagain some years on.

BREXIT We have not seen much evidenceof a suppression of business activity amongour domestic clients. To the extent that therehas been a dent in domestic businessconfidence, we believe it will rebound if a no-deal exit is avoided.

USP Accessibility to senior andexperienced lawyers, and team work.



‘Our success is due to the people who work with us’

‘We are involved in some new and innovativeprojects’

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DANIEL HUGHESPartnerHughes & AssociatesACTIVITY My law firm is presently acting inan array of company shareholder disputes forcompanies of varying sizes. These cases arebecoming very common in the currentcommercial climate, and they are subject to alot of High Court litigation. Our offices arereceiving instructions in particular fromaccountants with clients/families that havethese shareholder disputes.These types of cases have many common

strands. They also need to be handled verysensitively, as many of these companies havebeen trading for a long time. A lot of emotiongets attached to such disputes, particularlywhen companies are being passed on to thenext generation. Mediation is becoming a very common

feature for such cases and is absolutely theappropriate forum for such disputes.

Mediation affords all the parties an ability to keep the terms of settlement private, and avoid the cost of lengthy and protractedHigh Court litigation. This is an area ofsignificant growth and will continue for theforeseeable future.

USP I feel that our USP comprises ourproven ability and the results obtained for ourSME clients as a boutique litigation firm with aproven record in High Court litigation. Ourcontinued results for our SME clients fuel thesignificant level of referrals that our firmcontinues to receive. This is our greatestsource of practice development.



JOHN HOGANManaging PartnerLeman SolicitorsPRIORITIES We had a very busy investmentyear in 2018 at Leman. We doubled ourfootprint in the office with a large expansionand complete office renovation, we upgradedour IT systems, had a lot of significant newjoiners including new partners and seniorsolicitors, a new chairman and we had achange of managing partner. It has been atumultuous year but it has been challengingand satisfying. Minimising disruption to our team was

always paramount throughout theinfrastructural changes. It is rewarding to seethe new office and IT systems come tofruition and enhancing the workplaceexperience for our team. My priority is tocontinue our efforts to make Leman a greatplace to work, both to attract the best newtalent for our clients but also to nurture ourgreat existing team to reach their potentialand to enjoy their work and their workplace.

STAFFING We are well used to therecruitment process and to growth

challenges. We have grown from two to 46staff in 11 years, and we place a very strongemphasis on staff retention throughnurturing our talent and helping them toreach their full potential in Leman.

BREXIT Our clients are very concerned,although some more than others. M&Aactivity is especially challenged whenconfidence is off. That said, there is also thepotential for foreign direct investment inIreland following Brexit, which presentsopportunities.

NOTABLE DEAL We represented GCAesthetics in a $97m debt and equityfinancing. The debt was arranged by HayfinCapital Management and the equity financingwas led by existing investors. Thistransaction was a particularly complicated

multijurisdictional deal, and required us tolead and co-ordinate a team of counsel fromnine different jurisdictions and tosuccessfully conclude the deal undersignificant time pressure.

USP We are Ireland’s most innovative lawfirm. We are also business people who getother business people and how they wanttheir services delivered. We get whybusinesses are frustrated with lawyers. Webelieve in changing how law is practised in afundamental way. We are continually strivingto deliver efficiencies, which means quickerdelivery and a more cost-effective fee.

Survey continued on page 86

‘Mediation is anarea of significantgrowth’

John Hogan (centre) with Lemancolleagues (l-r) Andrew Nagle, David Pierce, Bláthnaid Evans andSimon Deane-Johns

‘We are Ireland’smost innovativelaw firm’

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Lisa Broderick (third from left) assumed the role of managing partner at DAC Beachcroft in July 2018. Also pictured (l-r)are partners Gary Rice, Barry Reynolds, Noreen Howard, John Sheehy, Rowena McCormack and James Colville

ARTHUR COXSolicitors: 294Managing Partner: Brian O’GormanArthur Cox has offices in Dublin,Belfast, London, New York andSilicon Valley, and the firm’s totalheadcount across all its offices is870 people. The firm added 20solicitors through 2018, includingthree funds partners in lateralhires. The aviation team wasaugmented with Rob Murphy,formerly head of aviation atFreshfields, joining as co-chair ofthat group with Caroline Devlin.

Another aviation lateral partnerhire is Laura Cunningham, whojoined from Milbank LLP.

Matt Dunn was hired fromClifford Chance as head of projectand infrastructure finance, whileformer Accenture CIO Eileen Burnsjoined to head up the firm’s legaltech group. Arthur Cox was namedMost Inclusive Firm at theManaging Partners’ Forum awardsin March 2019, and Orla O’Connor issucceeding Ciaran Bolger as thefirm’s chairperson in May 2019.

A&L GOODBODY Solicitors: 292Managing Partner: Julian YarrHeadquartered in Dublin, the firmhas offices in Belfast, London, NewYork, San Francisco and Palo Alto.In 2018 the firm announced theappointment of seven new partnersand 25 new associates, bringingthe total number of partners to 98,with over 450 fee-earners in thefirm. A notable lateral hire in 2018

was David Berkery, who joined aspartner in the firm’s aviation andtransport finance team.

The firm also appointed EithneLynch as its first full-time pro bonoassociate, the first of its kind by anIrish legal practice.

MATHESON Solicitors: 285Managing Partner: Michael JacksonMatheson has six offices in Irelandand abroad, with the San Franciscooffice opened in 2017 and Corkoffice in 2018. The firm has over650 legal, tax legal and businesssupport professionals, and added 17solicitors through 2018. Mathesonrecently announced theappointment of ten new partnersacross the business, bringing totalnumbers to 96 in over 30 legalpractice groups.

Forty five per cent of partnerpromotions in the past three yearshave been women, and last year

Matheson was named the sixthmost diverse law firm in Europe byThe Lawyer magazine.

MCCANN FITZGERALDSolicitors: 278Managing Partner: Barry DevereuxMcCann Fitzgerald has offices inDublin, London, New York andBrussels. The firm added 31solicitors to the payroll through2018, more than any of its Dublinpeers, and total headcount is now629 people. Managing partnerBarry Devereux, re-elected for asecond three-year term, hasexpanded the firm’s LegalTechnology Solutions division tocirca 60 people.

Notable lateral hires in 2018were Brendan Slattery, who joinedto head up the planning andenvironmental group, and Brussels-based Barbara Linehan, an EUprocurement law specialist. Partnerpromotions in 2018 included Gill




LISTING DATASolicitor numbers are forIreland only and are sourcedfrom the Law Society Gazette,effective December 2018, andsome of the firms themselves.Practice information isprovided by the listed firms.

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Lohan (equity capital markets),Eleanor Cunningham (pensions)and Ciara Ryan (litigation, licensingand administrative law).

MASON HAYES &CURRAN Solicitors: 227Managing Partner: Declan BlackThe firm has offices in Dublin,London and New York. It is the onlyIrish practice to disclose annualturnover, which in 2018 increasedby 8% to €82m. Last year the firmadded 26 solicitors and appointed12 new partners across a variety ofpractice groups, bringing the totalnumber of partners to 87.

Expansion has focused ontechnology, financial services, realestate and construction andenergy. “They are burgeoningpractices in sectors where MasonHayes & Curran is pre-eminent,”says managing partner DeclanBlack.

Partner lateral hires in 2018were Brian McElligott (intellectualproperty), Robert Dickson andWilliam Dillon-Leetch (corporate),Colin Monaghan (disputeresolution) and Daragh O’Shea(financial services).

WILLIAM FRY Solicitors: 211Managing Partner: Bryan BourkeAs well as offices in Dublin andLondon, William Fry has a presencein New York, Silicon Valley and SanFrancisco. The firm has a total

headcount of 480 people andrecent expansion focus has been inthe areas of banking and financialservices, asset management andinvestment funds, employment andbenefits, and litigation and disputeresolution.

Notable lateral hires over thepast year have been Lyn Brennan,who joined from Milbank LLP inNew York, Padraic Kinsella, andEoghan O'Tuama joined fromArthur Cox as head of listings.John Aherne joined from A&LGoodbody, Marion Mellett washired from BlackRock and head ofpensions Ian Devlin joined fromEversheds Sutherland.

BYRNEWALLACE Solicitors: 136Managing Partner: Feargal BrennanFeargal Brennan, head of the firm’scorporate division, succeededCatherine Guy as managingpartner in June 2018. Notable hireslast year included Fergal Ruane, apartner appointment to head upthe projects and infrastructureteam. Brennan joined from Maplesand previously worked in TransportInfrastructure Ireland and law firmPhilip Lee. Gavin Blake joined fromBeauchamps to head up the energyand natural resources team. ByrneWallace added nine solicitors

through 2018, and Tracey O’Donnellrecently joined from Deloitte aspartner and head of capitaladvisory, while Philip Nolan washired from KPMG to take on therole of tax principal. Anotherlateral hire was new partner MarkO’Shaughnessy, a specialist incorporate litigation.   

MAPLES GROUPSolicitors: 113Managing Partner: Nicholas ButcherThe firm used to be known asMaples and Calder and has adoptedthe corporate identity of Maples

NEW OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENTTo better serve our Dublin-based clients in Corporate and Litigationmatters, Damien Tansey Solicitors is delighted to announce theopening (later this year) of a new office at 4 Herbert Street, Dublin 2.

The firm is also pleased to announce the appointment of Niall Tansey (pictured) as Partner. Niall joins with almost a decadeof magic-circle experience (Clifford Chance), as well as in-houseexperience (Uber), strengthening the firm’s marketleading Litigation and Corporate practices.

[email protected]

continued on page 88

Arthur Cox hired Matt Dunn (left) from Clifford Chance to lead the firm’s project andinfrastructure finance group. Also pictured (l-r) are partners Alex McLean, GrainneHennessy, Brian O’Gorman and Cormac Kissane

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Group, spanning legal services, andfiduciary services and fundservices. In the Dublin operation,the law firm has 224 staff, ofwhom 35 are partners and 71 areassociates. The total Maples Groupheadcount in Dublin is 397 people,and globally there are 1,900 peopleemployed in the group. PartnerAlan O’Sullivan joined the litigationand dispute resolution team fromHayes Solicitors in 2018, whilemore recently Karen Killalea washired from A&L Goodbody to headup the Maples employment team.

EVERSHEDSSUTHERLANDSolicitors: 104Managing Partner: Alan MurphyEversheds Sutherland is aninternational law firm with 66offices in 32 countries. The firmemploys circa 280 people in Dublinand recent partner appointmentsinclude pensions specialist LorcanKeenan, who joined from A&LGoodbody, corporate law expertEnda Cullivan, and Lisa Bryson, wholeads the firm’s employment andimmigration practice in Belfast.

The Belfast office wasestablished in 2015 and the firmplans to double headcount to atleast 30 people in the short term.The firm’s real estate team hadtwo new partner appointments last year, Terry O’Malley and Marie O’Riordan. Deborah Huttonwas hired from Citi to join thefunds group.

RONAN DALYJERMYN Solicitors: 101Managing Partner: Richard MartinThe firm, with its roots in Cork, hasexpanded its presence in thecapital from eight people when theDublin office opened in late 2014to 50 people now. Total headcountis currently 259 people and theDublin office extends to circa7,000 sq.ft. in The Exchangebuilding on George’s Dock. Thefirm says the number of realestate lawyers has doubled to 23in the past three years, includingpartner Simon Lynch, who joinedfrom Nama in July 2018.

Other new partner

appointments in 2018 were CianFenton, Peter Groarke, LouiseSmith and Antoinette Vahey.Notable recent hires are CIOConnie Wiseman, who joined fromRPS Group, and technology lawyerDean Cunningham.

BEAUCHAMPSSolicitors: 85Managing Partner: John WhiteThe firm says its current solicitortotal has risen to 96. Clientsinclude multinationals, SMEs,government and public bodies andregulatory authorities. Recentpartner lateral hires are SandraMasterson Power, who joined tohead the employment and benefitsteam; Damian Maloney, formerlygeneral counsel with Element FleetTechnology; construction lawyerRichard Stowe, who had beenworking in Australia; Anne Doyle,who joined from William Fry;project finance specialist DavidGunn; and FS lawyer MalachyKearney.

DILLON EUSTACE Solicitors: 83Managing Partner: Mark ThorneHeadquartered in Dublin, Dillon

Eustace has offices in Tokyo, NewYork and the Cayman Islands. Thefirm’s total headcount is 200people and recent lateral hiresinclude partner Keith Waine, whojoined from Barclays Ireland; andsenior associates Shane Coveney,Philip Lea and Conor Kiernan, whojoined from A&L Goodbody. DillonEustace recently hired FionaO’Neill for its propertydepartment – the construction lawspecialist was previously a partnerin Beauchamps.

EUGENE F. COLLINS Solicitors: 61Managing Partner: Mark WalshThe firm has been trading since1893 and moved to its currentlocation on Burlington Road in1998. Its main practice areas arecorporate, banking, disputeresolution and property. At thestart of 2019, the firm welcomedtwo new associates and six newlyqualified lawyers.

LK SHIELDS Solicitors: 61Managing Partner: Emmet ScullyEstablished in 1967, the firm addedfive solicitors through 2018 and

recently absorbed Kilroy Solicitors,which had been trading in Dublinsince 1954 and employed sixsolicitors. LK Shields chairmanMichael Kavanagh commented:“Our business is thriving and thismerger reflects our commitmentto strategic and sustainablegrowth.”

HAYES SOLICITORSSolicitors: 55Managing Partner: David Phelan Hayes Solicitors offers expertise inbusiness, employment, property,media, healthcare, banking,insolvency and family law. In thepast year the firm promoted newpartners in the healthcare,property and commercialdepartments. According tomanaging partner David Phelan:“Martha Wilson, Tomás Nyhan andJeremy Erwin are experts in theirfield. The spread of work theycover shows the range of servicesoffered and our continuing growthin these areas.”

WALKERS IRELANDSolicitors: 53Managing Partner: Garry Ferguson



Liam Connellan (right) joined ByrneWallace from William Fry in 2018 as head of pensions.Also pictured are managing partner Feargal Brennan (centre) and Michael Kennedy, headof the employment unit

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Walkers Ireland is the Irish arm of aten-office global law firm thatemploys 315 lawyers and 825people worldwide.

Walkers’ core focus is structuredfinance. Headcount in the Irishoffice is 117 people and the firmsays there has been strong growthin the regulatory area and in itscorporate services business,Walkers Professional Services.

Recent partner lateral hires areJennifer Fox (investment funds)from Dillon Eustace, RachelRodgers (real estate) from Hayes;Susan Battye (employment) fromLK Shields and regulatoryconsultant Niall Esler from ArthurCox.

PHILIP LEE Solicitors: 49Managing Partner: Philip LeeThe firm employed 44 solicitors in2017 and will have 54 shortly afterrecent hires. The practice in Dublinis complemented by offices inBrussels and San Francisco, and aLondon office, led by new corporatepartner Andrew Tzialli.

The firm says there were 24lateral hires through 2018,including George Willis, AoifeO’Carroll, Elaine Fox and CíaraGarahy at associate level.

Lateral partner hires wereSiobhan McCabe, who joined fromWilliam Fry to lead the energyteam; and head of tax Amanda-Jayne Comyn, who joined fromGrant Thornton. Partnerpromotions were Sean McElligott(technology), Eoin Brereton(corporate) and Eimear Fitzgibbon(property).

MCDOWELL PURCELL Solicitors: 48Managing Partner: JP McDowellThe firm added six solicitorsthrough 2018 and absorbed throughmerger Barry Doyle and Co.Managing partner JP McDowellcommented: “This mergerillustrates the firm’s ambitions forgrowth as we continue to bolsterour capabilities in environmental,planning and European Law in orderto meet our clients’ expandingneeds.” The firm employs circa 150 people.

DAC BEACHCROFTSolicitors: 43 Managing Partner: Lisa BroderickThe international law firm operatesfrom 11 locations in the UK as wellas offices in Ireland, Spain, France,the US, Singapore, Mexico, Chileand Colombia. DAC Beachcroft’sfocus is healthcare, injury risk andprofessional indemnity insurance,and related commercial litigation,employment and regulatorymatters.

Lisa Broderick was appointedmanaging partner of the Dublinoffice in July 2018 and recently sheand colleague James Colville werecalled to the Paris Bar as DACBeachcroft opened an office in theFrench capital. The firm is planningto relocate to a larger office spacein Dublin in 2020, and has seenstrong growth in its data protectionand cyber practices

HOMS Solicitors: 39Managing Partner: Harry FehilyEstablished in 1970, HOMS Solicitorsis the premier commercial law firmin Limerick and also has offices inDublin, Cork and London. The firmhas 14 partners and a totalheadcount of over 140 people.

WHITNEY MOORESolicitors: 35Managing Partner: John LynchThe firm says it has beenstrengthening its core serviceareas of real estate, corporate anddispute resolution throughrecruitment and expansion. In June2018 the firm made three associateappointments: Cathy McFadden andAmanda-Jane Sweeney (real estate)and David Pierse (corporate).Whitney Moore is a market leaderin intellectual property expertiseand was recently named Ireland’sbest ‘Patent Contentious Firm’ bytrade magazine ManagingIntellectual Property.

LEMAN Solicitors: 25Managing Partner: John HoganJohn Hogan succeeded LarryFenelon as managing partner inNovember 2018. The firm offers

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continued on page 90

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expertise in the areas of fintechand payments, medtech and lifesciences, commercial property,financial services disputes andregulation, retail, construction and sports.

Through 2018 the firm doubledthe office footprint and upgraded ITsystems. A notable lateral hire in2017 was partner Mark Robertsfrom Maples, while partnerBláthnaid Evans joined in June 2018from Matheson as head ofemployment. On the real estateteam, partner Andrew Nagle andsenior associate Gavin Fitzgeraldjoined from Maples. In March 2019,sister company LexTech waslaunched, offering ‘reg tech’ and‘legal tech’ software products.

CLARK HILL Solicitors: 20Managing Partner: Kirby TarrantUS law firm Clark Hill entered theIrish legal market in 2019 bysubsuming O’Gradys Solicitors,which had been trading for over 30years and is well established as aniche commercial practice withspeciality in insolvency andcommercial litigation. Clark Hill hasover 650 lawyers and 25 offices in

the US, Mexico and now Ireland. Operating from Percy Place in

D4, the firm offers legal counselspanning M&A, financial services,commercial litigation, bankruptcy,restructuring, commercial property,fintech, data security andcybersecurity.

ORPEN FRANKSSolicitors: 19 Managing Partner: Peter WalshThe Burlington Road firm can traceits roots back over 200 years to anumber of legal practices trading inDublin. Orpen & Co was establishedin the mid-1800s, and Orpen Frankscame into being when Orpenmerged with peer firm Franks &Oulton in the 1960s. Core activitiesspan commercial, medicalnegligence, commercial property,litigation and private client matterssuch as wills and estateadministration.

BHSM Solicitors: 18Managing Partner: Mark HomanThe firm, established in 2012, hassimplified its branding to BHSMfrom Baily Homan Smyth McVeigh,the surnames of the four founders.

The firm says it has expanded feeincome every year since startingout, with growth coming from realestate, corporate, banking andlitigation activities. “In addition toa sustained focus on indigenousbusiness, we have continued toattract international clients withbusiness interests in Ireland,” saysthe firm. BHSM is the Irish memberof the Law Firm Network, anassociation of law firms withaffiliates in more than 50 countries.

LAVELLE SOLICITORSSolicitors: 17 Managing Partner: Michael LavelleThe firm provides legal adviceacross the business sector, fromfinancial institutions to SMEs.Lavelle has carved out a strongreputation in the medicalnegligence litigation, and over the past year the firm has madesenior solicitor hires in the areasof property and commerciallitigation. Says the firm: “We areefficient and flexible andendeavour to solve problemsrather than to make them. We areideally positioned for workingwith emerging businesses andSMEs.”

GORE & GRIMESSOLICITORSSolicitors: 17Managing Partner: Brian O’NeillBased in Smithfield and with aheritage going back over a century,this boutique mid-market eight-partner firm has a focus oncommercial law, tax and property.”We invest in a team of people whoprovide expert legal advice in theirspecialist sectors. Combined withan in-depth knowledge of ourindustry and workingcollaboratively with our clients, thisensures we meet our clients’objectives,” says the firm.

PINSENT MASONSSolicitors: 15Head of Office: Gayle BowenThe international law firmestablished an office in Dublin in2018 and hired funds lawyer GayleBowen from Walkers to lead thepractice. Operating from 25 officesaround the world, Pinsent Masonsemploys over 1,600 lawyers and hasglobal revenue of circa €500m. InDublin the firm’s main practiceareas are investment funds,technology and corporate services,as well as litigation, employment,

Connie Wiseman (right) joined Ronan Daly Jermyn from RPS Group to take up the role of chief information officer. Alsopictured are COO Tom Noonan (left) and managing partner Richard Martin

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banking and insurance capability.Real estate and energy practicesare also planned.

Lateral partners hires in 2018included Garrett Monaghan fromDWF, Kevin Collins from EvershedsSutherland and Ann Lalor fromWhitney Moore. More recentlysenior associate Niall Campbelljoined from William Fry, and hiscolleague Naoise Harnett will joinfrom Frys as a partner this summer.

OBH PARTNERSSolicitors: 12Founding Partners: Orlaith O’Brien& June HynesThe firm works with a wide rangeof corporate and private clients,and services span M&A,franchising, corporategovernance, insolvency andrestructuring, IT and media, andcapital markets.

In 2019 the firm made a newpartner appointment to lead thefinance team.

KENNY SOLICITORSSolicitors: 9Principal: Graham P. KennyThe firm specialises in property,commercial agreements andcommercial litigation. Clients spanhigh net worth individuals, localbusinesses, professionals andleading sports personalities. “Ourclients know that when we giveadvice it is not simply theadministration of textbookconcepts, but rather concrete

solutions to real world businessproblems,” says the firm. “Wecompete not only in price but in ourconcentrated expertise in specificpractice areas.”

O’CONNOR SOLICITORSSolicitors: 9Managing Partner: John C. O’ConnorActivity encompasses largecommercial litigation, employmentand trade union law, protectingbusiness ideas, mediation andalternative dispute resolution,clinical negligence, insurance andcommercial agreements,

competition law and commercialleases and property transactions.Personal client services spanproperty transfers, administrationof estates, succession planning,litigation and employment law.

DAMIEN TANSEYSOLICITORSSolicitors: 6Senior Partner: Damien TanseyThe Sligo firm has a specialty inmedical negligence and personalinjury litigation, and other keypractice areas are corporate andcommercial law. In Q3 2019, thefirm is opening a Dublin office on

Herbert Street, D2. The firm recently appointed a newpartner, Niall Tansey, whopreviously worked with CliffordChance, Howse Williams and in-house with Uber.

HUGHES &ASSOCIATES Solicitors: 3Principal Solicitor: Daniel HughesThe practice has a focus oncommercial litigation relating toshareholder disputes, medicalnegligence and divorce andseparation proceedings.

Eversheds Sutherland managing partner Alan Murphy (second from right) with recentpartner appointments (l-r) Lorcan Keenan, Lisa Bryson and Enda Cullivan


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