launching the nation (1789-1800) chapter 10. i. laying the foundations of government

Launching the Nation (1789-1800) Chapter 10

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Launching the Nation (1789-1800)

Chapter 10

I. Laying the Foundations of Government

Washington’s Inauguration

A. The First President1. George

Washington Good character

& leadership Lacked political


2. Electoral College-

Method of electing Pres. & VP

Unanimous decision for George Washington!

3. 1st capital city-

New York City

4. Martha Washington-

1st ladyentertainment

4 cont. Republican Motherhood-

•Women are important

•Teach children to be good citizens

Abigail Adams

B. Life in the New Republic

1. Population1790- 4 million in U.S.

2. Economy• agriculture• trade

3. New York & Philadelphia-

•Largest cities

Over 25,000!!*Most Americans were farmers, therefore very people

lived in large cities.**

C. Setting Precedents

1. precedent-traditions

2. The Cabinet (______ departments of the Executive Branch)


Washington and his Cabinet

State Department

Thomas Jefferson

Foreign relations


Alexander HamiltonFinancesEconomy

War Department

Henry Knox



Edmund RandolphAttorney GeneralEnforcing laws

3. Judiciary Act of 1789

•Created 3 level federal court system

•John Jay-1st Supreme Court Justice

•Who is the Supreme Court Justice today?

II. Hamilton and National Finances

A. Settling the Debt1. Alexander Hamilton-born in W. Indies

aide to GW in war

2. National Debt- U.S. owed over $50 million to foreign countries and bonds to citizens

3. Bonds-$ borrowed from citizens 4. Speculators-bought bonds & hoped to collect $$

5. Hamilton’s Plan-

Pay France immediately

Pay full value for bonds

6. Jefferson’s Objections-

Not fair to those who sold “junk” bonds

Congress sided with Hamilton

B. States Debts

1. Hamilton’s plan-

Federal govt. pay states’ debts.

2. Virginia & North Carolina Objections-

•Did not have debts•Did not want to help the federal government pay the debts of other states.


3. Compromise-

•TJ & Madison would support Hamilton’s plan

•Hamilton would support U.S. capital South!!

4. The New Capital:

Washington D.C.

C. Hamilton vs. Jefferson


1. Belief in common people

Had little faith in common people


1. Belief in Common People

Trusted common people

“Will of majority”


2. Power of federal government

Strong central (national) govt.


2. Power of the Federal Government

Weak national

State power


3. Economy

*Business, trade & manufacturing

** protective tariff Hamilton

3. Economy

AgricultureLow tariffs


4. National Bank

Wanted national bank

national mint


4. National Bank

Opposed-Not a federal power!


5. Constitution (Elastic Clause)

Loose construction-

Gave govt. lots of power


5. Constitution (elastic clause)

Strict construction

Limit power of govt.



BankFederalists Party



Republican PartyBecame 3rd president


“If our country does not have a strong, central government it

cannot stay united and prosperous.”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


“Common Americans fought for our freedom from Britian and thus common Americans have the right to rule our country.”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


“I do not believe that our Constitution gives Congress

the power to create a national bank.”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


“Human beings cannot be trusted as they are generally selfish and untrustworthy.”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


“A national bank will provide a safe place to deposit

government funds and will serve as a reliable source of loans for US businesses..”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


“States rights must be protected in our new government to

protect against power becoming concentrated in a

small group of people who will debate it.”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


“For the nation to prosper has a whole, it must be made up of

independent farmers who have a good work ethic and won’t

need help from the government.”

Hamilton vs JeffersonWho said what?


III. Troubles Ahead

A. The French Revolution


Overthrew kingEstablished republic

2. American reaction-

a. Jefferson supported France

b. Others concerned about violence

B. War Between Britain & France

1. Neutrality Proclamation-Washington- U.S. would not take sides

2. Response-Jefferson angry

C. Citizen Genet

1. Edmond Genet-France’s rep. to U.S.

Recruited privateers Ignored G.W. request to stop

2. Thomas Jefferson-

Upset with Hamilton (influence on GW)

Resigned as Sec. Of State

D. Jay’s Treaty

1. British Navy-

Attacked U.S. ships trading w/Fr.

2. British in the West-2. British in the West-Still had not left frontier forts

Allied with American Indians against American settlers.

Still had not left frontier forts

Allied with American Indians against American settlers.

3. John Jay-

1St Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Sent to G.B. to negotiate

4. Jay’s Treatya. Br would pay for damage to American ships and leave forts in the NW.

b. U.S. pay war debts to British merchants.

c. Did not stop trading problems or slave problems.

E. Pinckney’s Treaty1. Conflicts with Spain

FloridaNew Orleans

2. Pinckney’s Treaty

a. Changed Florida’s border and reopened the port of New Orleans.

b. Helped expansion of the frontier grow.

IV. Challenges at Home

A. Conflict in the Northwest Territory

1. Little Turtle-Miami Indian Attacked US forces in Ohio in 1790 and 1791

2. Gen. Anthony Wayne- “Mad Anthony”

Sent to Ohio to defeat Little Turtle

Little Turtle did not fight Wayne

3. Battle of Fallen Timbers-

Wayne defeated Indians

ended frontier war

4. Treaty of Greenville-4. Treaty of Greenville-

Indians gave up land north of OHIO R.

Indians gave up land north of OHIO R.

Treaty of Greenville Linie

B. Whiskey RebellionB. Whiskey Rebellion1. Cause-

Tax on whiskey Farmers could not afford tax2. Results-

Farmers threatened rebellion in PAWashington led army-

-Farmers fled-Ended without a battle Proved govt. could

enforce laws!!

1. Cause-Tax on whiskey

Farmers could not afford tax2. Results-

Farmers threatened rebellion in PAWashington led army-

-Farmers fled-Ended without a battle Proved govt. could

enforce laws!!

C. Washington’s Farewell Address

1. Main Ideas a. foreign alliances & wars

b. political divisions in U.S.

c. avoid public debt

2. Importance-

Precedents2 termsForeign wars

V. John Adams

A. Election of 1796 (1st election with political



Popularity:New EnglandFounder:Hamilton Hamilton


Beliefs:business & tradeStrong federal govt.Candidates:Adams & Pinckney



Popularity:South & westFounders:Jefferson & MadisonJefferson


Beliefs:Agriculture Weak fed.-

strong state govt.

Candidates:Jefferson & Burr



Adams Pres.Jefferson V.P.

B. President Adams & the XYZ Affair

1. FranceAttacking U.S. ships

2. Sent diplomats to visit Charles de Talleyrand-Perigord who refused tomeet them.

3. French sent 3 agents and asked Americans for a ……Bribe4. This became known as

XYZ AffairAdam


5. Results

a. Asked Congress to build navy and army.

b. Many Federalists wanted war

c. US signed a peace treaty with France-1800

C. Criticism of President Adams by the _____________1. Led to the _____ & ________

Republicans Alien Sedition

Actsa. Purpose-14 year naturalization process.

b. Made it illegal to

“write, print, utter or publish”

false words against govt.

2. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

(Madison & Jefferson)a. Stated Alien & Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.

b. Federal govt could not pass laws that interfered with the state government.

c. Congress refused to repeal the Alien and Sedition Acts. Later they were not renewed.

Set precedent for politicians: state governments could challenge the federal government.


D. Election of 1800

Federalists-Adams & PinckneyDem-Rep-Jefferson & Burr

3. Issues-

Alien & Sedition ActsTJ-pro FranceJA- “monarchist”

E. Results

1. Jefferson & Burr tied.2. Election decided in House of Rep.

E. Results

1. Jefferson and Burr tiedElection was decided in the House

3. After many ties, Jefferson was elected with the help of Hamilton.

F. 12th Amendment

separate ballot for Pres & V.P.

Peaceful transfer of Power(Federalist to Republican)-

Weakened the Federalists

Showed the strengths of the US system of government.

Election of 1800

Election of 1800


Election of 1800

Journal Ch. 10Entry #1What should the new country put as its’ first priority…..

Alliances with other countries?

orPaying off the state debts?