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field effect transistor (FET)


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Topic 5

Field Effect Transistors

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• There are two main types of FETs:-Junction field-effect transistor (JFET) and Metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET).

• FETs differ from BJTs mainly in two ways:

(1) FETs are unipolar devices, they operate with only one type of charge carrier.

(2)While the BJT is a current-controlled device, the FET is a voltage-controlled device where voltage between two of the terminals (gate and source) controls the current through the device.

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• A major feature of FETs is that they have very high input resistance.

• Since the input of the FETs has very high resistance, the device draws negligible currents. As a result, little heat is dissipated in the device.

• This is important in VLSI circuits where there are thousands of FETs in the circuit and we want to limit the heat created from each FET.

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The Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET)

JFET has two regions: a p-type material and an n-type material.

Note that the p-type material actually surrounds the n channel. The p-type region is diffused in the n-type material to form a channel and it is connected to the gate lead.Wire leads are connected to each end of the n-channel

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Three leads of JFET

In comparison to the BJT, the three leads of a JFET:

• drain – similar to BJT’s collector

• gate – similar to BJT’s base

• source – similar to BJT’s emitter

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Symbol for JFET As in BJT, the arrow always point to n-type. In the n-channel JFET, the gate is p-type. Hence the arrow points to the channel which is n-type.

The JFET has two pn junctions: gate-to-source and gate-to-drain.

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The JFET always operates with the gate-to-source pn junction in reverse biased.

The n-channel JFET has a positive drain supply voltage. VDD provides a drain-to-source voltage, thus supplying a current from the drain to the source. VGG supplies a negative voltage to the gate and sets a reverse-bias voltage between the gate and the source.

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Why reverse bias?

By reverse biasing the gate-to-source junction, a depletion region is produced along this pn junction. The depletion region formed spreads into the n-channel.

It acts like a resistance to current flow.

The size of the depletion region depends on the biasing voltage VGG. The higher VGG is, the larger the depletion region.

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Increasing VGG cause the depletion region to grow. It spreads further into the n channel and the width of the n channel becomes thinner. This creates more resistance against current flow.

Similarly, decreasing VGG, decreases the size of the depletion region. The n channel becomes thicker and hence, creates less resistance to current flow.

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JFET Characteristics and Parameters

Case 1: Gate-to-source voltage is zero (VGS = 0).

To get VGS = 0, short the gate-to-source junction (set VGG = 0).

As we increase VDD, VDS increases

as well. The drain current ID also

increases with VDD. This produces the

drain characteristic curve (ID versus VDS).

Depletion region form in the n-channel near to the drain side.

It is not large enough to have any significant effect.

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As VDS increases, the reverse bias voltage from gate to drain (VGD) increases and produces a depletion region large enough to offset the increase in VDS. The offset is enough to keep ID constant (between B and point C). The region between points B and C is called the constant – current region.At point B, the drain-to-source (VDS) voltage is called the pinch-off voltage (VP), the ID axis is labeled IDSS which stands for drain-to-source current with gate shorted. Both values are specified in data sheets.

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• ID will remain constant until point C, where we reach breakdown.

• Increasing VDS beyond point C will cause the device to enter the breakdown region.

• This will damage the device, thus a JFET should never be operated in the breakdown region.

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Case 2: Gate – to – source voltage is nonzero (V

GS 0).

Connect a bias voltage VGG to the gate.

This produces a family of curves. Each curve is produced with one value of VGS.

Note that ID decreases as VGS is made more negative.

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• This occurs because the channel is narrowing. Also notice that pinch – off occurs at different VP’s for different VGS values.

• The value of VGS that makes ID approximately zero is called the cutoff voltage, VGS(off).Note that the value of VGS that sets ID to zero (i.e. widening the depletion region to a point where the channel is completely closed) is the most negative value VGS can take.

• In summary to the discussion above, we note that the drain current ID is controlled by VGS. This is why JFET is a voltage-controlled device.

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Relation between pinch-off voltage, VP, and

cutoff voltage, VGS(off)

(i) VP is the value of VDS when the drain current becomes

constant. It is always measured at VGS = 0,

(ii) When VGS is nonzero, pinch-off occurs for VDS values less

than VP.

VGS(off) and VP are always equal in magnitude but opposite in

sign. Thus, knowing one, we have the other. Data sheets will generally list only one of the two. For

example, if VGS(off) = −5 V, then VP = + 5 V.

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Determine the minimum value of Determine the minimum value of VVDDDD required to required to put the JFET below in the constant-current region put the JFET below in the constant-current region of operation. The cutoff voltage, of operation. The cutoff voltage, VVGS(off)GS(off) = − 4 V = − 4 V and the and the IIDSSDSS = 12 mA. = 12 mA.

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SolutionSince VGS(off) = – 4V, thus VP = 4V.

The minimum value of VDS for the JFET to enter the constant current region is

VDS = VP = 4 V

In the constant current area with VGS = 0 V,

ID = IDSS = 12 mA

The drop across the drain resistor is

VR(D) = IDRD = (12 mA) (560 Ω) = 6.72 V

Using KVL around the drain circuit

VDD = VDS + VR(D) = 4 V + 6.72 V = 10.72 V

Thus, VDD must be 10.72 V for the device to enter the constant current area, i.e. to make VDS = VP.

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A particular p-channel JFET has a

VGS(off) = +4 V. What is ID when VGS = + 6 V?


Recall a p-channel JFET requires a positive gate-to-source voltage. The more positive VGS, the less the drain current.

When VGS = 4 V, ID = 0 (cutoff).

Any further increase in VGS keeps the JFET in cut off, so ID remains at 0.

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JFET Transfer Characteristic

For an n-channel JFET, VGS(off) is negative. The relation between

VGS and ID is known as the transfer characteristic curve (taken from

the drain characteristic curve ):

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equation for the JFET transfer characteristic curve

• The equation for the JFET transfer characteristic curve is:


• Thus, if IDSS and VGS(off) are known, ID can be determined for any


• Notice that the transfer characteristic curve is parabolic. Because of this, JFET is referred to as a square-law device.






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ExampleDetermine the drain current for VGS = 0 V, −1 V and –4 V for a 2N5459

JFET. Refer to the data sheet below.

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SolutionFrom the data sheet, we find that IDSS = 9 mA and VGS(off) = −8 V (maximum).

Thus, we can say that for VGS = 0,

ID = IDSS = 9mA

For VGS = –1 V, we use the equation shown above:

ID = (9 mA) = 6.89 mA

For VGS = –4V :

ID = 2.25 mA






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JFET Forward Transconductance, gm

The ID vs VGS curve is also known as a transconductance curve.

The slope of the curve is known as the JFET forward transconductance:

gm = ΔID / ΔVGS (S).

Usually, it is very small so that it is measured in S.


Data sheets normally show the value of gm at VGS = 0 V (gm0). This value is

enough to calculate it for all values of VGS:

gm = gm0

The gm0 value can be calculate from

gm0 =







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Input Resistance

Since a JFET operates with the gate-to-source junction reverse biased, the input resistance is very high.

This is one advantage of JFET over BJT. The input resistance can be calculated from


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ExampleDetermine the input resistance of the 2N5457 JFET.

SolutionThe specification sheet for the 2N5457 JFET lists a maximum gate reverse current (IGSS) of − 1 nA under the following conditions:

T = 25 C, VDS = 0 V,VGS = − 15 V

By using Ohm’s law, the input (gate) impedance is |VGS / IGSS| = 15 G.

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JFET Biasing Just like the BJTs, we need to establish the correct dc gate-to-source voltage to get the desired value of drain current.

(i) Self-biased(ii) Voltage-divider biased

Let us establish two facts about JFET operation:(1) In any JFET circuit, all the source current passes

through the device to the drain circuit, i.e., IS = ID. (2)This is because there is no significant gate current

because of the high input resistance, IG = 0.

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Self – Bias • The self-bias circuit replaces the gate supply (−VGG)

with a gate resistor RG and a source resistor RS.

• The gate is returned to ground via RG. Let the potential at the gate be VG. RG does not affect the biasing of JFET. It is required for the ac operation of the JFET. When an ac signal enters the gate, it will be grounded if there is no RG. The presence of RG provides a resistance to the path of the ac signal to the ground so that most of the ac signal will go to the gate of the JFET.

• The resistor RS added in the source circuit helps to produce a potential at the source VS.

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Circuit Analysis

• Since IG 0, VG = IGRG = 0.

• Now, IS produces a voltage drop across RS. VS = ISRS = IDRS.

• Then VGS = VG – VS = 0 – IDRS = – IDRS.

• Now,VD = VDD – IDRD

• Since VS = IDRS, the drain-to-source voltage isVDS = VD – VS

= VDD – ID(RD + RS)

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Find VDS and VGS in the circuit shown.For the particular JFET in this circuit, the internal parameter values such as gm, VGS(off), and IDSS are such that a drain current, ID, of approximately 5 mA is produced.

Another JFET, even of the same type, may not produce the same results when connected in this circuit due to the variations in parameter values.

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VS = IDRS = (5 mA) (220 Ω) = 1.1 V

VD = VDD – IDRD = 15 V – (5 mA) (1.0 kΩ) = 10 V


VDS = VD – VS = 10 V – 1.1 V = 8.9 V

Since VG = 0 V,

VGS = VG – VS = 0 V – 1.1 V = – 1.1 V

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Setting the Q-point of a Self-Biased JFET

The basic approach to establishing a JFET bias point is to determine ID for a desired value of VGS or vice versa. Then, calculate the required value of RS by using

RS = |VGS / ID|

The values of ID and VGS can be determined in two ways: 1. Directly from the transfer characteristic curve or 2. From the transconductance equation ID = IDSS with the

values of IDSS and VGS(off) obtained from the JFET data sheet.

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ExampleDetermine the value of RS (at VGS = −5 V) required to self-bias an n-channel JFET that has the transfer characteristic curve shown.

SolutionFrom the graph, ID = 6.25 mA at VGS = -5 V.Then

RS = |VGS / ID| = 5 V / 6.25 mA = 800 Ω

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ExampleDetermine the value of RS required to self-bias a p-channel JFET with IDSS = 25 mA and VGS(off) = 15 V. VGS is to be 5 V.

SolutionUse the square-law equation:


= (25 mA)[1–(5V/15V )]2

= 11.1 mA Now determine RS:

RS = |VGS / ID| = 5 V / 11.1 mA = 450 Ω






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Midpoint BiasIt is desirable to bias a JFET near the midpoint of its transfer characteristic

curve where ID = .

Under ac signal condition, it allows the maximum amount of drain current swing between IDSS and 0.

When ID = ,


0.5 ½ =

VGS = 0.29VGS(off) =

From this VGS value, the required RS can be determined.

To set the drain voltage at midpoint i.e. , select a value of RD to produce the desired voltage drop.

Choose RG arbitrarily large to prevent loading on the driving stage in a cascade amplifier arrangement.













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ExampleSelect resistor values for RD and RS for the circuit below to set up an approximate midpoint bias. For this particular JFET, the parameters are IDSS = 12 mA and VGS(off) = −3 V.

SolutionFor midpoint bias,

ID IDSS/2 = 6 mAand

VGS VGS(off) / 3.4 = − 882 mVThen,

RS = |VGS/ID| = 882 mV / 6 mA = 147 Ω

FromVD = VDD − IDRD,

RD = (12 V − 6 V) / 6 mA = 1 k



10 M


+12 V

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Graphical Analysis of a Self-Biased JFET

• Find VGS at ID = 0,

VGS = −IDRS = (0)(470 Ω) = 0 V



= −(10 mA)(470 Ω) = −4.7 V

• Draw a line (dc load line)

connecting the two

points. Wherever the

load line intersects the

characteristic curve,

we have the Q-point

of the circuit.

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Voltage – Divider Bias• The voltage at the source VS must be more

positive than the voltage at the gate VG in order to keep the gate-to-source junction reverse biased.

• The source voltage is VS = ISRS. The voltage at the gate is

• Thus,


• Using ID = IS, we get:

ID = (VG − VGS) / RS




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• Determine ID and VGS for the JFET with voltage-divider bias shown. For this particular JFET, the internal parameters are such that VD 7 V.


ID = (VDD – VD)/RD = (12 V – 7 V) / 3.3 kΩ = 1.52 mA

VS = IDRS = (1.52 mA) (2.2 kΩ) = 3.34 V

VG = [R2/(R1 + R2)]VDD

= [(1 MΩ)/(7.8 MΩ)] 12 V = 1.54 V


= 1.54 V – 3.34 V = –1.8V

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Graphical Analysis of a JFET with Voltage-Divider Bias• The approach is similar to that in self-bias. In this case,

however, when ID = 0, VGS is not zero because the voltage-divider produces a voltage at the gate independent of the drain current.

• For ID = 0,


• The next point taken to determine the dc load line in at VGS = 0,

ID =

• The generalized dc load line is as shown.





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StabilityThe transfer characteristics of a JFET can differ considerably from one device to another and this affects the Q-point stability.

A voltage-divider bias is more stable compared to a self-biased circuit. This is because the slope of the dc load line in a voltage-divider bias is much smaller.

Although VGS varies quite a bit for both self-bias and voltage-divider bias, ID is much more stable with the voltage-divider bias.

Note that, by stable, we mean that the dependency of ID on the range of Q-points is reduced.

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Consider the n-channel JFET spec sheet :

• From the values listed, it is possible to plot two transfer characteristic curves

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The Metal – Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor

(MOSFET) • Main drawback to JFET operation - JFET gate-to-source

must be reverse-biased in order to control the effective size of the channel.

• This type of operation is referred to as depletion-mode operation.

• A MOSFET is a device that can operate in the enhancement mode and the depletion-mode

• There are two basic types of MOSFETs:(1) Depletion (D) MOSFETs and (2) Enhancement (E) MOSFETs.

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• The construction of the MOSFET differs from the JFET in that it has no pn junctions.

• The gate of the MOSFET is insulated from the channel by a very thin layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2). The gate terminal is made of a metal conductor.

• Thus, going from gate to the channel, you have metal, oxide and semiconductor layers, which is where the term MOSFET comes from.

Substrate - main body of the MOSFETs.

For the n-channel D-MOSFET: the substrate is p-type, the channel is n – type.

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• The center line in the circle represents the channel. The arrow, as usual, points toward the n-type.

• An n-channel MOSFET operates in the depletion mode (similar to that of JFET) when a negative gate-to-source voltage is applied.

• When a positive gate-to-source voltage is applied, the n-channel MOSFET operates in the enhancement- mode.

• The D-MOSFET can operate both in the enhancement and depletion modes.

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Depletion Mode • Negative voltage to the gate:

negative charges on the gate repel the conduction electrons from the channel, leaving the positive ions in their place.

• That decreases the conductivity of the channel.

• The greater the negative voltage on the gate, the greater the depletion of n-channel electrons.

• At a sufficiently large gate-to-source voltage VGS(off), the channel is completely depleted and ID becomes zero.

• Just like the n-channel JFET, the n-channel D-MOSFET conducts drain current for gate-to-source voltages between VGS(off) and zero.

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Enhancement Mode

• In the enhancement mode, a positive gate voltage applied to the D-MOSFET effectively widens the channel and reduces its resistance.

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Enhancement MOSFETAn E-MOSFET does not actually have a channel. It depends on the gate voltage to form a channel between the source and drain terminals.

The substrate extends completely to the SiO2 layer.

An E-MOSFET has no depletion mode. It operates only in the enhancement mode.

In other words, the gate-to-source potential must always be positive.

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n-channel E-MOSFET • A positive gate voltage applied above a

threshold value VGS(th) induces a channel by creating a thin layer of negative charges in the substrate region adjacent to the SiO2 layer.

• The conductivity of the channel is increased the gate-to-source voltage. This pulls more electrons into the channel area.

• For any voltage below the threshold value VGS(th), there is no channel.

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The dashed line indicates the absence of a channel.

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MOSFET Characteristics and Parameters

• Most of the characteristics of the JFET apply to the MOSFET.

E.g. the transconductance equation for the D-MOSFET is the same as that of the JFET.

• Recall, that where VGS = 0, it corresponds to IDSS and where ID = 0, it corresponds to VGS(off).

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• There are some differences with the E-MOSFET which only operates under the enhancement mode. It requires a positive gate-to-source voltage. (n-channel)

• It does not have a significant IDSS parameter, as do the JFET and the D-MOSFET.

• Ideally, there is no drain current until VGS reaches a certain non-zero value called the threshold voltage VGS(th).

ID = 0 for 0 < VGS < VGS(th)

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Equation for the drain current

• The square law equation for the drain current of the E-MOSFET is:

ID =

• The constant K depends on the particular MOSFET and is given by

K =

• These values can be found from the data sheet by looking at the specified value of ID called the on-state value, ID(on), at the given value of VGS.






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Data Sheet

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ExampleFrom the data sheet above, determine the drain current for VGS = 5 V.


From the data sheet, ID(on) = 500 mA at VGS = 10 V and VGS(th) = 1 V.

Solving for K:

K= mA/V2


ID =

= (6.17)(5 − 1)2 = 98.7 mA











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Handling precautions!!• The layer of SiO2 that insulates the gate from the channel is extremely thin and

can be easily destroyed by static electricity. Hence, extra precautions must be made in handling MOSFETs.

• Since the gate of a MOSFET is insulated form the channel, the input resistance is very high. The gate leakage current (IGSS) is in the pA range (compared to the gate reverse current for a JFET which is in the nA range). An input capacitance results from the insulated gate structure. Excess static charge can be accumulated because of the combination of the input capacitance with the very high input resistance (like a RC circuit). This can result in damaging the device.

• Precautions for handling a MOS device include:1. MOS devices should be shipped and stored in conductive foam. Do not use

styrofoam because it is the best static electricity generator ever devised.2. All instruments and metal benches used in assembly or testing should be

connected to earth ground (third prong on 110 V wall outlets).3. Assembler’s or handler’s wrist must be connected to earth ground with a length

of wire and a high value series resistor,4. Never remove a MOS device (or any other device, for that matter) from the

circuit while the power is on.5. Do not apply signals to a MOS device while the dc power supply is off.

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MOSFET Biasing

D-MOSFET Biasing• Recall that D-MOSFET can be

operated with either positive or negative values of VGS.

• A simple bias method is to set VGS = 0 so that an ac signal at the gate varies the gate-to-source voltage above and below this 0 V point.

• A D-MOSFET with zero bias is shown in the figure below. Since VGS = 0, ID = IDSS as indicated. The drain-to-source voltage is expressed as


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ExampleDetermine the drain-to-source voltage given that VGS(off) = − 8 V and IDSS = 12 mA.


The drain-to-source voltage is


VDS = 18 V − (12 mA)(620 )

= 10.6 V

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E-MOSFET Biasing

• Several of the biasing circuits used for JFETs and D-MOSFETs cannot be used to bias E-MOSFETs because the enhancement mode of operation requires a positive value of VGS.

• The two biasing methods for E-MOSFET are the voltage-divider bias and drain-feedback.

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E-MOSFET BiasingSince VGS must be greater than the threshold value VGS(th), the goal is to make the gate voltage more positive than the source by an amount exceeding VGS(th).

• Drain-feedback bias is the E-MOSFET counterpart of collector-feedback bias for BJT.

• The drain-feedback bias circuit has a negligible gate current.

• Thus, there is no drop across RG. • Hence,


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E-MOSFET Biasing

For the voltage-divider bias, we get:


where ID= .





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ExampleDetermine VGS and VDS for the E-MOSFET circuit in figure below. Assume this particular MOSFET has minimum values of ID(on) = 200 mA at VGS = 4 V and VGS(th) = 2 V.


Find K using the minimum value of ID(on).

K = ID(on)/(VGS–VGS(th))2 = 200 mA / (4V–2V)2

= 50 mA/V2

Now calculate ID for VGS = 3.13 V.

ID = K(VGS−VGS(th))2 = (50mA /V2)(3.13V–2V)2

= 63.8 mA

Finally, calculate VDS.

VDS = VDD – IDRD = 24 V – (63.8 mA) (200 Ω) = 11.2 V

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FET Amplification

The transconductance of a FET is defined as, .

In ac quantities, .

Rearranging the terms, we have Id = gmVgs

This equation states that the output current Id equals the input voltage Vgs multiplied by the transconductance gm.


Ig D



Ig d


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gmVgs rd




Small signal model

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RG rd RD

Vi VogmVgs





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Equivalent circuit that represents the relationship Id = gmVgs.

Both internal resistances are assumed to be large enough so that they are open circuits.

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A FET simplified equivalent circuit with an external ac drain resistance .

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The ac voltage gain is

Av = .

Since Vds = − IdRd, and Vgs= , thus

Av = −gmRd









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There are two cases that Av can change:

• Case 1: If we attach a resistor to the source of the FET, the gain is affected. It becomes:


• Case 2: If the internal resistance is not sufficiently greater than Rd (at least 10 times greater), it appears in parallel to Rd, the gain is reduced to the following:



dm Rg






dsdm rR


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Common-Source AmplifiersJFET Amplification

A common-source amplifier is one with no source resistor (as far as ac signal is concerned), so the source is connected to the (ac) ground.

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It is biased such that the input stays within the linear region of operation. The ac input signal causes the gate-to-source voltage to swing above and below its Q-point value (VGSQ). As the drain current , VR(D) , VD .

The drain current is in phase with the gate-to-source voltage. The drain-to-source voltage is 180o out of phase with the gate-to-source voltage.

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DC AnalysisDevelop a dc equivalent circuit by replacing all capacitors with opens. Then we determine ID. If the circuit is biased at midpoint of the dc load line, then ID = IDSS/2.


Solve for ID using the equation









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AC Equivalent CircuitReplace the capacitors by shorts and the dc sources by a ground.

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AC Equivalent CircuitSince the input resistance to a FET is very high, all of the input voltage from the ac signal source appears at the gate with very little voltage is dropped across the internal ac source resistance:

Vgs = Vin

The gain is given by Av =−gmRd.

Thus, the output voltage becomes:Vout = Vds = AvVgs

= −gmRdVin

where Rd=RD||RL and Vin = Vgs.

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Example What is the total output voltage at the unloaded amplifier shown below? Assume IDSS = 770μA and VGS(off) = –3 V.

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SolutionFirst find the dc output current. We need to solve the quadratic equation:


Rewriting the initial equation:

Let A = , B = , and C = 1.

Then we get

AID2 + BID + 1 = 0

and the solution is

ID = (20.2 mA, 0.54 mA)
































R 12


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With this value for the drain current, determine the value of the drain voltage:

VD = VDD – IDRD = 12 V – (0.5mA) (3.3 kΩ)

= 10.2 V

Next we calculate gm as follows:

VGS = − IDRS = − (0.5 mA) (910 Ω) = –0.46 V

gm0 =

= 2 (770 μA) / 3 V = 0.51 mS

gm = =

= 432.7 μS




)(0 1








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Finally, the ac output is

Vout = AvVin = −gmRDVin

= − (433 μS)(3.3 kΩ)(100 mV)

= − 143 mVrms

Thus the total output is an ac signal with an

(143mV) (1.41) = 202 mV

peak value riding on a dc level of 5.53 V.

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Input Resistance

To calculate the exact value of the (very high) input resistance of the amplifier, we use the equation:

Rin = RG||(VGS/IGSS)

where IGSS is the leakage current.

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D – MOSFET AmplificationA zero-biased common-source n-channel D-MOSFET with an ac source is capacitively coupled to the gate shown.

The gate is approximately at 0 Vdc and the source terminal is at ground, thus making VGS = 0 V.The signal voltage causes Vgs to swing above and below its zero value, producing a swing in Id.

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• The negative swing in Vgs produces the depletion mode and Ids decreases. The positive swing in Vgs produces the enhancement mode and Ids increases.

• Note the enhancement mode is on the right of the vertical axis and the depletion mode is on the left.

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The dc analysis of this amplifier is somewhat easier than for a JFET because ID = IDSS at VGS = 0. Since ID is known, the analysis involves calculating only VD.


The ac analysis is the same as for the JFET amplifier.

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ExampleThe D-MOSFET shown earlier has the following values: RD = 33 , RG = 10 M, C1 = 10 F, C2 = 10 F, RL = 8.2 k, IDSS = 200 mA and a gm = 200 mS.Determine both the dc drain voltage and ac output voltage. Given Vin = 500 mV.SolutionSince the amplifier is zero – biased,

ID = IDSS =200 mAAnd, therefore,

VD = VDD − IDRD = 15 V − (200)(33) = 8.4 V

Rd = RD||RL = 32.9

The ac output voltage is Vout = −gmRdVin = −3.29 V

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E-MOSFET Amplification• The circuit shows a common-source n-channel E-MOSFET with

voltage-divider bias with an ac source capacitively coupled to the gate. The gate is biased so that VGS > VGS(th).

• The signal voltage produces a swing in Vgs above and below its Q-point value VGSQ. This in turn causes a swing in Id above and below its Q-point, IDQ.

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• The general procedure is to solve for the VGS, then get ID, and finally VDS. That is,

K from ID(on) and corresponding VGS

ID = K(VGS – VGS(th))2





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ExampleA common source amplifier using an E-MOSFET is shown below. Find VGS, ID, VDS, and the ac output voltage. Assume that ID(on) = 200 mA at VGS = 4 V, VGS(th) = 2 V, and gm = 23 mS. Vin = 25 mV.Solution

= (8.2 kΩ) / (55.2 kΩ) 15 V = 2.23 VFor VGS = 4 V, we get:

K =

= 200 mA /(4 V–2 V)2 = 50 mA/V2

Therefore,ID = K(VGS – VGS(th))2 = (50 mA/V2)(2.23 V–2V)2 = 2.65 mAVDS = VDD – IDRD = 15 V – (2.65 mA)(3.3 kΩ) = 6.26 VRd = RD||RL = 3.3 kΩ||33 kΩ = 3 kΩ

The ac output is, thenVout = AvVin = −gmRdVin = −(23 mS)(3 kΩ)(25 mV) = − 1.73 V








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Common – Drain AmplifiersThe common-drain amplifier is similar to the common-collector BJT amplifier in that the Vin is the same as Vout with no phase shift.

The gain is actually slightly less than 1. Note the output is taken from the source.

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Common-Gate AmplifiersThe common-gate is similar to the common-base BJT amplifier in that it has a low input resistance.

The voltage gain can be determined by the same formula as used with the JFET common-source amplifier.

The input resistance can be determined by the formula below.

Rin(source) = 1/gm