last name given name surveyor county location year copied

Bo-Bz Surnames Last Name Given Name County Surveyor (S) Location Year Vol. Page Copied Survey Boader John Lebanon and Lancaster Heidleberg and Elizabeth 1824 B6 117 Boaks Stephen Chester Goshon 1734 Y 13 Boal Anne Cumberland Toboyne B9 28 Boal Anne Cumberland Toboyne 1815 B9 29 Boal Anne Cumberland Tyboine 1767 B9 30 Boal Anne Cumberland Toboyne 1815 B9 32 Boal Mary Dauphin East Hanover 1793 D 514 Boal Mary Dauphin/Lebanon East Hanover 1813 B15 229 Boal Robert Dauphin East Hanover 1795 R 83 Boal Robert Dauphin East Hanover 1793 D 514 Boal Robert Dauphin East Hanover 1792 B20 158 Boal Robert Dauphin East Hanover 1795 B 334 Boal Robert Dauphin East Hanover 1796 A 126 Boal Robert Dauphin East Hanover 1795 B 236 Boale Starrett Mifflin/Juniata Milford 1767 B2 114 Boalier C. Somerset Shade 1857 B18 171 Boan Nicholas York Manchester 1837 B16 24 Boar Lawrence Berks/Northumberland Near Chillisquaqua Creek 1771 W 66 Boar Michall Lancaster Derry 1754 F 337 Board William Cumberland Letterkenny 1763 T 18 Boarman Jacob Bedford I-J 41 Boartz Philip York Manheim 1767 F 320 Boas Dauphin Middle Paxton 1815 L 12 Boas Dauphin Middle Paxton 1824 B14 26 Boas Jacob Dauphin West Hanover 1813 B19 44 Boatman James Tioga Pine Creek 1817 B1 96 Bob Anthony Berks Cumru 1765 B 256 Bob Conrad Northumberland Bever 1793 P 302 Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Page 1 of 173

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Bo-Bz Surnames

Last Name Given Name CountySurveyor (S)

Location Year

Vol. Page

Copied Survey

Boader John Lebanon and LancasterHeidleberg and Elizabeth 1824 B6 117

Boaks Stephen ChesterGoshon 1734 Y 13

Boal Anne CumberlandToboyne B9 28

Boal Anne CumberlandToboyne 1815 B9 29

Boal Anne CumberlandTyboine 1767 B9 30

Boal Anne CumberlandToboyne 1815 B9 32

Boal Mary DauphinEast Hanover 1793 D 514

Boal Mary Dauphin/LebanonEast Hanover 1813 B15 229

Boal Robert DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 83

Boal Robert DauphinEast Hanover 1793 D 514

Boal Robert DauphinEast Hanover 1792 B20 158

Boal Robert DauphinEast Hanover 1795 B 334

Boal Robert DauphinEast Hanover 1796 A 126

Boal Robert DauphinEast Hanover 1795 B 236

Boale Starrett Mifflin/JuniataMilford 1767 B2 114

Boalier C. SomersetShade 1857 B18 171

Boan Nicholas YorkManchester 1837 B16 24

Boar Lawrence Berks/NorthumberlandNear Chillisquaqua Creek 1771 W 66

Boar Michall LancasterDerry 1754 F 337

Board William CumberlandLetterkenny 1763 T 18

Boarman Jacob Bedford I-J 41

Boartz Philip YorkManheim 1767 F 320

Boas DauphinMiddle Paxton 1815 L 12

Boas DauphinMiddle Paxton 1824 B14 26

Boas Jacob DauphinWest Hanover 1813 B19 44

Boatman James TiogaPine Creek 1817 B1 96

Bob Anthony BerksCumru 1765 B 256

Bob Conrad NorthumberlandBever 1793 P 302

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Location Year

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Copied Survey

Bobb Conrad LancasterBrecknock 1765 B11 89

Bobb Conrad MifflinDerry 1795 A 138

Bobb George Philadelphia/BerksOly/Alsace 1788 E 446

Bobb Henry YorkYork and Springfield 1863 B9 74

Bobb Jacob MifflinDerry 1793 Q 222

Bobb James CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

Bobb Robert CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

Boblet Aaron WashingtonWaters of Wheeling Creek 1796 H 119

Boblin William PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia B23 226

Bobst Michael Northampton/LehighWeissenberg 1812 B12 1

Bochannon Robert MifflinGranville 1839 B20 95

Bochannon Robert MifflinDerry B20 96

Bochman Peter BedfordQuemahoning 1794 O 8

Bock David Cumberland/FranklinFannet 1793 B6 90

Bock Leonard PhiladelphiaOn Perkiomy 1738 M 400

Bock Nicholas BucksSpringfield and Haycock 1769 D 206

Bockenstoce John Lancaster/DauphinEast Hanover 1788 B6 235

Bodely William Bedford/FultonBethel 1854 I-J 35

Bodenheemer William Adams and YorkBerwick and Paradise 1809 B1 45

Bodine J. LycomingMifflin 1827 B20 99

Bodly William BedfordBethel 1794 I-J 34

Bodsman John Lycoming/ClintonGrove 1839 U 41

Body George Berks/SchuylkillManheim 1830 B1 219

Body George Berks/SchuylkillManheim 1823 B14 9

Body George SchuylkillMaheim 1823 B11 176

Body George SchuylkillManheim 1823 B11 179

Boehm Charlotte NorthamptonTunkhanna Creek 1793 E 46

Boehm Philip MonroeTobyhanna 1851 B9 17

Boehm Phillip NorthamptonMud Run 1786 T 129

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Location Year

Vol. Page

Copied Survey

Boehm William BerksMaxatawney 1873 B16 233

Boehme Charlotte NorthamptonTunkhanna Creek 1792 I-J 92

Boehme Charlotte NorthamptonPine Swamp 1792 I-J 93

Boen Aaron BerksBrunswick 1785 D 172

Boen Aaron BerksBrunswick 1784 D 198

Boen Aaron BerksBrunswick 1794 B18 149

Boen Aaron BerksBrunswick 1786 P 97

Boen Aron Jr. SchuylkillSchuylkill and Brunswick 1831 B10 22

Boer Jacob MontgomeryMarlborough 1833 B18 108

Bogard John GreeneAleppo 1837 B19 123

Bogart Emanuel ColumbiaPine 1875 B10 75

Bogart Emanuel ColumbiaPine 1875 B10 75

Bogart George NorthumberlandShamokin 1802 I-J 30

Bogart Martin NorthumberlandDerry 1794 B7 133

Bogener Jacob DauphinMiddle Paxton 1805 B19 194

Boger Daniel HuntingdonAllegany and Tyrone 1794 I-J 47

Boger Jacob LehighWiesenburg 1840 B14 18

Boger Martin BerksLongswamp 1872 B15 44

Boger Martin BerksLongswamp 1872 B15 45

Boger Peter BerksManheim 1807 P 57

Boger Philip BerksManheim 1807 P 57

Boger Philip LehighWeisenberg B10 219

Boger Philip LehighWeisenberg B10 219

Bogg Andrew ClearfieldChincliclamush 1810 Y 11

Bogg Robert BedfordCearlfield Creek 1784 S 231

Boggs AlleghenyOhio River 1793 L 383

Boggs MifflinLack 1817 A 139

Boggs Aaron FranklinLetterkenny 1828 B21 164

Boggs Alexander Cumberland/FranklinLetterkenny 1785 I-J 54

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Copied Survey

Boggs Alexander Cumberland/MifflinMillford 1787 D 256

Boggs Alexander LancasterMountjoy 1791 B5 83

Boggs Andrew CumberlandStanding Stone Creek 1766 D 587

Boggs Andrew Cumberland/FranklinLetterkenny 1786 B13 170

Boggs Andrew HuntingdonBarree B21 152

Boggs Andrew LancasterUpper Paxton 1773 P 126

Boggs Andrew WashingtonWaters of Racoon Creek 1786 B8 59

Boggs Andrew WashingtonWaters of Pigeon Creek 1794 B4 169

Boggs Andrew Jr. HuntingdonBarree B21 163

Boggs Francis ChesterFallowfield 1746 K 63

Boggs James Cumberland/MifflinLack 1790 H 352

Boggs James NorthumberlandPotters 1775 F 323

Boggs John 1804 B20 115

Boggs John CumberlandWaters of Great Redstone Creek 1769 B5 67

Boggs John CumberlandWaters of Great Redstone Creek 1769 X 180

Boggs John HuntingdonTyrone 1794 E 161

Boggs John WestmorelandHempfield 1786 U 286

Boggs Joseph Bedford/SomersetTurkeyfoot 1794 L 426

Boggs M. LycomingChapman 1828 Z 252

Boggs Moses CentreSpring 1806 W 112

Boggs Moses ClearfieldS Penn 1844 B10 202

Boggs Moses ClearfieldS Bell 1840 B4 153

Boggs Nancy Bedford/HuntingdonBranch of Clearfield Creek 1785 R 240

Boggs Robert BedfordBranch of Clear Field Creek 1785 G 149

Boggs Robert BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 N 16

Boggs Robert BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 E 507

Boggs Robert CentreSpring 1806 W 112

Boggs Robert CentreBoggs 1864 B17 13

Boggs Robert CentreSpring 1804 M 529

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Boggs Robert CentreSpring/Boggs 1802 N 230

Boggs Robert CentreBoggs 1818 U 129

Boggs Robert HuntingdonBarree 1797 B8 93

Boggs Robert HuntingdonBarree 1766 K 184

Boggs William CentreSpring 1808 G 412

Boggs William FranklinLetterkenny 1828 B21 164

Boggs William LancasterPaxton 1766 B3 48

Boggs William LancasterPaxton 1775 Q 350

Boghaman Walter CumberlandEast Pensborro 1752 H 501

Boghard Nicholas BerksAlbany 1792 S 138

Bogher Jacob BucksRockhill 1746 I-J 425

Boghman Christian YorkCodoras 1768 B3 169

Bogle James BedfordBranch of Sewickley 1770 X 174

Bogle Joseph YorkWindsor and Lower Windsor 1864 B9 16

Bogle Joseph YorkMountjoy 1775 T 58

Bogle Joseph YorkWindsor 1767 B2 184

Bogle Joseph YorkWindsor 1767 B2 183

Bogle Joseph YorkHellam 1753 B1 200

Bogle Malcolm YorkStrabane 1768 B4 102

Bogner Jacob DauphinMiddle Paxton 1815 B1 15

Bogner Jacob DauphinHalifax and Middle Paxton 1827 B16 127

Bogner Jacob DauphinMiddle Paxton 1818 B19 193

Bogs Z. WashingtonWaters of Buffaloe Creek 1785 B7 149

Bohanan George CrawfordBloomfield 1817 S 156

Bohanan James LancasterUpper Paxtang 1775 B7 158

Bohannan Thomas YorkFawn 1770 B11 56

Bohannon John YorkChanceford 1771 T 49

Bohannon John YorkChanceford 1771 T 49

Bohanon George CrawfordBloomfield 1817 S 293

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Location Year

Vol. Page

Copied Survey

Bohen Michael SchuylkillBarry 1855 B8 69

Bohn Philip BerksBerne 1808 M 517

Bohr SchuylkillPinegrove 1825 K 466

Bohr SchuylkillPinegrove 1828 D 250

Bohr SchuylkillPinegrove 1828 D 248

Bohr SchuylkillPinegrove 1827 B1 51

Bohr Henry LebanonUnion 1865 B18 193

Bohr I. BerksBethel 1870 B14 218

Bohr Jacob LebanonUnion and Bethel 1865 B2 123

Bohr Nicholas LebanonEast Hanover 1828 B18 217

Bohr Nicholas LebanonEast Hanover 1828 B18 168

Bohr Nicholas LebanonHanover 1826 B10 123

Bohr Nicholas LebanonHanover 1826 B10 123

Boid James GreeneMorgan 1828 K 181

Boid Joseph LancasterDerry 1770 L 77

Boid Robert GreeneMorgan 1828 K 181

Boiler Frederick NorthamptonSecond Mountain 1794 H 113

Bolander Adam NorthumberlandPenn's 1767 D 521

Boldorf George CumberlandEastpennsboro 1824 B10 87

Boldorf George CumberlandEastpennsboro 1824 B10 88

Boldwin M. WashingtonAmwell 1816 B17 22

Bole Henry Lancaster/DauphinPaxtang 1774 D 170

Bole Henry Lancaster/DauphinPaxton 1774 H 259

Bole William YorkStrabane 1768 B13 71

Bole William YorkStrabane 1768 B4 102

Bole William YorkStraban 1766 B9 175

Boles Henry AdamsHuntingdon 1770 B21 15

Boley Archibald York/AdamsHamilton Bann 1766 H 20

Bolgle Malcom YorkStraban 1766 B9 175

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Bolich John MontgomeryMarlborough 1833 B18 108

Bolich Margaret MontgomeryMarlborough 1833 B18 108

Bolick Michael BerksWaters of Mahony Creek 1796 I-J 181

Bolick Michael SchuylkillBarry 1822 I-J 183

Bolig John SchuylkillBrunsweig 1821 B14 132

Bolig Michael Jr. SchuylkillBarry 1822 I-J 182

Bolig Michael Jr. SchuylkillBarry 1822 I-J 183

Bolinder Adam CumberlandMiddle Creek E 238

Bolinder Adam NorthumberlandPenns 1787 T 91

Bolinger CumberlandAllen 1803 B2 69

Bolinger YorkManheim 1806 V 25

Bolinger Abraham YorkManaghan 1786 B9 153

Bolinger Abraham YorkManaghan 1811 B2 163

Bolinger Abraham YorkManaghan 1811 B4 136

Bolinger Daniel HuntingdonDoublin/Tell 1868 B20 217

Bolinger Joseph YorkManheim 1768 Z 227

Bolinger Samuel YorkManhime/Heidleberg 1831 B21 180

Bollenbach Abraham SchuylkillBrunsweig/West Brunswig 1828 B13 102

Bollenbach Michael BerksBrunswick/Manheim 1797 B1 95

Bollenback Nicholas BerksBrunswig 1794 B 81

Bollenbocker Abraham BerksBrunswick 1784 B1 4

Bollender Adam NorthumberlandHains 1794 D 374

Bollender Adam NorthumberlandHains 1794 D 377

Bollender Frederick NorthumberlandHains 1794 D 374

Bollender Frederick NorthumberlandHains 1794 D 377

Bollender Henry NorthumberlandHains 1794 D 374

Bollenger Christ. LancasterHeidelberg 1771 B11 92

Boller Frederick NorthamptonNear Panther Creek 1794 B3 49

Boller Frederick NorthamptonPenn 1794 D 98

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Boller Frederick NorthumberlandBlack Creek 1793 F 598

Boller Frederick Northumberland or Northampton 1793 C 363

Boller Frederick Northumberland or NorthamptonWaters of Black Creek 1793 D 152

Bollinger Abraham YorkManaghan B4 135

Bollinger Abraham YorkMonaghan 1826 B10 158

Bollinger Abraham YorkManaghan 1811 B2 166

Bollinger Abraham YorkManahan 1811 B4 133

Bollinger Christian CentreBald Eagle and Howard 1831 A 223

Bollinger Henry YorkNorth Codorus 1864 B14 20

Bollinger Henry YorkNorth Codorus 1770 B17 139

Bollinger Isaac YorkCodorus 1808 B13 140

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Ferguson 1840 Y 3

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Potter 1844 Z 155

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Snowshoe and Boggs 1853 W 107

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Bald Eagle and Howard 1831 U 133

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Miles 1848 U 132

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Taylor 1851 R 212

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Ferguson 1852 R 116

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Miles 1832 P 385

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Snow Shoe 1843 L 467

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Lamar 1830 K 358

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Walker 1831 B7 3

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Rush 1848 B20 170

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Bald Eagle and Howard 1831 A 223

Bollinger Jacob CentreS Ferguson 1852 R 115

Bollinger Jacob Northumberland/CentreS Haines 1835 B8 141

Bollinger Jacob YorkWarrington 1756 H 245

Bollingwood Jacob CenterS Snowshoe 1849 S 17

Bollman Adam BedfordBroadtop 1854 B15 123

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Copied Survey

Bollman John BedfordHopewell 1806 D 265

Bollman John BedfordHopewell 1806 D 270

Bollt John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia B22 74

Bolter Hannah Berks 1770 F 41

Bolton AdamsHamiltonban 1812 B10 240

Bolton Everard Chettenham upon Tokany Creek B22 208

Bolton Francis ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

Bolton Ira ChesterVincent BB2 49

Bolton John CumberlandNewton/Mifflin 1829 B20 225

Bolton John Cumberland/PerryRye 1815 B10 108

Bolton John LebanonEast Hanover 1837 B20 60

Boltz Henry LebanonEast Hanover 1837 B10 45

Boltz John BerksTulpehocken 1860 B14 120

Boltz John H. WestmorelandDonegal 1874 B14 182

Boltz Reuben LebanonUnion 1869 B20 27

Boltz Solomon BerksTulpehocken 1860 B14 103

Boltz Solomon BerksTulpehocken 1860 B14 120

Bolus James YorkLower Hellem 1751 B15 20

Boman YorkHuntingdon 1764 S 101

Boman David AlleghenyPlumb and Wilkins 1828 B23 3

Bombagh George LancasterRapho 1750 A 112

Bombarger C. LancasterColerain 1835 U 67

Bombarrager John HuntingdonFranklin 1792 R 104

Bomberger Christian FranklinSouthampton 1868 B10 144

Bomberger Christian LancasterNorwick 1762 Q 324

Bomberger Reuben FranklinSouthampton 1868 B10 127

Bomberger Reuben FranklinSouthampton 1868 B10 144

Bome Carroll PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia B22 74

Bomgarden John DauphinRush 1862 B17 226

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Bomgarner Peter AdamsLiberty 1818 B14 234

Bomper Abraham NorthamptonChesnut Hill 1755 D 179

Bon Henry YorkHallam 1753 M 118

Bonar Edward WashingtonMonongahela River 1785 I-J 477

Bonawitz Benjamin SchuylkillPinegrove 1828 A 430

Bonawitz George DauphinMifflin 1853 B3 181

Bonayway Jacob Lancaster/SchuylkillWayne 1851 B5 141

Bonbreak Peter FranklinWashington 1798 B16 235

Boncal Obadiah B23 213

Bond Abraham BucksWarminster 1764 B16 189

Bond Eleanor YorkWindsor 1792 T 40

Bond Jacob NorthamptonWilliams 1840 B14 5

Bond Jacob NorthamptonWilliams 1822 B14 2

Bond John BucksManor of Richland 1735 BB4 1

Bond John IndianaConemaugh 1853 B17 8

Bond Joseph BucksPerkasie Manor B23 299

Bond Lewis AlleghenyEast side of French Creek 1794 X 22

Bond Paul ChesterGoshon 1734 Y 13

Bond Phineas BedfordSt. Clair 1790 V 213

Bond Phineas Cumberland 1765 R 187

Bond Phineas Cumberland/BedfordSouth Side of Dunnings Creek 1765 A 422

Bond Phineas HuntingdonFrankstown/Alleghany 1803 G 435

Bond Phineas NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1774 F 477

Bond Phineas NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1774 G 10

Bond Phinias Bedford and HuntingdonGreenfield and Allegany B6 103

Bond Robert BucksNewton 1702 B22 5

Bond Robert BucksMakefield 1702 B23 265

Bond Samuel Bedford/HuntingdonChest Creek 1773 D 347

Bond Samuel HuntingdonAllegeanny 1793 Z 43

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Bond Samuel HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 E 493

Bond Samuel HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 L 41

Bond Samuel NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1768 C 560

Bond Samuel NorthumberlandChillisquaque 1811 U 73

Bond Silus YorkFawn 1789 B10 38

Bond Thomas HuntingdonShirley 1815 V 195

Bond Thomas HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 N 165

Bond Thomas HuntingdonWest Side of Alleganea Mountain 1788 G 186

Bond Thomas HuntingdonFrankston 1788 D 297

Bond Thomas Huntingdon/CambriaFrankston/Washington and Galitzen 1788 N 206

Bond Thomas LuzerneNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1788 P 375

Bond Thomas Jr. BedfordNear Fort Pitt 1769 V 169

Bondeman Isaac J. NorthumberlandMuncy Creek 1793 N 226

Bonebrake E. J. FranklinSt. Thomas 1905 B13 215

Bonebreak Conrad Cumberland/FranklinAntrim/Washington 1826 B16 178

Bonebreak Conrad Cumberland/FranklinAntrim/Washington 1810 B16 176

Bonebreak Conrad FranklinWashington 1810 B16 175

Bonebreak Henry CumberlandAntrim 1763 B16 177

Bonebreak Henry FranklinWashington 1810 B16 175

Bonebreak Theodore CumberlandGuilford 1772 F 366

Bonenritz John SchuylkillPinegrove 1815 T 229

Boner Alexander YorkFawn 1744 B9 58

Boner Barnabas BerksWest branch of Susquehanna 1771 X 98

Boner Barnabos WashingtonDonegal 1787 P 37

Boner Bernard BerksWaters of Black Run 1770 C 341

Boner Bernard NorthumberlandWest Branch of Susquehanna 1770 E 85

Boner Charles WashingtonWaters of Buffalloe Creek 1794 S 242

Boner John AdamsLattimore 1767 B10 21

Boner Mathew WestmorelandRostraver 1786 Y 232

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Boner Matthew WestmorelandRostraver 1804 Y 229

Boner Rudolph BerksTulpehocken 1832 S 246

Bones James CumberlandAntrim 1765 H 470

Bones James Cumberland/FranklinAntrim 1767 H 341

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillLower Mahantongo 1829 T 236

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillLower Mahantongo 1829 T 236

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillLower Mahantongo 1829 S 47

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillLower Mahantongo 1830 L 348

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillPinegrove 1828 D 250

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillPinegrove 1828 D 248

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillPinegrove 1825 B 157

Bonewitz Benjamin SchuylkillHubley 1868 B13 137

Bonewitz Benjamon SchuylkillHubley 1868 B13 99

Bonewitz Jacob Lancaster/SchuylkillWayne 1851 B5 141

Bonewitz John SchuylkillPine Grove 1829 F 428

Bonewitz Rynard Lancaster/York 1747 H 15

Boney Jacob WashingtonAllen 1866 B10 167

Boney John ArmstrongToby 1805 D 454

Boney Joseph ArmstrongToby 1805 D 454

Bonham NorthumberlandNorthwest of Eves Mills 1796 B10 36

Bonham Ephraim Northumberland/LycomingLoyalsock 1794 F 458

Bonham Ephraim Northumberland/LycomingLoyalsock 1794 F 522

Bonham Ephraim Jr. NorthumberlandWashington 1785 P 340

Bonham Malakiah Cumberland/NorthumberlandBeaver 1767 B 143

Bonham Sarah NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1787 D 127

Bonham William NorthumberlandMuncy 1784 E 126

Bonham William NorthumberlandTurbutt 1776 E 564

Bonham William NorthumberlandFishing Creek 1794 M 81

Bonham William NorthumberlandFishing Creek 1794 O 204

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Bonham William NorthumberlandDelaware Run 1769 U 176

Bonham William NorthumberlandMuncy 1774 U 183

Bonham William Northumberland/LycomingLoyalsock 1794 F 458

Bonham William Nothumberland/LycomingLoyalsock 1794 T 251

Bonine James YorkDover and Newbury 1771 B6 80

Bonine Thomas YorkDover and Newbury 1771 B6 80

Bonnart Nicholas DauphinUpper Paxton 1806 B13 56

Bonnart Nicholas DauphinUpper Paxton 1791 B14 46

Bonnaway Jacob SchuylkillWayne 1837 B18 189

Bonne John NorthumberlandNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1773 H 156

Bonne John NorthumberlandNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1774 L 101

Bonnell Thomas First Fork of Pine Creek 1793 U 78

Bonner Bernard BerksWaters of Black Run 1770 E 262

Bonner John AdamsLattimore 1810 B5 119

Bonner John CumberlandBuffaloe 1811 B3 61

Bonner John CumberlandBuffaloe 1814 B5 81

Bonner John Cumberland/MifflinFermanagh 1785 D 273

Bonner John Cumberland/PerryJuniata River B5 80

Bonner Rudolph NorthumberlandSouth Branch of White Deer Hole Creek D 203

Bonnet Jacob BedfordBedford and St. Clair 1796 Q 285

Bonnett Isaac BedfordBethel B21 159

Bonnor Nicholas DauphinNear Mahantongo Mountain 1789 B8 124

Bonsal Benjamin PerryGreenwood 1834 Y 89

Bonsal Edward Berks/NorthumberlandBuffalo Creek 1769 F 155

Bonsale Edward Bedford/SomersetMillford and Turkeyfoot 1794 Q 225

Bonsale Edward Bedford/SomersetTurkeyfoot 1794 Q 226

Bonsall Benjamin Cumberland/PerryTyrone/Juniata 1822 B12 204

Bonsall Edward BedfordFrankstown 1773 F 109

Bonsall Edward Jr. Bedford/SomersetSomerset 1795 B7 182

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Bonsall Richard ChesterNewtown B22 44

Bonsel Richard Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

Bonser Isaac NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 D 138

Bonser Isaac Northumberland/LycomingNippenose Valley 1798 Y 266

Bonson Peter Berks/SchuylkillBarry, Norwegian and Schuylkill 1829 B20 76

Booal Thomas Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1760 M 22

Boob M. Luzerne 1793 B 559

Boob Mathias Luzerne R 182

Boob Matthias Luzerne 1793 K 189

Boods John WashingtonWaters of Ten Mile Creek 1786 M 143

Booger Mathias Lancaster 1765 H 269

Book Henry FranklinQuincy 1848 B12 78

Book Jacob WashingtonNorth Fork of Pidgeon Creek 1786 I-J 475

Booke Jacob WashingtonPigeon Creek 1789 B 116

Booke Michael WashingtonPigeon Creek 1789 B 116

Booker John LancasterCocolico 1758 D 535

Booker Samuel FultonWells and Taylor 1855 B7 68

Booker Samuel HuntingdonCromwell 1847 V 107

Books Jacob Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 D 458

Bool Mathias Luzerne 1793 C 576

Boom Ralph BucksBristoll 1702 B23 265

Boome Ralph BucksDelaware River 1739 L 55

Boomly Nathaniel Bucks 1687 B22 6

Boon Ambrous ChesterDarby Creek 1684 B22 57

Boon Andres Swanson Chester 1688 B22 61

Boon Andrew ChesterDarby 1734 B3 102

Boon Andrew ChesterDarby 1742 B3 237

Boon Andrew Sr. ChesterDarby 1734 M 255

Boon Benjamin BerksExeter B9 104

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Boon George BerksGreenwich X 198

Boon George NorthamptonPlainfield 1786 B12 27

Boon George NorthamptonPlainfield/Bushkill 1840 B13 156

Boon George PhiladelphiaLymrick 1727 B22 231

Boon George PhiladelphiaLimrick 1727 B23 199

Boon Hawkins BerksBranch of Chillisquaque Creek 1770 X 188

Boon Hawkins NorthumberlandBuffalo 1773 U 236

Boon James BerksBrunswick 1791 H 385

Boon James Berks/SchuylkillManheim 1830 B1 219

Boon James Berks/SchuylkillManheim 1823 B14 9

Boon James SchuylkillNorth Manheim 1752 B11 175

Boon James SchuylkillManheim 1823 B11 179

Boon James SchuylkillBrunsweig 1821 B14 132

Boon Joseph WarrenConewango 1808 A 45

Boon Samuel BerksBranch of Chillisquaque Creek 1770 X 188

Boon Samuel NorthumberlandCatawissey 1789 B 127

Boon Samuel NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1788 F 511

Boon Samuel Northumberland/LycomingWashington 1803 C 59

Boon Squire PhiladelphiaSchuylkill River 1738 M 399

Boon Swan ChesterDarby 1742 B3 237

Boon William WestmorelandHuntington 1786 D 188

Boon William WestmorelandHuntington 1787 Q 314

Boone David AlleghenyS Plumb 1815 P 43

Boone Gabriel LebanonUnion 1865 B19 206

Boone George BerksCumru 1766 B1 23

Boone George BerksMaxatawny 1756 B1 215

Boone George BerksCumru 1766 B17 62

Boone George BerksRobeson and Cumru 1766 B17 63

Boone George BerksWindsor K 348

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Boone George BerksGreenwich R 173

Boone George BucksBranch of Brodheads Creek 1752 K 506

Boone George BucksBrodheads Creek 1752 K 507

Boone George Bucks/NorthamptonSmithfield 1751 E 593

Boone George Bucks/Northampton C 3

Boone George NorthamptonNear the Blue Hills 1739 H 453

Boone George PhiladelphiaOley 1731 B22 111

Boone George Philadelphia/ BerksSchuylkill D 222

Boone Hawkins Berks/Northumberland 1769 M 333

Boone Hawkins NorthumberlandBranch of Limestone Run 1772 D 221

Boone James BerksBrunswick 1786 M 229

Boone James BerksBrunswick 1785 M 224

Boone James BerksBohandy Creek 1753 I-J 169

Boone James BerksBrunswick 1787 B1 10

Boone James BerksWaters of Schuylkill 1788 B3 23

Boone James Berks/SchuylkillBrunswick 1815 B1 241

Boone Joseph ClearfieldChest 1828 G 243

Boone Joseph LycomingWaters of Kettle Creek 1805 B 524

Boone Joseph PotterWaters of Young Womans Creek 1805 F 525

Boone Joseph PotterWaters of Kettle Creek 1805 U 293

Boone Joseph PotterWaters of Kettle Creek 1805 P 351

Boone Joseph Potter and LycomingWaters of Young Womans Creek 1805 F 527

Boone Joseph Potter and LycomingWaters of Kettle Creek 1805 F 528

Boone Joseph Potter and LycomingWaters of Young Womans Creek 1805 F 530

Boone Joseph TiogaFirst Fork of Pine Creek 1807 O 5

Boone Joseph TiogaWaters of Lycoming and Tioga 1807 N 283

Boone Joseph TiogaWaters of Lycoming and Tioga 1807 N 286

Boone Samuel BerksLimestone Run 1769 M 214

Boone Samuel BerksBranch of Chillisquaque Creek 1770 X 188

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Boone Samuel NorthumberlandTurbutt 1776 X 187

Boone Samuel NorthumberlandCatawissa 1793 K 251

Boone Squire BerksRobeson 1754 B2 3

Boone Squire LancasterRobinson 1749 E 467

Boone William BerksCumru 1766 B17 62

Boone William BerksRobeson and Cumru 1766 B17 63

Booner Benjamin BerksExeter 1776 B9 105

Boons Philadelphia/BerksExeter 1787 B18 68

Boons James Lancaster/BerksBrounswick 1781 B6 69

Boor L. NorthumberlandPoint 1794 B 391

Boor Lawrence BerksChillisquaque Creek 1769 L 409

Boor Lawrence BerksNear Chillisquaque Creek 1769 R 243

Boor Lawrence BerksChillisquaque Creek 1769 X 193

Boor Lawrence Columbia 1815 X 194

Boor Martin BedfordCumberland Valley 1823 G 418

Boor Martin BedfordCumberland Valley B20 143

Boor Michael BedfordCumberland Valley B20 143

Boor Nicholas BedfordCumberland Valley B21 238

Boor Peter BerksChillisquaque Creek 1769 L 409

Boor Peter BerksChillisquaque Creek 1769 X 193

Boor William BedfordCumberland Valley B6 77

Boorman Jacob BedfordBethel B21 159

Boos Christopher NorthamptonChesnut Hill 1775 B 520

Boose Jacob Bedford/SomersetLondonderry/Allegheny 1831 B10 13

Boose Jacob YorkParadise 1809 B13 52

Boose Peter YorkParadise 1789 B10 27

Booser H. DauphinLondonderry 1837 B16 22

Booser Henry DauphinDerry 1791 B6 101

Booser Henry Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1772 B5 45

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Booser Jacob YorkCodorus B15 116

Booser Jacob YorkCodorus 1803 B15 118

Boote Michaell S 1687/8 B22 1

Booth Henry NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 E 269

Booth Michael S 1687/8 B22 102

Booth Michaell PhiladelphiaS B22 128

Booth William H. HuntingdonS Tod 1878 B14 185

Booz Adam YorkGermany K 446

Boozer Henry DauphinDerry 1752 B6 102

Boozer Jacob YorkCodorus 1834 B18 123

Bop Ludwick Jr. YorkShrewsbury 1789 S 51

Bope Ludwick YorkShrewsbury 1802 B12 99

Boperman Philip PerryJuniata 1822 B9 139

Bopp Ludwig YorkNorth Codorus and South Codorus 1848 B19 100

Bopp Nicholas NorthumberlandMahanoy 1793 D 148

Bopp Nicholas NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 A 405

Boquet CumberlandPath from Hearts Log to Bloody Run N 35

Boquet Col. BedfordBedford 1776 B20 15

Boquet Colonel BedfordBedford 1775 G 265

Boquet Colonel HuntingtdonUnion B5 60

Boquet General AlleghenyPlumb and Wilkins 1828 B23 3

Boquet Henry BedfordSt. Clair B20 17

Boquet Henry BedfordSt. Clair B20 175

Boquet Henry BedfordGreenfield B23 46

Boquet Henry Bedford/HuntingdonHopewell 1785 W 136

Boquet Henry Cumberland/BedfordPine Run 1797 P 87

Boquet Henry Cumberland/BedfordWaters of Dunnins Creek 1797 R 28

Boquet Henry HuntingdonUnion 1795 V 131

Borbidge Thomas LuzernePlymouth 1827 B1 185

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Borbst Daniel SchuylkillMahoney 1857 B15 233

Borden Joseph NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 P 111

Border David BedfordColerain 1767 B21 237

Border Nicholas BedfordColerain 1783 B21 211

Border Nicholas BedfordColerain 1767 B21 237

Bordner Jacob Berks and SchuylkillBethel and Pinegrove 1816 B5 11

Bordner Peter DauphinUpper Paxton 1806 B7 228

Bordner William DauphinUpper Paxton 1806 B11 238

Bordt Philip YorkManheim B4 240

Bore Burkard BerksPine Grove 1794 M 488

Boreland Andrew CumberlandWaters of Everts Creek 1766 D 147

Boreland Andrew HuntingdonAntis B21 136

Boreland Jesse BlairLogan 1846 B18 159

Boreland Patrick HuntingdonFranklin 1794 I-J 99

Boreland Patrick HuntingdonFranklin or Frankstown 1794 L 290

Borell Philip NorthumberlandUpper Mahanoy 1811 B5 96

Boreman AlleghenyPitt 1790 X 210

Boreman John AlleghenyPitt and Wilkins 1830 S 122

Boreman John Cumberland 1769 G 226

Boreman John Cumberland 1769 S 239

Boreman John CumberlandNine Mile Run 1769 S 238

Boreman John GreeneCumberland 1828 B13 147

Borge Jacob HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 O 161

Borie Charles L. BerksManheim 1794 H 56

Borie Charles L. BerksManheim 1794 H 70

Borin Nicholas HuntingdonHuntingdon 1788 G 152

Borker Michael Jr. SchuylkillLower Mahantongo S 48

Born Harman Union and MifflinMahontongo and Greenwood 1814 F 466

Borrel Anthony NorthumberlandMahanoy 1793 O 252

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Borrel George NorthumberlandMahanoy B1 6

Borrel George NorthumberlandMahanoy 1796 F 524

Borrows Nathaniel Northumberland/LycomingMuncy 1794 G 17

Borse Adam YorkHopewell 1864 B15 114

Borshey John BedfordSouthampton 1791 B21 170

Borson Joseph NorthamptonSaucon B23 232

Bortner George YorkShrewsberry B4 115

Bortner George YorkShrewsbury 1789 D 571

Bortner Ludwick YorkCodorus B15 116

Bortner Ludwick YorkCodorus 1803 B15 118

Bortner Ludwick YorkCodoras B4 95

Bortner Samuel YorkCodorus 1834 B18 123

Bortner William YorkFranklin 1866 B4 55

Bortz Henry NorthamptonMacungie 1794 Z 164

Bortzman John NorthamptonWilliams 1840 B14 1

Boshart Andrew NorthumberlandWaters of Roaring Creek 1774 E 123

Boshart Andrew NorthumberlandAugusta 1775 E 304

Bosht John BerksBranch of Saucona Creek 1752 I-J 239

Bosquett NorthumberlandLittle Mahonoy 1830 I-J 211

Bosquetts NorthumberlandLittle Mahonoy 1831 B20 100

Boss George NorthamptonPenn 1794 E 55

Bossart Casper LancasterCocalico 1789 B3 171

Bossart John Cumberland/FranklinHamilton 1829 B20 140

Bossart John FranklinHamilton 1829 B23 30

Bosserman John AdamsReading 1810 B6 42

Bosserman Philip CumberlandRye 1769 Z 230

Bosserman Philip PerryToboyne 1824 B10 129

Bosserman Philip PerryToboyne 1823 B10 237

Bosserman Philip PerryToboyne 1823 B10 238

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Bosserman Philip PerryToboyne 1823 B10 239

Bosskirch NorthamptonUpper Milford 1776 M 389

Bossler David DauphinRush 1862 B17 226

Bossler David DauphinMiddle Paxton 1849 B20 150

Bossler Davis DauphinRush 1862 B17 226

Bostler Henry LancasterConestogo Manor 1741 B19 23

Bostrous Philip NorthamptonWeisenberg 1788 B12 35

Bosworth Alba BradfordPike 1871 B12 158

Botafield Adam YorkManheim B4 239

Botdorf G. CumberlandEast Pennsboro 1822 B20 189

Bothers John Lancaster B18 89

Bothwell William PerryWheatfield 1831 B5 65

Bott Adam YorkDover 1755 K 40

Bott William YorkMonaghan 1796 B3 79

Bott William YorkFranklin 1809 B5 66

Bott William YorkWashington 1910 M 541

Bott William YorkWashington 1910 BB2 53

Botter Hannah BerksBranch of Chillisquaque Creek 1769 P 101

Bottinger Abraham YorkMonaghan 1811 B10 37

Bottinger Jacob CenterS Halfmoon 1853 S 63

Bottle Samuel Northumberland 1793 M 61

Botton Francis ChesterSchuylkill River 1741 B23 254

Bottorff Henry SchuylkillPine Grove 1814 B1 182

Botts George FayetteLuzerne 1791 P 25

Botts George NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1774 L 291

Botts Hermanus YorkSpringetsbury Manor 1768 BB3 23

Botts John BerksRuhoning Creek 1770 O 74

Botts John Berks/NorthumberlandMahoning Creek 1770 Y 40

Botts John Berks/Northumberland 1770 Y 42

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Botz FranklinLurgan 1843 B5 93

Boucher Captain Berks and Cumberland/CentreBald Eagle Creek 1769 BB1 2

Boucher David WestmorelandLigonier 1840 B19 126

Boucher David WestmorelandLigonier 1828 N 223

Boucher David WestmorelandLigonier 1888 BB1 9

Boucher Henry Luzerne 1793 N 184

Bouchman Martin NorthamptonLow Hill 1757 S 53

Boude T. LancasterConestogoe 1776 B11 4

Boude Thomas LancasterSusquehanna (Island) B9 205

Boude Thomas PhiladelphiaNew Market B22 209

Boude Thomas WyomingMonroe 1873 B9 136

Boudinot Elias Nort Side of the Ohio 1785 D 192

Bough Lancaster/DauphinLebanon 1764 B5 49

Bough George LancasterWarwick 1766 B15 140

Bougham Michael LancasterConestogo Manor 1741 B19 23

Boughard George BerksBrunswiq 1794 G 130

Bougher Anthony Luzerne 1793 R 183

Bougher Henry Luzerne 1793 A 255

Bougher Henry Luzerne 1793 B 71

Bougher Henry Luzerne 1793 C 222

Bougher Henry Luzerne 1793 C 576

Bougher Peter LebanonEast Hanover 1862 B16 3

Boughman Martin NorthamptonLowhill 1757 M 520

Boughman Michael LancasterPaxtang 1775 B3 230

Boughman Michael Lancaster 1775 B3 232

Boughman Peter DauphinWest Hanover 1792 B6 194

Boughner Peter MontourBoaring Creek 1852 I-J 44

Boughwalter Abram HuntingdonHuntingdon 1788 G 152

Boules John West side of Scool Creek 1683 B22 46

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Boulin William PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia B23 226

Boumbarger Jacob DauphinBethel 1786 B10 221

Boumbarger Joseph DauphinLebanon 1790 B12 84

Bound John ChesterDarby Creek B22 48

Bound John CumberlandJuniata 1768 C 78

Bounds Thomas WashingtonMingoe Creek 1785 L 132

Bour Peter BerksChillisquaque Creek 1769 X 126

Bourell Thomas FayetteGeorges T 81

Bourgoyne Joseph ChesterEast Bradford 1888 B17 90

Bourk John AdamsCumberland/Franklin 1807 B3 90

Bourne B23 126

Bourne James YorkFawn 1769 H 247

Bourne Michael Northampton/LehighMacungie 1827 B1 101

Bouseman William AlleghenyPlumb 1850 B8 78

Bouser Christian YorkManheim 1808 B12 141

Bouser Daniel YorkManheim 1808 B12 141

Bouser Isaac Bedford/SomersetQuemehoning 1794 V 5

Bousinger John NorthamptonWeissanburg 1754 T 177

Bousman Allegheny 1817 B15 194

Bousman AlleghenyFayette 1817 B15 193

Bousman Andrew West side Monongahala 1769 X 155

Bousman Jacob Allegheny 1805 B21 38

Bousman Jacob WashingtonElk Horn Run 1786 M 440

Bousman John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 D 370

Bousman William AlleghenyPlumb and Wilkins 1828 B23 3

Bousman William ClearfieldBeccaria 1813 S 56

Bousman William ClearfieldBeccaria 1813 S 57

Bouss Adam Jr. NorthamptonMaccongy 1774 B9 63

Bouss George NorthamptonMaccongy 1774 B9 63

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Boutcher David WestmorelandLigonier 1840 B18 181

Bovaird James NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1769 D 167

Bovard George Westmoreland 1770 X 167

Bowan Mary NorthamptonBranch of Black Creek 1791 B 392

Bowan Thomas B. LuzerneWaters of Tobys Creek 1789 I-J 197

Bowater John Westtown B22 70

Bowden Mordeca West side of Dellaware River 1682 B22 18

Bowder John LancasterEarl B17 131

Bowel Thomas CumberlandTuscarora 1768 F 364

Bowen Aaron Berks B3 68

Bowen Aaron BerksBrunswick D 340

Bowen Aaron Berks/SchuylkillBrunswick 1815 B1 241

Bowen Aaron HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 D 118

Bowen Aaron HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 D 119

Bowen Aaron HuntingdonAllegeanny 1793 C 428

Bowen Aaron HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 I-J 228

Bowen Aaron HuntingdonAllegeanny 1793 C 431

Bowen Aaron LuzerneBranch of Hemlocks Creek 1793 Q 337

Bowen Aaron NorthamptonPenn 1792 M 105

Bowen Aaron SchuylkillBrunsweig 1811 B10 23

Bowen Aaron SchuylkillBrunswick 1823 B16 195

Bowen Aaron Jr. Berks B3 68

Bowen Aaron Jr. SchuylkillBrunsweig 1811 B10 23

Bowen C. W. MifflinBald Eagle 1794 S 208

Bowen David ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

Bowen David ChesterVincent BB2 49

Bowen David Jr. FranklinMontgomery 1787 B4 8

Bowen Henry BucksBristoll 1702 B23 265

Bowen Henry BucksDelaware River 1739 L 55

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Bowen Henry LuzerneLackawanack Creek 1804 P 75

Bowen Henry LuzerneLackawanna River 1867 BB1 7

Bowen Henry Jr. YorkShrewsberry 1769 Z 10

Bowen J. FayetteSpringhill 1835 K 378

Bowen John BucksBensalem B23 266

Bowen John ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

Bowen John LancasterCarraroon B19 7

Bowen John MifflinFermanagh 1795 Z 228

Bowen Mary BerksBrunswick D 340

Bowen Mary BerksBrunswick 1794 D 341

Bowen Mary BerksBrunswick 1794 F 446

Bowen Mary HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 D 119

Bowen Mary HuntingdonAllegeany 1794 U 27

Bowen Mary HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 D 118

Bowen Mary HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 C 378

Bowen Mary HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 B1 17

Bowen Mary NorthamptonPenn 1794 D 98

Bowen Mary NorthamptonBlack Creek 1791 O 134

Bowen Mary NorthamptonPenn 1788 B 369

Bowen Mary SchuylkillMahonoy 1853 B8 230

Bowen Samuel ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

Bowen Samuel ChesterVincent BB2 49

Bowen Samuel FayetteSpringhill 1791 E 285

Bowen Samuel FayetteSpringhill 1791 K 491

Bowen Samuel NorthumberlandLower Mahonoy 1814 F 254

Bowen Thomas AdamsManallen 1812 P 200

Bowen Thomas Chester 1767 B21 91

Bower AdamsStrabane 1814 B15 169

Bower YorkHopewell 1768 B3 212

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Bower Aaron HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 H 388

Bower Abraham NorthumberlandFishing Creek 1793 G 45

Bower Abraham PerryToboyne 1832 B1 93

Bower Adam DauphinHalifax 1825 B12 240

Bower Andrew LancasterDanegal 1763 A 151

Bower Andrew YorkWindsor and Lower Windsor 1864 B9 16

Bower Archibald WarrenColumbus 1825 R 127

Bower Bazil FayetteGeorges 1785 B8 211

Bower Benjamin PerryTyrone 1839 B10 92

Bower Catherine LuzerneWilkesbarre 1839 I-J 104

Bower Christopher CumberlandTybone 1795 H 467

Bower Daniel PerryTyrone 1838 B19 68

Bower David Perry Saville 1870 B20 156

Bower Deilman Plainfield 1767 T 178

Bower Francis YorkHuntington 1790 B2 8

Bower George CumberlandEast Pennsboro 1825 B13 79

Bower George DauphinWest Hanover 1812 B6 143

Bower George Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 O 106

Bower George YorkNewbury 1788 B17 53

Bower Henry LancasterCocalico 1830 B6 140

Bower Henry LancasterCocalico 1792 B6 141

Bower Henry YorkNewbury 1788 B17 53

Bower Isaac AdamsReading and Lattimore 1818 B12 212

Bower Isaac AdamsReading and Lattimore 1818 B14 23

Bower Isaac LycomingDunstable 1812 V 80

Bower J. YorkMonahan 1814 B19 92

Bower Jacob BerksPinegrove 1794 M 470

Bower Jacob BerksPinegrove 1794 N 128

Bower Jacob BerksPine Grove 1794 F 18

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Bower Jacob BerksManheim 1794 D 282

Bower Jacob BerksPine Grove 1794 D 109

Bower Jacob BerksBrunswick/Manheim 1797 B1 95

Bower Jacob BerksPinegrove 1794 I-J 452

Bower Jacob DauphinMiddle Paxton 1795 A 21

Bower Jacob Luzerne 1794 Q 292

Bower Jacob Luzerne 1794 T 198

Bower Jacob Luzerne 1794 Q 334

Bower Jacob LuzerneMain Branches of Bear Creek 1793 M 287

Bower Jacob Luzerne 1793 I-J 120

Bower Jacob Luzerne 1793 I-J 119

Bower Jacob LuzerneBear Creek 1793 C 357

Bower Jacob LuzerneWaters of Wappallopen Creek 1794 S 272

Bower Jacob NorthumberlandLower Mahonoy 1814 F 452

Bower Jacob YorkFranklin 1821 B10 206

Bower Jacob YorkFranklin 1821 B4 113

Bower Jacob York, Adams, and CumberlandFranklin and Lattimore 1821 B4 112

Bower John BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 5

Bower John BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 4

Bower John BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 15

Bower John BedfordNorth and South Woodberry B8 1

Bower John DauphinHalifax 1825 B12 240

Bower John NorthamptonChestnuthill 1793 B 386

Bower John WestmorelandUnity 1829 B23 35

Bower John George NorthumberlandAugusta 1796 A 210

Bower John George NorthumberlandAugusta 1789 I-J 78

Bower John George NorthumberlandBranch of Shamoken Creek 1774 L 109

Bower John George NorthumberlandAugusta 1783 L 293

Bower Joseph YorkManaghan 1817 B10 233

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Bower Joshua BucksFalls 1702 B23 265

Bower Lawrence YorkHopewell 1792 B19 229

Bower Martin BucksRockhill and Lower Milford 1806 B7 67

Bower Martin YorkManchester H 246

Bower Martin YorkSpringetsbury Manor 1768 BB3 23

Bower Matthias NorthumberlandLower Mahonoy 1814 F 452

Bower Michael AdamsStrabane 1810 B15 215

Bower Michael AdamsHuntingdon 1840 B19 72

Bower Michael Berks B1 244

Bower Michael DauphinMiddle Paxton 1815 B12 188

Bower Michael LancasterManchester 1744 B8 104

Bower Michael YorkWashington 1910 M 541

Bower Michael YorkHuntingdon 1764 S 101

Bower Michael YorkWarrington 1751 I-J 400

Bower Michael YorkHuntington 1786 B5 56

Bower Michael Sr. Lancaster/DauphinUpper Paxton/Halefax 1804 B10 173

Bower Peter Lancaster/YorkManahan 1748 B1 230

Bower Peter NorthumberlandPenns 1786 R 85

Bower Peter PerryTyrone 1839 B10 92

Bower Peter YorkFranklin 1821 B4 113

Bower Peter York, Adams, and CumberlandFranklin and Lattimore 1821 B4 112

Bower Philip HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 N 171

Bower Philip Northumberland or Luzerne 1793 X 264

Bower Phillip HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 R 228

Bower Rebecca BerksPine Grove 1794 C 70

Bower Rebecca BerksManheim 1794 D 281

Bower Rebecca BerksManheim 1794 D 282

Bower Samuel NorthumberlandFishing Creek 1793 G 45

Bower Samuel NorthumberlandLower Mahanoy 1814 B10 94

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Bower Samuel NorthumberlandMahonoy 1814 T 184

Bower Solomon AdamsReading and Lattimore 1818 B12 212

Bower Solomon AdamsReading and Lattimore 1818 B14 23

Bower Stophel LancasterDanegal 1763 A 151

Bower Theather LuzerneLittle Wappallopen Creek 1793 C 491

Bower Theather LuzerneLittle Wappallopen Creek 1792 D 255

Bower Theather LuzerneWaters of Big Wappallopen Creek 1792 K 198

Bower Theother Luzerne 1792 K 197

Bower Thether LuzerneLittle Wappallopen Creek 1792 C 492

Bower Thomas YorkHuntington 1790 B2 8

Bowerman John Lancaster/DauphinMifflin and Upper Paxton 1842 B19 67

Bowers Abraham PerryMadison 1845 Y 91

Bowers Jacob AdamsTyrone 1873 B17 27

Bowers James CumberlandJuniatta 1814 B10 134

Bowers James Westmoreland/AlleghenyElizabeth B11 61

Bowers John WashingtonEast Bethlehem 1827 B11 98

Bowers Martin YorkManchester and Dover 1765 B17 71

Bowers Martin H. CumberlandEastpennsboro 1821 B14 127

Bowers Michael YorkWashington 1910 BB2 53

Bowers Nicholas PerryTyrone 1839 B10 92

Bowers Thomas Brandewine B22 43

Bowers William FranklinWarren 1834 B12 210

Bowers William MontourLiberty 1877 B21 27

Bowersock Valentine Berks 1775 U 175

Bowersox George A. Northumberland/UnionCentre 1814 U 153

Bowersox John MifflinDecatur 1853 B21 10

Bowersox John Jr. MifflinDecatur 1853 B21 10

Bowes Hans Michael BerksBethel 1787 I-J 53

Bowes Hugh Cumberland/BedfordNorth Side of Yellow Creek D 380

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Bowin Daniel DauphinBethel 1787 B19 178

Bowin David Sr. FranklinMontgomery 1787 B4 8

Bowl John NorthamptonBranch of Wallingpaupack Creek 1786 Q 98

Bowle Robert 1793 S 129

Bowle Robert 1792 G 110

Bowlen John Adams and CumberlandHuntington and Dickinson 1871 B16 16

Bowler Thomas YorkFawn 1773 B4 175

Bowley Andreas YorkWarrington 1751 I-J 400

Bowling Gerrard WashingtonCross Creek 1785 U 123

Bowling Joseph SomersetMilford 1856 B20 124

Bowling Peter SomersetElk Lick 1842 N 111

Bowling Simms WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1786 D 190

Bowls John West side of Scool Creek 1683 B22 46

Bowls Thomas CumberlandFoot of Tussys Mountain 1767 Z 2

Bowman Franklin 1768 B2 149

Bowman Luzerne 1795 S 173

Bowman Luzerne 1795 Q 297

Bowman A. CumberlandSilver Spring 1907 B20 38

Bowman Abby CarbonEast Penn 1911 M 553

Bowman Abraham Cumberland/FranklinGuilford 1828 B19 51

Bowman Abraham Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1766 B10 218

Bowman Abraham Lancaster/DauphinLondenderry and Lebanon 1786 M 260

Bowman Abraham LebanonLondonderry 1822 B15 77

Bowman Abraham LebanonLondonderry 1822 B15 79

Bowman Albert CarbonEast Penn 1912 M 552

Bowman Barbary Lancaster A 36

Bowman Casper Lancaster A 36

Bowman Casper LancasterStrasburg 1764 A 38

Bowman Christian NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 B18 79

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Bowman Christian NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 B18 96

Bowman Christian NorthumberlandCatawissey 1796 D 387

Bowman Clara A. CarbonEast Penn 1912 M 552

Bowman Dallas CarbonEast Penn 1912 M 552

Bowman Daniel NorthamptonWaters of E Branch Lechawaxin 1793 C 79

Bowman David AlleghenyVersailles 1848 B8 232

Bowman E. LuzerneHervey's Creek 1797 Q 338

Bowman Ebenezer LuzerneHarveys Creek 1796 R 91

Bowman Ebenezer LuzerneRoaring Brook 1795 Q 299

Bowman Ebenezer LuzerneWaters of Roarring Brook 1794 K 202

Bowman Ebenezer LuzerneNear the Forks of Harveys Creek I-J 115

Bowman Ebenezer LuzerneRoaring Brook E 162

Bowman Ebenezer LuzerneWaters of Roaring Brook D 310

Bowman Ebenezer Northampton 1791 M 107

Bowman Eleana LuzerneWaters of Roaring Brook 1795 U 58

Bowman Elisha CrawfordSpring 1841 W 37

Bowman G. M. AlleghenyS Shaler 1873 B19 32

Bowman George M. AlleghenyS Jefferson 1873 B13 67

Bowman George M. VenangoS Franklin 1870 B16 77

Bowman Hans Teter NorthamptonTowamensing 1776 B 406

Bowman Hans Tidder PhiladelphiaMarlborough 1749 I-J 136

Bowman Henry Richland Manor B23 280

Bowman Henry CarbonEast Penn 1912 M 552

Bowman Henry LancasterLebanon 1745/6 B1 177

Bowman Henry LebanonLondonderry 1870 B4 90

Bowman Henry NorthamptonYellow Run 1794 K 5

Bowman Henry NorthamptonTowamensing 1788 S 241

Bowman Henry NorthamptonSwamp Creek 1787 D 178

Bowman Henry NorthamptonChesnuthill 1794 B13 120

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Bowman Henry YorkManheim 1765 S 54

Bowman Henry YorkManheim 1806 V 25

Bowman Henry Sr. YorkManheim 1806 V 25

Bowman Jacob BerksCumru 1785 T 38

Bowman Jacob LebanonLondonderry 1816 B14 221

Bowman Jacob NorthumberlandPenns 1807 H 152

Bowman Jacob NorthumberlandPenns 1807 U 242

Bowman Jacob YorkCodorus and Shrewsberry 1789 B19 196

Bowman Jacob YorkManheim B4 239

Bowman Jacob YorkHuntington 1790 D 254

Bowman James LancasterSouth branch of the Bermuddian 1742 M 4

Bowman John BerksBrecknock 1801 B3 161

Bowman John Cumberland/PerryRye 1815 B10 108

Bowman John FranklinLetterkenny 1829 B21 181

Bowman John LancasterBrecknock B12 113

Bowman John LancasterSadsbury 1767 H 273

Bowman John LancasterEarle 1766 B3 178

Bowman John LancasterEarle 1766 B3 179

Bowman John LancasterStrasburg 1764 A 38

Bowman John LancasterBrecknock B6 233

Bowman John Lancaster A 36

Bowman John Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1766 B10 218

Bowman John LebanonLondonderry 1858 B10 90

Bowman John LebanonLondonderry 1870 B11 151

Bowman John NorthumberlandLower Mahonoy 1831 G 51

Bowman John NorthumberlandWaters of Tobys Creek 1794 Z 143

Bowman John PerryBuffaloe 1846 B3 155

Bowman John YorkCodorus and Shrewsberry 1789 B19 196

Bowman John York B19 205

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Bowman John YorkShrewsberry and Codoras 1768 A 317

Bowman John D. NorthamptonEast Penn 1837 B17 173

Bowman John E. LancasterDerry 1754 F 337

Bowman John E. LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Bowman John E. LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Bowman John Jr. Lancaster A 36

Bowman Jonathan LancasterBrecknock 1808 B12 114

Bowman M. L. LebanonLondonderry 1870 B11 151

Bowman Michael BerksBrunswick 1784 Z 73

Bowman Michael BerksBrunswick 1791 H 385

Bowman Moses LancasterBrecknock 1865 B18 198

Bowman Peter DauphinWest Hanover 1864 B19 237

Bowman Peter IndianaCentre 1849 B16 132

Bowman Philip YorkChanceford 1809 B15 139

Bowman Philip YorkChanceford B19 103

Bowman Philip YorkChanceford 1770 D 504

Bowman Roger CumberlandFoot of Tusseys Mountain 1767 X 8

Bowman Roger CumberlandFoot of Tusseys Mountain 1767 X 11

Bowman Roger CumberlandNear foot of Tussys Mountain 1767 X 27

Bowman Roger CumberlandFoot of Tussys Mountain 1767 X 28

Bowman Samuel LuzerneShaholca Road Q 332

Bowman Samuel LuzerneLittle Mahopeny 1792 I-J 415

Bowman Samuel LuzerneRoaring Brook 1795 Q 299

Bowman Samuel LuzerneWaters of Roaring Brook 1795 U 58

Bowman Samuel PerryBuffaloe 1846 B3 155

Bowman Teeter PhiladelphiaUpper Salford and Marlborough 1769 B21 3

Bowman Thomas DauphinLondonderry 1837 B16 22

Bowman Thomas Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1772 B5 45

Bowman Thomas YorkNorth Codorus 1772 B17 87

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Bowman Valentine LancasterHeidelberg and Elizabeth 1785 B17 203

Bowman Widow DauphinUpper Paxton 1802 B7 125

Bowman William LebanonLondonderry 1870 B15 80

Bowman Wilson CarbonEast Penn 1912 M 552

Bowman Wilson CarbonEast Penn 1911 M 553

Bowman Wyndel 1710 B23 216

Bown John BucksWarmister 1702 B23 265

Bown Robert CumberlandTyrone 1794 B 456

Bownam John LebanonLondonderry 1858 B10 90

Bowne John CumberlandNear the Delaware Run 1767 D 552

Bowne John CumberlandDelaware Run 1767 E 407

Bowne John NorthumberlandWest Side NE Branch Susquehanna 1774 D 211

Bowner Henry Bedford/SomersetTurkeyfoot 1774 Q 239

Bowser Daniel YorkManheim 1766 B6 31

Bowser Daniel YorkFranklin 1788 I-J 489

Bowser George BedfordBedford B20 165

Bowser Jacob AdamsReading and Hamilton 1818 B3 216

Bowser John BedfordBedford B20 165

Bowser John YorkShrewberry 1790 B10 235

Bowser Matthias YorkParadise 1785 B14 229

Bowsman John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 121

Bowter Christian BerksMaxatawny 1756 B1 215

Bowyer John 1684 B23 173

Bowyer John PhiladelphiaShackamaxan and Liberties 1691 B23 191

Bowzer John Bedford/SomersetBrothers Valley 1794 H 101

Boy Thomas BucksBuckingham 1769 B23 256

Boyar Henry LuzerneWaters of Lackawaney 1795 C 272

Boyar John LuzerneWaters of Lackawaney 1795 C 271

Boyard John NorthumberlandStump Creek or Punksuctaining 1785 W 62

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Boyce CentreFerguson 1829 R 118

Boyce Cumberland/CentreFerguson 1766 R 114

Boyce Cumberland/CentreFerguson 1829 R 117

Boyce Abraham P. LancasterDrumore 1819 B14 197

Boyce Elijah CentreFerguson 1829 R 118

Boyce Elijah CentreFerguson 1852 R 115

Boyce Elijah CentreFerguson 1852 R 116

Boyce James SchuylkillPinegrove/Tremont 1888 B8 19

Boyce John LancasterRalpho 1754 B8 159

Boyce John Luzerne 1793 Q 102

Boyce John LuzerneDallas 1793 O 113

Boyce Joseph 1736 B7 29

Boyce Nicholas BerksRobeson 1773 B 454

Boyce Richard FayetteFranklin 1785 B15 2

Boyd NorthumberlandLoyalsock 1794 F 47

Boyd NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 B 207

Boyd NorthumberlandLoyalsock 1794 B 83

Boyd NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 M 56

Boyd Northumberland/Lycoming 1794 D 432

Boyd Alexander AlleghenyLake Erie 1794 B 175

Boyd Alexander AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 F 82

Boyd Alexander AlleghenyLake Erie 1794 R 250

Boyd Alexander HuntingdonWoodberry 1794 G 180

Boyd Alexander NorthumberlandMahoning A 89

Boyd Alexander NorthumberlandWioming 1784 D 113

Boyd Alexander NorthumberlandWioming 1784 T 46

Boyd Alexander NorthumberlandWioming 1784 M 384

Boyd Alexander SusquehannaRush U 207

Boyd Andrew Cumberland/MifflinDerry 1805 B6 107

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Boyd Andrew HuntingdonBerree 1794 P 257

Boyd Andrew HuntingdonBerree 1794 Z 42

Boyd Andrew LawrenceBig Beaver 1850 B17 95

Boyd Andrew NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1787 U 269

Boyd Andrew YorkHopewell 1771 T 39

Boyd Andrew YorkHopewell B3 107

Boyd Anne Bedford/SomersetLondonderry/Allegheny 1831 B10 13

Boyd Archibald AdamsHamiltonban 1813 B15 38

Boyd Archibald AdamsFranklin 1807 B6 29

Boyd Archibald AdamsFranklin 1807 B10 197

Boyd Benjamin AdamsFranklin 1807 B10 197

Boyd Benjamin AdamsCumberland/Franklin 1805 B13 200

Boyd Benjamin AdamsFranklin 1807 B6 29

Boyd Benjamin DauphinLondonderry 1826 B15 175

Boyd Benjamin LancasterLondonderry 1774 B8 61

Boyd Casper York B4 63

Boyd David CumberlandEast Pennsboro 1824 B20 141

Boyd David CumberlandEast Pennsboro 1822 B20 189

Boyd Dougal WashingtonWaters of Pigeon Creek 1798 B7 88

Boyd Douglas SomersetElklick 1855 B14 73

Boyd George ChesterWest Caln 1796 B4 9

Boyd George LancasterSadsbury 1759 D 223

Boyd George YorkWarrington 1837 B16 225

Boyd J. ClearfieldWest Branch of Susquehana River (Riverbed) 1849 B20 169

Boyd Jacob AdamsS Huntington 1840 B6 186

Boyd James AdamsS Hamiltonban 1845 X 2

Boyd James AdamsS Menallen 1840 B6 81

Boyd James AdamsS Mountjoy 1766 L 397

Boyd James AdamsS Huntingdon and Latimore 1822 B6 147

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Boyd James AdamsS Hamiltonban 1839 B5 90

Boyd James AdamsS Hamiltonban 1767 B2 201

Boyd James AdamsS Huntingdon 1840 B19 72

Boyd James AdamsS Manallen and Tyrone 1840 B14 110

Boyd James AdamsS Hamiltonban 1842 B10 149

Boyd James AdamsS Huntingdon 1770 B6 188

Boyd James CumberlandJuniata 1794 B 383

Boyd James CumberlandLurgan/Letterkenny 1753 D 175

Boyd James FranklinMontgomery 1847 B20 98

Boyd James NorthumberlandSinemahonem 1787 G 108

Boyd James YorkCumberland 1767 D 596

Boyd Jason AdamsS Hamiltanban 1844 B17 111

Boyd John Larrys Creek, District No. 1 1797 F 441

Boyd John Waters of Pine Run 1796 S 261

Boyd John AlleghenyPlumb and Varsales 1828 B23 2

Boyd John Allegheny 1805 B21 38

Boyd John BeaverMoon 1815 B10 77

Boyd John BerksNear Chillisquaque Creek 1769 R 243

Boyd John BerksChillisquaque Creek 1769 X 193

Boyd John Berks/NorthumberlandNear Chillisquaqua Creek 1771 W 66

Boyd John CumberlandLetterkenny 1773 L 233

Boyd John CumberlandLurgan/Letterkenny 1753 D 175

Boyd John HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 N 171

Boyd John HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 R 228

Boyd John HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 S 289

Boyd John HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 Z 26

Boyd John LancasterDrummore B2 91

Boyd John LancasterDrumore B6 193

Boyd John LancasterMartick B6 190

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Boyd John LancasterMartick B6 171

Boyd John LancasterMartick B20 19

Boyd John LancasterMartick 1784 C 17

Boyd John LancasterDrummore 1759 B2 90

Boyd John LancasterDrummore 1752 B2 89

Boyd John LancasterDrummore 1771 B2 88

Boyd John LancasterDrummore 1759 B2 87

Boyd John LancasterDrumore 1739/40 B11 156

Boyd John LancasterMartick B10 85

Boyd John LancasterMartick 1813 B6 170

Boyd John Luzerne/SusquehannaLenox 1839 B1 12

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 N 132

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 S 209

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 363

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 362

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 361

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 332

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 324

Boyd John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 321

Boyd John NorthumberlandNepenose 1795 O 241

Boyd John NorthumberlandLittle Mahonoy 1829 B12 39

Boyd John NorthumberlandNipinose 1795 O 242

Boyd John NorthumberlandShamokin 1794 I-J 140

Boyd John NorthumberlandMahanoy or Shamoken 1794 B1 144

Boyd John NorthumberlandLittle Mahoney 1829 B1 143

Boyd John NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 462

Boyd John NorthumberlandPoint 1794 B 391

Boyd John NorthumberlandNipenose 1795 O 232

Boyd John NorthumberlandWaters of Muncy Creek 1794 D 435

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Boyd John NorthumberlandDerry 1793 F 513

Boyd John NorthumberlandS Upper Mahonay 1803 M 86

Boyd John NorthumberlandDerry 1793 N 225

Boyd John Northumberland or Luzerne 1793 T 51

Boyd John WestmorelandHempfield 1786 U 286

Boyd John WestmorelandPitt and Hempfield 1786 M 416

Boyd John WestmorelandBrushy Run 1771 D 49

Boyd John WestmorelandTurtle Creek 1787 A 253

Boyd John YorkManor of Maske 1766 B23 152

Boyd John YorkManor of Maske 1766 BB4 8

Boyd Joseph CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

Boyd Nicholas LancasterDrumore B13 105

Boyd Parks LancasterSalisbury 1750 A 117

Boyd Randolph FayetteS Connellsville and Dunbar (Riverbed) 1864 B8 227

Boyd Randoph FayetteS Youghiogheny River (Riverbed) 1864 B20 231

Boyd Robert BedfordRaystown Branch of Juniata 1835 B4 125

Boyd Robert ClearfieldChest 1828 G 243

Boyd Robert CumberlandRye C 196

Boyd Robert HuntingdonAlleganey 1797 H 189

Boyd Robert HuntingdonAlleganey 1797 H 190

Boyd Robert LancasterDerry 1754 F 337

Boyd Robert LancasterLondonderry 1778 H 226

Boyd Robert LancasterDrummore 1741/2 B6 213

Boyd Robert LancasterDrummore 1749 K 223

Boyd Robert LebanonLondonderry 1858 B10 90

Boyd Robert LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Boyd Robert Washington/GreeneWaters of Ten Mile Creek 1786 N 169

Boyd Rowley Washington/AlleghenyTom's Run 1786 L 178

Boyd Sam Northumberland or LuzerneWaters of Loyalsock 1793 G 42

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Boyd Samuel AlleghenyWaters of Raccoon Creek 1787 B7 45

Boyd Samuel AlleghenyWaters of Raccoon Creek 1787 B7 45

Boyd Samuel ButlerCranbery 1833 B20 59

Boyd Samuel FranklinLetterkeney B21 168

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrummore 1752 B5 54

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrummore S 204

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrumore B6 137

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrummore 1752 B2 89

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrummore 1759 B2 87

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrumore B13 105

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrumore B1 2

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrummore 1750 A 31

Boyd Samuel LancasterDrumore B6 193

Boyd Samuel NorthamptonWest Branch of Lackawacksin 1775 P 104

Boyd Samuel WashingtonWaters of Racoon Creek 1790 B7 10

Boyd Sarah NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 G 91

Boyd Sarah NorthumberlandMahoning 1785 P 175

Boyd Thomas CumberlandMaske Manor 1767 B23 230

Boyd Thomas FranklinLetterkeney B21 168

Boyd Thomas NorthumberlandHaines O 199

Boyd Thomas Westmoreland 1770 X 167

Boyd Thomas Westmoreland and FayetteHuntingdon and Tyrone 1788 M 424

Boyd Thomas YorkMount Pleasant 1760 B8 158

Boyd Thomas YorkMountpleasant K 398

Boyd Widow LancasterSelisbury 1751 B12 162

Boyd Widow Lancaster/DauphinSwatara 1778 T 44

Boyd William AdamsCumberland/Franklin 1805 B13 200

Boyd William AdamsMenallen 1808 B14 17

Boyd William AdamsFranklin 1807 B6 29

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Boyd William Adams and CumberlandHuntington and Dickinson 1871 B16 16

Boyd William BedfordLondonderry 1795 I-J 33

Boyd William BedfordQuemahoning 1787 T 93

Boyd William BedfordLondonderry 1794 K 147

Boyd William BedfordRaystown Branch of Juniata 1835 B4 125

Boyd William BedfordLondonderry 1794 K 345

Boyd William CumberlandNewton 1806 B13 77

Boyd William CumberlandHopewell/Newton 1793 B3 120

Boyd William CumberlandJuniata 1794 I-J 71

Boyd William Cumberland/PerryJuniatta S 250

Boyd William Cumberland/PerryRye/Carol 1838 B15 17

Boyd William FayetteBullskin 1791 L 257

Boyd William FayetteBullskin 1786 R 71

Boyd William HuntingdonTyrone 1787 L 261

Boyd William HuntingdonTyrone 1787 L 260

Boyd William HuntingdonFranklin 1793 R 102

Boyd William LancasterWest Sadsberry/Bart 1808 B4 40

Boyd William NorthumberlandHains 1794 I-J 75

Boyd William YorkManallin 1795 Q 115

Boyd William YorkHuntington 1767 B2 176

Boyd William YorkParadise 1751 B17 101

Boyd William C. LancasterMartick 1838 B10 160

Boyd William C. LancasterMartic 1864 B11 174

Boyd William C. LancasterMartick 1837 B10 86

Boyd William Jr. AdamsManallen 1815 B10 19

Boyd William Jr. AdamsManallen B19 181

Boyd William Sr. AdamsManallen 1815 B10 19

Boyd William Sr. AdamsManallen B19 181

Boyde Robert LancasterDerry 1754 F 337

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Boyden James BucksBristoll 1702 B23 265

Boyden James BucksSouthampton 1702 B23 265

Boyden James BucksEast side of Neshamines Creek 1682 B22 4

Boydleman Elias Northampton and BucksBranch of Cooks Creek 1758 B23 269

Boydleman Elias Northampton and BucksBranch of Cooks Creek 1758 B23 269

Boydleman Jacob Northampton and BucksBranch of Cooks Creek 1758 B23 269

Boydon James BucksBristol BB2 46

Boydon John LancasterDrummore S 204

Boyen John NorthamptonPlainfield V 251

Boyer BucksRockhill and Lower Milford 1806 B7 67

Boyer Lebanon and SchuylkillBethel and Pinegrove 1903 B11 103

Boyer Abraham BerksPinegrove B12 6

Boyer Abraham Jr. SomersetSouthampton 1837 I-J 50

Boyer Andrew Philadelphia/MontgomeryFrederick B12 140

Boyer Assemus BerksPine Grove 1787 B1 135

Boyer Assimus Berks/SchuylkillPinegrove/Wayne 1852 B19 78

Boyer Charles NorthamptonBranch of Brodheads Creek 1793 X 255

Boyer Christian BerksOver the Broad Mountain 1785 L 199

Boyer Christian YorkManhime/Heidleberg 1831 B21 180

Boyer Conrad WestmorelandMountpleasant 1786 D 110

Boyer Daniel BedfordNorth and South Woodberry B8 1

Boyer Daniel BedfordWoodberry B8 2

Boyer Daniel BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 4

Boyer Daniel BedfordNorth and South Woodberry 1794 B8 14

Boyer Daniel BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 15

Boyer Daniel L. Schuylkill and DauphinS Pinegrove 1873 B20 207

Boyer David BedfordNorth and South Woodberry B8 1

Boyer David BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 15

Boyer David BedfordNorth and South Woodberry 1794 B8 14

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Boyer David BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 5

Boyer David BedfordNorth Woodberry 1842 B8 4

Boyer David BedfordWoodberry B8 2

Boyer David BedfordNorth Woodberry 1794 B8 3

Boyer Elias BucksPerkasie Manor B23 299

Boyer Frederick BerksPine Grove 1786 B1 238

Boyer Frederick IndianaConemaugh River 1828 B21 225

Boyer George BerksWindsor 1785 B13 24

Boyer George BerksNorwegian 1810 Q 185

Boyer George LuzerneWaters between Meshoping and Tuscarora Creeks 1794 C 228

Boyer George W. LancasterConestoga 1849 B6 133

Boyer Henry BedfordNorth and South Woodberry B8 1

Boyer Henry CarbonS East Penn 1870 B19 33

Boyer Henry CarbonS Lower Towamensing and Franklin 1870 B7 186

Boyer Henry CarbonS East Penn 1870 Z 212

Boyer Henry Luzerne 1793 Q 298

Boyer Henry YorkDover and Conewago 1851 B4 59

Boyer Jacob BerksPinegrove 1794 A 336

Boyer Jacob Bucks and Philadelphia 1769 B1 53

Boyer Jacob MontgomeryFrederick 1808 B13 4

Boyer Jacob YorkCodorus 1811 B11 83

Boyer John BerksMochony Creek D 501

Boyer John Berks/SchuylkillPinegrove/Wayne 1852 B19 78

Boyer John Lancaster/DauphinHeidelberg 1787 H 317

Boyer John LuzerneWaters between Meshoping and Tuscarora Creeks 1794 C 228

Boyer John NorthumberlandLittle Mahonoy 1831 B20 100

Boyer John SchuylkillBarry 1855 B8 69

Boyer John YorkFranklin 1809 B5 66

Boyer John York Manheim 1766 B12 13

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Boyer John York Manheim 1766 B12 14

Boyer John YorkManheim 1790 B19 192

Boyer John Jr. Berks/SchuylkillUpper Mahantongo and Barry 1838 B8 75

Boyer Jonathan SomersetSouthampton 1837 I-J 50

Boyer Martin LancasterLebanon 1750 H 270

Boyer Martin Lancaster/LebanonHeidleberg 1819 B5 46

Boyer Mary LuzerneBranch of Lackawaney Creek 1795 D 325

Boyer Michael Bedford/SomersetBrothers Valley 1785 O 144

Boyer Michael ChesterWarwick 1879 B13 40

Boyer Michael Lancaster Lebanon 1775 D 529

Boyer Michael K. BerksS Upper Bern 1844 B2 4

Boyer Peter Bedford/SomersetQuemehoning and Shade 1856 B18 45

Boyer Peter SomersetSouthampton 1837 I-J 50

Boyer Peter YorkHellam 1768 B11 1

Boyer Philip Gilberts Manor B23 258

Boyer Philip BerksBern 1803 S 181

Boyer Philip ChesterEast Nantmell 1746 D 224

Boyer Phillip LancasterWarwick 1762 N 168

Boyer Samuel BerksEarle 1792 K 50

Boyer Solomon CarbonEast Penn 1870 Z 212

Boyer Stephen BerksPinegrove 1794 N 270

Boyer Stephen BerksPine Grove 1794 R 215

Boyer Tobias YorkManheim 1775 B19 134

Boyers Charles YorkFranklin 1809 B5 66

Boyers Frederick NorthamptonTowamensing 1785 B 541

Boyers Henry YorkManheim 1837 B21 178

Boyers Jacob LancasterMartix B8 89

Boyers Magdalena YorkManheim 1837 B21 178

Boyers Samuel LancasterMartix B8 89

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Boyl John BucksPlumsted 1772 B3 70

Boyl John BucksPlumsted 1772 B3 70

Boyle Abraham CumberlandFrankstown Branch of Juniata 1766 N 238

Boyle Charles Jr. Cumberland/SomersetBeaver Dam Run 1770 D 456

Boyle Edward R. SchuylkillPala Alto 1855 B9 73

Boyle Henry WestmorelandHuntington 1786 W 11

Boyle James WestmorelandHuntington 1786 W 11

Boyle James YorkMountjoy 1775 B11 21

Boyle John HuntingdonWest Branch of Shesquehanna 1793 A 197

Boyle John Huntingdon 1793 A 81

Boyle John Luzerne/SusquehannaS Lenox 1839 B1 12

Boyle John NorthumberlandWaters of Nescopeck 1773 D 209

Boyle John NorthumberlandNescopeck Creek 1773 D 212

Boyle John NorthumberlandNescopeck Creek 1773 D 213

Boyle John NorthumberlandWaters of Nescopek Creek 1773 K 10

Boyle John NorthumberlandGreen Creek B16 11

Boyle John Northumberland and LuzerneSouthside of Towandane Creek 1786 D 284

Boyle John Northumberland/LuzerneSouth Side of Towandane Creek 1786 B 527

Boyle Luke NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 K 113

Boyle Luke NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 I-J 367

Boyle Luke NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 I-J 210

Boyle Luke NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 S 121

Boyle Peter IndianaWheatfield 1840 B16 118

Boyle Peter IndianaBlacklick 1850 B8 50

Boyle Thomas YorkFawn 1768 B2 192

Boyle Thomas YorkFawn 1768 Z 6

Boyle Timothy SusquehannaS Great Bend 1847 B18 190

Boyle Widow YorkMountjoy 1775 T 58

Boyle William Cumberland/Westmoreland 1770 Y 262

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Boyle William FayetteBullskin K 492

Boyle William NorthumberlandHains 1794 F 11

Boyler Simon Lancaster/DauphinLebanon 1786 K 403

Boyles Hannah BedfordBelfast B20 199

Boyles Henry Cumberland/FayetteBranch of Redstone Creek 1769 B2 143

Boyles John NorthamptonDelaware River 1775 S 50

Boyles Joseph FayetteUnion 1828 I-J 431

Boynton John HuntingdonWarrior Mark 1866 B10 72

Boynton John HuntingdonFrankstown Branch of Juniatta B3 210

Boyor Jacob NorthumberlandNipenose 1794 I-J 369

Boyr Samuel Lancaster B22 121

Boys Elias AlleghenyLake Erie 1794 L 1

Boys Elias AlleghenyLake Erie 1794 R 201

Boys James FayetteFranklin 1786 B7 78

Boys James Sr. FayetteFranklin 1785 K 493

Boys John WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1786 C 113

Boys John WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1786 D 190

Boys John WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1795 O 112

Boys Nathan AlleghenyLake Erie 1794 L 1

Bozard Henry BerksBern T 52

Bozart John LancasterUpper Paxton 1785 X 251

Brabln Allen AlleghenyWilkins 1850 R 295

Brabston Thomas LancasterLittle Britain 1774 A 425

Brabston Thomas LancasterLittle Britain 1759 B5 30

Brachan Thomas WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1787 S 259

Brachan Thomas WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1786 Y 160

Brackbill Abraham LancasterMartick 1763 B8 64

Brackbill Benjamin LanacasterSalisbury 1786 B13 174

Brackbill John LancasterMartick 1838 B10 160

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Brackbill John LancasterMartic 1864 B11 174

Brackbill John LancasterMartick 1822 B12 236

Bracken Bedford/Somerset 1794 R 49

Bracken James T. IndianaBuffington 1800 B15 210

Bracken James Y. IndianaBuffington 1896 B11 126

Bracken John Adams and YorkLattimore and Franklin 1827 B11 150

Bracken Mary BradfordTowanda 1812 U 45

Bracken Mary Northumberland/LuzerneNE Branch of Susquehanna 1785 D 527

Bracken Mary A. IndianaBuffington 1800 B15 210

Bracken Samuel IndianaBuffington 1896 B11 126

Bracken Thomas Washington B21 55

Bracken Thomas YorkManallin 1769 D 580

Bracken Twinam J. IndianaEast Wheatfield 1864 B21 68

Bracken William LancasterDrumore 1739/40 B11 156

Bracken William LancasterDrumore 1744 M 301

Bracken William LancasterDrummore 1744 M 302

Brackenridge Alexander West Side Monongahala 1769 D 457

Brackenridge Andrew Cumberland/FranklinLurgan/Southampton 1827 B5 214

Brackenridge Andrew MercerWolf Creek 1815 C 558

Brackenridge Hugh FayetteLuzerne 1791 P 25

Brackenridge Hugh H WashingtonTen Mile Creek 1784 D 151

Brackenridge Hugh H. AlleghenyRobinsons Run 1800 B1 184

Brackenridge Hugh H. AlleghenyOhio River 1791 W 275

Brackenridge John FranklinSouthampton 1805 B17 194

Brackenridge Mary BedfordAir 1767 B21 239

Bracker John Adams and Cumberland and YorkLattimore and South Middleton and Franklin 1827 B11 148

Bracker William IndianaBrushvalley 1840 B8 79

Brackhan John ChesterCoventry B5 227

Brackin John YorkFranklin 1821 B10 206

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Brackin John YorkFranklin 1821 B4 113

Brackin John York, Adams, and CumberlandFranklin and Lattimore 1821 B4 112

Brackin William BedfordBarree 1785 K 485

Brackinrige Hugh WashingtonWaters of Buffalow Creek 1785 B7 212

Bracknor Christopher Bedford/SomersetLondonderry/Southampton 1820 B10 114

Braddock Esther Ann LancasterDrumore 1886 B17 235

Braddock Nicholas HuntingdonFrankstown 1791 G 434

Braden James BeaverMoon 1869 B17 198

Braden James MercerWolf Creek 1815 C 558

Braden James WashingtonWaters of Daniels Run 1785 B10 208

Braden James Washington/BeaverPotter 1785 B2 92

Braden John Washington/BeaverRobinson/Hopewell 1817 B9 160

Braden John Washington/BeaverRobinson/Hopewell 1834 B11 17

Braden Mary WashingtonRobeson 1785 U 234

Braden Nathaniel NorthumberlandMahoning 1792 K 250

Bradenstine Christian BerksCumru 1796 E 158

Brader Daniel LuzerneSalem 1875 B10 133

Bradey John BeaverMoon 1815 B10 77

Bradford Chester B22 226

Bradford ClintonGrove 1840 B1 48

Bradford Benjamin IndianaWheatfield 1851 B17 46

Bradford David WashingtonWaters of Wheeling 1785 L 133

Bradford James GreeneWhiteley 1805 B7 160

Bradford Margret MifflinUper Bald Eagle 1793 G 67

Bradford Margrett NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1787 H 78

Bradford Schuyler BedfordWaters of Clearfield Creek 1785 I-J 49

Bradford Schuyler HuntingdonFrankstown 1789 I-J 48

Bradford Thomas 1785 S 125

Bradford Thomas AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 R 245

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Bradford Thomas AlleghenyWaters of French Creek 1795 V 216

Bradford Thomas BedfordDunnings Creek 1782 A 447

Bradford Vincent L. ClintonGrove 1840 R 41

Bradford Vincent L. ClintonGrove 1840 S 264

Bradford William Beyond Marlborough B22 70

Bradford William Faggs Manor B23 142

Bradford William AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 R 245

Bradford William BedfordDunnings Creek 1782 A 447

Bradford William Chester B22 50

Bradford William NorthumberlandWaters of Stump Creek or Punksuctaning 1785 G 174

Bradford William NorthumberlandWaters of Stump Creek/Punksuetaning 1785 B 479

Bradford William NorthumberlandWaters of Stump Creek and Sandy-lick Creek 1785 B 478

Bradford William NorthumberlandMeighcaanga or Red Bank Creek 1774 I-J 196

Bradford William NorthumberlandWaters of Meiqhcaango or Red Bank Creek 1774 G 11

Bradford William NorthumberlandShamoken 1790 F 464

Bradford William Northumberland 1786 E 457

Bradford William NorthumberlandMeighcaanga or Red Bank Creek 1774 D 242

Bradford William NorthumberlandWaters of Stump Creek or Punksuctaning 1785 D 185

Bradford William NorthumberlandWaters of Stump Creek or Punksuctaning 1785 D 183

Bradford William NorthumberlandStump Creek 1785 R 24

Bradford William Northumberland/LycomingWaters of Stump Creek or Punksuctaning 1785 E 72

Bradford William PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1689 B22 133

Bradford William Jr. Nort Side of the Ohio 1785 D 192

Bradford Hills Land Co. ChesterEast Bradford 1888 B17 90

Bradford Oil Co. McKeanHamilton 1883 B10 91

Bradhead John NorthumberlandS Cowanshanek Creek 1794 U 259

Bradies John NorthumberlandHains 1794 C 408

Bradin ButlerParker 1872 B4 86

Bradin WashingtonPidgeon Creek 1785 M 445

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Bradin James WashingtonWaters of Daniels Run 1785 B10 208

Bradin William WashingtonKings Creek 1787 O 129

Bradley U 9

Bradley Abraham LuzerneBranch of Hunlocks Creek 1794 W 4

Bradley Abraham LuzernePlymouth 1837 W 7

Bradley Daniel DauphinEast Hanover 1793 D 514

Bradley Daniel Dauphin/LebanonEast Hanover 1813 B15 229

Bradley Dominick NorthumberlandTurbut 1809 H 149

Bradley Hannah LuzerneSouth Branch of Mahopeny 1793 P 343

Bradley Henery LancasterDrummore 1750 A 31

Bradley Henry YorkFawn and Hopewell 1811 B9 101

Bradley J. ChesterBranches of Brandywine Creek 1735/6 B19 18

Bradley James LancasterLittle Britain and Drummore 1751 B1 187

Bradley James LancasterLittle Britain 1809 B1 188

Bradley James LancasterLittle Britain 1809 B1 188

Bradley James LancasterLittle Britain B5 237

Bradley James WestmorelandKittaning Path 1771 V 180

Bradley John AlleghenySewickley and Moon 1864 L 183

Bradley John ChesterBradford 1749 B5 177

Bradley Jonathan ChesterBranches of Brandywine Creek 1735/6 B19 18

Bradley Mary LebanonUnion 1865 B18 193

Bradley Matthew Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1794 D 438

Bradley Phineas LuzerneBranch of Hunlocks Creek 1794 W 4

Bradley Phineas LuzerneHunlocks Creek 1794 W 6

Bradley Phineas LuzernePlymouth 1837 W 7

Bradley Thomas NorthumberlandMuncy 1784 O 182

Bradley Thomas PhiladelphiaMoyamensing 1830 B5 104

Bradley William P. NorthumberlandWaters of Pond Creek 1794 A 269

Bradly Abraham LuzerneHunlocks Creek 1794 W 6

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Bradly Daniel 1792 G 110

Bradly Daniel DauphinEast Hanover 1792 B20 158

Bradly Daniel DauphinEast Hanover 1792 D 510

Bradly Daniel DauphinEast Hanover 1793 D 514

Bradly Hannah LuzerneSouth branch of Mahaping 1793 V 260

Bradly Hannah LuzerneNorth branch of Bowmans Creek 1793 V 261

Bradly James LancasterLittle Britain and Drumore 1824 B1 189

Bradly Phineas LuzerneBranch of Sugar Creek 1793 Q 262

Bradney ClintonChapman 1841 G 138

Bradock John WashingtonWaters of Shirtees Creek 1786 B 48

Bradon James WashingtonWaters of Pigeon Creek 1794 B4 169

Bradshaw Charles YorkChanceford 1769 K 496

Bradshaw Charles YorkChanceford 1785 B7 98

Bradshaw Charles YorkChanceford 1803 B4 100

Bradshaw George BucksStreepers Tract 1738 BB2 51

Bradshaw John LuzerneWaters of Lehi 1792 V 143

Bradshaw John LuzerneWest Side of the Lehi River 1792 D 329

Bradshaw John Northampton/LuzerneWest Side of Lehigh 1793 A 2

Bradshaw Joseph YorkLower Chanceford 1833 B21 59

Bradshaw Joseph YorkChanceford and Fawn 1806 B4 114

Bradshaw Robert BedfordColerain and Bedford 1796 Q 108

Bradshaw Thomas BedfordColerain B21 174

Bradshaw Thomas LancasterDonegal 1743 B1 221

Bradwell Mary Philadelphia B22 128

Brady Berks/NorthumberlandBranch of Susquehanna River 1769 Q 112

Brady NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 F 387

Brady NorthumberlandFishing Creek 1773 L 111

Brady Captain Berks and Cumberland/CentreBald Eagle Creek 1769 BB1 2

Brady Daniel 1793 S 129

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Brady Dewalt LycomingMoreland 1814 U 229

Brady Hannah NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 187

Brady Hannah NorthumberlandHains or Buffaloe 1794 G 20

Brady Hannah NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 191

Brady Hannah NorthumberlandBuffaloe or Hains 1794 G 24

Brady Hannah NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 I-J 132

Brady Hugh BedfordStanding Stone 1768 A 12

Brady Hugh CumberlandHopewell B 12

Brady Hugh HuntingdonFrankstown 1766 B21 122

Brady Hugh WashingtonNottingham 1785 N 222

Brady James Conemaugh River B23 49

Brady James WestmorelandWaters of Conimaugh 1773 D 490

Brady James Jr. WestmorelandWheatfield 1787 B7 86

Brady James Sr. WestmorelandWheatfield 1787 B7 86

Brady Jane ColumbiaPine 1873 B16 10

Brady Jane ColumbiaPine 1875 B10 75

Brady Jane NorthumberlandDerry 1794 G 5

Brady Jane NorthumberlandBuffaloe or Hains 1794 G 24

Brady Jane NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 191

Brady Jane WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 Q 191

Brady Jane WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 Q 188

Brady Jean Luzerne 1793 F 7

Brady Jean Luzerne 1793 D 279

Brady Jean NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 A 65

Brady Jean NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 F 456

Brady Jean NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 G 94

Brady Jean NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 Y 222

Brady John BedfordBarre 1777 A 201

Brady John Berks/NorthumberlandWest Branch of Susquehanna 1769 Q 38

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Brady John ChesterEast Bradford and East Caln/West Bradford 1768 H 123

Brady John ColumbiaPine 1875 B10 75

Brady John ColumbiaPine 1873 B16 10

Brady John CumberlandHopewell 1767 Q 208

Brady John CumberlandWaters of Vineyard Creek 1762 E 338

Brady John HuntingdonMorris 1830 B21 234

Brady John HuntingdonFranks Town 1793 Z 245

Brady John Huntingdon and WestmorelandWheatfield and Allegheny 1794 N 164

Brady John IndianaMahoning B21 80

Brady John Luzerne 1794 A 284

Brady John Luzerne 1793 D 144

Brady John Luzerne 1793 F 205

Brady John LuzerneWaters of Roarring Brook 1794 K 202

Brady John LycomingMuncy 1798 U 205

Brady John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 D 372

Brady John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 110

Brady John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 F 56

Brady John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 S 208

Brady John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 367

Brady John Mifflin or Northumberland 1794 U 264

Brady John Mifflin/CentreBald Eagle 1794 R 227

Brady John NorthumberlandBuffaloe or Hains 1794 G 24

Brady John NorthumberlandHaines 1794 L 298

Brady John NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 L 91

Brady John NorthumberlandRoad from Berwick to Philadelphia 1794 L 88

Brady John NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 K 482

Brady John NorthumberlandAugusta 1789 I-J 78

Brady John NorthumberlandWashington 1795 I-J 76

Brady John NorthumberlandDerry 1794 I-J 26

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Brady John NorthumberlandWaters of Shamoken Creek 1793 G 184

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 G 23

Brady John NorthumberlandDerry 1794 F 582

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 519

Brady John Northumberland 1794 L 323

Brady John NorthumberlandBranch of Shamoken Creek 1793 G 189

Brady John Northumberland P 215

Brady John NorthumberlandDerry 1793 F 513

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 Y 222

Brady John NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 191

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1793 S 294

Brady John Northumberland 1793 P 374

Brady John NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 I-J 132

Brady John NorthumberlandPenns or Bever 1794 P 300

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1793 O 175

Brady John Northumberland 1793 P 214

Brady John NorthumberlandNipinose 1795 O 234

Brady John NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 O 226

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 O 220

Brady John Northumberland 1793 O 193

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1793 O 186

Brady John Northumberland 1793 P 378

Brady John NorthumberlandDerry 1793 C 31

Brady John NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 D 392

Brady John Northumberland 1793 D 286

Brady John Northumberland 1793 D 276

Brady John NorthumberlandAugusta 1784 D 196

Brady John NorthumberlandLittle Fishing Creek 1793 D 131

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 A 424

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Brady John NorthumberlandDerry 1793 D 417

Brady John Northumberland 1794 D 99

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 D 132

Brady John NorthumberlandNorthwest of Eves Mills 1796 B10 36

Brady John NorthumberlandHains 1794 B 377

Brady John NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 B 303

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 462

Brady John NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 A 468

Brady John Northumberland 1793 P 379

Brady John NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 D 103

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 379

Brady John NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 308

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 A 65

Brady John NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 F 394

Brady John NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 439

Brady John NorthumberlandRoad from Berwick to Philadelpia 1794 E 427

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 389

Brady John NorthumberlandShamokin 1835 F 260

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 384

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 378

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 377

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 F 456

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 373

Brady John NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 E 355

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 D 532

Brady John NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 440

Brady John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 385

Brady John NorthumberlandManor at Muncy 1776 BB4 20

Brady John Northumberland or Luzerne 1793 I-J 494

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Brady John Northumberland or LuzerneWaters of Loyalsock 1793 G 42

Brady John Northumberland/Luzerne 1793 C 116

Brady John Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1795 D 437

Brady John Northumberland/LycomingMuncy 1793 D 413

Brady John Northumberland/LycomingMuncy 1798 D 13

Brady John UnionWhite deer B6 23

Brady John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 B 340

Brady John WestmorelandWheatfield 1787 B7 86

Brady John YorkParadise 1755 B4 152

Brady Peter HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 361

Brady R. LancasterConedagwanett Creek 1736/7 B11 131

Brady Robert MifflinBald Eagle 1794 B 94

Brady Robert MifflinBald Eagle 1794 D 379

Brady Robert MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 369

Brady Robert NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 I-J 132

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBlack Creek 1793 D 272

Brady Robert NorthumberlandWaters of Black Creek A 428

Brady Robert NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 191

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 U 243

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBlacks Creek 1793 R 35

Brady Robert NorthumberlandHains or Buffaloe 1794 G 20

Brady Robert NorthumberlandDerry 1793 F 513

Brady Robert NorthumberlandDerry 1793 F 389

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 390

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 387

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 263

Brady Robert NorthumberlandBlack's Creek 1793 R 36

Brady Samuel NorthumberlandHead Waters of Cherry Run 1785 H 145

Brady Samuel NorthumberlandStoke 1784 X 297

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Brady Samuel NorthumberlandAugusta 1784 X 296

Brady Samuel NorthumberlandLick Creek 1785 M 352

Brady Samuel NorthumberlandLick Creek 1785 D 38

Brady Samuel NorthumberlandWaters of Catawisssey 1793 S 146

Brady Samuel UnionWest Buffaloe/Hartley 1813 U 149

Brady Wiliam P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1794 M 99

Brady William NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 F 126

Brady William NorthumberlandS 1793 A 68

Brady William NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 Y 50

Brady William NorthumberlandS 1793 Y 44

Brady William NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 K 482

Brady William NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 391

Brady William NorthumberlandLittle Fishing Creek 1793 D 131

Brady William NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 C 420

Brady William NorthumberlandS 1793 C 366

Brady William NorthumberlandS North Branch of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 B 506

Brady William NorthumberlandS 1796 B 500

Brady William NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1793 B 504

Brady William Northumberland or LuzerneWaters of Loyalsock 1793 H 147

Brady William Northumberland/LycomingS Forkes of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 C 438

Brady William Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1795 D 437

Brady William B. Mifflin or NorthumberlandHaines or Potters 1794 X 284

Brady William P Huntingdon/CambriaWaters of Black Lick 1840 V 158

Brady William P LycomingS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 E 76

Brady William P NorthumberlandS 1793 V 66

Brady William P NorthumberlandS 1793 Y 106

Brady William P NorthumberlandS Waters of Toby Creek and Sandy Lick 1793 O 206

Brady William P NorthumberlandAugusta 1787 T 275

Brady William P. S Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1792 Z 153

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Brady William P. West Branch of Susquehanna 1794 B3 85

Brady William P. S Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1792 Z 147

Brady William P. S Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1792 Z 148

Brady William P. AlleghenyS West side of Allegheney River 1797 Z 161

Brady William P. AlleghenyWest of the Allegany River 1795 W 162

Brady William P. AlleghenyS Conawango Creek 1795 X 241

Brady William P. HuntingdonFranks Town 1793 Z 245

Brady William P. Huntingdon and WestmorelandWheatfield and Allegheny 1794 N 164

Brady William P. JeffersonBranch of Tobys Creek 1835 P 1

Brady William P. Luzerne 1793 Z 75

Brady William P. Luzerne 1793 P 380

Brady William P. LycomingS Big Tobys Creek 1797 Y 48

Brady William P. LycomingS East side of the Alleghany River 1795 S 277

Brady William P. LycomingS Big Tobys Creek 1797 Y 54

Brady William P. LycomingS Bever Creek 1797 Y 55

Brady William P. LycomingS North branch of Sandy Lick Creek 1794 M 29

Brady William P. LycomingS E Side Allegheny River 1793 C 64

Brady William P. MifflinBald Eagle 1794 F 64

Brady William P. MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 368

Brady William P. MifflinBald Eagle 1794 Z 114

Brady William P. MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 110

Brady William P. MifflinBald Eagle 1794 M 31

Brady William P. Mifflin/CentreBald Eagle 1794 R 227

Brady William P. NorthmberlandBald Eagle 1794 F 54

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Toby Creek 1794 S 170

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1794 P 366

Brady William P. Northumberland 1793 P 378

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Toby's Creek 1794 P 405

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1793 R 14

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Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 P 269

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Bever Run 1793 R 27

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Canzua Creek 1793 R 142

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandy Lick 1793 P 249

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Toby Creek 1794 S 169

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 O 249

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Toby's Creek 1794 S 175

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1793 S 178

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Buffaloe 1794 R 156

Brady William P. NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 P 111

Brady William P. NorthumberlandNippenose 1793 N 269

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS O 11

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 O 30

Brady William P. NorthumberlandNippenose 1793 O 243

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 O 248

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Towanisto 1793 P 115

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 S 278

Brady William P. Northumberland P 215

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Tobys creek O 251

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Watters of Canow Run 1793 P 145

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1793 P 147

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Watters of Stump Creek 1793 P 163

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Cannoe Run 1793 P 164

Brady William P. Northumberland 1794 P 199

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 Y 105

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1793 Y 186

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Big Tobys Creek 1794 T 142

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1793 O 250

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 O 205

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Brady William P. NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 D 103

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 72

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1793 N 203

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Little Tobys Creek 1793 Z 146

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Little Tobys Creek 1793 Z 145

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 Z 143

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Dear 1793 Z 113

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 191

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Dear 1793 Y 190

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 Y 49

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 Y 187

Brady William P. NorthumberlandNippenose 1795 U 177

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 Y 107

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 Y 71

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Forkes of Bever Run 1793 Y 46

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Bever Run 1793 Y 45

Brady William P. NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 X 294

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 W 88

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandy Lick 1793 W 87

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 W 86

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 V 67

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 V 64

Brady WIlliam P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1794 V 61

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1793 U 196

Brady William P. NorthumberlandNippenose 1794 U 181

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Dear 1793 Y 189

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1793 C 178

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 503

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 505

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Brady William P. NorthumberlandS North Branch of Sandy-lick Creek 1793 B 507

Brady William P. Northumberland 1793 B 515

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 525

Brady William P. NorthumberlandAugusta 1794 D 416

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 534

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 499

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1793 C 180

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek C 257

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1793 C 261

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS East Side of Alegany River 1793 C 542

Brady William P. NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 247

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 D 392

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandylick Creek 1793 B 531

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1793 N 202

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 74

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1794 A 41

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 52

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 53

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 69

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 70

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 502

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 73

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 B 501

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1794 A 299

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 427

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 476

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Willow Creek 1793 A 477

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 482

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1794 A 300

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Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 A 71

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 I-J 286

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 G 175

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek G 179

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 G 264

Brady William P. NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 439

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Tobys Creek 1794 A 296

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Toby's Creek 1794 H 91

Brady William P. NorthumberlandHains or Buffaloe 1794 G 20

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 I-J 132

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1794 G 242

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Canoe Run 1793 K 253

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Canoe Run and a Branch of Stump Creek 1793 K 257

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Canoe Run a Branch of Stump Creek 1793 K 259

Brady William P. NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 L 327

Brady William P. NorthumberlandNippenose 1793 M 72

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1794 N 68

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of big Toby's Creek 1794 H 479

Brady William P. NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 308

Brady William P. NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 440

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 E 67

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek 1794 E 78

Brady William P. NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 276

Brady William P. NorthumberlandWaters of Mahanoy Creek 1794 E 367

Brady William P. NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 392

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Watters of Sandylick Creek 1793 E 573

Brady William P. NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 519

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Big Toby's Creek, District No. 5 1794 F 358

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Willow Creek 1793 F 402

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Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Sandylick Creek 1794 F 437

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS 1793 F 399

Brady William P. NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 F 462

Brady William P. NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 E 393

Brady William P. Northumberland 1793 F 457

Brady William P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 F 438

Brady William P. Northumberland/LycomingMuncy 1793 K 426

Brady William P. Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1795 I-J 74

Brady William P. Northumberland/Lycoming 1795 F 454

Brady William P. Northumberland/Lycoming 1794 F 453

Brady William Parry NorthumberlandPotters 1775 A 270

Brady William Perry CumberlandHead of Bald Eagle Creek 1768 E 135

Brady William Perry NorthumberlandCatawissey 1788 A 408

Brady Willliam P. NorthumberlandS Waters of Stump Creek G 179

Braid John Washington/BeaverRobinson/Hopewell 1834 B9 161

Braiden John Washington/BeaverRobinson/Hopewell 1834 B9 161

Braidy John ChesterLower Oxford 1843 B19 75

Braidy Robert NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1768 C 137

Braidy Robert NorthamptonE Branch Raymanskiln 1768 C 44

Brain Edward LancasterMartic 1816 B18 49

Brainard Andrew BradfordWindham 1851 B9 86

Brainard Jeptha BradfordWindham 1851 B9 86

Brainard Levi BradfordWindham 1851 B9 86

Brainard Nathaniel ErieLeBeof 1835 V 50

Brainard Simon BradfordWindham 1851 B9 86

Braken Thomas WashingtonChartiers Creek 1786 B21 65

Braken Thomas YorkManallin 1771 B9 235

Braken Widow CumberlandAllen 1820 B20 164

Braken William WestmorelandS Branch of Two Lick Creek 1775 D 235

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Brakenridge John Cumberland/FranklinLurgan/Southampton 1818 B18 145

Braker Nicholas YorkManheim B17 128

Brakin John ChesterNantmel 1737 B5 162

Bran John LancasterSadsbury 1753 B6 201

Branchan Ebenzer SomersetMilford and Turkeyfoot 1794 B7 141

Branchlet Daniel NorthumberlandPenns 1786 R 30

Brand LancasterLeacock 1793 T 169

Brand Adam DauphinBethel 1787 B13 171

Brand Adam Lancaster/DauphinBethel 1785 B18 53

Brand Adam YorkManahan 1814 B10 230

Brand Jacob LancasterMartick 1801 B6 197

Brand Jacob PhiladelphiaOley Hills B7 168

Brand John ChesterOxford 1785 B5 70

Brand John FayetteFranklin 1785 Y 243

Brand John IndianaCherryhill 1855 B12 132

Brand John IndianaBlacklick 1854 B17 7

Brand John Indiana 1854 B17 23

Brand John IndianaConemaugh and Blacklick 1854 B17 24

Brand Joseph Dauphin Paxton/Swatara 1812 N 133

Brand Joseph LancasterPaxton 1771 A 305

Brand Martin DauphinDerry 1787 B2 239

Brand Martin DauphinDerry 1806 B12 40

Brand Samuel Dauphin Londonderry 1805 N 58

Brand Yost LancasterRapho 1760 B8 157

Brandan George Adams and CumberlandLatimore and Middleton B15 147

Brandon Adam HuntingdonFranklin 1793 R 102

Brandon George LancasterHanover 1739 H 240

Brandon George YorkHuntingdon 1755 M 452

Brandon George Sr. Adams and CumberlandLattimore and Middleton 1806 B5 43

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Brandon James AdamsHuntingdon L 22

Brandon James CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

Brandon James YorkHuntingdon 1751 L 21

Brandon John ButlerConnoquenessing 1850 B14 137

Brandon John ButlerConnaquenessing 1820 B9 143

Brandon John DauphinHanover 1809 H 272

Brandon John LancasterHanover 1739 H 240

Brandon John NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1794 M 374

Brandon John YorkHuntingdon 1751 L 21

Brandon John York/AdamsHuntington 1796 K 512

Brandon Samuel LancasterDonegall and Mountjoy 1760 B10 116

Brandon Thomas HuntingdonHopewell 1814 B8 53

Brandon Thomas York/AdamsHuntington 1796 K 512

Brandon William MercerWolf Creek 1815 C 558

Brandon William YorkHuntington 1790 B2 8

Brandt Adam YorkMonahan 1814 B19 92

Brandt Adam YorkManahan 1814 B10 230

Brandt Adam YorkManaghan 1817 B10 233

Brandt Adam YorkManaghan 1817 B10 234

Brandt Frederick Adams and YorkBerwick and Paradise 1809 B1 45

Brandt John YorkManaghan 1817 B10 234

Brandt John YorkManaghan 1817 B10 233

Brandt Paul SchuylkillPinegrove 1828 A 430

Brandt Samuel LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Brandt Samuel LebanonBethel 1870 B13 134

Brandt Simeon DauphinUpper Paxton 1787 E 349

Brandt Simon DauphinUpper Paxton 1802 D 515

Branham Catharine Dauphin 1795 I-J 432

Branham Christiana DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 88

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Branham Christiana DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 94

Branham Christina DauphinEast Hanover 1796 A 126

Branham Ebenezar BerksPine Grove 1794 N 105

Branham Ebenezer AdamsManallen 1796 B16 99

Branham Ebenezer BedfordProvidence 1794 D 114

Branham Ebenezer Bedford/SomersetMilford 1794 Q 23

Branham Ebenezer BerksPine Grove 1796 H 131

Branham Ebenezer CumberlandTyboine 1796 B8 73

Branham Ebenezer CumberlandTyboine 1794 L 450

Branham Ebenezer CumberlandTyrone and Middleton 1794 T 298

Branham Ebenezer DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 88

Branham Ebenezer HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 294

Branham Ebenezer MifflinGreenwood 1794 D 468

Branham Ebenezer MifflinBald Eagle 1794 F 342

Branham Ebenezer MifflinGreenwood 1793 P 239

Branham Ebenezer MifflinGreenwood 1793 P 240

Branham Ebenezer MifflinBald Eagle 1794 S 269

Branham Ebenezer MontourBoaring Creek 1852 I-J 44

Branham Ebenezer NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 433

Branham Ebenezer NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 A 390

Branham Ebenneezer Luzerne 1794 B 225

Branham Ebenzer DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 94

Branham Ebenzer SomersetQuemahoning 1749 P 236

Branham Ebenzer SomersetMillford 1794 Q 227

Branham Ehenezer NorthumberlandPoint 1794 S 253

Branham Elizabeth DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 83

Branham Elizabeth DauphinEast Hanover 1795 B 236

Branham Elizabeth DauphinEast Hanover 1795 B 334

Branham Elizabeth SchuylkillNorwegian 1837 B16 120

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Branhar Ebenezer BedfordProvidence 1794 L 418

Branhem Ebenezer NorthamptonNorth of Saw Mill Pond 1795 L 112

Braniser Michael Bedford Elklick 1792 D 582

Branizer David YorkManahan 1799 F 373

Brannan Francis CrawfordRome 1865 B10 52

Brannan Isaac CambriaSummerhill 1794 I-J 229

Brannan Isaac CambriaCambria 1794 A 189

Brannan John CrawfordRome 1865 B10 52

Brannan Thomas YorkFawn 1812 B10 141

Brannon Isaac Bedford/CambriaConemaugh 1794 D 252

Brannon Isaac CambriaConemaugh 1794 S 234

Brannon James FranklinMontgomery 1847 B20 98

Brannon John CrawfordRome 1865 B19 216

Brannon Patrick CrawfordRome 1865 B10 52

Brannon Patrick Huntingdon and BedfordWoodbury B21 128

Brannon Thomas YorkFawn 1768 H 19

Brannon Thomas YorkFawn 1769 B5 44

Brannon Thomas YorkFawn 1771 B6 215

Brannon Thomas YorkFawn 1771 B9 12

Brannon Thomas Jr. Lancaster/YorkLower Hellam/Fawn 1795 B11 173

Brannon Thomas Sr. Lancaster/YorkLower Hellam/Fawn 1795 B11 173

Branson William B23 126

Branson William 1737/8 B6 2

Branson William BerksUnion 1770 K 504

Branson William Berks or ChesterBranch of the French Creek 1744 T 271

Branson William ChesterBranch of Brandiwine 1735/6 B8 109

Branson William ChesterCoventry 1737 B8 116

Branson William ChesterCoventry 1737 B8 117

Branson William ChesterNantmel 1737 B8 115

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Branson William ChesterNantmel 1737 B8 114

Branson William ChesterNantmel 1733 B8 111

Branson William ChesterNantmel 1733 B8 110

Branson William ChesterCoventrey 1733 B8 101

Branson William ChesterCoventrey 1733 B8 100

Branson William ChesterPidgeon Run 1735/6 B8 99

Branson William ChesterCoventry 1734 B8 98

Branson William ChesterCoventrey 1733 B8 97

Branson William ChesterCoventry B5 227

Branson William ChesterNE branch of Brandywine Creek 1718 B22 123

Branson William ChesterUwchlan 1737 M 258

Branson William ChesterCoventry 1761 B15 225

Branson William ChesterBranch of French Creek 1735/6 B8 102

Branson William ChesterVincent BB2 49

Branson William Chester and LancasterS Nantmel, Coventry, Carnarvan, and East Nantmel 1745 B22 66

Branson WIlliam Chester and LancasterCaln, Coventry, Nantmel, and Carnarvan B22 67

Branson William LancasterEastern branch of Conestogoe Creek 1734 B8 113

Branson William LancasterCarnarvan 1767 C 447

Branson William LancasterCarnarvan 1741 I-J 350

Branson William LancasterBrecknock B14 136

Brant Adam LancasterLebanon H 312

Brant John BedfordDublin 1840 B2 110

Brant John WestmorelandLigonier 1867 B12 230

Brant Nicholas BedfordBelfast 1796 W 247

Brant Samuel LancasterRapho 1774 B 189

Brant Susana Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

Brantd John YorkParadise 1785 B14 229

Branthwaite William BedfordBranch of Conemah Creek 1784 C 524

Branthwaite William BedfordWaters of Conemah 1784 G 422

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Branthwaite William BedfordWaters of Conemah 1784 Q 32

Branum Ebenezer CumberlandMiddleton and Tyrone 1794 T 297

Brasee Thomas Chester Creek B22 86

Brasey Thomas Crum Creek and Muckrntton Creek 1682 B22 122

Brasey Thomas West side of Darbey Creek 1682 B22 135

Brashiers William CumberlandGreat Redstone Creek 1769 F 234

Brasler George Berks 1769 G 426

Brason Robert CumberlandBuffaloe 1813 I-J 61

Brassey Thomas ChesterCrum Creek B22 136

Brassey Thomas PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1693/4 B22 126

Brastow George O. ElkBenezet 1873 B21 104

Bratain Horrace IndianaWheatfield 1853 B16 5

Brates Nicholas DauphinWest Hanover 1788 Q 147

Brathsaw Charles YorkChanceford 1798 B13 206

Bratshaw Joseph YorkChanceford 1798 B13 206

Brattain Adam IndianaWheatfield 1853 B16 5

Brattin Adam IndianaWheatfield 1812 B16 4

Bratton Adam CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1785 L 232

Bratton Andrew Cumberland/MifflinDerry/Wayne 1775 B13 29

Bratton Andrew Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1787 K 362

Bratton Andrew MifflinWayne B13 28

Bratton Andrew MifflinWayne/Bratton 1853 B16 49

Bratton Andrew MifflinWayne 1824 F 382

Bratton Elisha CumberlandNear Juniata 1767 I-J 178

Bratton George BedfordGreenfield 1835 R 19

Bratton George CumberlandDerry/Wayne 1786 C 563

Bratton George CumberlandWaters of the Frankstown Branch of Juniata 1766 D 589

Bratton George CumberlandWaters of the Frankstown Branch of Juniata 1766 A 240

Bratton George HuntingdonFrankstown 1766 B21 137

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Bratton George WestmorelandNorth Side of Conemagh 1774 A 172

Bratton Jacob Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1773 P 352

Bratton James FranklinSt. Thomas 1905 B13 215

Bratton John CumberlandDerry 1769 B9 90

Bratton John MifflinWayne/Oliver 1769 B9 89

Bratton John MifflinWayne 1794 U 189

Bratton Richeson MifflinWayne/Bratton 1853 B16 49

Bratton S. W. CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1767 P 354

Bratton William Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1773 P 352

Bratton William FranklinSt. Thomas 1841 B20 192

Bratton William MifflinWayne T 183

Bratz Simon LancasterRapho 1765 T 43

Braud William BedfordWaters of Clearfield Creek 1786 A 202

Braugher Michael NorthamptonWeissenberg 1788 B2 127

Braught David CumberlandMiddleton 1769 S 60

Braught John DauphinLondenderry 1802 B6 175

Brawdy Nancy AlleghenyIndiana/Ohara (Island) 1882 B9 76

Brawley J. Peter ClintonS Chapman 1854 B4 83

Brawley Roger NorthumberlandWest Branch of Susquehannah L 267

Bray Andrew NorthamptonMain Branch of Lehigh 1771 B 560

Bray Andrew NorthamptonDelaware River 1794 X 290

Bray Andrew Northampton and LuzerneLehi 1794 D 306

Bray Nicholas ArmstrongAllegheny 1829 B16 204

Brayton Thomas R. SusquehannaGreat Bend 1847 B18 190

Brazell Michael CumberlandWaters of Little Juniata 1766 E 232

Brazil Michael CumberlandFoot of Allegheny Mountain 1765 G 439

Breach Thomas NorthumberlandCatawissey 1796 A 410

Breacklill Christian FranklinGreen 1835 K 180

Breaddy Morris CumberlandSpears Run 1770 B1 121

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Breaden John BeaverMoon 1869 B17 198

Breading David LancasterLittle Britan 1791 S 186

Breading Nathanal S Waters of Crowstown Run 1785 Y 143

Breading Nathaniel S Bush Creek 1785 L 171

Bready Francis Lancaster and ChesterSadsbury 1763 H 275

Bready James BucksNorthampton B2 22

Bready John YorkParadise 1745 I-J 52

Bready Robert BucksNorthampton B2 22

Bready Robert NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1768 C 137

Bream Henry AdamsHuntingdon 1840 B19 72

Bream Jacob AdamsTyrone 1809 B6 30

Bream Jacob YorkWarrington 1812 B19 12

Bream Jacob YorkWarrington 1812 B19 13

Bream John AdamsHuntingdon 1840 B19 72

Bream John BerksRockland 1794 X 119

Bream Samuel AdamsManallen and Tyrone 1840 B14 110

Bream William AdamsManalle/Butler 1853 B17 17

Brean George LycomingWashington 1838 L 14

Breaston George CentrePotter 1815 B3 69

Breathard George BedfordBethel B21 159

Breathed George BedfordSouthampton 1855 B16 76

Breathed George BedfordBethel 1794 I-J 34

Breathed George Bedford I-J 41

Breathed George BedfordProvidence 1795 Q 142

Breathed James BedfordBelfast 1795 B3 67

Breathed Ranner BedfordProvidence 1795 Q 142

Breathed Ranney BedfordBethel 1803 B7 217

Breathes John FultonBethel 1870 B16 96

Brechbill Abraham LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

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Brechbill Henry LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Brechbill Nicholas DauphinLebanon 1801 T 45

Brechbill Samuel LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Brechner John YorkParadise 1838 B16 173

Brechtbell John CumberlandWest Pennsporough 1788 H 461

Breckbell John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 121

Breckbell John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 127

Breckbill John Cumberland/FranklinHamilton 1828 B21 132

Breckbill John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 122

Brecker Benjamin FranklinFannet and Letterkenny 1870 B13 119

Brecker Tobias FranklinFannet and Letterkenny 1870 B13 119

Breckler Peter BerksBrunswick 1795 L 215

Bredan William Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 D 540

Breden Adam HuntingdonTyrone 1787 L 260

Breden William Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 D 540

Bredenstein Christian BerksCumru 1828 O 99

Bredin Adam HuntingdonTyrone 1787 L 261

Bredin James Lancaster/CumberlandNorth Middleton 1832 B13 116

Brednigh Henry SchuylkillBrunswic 1829 B13 17

Bredy John HuntingdonWalker 1841 G 497

Breekers Jacob CumberlandAllen 1785 Y 150

Brees John LuzerneS Lackawana 1850 B1 142

Brees Lot LuzerneExeter 1819 B1 98

Brees Nehemiah Snyder and JuniataWest Perry and Monroe M 526

Breese Henry GreeneMorris 1900 B15 209

Breese Nehamiah UnionBuffaloe 1816 D 80

Breg George PhiladelphiaMarlborough 1756 B20 66

Bregge Benjamin Bedford/HuntingdonShirley 1786 D 344

Breghbeil Torst Lancaster/DauphinEast Hanover 1787 K 375

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Breghbell Henry DauphinAnnweil 1801 M 23

Breght Michael CumberlandForks of Middle Creek 1765 H 492

Brehm Jacob AdamsTyrone 1838 B23 8

Breidenbach Christopher DauphinHeidelberg 1800 D 528

Breidinger Adam Northampton B3 94

Breighler Simon SchuylkillPinegrove 1838 B7 159

Breightbill John LancasterLebanon 1743 B3 52

Breigtbill John LancasterLebanon 1750 B8 166

Breim Joseph Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 O 106

Brein Edward LancasterElizabeth 1819 B10 220

Breinert Solomon NorthamptonPenn 1775 H 416

Breinig Catherine BerksLongswamp 1872 B19 52

Breinner D. York 1791 B6 234

Breinninger Michael BerksPinegrove 1794 A 337

Breintnal David 1735/6 B3 93

Breintnal John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1734 B22 138

Breitengross George YorkManchester and Conawago B16 218

Breith Michael LancasterHeidelberg 1735 B7 171

Brem Joseph Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 D 540

Brem Samuel YorkTyrone 1775 B10 17

Bremiser Peter WestmorelandDerry 1832 B11 57

Brendle George BerksHiedelberg 1759 B8 149

Brendle Henry BerksBrecknock 1791 B3 5

Brendle Henry LancasterCocalico 1787 B8 173

Breneigh John WestmorelandHempfield 1786 E 37

Breneiser Adam YorkNewbury/Fairview 1788 B10 31

Breneman Daniel YorkNorth Codorus 1750 B13 109

Breneman John ClarionMonroe 1847 B3 234

Breneman Samuel YorkCodorus and Shrewsberry 1789 B19 196

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Brenesholtz Christian LancasterCocolico 1743 H 298

Breninger Martin CumberlandEast Pennsboro B17 69

Brenizen Valentine LancasterHempfield 1773 B4 47

Brenizer D. CumberlandAllen 1837 B1 174

Brenizer David YorkMonoghan 1821 B18 112

Brenizer David YorkMonoghan 1751 B2 84

Brenizer Samuel NorthumberlandS Centre 1810 I-J 213

Brennaholtz Peter Warren 1841 B4 84

Brenneizer John CumberlandAllen 1812 U 180

Brenneman Christian Philadelphia B22 113

Brenneman David YorkHopewell 1769 B4 42

Brenneman Henry LancasterMatric 1819 B16 35

Brenneman Henry LancasterBart 1809 B5 117

Brenneman Henry LancasterMartick 1819 B9 109

Brenneman J. ClarionMonroe 1847 B3 233

Brenneman Jacob LancasterDonegal (Goose Island) 1807 B6 228

Brenner Adam LancasterMannor (Conestoga Manor) 1761 M 323

Brenner Frederick YorkCodorus 1811 B11 83

Brenner George CumberlandRye 1774 B4 87

Brenner Jacob LancasterCocolico 1745 A 34

Brenner Jacob SchuylkillPinegrove 1815 T 300

Brenner James NorthumberlandBuffaloe Valley 1773 K 104

Brenner James NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1794 Q 258

Brenner John LehighWeisenberg B10 219

Brenner John YorkParadise 1789 B10 26

Brenner Philip LancasterDonegall 1771 B3 144

Brenniman Christian Philadelphia B22 113

Brenole George BerksHeidlebergh 1785 C 253

Breon Jacob CentrePotter 1872 G 107

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Bresler George BerksManheim 1794 I-J 185

Bresler George BerksPinegrove 1802 N 224

Bresler Nicholas BerksBlue Hills 1755 G 230

Bresler Peter Berks/SchuylkillPinegrove/Wayne 1830 B19 82

Breson R. LancasterBart 1853 B15 109

Bress Henry BucksBensalem 1702 B22 25

Bressel Valentine YorkWashington 1910 BB2 53

Bressen Robert CumberlandNorth Side of Juniata 1765 I-J 60

Bressler George BerksPine Grove 1787 B13 148

Bressler George CambriaConemaugh/Summerhill 1794 N 282

Bressler Jacob SchuylkillUpper Mahantongo 1825 B13 146

Bressler Jacob SchuylkillMahontongo 1812 B9 47

Bressler John DauphinLykens 1840 B16 214

Bressler Michael ClintonLogan 1854 B18 46

Bressler Michael SchuylkillPinegrove 1838 B7 159

Bressler Moses ClintonLogan 1854 B18 46

Bressler Simon SchuylkillPinegrove 1838 B7 159

Bretchbil Cumberland/FranklinHamilton 1826 B10 148

Breth Daniel NorthumberlandHead Waters of Shechikenny Run 1785 L 316

Brethead John Lancaster/DauphinBethel 1793 H 256

Brethed George Bedford/FultonBethel 1854 I-J 35

Bretz Jacob PerryBuffaloe 1846 V 252

Bretz John LancasterRapho and Mount Joy 1766 B4 7

Bretz Michael BerksPine Grove 1787 B1 135

Bretz Michael BerksPine Grove 1787 S 141

Bretz Samuel CumberlandEast Pennsboro B17 69

Bretzins Michael BerksPinegrove 1798 B2 15

Bretzins Michael Berks/SchuylkillPinegrove/Wayne 1852 B19 78

Bretzins Michael SchuylkillPine Grove/Wayne 1851 B15 113

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Bretzius George BerksNorwegian 1810 B1 216

Bretzius Jacob Michael BerksPinegrove 1807 T 54

Bretzius John BerksPinegrove 1807 T 54

Bretzius Michael BerksPine Grove 1785 B11 118

Bretzius Michael BerksPine Grove 1785 B11 119

Bretzman Peter Bedford/SomersetQuemahoning 1794 D 363

Breughaa Daniel YorkConowago 1845 B9 134

Breusinger David BerksRobeson 1897 B19 20

Brewer Edmond FayetteBullskin 1794 P 390

Brewer Henry BedfordBethel 1785 K 149

Brewer Henry Bedford or FranklinWarren 1834 B1 59

Brewer Henry FranklinWarren B21 146

Brewer Isaiah FranklinWarren B21 146

Brewer Jacob Lancaster/FranklinHopewell/Montgomery 1813 B20 32

Brewer James FranklinMontgomery 1868 B20 35

Brewer John BedfordBethel 1792 N 11

Brewer John FayetteBullskin 1795 Q 224

Brewer John FayetteBullskin 1793 U 160

Brewer John J. AlleghenyVersailles/McKeesport 1892 B11 2

Brewer John J. AlleghenyVersails 1811 X 139

Brewer Mathew UnionBuffaloe 1813 B10 9

Brewster FranklinMetal 1872 B18 33

Brewster Benjamin F. AlleghenyIndiana 1826 B8 84

Brewster John HuntingdonUnion 1846 B7 36

Brewster John HuntingdonUnion 1868 B19 156

Brewster William Cumberland/FranklinFannet 1793 B18 32

Brey George PhiladelphiaMarlborough 1756 B20 66

Breyer Gotleib NorthamptonTunkhanna Creek 1792 I-J 92

Breyer Gotleib NorthamptonPine Swamp 1792 I-J 93

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Breyman William G. NorthamptonPen 1787 V 135

Brian Samuel Bedford R 208

Briant James AlleghenyWest Bank of Big Beaver Creek 1794 A 268

Brice Alexander AdamsHamiltonban 1786 B12 190

Brice James AlleghenyRobinsons Run 1800 B1 184

Brice James WashingtonRobinsons Run 1785 T 211

Brice James YorkHamilton Bann 1786 B12 191

Brice John BedfordCumberland 1774 H 182

Brice John MifflinLack 1794 X 40

Brice Robert Cumberland/JuniataLack 1791 U 4

Brice William CumberlandTuscarora Valley 1767 F 300

Brice William CumberlandLack 1786 E 336

Brice William Washington 1785 B1 86

Bricht Michael SchuylkillBrunswick 1816 D 245

Brichtbil John Lancaster/LebanonHanover/Union 1875 B12 127

Brichtbill John Lancaster/LebanonHanover/Union 1875 B12 144

Brick Peter BedfordLondonderry 1795 I-J 33

Bricker C. LancasterCocalico 1830 B6 140

Bricker Daniel Sr. CumberlandMifflin 1823 B17 188

Bricker David AdamsButler 1875 B16 126

Bricker David Jr. CumberlandMifflin 1823 B17 187

Bricker H. C. Allegheny/ButlerButler 1909 B21 101

Bricker J.R. MifflinArmagh 1883 B10 83

Bricker Jacob CumberlandAllen D 488

Bricker Jacob YorkManheim 1805 T 50

Bricker John R. MifflinArmagh 1883 B10 83

Bricker Paul LancasterCocolico 1747 K 209

Bricker Peter LancasterCocalico 1809 B9 37

Bricker Tobias IndianaBlacklick 1854 B17 7

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Bricker Tobias Indiana 1854 B17 23

Brickey Paul BerksManheim 1797 S 275

Brickham George MifflinUpper Bald Eagle 1793 Q 145

Brickler Peter BerksPine Grove 1774 A 412

Brickley Jacob BerksPine Grove 1786 B1 238

Brickley Jacob BerksBrunswick 1787 D 339

Brickley Jacob NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1771 F 397

Brickley Peter BerksPine Grove 1774 A 412

Brickly Jacob BerksBrunswig 1788 B 405

Brickly John SchuylkillBrunswick 1794 F 409

Brickly Peter BerksPine Grove 1774 A 412

Brickwalter John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 119

Bricon Samuel CentreFerguson 1812 R 106

Brideback Philip BerksPinegrove 1785 L 204

Bridge Henry MifflinDerry 1795 A 138

Bridge John Pether MifflinUpper Bald Eagle 1793 U 68

Bridges Robert AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 R 245

Bridges Robert Northumberland/Luzerne 1786 G 22

Bridgman Walter BucksMiddletown B23 266

Bridnigh Henry Philadelphia/BerksBrunswick 1774 R 124

Bridport Rachel BerksBrumswick 1787 L 414

Brien Edward LancasterMartick 1819 B3 227

Brien Edward LancasterMartic 1816 B18 49

Brien Edward LancasterMartick 1819 B9 109

Brien Edward LancasterMartick 1813 B6 170

Brien Edward LancasterMartic 1817 B5 152

Brien Edward LancasterMartick 1823 B5 151

Brien Edward LancasterMartick 1823 B12 87

Brien Edward LancasterDonegal 1812 B2 193

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Brien Edward LancasterMatric 1819 B16 35

Brien Edward LancasterMatric 1817 B16 34

Brien Edward LancasterMartick 1817 B16 33

Brien Edward LancasterMartic 1819 B15 81

Brien Edward LancasterMartic 1817 B18 140

Brien Henry LancasterMartick 1817 B16 33

Brien Henry LancasterMatric 1817 B16 34

Brien John LancasterMartick 1817 B16 33

Brien John LancasterMatric 1817 B16 34

Brien John Lancaster/LebanonHeidleberg 1819 B5 46

Brien W. B23 124

Brierton T. J. AlleghenyNeville, Stowe, Robinson, and Coraopolis 1901 B20 104

Bries Jacob BerksRichmond B5 8

Brifogle Peter YorkHopewell 1776 B6 11

Brigdale William Hollands Creek 1740 B8 119

Brigdale WIlliam 1736 B22 75

Brigdale William BerksHiedelberg 1759 B8 149

Brigdale William BucksMahoning Creek 1745 B8 120

Brigdale William BucksS Plumsted 1738 C 159

Brigdale William ChesterBranch of French Creek 1735/6 B8 102

Brigdale William ChesterNantmel 1737 B8 114

Brigdale William Chester London Dery 1741 C 2

Brigdale WIlliam ChesterSadsbury 1744 C 160

Brigdale William ChesterS West Caln 1749 C 157

Brigdale William ChesterMarlborough 1737 B8 208

Brigdale William ChesterCoventry 1737 B8 117

Brigdale William ChesterCoventry 1737 B8 116

Brigdale William ChesterNantmel 1737 B8 115

Brigdale William ChesterPidgeon Run 1735/6 B8 99

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Brigdale William ChesterBranch of Brandiwine 1735/6 B8 109

Brigdale William ChesterCoventry 1734 B8 98

Brigdale William ChesterCoventrey 1733 B8 100

Brigdale William ChesterCoventrey 1733 B8 101

Brigdale William ChesterCoventrey 1733 B8 97

Brigdale William ChesterWest Nottingham and East Nottingham 1740 B8 103

Brigdale William ChesterFallowfield 1749 B19 57

Brigdale William ChesterNantmel 1733 B8 110

Brigdale William ChesterNantmel 1733 B8 111

Brigdale William LancasterLeacock 1748 B8 105

Brigdale William LancasterRapho 1760 B8 157

Brigdale William LancasterBranch of Chickasalungo Creek 1741 B8 207

Brigdale William LancasterBranch of Chickasalungo Creek 1741 B8 206

Brigdale William LancasterLebanon 1742 B8 205

Brigdale William LancasterHeidleberg B8 161

Brigdale William LancasterRalpho 1754 B8 159

Brigdale William Lancaster B8 154

Brigdale William LancasterColerain 1751 B8 153

Brigdale William LancasterDonegal 1737 B8 108

Brigdale William LancasterManchester 1744 B8 104

Brigdale William LancasterHeidelberg 1735 B7 171

Brigdale William LancasterLeacock 1750 B11 154

Brigdale William LancasterErle 1740 B 10

Brigdale William LancasterS Drummore 1750 A 31

Brigdale William LancasterTulpehockon Creek 1734 B8 118

Brigdale William Lancaster/FranklinAntietam 1743/4 D 534

Brigdale William NorthamptonPocho Pochko 1752 C 1

Brigdale William PhiladelphiaSacon Creek and Maxatawny B11 130

Brigdale William PhiladelphiaMoyamensing L 125

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Brigdale William YorkMount Pleasant 1760 B8 158

Brigdale William YorkStrabane 1760 B8 160

Brigdale William YorkWarrington 1751 K 314

Brigdale William YorkWarrington 1757 K 315

Brigdale William YorkWarrington 1757 K 316

Brigdale William YorkManheim 1759 K 317

Brigdale William YorkNewberry 1753 B8 150

Briges Robert AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 157

Briggs AlleghenyBaldwin 1871 BB2 36

Briggs BucksNewtown Common B3 2

Briggs Benjamin HuntingdonDoublin/Tell 1868 B20 217

Briggs Charles NorthamptonNear Durham 1752 K 2

Briggs John YorkFranklin 1793 B12 211

Briggs Jonathan S. HuntingdonDoublin/Tell 1868 B20 217

Briggs Peter LuzerneNescopeck 1836 S 55

Briggs T. W. AlleghenyBaldwin 1871 BB2 36

Briggs W. BucksPerkasie Manor B23 287

Briggs William Bucks 1734 B23 294

Briggs William BucksPerkasie Manor B23 300

Briggs William Philadelphia and Bucks 1734 B22 199

Briggs William B. WashingtonAmwell 1869 B11 191

Brigham Charles BucksWrightstown 1702 B23 265

Brigham James PhiladelphiaNew Market B22 209

Bright NorthumberlandMahoning 1795 L 315

Bright NorthumberlandWioming 1784 Y 22

Bright Catherine Berks/ NorthumberlandBranch of Mahoning Creek 1772 D 238

Bright Catherine Berks/NorthumberlandBranch of Mahoning Creek 1772 P 293

Bright David BerksBern 1789 T 25

Bright Jacob DauphinMiddle Paxton 1795 B 307

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Bright Jacob DauphinMiddle Paxton 1795 E 90

Bright John Richland Manor B23 280

Bright John BerksBern 1789 T 25

Bright John BucksRichland 1738 Y 15

Bright John LancasterHeidelberg 1771 B11 92

Bright John NorthumberlandPenns 1775 B 357

Bright John NorthumberlandPenns 1775 B 358

Bright John NorthumberlandPenns 1774 D 141

Bright Michael BerksEast Branch of the West Branch of Schuylkill 1765 D 202

Bright Michael BerksBrunswick 1767 M 468

Bright Michael BerksBrunswick 1766 F 183

Bright Michael BerksBrunswick 1787 H 64

Bright Michael Berks/ NorthumberlandBranch of Mahoning Creek 1772 D 238

Bright Michael Berks/NorthumberlandBranch of Mahoning Creek 1772 P 293

Bright Michael Berks/SchuylkillPine Grove 1818 H 73

Bright Michael Berks/SchuylkillPine Grove 1814 T 228

Bright Michael CumberlandForks of Middle Creek 1765 H 492

Bright Michael NorthumberlandChillisqauaque 1799 I-J 200

Bright Michael NorthumberlandSouth Branch of White Deer Hole Creek D 203

Bright Michael NorthumberlandMahoning 1790 L 314

Bright Michael NorthumberlandMahoning 1775 S 286

Bright Peter BerksBroad Mountain 1786 D 351

Bright Peter BerksPine Grove 1826 H 72

Bright Peter Berks/SchuylkillPine Grove 1818 H 73

Bright Peter NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1785 N 197

Brightbill Abraham DauphinPaxton 1793 B8 224

Brightbill Peter DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 88

Brightbill Peter DauphinWest Hanover 1813 B2 226

Brightengross George YorkConewago and Manchester 1742 B6 209

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Brightengross George YorkManchester 1766 B5 217

Brightengross George YorkManchester 1809 B5 216

Brightengross George YorkManchester, Dover, and Newberry 1805 B1 196

Brightengross George YorkManchester 1775 B14 60

Brightingross George Lancaster/YorkManchester and Dover 1759 B6 208

Brightingross George YorkDover/Conewago 1759 B15 94

Brikerhoff John S. AdamsS Huntington 1875 B14 183

Brilhard Peter YorkCodoras 1774 H 397

Brilhart Abraham YorkSchrewsbury 1768 N 98

Brilhart Abraham YorkShrewsbury 1767 B4 129

Brilhart Abraham YorkShrewsbury 1822 B10 191

Brilhart Abram YorkShrewsbury 1798 B6 41

Brilhart Peter YorkSchrewsbury 1768 N 98

Brilhart Peter YorkShrewsbury 1822 B10 191

Brilhart Peter YorkShrewberry 1790 B10 235

Brilhart Peter YorkCodorus B16 231

Brilhart Peter YorkShrewsbury 1767 B4 129

Brilhart Peter YorkShrewsbury 1798 B6 41

Brilhart Peter YorkShrewsberry 1767 B9 206

Brilhart Peter Jr. YorkShrewsberry 1767 B9 207

Brill Frederick NorthumberlandJackson (Riverbed) 1848 B21 30

Brillhart Jacob YorkHopewell 1866 B4 72

Brillhart Peter York B5 218

Brillhurt John YorkYork 1855 B15 161

Brillinger John LancasterDonegal (Codorus Island) 1810 B10 212

Brinar Peter FayetteWharton 1794 E 288

Brindle George FranklinGreen 1858 B8 29

Brindle Jacob FranklinHamilton/St. Thomas 1853 B12 133

Brindle Malachia Cumberland/FranklinHamilton/St. Thomas 1844 B6 87

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Brindle Mathias YorkParadise 1789 B10 27

Brindle Matthias YorkParadise 1789 B10 26

Brindle Matthias YorkParadise 1809 B13 52

Brindle Soloman CumberlandDickenson B1 186

Brindley Alexander BerksRobeson 1749 H 300

Brindley Alexander BerksRobeson 1768 W 249

Brindley Alexander BerksRobeson 1784 W 250

Brindley Jacob YorkWarrington 1789 B7 60

Brindley Matthias YorkParadise 1789 B10 26

Brine Adam ArmstrongAllegheny 1804 K 505

Brineigh John WestmorelandMountpleasant 1787 T 131

Brineigh John WestmorelandHempfield 1785 U 18

Brineman Adam BedfordHead waters of West Branch of Susquehanna 1770 A 22

Briner John PerryTyrone and Madison B12 165

Briner Peter FayetteWharton 1794 B2 233

Briner Soloman PerryTyrone and Madison B12 165

Bringhurst George AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 157

Bringhurst James BedfordBethel 1784 D 121

Bringhurst James Berks/NorthumberlandBranch of Chillisquaqus 1771 S 168

Bringhurst James NorthamptonWaters of Little Fishing Creek 1771 D 181

Bringhurst James NorthamptonBranch of Little Fishing Creek 1771 D 180

Bringhurst James Northampton/NorthumberlandWaters of Little Fishing Creek 1771 D 465

Bringhurst John AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 157

Bringhurst John Westmoreland 1786 Y 163

Bringhurst Joseph PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1774 B17 11

Bringhurst Josph WestmorelandArmstrong 1786 B 162

Brininger Michael BerksPinegrove 1794 Q 220

Brink Benjamin WayneDamascus 1820 B12 198

Brink Emanuel NorthamptonUpper Smithfield 1795 P 176

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Brink Hans NorthamptonUpper Smithfield 1753 H 199

Brink Harmonious NorthamptonBig Pond Brook 1795 P 353

Brink Henry NorthamptonWalkers Pond 1795 B4 10

Brink John Northampton/WayneS Upper Smithfield 1811 D 261

Brink John PikeS Deleware 1817 B12 43

Brink John PikeS Westfall 1841 L 18

Brink John WayneS Upper Smithfield 1803 A 429

Brink John WayneS Upper Smithfield 1811 G 159

Brink John WayneS Upper Smithfield 1811 S 132

Brink Manus NorthumberlandNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1774 D 424

Brink William NorthamptonUpper Smithfield 1768 A 401

Brinkenhoof George YorkStraban 1787 B18 117

Brinkenhoof George York/AdamsStrabane 1787 B18 118

Brinkenhoof George York/AdamsMount Pleasant 1789 V 291

Brinkenhoof Henry AdamsHamiltonban 1839 B5 90

Brinker Henry ArmstrongToby 1806 A 453

Brinker Ulrich Bucks/NorthamptonLower Saucon 1810 F 133

Brinkerhoff John AdamsS Huntingdon 1875 B12 128

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Butler 1875 B16 126

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Butler 1864 B5 28

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Huntington and York Springs 1875 B17 119

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Menallen 1850 B16 64

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Straban 1864 B15 49

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Butler 1864 B15 40

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Butler and Strabane 1875 B11 196

Brinkerhoff John G. AdamsS Mount Pleasant 1875 B18 205

Brinkinhoof George YorkStrabane 1788 K 509

Brinkinhoof John YorkStrabane 1788 K 509

Brinley Jacob FranklinFannet 1830 B19 37

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Brinley Jacob YorkWarrington 1768 B6 128

Brinolle Elizabeth AlleghenyBaldwin 1871 BB2 36

Brinton Amos Westmoreland 1794 W 53

Brinton Amos Westmoreland 1794 W 54

Brinton Edward Westmoreland 1794 W 54

Brinton Edward Westmoreland 1794 W 52

Brinton John AlleghenyPlumb 1825 B16 98

Brinton John YorkNewbury 1810 B4 61

Brinton Joseph LancasterPaxton 1738 H 279

Brinton Joseph Westmoreland 1794 Q 343

Brinton Joseph Westmoreland 1794 Q 343

Brinton Joseph Westmoreland 1794 W 53

Brinton Lorah W. LancasterColerain 1754 H 223

Brinton Loran W. LancasterCole Rain 1754 A 29

Brinton William Brandewine B22 43

Brinton William LancasterBart 1816 B6 172

Brion Jacob BerksRichmond B5 8

Brion James CrawfordBloomfield 1817 S 293

Brisban John CentrePotter 1820 W 111

Brisband John NothamptonDingmany Creek 1787 T 61

Brisbane William ClarionLimestone 1845 B12 235

Brisben William CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1787 M 245

Brisbin Samuel ChesterEast Nottingham 1775 B3 122

Briscoe Elizabeth FayetteManallin B7 81

Briscoe Walter FayetteManallin B7 81

Brisen James WestmorelandHempfield 1785 I-J 190

Brison James NorthumberlandStoke 1784 T 138

Brison Robert CumberlandAllen 1752 D 45

Brison Robert PerryHowe 1858 I-J 62

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Bristol Jacob NorthumberlandCatawassey Creek 1774 D 204

Bristol Jacob NorthumberlandCatawassey Creek 1774 K 9

Briston Thomas B8 213

Bristor Robert GreeneS Aleppo 1837 B19 123

Bristor Robert GreeneS Morris 1837 B6 44

Bristow John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1693/4 B22 126

Bristow John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1693/4 B22 126

Bristow Thomas 1742 B8 214

Britain Richard BucksPerkasie Manor B23 291

Britain William BucksPerkisea Manor B23 297

Britain William BucksPerkasie Manor B23 300

Britain William BucksPerkasie Manor B23 285

Britch Valentine NorthumberlandMahanoy 1785 C 399

Britch Valentine NorthumberlandMahanoy 1788 C 401

Britch Valentine NorthumberlandMahanoy 1795 W 74

Brite Peter BerksOly 1790 B1 156

Britian John PhiladelphiaSpringetsbury Manor 1773 B17 239

Britland John WestmorelandDonegal 1868 B18 192

Briton James CrawfordBloomfield 1817 S 156

Britt Daniel NorthamptonPine Swamp 1793 Q 248

Brittain George IndianaWheatfield 1853 B16 5

Brittain John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1775 B23 138

Brittain Nathaniel NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1799 M 109

Brittain Nathaniel NorthamptonMount Bethel 1789 D 356

Brittain Paul Casper NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1800 W 216

Brittain Peter Chester B22 50

Brittain Samuel IndianaWheatfield 1853 B16 5

Brittain William BucksPerkasea Manor 1733 B23 293

Brittan Linol BucksPennsbury BB2 50

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Brittan William Bucks 1759 B3 134

Brittian Paul Casper NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1800 W 219

Brittian Paul Casper NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1800 W 218

Britton William BucksPerkasea Manor 1733 B23 293

Britz Adam CumberlandAntrim 1776 K 366

Britz Adam CumberlandAntrim 1766 P 29

Britz Adam CumberlandAntrim 1774 P 30

Britz Anthony Jr. DauphinMiddle Paxton 1815 L 12

Britzious George DauphinMiddle Paxton 1795 D 511

Brivard James WashingtonMonongahela River 1786 S 69

Broad HuntingdonHopewell/Todd 1848 G 166

Broad Michael BucksMilford 1798 F 69

Broadhead Daniel BerksS Over the Broad Mountain 1773 A 370

Broadhead Daniel LancasterS Hanover 1774 C 96

Broadhead Daniel NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1768 C 137

Broadhead Daniel NorthamptonWest Branch of Lehiwacksen Creek 1775 H 200

Broadhead John LycomingS 1795 W 233

Broadhead John LycomingS 1795 W 234

Broadhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 K 111

Broadhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 A 76

Broadly Henry YorkShrewsbury 1753 D 509

Broadsman Christopher LancasterCocolico 1747 M 8

Broadstone Jacob LancasterBrecknock 1783 B13 163

Brobaker Henry YorkManheim 1796 B6 95

Brobst D. SchuylkillMahanoy 1869 B15 159

Brobst Daniel SchuylkillRush/Mahanoy 1829 I-J 133

Brobst John BerksAlbany 1824 B3 17

Brobst John SchuylkillWest Penn 1814 Q 236

Brobst M. ColumbiaCattawissa 1835 B20 202

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Brobst Martin SchuylkillWest Penn 1814 Q 236

Brobst Michael BerksAlbany 1877 B8 47

Brobst Michael BerksAlbany 1870 B13 132

Brobst Solomon C. LehighWeisenberg B10 219

Brobst Valentine BerksUpper Tulpehocken 1851 B5 94

Brobst Valentine SchuylkillRush/Mahanoy 1829 I-J 133

Brobst Valentine SchuylkillBrunswick 1816 T 267

Brocard Michael CumberlandGreenwood 1770 E 80

Broch George HuntingdonWoodberry 1794 Z 31

Broch John Bucks B22 11

Brocht Samuel LebanonLondonderry 1870 B4 90

Brock J. P. LancasterMartic/Providence 1873 B12 215

Brock John BucksMakefield 1702 B23 265

Brock John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1788 B17 70

Brock John PhiladephiaPhiladelphia City 1788 B2 30

Brock Samuel NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1774 B 462

Brock Samuel NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1773 N 217

Brock Thomas Bristoll 1701 B22 30

Brock Thomas Bucks B22 27

Brock Thomas BucksBristol BB2 46

Brock William GreenWhitely 1816 B10 216

Brockaway John G. ClearfieldJay 1838 Q 1

Brockden Charles Hollanders and Hay Creek B23 105

Brockden Charles Hollands Creek 1740 B8 119

Brockden Charles BucksMahoning Creek 1745 B8 120

Brockdon Charles PhiladelphiaHollanders Creek B23 221

Brockton Charles Near Moyamensing B23 103

Brod Thomas LancasterDerry and Mountjoy 1762 Q 28

Brodback John YorkManheim B2 95

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Brodback John YorkManheim 1787 B2 96

Brodbeck John YorkManheim 1796 B6 95

Brodbeck John YorkManheim 1774 Z 1

Broddy Hugh AlleghenyElizabeth 1789 Y 228

Brodhead NorthamptonBlue Hills 1769 D 292

Brodhead NorthamptonBlue Hills 1769 D 293

Brodhead Alexander NorthamtonBranch of Bushkill 1795 B 104

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Waters of Deep Run 1774 Q 284

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Deep Run 1774 Q 279

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Waters of Deep Run 1774 S 283

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Waters of Deep Run 1774 S 282

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Pine Creek 1769 S 198

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Brunswick 1775 E 459

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Heidelberg 1773 L 196

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Pine Grove 1774 A 412

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Branches of Fishing Creek 1773 D 556

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Pine Grove 1774 C 299

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Pine Grove 1774 C 293

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Deep Run 1774 Q 275

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Pine Creek 1769 S 196

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Grove Point 1773 A 208

Brodhead Daniel BerksS Pine Grove 1774 B2 73

Brodhead Daniel Berks/NorthumberlandS 1775 Q 231

Brodhead Daniel Cumberland/AlleghenyS Near Fort Pitt 1769 D 494

Brodhead Daniel DauphinS B3 41

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Hanover 1774 I-J 423

Brodhead Daniel Lancaster S Lebanon 1775 D 529

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Hanover 1774 O 49

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Hanover 1774 D 230

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Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Lebanon 1775 I-J 317

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Hanover 1774 E 103

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Heidleberg 1776 B8 142

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Heidleberg 1776 B8 77

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Upper Paxton 1774 A 119

Brodhead Daniel LancasterS Hanover 1774 E 514

Brodhead Daniel LuzerneWaters of Towanda Creek 1794 C 386

Brodhead Daniel Northamption 1750 M 385

Brodhead Daniel NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1765 G 129

Brodhead Daniel NorthamptonMaccungy 1772 E 87

Brodhead Daniel NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1765 G 126

Brodhead Daniel Northampton/WayneSmithfield B14 87

Brodhead Daniel NorthumberlandS Augusta 1773 F 553

Brodhead Daniel NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 P 63

Brodhead Daniel NorthumberlandS Branch of Mahantongo Creek 1774 Q 260

Brodhead Daniel NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 A 426

Brodhead Daniel NorthumberlandLittle Muncy Creek 1794 F 579

Brodhead Daniel WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1798 B8 106

Brodhead David AlleghenyWest Side of French Creek 1794 B 378

Brodhead Garret NorthamptonMiddle Smithfield 1795 I-J 83

Brodhead Garret NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1795 E 523

Brodhead Garret NorthamptonPokono or Jones and Brodheads Creek 1793 E 246

Brodhead Garret NorthamptonDelaware 1796 D 355

Brodhead Garret NorthamptonBig Bushkill 1795 D 337

Brodhead Garret NorthamptonDelaware 1794 C 125

Brodhead Garret Northampton/WayneLower Smithfield/Middle Smithfield 1796 X 99

Brodhead John Waters of Kettle Creek 1793 U 202

Brodhead John Waters of Pine Creek 1793 U 203

Brodhead John S East side of the Allegheny River 1795 Y 197

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Brodhead John S East side of the Allegheny River 1795 Y 198

Brodhead John Waters of Pine Creek 1793 E 494

Brodhead John LycomingS Allegany River 1795 E 305

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 B 287

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 B 288

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 N 49

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 G 482

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 G 481

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 N 50

Brodhead John LycomingS 1795 N 52

Brodhead John LycomingS Allegany River 1795 R 96

Brodhead John LycomingS District No. 6 1795 S 224

Brodhead John LycomingS District No. 6 1795 S 225

Brodhead John LycomingS District No. 6 1795 S 228

Brodhead John NorthamptonDelaware 1796 D 355

Brodhead John NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1765 G 126

Brodhead John NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1765 G 129

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 V 176

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS South Side of Toby's Creek 1795 Q 164

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS District No. 6 1794 M 101

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 N 89

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 P 156

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 P 199

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 P 283

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of Plumb Creek 1795 Q 127

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS District No. 6 1794 M 97

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS South Side of Toby's Creek 1795 Q 165

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 R 31

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Canawisque Branch of Tioga River 1792 T 254

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Brodhead John NorthumberlandS U 140

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Cowanshanek Creek 1794 U 260

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 V 93

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Main branch of Kittle Creek 1792 Y 216

Brodhead John Northumberland 1794 D 402

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS District No. 6 1794 M 95

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 V 89

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of the Cawanisque 1793 D 442

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 L 495

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of Plumb Creek 1795 A 414

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 418

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 B 485

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 B 571

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of Sinnamahoning 1793 C 255

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Toby's Creek 1795 D 41

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Tobys Creek 1795 D 43

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of Tobys Creek 1795 D 44

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 403

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 419

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 B 483

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 421

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 E 75

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of Sinnamahoning 1793 I-J 504

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 I-J 383

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 I-J 382

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1795 G 125

Brodhead John NorthumberlandDistrict No. 6 1794 F 346

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 420

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of the Allegany River 1793 E 77

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Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 462

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 E 68

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of the Allegany River 1793 E 57

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of the Oswoya 1793 D 479

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS Branch of the Genesea River 1792 D 473

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 D 463

Brodhead John NorthumberlandS 1794 E 306

Brodhead John Northumberland/LycomingS 1795 B 330

Brodhead Luke Luzerne and WayneCovington and Sterling 1871 B19 41

Brodhead Luke Northampton and LuzerneLehigh 1793 E 148

Brodhead Richard NorthamptonBig Bushkill 1795 D 337

Brodhead Robert NorthumberlandS Allegany River 1794 D 400

Brodhead Samuel NorthamptonBig Bushkill 1795 D 354

Brodhead Samuel NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1795 B4 92

Brodhead Samuel NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1795 N 280

Brodhead Thomas NorthamtonBranch of Bushkill 1795 B 104

Brodhead William PikeLehman 1871 B10 6

Brodhead William PikeWestfall 1841 L 18

Brodhead William A. MonroeSmithfield 1877 B10 74

Brodie William CumberlandTyboin 1794 L 57

Brodie William HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 124

Brodie William MifflinGreenwood 1793 P 239

Brodie William MifflinGreenwood 1793 L 287

Brodie William MifflinFermanagh O 81

Brodie William NorthumberlandMuncey 1793 H 499

Brodie William NorthumberlandNipenose 1794 T 295

Brodskew Samuel PhiladelphiaBlockly B22 148

Brodsword Peter WestmorelandHuntington 1785 B 84

Brody William Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1795 I-J 364

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Broghbeill Christian LancasterBethel 1785 B7 146

Broghell Andrew LacasterLebanon 1740 K 206

Brogler Peter NorthumberlandDerry 1794 R 247

Brohead Daniel LancasterS Martick 1774 F 153

Bromback Garret Vincent B23 91

Brombaugh Conrad Huntingdon and BedfordWoodbury B21 128

Brombaugh George HuntingdonWoodberry 1796 D 346

Brombaugh Jacob HuntingdonWoodberry 1787 P 265

Brombaugh Jacob HuntingdonWoodberry 1796 D 346

Brome Joseph LancasterDrummore 1752 B2 89

Bromley Nathaniel BucksBuckingham and Soulberry 1702 B23 265

Brong Jacob MonroeTobyhanna 1847 B14 207

Brong Sebastian MonroeTobyhanna 1847 B14 207

Bronham Ebenezer MifflinBald Eagle 1794 K 229

Bronsell John CumberlandRye 1806 B11 27

Brooch Hermanus YorkReading 1773 B13 196

Brook Charles ChesterWest Caln 1847 B11 137

Brook Clement BerksUnion 1770 B1 49

Brook David ChesterLondonderry/Oxford 1765 B21 46

Brook Edward BerksRobeson 1770 D 294

Brook Elizabeth BerksRobeson 1770 D 294

Brook George W. BerksRobeson 1770 D 294

Brook James NorthumberlandCatawissey 1792 D 434

Brook James YorkWindsor 1831 B21 192

Brook Jese NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 A 274

Brook Jesse CentreCentre 1805 P 136

Brook Jesse MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 135

Brook Jesse MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 137

Brook Jesse MifflinLack 1794 I-J 412

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Brook Jesse NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 A 393

Brook Jesse NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 G 267

Brook Jesse NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 K 27

Brook Jesse NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 N 42

Brook Matthew LuzerneMartins Creek 1794 C 395

Brook Matthew LuzerneMartins Creek 1794 D 8

Brook William Bedford/SomersetMilford 1795 N 97

Brookbank Sarah CambriaConemaugh 1794 A 59

Brooke BerksUnion 1770 K 504

Brooke Clement BerksUpper Tulpehocken 1851 B5 94

Brooke Jesse CentreCentre 1805 I-J 88

Brooke Jesse CentreCentre 1805 P 138

Brooke Jesse FranklinLetterkenny 1794 B7 188

Brooke Jesse NorthumberlandBeaver Creek 1793 D 153

Brooke Jesse NorthumberlandWaters of Shumoking Creek 1793 D 453

Brooke Jesse Northumberland 1793 E 361

Brooke Jesse NorthumberlandBeaver Creek 1793 K 13

Brooke Jesse NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 I-J 56

Brooke Robert PhiladelphiaDelaware River (Matlacks Island) 1813 B10 199

Brooke Thomas Northumberland 1793 A 350

Brooke Thomas Northumberland 1793 D 136

Brooke Thomas Northumberland 1793 E 361

Brooke Thomas NorthumberlandWaters of Wappallen 1793 E 439

Brooke Thomas NorthumberlandWaters of Black Creek 1793 K 12

Brooken WestmorelandDennygall 1786 Q 245

Brookens Richards WestmorelandDonegal 1830 L 359

Brookhart Daniel YorkNewbury/Fairview 1747 B17 85

Brookhout Daniel YorkNewbury/Fairview 1747 B17 85

Brooks Aaron LancasterMartick B5 116

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Brooks David AlleghenyNW bank of the Ohio River 1792 R 43

Brooks David ChesterOxford 1770 B12 21

Brooks David ChesterLondonderry/Oxford 1765 B21 46

Brooks Ebenzer NorthumberlandMuncy 1775 H 151

Brooks Elias L. YorkYork and Springfield 1863 B9 74

Brooks George BedfordMilford 1788 A 398

Brooks James BucksStreepers Tract 1738 BB2 51

Brooks James DauphinMiddle Paxton 1824 B18 31

Brooks James NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1767 H 109

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1836 B20 117

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1831 B21 192

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1831 B21 192

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1864 B20 194

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1864 B16 116

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1829 B16 110

Brooks James YorkWindsor H 26

Brooks James YorkWindsor and Lower Windsor 1864 B11 145

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1768 B1 117

Brooks James YorkWindsor 1836 B20 116

Brooks Jese NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 M 69

Brooks Jesse MifflinBald Eagle 1794 I-J 87

Brooks Jesse NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 M 59

Brooks Jesse Northumberland 1793 K 15

Brooks Jesse NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 L 297

Brooks John Beautys Run and Bottle Run 1797 D 455

Brooks John BerksRobinson 1798 B7 77

Brooks John CameronGibson 1870 B19 40

Brooks John LancasterLittle Britain 1785 B6 214

Brooks John LancasterLittle 1750 Q 40

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Brooks John NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1784 D 128

Brooks Josh NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 F 8

Brooks Josh. NorthumberlandCatawissey 1789 G 18

Brooks Raphael BedfordBedford 1788 I-J 43

Brooks Richard NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 O 226

Brooks Richard NorthumberlandCatawissey 1796 F 467

Brooks Samuel NorthumberlandCatawissey 1792 D 434

Brooks Thomas NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 A 468

Brooks Thomas NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1784 D 129

Brooks Thomas NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 439

Brooks William WestmorelandHuntington 1787 W 296

Broom James M. YorkMount Pleasant 1768 B11 33

Broomback Garret ChesterVincent BB2 49

Broombaugh Conrad BedfordFrankstown 1785 D 342

Broombaugh Jacob BedfordWoodberry 1787 P 223

Broombaugh John BedfordWoodbury 1791 M 198

Broombergh Jacob CambriaConemaugh 1814 B7 181

Broome Isaac YorkWindsor and Chanceford 1832 B4 151

Broomhall John Chester/DelawareS Concord B11 71

Broomhall John DelawareS Middletown 1773 B9 91

Broomley Nathaniel BucksBuckingham B23 272

Bropst Henry BerksAlbany 1797 H 371

Bropst Valentine BerksAlbany 1797 H 371

Brose David YorkHopewell B19 230

Brose Frederick YorkHopewell 1788 B10 182

Brose Frederick YorkHopewell 1864 B15 114

Brose Frederick YorkHopewell 1790 K 511

Brosies Jacob NorthumberlandMahanoy D 436

Brosies John George NorthumberlandMahanoy D 436

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Brosies Nicholas NorthamptonSW Branch of Brodhead Creek 1754 D 547

Brosies Nicholas NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 A 405

Brosius Abraham NorthumberlandMahanoy 1793 K 28

Brosius George NorthumberlandLower Mahanoy 1814 B10 94

Brosius Jacob JeffersonWaters of Red Bank 1841 S 49

Brosius John George Little Swaratowro manor B23 113

Brosius Nicholas BerksOver the Blue Mountains 1765 D 562

Brosius Nicholas NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1793 D 357

Brosius Nicholas NorthamptonBrodheads Creek 1754 D 546

Brosius Nicholas NorthumberlandMahanoy A 400

Bross George LebanonBethel 1874 B10 20

Bross Henry LebanonEast Hanover/Union 1803 B16 72

Brossius Nicholas NorthumberlandMahanoy 1794 A 405

Brossler David DauphinWest Hanover 1864 B19 237

Brossler George CambriaConemaugh/Summerhill 1794 N 282

Brost George DauphinEast Hanover 1803 B16 69

Brost George LebanonEast Hanover 1827 B16 51

Brother CumberlandDickinson B21 107

Brotherington James CumberlandOn Great Road 1770 M 244

Brotherline Charlas HuntingdonPorter/Juniata 1816 B12 216

Brotherline Charles HuntingdonPorter 1835 B7 35

Brothers Jacob AdamsGermany 1810 B18 158

Brothers Jacob AdamsGermany 1811 B14 24

Brotherton Cumberland/FranklinHamilton 1828 B3 191

Brotherton George WestmorelandPitt 1786 M 425

Brotherton Hugh Cumberland/FranklinGuilford and Hamilton 1828 B23 74

Brotherton James BedfordNapier B20 130

Brotherton James BedfordBranch of Crabtree Run 1770 I-J 496

Brotherton James Cumberland/FranklinAntrim B23 69

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Brotherton James FranklinHamilton 1785 B3 157

Brotherton James FranklinHamilton 1785 B8 188

Brotherton James YorkManallen 1795 H 16

Brotherton William CumberlandGilford and Hamilton 1766 N 135

Brotherton William Cumberland/FranklinAntrim B23 69

Brotherton William Cumberland/FranklinGuilford and Hamilton 1828 B23 74

Brotherton William LancasterLittle Britain 1747 A 115

Brotton Andrew Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1773 A 5

Brotzious Michael BerksPinegrove 1798 O 142

Brotzman John NorthamptonPlainfield 1786 B10 195

Brotzman John NorthamptonWilliams 1840 B14 3

Brotzman John NorthamptonWilliams 1840 B14 4

Brough Casper BerksBrunswick 1789 S 243

Brough Casper BerksBrunswick S 248

Brough Emanuel AdamsHuntingdon 1875 B12 128

Brough Jacob AdamsHuntingdon and Latimore 1870 B12 183

Brough Mary AdamsMount Pleasant 1875 B18 205

Brough Michael NorthamptonWeissanburg 1754 T 177

Brougher Jacob YorkCarroll 1867 B16 219

Brougher Peter WestmorelandDonegal 1874 B14 182

Brought Daniel MifflinGranville 1859 B16 179

Brought Felty DauphinUpper Paxton 1809 B17 6

Brought George MifflinGranville 1839 B20 95

Brought George MifflinDerry B20 96

Brought John MifflinGranville 1859 B16 179

Brought Joseph MifflinGranville 1859 B16 179

Broun James WashingtonDonegall 1828 B13 31

Brousman France LancasterHeidleberg 1760 M 320

Brower Christian ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

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Brower Christian ChesterCoventry Y 14

Brower Christian ChesterVincent BB2 49

Brower George Bedford/SomersetTurkey Foot 1775 B1 214

Brower John ChesterUpper Oxford 1750 B2 136

Browman William HuntingdonAllegheny 1794 W 82

Browmiller Nicholas NorthamptonLehigh 1838 B16 171

Brown AlleghenyWaters of Mononaghela River 1854 B1 94

Brown ChesterEast side of Namans Creek 1684 B22 171

Brown ChesterAshton 1701/2 B3 55

Brown CumberlandAllen 1837 B1 174

Brown Cumberland/FranklinFannet 1793 B6 90

Brown ElkSpring Creek 1855 Z 150

Brown FranklinFannet 1794 B15 105

Brown HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 131

Brown HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 Q 187

Brown HuntingdonAllegheny 1793 R 253

Brown HuntingdonHopewell 1796 F 406

Brown HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 C 30

Brown HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 56

Brown HuntingdonAllegeanny 1795 I-J 225

Brown Huntingdon and WestmorelandWheatfield and Allegheny 1794 N 164

Brown JeffersonRidgway 1837 Y 58

Brown JeffersonBarnette 1837 BB1 14

Brown LancasterHeidleberg 1760 M 320

Brown LawrenceScott 1910 M 545

Brown MifflinWayne T 183

Brown SchuylkillWayne 1848 B18 47

Brown WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 Q 192

Brown WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 B 340

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Brown WestmorelandArmstrong 1795 T 188

Brown WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 F 88

Brown A. MercerS Frenchcreek 1824 L 80

Brown Adam Bedford/FayetteWaters of Browns Run 1771 B2 161

Brown Adam Bedford/SomersetLondonderry/Allegheny 1831 B10 13

Brown Adam BerksPine Grove 1794 A 373

Brown Adam Cumberland 1769 B14 113

Brown Adam Fayette or Cumberland 1769 B14 114

Brown Adam SchuylkillWayne 1846 B12 131

Brown Adam SchuylkillWayne/Washington 1856 B15 234

Brown Alexander AdamsHuntingdon 1837 B17 178

Brown Alexander AdamsHopewell/Huntingdon 1838 B21 205

Brown Alexander BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 K 339

Brown Alexander BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 S 232

Brown Alexander BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 N 16

Brown Alexander BedfordCearlfield Creek 1784 S 231

Brown Alexander LancasterEarle 1777 B14 193

Brown Alexander LancasterHanover 1743 M 303

Brown Alexander LancasterSalisbury 1788 B11 229

Brown Alexander LancasterSalisbury 1785 B10 198

Brown Alexander NorthamptonMount Bethel 1787 B 409

Brown Alexander YorkTyrone 1755 M 453

Brown Alice NorthamptonPenn 1794 D 97

Brown Allan FranklinFannet 1785 B3 132

Brown Allen AlleghenyWilkins 1850 R 295

Brown Allen AlleghenyWilkins 1909 B21 109

Brown Allen AlleghenyWilkins 1909 B21 98

Brown Allen AlleghenyWilkins 1905 B17 37

Brown Allen BedfordLaurel Run 1794 G 420

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Brown Allen CumberlandFannet A 8

Brown Allen CumberlandGilford 1763 D 288

Brown Allen FranklinMetal 1852 B16 60

Brown Allen WestmorelandTurtle Creek 1769 S 20

Brown Allen Westmoreland/AlleghenyWilkins 1842 B7 169

Brown Amasa ErieWashington 1837 B20 125

Brown Andrew CumberlandAllen 1804 B1 171

Brown Andrew CumberlandAllen 1804 B1 173

Brown Andrew CumberlandAllen 1803 B2 69

Brown Andrew Cumberland/PerryJuniata 1839 B20 195

Brown Andrew HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 52

Brown Andrew HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 128

Brown Andrew HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 C 30

Brown Assa LuzerneWaters of Burneys Creek 1793 B 113

Brown Bazil Fayette B23 23

Brown Bazil FayetteManallin 1785 X 32

Brown Bazil FayetteManallin 1784 X 33

Brown Benjamin CumberlandSouth Side of Juniata 1772 I-J 223

Brown Benjamin CumberlandFannet 1769 A 241

Brown Benjamin CumberlandFannet 1769 F 327

Brown Benjamin Cumberland 1769 H 178

Brown Benjamin FayetteSpringhill 1836 V 55

Brown Benjamin Lancaster/DauphinSwatara 1778 T 44

Brown Benjamin LuzerneW Branch of the Great Mahopeny 1792 L 505

Brown Benjamin LuzerneWest Branch of the Great Mahopeny 1792 F 305

Brown Benjamin Northumberland/LuzerneWaters of Moses Creek 1774 D 90

Brown Caleb WashingtonWaters of Cross Creek 1786 F 209

Brown Charles CumberlandNorth Side of Juniata River 1766 D 266

Brown Charles CumberlandRye 1767 B3 152

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Brown Charles Cumberland/MifflinGreenwood 1811 D 267

Brown Charles FayetteBullskin 1794 P 390

Brown Charles FayetteUnion 1828 I-J 431

Brown Charles FayetteUnion 1828 W 76

Brown Daniel AdamsReading 1810 B6 42

Brown Daniel BerksPine Grove 1798 M 24

Brown Daniel ChesterEast Nantmeal 1771 L 230

Brown Daniel ChesterEast Nantmeal 1742 L 229

Brown Daniel ChesterCoventry 1737 B8 117

Brown Daniel ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown Daniel Chester and LancasterCaln, Coventry, Nantmel, and Carnarvan B22 67

Brown Daniel CumberlandNewton 1794 I-J 89

Brown Daniel Cumberland/HuntingdonCromwell 1866 B15 177

Brown Daniel NorthamptonDelaware 1789 B 519

Brown Daniel NorthamptonBig Bushkill 1795 D 354

Brown Daniel NorthamptonBranch of Tunkhanna Creek 1793 P 281

Brown Daniel NorthamptonDelaware 1797 BB2 31

Brown Daniel Northampton/WayneDelaware 1797 V 257

Brown Daniel Northampton/WayneDelaware 1797 V 255

Brown Daniel WarrenBrokenstraw 1819 L 355

Brown David Conemaugh River B23 49

Brown David BedfordBethel 1793 N 9

Brown David BedfordAir 1773 X 259

Brown David ChesterEast Nottingham B11 162

Brown David ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1761 B13 143

Brown David ChesterWest Nottingham 1814 B4 3

Brown David ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown David CumberlandBetween Shade Mountain and Blacklog Mountain E 202

Brown David FranklinWarren 1849 B16 6

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Brown David FranklinFannet 1794 B4 57

Brown David HuntingdonSpringfield 1846 L 489

Brown David HuntingdonCromwell 1846 P 255

Brown David LancasterColerain 1835 B15 54

Brown David LancasterDrumore B6 137

Brown David LancasterColerain 1767 B1 139

Brown David LuzerneWaters of Lackawanock Creek 1793 X 266

Brown David NorthamptonDelaware 1790 V 258

Brown David Jr. CumberlandFannet 1769 F 319

Brown Edward LancasterHopewell/Antrim 1736 B18 94

Brown Edward Washington L 4

Brown Eleazar YorkFawn 1803 B13 87

Brown Elijah ArmstrongAllegheny 1804 K 505

Brown Elijah IndianaWhite 1853 B7 165

Brown Elijah NorthumberlandWaters of Wyaloosing Creek 1776 F 398

Brown Elijah NorthumberlandWyaloosing Creek 1776 I-J 250

Brown Elizabeth BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 H 372

Brown Elizabeth BedfordClearfieal Creek 1774 H 373

Brown Elizabeth BerksWest Branch of Susquehanna 1769 Q 43

Brown Frederick Philadelphia/BerksLong Swamp 1792 I-J 188

Brown Frederick Philadelphia/BerksLong Swamp 1792 I-J 189

Brown G. CentreBald Eagle 1839 U 126

Brown George AdamsReading 1870 B14 170

Brown George BedfordAir 1789 B2 106

Brown George BedfordSouth Side of Yochio Geni River 1771 H 185

Brown George BedfordAir 1785 B 321

Brown George BucksBuckingham and Soulberry 1714 B3 142

Brown George BucksBuckingham, Soulberry, Mash, and Plumstead B23 266

Brown George BucksFalls 1702 B23 265

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Brown George BucksPennsbury BB2 50

Brown George CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1786 U 163

Brown George CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1764 M 239

Brown George CumberlandFannet 1767 I-J 55

Brown George CumberlandAntrim 1763 B8 164

Brown George CumberlandToboyne B2 56

Brown George Cumberland/FranklinFannet 1793 B18 32

Brown George FranklinWarren B21 146

Brown George FranklinGuilford 1812 B9 56

Brown George LancasterSelisbury 1751 B12 162

Brown George LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 D 415

Brown George LuzerneMahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 I-J 81

Brown George LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 T 176

Brown George LycomingPine Creek 1815 Y 267

Brown George NorthamptonMoore 1847 B19 99

Brown George NorthamptonLehigh 1775 B8 134

Brown George PerryTaboyne 1819 B11 107

Brown George Westmoreland/AlleghenyWilkins 1842 B7 169

Brown Gustavus Cumberland/FranklinAntrim/Washington 1752 B7 162

Brown Gustavus Cumberland/FranklinAntrim/Washington 1806 B7 161

Brown Gustavus FranklinWashington B7 163

Brown H. E. McKeanHamilton 1883 B10 91

Brown Hans Michael BucksBranch of Swamp Creek 1739/40 B9 233

Brown Harmon GreeneDunkard 1783 B23 217

Brown Henry BedfordTurkeyfoot 1790 A 417

Brown Henry M. IndianaWheatfield 1852 B7 38

Brown Hugh ArmstrongPlumb Creek 1830 B11 3

Brown Hugh LancasterColerain 1766 B10 119

Brown Hugh MifflinWayne 1799 R 239

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Brown Hugh MifflinWayne 1805 Y 311

Brown I. B. NorthumberlandStewardson 1794 V 21

Brown Isaac ChesterWest Nottingham 1784 B20 13

Brown Isaac ChesterOxford 1757 B3 57

Brown Isaac Chester B3 189

Brown J. IndianaWheatfield 1853 B16 5

Brown J. LuzerneLackawana 1850 B1 142

Brown J. H. WashingtonS B21 55

Brown J. L. McKeanLiberty 1883 B14 117

Brown Jacob AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 R 245

Brown Jacob BedfordBethel 1787 O 66

Brown Jacob ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown Jacob CumberlandJuniata 1794 I-J 71

Brown Jacob LancasterHeidleberg B8 161

Brown Jacob LancasterMill Creek 1735 B8 162

Brown Jacob Jr. ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown James Nottingham B23 82

Brown James Nottingham B23 261

Brown James Branch of Northeast River and Otteraroe Creek 1701 B22 120

Brown James AdamsReading 1750 B10 122

Brown James BedfordBethel 1792 N 4

Brown James ChesterWest Nottingham 1814 B4 3

Brown James ChesterWest Nottingham 1814 B4 3

Brown James ChesterChitsister Creek 1682 B22 64

Brown James ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown James CumberlandAllen 1776 B12 31

Brown James CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1785 L 232

Brown James Cumberland/PerryJuniata 1839 B20 195

Brown James FayetteGerman 1785 B 554

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Brown James HuntingdonCromwell 1863 B19 153

Brown James LancasterYellow Beeches Creek 1738 B12 32

Brown James LancasterMartick 1803 B13 185

Brown James LancasterMartic 1810 B5 112

Brown James LancasterLittle Britain 1818 B6 111

Brown James LancasterLittle Britain 1818 B6 112

Brown James LancasterLittle Britain and Colerain 1752 H 315

Brown James LancasterLittle Britain 1812 B10 124

Brown James LancasterLittle Britian 1753 B5 40

Brown James LancasterColerain 1766 B10 119

Brown James Northampton 1785 I-J 90

Brown James NorthumberlandTurbutt 1797 X 65

Brown James NorthumberlandTurbutt X 67

Brown James NorthumberlandFoot of Mohonoy Hill 1774 L 292

Brown James NorthumberlandTurbutt 1797 X 66

Brown James NorthumberlandFoot of Mahanoy Mountain 1774 A 24

Brown James PerryToboyne 1823 B10 238

Brown James PerryToboyne 1823 B10 237

Brown James WashingtonDonegall 1827 B15 184

Brown James WashingtonDonegall 1828 B10 227

Brown James WashingtonWaters of the Dunkerd Fork of Wheeling 1784 D 176

Brown James WestmorelandBranch of the Allegheny 1775 B2 177

Brown James YorkNewbury 1788 K 513

Brown James E. ClarionPaint B12 234

Brown James H. CumberlandRye 1768 B11 183

Brown James H. PerryOliver 1864 B19 211

Brown James W. ChesterWest Caln 1847 B11 137

Brown Jane CumberlandFannet 1769 F 369

Brown Jennet CumberlandJuneatta 1815 B9 18

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Brown Jennet CumberlandRye 1767 I-J 58

Brown Jennet Cumberland/PerryRye/Juniatta 1822 B10 232

Brown Jennet PerryTuscarora 1859 I-J 59

Brown Jeremiah ChesterWest Nottingham B4 2

Brown Jeremiah ChesterWest Nottingham 1814 B4 3

Brown Jeremiah ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown Jeremiah LancasterSusquehanna River (Island) B21 113

Brown Jeremiah YorkFawn 1811 B4 116

Brown Jeremiah YorkHopewell 1771 T 39

Brown Jeremiah YorkFawn 1827 B4 117

Brown Jeremiah YorkFawn 1766 B5 3

Brown Jeremiah YorkFawn 1811 B4 118

Brown Jesse ErieWaterford 1848 T 139

Brown John Wayne B11 199

Brown John AlleghenyNeville, Stowe, Robinson, and Coraopolis 1901 B20 104

Brown John AlleghenyEast Side of French Creek 1794 E 165

Brown John AlleghenyPlumb 1827 B3 16

Brown John AlleghenyWaters of Turtle Creek 1809 B3 15

Brown John BedfordQuemahoning 1794 A 199

Brown John BedfordMilford and Quemahoning 1787 M 200

Brown John BedfordClearfieal Creek 1774 H 373

Brown John BedfordQuemahoning 1794 P 344

Brown John BedfordQuemahoning 1794 P 307

Brown John BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 H 372

Brown John BedfordQuemahoning 1794 A 200

Brown John BedfordTurkey Foot 1773 B 436

Brown John BedfordWaters of Black Lick 1794 Q 162

Brown John BedfordWaters of Black Lick 1794 T 108

Brown John BedfordQuemahoning 1794 P 311

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Brown John BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 H 374

Brown John Bedford/Somerset 1794 R 49

Brown John BerksTulpehocken 1766 D 171

Brown John BerksPine Grove 1794 A 373

Brown John BerksPine Grove 1785 B11 119

Brown John BerksUpper Bern and Upper Tulpehocken 1864 B12 214

Brown John BerksUpper Bern and Upper Tulpehocken 1864 B14 33

Brown John BerksPine Grove 1774 B2 73

Brown John BerksPine Grove 1786 H 180

Brown John BerksPinegrove 1798 O 142

Brown John BerksTulpehocken 1832 S 246

Brown John BerksPinegrove 1798 B2 15

Brown John BradfordWindham 1824 B18 180

Brown John BradfordWindham 1851 B9 86

Brown John CambriaClearfield 1836 U 39

Brown John CambriaJackson 1842 T 256

Brown John CentrePatton 1808 Q 353

Brown John CentrePatten 1808 I-J 101

Brown John CentrePatton 1808 P 18

Brown John ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1761 B13 143

Brown John CrawfordVenango I-J 334

Brown John CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1790 B16 164

Brown John CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1787 M 245

Brown John CumberlandToboyne 1817 I-J 66

Brown John CumberlandLack 1786 E 336

Brown John CumberlandNewtown 1767 E 215

Brown John CumberlandNorth Side of Juniata River 1766 D 266

Brown John CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1786 B19 142

Brown John CumberlandRye C 196

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Brown John Cumberland/FranklinHamilton 1826 B10 148

Brown John Cumberland/FranklinHamilton BB1 26

Brown John Cumberland/MifflinGreenwood 1811 D 267

Brown John Cumberland/MifflinDerry 1820 B16 181

Brown John Cumberland/MifflinArmagh 1771 I-J 221

Brown John DauphinUpper Paxton 1786 B8 195

Brown John FayetteManattin V 58

Brown John FayetteManallen 1795 B16 234

Brown John HuntingdonWaters of Shavers Creek 1794 V 121

Brown John HuntingdonHopewell/Union 1775 B11 219

Brown John HuntingdonBarree B21 187

Brown John HuntingdonAllegeanny 1795 I-J 186

Brown John HuntingdonAllegeanny 1795 I-J 227

Brown John HuntingdonAllegheny 1795 I-J 260

Brown John HuntingdonAllegeanny 1795 I-J 306

Brown John HuntingdonBarree 1793 Q 50

Brown John HuntingdonUnion 1809 P 400

Brown John IndianaCherryhill 1855 B12 132

Brown John LancasterUpper Paxton 1776 D 16

Brown John Lancaster 1767 H 309

Brown John Lancaster/DauphinEast Hanover 1788 B6 235

Brown John LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 U 8

Brown John LuzerneEast Branch of Shickshinny Creek 1793 B 67

Brown John LuzerneSE side of the Lackawanna River 1842 B1 149

Brown John LuzerneLackawanna 1873 B16 134

Brown John LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 D 415

Brown John LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 T 176

Brown John MifflinArmagh 1794 D 549

Brown John MifflinWayne 1806 Q 383

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Brown John MifflinWayne 1793 K 495

Brown John MifflinUnion 1794 B10 201

Brown John MifflinDerry 1794 B16 180

Brown John MifflinArmagh 1834 Q 399

Brown John MifflinUpper Bald Eagle 1793 Q 355

Brown John MifflinUpper Bald Eagle 1793 I-J 100

Brown John MifflinArmagh 1811 B11 80

Brown John MifflinDerry 1793 D 111

Brown John MifflinArmaugh 1834 B3 62

Brown John MifflinDerry B20 96

Brown John MifflinArmagh 1794 Q 400

Brown John Mifflin and HuntingdonUnion and Barre 1853 B20 92

Brown John NorthamptonForks of Pine Run 1785 B3 65

Brown John NorthamptonBranch of Tunkhanna Creek 1793 P 281

Brown John NorthamptonShoholy Creek 1784 U 272

Brown John NorthamptonLehi 1790 H 322

Brown John NorthamptonTowamensing 1794 G 381

Brown John NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1768 C 560

Brown John NorthamptonMouth of Tobehanna 1785 A 359

Brown John NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1794 D 15

Brown John NorthumberlandWaters of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 S 278

Brown John NorthumberlandNescopeck Creek 1773 D 212

Brown John NorthumberlandNescopeck Creek 1773 D 213

Brown John NorthumberlandMeighcaanga or Red Bank Creek 1774 D 242

Brown John NorthumberlandWaters of Meiqhcaango or Red Bank Creek 1774 G 11

Brown John NorthumberlandStanding Stone 1774 F 159

Brown John NorthumberlandMeighcaanga or Red Bank Creek 1774 D 243

Brown John Northumberland/Luzerne 1784 T 55

Brown John PerryTyboine 1828 B2 169

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Brown John Philadelphianear Oley 1742 Q 11

Brown John SchuylkillWayne/Washington 1856 B15 234

Brown John SchuylkillPine Grove 1815 B2 13

Brown John SchuylkillPinegrove 1815 T 229

Brown John SchuylkillWayne 1846 B12 131

Brown John Washington/GreeneWaters of Ten Mile Creek 1784 D 487

Brown John WestmorelandWaters of Two Lick Creek 1773 B23 144

Brown John WestmorelandHempfield 1785 Z 57

Brown John WestmorelandHempfield 1790 Z 60

Brown John A. BerksPine Grove 1787 A 205

Brown John Adam SchuylkillWashington 1857 T 225

Brown John E. ChesterEast Nottingham 1888 BB1 13

Brown John Engle BerksCumry 1761 B3 22

Brown John Jr. ArmstrongAllegheny 1802 B10 121

Brown John Jr. BerksPine Grove 1787 A 205

Brown John Jr. CumberlandFannet 1769 F 317

Brown John Jr. CumberlandFannet 1769 F 369

Brown John Jr. FranklinFannett/Metal 1811 B16 50

Brown John Jr. IndianaWheatfield 1851 B17 46

Brown John Jr. NorthumberlandStoke 1784 P 118

Brown John Sr. NorthumberlandStoke 1784 P 105

Brown John Sr. Northumberland/LuzerneAppalaums Creek 1786 S 137

Brown Jonathan NorthamptonMouth of Tobehanna 1785 A 359

Brown Joseph AdamsHamiltonbann 1838 B21 143

Brown Joseph AdamsHamiltonban 1786 B12 190

Brown Joseph AdamsHamiltonban 1809 B10 213

Brown Joseph BucksPlumsted 1734 Q 210

Brown Joseph CumberlandMiddle Branch of Frankstown Creek 1765 D 303

Brown Joseph CumberlandBeaver Dam branch of Frankstown Creek Y 173

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Brown Joseph CumberlandTyrone 1794 W 71

Brown Joseph CumberlandBranch of Frankstown Creek B2 187

Brown Joseph FayetteSpringhill 1795 U 157

Brown Joseph HuntingdonAllegheny B2 188

Brown Joseph LancasterDrummore 1750 A 31

Brown Joseph LuzerneBranch of Lehigh 1793 N 153

Brown Joseph NorthamptonNorth of the State Line 1794 K 286

Brown Joseph NorthamptonWaters of Lachawaxen Creek 1794 K 290

Brown Joseph NorthamptonForks of Lehi and Bear Creek 1784 A 361

Brown Joseph Northampton 1785 I-J 90

Brown Joseph NorthumberlandWaters of Black Creek 1793 Q 257

Brown Joseph NorthumberlandWaters of Black Creek A 428

Brown Joseph NorthumberlandBlack Creek 1793 D 272

Brown Joseph NorthumberlandBlacks Creek 1793 R 35

Brown Joseph WashingtonWaters of Chartiers Creek 1795 O 112

Brown Joseph YorkHamilton Bann 1795 B19 9

Brown Joseph YorkHamilton Bann 1786 B12 191

Brown Joseph YorkChanceford 1770 B6 37

Brown Joshua Cumberland/FayetteSpringhill 1770 B3 141

Brown Joshua LancasterLittle Britain B6 109

Brown Joshua LancasterDrumore and Little Brittain 1788 B17 209

Brown Joshua LancasterLittle Brittain 1842 B17 32

Brown Joshua LancasterLittle Britten B16 167

Brown Joshua WashingtonWaters of Cross Creek 1786 F 209

Brown Joshua YorkFawn 1769 B1 55

Brown Joshua YorkFawn 1809 B5 236

Brown Joshua YorkWarrington 1765 G 178

Brown Joshua YorkFawn 1768 D 588

Brown Joshua YorkFawn 1803 B13 87

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Brown Joshua YorkFawn 1770 L 373

Brown Joshua YorkWarrington 1751 H 31

Brown Joshua YorkWarrington 1751 H 30

Brown Joshua YorkWarrington 1751 H 30

Brown Joshua YorkWarrington 1822 B10 136

Brown Levi LancasterLittle Britain 1811 B9 48

Brown Luke DauphinHalifax 1830 B9 129

Brown Luke DauphinHalifax 1828 B9 128

Brown Mannus Bedford/FayetteWaters of Browns Run 1771 B2 161

Brown Mansfield B. AlleghenyScott 1874 B19 91

Brown Mary BedfordBeaver Creek 1784 R 98

Brown Mary BedfordHead Waters of Conemaugh 1785 I-J 438

Brown Mary BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 K 340

Brown Mary BedfordBeaver Creek 1784 S 233

Brown Mary CambriaAlleghany 1797 P 159

Brown Mary HuntingdonPorter 1822 S 42

Brown Mary NorthamptonLower SMithfield 1793 D 357

Brown Mary NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1793 D 353

Brown Mathew LancasterDrumore, Colerain, and Little Britain 1836 B9 95

Brown Matthew CumberlandTyrone 1794 B 456

Brown Matthew LancasterDrumore, Little Britain, and Colerain 1809 B10 214

Brown Matthew LancasterColerain 1766 B10 119

Brown Matthew LancasterSadsbury 1737 A 33

Brown Matthew LancasterDrumore, Colerain, and Little Britain 1766 B9 96

Brown Michael BerksBrunswick 1782 F 362

Brown Michael BerksBethel 1792 L 9

Brown Michael BucksLower Milford 1782 B9 238

Brown Michael BucksMilford 1822 K 356

Brown Michael BucksLower Milford 1779 B9 232

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Brown Michael NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1793 D 353

Brown Michael NorthamptonLowersmithfield 1793 C 433

Brown Moses HuntingdonBarree 1793 L 486

Brown N. CambriaClearfield 1836 U 38

Brown Nathan FayetteFranklin 1787 R 178

Brown Nathan LancasterDrummore 1739 M 306

Brown Nathan LancasterDrummore 1750 K 211

Brown Nathan LuzerneWysauking Creek 1795 U 59

Brown Nathan LuzerneButlers Pond 1793 F 360

Brown Nathan YorkFawn/Peach Bottom 1854 B1 56

Brown Nathan YorkFawn 1769 B1 55

Brown Nathanael NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 C 239

Brown Nathanial NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 N 42

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1794 D 324

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1793 A 231

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1793 A 259

Brown Nathaniel LuzerneSE side of the Lackawanna River 1842 B1 149

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1794 D 322

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1794 D 323

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1794 G 338

Brown Nathaniel LuzerneRoad from Wilksberry to Philadelphia 1794 G 350

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1793 H 11

Brown Nathaniel Luzerne 1794 G 348

Brown Nathaniel NorthumberlandWater of Catawissey 1794 G 181

Brown Nathaniel Northumberland 1794 D 388

Brown Nathaniel NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 433

Brown Nathaniel NorthumberlandCatawissey Road 1794 F 391

Brown Nathaniel WashingtonChartiers Creek 1785 R 298

Brown Nathaniel YorkFawn 1803 B13 87

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Brown Nathiel Luzerne 1793 A 441

Brown Oliver FranklinSt. Thomas 1841 B20 192

Brown Peter AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 156

Brown Peter CumberlandToboyne 1816 E 280

Brown Peter DauphinMiddle Paxton 1805 B19 194

Brown Peter HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 C 588

Brown Peter HuntingdonFranckstown 1794 D 366

Brown Peter HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 B 240

Brown Peter IndianaBurrell 1875 B21 74

Brown Peter IndianaBurrell 1874 B20 162

Brown Peter LancasterLittle Britain 1811 B9 48

Brown Peter LuzerneWaters of Wysaukin Creek 1794 Z 133

Brown Peter NorthumberlandLoyalsock 1792 B 562

Brown Peter NorthumberlandStoke 1784 C 562

Brown Peter NorthumberlandStoke 1784 D 290

Brown Peter Northumberland/Luzerne 1784 T 55

Brown Peter YorkFranklin 1821 B10 206

Brown Peter Jr. BerksMahantango C 479

Brown Peter Sr. BerksMahantango C 479

Brown Philip LancasterLittle Britain 1811 B9 48

Brown R. F. Hartley B15 160

Brown R. F. UnionS West Buffalo and Lewis 1869 B6 8

Brown R. F. UnionS West Buffalo and Lewis 1869 B11 189

Brown R. F. UnionS West Buffalo and Lewis 1869 B11 190

Brown R. S. CumberlandRye 1768 B11 183

Brown Rebecca BedfordWest Branch of Susquehannah 1775 N 91

Brown Richard BedfordQuemahoning 1774 H 107

Brown Richard BedfordQuemahoning 1787 A 198

Brown Richard BedfordTurkey Foot 1774 P 152

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Brown Richard BedfordQuemahoning and Milford 1783 B19 83

Brown Richard Bedford/SomersetMilford 1792 S 266

Brown Richard Bedford/SomersetMillford and Turkeyfoot 1794 Q 225

Brown Richard Bedford/SomersetQuemahoning/Somerset 1795 B7 100

Brown Richard Bedford/SomersetQuemahoning 1795 B7 101

Brown Richard FayetteBullskin K 492

Brown Richard HuntingdonSpringfield 1853 B17 82

Brown Richard YorkStrabane 1760 B8 160

Brown Richard YorkStrabane 1766 B11 200

Brown Richard Jr. BedfordS Quemahoning 1786 M 172

Brown Richard Jr. BedfordS Milford 1785 P 60

Brown Richard Jr. BedfordS Quemahoning 1789 F 361

Brown Robert ArmstrongKittanning B16 205

Brown Robert ClintonLeidy 1865 B5 122

Brown Robert CumberlandTyrone 1766 Q 221

Brown Robert CumberlandTyrone Z 279

Brown Robert Cumberland/JuniataLack 1791 U 4

Brown Robert NorthamptonRattle Snake Brook 1793 B 209

Brown Robert NorthamptonMatchunk Creek 1794 R 284

Brown Robert NorthamptonPenn 1807 X 41

Brown Robert NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 C 404

Brown Robert NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 D 405

Brown Robert WestmorelandMount Pleasant/Unity 1828 B23 65

Brown Robert D. YorkFawn 1769 K 497

Brown Robert D. YorkFawn 1769 I-J 177

Brown Roger CumberlandRye 1768 L 239

Brown Samuel BedfordSouth Woodbury 1855 B20 26

Brown Samuel ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown Samuel CumberlandHopewell 1787 H 342

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Brown Samuel CumberlandRye 1768 B11 183

Brown Samuel Cumberland/MifflinSouth side of Juniata 1765 A 9

Brown Samuel Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1785 B20 139

Brown Samuel Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1814 D 263

Brown Samuel ErieLe Boeuff 1845 B5 89

Brown Samuel LancasterHanover 1739 A 108

Brown Samuel MifflinWayne 1824 F 382

Brown Samuel MifflinDecatur 1853 B20 28

Brown Stephen O. FranklinFannet/Metal 1864 B13 48

Brown Stpehen O. FranklinMetal 1852 B16 60

Brown Susannah SomersetFairhope 1903 B19 109

Brown Sussana NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1793 D 353

Brown Sussana NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1793 D 357

Brown Thomas BedfordLondonderry 1794 G 421

Brown Thomas BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 S 231

Brown Thomas BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 E 507

Brown Thomas BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 S 232

Brown Thomas BucksDelaware River 1739 L 55

Brown Thomas CentrePatton/Huston 1808 K 408

Brown Thomas ChesterUpper Oxford 1897 B18 124

Brown Thomas ChesterEast Nottingham 1745 A 295

Brown Thomas CumberlandAntrim 1763 B8 164

Brown Thomas CumberlandAntrim 1759 B18 93

Brown Thomas Cumberland/FranklinAntrim 1759 B18 92

Brown Thomas DauphinWest Hanover 1833 B21 223

Brown Thomas ErieErie/Harbour Creek 1805 V 53

Brown Thomas FayetteManallin 1784 X 33

Brown Thomas FayetteManallin 1785 X 32

Brown Thomas Fayette B23 23

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Brown Thomas FranklinAntrim 1796 B18 91

Brown Thomas LancasterHopewell B8 165

Brown Thomas LancasterLittle Britain 1745 B5 173

Brown Thomas MifflinArmagh 1794 Q 402

Brown Thomas MifflinArmagh 1794 D 549

Brown Thomas Northampton/WayneWest Side Delaware River 1794 C 51

Brown Thomas Northumberland or MifflinHains or Potter 1794 E 156

Brown Thomas WashingtonWaters of Muddy Creek 1786 I-J 479

Brown Thomas Washington and AlleghenyWaters of Rackoon Creek 1797 I-J 241

Brown Thomas YorkFawn 1766 A 326

Brown Thomas YorkFawn 1769 I-J 177

Brown Thomas YorkFawn 1769 K 497

Brown Thomas B. LuzerneWaters of Toby's Creek 1789 C 526

Brown Thomas B. LuzerneTobys Creek 1789 P 82

Brown Thomas Sr. FayetteManallin 1785 X 32

Brown Valentine IndianaBrush Valley 1870 B11 239

Brown Valentine SchuylkillWashington 1857 T 225

Brown Valentine SchuylkillWayne 1846 B12 131

Brown W. BedfordNorth Branch of Conemagh 1794 L 419

Brown W. CumberlandArmagh 1785 B10 205

Brown W. MifflinUnion 1794 B10 201

Brown W. Harry AlleghenyNorth Versailles 1905 B16 169

Brown Widow DauphinPaxton 1787 B2 162

Brown Widow YorkFawn 1803 B13 87

Brown Widow YorkChanceford 1798 B13 206

Brown William Nottingham B23 261

Brown William Nottingham B22 55

Brown William Nottingham B23 82

Brown William AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 156

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Brown William AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 W 175

Brown William ArmstrongToby 1806 A 453

Brown William BedfordFork of Conimaugh and Black Lick 1769 O 103

Brown William BedfordLondonderry 1794 R 22

Brown William BedfordQuemahoning 1794 P 306

Brown William Bedford 1775 U 142

Brown William BedfordQuemahoning 1794 P 311

Brown William BedfordQuemahoning 1794 P 304

Brown William BedfordNorth Branch of Conemagh 1797 I-J 331

Brown William BedfordWaters of Mushanon 1784 I-J 151

Brown William BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 H 374

Brown William BedfordClearfield Creek 1784 H 372

Brown William BedfordLaurel Run 1794 G 420

Brown William BedfordWaters of Clearfield Creek 1785 E 513

Brown William BedfordSouthampton 1791 B21 170

Brown William BedfordSt. Clair B20 37

Brown William BedfordWaters of Clearfield Creek 1786 A 202

Brown William BedfordQuemahoning 1794 A 199

Brown William BedfordQuemahoning 1794 A 200

Brown William BedfordClear Field Creek 1784 H 104

Brown William Bedford Dublin 1774 D 591

Brown William Bedford/HuntingdonShirley 1786 D 344

Brown William BerksUpper Bern and Upper Tulpehocken 1864 B12 214

Brown William ChesterWest Nottingham and East Nottingham 1740 B8 103

Brown William ChesterWest Nottingham and East Nottingham 1740 B8 103

Brown William ChesterWest Caln 1796 B4 9

Brown William ChesterWest Nottingham B4 2

Brown William ChesterAshton 1701/2 B3 55

Brown William ChesterEast and West Nottinghham 1765 B23 257

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Brown William ChesterCaln 1720 B1 197

Brown William ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1761 B13 143

Brown William ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brown William ClearfieldChest 1828 S 252

Brown William ClearfieldBeccaria 1793 B 420

Brown William CumberlandArmagh 1785 B10 205

Brown William CumberlandJuniata 1794 B 383

Brown William CumberlandWaters of Little Juniata River 1767 F 332

Brown William CumberlandWaters of Little Juniata River 1767 Z 45

Brown William CumberlandJuniata 1794 I-J 71

Brown William CumberlandKishacoquillis Valley 1762 H 502

Brown William CumberlandNorth Middleton 1822 B11 153

Brown William CumberlandKishacoquillis Valley H 172

Brown William CumberlandKishacoquillis Valley 1766 F 137

Brown William CumberlandEast Pennsborough 1771 C 516

Brown William CumberlandWayne B9 62

Brown William CumberlandNorth Middleton 1822 B3 130

Brown William CumberlandNorth Middleton 1822 B3 129

Brown William CumberlandWain 1785 B11 160

Brown William CumberlandDickenson 1795 H 339

Brown William Cumberland/BedfordColerain 1787 M 177

Brown William Cumberland/MifflinWayne 1773 P 352

Brown William Cumberland/MifflinSouth side of Juniata 1765 A 9

Brown William HuntingdonAllegeanny 1793 C 431

Brown William HuntingdonFranks Town 1793 G 244

Brown William HuntingdonAntis Z 44

Brown William HuntingdonAllegany 1802 B8 31

Brown William HuntingdonAntis 1767 B21 219

Brown William JeffersonBarnette 1835 Z 247

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Brown William Jefferson 1835 Y 59

Brown William LancasterPaxton 1765 B8 88

Brown William LancasterWest Sadsburry/Bart 1803 B6 162

Brown William LancasterLittle Britain 1818 B6 112

Brown William LancasterLittle Britain 1818 B6 111

Brown William LancasterPaxton 1773 B4 216

Brown William LancasterMartick B3 193

Brown William LancasterLittle Britain 1836 B11 15

Brown William LancasterLittle Britain and Colerain 1752 H 315

Brown William LancasterS Cocalego 1753 B19 104

Brown William Lancaster/CumberlandAntrim 1747 B1 84

Brown William Lancaster/FranklinAntietam 1743/4 D 534

Brown William Lancaster/YorkManchester 1753 B5 186

Brown William MifflinArmagh 1823 B10 143

Brown William MifflinArmagh 1811 B11 80

Brown William MifflinArmagh 1787 B18 211

Brown WIlliam MifflinGranville 1853 B20 94

Brown William MifflinArmagh 1837 B20 112

Brown William MifflinArmagh 1766 I-J 70

Brown William MifflinArmagh 1834 Q 399

Brown William NorthamptonWaters of Equinunk Creek 1794 C 572

Brown William Northumberland 1793 O 193

Brown William NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 L 302

Brown William NorthumberlandWaters of Canoe Run and a Branch of Stump Creek 1793 K 257

Brown William NorthumberlandStoke 1784 D 422

Brown William Northumberland 1793 D 286

Brown William Northumberland 1793 D 276

Brown William NorthumberlandWaters of Black Creek 1793 C 472

Brown William NorthumberlandLick Creek 1785 C 209

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Brown William Northumberland 1793 P 374

Brown William NorthumberlandStoke 1784 B 348

Brown William NorthumberlandWaters of Loyal Sock Creek 1794 K 483

Brown William NorthumberlandWaters of Stump Creek 1793 C 180

Brown William Northumberland K 254

Brown William Northumberland/Luzerne 1789 P 120

Brown William PerryTyboine 1828 B2 169

Brown William PerryTyboine 1828 B2 170

Brown William PerryTyboine 1828 B2 171

Brown William PhiladephiaPhiladelphia City 1788 B2 30

Brown William VenangoSugarcreek/Richland 1807 D 302

Brown William WestmorelandWaters of Stony Run 1774 M 418

Brown William WestmorelandS Branch of Two Lick Creek 1775 D 235

Brown William WestmorelandHempfield 1790 Z 60

Brown William WestmorelandHempfield Z 59

Brown William WestmorelandHempfield 1785 Z 57

Brown William WestmorelandDonegall 1794 U 244

Brown William WestmorelandDonegall 1794 W 48

Brown William WestmorelandBlack Lick Creek 1786 Y 155

Brown William WestmorelandHempfield 1788 Z 58

Brown William YorkHamilton Bann 1770 B18 73

Brown William YorkHamiltons Bann 1765 B7 136

Brown William YorkHamiltons Bann 1765 B3 3

Brown William B. FranklinSt. Thomas 1841 B20 192

Brown William H. AlleghenyPeebles 1849 B1 123

Brown William H. ClintonChapman 1881 B20 168

Brown William H. LycomingPine Creek 1821 D 26

Brown William Sr. ChesterEast and West Nottingham 1789 BB1 18

Brownback Garret ChesterSchuylkill River 1741 B23 254

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Brownback Garret ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

Brownbak Garret ChesterSchuylkill River 1741 B23 254

Browne Thomas LancasterHempfield and Donegal 1736/7 B7 156

Browne William NorthumberlandStoke 1784 D 422

Brownell W. O. McKeanLiberty 1883 B14 117

Browner George BedfordTurkey Foot 1774 P 152

Browner Henry BedfordTurkey Foot 1774 P 152

Brownfield Benjamin CumberlandWest side of Laurel Hill 1769 B1 67

Brownfield Benjamin Cumberland 1769 H 178

Brownfield Charles Cumberland 1769 H 178

Brownfield Edward CumberlandWest side of Laurel Hill 1769 B1 67

Brownfield Edward Cumberland/FayetteUnion and George 1769 B10 169

Brownfield Emipson FayetteGeorge 1787 T 150

Brownfield Empson CumberlandWest side of Laurel Hill 1769 B1 67

Brownfield John West Side of Monongahala 1769 M 407

Brownfield John BedfordWest Side of Monogahala M 406

Brownfield Robert FayetteGeorge 1793 B 558

Brownfield Thomas Cumberland 1769 H 178

Browning Basil BedfordColerain 1794 I-J 38

Browning Ephraim BedfordSouthampton 1859 B16 15

Browning James BedfordSouthampton 1855 B16 76

Brownland Mathaw ErieWaterford 1816 S 58

Brownlee WestmorelandHempfield Z 59

Brownlee Archabald WashingtonHopewell B2 78

Brownlee James Washington 1785 B19 135

Brownlee James WashingtonBranch of Buffaloe Creek 1785 B3 31

Brownlee John LancasterMartic 1819 B15 81

Brownlee John LancasterMatric 1819 B16 35

Brownlee John LancasterMartick 1819 B9 109

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Brownlee John WashingtonFinley 1829 B16 239

Brownlee John WashingtonWaters of Buffalloe Creek 1794 S 242

Brownlee Joseph BedfordBranch of Sewickley 1769 M 174

Brownlee Joseph WestmorelandHempfield 1786 U 286

Brownlee William WashingtonFinley 1829 B16 239

Browns William Cumberland/HuntingdonShirley 1765 G 451

Brownson Abijah Luzerne 1793 D 315

Brownson Abijah LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 320

Brownson Abijah LuzerneWaters of Roaring Brook 1793 O 160

Brownson Abijah Luzerne 1793 O 162

Brownson Abijah Luzerne 1793 P 125

Brownson Jacob LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 314

Brownson Jacob Luzerne 1794 A 286

Brownson Jacob LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 308

Brownson Jacob Luzerne 1793 D 311

Brownson Jacob LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 313

Brownson Jacob Northampton/Luzerne 1793 A 4

Brownson Rebecca Luzerne 1793 D 315

Brownson Rebecca LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 320

Brownson Rebecca Luzerne 1793 P 125

Brownson Rebecca Luzerne 1793 C 412

Brownson Ruth LuzerneRoaring Brook 1793 B 72

Brownson Ruth Luzerne 1793 D 315

Brownson Ruth Luzerne 1793 E 47

Brownson Ruth LuzerneWaters of Roaring Brook 1793 O 160

Brownson Ruth Luzerne 1793 P 125

Brownson Timothy LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 O 159

Brownson Timothy LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 308

Brownson Timothy LuzerneWaters of Spring Brook 1793 D 314

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Brownson Widow Lancaster/FranklinPeters 1796 B5 36

Browpather Jacob Conestogoe Mannor B19 139

Brows Matthew LancasterDrumore, Little Britain, and Colerain 1809 B10 214

Brua Daniel LebanonBethel 1864 B17 83

Bruaa Eli YorkNewberry 1877 B14 184

Bruah Daniel Lancaster/YorkNewbury/Conewago 1791 B12 137

Bruah Daniel Lancaster/YorkNewbury/Conewago 1791 B12 138

Bruah Daniel Lancaster/YorkNewbury/Conewago 1791 B12 139

Bruau Jacob YorkNewberry 1904 B20 119

Brubacher LebanonHeidelberg 1828 B15 110

Brubacher Conrad YorkWindsor 1836 B4 161

Brubacher Conrad YorkWindsor 1796 H 43

Brubacher Peter LebanonHeidelberg 1828 B15 110

Brubacker Conrad YorkWindsor 1819 B12 96

Brubacker Conrad YorkWindsor 1835 B19 45

Brubacker Conrad YorkWindsor 1796 B4 160

Brubacker John S. LancasterColerain 1767 B1 136

Brubacker Joseph Lancaster/DauphinUpper Paxton/Halefax 1804 B10 173

Brubaker LancasterRapho 1751 D 60

Brubaker LancasterWarwick 1739 O 23

Brubaker Abraham LancasterWarwick 1767 B7 117

Brubaker Abraham MifflinGreenwood 1812 B11 34

Brubaker Benjamin LancasterUpper Paxtang 1775 B7 158

Brubaker Conrad YorkWindsor 1793 B4 159

Brubaker Conrad YorkWindsor B5 17

Brubaker Conrad YorkWinsdor 1812 B5 48

Brubaker Conrad YorkWindsor 1787 H 18

Brubaker Conrad YorkWindsor 1765 H 23

Brubaker Conrad YorkWindsor 1765 H 21

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Brubaker Daniel DauphinHalifax 1826 B14 91

Brubaker David LancasterEast Cocalico 1870 B18 237

Brubaker E. E. Lancaster 1767 H 309

Brubaker Everett E. LancasterSadsbury 1738 H 228

Brubaker Henry DauphinHalifax 1825 B12 240

Brubaker Jacob LancasterDonegal 1808 B10 49

Brubaker John CumberlandTuscarora Valley 1768 I-J 220

Brubaker John CumberlandTyrone 1769 Z 11

Brubaker John DauphinHalifax 1826 B14 91

Brubaker John Dauphin Londonderry 1805 N 58

Brubaker John LacasterMannor 1760 K 73

Brubaker John LancasterRapho 1754 D 225

Brubaker John LancasterMannor I-J 503

Brubaker John LancasterMannor (Conestoga Manor) 1760 M 322

Brubaker M. LancasterS Drumore 1886 B17 235

Brubaker Myra Lancaster 1767 H 309

Brubaker Peter LancasterRaphoe 1776 B 255

Brubaker W. LancasterS Drumore 1876 B17 237

Brubecker Peter LancasterRapho 1765 B18 126

Brubecker Peter LancasterRaphoe 1809 B18 133

Brubecker Peter Jr. LancasterRapho 1793 B8 145

Brubecker Peter Sr. LancasterRapho 1793 B8 145

Bruce Charles BeaverHopewell and Moon 1828 B23 19

Bruce Charles BedfordAir 1794 H 480

Bruce Charles CentreCentre 1808 G 220

Bruce Charles CentreCentre 1805 I-J 88

Bruce Charles CentreCentre 1805 P 136

Bruce Charles Luzerne 1794 A 399

Bruce Charles Luzerne 1794 I-J 116

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Bruce Charles Luzerne 1794 O 163

Bruce Charles MifflinBald Eagle 1794 I-J 87

Bruce Charles MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 135

Bruce Charles NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 I-J 56

Bruce David UnionBeaver 1814 K 486

Bruce Edward BedfordAir 1794 H 480

Bruce George BeaverHopewell and Moon 1828 B23 19

Bruce James ChesterEast Caln 1738 C 186

Bruce James WashingtonWaters of Wheeling Creek 1784 Z 172

Bruce James WashingtonCrab Apple Run 1784 B 103

Bruce James WestmorelandRostraver 1807 Y 229

Bruce John ChesterWhiteland 1752 B7 105

Bruce John NorthumberlandWaters of Fishing Creek 1775 D 526

Bruce Thomas Cumberland/MifflinDerry/Wayne 1775 B13 29

Bruce Thomas MifflinWayne B13 28

Bruce William Washington/AlleghenyWaters of Racoon Creek 1787 B7 89

Bruch Daniel YorkReading 1789 B10 8

Bruch Francis NorthamptonChestnuthill 1775 B21 39

Bruch Hermaneus YorkReading 1789 B10 8

Bruch Hermaneus YorkBerwick 1788 B14 78

Bruch Jacob YorkReading 1789 B10 8

Bruch Jacob YorkWarrington 1789 B4 54

Bruch Matthias NorthamptonWilliams 1786 I-J 94

Bruch Michael NorthamptonWilliams 1786 I-J 94

Brucher William LancasterDrumore 1848 B20 10

Brucker Michael BerksBethel 1792 L 9

Brue Samuel MifflinMillford 1808 A 133

Bruebacker Jospeh DauphinUpper Paxton 1802 B7 125

Brugh Jacob YorkDover 1808 B9 202

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Brugler Peter NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 A 426

Brugler Peter NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 F 387

Brugler Peter NorthumberlandBranch of Muncy Creek 1793 Y 35

Brugner George NorthamptonLowhill B2 197

Brugner George NorthamptonLowhill 1765 B2 205

Bruice William BeaverHanover 1846 B10 181

Bruin Bryin WashingtonWaters of Ten Mile Creek 1786 Y 165

Brumbaugh Eli HuntingdonHopewell/Lincoln 1861 B9 137

Brumbaugh Jacob BedfordSouth Woodbury 1855 B20 26

Brumbaugh John P. HuntingdonHopewell/Lincoln 1861 B9 137

Brumgart Frederick ClintonLamar 1870 B20 34

Brumma Lewis H. SchuylkillManheim 1821 X 51

Brun Matthias NorthumberlandSouth of Quenashahaqua 1781 F 505

Brun Matthias Northumberland 1781 I-J 158

Brunbart Jacob YorkManheim 1773 N 266

Bruner Bucks/NorthamptonHosasack Creek 1738/9 E 102

Bruner Abraham PerryCarrol 1864 B12 163

Bruner George BedfordTurkey Foot 1774 P 152

Bruner George CumberlandRye 1768 E 224

Bruner Henry YorkYork B4 236

Bruner Jacob SomersetAddison 1830 T 29

Bruner John BerksPine Grove 1786 P 347

Bruner Ulrich BerksBrunswick 1794 B18 81

Bruner Ulrick BerksBrunswiq 1794 G 130

Brunk Jacob LancasterDerry 1766 X 103

Brunk Jacob LancasterDerry 1766 X 106

Brunk Stophel Northumberland 1773 F 600

Brunkart Jacob YorkManheim 1773 B 5

Brunkart Jacob YorkManheim B10 193

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Brunly Nathaniel Bucks 1687 B22 6

Brunn John Northampton/LehighWeissenberg 1812 B12 1

Brunner Abraham PerryRye 1823 B10 231

Brunner Casper PerryRye/Juniata 1821 B20 229

Brunner Daniel Lancaster/YorkNewbury/Conewago 1791 B12 139

Brunner Daniel Lancaster/YorkNewbury/Conewago 1791 B12 137

Brunner Daniel Lancaster/YorkNewbury/Conewago 1791 B12 138

Brunner Felix Bucks and NorthamptonLower Milford and Upper Milford 1785 B16 109

Brunner John DauphinHanover 1786 M 261

Brunner John Lancaster/DauphinEast Hanover 1786 H 314

Brunner John PhiladelphiaMarlborough 1749 I-J 136

Brunner Michael LancasterCocalico 1814 B10 211

Brunner Samuel BucksSpringfield 1800 B12 121

Brunner Ulrick LancasterCocolico 1761 A 35

Brunor Barnard WashingtonWaters of Hunters Fork of Wheeling Creek 1795 D 476

Brunt Felix Allegheny/CrawfordE Side French Creek 1794 C 56

Brunton John YorkNewbury 1769 B14 144

Brunton Thomas YorkWarrington 1771 B17 77

Brunton Thomas YorkWarrington 1754 K 323

Brunton William BeaverGreen 1830 K 155

Brunty James YorkWarrington/Washington 1868 B11 116

Brush Jonas SusquehannaGreat Bend 1865 B16 123

Brush Jonas SusquehannaGreat Bend 1894 B16 124

Brush Oliver B. WayneS Damascus 1820 B12 198

Bruster John PhiladelphiaBlockley B22 82

Bruthem William LancasterLittle Britain 1747 A 115

Bryan DauphinHalifax 1826 B14 91

Bryan Arthur Allegany River 1787 G 137

Bryan Arthur ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 123

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Bryan Arthur ArmstrongWaters of Mahoning Creek 1825 G 120

Bryan Arthur ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 122

Bryan Arthur IndianaMahoning 1775 B21 69

Bryan Arthur Northampton 1793 G 256

Bryan Arthur NorthumberlandLycamahoning Creek 1786 G 121

Bryan Arthur NorthumberlandAlleganey River 1793 G 355

Bryan Cornelius Bucks 1734 B23 294

Bryan Cornelius BucksPerkisea Manor B23 297

Bryan Doctor BeaverMoon 1869 B17 198

Bryan Elizabeth NorthumberlandWest Branch of Fishing Creek 1793 D 441

Bryan Francis ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 122

Bryan Francis ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 123

Bryan Francis ArmstrongWaters of Mahoning Creek 1825 G 120

Bryan George ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 123

Bryan George ArmstrongWayne 1825 B19 124

Bryan George ArmstrongWayne 1825 B19 125

Bryan George ArmstrongWaters of Mahoning Creek 1825 G 120

Bryan George ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 122

Bryan George NorthumberlandWaters of Lycamahoning and Tobys Creek 1786 V 171

Bryan George NorthumberlandWaters of Lycamahoning and Tobys Creek 1786 V 171

Bryan George NorthumberlandWaters of Toby Creek 1786 V 170

Bryan George NorthumberlandCowenshanock and Pine Creek 1786 S 273

Bryan George NorthumberlandWaters of Tobys Creek 1786 V 119

Bryan Guy LuzerneWylusing Creek 1787 L 329

Bryan Guy NorthumberlandBriar Creek 1798 Q 293

Bryan James Cumberland/FranklinFannet 1793 B6 90

Bryan John HuntingdonHopewell 1795 P 282

Bryan John HuntingdonUnion 1795 Z 32

Bryan John MifflinGreenwood 1812 B11 34

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Bryan John Washington/BeaverS Robinson/Hopewell 1834 B11 17

Bryan Josiah BucksSpringfield and Haycock 1769 D 206

Bryan Mary ArmstrongWaters of Mahoning Creek 1825 G 120

Bryan Mary ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 122

Bryan Mary ArmstrongRed Bank 1825 G 123

Bryan Nathaniel FranklinFannet I-J 15

Bryan Nathaniel FranklinFannet 1795 B17 228

Bryan Samuel Allegany River 1787 G 137

Bryan Samuel Mahulbultitum Creek 1786 K 503

Bryan Samuel AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 Z 194

Bryan Samuel AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 156

Bryan Samuel ArmstrongWayne 1825 B19 124

Bryan Samuel ArmstrongWayne 1825 B19 125

Bryan Samuel BedfordWaters of the Half Moon Run 1785 G 258

Bryan Samuel CumberlandTyboin 1794 L 57

Bryan Samuel HuntingdonFranklin 1797 R 210

Bryan Samuel McKeauAllegany River 1843 P 4

Bryan Samuel NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 D 143

Bryan Samuel NorthumberlandNorth Branch of Cowenshanock Creek 1786 G 116

Bryan Sarah ArmstrongWayne 1825 B19 124

Bryan Sarah ArmstrongWayne 1825 B19 125

Bryan William BucksBranches of Tohickon and Cooks Creek B23 278

Bryan William BucksSpringfield and Haycock 1769 D 206

Bryan William LancasterDonegal 1737/8 B1 199

Bryant Cornelius BucksPerkasie Manor B23 299

Bryer James AlleghenyPlumb 1850 B8 78

Bryner Jacob CumberlandToboyne 1816 E 280

Bryner Robert FayetteDunbar 1909 B21 100

Bryon Samuel CenterHalfmoon 1853 S 63

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Bryon Samuel NorthumberlandMuncey 1793 E 490

Brysan William LancasterSadsbury 1788 H 215

Bryson Andrew WashingtonWaters of Shirtees Creek 1786 B 48

Bryson J. C. AlleghenyMoon 1869 B16 186

Bryson James HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 51

Bryson James NorthumberlandStoke 1784 D 422

Bryson John NorthumberlandTurbut 1827 B18 195

Bryson John NorthumberlandChillisquaqua 1822 W 265

Bryson John J. MonroePocono 1910 M 540

Bryson John K. FayetteUnion 1785 K 494

Bryson Robert CumberlandAllen B11 169

Bryson Samuel BedfordSouth Branch of Black Lick 1794 M 203

Bryson Samuel HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 P 51

Bryson Sarah Mifflin 1755 B3 105

Bryson William Cumberland/PerryRye 1815 B10 108

Bryson William LancasterBart 1835 B10 10

Bryson William NorthumberlandChillisquaqua 1822 W 265

Bryson William WashingtonMorris 1785 C 244

Bryson William WashingtonAmwell 1785 D 146

Bub NorthumberlandPens 1785 Q 41

Bube O. S. Susquehanna and WayneS Thompson and Preston 1851 P 393

Buch George Lancaster/YorkBranches of Codorus Creek 1747 B6 182

Buch Justice WestmorelandUnity 1859 B14 233

Buchaman CumberlandFermanagh 1765 B1 114

Buchaman Richard LancasterDrummore B2 91

Buchaman Thomas CumberlandDickinson 1794 B2 71

Buchaman Walter LancasterLittle Britain 1745 B6 59

Buchanan Cumberland U 121

Buchanan CumberlandSouth Middleton 1794 L 457

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Buchanan CumberlandDickinson B21 107

Buchanan HuntingdonShirley 1795 B7 50

Buchanan Adam HuntingdonWaters of Shavers Creek 1794 V 121

Buchanan Alexander WashingtonNorth Straban 1852 B11 187

Buchanan Arthur CumberlandJacks Creek 1768 L 3

Buchanan Arthur LancasterDrumore 1823 B9 113

Buchanan Dorcus MifflinDerry 1797 B2 211

Buchanan George BedfordHopewell 1827 B19 46

Buchanan George CrawfordBloomfield 1837 W 36

Buchanan George HuntingdonFrankstown/Alleghany 1803 G 435

Buchanan George HuntingdonHuntingdon/Porter 1815 Y 7

Buchanan George HuntingdonHuntingdon 1794 I-J 45

Buchanan George YorkHopewell B3 107

Buchanan George YorkChanceford 1790 D 516

Buchanan Gibert ChesterEast Nottingham 1839 B15 13

Buchanan Gilbert ChesterEast Nottingham 1747 B1 111

Buchanan Gilbert ChesterEast Nottingham 1747 B1 112

Buchanan Gillbert ChesterNew London and East Nottingham 1755 B3 124

Buchanan James AlleghenyWaters of Limestone Creek 1794 U 233

Buchanan James Allegheny 1793 W 158

Buchanan James ButlerMercer 1811 W 146

Buchanan James ButlerMercer 1814 X 245

Buchanan James Cumberland/PerryRye 1815 B10 108

Buchanan James FranklinHopewell/Peters 1828 B23 42

Buchanan James LancasterDrumore 1823 B9 113

Buchanan James Lancaster/FranklinHopewell/Peters 1826 B11 55

Buchanan James NorthumberlandWhite Deer 1795 P 341

Buchanan John AlleghenyWaters of Limestone Creek 1794 U 233

Buchanan John BedfordFrankstown G 144

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Buchanan John ClearfieldChincliclamoose 1785 G 135

Buchanan John LancasterDrumore B13 105

Buchanan John Mifflin/JuniataMilford 1767 B2 114

Buchanan John NorhumberlandS East Side of Allegeney River 1785 B 271

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Tobys Creek 1785 T 153

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Lick Creek 1785 C 209

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1785 T 152

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS South Side of Tobys Creek 1785 H 187

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Coweshanick Creek 1785 Q 150

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Lick Creek 1785 M 352

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Waters of Allegheny River 1787 L 103

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Waters of Tobys Creek 1785 H 188

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Tobys Creek 1785 G 118

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS North Side of Tobys Creek 1785 G 117

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Branch of Tobys Creek 1785 E 322

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS North Side Tobys Creek 1785 E 127

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Tobys Creek 1785 C 514

Buchanan John NorthumberlandLick Creek 1785 C 209

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS East Side of Allegheny River 1785 B 269

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Head Waters of Cherry Run 1785 H 145

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Coweshaning 1785 C 106

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Cherry Run 1785 A 57

Buchanan John NorthumberlandS Lick Creek 1785 D 38

Buchanan John Northumberland/ArmstrongS Waters of Cherry Run 1785 B 584

Buchanan John Northumberland/ArmstrongS Waters of Tobys Creek 1785 C 551

Buchanan John Northumberland/VenangoS Beaver Run 1785 E 472

Buchanan John PerryLiverpool 1842 L 15

Buchanan John YorkCumberland 1768 B18 57

Buchanan John YorkChanceford 1752 K 320

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Buchanan John H. PerryLiverpool 1842 L 15

Buchanan Mary CumberlandRye H 175

Buchanan Mary CumberlandTyrone 1769 B20 129

Buchanan Mary PerrySaville B6 79

Buchanan Richard LancasterDrumore B1 2

Buchanan Richard LancasterDrumore 1823 B9 113

Buchanan Robert CumberlandNewton 1842 B8 94

Buchanan Robert CumberlandKishacoquillis Creek 1766 E 333

Buchanan Robert CumberlandJacks Creek 1768 L 3

Buchanan Robert Lancaster 1746 O 58

Buchanan Robert LancasterDonegal 1737 B8 108

Buchanan Robert YorkSout Side of the York Road O 57

Buchanan Thomas Adams and CumberlandLatimore and Middleton B15 147

Buchanan Thomas CumberlandNewton 1842 B8 94

Buchanan Thomas CumberlandTyrone 1794 C 506

Buchanan Thomas CumberlandTyrone 1794 E 397

Buchanan Thomas CumberlandDickenson 1794 H 340

Buchanan Thomas NorthumberlandPenns/Bever 1796 D 492

Buchanan Thomas YorkFawn 1750 G 490

Buchanan Walter LancasterLittle Britain 1752 H 244

Buchanan William BedfordProvidence 1788 B15 52

Buchanan William CumberlandBig Aughwick Creek 1762 G 450

Buchanan William CumberlandWestpennsboro/Frankford 1823 B10 15

Buchanan William CumberlandLost Creek 1763 B3 106

Buchanan William CumberlandWestpennsboro/Frankford 1823 B10 14

Buchanan William CumberlandWestpennsboro/Frankford 1823 B10 16

Buchanan William CumberlandLicking Creek B20 187

Buchanan William CumberlandNewton 1842 B8 94

Buchanan William CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

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Buchanan William CumberlandCarlisle 1768 BB2 52

Buchanan William Cumberland/HuntingdonShirley 1765 G 451

Buchanan William Mifflin 1755 B3 105

Buchanan William YorkManheim B17 128

Buchanan William YorkChanceford 1752 K 320

Buchanen William ChesterWest Nothingham 1776 B12 48

Buchanen William CumberlandFrankford 1823 B20 183

Buchanen William CumberlandFrankford 1824 B20 184

Buchannan Bedford and WestmorelandQuemahoning and Wheatfield 1794 D 84

Buchannan CumberlandFermanagh 1767 Y 288

Buchannan CumberlandLost Creek 1767 A 104

Buchannan WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 Q 188

Buchannan WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 Q 191

Buchannan Westmoreland and BedfordWheatfield and Quemahoning 1794 C 50

Buchannan Arthur CumberlandDerry 1772 E 221

Buchannan Arthur Cumberland/NorthumberlandBeaver 1767 B 144

Buchannan Dorcus CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

Buchannan James CumberlandLick 1767 B2 113

Buchannan James CumberlandWaters of Jacks Creek 1766 E 519

Buchannan James Cumberland/MifflinLicking Creek 1767 E 235

Buchannan James HuntingdonFrankstown 1766 B21 124

Buchannan James MifflinDerry 1803 A 93

Buchannan Jane CumberlandJacks Creek 1766 Z 224

Buchannan Jane CumberlandKishacoquillis Creek 1766 E 333

Buchannan John Cumberland/MifflinLicking Creek 1767 E 235

Buchannan John YorkChanceford B10 194

Buchannan John YorkChanceford and Fawn 1812 B9 36

Buchannan John YorkChanceford 1752 H 29

Buchannan Mary CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

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Buchannan Matthew HuntingdonFrankstown 1766 B21 124

Buchannan Richard LancasterDrummore 1750 A 31

Buchannan Robert CumberlandJacks Creek 1766 Z 224

Buchannan Robert CumberlandJacks Creek 1766 K 163

Buchannan Robert CumberlandKishacoquillis Creek 1767 I-J 500

Buchannan Robert Lancaster/YorkParadise 1749 B6 152

Buchannan William CumberlandJacks Creek 1766 S 171

Buchannan William CumberlandMilford 1772 B6 25

Buchannan William CumberlandNorth Side of Licking Creek 1767 H 462

Buchannan William YorkChanceford 1752 H 29

Buchannen James YorkFawn 1769 H 247

Buchannen John YorkLower Chanceford 1833 B21 59

Buchannen John YorkLower Chanceford 1833 B5 18

Buchannon James LancasterDrumore 1813 B11 50

Buchannon James LancasterDrummore B6 189

Buchannon John BedfordFrankstown 1776 R 15

Buchannon John WashingtonCross and Buffaloe Creeks 1786 Y 244

Buchannon John WashingtonPeters Creek 1787 Z 159

Buchannon John YorkLower Chanceford 1864 B18 40

Buchannon Richard LancasterDrummore 1753 B14 158

Buchannon Richard LancasterDrumore 1819 B14 197

Buchannon Thomas YorkFawn 1768 B16 131

Buchannon Walter WashingtonCross and Buffaloe Creeks 1786 Y 244

Buchannon Walter WashingtonCross Creek 1786 Y 245

Buchannon William CumberlandSouth side of Juniata 1765 B6 26

Buchannon William NorthumberlandNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1774 I-J 252

Buchannon William WashingtonWaters of Cross Creek 1785 N 95

Buchannon William YorkChanceford 1769 F 324

Buchanon James Lancaster/DauphinUpper Paxton 1786 B10 203

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Buchanon John BedfordFrankstown 1773 B 259

Buchanon John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1785 G 12

Buchanon William MifflinDecatur 1852 B20 29

Buchanon William Northumberland/LuzerneWaters of Moses Creek 1774 D 90

Buchen Benjamin ChesterWest Caln 1847 B11 137

Bucher Lancaster 1753 B10 69

Bucher Conrad HuntingdonPorter 1822 S 42

Bucher Henry AdamsBerwick 1837 B21 194

Bucher Henry AdamsBerwick B21 195

Bucher John AdamsBerwick 1837 B23 57

Bucher John HuntingdonShirley 1868 B16 26

Bucher John Sr. LancasterCocalica 1793 B6 168

Bucher Martin DauphinEast Hanover 1792 B20 158

Bucher Martin DauphinEast Hanover 1792 D 510

Bucher Martin DauphinEast Hanover 1793 D 514

Bucher Martin DauphinMiddle Paxton 1795 E 184

Bucher Martin DauphinEast Hanover 1795 R 94

Bucher Martin DauphinEast Hanover 1796 A 126

Bucher Martin LebanonEast Hanover 1865 B10 53

Bucher Martin LebanonEast Hanover 1862 B16 3

Bucher Nicholas YorkManheim and Berwick 1797 B10 140

Bucher Nicholas YorkBarwick 1758 R 194

Bucher Peter DauphinEast Hanover 1792 B20 158

Bucher Peter DauphinEast Hanover 1793 D 514

Bucher Samuel HuntingdonCromwell 1839 V 108

Buchey John NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1768 E 470

Buchler Henry DauphinRush 1836 V 160

Buchler Henry SchuylkillPinegrove 1812 A 419

Buchly Emanuel SomersetMilford 1832 U 239

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Buchman Andrew NorthamptonLowhill 1790 M 518

Buchman Martin Bucks/LehighLowhill 1818 M 519

Buchman Martin NorthamptonLowhill 1790 M 518

Buchman Peter Bucks/LehighLowhill 1818 M 519

Buchman Philip DauphinLondonderry 1826 B15 175

Buchnnan John NorthumberlandBuffalo Valley 1774 I-J 371

Buck Barny WestmorelandHempield 1776 D 157

Buck Christian DauphinDerry 1802 B5 114

Buck Christian DauphinLondonderry and Derry 1802 B6 191

Buck Daniel Chester and LancasterLower Oxford and Colerain 1804 B5 26

Buck Daniel LycomingMuncy Creek 1811 I-J 149

Buck Elijah LancasterUpper Paxton 1775 K 78

Buck Jacob BerksBranch of Fishing Creek 1769 B 320

Buck Jacob CumberlandNear Kishacoquillis Creek 1766 A 314

Buck Jacob Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 B1 138

Buck Jacob WestmorelandHempield 1776 D 157

Buck John BerksBern 1789 T 25

Buck John BucksNockamixon 1815 B22 65

Buck John DauphinDerry 1806 C 480

Buck John DauphinDerry 1802 B5 114

Buck John DauphinPaxton 1787 B2 162

Buck John Lancaster/DauphinPaxtang 1831 B5 41

Buck John WestmorelandSouth Side of Conimaugh 1773 O 268

Buck John Wyoming, Luzerne, and SusquehannaNicholson, Benton, and Lenox 1858 B13 135

Buck Jonathan BedfordProvidence 1790 Q 149

Buck Maxmilian Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 B1 138

Buck Peter Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 D 458

Buck Reuben LehighLynn 1865 B17 222

Buck Robert LancasterLondonderry 1774 B8 61

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Buck Thomas BedfordHopewell 1805 W 137

Buck Thomas Bedford Hopewell 1806 D 469

Buck Thomas BedfordHopewell B21 235

Buck Thomas Jr. Bedford Hopewell 1806 D 469

Buck William CambriaConemaugh 1822 R 262

Buckes Abraham BerksBern B4 44

Buckhann Widow WashingtonBuffelow Creek A 491

Buckhannon Robert MifflinDerry B20 96

Buckhart Joseph YorkWindsor 1769 F 328

Buckholder John Westmoreland B17 219

Buckholder John B. IndianaWest Wheatfield 1870 B15 156

Buckins John WashingtonWaters of Tenmile Creek 1786 T 94

Buckley BerksUnion 1770 K 504

Buckley LancasterColerain 1835 B15 54

Buckley Abraham WayneUpper Smithfield 1803 A 429

Buckley Adam Chester and New CastleBranch of Naamans Creek B23 249

Buckley Ann B23 218

Buckley Daniel ChesterWest Caln 1847 B11 137

Buckley Daniel LancasterColerain 1803 C 46

Buckley James LancasterSadsbury 1756 H 227

Buckley John B23 218

Buckley Matthew Brooke BerksUnion 1770 B1 49

Buckley Phineas BucksBorough of Bristol B2 7

Buckley Phineas CumberlandMiddle branch of Frankstown Creek B2 190

Buckley Phineas CumberlandFrankstown Branch of Juniata River B3 211

Buckley Phineas HuntingdonAllegany B2 191

Buckley Samuel 1694 B22 77

Buckley Samuel B23 218

Buckley Widow B23 218

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Buckley William HuntingdonShirley 1868 B16 26

Buckly John Rocksland Manor B22 70

Buckly Samuel Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

Buckly Samuell Philadelphia 1685 B22 93

Buckman Abraham NorthumberlandHains 1792 E 347

Buckman Jacob BucksNewtown Common B3 2

Buckman John WashingtonWaters of Ten mile Creek 1794 F 45

Buckman Thomas BucksNewtown Common B3 2

Buckman Thomas Bucks 1758 B23 292

Buckman William BucksNewtown 1703 B22 37

Buckman William BucksNewtown Common B3 2

Buckmate William BucksNewtown B23 266

Bucks John Lancaster/BerksBrunswick 1785 T 282

Bucks Peter LancasterDerry 1768 A 128

Buckwalter LancasterMartic 1864 B11 174

Buckwalter Abraham Berks/LycomingForks of Susquehanna 1769 T 107

Buckwalter Jacob PhiladelphiaColebrook Dale B17 179

Buckwalter John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 123

Buckwalter John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 125

Buckwalter John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 126

Buckwater Abraham Northumberland/LycomingMuncy/Loyalsock 1837 B20 42

Budd Bucks and PhiladelphiaPerkasea B23 288

Budd Allen DauphinRush 1911 M 543

Budd Andrew DauphinRush 1911 M 543

Budd George NorthumberlandNippenose 1795 U 178

Budd Jesse NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 C 420

Budd John B23 135

Budd John Schuylkill River B23 200

Budd John Marlborough B22 70

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Budd John Beyond Marlborough B22 70

Budd John Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

Budd John Schuylkill River B23 92

Budd John ChesterCharlestown 1735 B7 211

Budd John ChesterSchuylkill River B23 250

Budd John DauphinRush 1911 M 543

Budd John PhiladelphiaBranch of Perkiomink B22 139

Budd John Philadelphia 1720 B22 159

Budd John PhiladelphiaFrederick 1734 L 128

Budd Joseph BedfordNorth Branch of Conemagh 1794 L 419

Budd Joseph BerksBranch of Mahantango Creek 1774 B11 127

Budd Joseph BerksMahantango Creek 1774 D 350

Budd Joseph NorthumberlandWaters of Ten Mile Run 1773 A 368

Budd Joseph NorthumberlandMifflin 1773 A 406

Budd Joseph NorthumberlandMuncy 1775 D 425

Budd Joseph Northumberland 1773 O 151

Budd Joseph NorthumberlandMuncy 1794 D 258

Budd Joseph Northumberland/LycomingMuncy/Loyalsock 1837 B20 42

Budd Joseph Northumberland/LycomingMuncy 1796 R 244

Budd Joseph WestmorelandRostraver 1786 B1 40

Budd Joseph WestmorelandRostraver 1786 X 71

Budd Joseph WestmorelandRosshaver 1785 S 126

Budd Joshua NorthumberlandCatawissa 1794 D 101

Budd Joshua WestmorelandRostraver 1787 W 2

Budd Joshua WestmorelandHuntingdon 1785 W 3

Budd Richard DauphinRush 1911 M 543

Budden Francis AlleghenyLake Erie 1794 R 276

Budden James AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 L 179

Budden James NorthumberlandMeighcaanga or Red Bank Creek 1774 D 243

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Budden James NorthumberlandRed Bank Creek 1774 F 472

Budden James Northumberland/LuzerneMughcaanga or Reed Bank Creek 1774 W 203

Buddun Isaac NorthamptonUppersmithfield 1795 E 178

Budleman Leonard BucksSpringfield 1767 B5 206

Buechler John SchuylkillPinegrove 1825 T 234

Bueckley Jacob K. SomersetMilford 1856 B20 124

Buerton Samuel Bucks B22 11

Buffen Joseph ClearfieldBacaria and Decator 1834 Z 34

Buffenton Benjamin DauphinUpper Paxton 1802 W 15

Buffington Benjamin DauphinUpper Paxton 1785 B3 150

Buffington John ChesterBradford 1740 B3 97

Buffington John DauphinMiddle Paxton 1824 B10 7

Buffington John DauphinMiddle Paxton 1816 B3 64

Buffington John DauphinMiddle Paxton 1816 B1 39

Buffington Thomas Bradford B22 70

Buffinton Thomas ChesterWest Bradford 1750 B5 187

Bugge Joseph MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 277

Bugh Mathias HuntingdonBarree B21 187

Buhannan James YorkFawn 1768 B6 207

Buhannan Thomas YorkFawn 1768 B6 207

Bukholder John AdamsHuntingdon L 22

Bukley Abraham WayneUpper Smithfield 1811 S 132

Bulerbaugh Jacob BedfordWoodberry B8 2

Bulgar Lawrence BedfordAir 1791 N 122

Bulger Lawrence BedfordAir B21 134

Bulger Lawrence BedfordAir 1785 N 123

Bulinger Jacob LancasterCocalego 1753 B19 104

Bull Annimus LancasterUpper Paxton 1774 A 119

Bull Henry CumberlandRye 1767 B3 152

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Bull Henry Cumberland/PerryRye/Juniatta 1822 B10 232

Bull Henry LancasterUpper Paxton 1774 A 119

Bull Henry PerryJuniatta 1823 B3 153

Bull Isaac YorkWindsor and Lower Windsor 1864 B9 16

Bull Jacob SchuylkillSchuylkill 1837 B17 138

Bull John Allegany River 1787 G 137

Bull John LancasterUpper Paxton 1774 A 119

Bull John LancasterDrumore 1739/40 B11 156

Bull John McKeauAllegany River 1843 P 4

Bull John NorthumberlandAlleganey River 1793 G 355

Bull Jonathan YorkWindsor and Lower Windsor 1864 B9 16

Bull Joseph BerksWarriors Run 1769 C 83

Bull Robert Cumberland/PerryRye/Juniatta 1822 B10 232

Bull Robert PerryJuniatta 1823 B3 153

Bull Thomas BerksRobinson 1798 B7 77

Bull Thomas ChesterEast Nantmel 1786 B5 73

Bull William CumberlandRye 1767 B3 152

Bull William Cumberland/PerryRye/Juniatta 1822 B10 232

Bull William NorthamptonWest of Lehi 1788 A 402

Bull William PerryJuniatta 1823 B3 153

Bull William YorkMonaghan 1786 B3 96

Buller Thomas YorkNewberry 1753 B8 150

Bullet John FayetteSpring Hill 1795 B 451

Bullfinch Samuel AlleghenyWaters of Coniott Creek 1795 K 129

Bulliet George CarbonEast Penn 1870 B19 33

Bullinger Daniel LancasterWarwick 1767 B7 117

Bulln William ChesterBrandywine 1792 B4 170

Bullock Emanuel YorkFawn 1814 B14 190

Bullock Joseph AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1795 W 156

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Bullock Joseph BedfordClear Field Creek 1784 H 104

Bullock Joseph Bedford/HuntingdonWaters of Clearfield Creek 1784 A 261

Bullock Joseph NorthumberlandStoke 1784 B 313

Bullock Moses CentreBoggs 1828 X 158

Bulock CentreBoggs 1837 B16 237

Bulter Edward LycomingBrown 1852 G 109

Bulter Edward NorthumberlandTobys Creek 1785 G 118

Bumbarger Henry NorthumberlandAugusta 1784 C 326

Bumbarger Henry NorthumberlandCatawissey 1795 I-J 265

Bumbarger Jacob BerksMahantango 1802 S 203

Bumbarger Jacob Lancaster/DauphinPaxtang 1774 D 170

Bumbaugh George LancasterDerry 1775 H 321

Bumberger Henry NorthumberlandNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1773 D 233

Bumberger Henry PhiladelphiaUpper Salford and Marlborough 1769 B21 3

Bumgard Jacob M. FayetteSaltlick 1858 B16 68

Bumgardiner Matthias LancasterLebanon 1743 B3 52

Bumgardner John AdamsHamiltonbann and Cumberland 1766 B21 130

Bumgaruer Peter AdamsMountjoy 1775 B11 22

Bumharger Jacob BerksMahantango 1802 S 202

Bump Aaron LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 V 110

Bump Aaron LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 W 28

Bump Aaron LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 U 63

Bump Allen Luzerne 1795 I-J 105

Bump Allen Luzerne 1795 S 173

Bump Allen LuzerneWaters of Falls Creek 1795 U 60

Bump Allen Luzerne 1795 D 301

Bump Edward Luzerne 1795 I-J 105

Bump Edward Luzerne 1795 V 109

Bump George Luzerne 1795 I-J 105

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Bump George LuzerneWaters of Falls Creek 1795 U 60

Bump George Luzerne 1795 Q 218

Bump George Luzerne 1795 I-J 109

Bump Isaac LuzerneEast branch of Fishing Creek 1795 U 62

Bump Jesse Luzerne 1795 D 301

Bump Jesse Luzerne 1795 I-J 109

Bump Jesse LuzerneWaters of Falls Creek 1795 U 60

Bump Jesse Luzerne 1795 U 61

Bump Joshua Luzerne 1795 D 301

Bump Joshua Luzerne 1795 I-J 105

Bump Joshua Luzerne 1795 I-J 109

Bump Joshua Luzerne 1795 V 109

Bump Levi LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 V 110

Bump Levi LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 W 28

Bump Levi Luzerne 1795 U 61

Bump Levi LuzerneRoss 1903 B18 41

Bump Levi LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 U 63

Bump Moses Luzerne 1795 I-J 109

Bump Moses Luzerne 1795 V 109

Bump Moses Luzerne 1795 I-J 105

Bump Nathan Luzerne 1795 I-J 109

Bump Nathan LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 U 63

Bump Nathan Luzerne 1795 Q 218

Bump Nathan LuzerneRoss 1903 B18 41

Bump Nathan LuzerneRoss 1895 B11 6

Bump Nathan Luzerne 1795 U 61

Bump Thomas LuzerneRoss 1903 B18 41

Bump Thomas LuzerneWaters of Falls Creek 1795 U 60

Bump Thomas Luzerne 1795 U 61

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Bump Thomas LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 W 28

Bump William LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 V 110

Bump William LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 W 28

Bump William Luzerne 1795 Q 218

Bump WIlliam LuzerneRoss 1903 B18 41

Bump William LuzerneBranch of Fishing Creek 1795 U 63

Bundely John Rudolph 1710 B23 216

Bunden John NorthamptonPlainfield/Bushkill 1840 B13 156

Bundle David BedfordLonderry 1767 B21 230

Bundy John NorthumberlandMahonoy 1814 T 184

Bundy John NorthumberlandLower Mahanoy 1814 B10 94

Bundy William NorthumberlandLower Mahanoy 1814 B10 94

Bundy William NorthumberlandLower Mahonoy 1814 F 254

Buner Francis NorthumberlandPenns 1785 T 162

Bunham Asahuel PikeMilford and Westfall 1842 S 237

Bunn John Cumberland/PerryLiverpool 1831 B5 74

Bunn John PerryLiverpool 1831 S 226

Bunn John PerryLiverpool 1831 S 227

Bunn Nicholas BerksS Robinson 1765 M 211

Bunn William BedfordHopewell 1806 D 265

Bunn William BedfordHopewell 1806 D 270

Bunnel George MonroeMiddle Smithfield 1847 B19 101

Bunnel James NorthamptonDelaware 1797 BB2 31

Bunnel Solomon NorthamptonLowersmithfield 1768 B 13

Bunnell Isaac Northampton/WayneLower Smithfield/Middle Smithfield 1796 X 99

Bunner Andrew BerksTulpehocken 1766 D 171

Bunner Jacob BerksTulpehocken 1766 D 171

Bunner Rudolph BerksTulpehocken 1766 D 171

Bunner Ursula BerksTulpehocken 1766 D 171

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Bunt Richard PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1694 B22 152

Buntin Robert CentrePatton 1804 V 278

Buntin Thomas NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1784 V 277

Buntin William ChesterFallowfield 1751 B10 103

Bunting Job BucksBristoll 1702 B23 265

Bunting John ChesterLower Oxford 1837 B8 217

Bunting Philip S. Northumberland or NorthamptonWaters of Catawissey Creek 1793 D 149

Bunting Philip S. Northumberland or NorthamptonWaters of Catawissey Creek 1793 D 150

Bunting Philip S. Northumberland or NorthamptonWaters of Catawissey Creek 1793 N 204

Bunting Robert CumberlandTyron 1775 B1 73

Bunting Robert CumberlandTyson 1775 B1 72

Bunting Robert CumberlandTyrone 1819 I-J 342

Bunting Robert PerryTyrone 1822 B13 38

Bunting Robert PerryTyrone 1827 B9 201

Bunting Robert PerryTyrone 1822 B1 74

Bunting Samuel ChesterLower Oxford 1837 B21 40

Bunting Samuel CumberlandWills Creek B2 189

Bunting William ChesterLondon Dery/Oxford 1769 B3 58

Bunting William ChesterLower Oxford 1807 B3 60

Bunting William ChesterFallowfield 1766 A 294

Bunting William Chester/LancasterOctoraro Creek 1739 F 221

Bunting William LancasterColerain 1767 B1 139

Bunting William LancasterDrumore 1870 B3 63

Bunton AlleghenyRobison 1855 B16 199

Bunyan James WashingtonNorth Straban 1852 B11 187

Bunyan James WashingtonStrabane 1818 B9 194

Buorkholter Abraham YorkChanceford 1757 D 498

Buoy Stuffle BucksMacongy 1751 B 413

Bupp Ludwick YorkShrewsbury 1789 S 51

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Bupp Matthias YorkNorth Codorus 1864 B4 70

Burbridge Peter CumberlandSouth branch of Crooked Run 1769 X 189

Burbridge Thomas BedfordNear Black Logs Old Town 1771 M 202

Burcaw Peter AdamsMountjoy 1807 B13 197

Burch Cumberland/MifflinDerry 1803 B9 5

Burch Cumberland/MifflinDerry 1803 B9 4

Burchfield Adam Westmoreland/AlleghenyPitt 1786 E 69

Burchfield Aguilla MifflinGreenwood 1793 D 298

Burchfield Aquilla NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 D 539

Burchfield Aquilla NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 I-J 77

Burchfield Charles MifflinGreenwood 1794 A 13

Burchfield Elizabeth MifflinGreenwood 1794 A 13

Burchfield Elizabeth MifflinGreenwood 1794 Q 377

Burchfield James WashingtonOhio River 1786 P 174

Burchfield L. Juniata 1853 B13 76

Burchfield Robert MifflinGreenwood 1793 D 298

Burchfield Samuel NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1794 D 539

Burchfield Thomas MifflinGreenwood 1794 Q 377

Burchol John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1702 B22 101

Burckhe George Bedford/SomersetBrothers Valley and Milford 1795 D 257

Burckolder Christian LancasterCanistoga 1783 D 537

Burckolder Isaac LancasterCanistoga 1783 D 537

Burd BedfordDublin 1794 Z 208

Burd HuntingdonSpringfield 1794 F 405

Burd WestmorelandEast side of Monongahela 1784 B7 107

Burd Benjamin BedfordDublin 1806 B4 89

Burd Benjamin BedfordDublin 1794 Y 141

Burd Benjamin BedfordDublin 1787 D 345

Burd Benjamin BedfordAir B23 50

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Burd Benjamin BedfordDublin 1788 B21 121

Burd Benjamin BedfordHopewell 1796 O 86

Burd Edward Depreciation District No. 4 1785 Q 365

Burd Edward AlleghenyWaters of Lake Erie 1794 W 153

Burd Edward Allegheny/ErieWaters of Lake Erie 1794 D 460

Burd Edward Alleghneywaters of Lake Erie 1794 R 249

Burd Edward BerksChillisqauaque Creek 1769 I-J 184

Burd Edward CumberlandLittle Juniata 1767 I-J 222

Burd Edward IndianaMahoning 1817 u 223

Burd Edward NorthumberlandAugusta 1793 L 301

Burd Edward NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 T 182

Burd Edward NorthumberlandHead of Little Shamokin Creek 1783 D 533

Burd Edward NorthumberlandSunbury 1772 B11 93

Burd James ArmstrongAllegheny 1786 B23 16

Burd James BedfordNapier B20 130

Burd James CumberlandRaystown Branch of Juniata D 481

Burd James DauphinSwatara 1801 B5 78

Burd James NorthumberlandMahanoy 1789 E 343

Burd John BedfordDublin 1787 D 345

Burd John BedfordDublin 1794 Y 141

Burd John BedfordDublin 1787 M 180

Burd John BedfordBethel 1767 O 68

Burd John BedfordDublin 1788 B21 121

Burd John BedfordDublin 1794 Q 99

Burd John BedfordHopewell B6 75

Burd John CumberlandFort Littletown 1765 M 514

Burd John Cumberland/BedfordFoot of Sideling Hill 1766 C 195

Burd Joseph DauphinSwatara 1801 B5 78

Burd Lawyer NorthumberlandMuncy 1793 L 91

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Burd Richard FranklinPeters 1801 B5 220

Burd Thomas ArmstrongKittanning B23 15

Burd Thomas ArmstrongAllegheny 1786 B23 16

Burd William CumberlandRye 1767 I-J 285

Burden John BucksSouthampton 1702 B23 265

Burds Benjamin BedfordDublin 1794 L 42

Bureau George AdamsStrabane B11 31

Bureau George AdamsStrabane 1773 B11 48

Bureau George Sr. AdamsStrabane 1768 B11 32

Bureau George Sr. AdamsStrabane 1773 B11 48

Bureau Peter AdamsStrabane B11 31

Bureau Peter AdamsStrabane 1773 B11 48

Bureaw Peter Jr. AdamsMountjoy 1816 B10 65

Burg Henry YorkNewbury 1769 B14 144

Burg Jacob Washington/GreeneGreen/Dunkard 1795 B4 74

Burg John HuntingdonFranks Town 1793 I-J 125

Burg John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 V 4

Burgard Michael Berks/NorthumberlandShamoken 1796 A 379

Burgard Michael NorthumberlandRapho 1789 M 363

Burgart Andrew NorthamptonWest Branch of Lackawacksin 1775 P 104

Burgart John LancasterBrecknock 1809 B5 203

Burge Adam GreeneDunkard and Green 1813 B7 9

Burge Jacob CumberlandDerry 1769 B9 90

Burge Jacob MifflinWayne/Oliver 1769 B9 89

Burge Samuel 1753 A 7

Burge Samuel CumberlandAir 1760 O 75

Burge William Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

Burge William BedfordWaters of the Half Moon Run 1785 G 258

Burge William HuntingdonWaters of Little Juniata 1794 Q 54

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Burger George ErieLe Beouff 1868 B14 8

Burger Jacob ColumbiaTurbut/Limestone 1834 B20 198

Burger John BedfordSouth Woodbury 1840 B19 147

Burger John BedfordSouth Woodbury 1855 B20 26

Burger John BerksSchuykill 1802 D 158

Burger Michael BerksShamokin Creek 1772 F 149

Burger Michael Berks/NorthumberlandShamokin Creek 1772 C 499

Burger Michael NorthumberlandWaters of Shamokin Creek 1773 N 20

Burgert Paul YorkParadise 1853 B3 1

Burgert Paul YorkParadise 1853 B13 154

Burges Daniel BucksFalls 1784 B3 8

Burgess Jeffery BucksManor of Highlands B23 149

Burgess Jeffrey Manor of Highlands B23 274

Burgess John BucksBristoll 1702 B23 265

Burgess Richard BucksBuckingham, Soulberry and Mash B23 266

Burgess Samuel BucksFalls 1702 B23 265

Burgess Samuel Jr. BucksFalls B23 266

Burgestressor Jacob CumberlandTybolne 1794 D 466

Burget Adam BedfordWoodberry 1804 B18 234

Burget George WashingtonSmith 1800 D 486

Burget Peter LancasterElizabeth 1819 B10 220

Burget Peter YorkMonaghan/Franklin 1867 B13 110

Burgets Sebastian WashingtonSmith 1800 D 486

Burgett Boston WashingtonWaters of Racoon Creek 1786 R 92

Burgett Christian LancasterLebanon 1750 H 270

Burgett Peter LancasterLebanon 1750 H 270

Burgh Carrols AdamsLiberty B13 231

Burghalter Ulrick Bucks 1744 L 222

Burghard Andrew HuntingdonHuntingdon/Henderson 1794 V 123

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Burghart Henry Berks B1 37

Burgher Jacob YorkNewbury 1794 B13 83

Burghes Moses CumberlandLost Creek 1763 B3 106

Burgner Peter LancasterElizabeth 1819 B10 220

Burgner Peter LancasterElizabeth 1782 C 65

Burgoon Jacob CambriaAllegheny 1837 W 45

Burgoon Jacob HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 C 378

Burgoon Jacob HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 D 119

Burgoon Jacob HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 E 255

Burgoon Jacob HuntingdonFrankstown 1793 H 388

Burhard David LancasterCocoico 1764 H 302

Burier Daniel Bucks/LehighLowhill 1818 M 519

Burk David ButlerVenango 1879 B19 1

Burk Edward Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

Burk Edward HuntingdonTyrone 1798 B21 28

Burk Emanuel BucksBranches of Tohickon and Cooks Creek B23 278

Burk John CambriaSummerhill and Richland 1837 I-J 135

Burk John NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 G 463

Burk John WestmorelandSouth Side of Conimaugh 1773 O 267

Burk Patrick NorthamptonBrodheads Creek 1793 C 131

Burk William Cumberland/MifflinDerry 1811 B20 128

Burk William HuntingdonHopewell 1794 P 261

Burkam Charles FayetteGeorge 1792 B 595

Burkam Charles FayetteGeorge 1787 T 150

Burkard George BerksPinegrove 1794 I-J 452

Burkard George BerksPinegrove 1794 A 352

Burkart George BerksCumru 1785 T 38

Burkart Jacob BedfordLondonderry 1793 B 251

Burke David ButlerVenango 1879 B19 2

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Burke Edmund LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 G 307

Burke Edmund LuzerneMahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 I-J 80

Burke Edmund LuzerneMahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 I-J 81

Burke Thomas LuzerneWaters of Mahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 D 415

Burke Thomas LuzerneMahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 I-J 80

Burke Thomas LuzerneMahoopany or Loyalsock Creek 1793 I-J 81

Burke William MifflinDerry B2 70

Burke William MifflinDerry 1790 T 85

Burke William MifflinDerry 1804 P 108

Burkel E. HuntingdonFranklin 1794 Z 46

Burker Michael SchuylkillHubley 1868 B13 99

Burket Charles LancasterStrausburg 1740 H 216

Burket E. CambriaJackson 1842 T 256

Burket Jacob BedfordSt. Clair 1796 P 212

Burket John BedfordGreenfield 1836 G 417

Burket Joseph BedfordGreenfield 1836 G 417

Burket Paul YorkSout Side of the York Road O 57

Burket Peter HuntingdonWarriors Mark 1889 B17 134

Burkett William AlleghenySouth Fayette 1885 B16 94

Burkey Philip BerksWindsor 1829 L 211

Burkhard George Berks/SchuylkillPinegrove/Lower Mahontongo 1822 B1 243

Burkhart AdamsHuntingdon 1811 B4 120

Burkhart George BerksCumru 1785 T 38

Burkhart Jacob AlleghenyPitt and Wilkins 1830 S 122

Burkhart Jacob BedfordSt. Clair B20 209

Burkhart Jacob BedfordSt. Clair B20 236

Burkhart Jacob WestmorelandPitt 1786 B1 233

Burkhart John BerksPinegrove 1794 R 226

Burkhart John BerksPinegrove 1794 R 220

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Burkhart John BerksPinegrove 1794 E 281

Burkhart John BerksPinegrove 1794 T 105

Burkheim Samuel NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1771 X 223

Burkholder LancasterMartic 1816 B18 49

Burkholder A. YorkMonaghan 1787 K 498

Burkholder Abraham AdamsHamiltonban 1815 B11 171

Burkholder Abraham YorkChanceford 1787 B4 164

Burkholder Abraham YorkChanceford 1786 B9 121

Burkholder Abraham YorkChanceford 1757 D 498

Burkholder Abraham YorkChanceford 1748 D 499

Burkholder Abraham YorkChanceford 1815 Y 298

Burkholder Adam FranklinGuilford 1851 B16 81

Burkholder Christian LancasterMartick 1763 B8 64

Burkholder Christian Lancaster/DauphinDerry 1797 O 106

Burkholder Christian YorkChanceford 1786 B8 189

Burkholder George LancasterCocalico 1830 B6 140

Burkholder Henry CumberlandMiddleton/South Middleton 1827 B17 162

Burkholder Henry CumberlandSouth Middleton 1821 B17 185

Burkholder Henry CumberlandMiddleton/South Middleton 1827 B17 200

Burkholder Henry CumberlandSouth Middleton 1821 B6 150

Burkholder Henry YorkChanceford B17 57

Burkholder Henry YorkHuntington 1790 B2 8

Burkholder Henry YorkChanceford 1766 B4 172

Burkholder John AdamsLattimore 1817 B16 27

Burkholder John AdamsLattimore 1767 B10 21

Burkholder John BedfordSt. Clair B20 214

Burkholder John FranklinQuincy 1851 B16 182

Burkholder John FranklinQuincy 1802 B6 48

Burkholder John LancasterWarwick B5 183

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Burkholder John LebanonLondonderry 1870 B10 61

Burkholder John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 126

Burkholder John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 D 370

Burkholder John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 119

Burkholder John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 124

Burkholder John YorkMonaghan 1787 K 498

Burkholder Olrich LancasterDerry 1754 F 337

Burkholder Ulrich LancasterBrecknock 1865 B18 198

Burkholder Widow FranklinLurgan 1829 B21 125

Burkholder Willery CumberlandEast Pennsborough 1776 E 568

Burkhole E. H. LancasterS Eden 1889 B8 46

Burkholter George LancasterCocalico 1802 B6 39

Burkholter Martin LancasterCocalico 1802 B6 39

Burkhunter Woolick LancasterRapho 1754 D 225

Burkins J. Andrew LancasterDrummore 1741/2 H 483

Burkins Robert C. LancasterDrummore 1744 B6 212

Burks John ButlerVenango 1859 B3 186

Burks John ButlerVenango 1859 B3 187

Burky I. LebanonHeidelberg 1826 B15 111

Burky Jacob LebanonHeidelberg 1828 B15 110

Burky Jacob LebanonHeidelberg 1828 B15 112

Burley HuntingdonAllegheny 1839 B13 158

Burley D. R. PikeMilford and Westfall 1842 S 237

Burley John GreeneDunkard and Green 1813 B7 9

Burman Henry LuzerneNescopeck 1793 A 394

Burn George CumberlandFrankstown branch of Juniata River 1767 B10 80

Burn John WestmorelandWeatfield 1794 B 577

Burn John WestmorelandWheatfield 1794 W 120

Burn Lodwick LancasterBethel 1756 Z 129

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Burn Ludwick Lancaster/DauphinBethel 1786 H 257

Burn Peter NorthumberlandPenns 1793 F 500

Burnes Edward J. CambriaAlleghany 1819 L 254

Burnes Peter BerksLimestone Run 1769 I-J 329

Burnes Peter BerksLimestone Run 1769 L 403

Burnes Peter BerksLimestone Run 1769 M 214

Burnes Peter NorthumberlandBranch of Limestone Run 1772 D 221

Burnet Gideon Northampton 1793 R 84

Burnett Stephen Northampton 1793 R 84

Burney John LancasterColerain 1803 H 213

Burney Robert LancasterBart 1756 B6 159

Burney Robert LancasterColerain 1803 H 213

Burney Robert LancasterColerain 1751 U 66

Burney Thomas LancasterDrummore 1752 B5 1

Burney Thomas LancasterDrumore 1759 B8 151

Burney Thomas LancasterDrummore M 16

Burney Thomas Lancaster/DauphinPaxtang 1831 B5 41

Burney Thomas LycomingNippenose 1808 Z 257

Burney Thomas LycomingNipenose 1813 B7 185

Burnham Armstrong/ClarionClarion/Limestone 1848 B10 51

Burnham Charles C. ClarionLimestone 1845 B12 235

Burnolter Abraham YorkChanceford 1759 Y 297

Burns AlleghenyOhio River (Byshers Island) 1874 BB2 41

Burns Aaron BedfordBarre 1774 F 363

Burns Bernard Cumberland/Westmoreland 1769 F 241

Burns Bernhard CumberlandSouth branch of Crooked Run 1769 X 189

Burns Edward FranklinHopewell/Peters 1828 B23 42

Burns George ArmstrongRed Bank 1829 B18 113

Burns George ArmstrongRed Bank 1829 B18 113

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Burns George BedfordBarre 1774 F 363

Burns Jacob CambriaClearfield and Carroll 1893 B16 1

Burns Jacob CambriaClearfield and Carroll 1893 B16 2

Burns James CambriaClearfield 1836 U 38

Burns James CambriaClearfield 1836 U 39

Burns James CambriaClearfield 1836 Z 37

Burns James CambriaClearfield 1836 L 68

Burns James Cumberland/MifflinDerry 1811 B20 128

Burns James HuntingdonAllegany 1795 A 479

Burns James MifflinDerry B2 70

Burns James MifflinGranville 1839 B20 95

Burns James MifflinDerry 1793 D 111

Burns James MifflinDerry 1804 P 108

Burns John ArmstrongRed Bank 1829 B18 113

Burns John CambriaClearfield 1836 Z 21

Burns John CambriaAllegheny and Clearfield 1836 N 207

Burns John CambriaClearfield 1836 U 37

Burns John CumberlandFannet 1769 Z 5

Burns John Cumberland/FranklinHamilton B21 127

Burns John Cumberland/NorthumberlandLong Limestone Valley 1770 B 11

Burns John Cumberland/NorthumberlandLong Limestone Valley 1770 B 30

Burns John Fayette and WestmorelandRostraver and Washington 1786 L 16

Burns John Greene and WashingtonRich hill and Finley 1829 B19 47

Burns John LycomingMuncy 1798 U 205

Burns John NorthumberlandMuncy 1794 C 483

Burns John WestmorelandRostraver 1785 D 470

Burns McGill MifflinGranville 1853 B20 94

Burns Patrick Lycoming 1798 Y 272

Burns Peter NorthumberlandPenns 1773 D 155

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Burns Peter NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1773 D 159

Burns Peter NorthumberlandBuffaloe 1786 G 29

Burns Peter NorthumberlandPenns 1773 M 54

Burns Peter NorthumberlandTurbutt 1797 X 65

Burns Peter NorthumberlandTurbutt X 67

Burns Samuel FayetteFranklin and Washington 1814 U 143

Burns Samuel WestmorelandRostraver 1787 M 430

Burns William BedfordSouthampton 1791 B21 171

Burns William CambriaClearfield 1836 Z 37

Burns William CambriaClearfield 1836 U 38

Burnside James BedfordQuemahoning 1794 Q 167

Burnside James LuzerneWest of the Lehigh 1793 G 322

Burnside James Luzerne 1793 Q 143

Burnside James Luzerne 1793 T 200

Burnside James Luzerne 1793 Z 97

Burnside James Luzerne 1793 Z 98

Burnside James Luzerne 1793 Z 100

Burnside James MifflinArmagh 1794 Q 403

Burnside James MifflinWayne 1801 B15 55

Burnside James MifflinArmagh 1794 Q 360

Burnside James MifflinArmagh 1794 Q 352

Burnside Thomas ClearfieldSinemahoning Creek 1810 S 75

Burnside William LancasterColerain 1751 A 32

Burnside William LancasterColerain 1766 B3 173

Burnside WIlliam LancasterColerain 1771 B6 126

Burny Robert LancasterWest Sadsbury/Bart 1751 U 64

Burny Thomas NorthamptonUpper Saucon 1762 B8 152

Burr Hudson CumberlandHead of Mahantango 1767 P 266

Burr Hudson NorthumberlandPotters 1774 D 125

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Burr Hudson NorthumberlandAugusta 1794 D 416

Burr John CumberlandFoot of Tusseys Mountain 1767 X 10

Burr John CumberlandFoot of Tussys Mountain 1767 X 29

Burr John CumberlandFoot of Tusseys Mountain 1767 X 9

Burr Joseph LuzerneWaters of Lahawanah 1793 H 477

Burr Joseph LuzerneWaters of Lahawana and Wallenpaupack 1793 K 278

Burr Joseph NorthamptonWaters of Muddy Run 1795 Q 312

Burr Joseph NorthumberlandCatawissey/Shamoken 1794 A 25

Burr Joseph NorthumberlandShamoken 1794 A 27

Burr Robert FayetteSaltlick 1838 B16 67

Burr Timothy NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 407

Burr William NorthumberlandAugusta/Catawissey 1793 A 409

Burr William NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 D 386

Burr William NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 K 416

Burr William NorthumberlandCatawissey 1788 M 51

Burr William NorthumberlandSouth Branch of Roaring Creek 1793 O 183

Burr William NorthumberlandBranch Roaring Creek 1793 Y 142

Burr William NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 D 385

Burrel Michael PerryToboyne 1823 B10 239

Burrel Philip NorthumberlandUpper Mahoney 1816 G 1

Burrell Philip NorthumberlandMahonoy 1816 G 124

Burrell Thomas CambriaConemaugh 1822 R 262

Burrell Valentine PerryJuniata 1843 Z 231

Burrell Valentine PerryJuniata 1769 Z 233

Burress Matthew BedfordColerain/Southampton 1802 Q 309

Burress Matthew BedfordColerain/Southampton 1802 Q 310

Burrier Samuel BerksLongswamp 1872 B19 52

Burrier Samuel BerksLong Swamp 1788 I-J 240

Burris Henry BedfordSouthampton 1791 B21 170

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Burris Robert ErieErie/Harbour Creek 1805 V 53

Burrows John Northumberland/LycomingMuncy Creek 1803 D 360

Burrows Joshua WestmorelandNorth Huntingdon 1828 X 185

Burrows Samuel Northumberland 1775 O 216

Burrows Stephen NorthamptonWaters of Trout Creek 1793 Q 246

Burrows William BedfordCumberland Valley 1796 I-J 37

Burson Isaac BucksSpringfield K 355

Burson James BucksHaycock 1800 B18 50

Burtchall John PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1683 B22 100

Burtn Thomas WashingtonCross Creek 1785 U 123

Burtnett Adam Cumberland B15 145

Burtnett Adam GreenWhitely 1816 B10 216

Burtnett John GreenWhitely 1816 B10 216

Burton Anthony BucksBristoll B23 266

Burton J. M. LawrenceScott 1910 M 545

Burton Mary NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 433

Burton Peter Northampton 1793 R 84

Burton Thomas NorthumberlandCatawissey 1794 D 433

Burton Thomas NorthumberlandRoad from Sunbury 1793 G 238

Burtton George FayetteBullskin 1795 Q 224

Burtz John NorthamptonMount Bethel 1787 B 409

Bury Jacob Waters of Beaver Creek 1785 K 488

Bury Jacob Waters of Brush Creek 1785 K 487

Bury John MifflinBald Eagle 1793 G 284

Busby Abigail Luzerne 1793 Z 137

Busby Johnson Luzerne 1793 Z 137

Busby William PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia 1694 B22 152

Busch F. H. AlleghenyMcKeesport 1898 B11 5

Buscha Jacob BerksBrunswick 1784 D 198

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Busel Frederick YorkParadise 1837 B3 74

Busel Frederick YorkParadise 1837 B3 75

Busel Thomas YorkParadise 1837 B3 75

Busel Thomas YorkParadise 1837 B3 74

Bush Christian AdamsManallen 1812 B7 200

Bush Christian AdamsManallen 1814 B10 18

Bush Christian AdamsManallen 1802 B10 215

Bush Daniel WestmorelandHempfield 1786 T 90

Bush Depuy NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1774 I-J 180

Bush Henry NorthumberlandMoore 1789 B14 63

Bush Jacob BerksBrunswick 1794 B18 149

Bush Jacob BerksBrunswick 1791 H 385

Bush Jacob NorthamptonMoore 1847 B19 99

Bush James Huntingdon 1794 X 278

Bush James HuntingdonFranklin 1794 X 279

Bush John AdamsManallen 1812 B7 200

Bush John AdamsManallen 1821 B15 73

Bush John YorkDover B14 39

Bush John YorkDover 1852 B5 137

Bush John YorkDover 1852 B5 138

Bush John Jr NorthamptonTohihannah 1793 F 207

Bush John Jr. NorthamptonWaters of Lehigh 1793 H 335

Bush John Jr. NorthamptonHead Branches of Lehigh 1793 H 336

Bush John Jr. YorkDover 1857 B14 41

Bush John Jr. YorkDover B14 39

Bush John Sr. NorthamptonTohihannah 1793 F 207

Bush John Sr. NorthamptonHead Branches of Lehigh 1793 H 336

Bush Lewis YorkNewbury/Fairview 1831 B23 53

Bush Martin YorkCumberland/Franklin 1772 B14 159

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Bush Mathias CumberlandBranch of the Shawonese Cabbin Creek 1767 F 326

Bush Michael BerksHeidleberg 1758 B2 137

Bush Michael BerksCumru 1753 O 32

Bush Michael Lancaster/BerksHeidleberg 1758 B2 138

Bush Michael NorthamptonMarshals Creek 1775 A 246

Bush Nicholas Cumberland 1785 B3 114

Bush Peter NorthamptonUpper Milford 1789 B17 98

Bush Peter NorthamptonUpper Milford 1789 B17 99

Bush Thomas NorthamptonHead Branches of Lehigh 1793 H 336

Bush William BerksLongswamp 1872 B15 44

Bush William BerksLongswamp 1872 B15 44

Bush William NorthumberlandGreen Creek B16 11

Busha Christiana Berks/SchuylkillBrunswick 1794 B1 166

Busha Jacob BerksBrunswick B13 55

Busha Jacob BerksBrunswick 1786 P 97

Busha Jacob SchuylkillSchuylkill 1830 B23 26

Busha Jacob SchuylkillSchuylkill 1794 H 74

Bushe Jacob BerksBrunswick 1785 D 172

Busherd Rudolph BerkBrunswick B15 121

Bushes Benjamin WestmorelandCannemaugh River 1794 B15 83

Bushey Christiana BerksBrunswick 1785 D 172

Bushey Jacob AdamsReading and Lattimore 1818 B12 212

Bushey Jacob Y. AdamsButler 1875 B16 126

Bushey John AdamsReading 1750 B10 122

Bushey John NorthamptonLower Smithfield 1795 F 400

Bushey Michael BerksBrunswick 1799 D 349

Bushey Solomon YorkWarrington B13 33

Bushford John Sr. NorthamptonWaters of Lehigh 1793 H 335

Busho Jacob BerksBunswick 1794 B 400

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Bushong Jacob AlleghenyDistrict No. 7 1795 P 109

Bushong Jacob LancasterBart 1873 B16 133

Bushong Jacob YorkYork 1766 I-J 237

Bushong John AlleghenyDistrict No. 7 1795 P 109

Bushy SchuylkillSchuylkill 1837 B17 138

Bushy Jacob BerksSchuylkill 1804 A 415

Bushy Jacob BerksBrunswick 1788 B5 9

Bushy Jacob Berks/SchuylkillBrunswick/Schuylkill 1832 B8 39

Bushy Jacob SchuylkillSchuylkill 1830 B23 26

Bushy John Berks 1805 H 132

Bushy John N. AdamsLattimore 1767 B10 21

Bushy Michael BerksSchuylkill 1804 A 415

Bushy Michael BerksBrunswick 1799 D 349

Buskirk BucksPerkasie Manor B23 300

Buskirk BucksPerkasie Manor B23 287

Buskirk Andrew BucksPerkasie Manor 1730 B23 286

Buskirk Andrew BucksPerkisea Manor B23 297

Buskirk Andrew BucksPerkasie Manor B23 285

Buskirk Jacob CumberlandJacks Creek 1766 S 171

Buskirk N. Bucks/NorthamptonMaccongy 1773 B3 77

Busley Jacob BerksBrunswick 1784 Z 73

Buson Jesse FayetteUnion 1819 B19 173

Buss Jacob HuntingdonFrankstown and Woodberry 1794 D 367

Bussard Bucks/NorthamptonWilliams 1795 P 12

Bussard Philip Bucks/NorthamptonWilliams 1795 P 13

Bussart Daniel BedfordMonroe and West Providence 1856 B19 155

Bussart Jacob ChesterCallowhill Manor B23 259

Bussinger Conrad NorthamptonWeissenberg 1788 B2 127

Bust William WestmorelandHempfield 1785 Z 57

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Bustorff Jesse YorkParadise 1864 B20 193

Butcher Job NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 D 385

Butcher Job NorthumberlandCatawissey 1793 D 386

Butcher L. AdamsTyrone 1738 B11 36

Butcher Samuel CentreSnow Shoe 1843 L 467

Butcher Samuel MifflinBald Eagle 1794 K 429

Butcher Samuel MifflinBald Eagle 1793 U 108

Butcher Z. B11 73

Butcher Zach LancasterS Hopewell 1736 E 404

Butcher Zach LancasterS Hopewell 1739 B7 208

Butcher Zach LancasterS Hopewell 1738 L 78

Butcher Zach LancasterS West Side Susquehannah River 1735 H 222

Butcher Zach LancasterS Hopewell B8 165

Butcher Zach LancasterS Pennsborough 1739 B19 16

Butcher Zach LancasterS West side Susquehannah River 1735 B1 180

Butcher Zach LancasterS Pennsborough 1738 B12 201

Butcher Zach LancasterS Conedagwanett Creek 1736/7 B11 131

Butcher Zach LancasterS Hopewell 1736 B11 213

Butcher Zach LancasterS Manheim 1767 B5 224

Butcher Zach LancasterS West Side Susquehanna 1737 I-J 349

Butcher Zach Lancaster/YorkS Branch of Little Conewaga 1741 H 252

Butcher Zach LuzerneS South Branch of Bermudian Creek 1741 K 204

Butcher Zach. LancasterS Hopewell 1741 A 327

Butcher Zach. Lancaster/YorkS Branch of Little Conewago 1741 A 320

Butcher Zachariah Cumberland/FranklinAntrim 1759 B18 92

Butcher Zachariah YorkManheim 1767 B11 120

Butcher Zachariah YorkManheim 1775 B19 134

Butcher Zachary S B7 195

Butcher Zachary AdamsS Manallen 1809 B5 33

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Butcher Zachary LancasterS Tuscarora Gap A 114

Butcher Zachary LancasterS Hopewell/Antrim 1736 B18 94

Butcher Zack LancasterS North side Mouth of Cordorus Creek 1743 A 18

Butcher Zack LancasterS Pennsborough 1737 B5 213.5

Butcher Zack LancasterS Hopewell R 47

Butcher Zack YorkManheim 1773 B6 104

Butcher Zackariah LancasterS Yellow Beeches Creek 1738 B12 32

Buterback George BedfordWoodberry 1786 C 437

Butler Branch of Turtle Creek 1769 Q 237

Butler Anthony YorkHamiltons Bann 1765 B7 136

Butler Charles LuzerneNE Branch of Susquehanna 1794 I-J 129

Butler Charles Luzerne 1793 D 112

Butler Charles Luzerne 1793 F 205

Butler Edward LycomingDistrict No. 6 1795 S 228

Butler Edward NorthumberlandNorth Side of Tobys Creek 1785 G 117

Butler Frederick BerksExeter 1797 B9 103

Butler General AlleghenyWilkins 1828 B23 1

Butler Henry LancasterDrumore 1823 B6 130

Butler Houghton S. LuzerneUnion 1848 I-J 108

Butler Isaac N. JeffersonRidgeway 1831 A 54

Butler James Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1795 I-J 74

Butler Jonathan LuzerneNE Branch of Susquehanna 1794 I-J 129

Butler Jonathan Luzerne 1793 Q 294

Butler Jonathan Luzerne 1793 N 185

Butler Jonathan Luzerne 1793 F 283

Butler Jonathan Luzerne 1793 F 287

Butler Margaret MifflinBald Eagle 1794 A 14

Butler Margaret MifflinBald Eagle 1794 P 217

Butler Mary CumberlandMiddleton/Dickenson 1829 B8 112

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Butler Noble ChesterUwchlan B3 12

Butler Norman ClintonLeidy 1863 B16 53

Butler Richard CumberlandBrushey Run (Denmark) 1769 BB2 48

Butler Richard NorthumberlandEast Side of Susquehanna River 1774 E 86

Butler Richard NorthumberlandStoke 1786 G 19

Butler Richard NorthumberlandLick Run 1772 A 332

Butler Richard NorthumberlandStoke 1786 G 90

Butler Richard WestmorelandBrushy Run 1771 D 49

Butler Samuel HuntingdonAllegheny 1800 G 300

Butler Thomas CumberlandCarlisle BB3 7

Butler Washington IndianaBurrell 1874 B20 162

Butler William West Side Monongahela 1769 D 173

Butler William CumberlandBrushey Run (Denmark) 1769 BB2 48

Butler William MifflinWayne and Union 1794 Z 158

Butler William Northumberland/LycomingBald Eagle 1795 I-J 74

Butt Bartholomew Henry LancasterMannor 1761 O 12

Butt Bartholomew Henry LancasterMannor 1761 B1 224

Butt John Adams and YorkBerwick and Paradise 1809 B1 45

Butt William YorkMonaghan/Franklin 1812 B18 106

Butten Peter Beyond Marlborough B22 70

Butterbaugh Jacob BedfordWoodberry 1796 H 92

Butterbaugh Jacob BedfordFrankstown 1785 L 423

Butterbaugh Jacob FranklinMontgomery 1854 BB1 5

Butterbaugh Jacob FranklinMontgomery 1868 B20 35

Butterbaugh James IndianaBuffington 1800 B15 210

Butterweek Margart BerksHereford 1875 B12 157

Butterworth Hannah Cumberland/PerryRye/Saville 1822 B16 95

Buttler Thomas Cumberland/WestmorelandNorth Huntingdon 1769 N 214

Buttler Thomas Jr. Cumberland I-J 336

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Buttler William Bedford/WestmorelandEast Side of Youghiogeny River 1771 Q 94

Buttler William Cumberland/WestmorelandSewickly Old Town Creek 1769 E 559

Button Washington IndianaBurrell 1875 B21 74

Butts Richard NorthumberlandNE Branch of Susquehanna River 1774 E 10

Butts Richard NorthumberlandNE branch of Susquehanna River 1774 U 172

Butz Adam NorthamptonChestnuthill 1793 B 386

Butz George NorthamptonUpper Mountbethel 1842 B9 84

Butz Lorin TiogaRichmond 1855 B20 85

Butz Michael NorthamptonUpper Mountbethel 1842 B9 84

Butz Peter MonroeJackson 1851 B10 78

Butz Samuel BerksLong Swamp 1767 B 599

Buxton Davis WashingtonJefferson 1904 B15 236

Buxton George BedfordSouthampton 1856 B20 50

Buyer Jacob LancasterDrumore 1812 B6 160

Buyer Leonard NorthamptonPlainfield Q 363

Buyer Leonard NorthamptonPlainfield 1773 Q 263

Buyer Samuel Adams B3 159

Buyer Samuel LancasterPequea Creek 1734 B7 26

Buyers John BerksNear Middle Creek 1767 D 168

Buyers John BerksBranch of Chillisquaque Creek 1769 D 191

Buyers John LancasterSalisbury 1752 M 327

Buyers John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 D 373

Buyers John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 372

Buyers John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 365

Buyers John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 G 360

Buzard George NorthamptonUpper Mount Bethel 1850 B7 71

Buzby John PhiladelphiaShackamaxan and Liberties 1691 B23 191

Buzby Mary PhiladelphiaShackamaxan and Liberties 1691 B23 191

Buzzard Andrew BedfordLondonderry 1794 B10 1

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Last Name Given Name CountySurveyor (S)

Location Year

Vol. Page

Copied Survey

Buzzard George WestmorelandMountpleasant 1787 H 490

Buzzard George Sr. NorthamptonMount Bethel 1837 C 144

Buzzard Henry BerksHideberg 1813 B10 142

Buzzard John NorthamptonBethel 1834 W 47

Buzzard Michael ArmstrongRed Bank 1830 B16 203

Buzzard Peter BedfordElk Lick 1794 N 177

Buzzard Philip BucksSmithfield 1751 C 553

Buzzards JeffersonBarnett 1870 B15 29

Buzzart Jacob ChesterSchuylkill River 1741 B23 254

Buzzart Jacob ChesterVincent BB2 49

Byar Cashall LancasterRapho 1751 B2 53

Byard John NorthumberlandNorth Branch of Sandy Lick Creek 1793 B 506

Byard John NorthumberlandNorth Branch of Sandy-lick Creek 1793 B 507

Byard John PerryTyrone 1822 B12 61

Byars Charles YorkFranklin 1809 B5 66

Byars James FayetteFranklin 1831 N 103

Byars John ChesterWest Nottingham 1743/4 B4 4

Byars John CumberlandTyrone and Tyboyne 1765 H 362

Byars John FayetteFranklin P 24

Byars John FayetteFranklin 1785 B11 218

Byars John HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 Q 388

Byars William CambriaJackson 1848 L 60

Bye Albert ChesterEast Nottingham 1842 B21 106

Bye Amos ChesterEast Nottingham 1842 B21 106

Bye Hesekiah CentreMoon 1802 W 110

Bye Hezekiah Cumberland/HuntingdonWaters of Little Juniata River 1766 D 502

Bye Howard ChesterEast Nottingham 1842 B21 106

Bye John Manor of Highlands B23 274

Bye Thomas Gwunedd 1704 B22 184

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Last Name Given Name CountySurveyor (S)

Location Year

Vol. Page

Copied Survey

Bye Thomas BucksBuckingham, Soulberry, Mash, and Plumstead B23 266

Byer George Albright YorkNewbury 1769 B14 144

Byer George Albright YorkNewbury 1810 B4 61

Byer Jacob CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1788 D 489

Byer John BerksHeidleberg 1768 B7 57

Byerley Anthoney JuniataGreenwood 1851 B17 91

Byerley Jacob Lancaster/DauphinWest Hanover 1796 B18 109

Byerly Andrew WestmorelandHempfield and Pitt 1785 X 195

Byerly Benjamin NorthumberlandLower Mahonoy 1814 F 452

Byerly Gasper DauphinPaxton 1787 B2 162

Byers Abraham YorkWarrington 1822 B10 136

Byers Benjamin AdamsReading B5 201

Byers Conrad WestmorelandMountpleasant 1784 W 58

Byers Jacob CumberlandDickenson 1842 B21 179

Byers Jacob CumberlandDickinson 1795 P 349

Byers James West Side Monongahala 1769 D 199

Byers James CumberlandWest Pennsborough 1787 B2 186

Byers James DauphinLower Paxton 1815 B1 9

Byers James FayetteFranklin 1786 B10 46

Byers James WashingtonFinley 1829 B16 239

Byers James WashingtonEast Finley 1829 B5 84

Byers James WashingtonWaters of Wheeling 1785 L 133

Byers James WestmorelandNear Loyalhanna Creek 1772 D 68

Byers John CumberlandTybone 1795 H 467

Byers John CumberlandWest Pennsborrow 1767 T 272

Byers John CumberlandWest Pennsborrow 1767 M 250

Byers John CumberlandWest Pennsporough 1788 H 461

Byers John CumberlandWest Pennsborrow 1767 M 251

Byers John MifflinBald Eagle 1794 D 373

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Last Name Given Name CountySurveyor (S)

Location Year

Vol. Page

Copied Survey

Byers John WashingtonDonegall 1828 B13 31

Byers John WestmorelandHempfield 1828 B23 43

Byers John WestmorelandNear Loyalhanna Creek 1772 D 68

Byers John YorkMonaghan 1796 B3 79

Byers John YorkFranklin 1809 B5 66

Byers Martin LancasterMartick 1823 B12 87

Byers Samuel WashingtonEast Finley 1829 B5 84

Byers Samuel WashingtonWaters of Wheeling 1785 L 133

Byers Thomas WashingtonWaters of Wheeling Creek 1795 D 477

Byers Thomas WashingtonEast Finley 1829 B5 84

Byers Thomas WashingtonWaters of Wheeling 1785 L 133

Byers Thomas WashingtonFinley 1829 B16 239

Byers Thomas WashingtonEast Finley 1829 B5 84

Byers William HuntingdonFrankstown 1794 Z 20

Byers William R. BedfordJacobs Swamps 1769 B8 27

Byers William R. WestmorelandEast Huntingdon 1878 B8 26

Byles William PhiladelphiaSchuylkill B23 197

Byllisby Langton GreeneWaters of Ten Mile Creek 1796 B7 90

Byrem WestmorelandPitt 1786 X 184

Byrne John CumberlandRye 1817 I-J 68

Byrne Margaret AlleghenyNeville, Stowe, Robinson, and Coraopolis 1901 B20 104

Byrne William AlleghenyNeville, Stowe, Robinson, and Coraopolis 1901 B20 104

Byrne William NorthumberlandMashaping and Tunkhannock 1774 D 207

Byrns John NorthumberlandBald Eagle 1784 K 436

Bysher Jacob NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1800 W 219

Bysher Jacob NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1800 W 214

Bysher Jacob NorthamptonLower Mount Bethel 1800 W 216

Bysle John AlleghenyHampton 1873 B17 28

Bywaters William Philadelphia 1772 B13 46

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