last book written by moses before his death

Last book written by Moses before his death

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Last book written by Moses before his death

Meaning In music ‘deut’ means singing together They may sing the same song but with variation in

notes yet blending beautifully with each other.It could be two male voice or two female voice or

a mix of the twoLeviticus and Exodus were written as early as

they left Egypt and started their worship in the desert.

Deuteronomy was a book written about 38 years later just before they entered Canaan and before the death of Moses

purposeDeuteronomy is not an additional volume to the other

twoBut conveys in detail many things cited in the first


Why was it written? One entire generation who left Egypt died in the

wilderness and a new one which knew nothing about Egypt, Red Sea and the Mt Sinai, was standing before Moses

Leaders like Aaron and Miriam also died and Moses, had to go

Moses had to rehearse the history- great things God has done and make them enter into a covenant

God reveals Himself little by little

Genesis- One man one God one commandment – One sin – one punishment – no remission

Abraham Jacob Joseph had personal relationship with God and corrections cam timely

Exodus – About 3 million people who had lost the worship of a living God for over 400 years were delivered from slavery and walked out of Egypt

At Sinai even when God tried to talk to them direct they did not want. They wanted a mediator Moses

They received Only Ten commandment to keep them good free from punishment. They had worship which involved sacrifices. But did it bring repentance?

rules and leaders cannot replace God

All governments have laws and courts But crimes are on the increase. The Jewish nation was one of the first in the world to have community worship but health and civic laws

Leviticus was a compendium of all such laws and rulesEven regarding what the Priests and Levites should do the next book called Numbers contains more information

on leadership and responsibilities who were considered as representatives of God. God’s direct intervention in the lives of the people became less and less-even Moses became a super boss and so 70 more people were appointed to help him.

People could not tell their needs directly to God but only through leaders.

Do we expect leaders to talk to God on behalf of us?

Importance of the bookJesus quoted from this book many times including

His temptationEven Paul and in NT more than 150 quotesThe legal system of England and India primarily

from thisIt governs almost all civic and socials laws apart from spiritual It makes individual responsible and God is no

more a PolicemanGod is not pleased with sacrifices but a joyful

fellowship- festivalsGod warns before hand many things that may

side track-witch craft, idolatry , pagan life

The purpose of DeuteronomyGod still wants to talk to people- His likes and

dislikes- No more directly or thru mediators but thru word- Logos and No more Rhema

Purpose of laws made clearNo more hidden in the Most Hoy placeNo more available only thru priestsBut for all to knowProactive before mistakes are doneMore Grace than judgmentNo more burdensome and authoritative but

persuasive , meaningful and rewardingNo more Adonai but Jehovah

Lessons from the bookIt is one book that talks about responsibility at all levelIn worship towards God- In community towards society and

fellowmen and our responsibility.God comes first Ch 1-4The great God also has likes and dislikes because all along

the history He deals with human beings. He looks for their welfare but He expects obedience like a father Ch 6,11

The book Deuteronomy contains laws or covenants of Blessing or curse which comes through obedience or the other. Ch 17,20

Moses tells his own relationship with God ch 27

Things that divert people from God

Fear or laziness- expecting God to do all things for us or solve all our problems- God with us but we must fight our battles- Go and possess is the keyword- Ch 1:8 Ch 9,20

Drive the enemy and all their evil practices; Idolatry, adultery, sorcery-even some souvenirs could be a snare- posses the land not their demonic culture or things relating to their worship even if it is valuable or precious

Unseen enemy- Amalekite-hidden sinful thoughts and habits, friends can pop up even after salvation Ch 7,29

God holds the future but enemy promises a preview.-witch craft – the destruction of Babel- Ch 18

False prophets, the agents of the enemy- who frightens or promises prosperity – for a price- ch 13

Civilized world follows the same even after thousands of years- witchcraft approved by State .

People still look for agents to talk to

Humility & thankfulness-channels of blessingPeople blame God for their problems but claim credit for

their success.The Bible says that nothing comes by our effort but by

grace- thank offerings of even that grown in the field makes God happy Ch 8. Even the land and the trees belong to God

Social lawsKindness to neighbours, debtors and even slaves Kindness even to animals and the fieldBe considerate to widows and murderers ch 19,24,25 How to deal with leprosy adultery, drunkenness ch 29Kindness is a character gone away from this world!

Honesty in our work place

There were not many job situations in ancient times. And especially when they were on the move in the wilderness they could not even adopt agriculture

But the laws were made for even centuries to follow. People traded animal or corn or wool. There were no coins or currency but gold or silver was weighed as shekel. (11.5 gms.) small difference in weight would matter much. Temptation to cheat was always there. But it affects the neighbour Ch 25

Tithes and the best of the land belongs to God –Ch 26:11 Consideration to the poor is as important as sacrifices,

tithes offerings to God. Both are forgotten issues these daysWorship is joyful and festivals & celebrations in the church

ch 27

More civic lawsDistinction between man and woman even in

dressRight type of clothing for right season. wool and

flax have different properties and should not be mixed ch.22:11

No uni –sex dresses 22:5The law even applied to the field mixed crops

were not allowed22:9 Even in funeral services there should be

distiction fom the heathen 26:14All these are now violatedEven safety rules were made 3000 years ago.

Laws for our benefitMoses made all the laws as God dictated them to himThey were for the welfare of the community as well as

channels of blessings.- 4:40, 12:32God was not only their provider but also their

protector as they travelled in the open dessert surrounded by strong enemies and wild animals – 8:5,4

Blessings are assured as long as we obey the laws- ch 28, 30

That is very well true todayPleading ignorance of law is no excuse in any country.

What do we learn from the book.

God is not only our creator but one who cares for our well being. Nature and resources are or all to enjoy and share. The laws are applicable to all and no distinction

Disobedience is sin and penalty is inevitable-injustice to neighbour must be compensated and sins against God forgiven by sacrifices.

Moses concluded the book by telling his own story that he could not enter Canaan though considered as a friend of God and did so much of service to the people

Disobedience stops all blessingsDoes this make us think? [email protected]