laser app software2012/02/20  · in addition, details on configuring scheduled application updates...

® Laser App Software Enterprise Version 10.x Installation Guide Copyright © 2008-2012 Laser App Software Inc. Revised: 2/20/2012

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    Laser App Software Enterprise Version 10.x Installation Guide

    Copyright © 2008-2012 Laser App Software Inc.

    Revised: 2/20/2012

  • Abstract…

    This basic step-by-step installation guide describes in detail the installation, updating, and license activation of Laser App Enterprise. In addition, details on configuring scheduled application updates in version 10.x are covered. All users interested in learning more detailed information about Laser App Enterprise should refer to the built in help file system available from the “Help” menu within the program and by pressing the F1 key on many of the application screens.

    The following document assumes you have downloaded the setup “laserapp10.exe” program from the Downloads section of the Laser App web site: This page requires your software activation code supplied via email by sales.

    What is Online Software Activation?

    Laser App Enterprise requires online software activation to establish your account with our service. Software Activation takes place over a secure Internet connection. Your personal information and privacy is of utmost importance to us. Please see our no-nonsense privacy statement at for details. Overview & Purpose The purpose of software activation is not just to reduce illegal software piracy that costs us and our customers, but to simplify the task of managing rep addresses, the appropriate broker forms, and special form promotions for our organizational customers.

    What Information is Sent During Activation? If you are evaluating Laser App you will enter your name which appears as the rep name on forms, the office address used on forms, your email address, your office phone, and the broker/dealer’s name who you are licensed with (if any). In addition, information based on your current hardware (configuration which cannot be used to identify you personally) is then sent securely to Laser App. Our secure servers will then process your request and email you an activation code which is used by the program to download and install a public key encrypted certificate containing your account information. This information includes the rep name and office address, the duration of the subscription, and the forms you have access to. If you have purchased a full version of the software multiple licenses may be added to a single copy of the program. This allows a single assistant to fill out paperwork for multiple registered reps. The actual registration certificate need never be handled directly by the user and can be retrieved at any time for the duration of your subscription with your activation code.

    When do I need to Activate Laser App? Laser App will start up if you do not have an activation code. However, only a single water-marked form is available, and many of the features will not work until you activate in "trial" or "paid" mode. All users regardless of license type need to activate on any new "clean" installation. Periodic automatic re-activation also takes place when your subscription is renewed or you update forms. The time interval for subscription renewals may vary from 30 to 365 days depending on the terms of your license. Program enhancements (including major version upgrades) and patches generally do not require you to reactivate unless specifically stated.

    How to Activate Laser App Online:

    1. Establish a connection to the Internet.

  • 2. If your network has a proxy server Laser App will automatically use your workstation’s Internet Explorer settings. If you encounter an error connecting you can use an alternative proxy or adjust settings from inside the Utilities Program Settings Proxy Settings menu. In most cases this should not be necessary.

    3. When starting the application without a license the, License Management screen will appear. If you have closed you can also click Help Program Registration & Activation from the program’s main menu.

    4. Choose the Activate option, enter your 15 digit activation code, then click the “Activate Software” button.

    Immediately following activation Laser App features will be enabled and you can proceed to installing forms.

    Basic Installation Existing users can download the “laserapp10” installer program from links in emails sent by us, from the User Downloads section of our website (, or from within the program by clicking Utilities My Laser App Account.

    If acquiring the installation file from our web site (, click the Downloads button on the far right of our site.

    A User Downloads page appears. Type a valid activation code into the boxes provided and click the “Login” button below them.

  • Now click the Software Downloads tab (second from left) to be shown a variety of download choices.

    The installation file for Laser App Enterprise 10 is available within the top possible choice, in the blue hyperlink entitled “Download Link”.

  • After you click the download link wording you will be prompted by your browser choose to save the setup program file to your hard drive. Network users should save the install file (named “Enterprise10”) in a shared folder on their network to avoid repeating downloads from separate workstations.

    To begin installation close all running applications, then follow the steps below (Administrator level access is required):

    1. From Windows Explorer double click the installation program file you downloaded. The setup program will start by displaying a welcome screen and then an end user license agreement screen. Click “Next” through these screens.

    2. The next screen will allow you to choose the local destination folder for the installation. If you need to change the default destination click the “Change” button (circled in red) and choose a new folder. Note: you must select a subdirectory on a local hard drive only. DO NOT install to a remote, removable or mapped drive. Finally, click “Next” to continue.

  • 3. If you are the only person using Laser App on the current workstation or laptop choose to install “Only for me”. If you are installing to a terminal server or multi-user workstation where other users will need Laser App choose “Anyone who uses this computer (all users)”. in the User Information screen below and click the "Next" button:

    4. On the following screens (not shown) you will be given the opportunity to click "Next" to continue the installation; to click "Back" to change any previously entered settings or choices; or to click "Cancel" to stop the installation of Laser App.

    5. If you click "Next" your screen will then give you a choice of running Laser App now or just finishing the installation. If you choose to run the program immediately you will a bubble hint in the task tray:

    If you do not choose to run Laser App directly from the installer after setup you will see the above at your next login or logoff. If you see this message continue on to license Laser App first then see the Configuring Scheduled Software Updates section of this guide.

    6. After Laser App starts for the first time you should see the following screen: (if you do not see the screen below click Help Program Registration & Activation from the main menu).

  • Note: you must have an active Internet connection to activate the software. If you use a proxy server click to Continue Unregistered and enter that information by clicking Utilities Program Settings Proxy Settings. If you already have a 15 digit activation code (sent you by Laser App) click the “Software Activation” button, enter the code, and click “Activate Software”. Following activation you can use the major features of the program. Be sure to read over the documentation to familiarize your self with features by clicking Help Laser App Help from the program’s main menu. Finally, if you will be evaluating Laser App and do not have an activation code, you can request a demo activation code by clicking the “Trial Mode Activation” button (which will in some cases appear above the Software Activation button. If you click “Continue Unregistered”, the program will run but with severely decreased functionality. If you do not have a paid license continue on with step 7 below to request a free demo activation code:

    7. After clicking the Trial Mode Activation button you will be on the screen shown below:

    Enter your First, Middle initial, and Last Name in part A. Be sure to use proper capitalization as you would like it printed on forms (leave surnames and credentials out of these fields as they are

  • added at a later time). Next toggle your broker/dealer from the list circled in red. You can find the closest match by typing the name into that field, and then toggling the control. If you do not have a broker/dealer, or you cannot match yours on this list just enter “NONE”. Finally, if you have a promotion code enter it in the Promotion Code box, or leave this field blank. Note: the promotional codes used here are not the same as those used in the Laser App online order form. Click “Next” to continue.

    8. On the next screen (shown below) enter the office address information EXACTLY as you would like it printed in forms requiring a “Rep” address. When completed click the “Next” button to continue.

    9. Enter your email address and confirm it a second time in the screen show below:

    Click the “Get Activation Code” button. After a few seconds you will receive a message back saying an activation code will be emailed to you within minutes. The email will contain a 15 digit activation code that can be entered by clicking Help Program Registration & Activation from the Laser App menu. Following activation you can download and install forms and begin using Laser App for the duration of the trial period.

  • Note: If you have difficulties connecting from this screen we suggest you close the entire activation window by clicking “Continue Unregistered” and review your proxy-server settings from the “Utilities Program Settings Proxy Settings” menu in Laser App’s main screen. By default Laser App will use you Internet Explorer connection settings.

    Upgrading from Version 9.x

    If you are using the optional Remote Database Server for Windows or Linux you should start by obtaining the proper compatibility patches from Software Downloads section at: Once applied to the server, these database server updates will allow both Laser App 9.x and 10.x to connect. Laser App 10 Enterprise represents a major upgrade to previous versions of Laser App. During the upgrade process your settings and data should be preserved, however, we recommend you back up your contact data from Utilities Network & Database Backup/Restore Database Backup (as per the instructions in version 9.x) before proceeding. You'll also want to close any open applications on your computer. Note: If you are using Laser App with a remote database engine please contact your network administrator to verify the server has been updated first. 1. When logged in as Administrator start the laserapp10.exe installation program from the location

    you downloaded it to. If Laser App 9.x is already installed the next screen will show up:

    2. Click the “Remove Previous Version Now” button to remove version 9 from your computer and

    start the Laser App 10.x installation process. Note: please be sure you are ready to do this. If you cancel setup past this point Laser App 9.x settings (while still on the computer) will be inaccessible by normal means.

  • 3. A new screen appears indicating the removal is being processed.

    4. Click "Next" when the removal is complete.

    5. The setup program for the installation of Enterprise 10 will start by displaying a welcome screen and then an end user license agreement screen. Click “Next” through these first screens.

    6. You will be allowed to choose the local destination folder for the installation. If you need to change the default destination click the “Change” button (circled in red) and choose a new folder. Note: you must select a subdirectory on a local hard drive only. DO NOT install to a remote, removable or mapped drive. Finally, click “Next” to continue.

  • 7. If you are the only person using Laser App on the current workstation or laptop choose to install “Only for me”. If you are installing for other workstation users select “Anyone who uses this computer”. Click the "Next" button.

    8. In the next screen you will be given the opportunity to click "Next" to continue the installation; to click "Back" to change any previously entered settings or choices; or to click "Cancel" to stop the installation of Laser App. Note: Laser App 10.x settings cannot be restored directly by the installer at this point!

    9. As the installation processes a screen will display the progress.

  • 10. Once the installation is complete click “Finish” to run Laser App and exit the installer:

    After starting Laser App all of your settings should be intact from the previous version. If you chose to run the program from the end of the installation dialog (as shown above) you should also notice a balloon hint appear in the task tray:

    It is recommended you click the task tray item to configure the desired level of program updating. For details on configuring program update please refer to the Configuring Scheduled Software Updates of this document. If you did not choose to run Laser App immediately after installation you will be presented with the above balloon notification at your next login or logoff of the computer.

    Configuring Scheduled Software Updates Laser App ver. 10.x introduces a new software update system and scheduler very similar to the scheduled updates system modern versions of Windows use. The update process and scheduling of the update process requires Administrator level permissions. On modern Windows operating system this will invoke the User Access Control (UAC) dialog to elevate permission regardless of the current user privileges, but on XP operating systems non Administrators will be denied access.

    The update scheduler is invoked automatically if Laser App is run immediately from the final screen of the installer (as described previously in this document), or if the Configure Program Updates program menu shortcut is clicked in Windows. When the configuration program starts it appears in the task tray with the installer’s icon.

    To begin configuring scheduled updates follow these steps:

    1) Click this task tray item to start the scheduled update configuration. The first screen you will see on modern Windows operating systems is the following UAC dialog:

  • Click Yes to enter the admin credentials and continue.

    2) You will then be presented with the Laser App Program Updater wizard screen:

    Click Next to continue.

    3) The next screen has several section allowing you to configure what actions to take and when:

    It is recommended you check the “Keep my computer up to date” option at the top. If you do not

  • no scheduled updates will occur and you will not receive program updates and fixes. First choose a time of day your computer is on and the Administrative user is actually logged in. Once a week is typically sufficient as updates become less frequent the older a program version gets. Next, choose the level of interaction you want when an update is found. Under the Settings the thee options are: a) “Notify me before downloading…” – This setting will show a bubble hint in the task tray indicating an update was found. You must click the task tray icon to confirm you want the update. b) “Download the updates automatically…” – This option will download the update patch automatically and silently to a cached folder on your system. When the update is ready to install you will be prompted with a balloon hint in the task tray. Clicking the task tray icon will begin the installation process. c) “Automatically download the updates and install them..” – This setting will do the entire update process without any user interaction. Note: this setting is not recommended for multiple user systems where elements of the Laser App program may be running in under profiles and cannot be stopped. In this scenario your computer may be rebooted or Laser App stopped while you are using it. Click Next to complete this step.

    4) The scheduled update system runs from a Windows scheduled event which requires the following information to run:

    Enter the password for the user performing the updates above. Note: It is important at this step to choose a user has Admin level access and is logged in periodically during the times scheduled in the previous step. Click Next to continue.

    5) The next screen will indicate the configuration is complete. Click finish to exit the update configuration. You can re-enter the scheduler from the within Laser App or from the Windows program shortcut at any time. To check for updates on-demand or re-start the scheduler program inside of Laser

  • App click Utilities Program Settings and use either button shown below from the Program and Form Updates tab:

    Program update schedules and more advanced options for scheduling can be made form the Windows task scheduler settings directly.

  • Minimum System & OS Requirements

    Minimum Operating System & Hardware –

    • Compatible Operating Systems: Microsoft XP (including Tablet PC Edition), Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003, Server 2008 (32 & 64bit)

    • Minimum System RAM: 500MB

    • Minimum Graphics RAM: 128MB

    Non-standard Environments: Terminal Services – Laser App supports remote desktop, “fast user switching”, and is compatible with Microsoft Terminal Services and similar Citrix ® configurations where the application and resources are located on the server and made available for remote access. Please note you must scale your hardware accordingly due graphics use within the program requiring additional system resources.

    Roaming Profiles – Laser App is not recommended nor designed to support roaming profiles because of heavy image caching. It stores user downloaded forms for re-use in the local profile path only. This includes “application virtualization” where the application is delivered to the client from a central server.

    Citrix XenDesktop ® – We do not provide support for this product and the configuration necessary for it to work. Laser App meets the “Designed for Windows” requirements, and is not designed specifically for Citrix desktop/app virtualization. However, we do have reports of successful configurations in this environment. Because XenDesktop is a third party product and not part of the Windows OS we suggest you seek support from Citrix directly.

    Virtual Machines – Laser App supports and can be installed on Virtual Machines.

    Running Under Mac OS X – Laser App runs nicely on Mac using virtualization which requires you you to have a valid Windows license and possibly other third party VMs. For more information of ways to run Laser App on Mac see the Knowledge Base article online.

    iOS and Android Tablet Devices – Laser App is a Windows application and thus does not run natively on iOS or Android. Currently only MS Table PC based Operating Systems are supported natively.

    Enterprise Version 10.x Installation GuideAbstract…What is Online Software Activation?

    Basic InstallationUpgrading from Version 9.xConfiguring Scheduled Software UpdatesMinimum System & OS RequirementsNon-standard Environments: