larter legacy: chapter 1


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Page 1: Larter Legacy: Chapter 1
Page 2: Larter Legacy: Chapter 1

Hi, everyone! This is my very first try at playing and documenting a legacy. Well, I’ve read a lot of legacies in the past, but this is my very first try at doing one. Allow me to introduce our founder Clayton Larter! Say Hello, Clayton!

“Hello everybody! Can I be your friend?”

Of course you can, buddy.

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Name: Clayton Larter

Traits: Friendly, Schmoozer, Easily Impressed, Charismatic, Good Sense of Humor

Favorites: Mac and Cheese, Pop, Spiceberry

Lifetime Wish: Super Popular

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This here is his stuff for now. Maybe it’ll change when he gets richer and his family expands.

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“Ugh! That’s just junk! And there’s not even a roof above the bed at all! Maybe I’ll just go to the nearby lake and fish instead. That would take my worries away at the moment.”

If you say so, Clay.

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“*sigh* Sometimes, I wish I could be as rich as my neighbors and live in huge mansions so that people can flock to me like there’s no end to it.”

By neighbors, you mean…

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Vita and Holly Alto as well as Gunther Goth?

Vita: “Certainly, Mr. Goth. It would be most despicable if that intruder fishing on my pond dare make his presence known in front of us.”

Mortimer: “So does this mean we as respected members of this community are obliged to maintain the natural order of things, Mrs. Alto?”

Vita: “Precisely.”

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“Yup. And maybe that guy Vita was talking to as well. Not sure if they’re related, though.”

*sigh* I think you get the point there, Clay, but I doubt they’ll like you immediately.

“But still, it would be nice if we get along someday. I wanna be popular and have lots of friends, and I would like to see my family, if I ever get one, become popular around these parts.”

This is gonna be a long journey.

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Suddenly, Clay’s fishing pole shook and out came a minnow.

“This is awesome! This is the first fish I’ve ever caught, but seeing that I’m dirt poor at the moment, I have to sadly sell it.”

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Later on, I discovered this garden across the lake. Maybe Clay would like it if he harvests some of its fruit.

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“I’ll take note of that later on, buddy.”

Good, because without that food, you’ll starve to death.

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“But first, I need to go back to get a job. That newspaper over there might help me get what I want.”

Suit yourself, Clay.

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“Let me see. An opening in the business career. Maybe that would give me enough money to actually build a house and possibly lots of friends to help me in my most desperate time of need.”

But all other careers are as good as that one, you know.

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“Oh well. It’s taken. Man, I could feel the potential of a bright future shining in front of me.”

Okay then. If it’s a job you want to have, then it’s a job you get to work in. Good luck on that.

“Thank you, buddy.”

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“You know, today is a sunny day, so it should be a perfect time for me to harvest the crops you mentioned earlier.”

Good, because we don’t want you to starve to death.

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“So, this is the place you talked about just now, huh?”

Yes, my dear bear of a founder to take care of.

“So you do realize now that taking care of a hobo like me is gonna be a difficult task, huh?”

Of course.

“Then why do you do this in the first place? I need friends now!”

Because I want to try this challenge, and you’ll get the friends you deserve, I promise.

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“Let’s see. These things would suit me well if I plant the seeds on my yard. I shall call these Clayton’s gold.”

Yes, but those things already have a name, Clay, and they’re called potatoes.

“Pfft, whatever, and the same goes for the other ones as well.”

They too already have a name, and they’re called watermelons and tomatoes.

“Oh yeah? Well I can prove you wrong, buddy.”

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“Run, run, run! Must hurry and plant Clayton’s gold on his yard.”

You mean those potatoes you harvested along with other kinds of crops as well?

“Don’t you dare call what I have specially harvested by any other name other than Clayton’s gold, buddy!”

*sigh* Whatever.

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“Rats! I don’t know how to plant some of them, especially the brown and stripy green ones, so how do I do that, huh?”

You know, you could just plant the ones you know how to plant, then you’ll probably be able to plant those you can’t plant at the moment. Practice takes time, and with practice you’ll be able to plant those you can’t plant right now.

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“Fine then. I’ll plant a seed from the red gold first, then.”

Now that’s the spirit.

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“All this work makes me hungry, man, and what shall I eat?”

The “gold” you just harvested, understand?

“But how will I plant them?”

There’s still some behind you, and it takes time before you can harvest them.

“Fine, then. *sniff* Goodbye, my precious little brown gold. Daddy will miss you for eternity.”

That’s just food, Clay.

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“Don’t you dare say ‘that’s just food’! I harvested them for the first time, and I need them to remind me of something special in me!”

But you must eat them or else you die.

“Oh, I don’t care what you say, and I’m so sad because I have to eat a potential friend! But boy does that gold taste yummy just now!”

Er, I hope you don’t become a cannibal someday.

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“You know what, I still need lots of friends, and no way will I ever consider eating them.”

OK, I’m glad you don’t want to harm your friends at all.

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“Perhaps some music will entertain me for the moment.”

Yes, that’s right, Clay. You do need something to distract you from your worries.

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“Phew! I really need to clean myself at this booth.”

That booth is a shower, and you just stand there, turn the switch on, and enjoy yourself there.

“Thanks for the tip, buddy.”

You’re welcome.

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After his shower, Clay decides that it would be a good time to dance.

“I’m your biggest fan. I’ll follow you until you love me. Papa-paparazzi”

Paparazzi-Lady Gaga

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Uh, Clay? It’s already evening, and you’re still dancing?

“Oh yeah! Uh-huh! This is awesome and fabulous! I think I’ll just dance until I’m tired.”

But you’ll need rest or else you’ll get tired pretty soon, don’t you think?

“OK, fine.”

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A few hours later, Clay became so exhausted from dancing that he really doesn’t want to dance anymore.

“You know what, I wanna close my eyes and sleep well into the morning.”

Now that’s better.

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“Ah, finally I get to rest now! Boy, what a day! I can’t wait for tomorrow and get myself energized.”

Do you want me to sing a lullaby for you, Clay?

“No thanks.”

OK, just asking.

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Sweet dreams, Clay, and dream of bedbugs tonight.

OK, so. It’s really weird to see sims sleeping without a roof on their head, but let’s face it. This is a legacy, and the founder must endure a life of poverty that involves not being able to afford enough walls to build a house. Most likely because of other essentials.

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Several hours later, Clay wakes up and gets hungry. I think not having dinner does result in a very empty stomach.

“*sniff* Goodbye, my stripy green gold. Daddy will miss you for eternity.”

*sigh* Cut that out, Clay!

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Man! Maybe having a party of my own would help me begin the day in earnest.

And how are you gonna celebrate it, hmm?

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Now this stereo will make my day as a party of my own. Da-da-dum.

OK, this is weird. I mean seeing sims dancing outdoors on their PJs? Can this guy seriously know and understand etiquette?

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After a few moments of dancing and having a “party” of his own, Clay thinks that this would be a good time to plant more of his “gold”.

“Boy this place will be a nice place for more gold, so that I won’t have to go back to that faraway place just to eat and find more potential friends. Maybe this place is a good place for me to find instant friends.”

If you say so, Clay.

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With careful planting and tending, Clay finally gets two fine sources of his “gold”. Happy now, Clay?

“Well, not really.”

Why is that?

“Because I need more sources of my gold, if you don’t mind.”

Later on, Clay. Later on.

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“How about now? I thing I should make friends with those fish.”

They won’t be able to understand what you’re saying, Clay.

“Well, I could change that.”

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“Hiiiyaaahhh! Taste the awesome fishing skills of Clayton Larter, would you?”

Clayton, that’s not a nice thing to say to those poor fishies!

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Please come, my fishies. I can’t wait any longer. Not to mention that I have to sell some of my gold because of my poverty.

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Finally! Another minnow! Oh how I wish I could keep you so that we’ll be friends forever!

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Uh, Clay? Your carpool’s here, and this is your first day at your job, so hurry and don’t miss it!

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“You know what, good idea, as I’m all changed already, but I have a better method of transportation, so to say.”

Oh, and what would that be?

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Taxi? Are you kidding me? It costs money to ride on a taxi.

“Yeah, but I heard that it’s actually free to ride on them, and besides, that carpool over there probably doesn’t have AC and awesome pop music on the radio.”

Clay, these things don’t matter to you at all, and I don’t understand why riding a taxi doesn’t cost money at all in the sim world, or at least Sims 2 and 3.

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After he finally reached his new workplace, Clay looked up with awe.

“Wow! That’s a huge building! I wonder if I can meet lots of friends there.”

I hope you do, Clay, so rest assured.

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After his work shift ended, Clay realized that it would be a good time to look around.

This is probably my chance to go find a new lake or pond to fish around.

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Apparently, he stumbled upon a gym, thinking that it’s a bouquet shop of some sorts.

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When he realized that he actually stumbled upon a gym, he decided to shrug it off and exercise with other people.

Boy, must I get fit. I don’t wanna be fat.

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After the exercise, he realized that he’s stinky as a skunk, so he went downstairs and shower.

“Wow! What a fancy booth! I wish mine is like that!”

You don’t have enough money, Clay, so how are we able to afford such a fancy shower like this?

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After the shower, Clayton finally goes out of the gym and possibly go somewhere he’ll probably fond some company. Where to now, Clay?

“I wanna go watch a movie in a theater. I hope I could find tons of friends and possibly a wife of my own.”

So you’re taking your role as founder seriously now, huh? I’m proud of you.

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“Finally, the theater, but who is that guy over there? Is he in charge of the tickets?”

I have no clue, and I don’t think he’s in charge of the tickets, but go greet him, please.

“If you say so.”

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“Hi, my name’s Clayton Larter, and I’m pleased to meet you.”

“Hi, my name’s Marty Keaton, and I’m so hungry that I wanna eat yo-er, your meal if you give it to me someday.”

“Er, no thank you.” Boy, what a weirdo of a cannibal.

That I agree, because that thought bubble shows up when they’re greeting each other.

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Later on, Clayton turned to talk to two other girls, but one of them is too young for him to marry, so he asked the older one about her job and marital status.

“So, sweet cheeks. Do you happen to be married by any chance?”

“Uh, yeah, definitely.”


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After the awkward conversation, Clay proceeded to talk with a dark-skinned woman wearing a blue tracksuit.

“You see, I need to tell you how desperate I am for money and friends.”

“Hold on, are you trying to rob me or something?”

“Nope. I’m just so tired that I need you to marry me someday.”

“Buzz off, pal. I’m already married, and I feel so hungry that I find you really yummy.”

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Creepy previous conversation aside, Clayton managed to meet a woman he enjoyed talking to.

“Hey babe. What’s your name and are you single?”

“I’m Tamara Donner, and I’m definitely single.”

“Sweet! Would you wanna hang out with me at the gym someday, huh?”

“Well, I would love to, since you need to be buff. Mmmm… buff.”

At this point, I later discovered that Tamara is a rich sim, so Clay can’t marry her. *facepalm*

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Boy, what a day, but I hope I can be popular quickly soon enough, and I’m super tired from all the socialization!

*sigh* Another day, another donut. This is really tedious, if you ask me.

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“Gah! All that sleeping last night has left me as hungry as the people I just met! Is there any way to help me relieve my hunger?”

The solution is simple: Eat!

“And risk losing any potential friends?”

Those are NOT your friends, Clay! Do I have to remind you about that inevitable fact?

“Gah! Now you’re complaining!”

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“Rest assured, my lovely gold mine. Soon, Daddy will come up and befriend you as much as we want.”

I tell you, Clayton really needs to go to some asylum due to his life being in a delicate balance between life and death, and that has become a bit too much for me.

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“Ugh! Stupid mailbox gives me some random piece of paper that tells me to pay! Why can’t it be something that tells me that I got money instead of it getting money?”

That “random piece of paper” is called a bill, and you need to pay some money for it so that you won’t get your things taken away from you.

“But I’m dirt poor, you see?”

There’s no choice, Clay. Get used to it.

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Now that I’m done with work, I think I should take some time to enjoy myself. That way, I can feel like I’m actually partying like there’s no tomorrow.

If you tell me, this guy has totally bizarre thoughts about parties. I think it has to do with his poverty and loneliness that drives him to think about being with others.

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The square seems like a nice place to have some leisure time, Clay, so good choice.

“Yup, that’s right. Maybe I should have a moment of myself here.”

Alright, then.

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Man, this place has everything I need to stay fulfilled. Clear pond, lush open space, and finally lots of people. Maybe I should fish here.

Clay does seem to ignore the contentment his home has already provided for him. Well, except for point three in this case.

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Just as Clay went fishing when I finally saw this awesome ray of hope to my legacy in the form of a pizza delivery woman. Yup, and she’s probably trying to wander around finding company apart from those busy pizza-delivering days.

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“Oooo! A redhead like me! Even though her hair is brighter than mine.”

Yes, Clay. Now go introduce yourself to her, and she’ll appreciate it.

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“Oooo! A handsome redhead man coming to introduce himself to me. This is gonna be my lucky day. He better be super-duper awesome towards me or else.”

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“Well, Hello there, pizza delivery lady. My name is Clayton Larter, and I wanna be your best friend. Does that sound fine to you?”

“Hello yourself, Clayton. My name is Autumn Cusack, and I definitely love to be your best friend to come.”

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Afterwards, our lovely couple-to-be chatted on their interests and such.

Autumn: “You see, Clayton, do you happen to be fond of hamburgers because I have never tasted them before. You know, I need to work for like forever and never got the time to eat them.”

Clayton: “Well, I prefer mac and cheese over that unhealthy junk food, and do you happen to love the theater? There’s one around here, but I got distracted by the people right in front of it.”

Autumn: “I do love the theater, and I especially love the singing parts. They calm me down a lot.”

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Clayton: “Hey, do you happen to be married?”

Autumn: “Of course not, Clayton. I’m a pizza delivery lady who has to toil forever that I don’t even have any thoughts of marriage.”

Clayton: “Yikes! I thought my job as one of Boss Alto’s company is the most tiring of all!”

Autumn: “Wait a minute. You mean Nick Alto?”

Clayton: “Yes. Why do you ask?”

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Suddenly, Autumn abruptly ran away and as fast as the wind. I tell you, she just suddenly did that, and I had no idea why.

Oh yeah! This is definitely my lucky day! That guy happens to work in a prestigious company, and I would want him to give me the luck I never had. I’m so glad that I snuck out from my stupid job so that I can eventually find someone to give me luck, and I have struck Jackpot this time!

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“Hey wait up, Autumn! Why did you leave me here so suddenly? We didn’t get to talk much, did we?”

She’s all gone now, Clayton.

“But I can’t just stay here and do nothing. Especially since she dropped a piece of paper with a series of numbers on it.”

Well, keep the paper for yourself, and go home.

“Fine, buddy.”

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“Geez! What kind of woman suddenly runs away with me after I talked to her about my job? That’s just plain weird.”

Agreed with that.

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Anyway, I really feel exhausted after the conversation just now. Must. Sleep. Now.

Even the evening hours can drain a man from his energy really fast.

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During the wee hours of morning, Clayton woke up after a sleep and crossed a bridge he had seen before. Much to his delight (and mine), he spotted some grape-producing shrubs.

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Some yummy-looking purple things, and they shall be called Clayton’s purple gold from now on.

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He then harvested some and proceeded to eat a few of them, what with his hunger and all.

“Mmmmm… This is delicious! I really need to plant some of these in my garden.”

That’s right, Clay. You really need them for more variety in terms of food.

“But these are my friends, buddy, and no one must force me to eat my own poor friends.”

If you say so, Clay. If you say so.

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Haven’t been here for a long time. I’m sure I can get more buddies out of these shrubs.

After he has harvested some of the produce, Clay got his first ever skill point: gardening. I’m so glad he did.

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Boring trip to work is boring, so Clay hopped on the taxi and hoped he’ll get to “party” someday.

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After work, Clay began planting some of his “purple gold” seeds as well as more of his “red gold” seeds to ensure a good source of “friends”.

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“You know, I’m so sorry to part with you, but you taste really yummy. *sniff* Oh well, I guess this is a bittersweet farewell between the both of us.”

Cut it, Clay, and your cell phone’s ringing, so go pick it up.

“Yeah, but just a moment.”

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“Hey, Thorny my friend. How’s your day today. Oh you know what, I managed to do something more fruitful than a stupid desk job for Alto. Also, I heard that Gunter managed to pull himself out of that stupid routine by retiring. So if you don’t mind, feel free to come by here and we’ll chat together. Does that sound fine to you?”

Honestly, I don’t fully know who called. Whoever called must be one of Clay’s co-workers, so it’s either Thornton Wolff or Iliana Langerak. And I know that at some point Gunther retired due to old age.

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“Sorry that Daddy left you behind, my little buddies, but a friend just called, and he definitely needs some faraway company.”

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Once nighttime has set in, Clay decided that now would be a good time to dial her phone number from the piece of paper she just dropped.

“Hey there, Autumn. How’s your day going. Boring, isn’t it? Well, I just planted some of my gold, and I’ve gotten better at planting and such. Someday, they’ll be awesome and delicious, and they’ll make me famous someday. See you, and good night.”

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The next day, Clay called Autumn again and this time, he chatted up to the point that he nearly missed his carpool.

“Hey, Autumn. Delivering some pizza, I guess. Well, hopefully they should taste really nice if my buddies behind me can lend a helping hand. Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t seem to hear you clearly because there’s some form of static interfering with our lovely conversation.”

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“Boy, I mustn’t be late for work next time, but at least I got promoted, and I got a wonderful work outfit out of it.”Good for you, and now we can buy and build more stuff at home.

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With this awesome outfit, I’m positive that I could make many friends in no time.

Afterwards, he grabbed a cell phone and, ignoring the passerby somewhere behind him, talked to Autumn.

“Hey, don’t you know that I got promoted and got this colorful outfit that can make people like me more? It’s really nice and snazzy, if you ask me.”

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Later that night, Clay went on to tend his garden like a good and watchful gardener should.

“Easy there, my buddies. Soon, you’ll make Daddy famous and people will say we’re awesome as macand cheese.”

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The next day, the garden was in bloom, and Clay also planted three cabbage plots from the newly-bought fridge. He even built some walls for a future house. After harvesting some “red gold”, Clay suddenly received a phone call.

“Hello, and can I help you? Wait a minute, you’re lacking something I can give you because of locusts eating them? That’s horrible! I’ll give you some of my light green gold, if you don’t mind, OK? See you, and I’ll give them someday.”

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At this point, Clay got 5K lifetime points, so I decided to give him fast metabolism so that he’ll become fit someday, and the rest of the perks seem to be useless at the moment, I think.

“Oh yeah. People love muscle, and I’ll show them some of mine.”

Look, this is a slow process, and you won’t expect an instantly fit body, don’t you?

“Oh, I’ll show them how it’s done.

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The following day was a day off, so Clay spent the entire morning tending his garden, and he managed to get some “red gold” out of it.

Yes, my buddies. You shall make Daddy happy.

After the harvest, he took out his cell phone and called Autumn

“Hey Autumn. Would you like to go to the art gallery with me right now? You do? That’s great! I’ll see you there shortly.”

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Once at the art gallery, Clay spotted a woman with really red hair, pigtails, and a blue blouse.

Clay: That sure is Autumn. Man, she’ll make my day.

Autumn, however, is still preoccupied at the statue she’s seeing. Please turn around, missy.

Autumn: Seriously, what is wrong with the statue? Did the sculptor made her as if she got into a car accident or something? If that’s true, then whoever sculpted this poor maiden must be one of the craziest sculptors of all time.

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Clayton: “Hey, are you Autumn?”

Autumn: “Yes, Clayton. I am. Who do you think I am? Some nutcase trying to go to a costume party?”

Clayton: “You know what? You look as beautiful as a vase of roses. Would you mind if I hug you?”

Autumn: “Of course not.”

Clayton: “Man, you are so kind and nice to me.”

Autumn: “Yeah, thanks a lot.”

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Clayton: “Mind if I kiss you?”

Autumn: “Of course.”

And they finally kissed, thus starting their fling together. Isn’t it awesome?

Autumn: This is so easy. Really easy.

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They later kissed again and did many romantic things together as well. *sigh* If only the pace of time doesn’t feel too slow for me.

“You know, I can lend you some muscle by rubbing your back, Autumn.”

“Sure thing, Clayton. I think I need to feel a great sense of impending victory as a result of this date.”

“You know what? You can just call me Clay. It’s simple and convenient, if you ask me.”

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After a few more romantic interactions, Clay took out a velvet box and showed it to Autumn.

Clay: “You know, Autumn, I think you’ve given me a fantastic time that feels like a true party to my life, so I think you should live with me forever as husband and wife.”

Autumn: “And give me a decent place to live other than the super-cramped pizza factory from nowhere, definitely.”

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Clay: “Of course, my love! I have to ask you a question.”

Then Clay opened the velvet box and out came a diamond ring.

Clay: “Autumn Cusack, would you have the honor of marrying me so that we can have some sort of party together?”

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Autumn: “Ooooo! I would love to marry you as soon as possible. Seeing you has given me an opportunity to get some luck away from the brutal work hours as a pizza delivery lady!”

And she took out the ring and wore it on her finger.

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Clay and Autumn are engaged to each other! Yay! The next generation can thus start soon!

Clay: “Can you give me a hug?”

Autumn: “Yeah, sure.”

This is awesome, even if this isn’t the wisest decision in legacy playing!

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Two other pedestrians watched our happy couple as they announce their engagement in front of public by hugging each other.

Thornton: Man, Clay gets to have a happy life settling down, much unlike me, who just wants to search for the diamond in my life by partying and not getting married. *grumble* Stupid wife being a tough nut to crack!

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Clay: “Hey Thorny buddy! Guess what? I just got engaged! From now on, I can feel like I have a party right in my soul.”

Thornton: “Well, good luck to you, Clay. You see, I think you can enjoy your marriage. I’m rather bad at staying married because think of all the girls in my life, man!”

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Later that evening, Autumn followed Clay home so they can tie the know right now. That is, after Clay changed into formalwear.

Clay: “OK, Autumn. From the moment I saw you, you’re like a ray of sunshine in my dull world. For that reason, I think we are meant to be together for the rest of our lives, don’t you agree?”

Autumn: “Of course I agree, even though I don’t have a wedding gown at the moment.”

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Lack of a wedding gown for Autumn aside, the wedding was quite a pleasant one for our young couple.

Clay: “Autumn Cusack, will you marry me?”

Autumn: “Yes, Clayton Larter. From now on, I’ll be glad to be known as Mrs. Larter.”

From now on, I shall pronounce both of you as husband and wife. Clayton, you may kiss the bride.

Clay: “Hhmpfh! Yeah, thanks a lot, buddy.”

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“Aw, Autumn, thanks for bringing enough money so that I-er, I mean, we can build ourselves a true house with a roof on top of us as well as enough stuff to begin life together.”

And by house, I mean…

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…this humble shack so far.

Do you want to look inside? Well…

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…here you go!

The left room is the bedroom. In the middle is the living room, and there’s a bathroom at the right of the living room. The kitchen/dining room is still not done yet due to lack of money, even though I have a refrigerator. To the right of the house is the garden. First row is cabbages, second row is grapes, and third row is tomatoes.

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Boy, this ring looks really nice because it will always remind me that I’m married to Autumn right there.

The joys of married life has just started on Clay.

Speaking of his wife’s stats, check it out!

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Name: Autumn Cusack-Larter

Traits: Unlucky, Clumsy

Favorites: Pop, Aqua

Lifetime Wish: Super Popular

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*sigh* My dearest husband Clay makes me happy. He’ll give me enough simoleons someday to expand this house so that I can also bask in his future glory. This is so gonna be amazing.

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And then, our lovely couple quickly admired the new things they had in their house for now.

Autumn: Yay! This double bed looks so comfy for both of us!

Clay: Hurray! We finally have a door!

What a natural reaction towards the new things in one’s house.

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Autumn: “So honey, I just found a job as a snitch for the local police. Does that sound fine to you?”

Clay: “Um, yeah, sure. After all, we need lots of cops to prevent the crime rate from rising.”

Autumn: “I took this job so that I-er, I mean, we can be rich and popular in no time.”


And that, my dear readers, is where I shall leave you. Stay tuned for another update. In the mean time, happy simming, as always!