languages in the philippines (social dimenson)

Languages in the Philippines Filipino (formerly Pilipino) is based on Tagalog and is the official language of the Philippines. In spite of being the national language, only about 55 percent of Filipinos speak the language. In addition to Filipino are about 111 distinct indigenous languages and dialects, of which only about 10 are important regionally. English is generally used for educational, governmental and commercial purposes and is widely understood since it is the medium of instruction in schools. The Philippines are the third largest group of English speaking people in the world, after the United States and the United Kingdom. Since English is widely spoken in the Philippines, it is common to hear Filipinos use a mixture English and Filipino words or phrases, known as "Taglish" (a mixture of English and Tagalog), in their everyday conversations. A steadily dwindling minority still speak Spanish, which had at one time been an official language. Filipino Society & Culture Filipino Family Values The family is the centre of the social structure and includes the nuclear family, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and honorary relations such as godparents, sponsors, and close family friends. People get strength and stability from their family. As such, many children have several godparents. Concern for the extended family is seen in the patronage provided to family members when they seek employment. It is common for members of the same family to work for the same company. In fact, many collective bargaining agreements state that preferential hiring will be given to family members. Filipino Concept of Shame Hiya is shame and is a motivating factor behind behaviour.

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Page 1: Languages in the philippines (social dimenson)

Languages in the Philippines

Filipino (formerly Pilipino) is based on Tagalog and is the official language of the Philippines. In spite of being the national language, only about 55 percent of Filipinos speak the language. In addition to Filipino are about 111 distinct indigenous languages and dialects, of which only about 10 are important regionally.

English is generally used for educational, governmental and commercial purposes and is widely understood since it is the medium of instruction in schools. The Philippines are the third largest group of English speaking people in the world, after the United States and the United Kingdom.

Since English is widely spoken in the Philippines, it is common to hear Filipinos use a mixture English and Filipino words or phrases, known as "Taglish" (a mixture of English and Tagalog), in their everyday conversations. A steadily dwindling minority still speak Spanish, which had at one time been an official language.

Filipino Society & CultureFilipino Family Values

The family is the centre of the social structure and includes the nuclear family, aunts, uncles,

grandparents, cousins and honorary relations such as godparents, sponsors, and close family


People get strength and stability from their family. As such, many children have several


Concern for the extended family is seen in the patronage provided to family members when they

seek employment.

It is common for members of the same family to work for the same company.

In fact, many collective bargaining agreements state that preferential hiring will be given to

family members.

Filipino Concept of Shame

Hiya is shame and is a motivating factor behind behaviour.

It is a sense of social propriety and conforming to societal norms of behaviour.

Filipinos believe they must live up to the accepted standards of behaviour and if they fail to do

so they bring shame not only upon themselves, but also upon their family.

One indication of this might be a willingness to spend more than they can afford on a party

rather than be shamed by their economic circumstances.

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If someone is publicly embarrassed, criticized, or does not live up to expectations, they feel

shame and lose self-esteem.

Etiquette & CustomsMeeting Etiquette

Initial greetings are formal and follow a set protocol of greeting the eldest or most important

person first.

A handshake, with a welcoming smile, is the standard greeting.

Close female friends may hug and kiss when they meet.

Use academic, professional, or honorific titles and the person's surname until you are invited to

use their first name, or even more frequently, their nickname.

Gift Giving Etiquette

If you are invited to a Filipino home for dinner bring sweets or flowers to the hosts.

If you give flowers, avoid chrysanthemums and white lilies.

You may send a fruit basket after the event as a thank you but not before or at the event, as it

could be interpreted as meaning you do not think that the host will provide sufficient hospitality.

Wrap gifts elegantly as presentation is important. There are no colour restrictions as to wrapping


Gifts are not opened when received.

Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Filipino's house:

It is best to arrive 15 to 30 minutes later than invited for a large party.

Never refer to your host's wife as the hostess. This has a different meaning in the Philippines.

Dress well. Appearances matter and you will be judged on how you dress.

Compliment the hostess on the house.

Send a handwritten thank you note to the hosts in the week following the dinner or party. It

shows you have class.

Table manners

Wait to be asked several times before moving into the dining room or helping yourself to food.

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Wait to be told where to sit. There may be a seating plan.

Do not start eating until the host invites you to do so.

Meals are often served family- style or are buffets where you serve yourself.

A fork and spoon are the typical eating utensils.

Hold the fork in the left hand and use it to guide food to the spoon in your right hand.

Whether you should leave some food on your plate or finish everything is a matter of personal

preference rather than culture-driven.

Business Etiquette & ProtocolRelationships & Communication

Filipinos thrive on interpersonal relationships, so it is advisable to be introduced by a third party.

It is crucial to network and build up a cadre of business associates you can call upon for

assistance in the future.

Business relationships are personal relationships, which mean you may be asked to do favours

for colleagues, and they will fully expect you to ask them for favours in return.

Once a relationship has been developed it is with you personally, not necessarily with the

company you represent.

Therefore, if you leave the company, your replacement will need to build their own relationship.

Presenting the proper image will facilitate building business relationships. Dress conservatively

and well at all times.

Business Meeting Etiquette

Appointments are required and should be made 3 to 4 weeks in advance.

It is a good idea to reconfirm a few days prior to the meeting, as situations may change.

Avoid scheduling meetings the week before Easter.

Punctuality is expected. For the most part your Filipino colleagues will be punctual as well.

Face-to-face meetings are preferred to other, more impersonal methods such as the telephone,

fax, letter or email.

Send an agenda and informational materials in advance of the meeting so your colleagues may

prepare for the discussion.

The actual decision maker may not be at the meeting.

Avoid making exaggerated claims.

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Always accept any offer of food or drink. If you turn down offers of hospitality, your colleagues

lose face.

It is important to remain for the period of social conversation at the end of the meeting.

Business Negotiation

You may never actually meet with the decision maker or it may take several visits to do so.

Decisions are made at the top of the company.

Filipinos avoid confrontation if at all possible. It is difficult for them to say 'no'. Likewise, their

'yes' may merely mean 'perhaps'.

At each stage of the negotiation, try to get agreements in writing to avoid confusion or


If you raise your voice or lose your temper, you lose face.

Filipinos do business with people more than companies. If you change representatives during

negotiations, you may have to start over. . Negotiations may be relatively slow.

Most processes take a long time because group consensus is necessary.

Decisions are often reached on the basis of feelings rather than facts, which is why it is

imperative to develop a broad network of personal relationships.

Do not remove your suit jacket unless the most important Filipino does.

Dress Etiquette

Business attire is conservative.

Men should wear a dark coloured, conservative business suit, at least for the initial meeting.

Women should wear a conservative suit, a skirt and blouse, or a dress.

Women's clothing may be brightly coloured as long as it is of good quality and well-tailored.

Appearances matter and visitors should dress well.

Business Cards

You should offer your business card first.

Make sure your business card includes your title.

Present and receive business cards with two hands so that it is readable to the recipient.

Examine the card briefly before putting it in your business card case.

Some senior level executives only give business cards to those of similar rank.

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Native Filipino Beliefs

The Philippines is a predominantly Christian nation on account of 300 years of

Spanish rule. It is estimated that 81% of the population is Roman Catholic. In

the south on the large island of Mindanao, many are adherents of Islam. Filipino

Muslims make up about five per cent of the national population.

Animism or folk religion encompassing indigenous spiritual traditions from pre-

colonial times still prevail even among baptized members of formal

churches. Superstitious beliefs are widespread.



anitoan idol representing a spirit that is usually friendly if properly assuaged

aswanga ghost; a malevolent spirit that acts with capriciousness so people don’t even

try to assuage it

babaylanan intermediary with the spirit world; in pre-Spanish society, this was often a

woman, though men were not uncommon

Bathalain pre-Spanish society, a conceptualization for a superior being; with Filipinos

then believing in several gods, this term may only have been applied to the

most powerful

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erbularyo (from the Spanish herbolario)

a person skilled in combining herbs to cure illness and ward off evil spirits

manananggalthe Filipino equivalent of a beautiful vampire; a type of aswang; her upper body

detaches and flies off with large wings

5 folkways

1. Mano Po (Blessing of the hand/ means "right" [opposite of "left"] and po is a word you say to

show respect. Usually, it's the kids who execute the "Mano Po" although adults will also do this

especially when visiting their parents, or the parents of their girlfriend) 

2. Po and Opo (Kind of respect you use among elders in the Filipino culture. Its also a custom

provided in the Philippines. opo is actually 2 words. PO and o. O generally means yes or what.

Po is just added on to certain sentences in Tagalog to mean respect for older people) 

3. Bayanihan (Filipino term taken from the word bayan, referring to a nation, town or community.

The whole term bayanihan refers to a spirit of communal unity or effort to achieve a particular


4. Harana (an old Filipino courtship tradition of serenading women, probably a Spanish

influence. It has been practiced mostly in rural areas and small towns. The man, usually

accompanied by his close friends, goes to the house of the woman he is courting and plays

music and sings love songs to her).

5. Pamamanhikan (From the word panik [which means to ascend or to climb a house’s flight of

stairs], pamamanhikan is "the asking for the girl’s parents’ permission to wed the affianced pair."

The custom symbolizes honor and respect for the parents, seeking their blessing and approval

before getting married) 

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As examine regional breakdowns on data, discovered interest facts. Data on languages/dialects from the 2000 CPH:

Cebuano and Bisaya are the predominant languages in 5 regions: VII, IX, X, XI, and Caraga.

Tagalog is the predominant language in 4 regions: NCR, III, IVA, and IVB. Ilocano is the predominant language in 3 regions: CAR, I, and II. Ilonggo is the predominant language in 2 regions: VI and XII. Bikol is only predominant in Region 5, while Waray is only predominant in Region

VIII. In ARMM, Tausug and Maranao are the two most generally spoken languages or


In terms of island groups: In Luzon, the predominant language in Luzon is Tagalog followed by Ilocano and

Bikol. In Visayas, Cebuano and Bisaya are the predominant languages followed by Ilonggo

and Waray. In Mindanao, the Cebuano and Bisaya are also the predominant languages.