language curriculum and materialsdevelopment workshop for primary school english teachers of brunei...

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  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Session 7

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Selection of teaching material Reordering


    Adding Changing Replacing


    Creative andevaluativedimension

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7



    Objective of activity suitable?

    Yes No

    Omit or replaceMethods/ Taskappropriate?


    Change or replace





    Use as it stands

    Keep objective and taskBut change topic or language

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Evaluate and adapt the material based on thefollowing 6 aspects (see the checklist):

    A.The TaskB. The RubricsC. The VisualsD.AuthenticityE. Model of Language UseF. Layout

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    1. Listing: brainstorming and/or fact finding e.g. things, qualities, people,places, features, things to do, reasons.

    2. Ordering and sorting: sequencing, ranking, classifying e.g. sequencingstory pictures, ranking items according to cost, popularity, negative orpositive.

    3. Matching e.g. Listen and identify, listen and do (TPR), matchphrases/descriptions to pictures, match directions to maps.

    4. Comparing: finding similarities or differences -e.g. comparing ways ofgreetings or local customs, playing Spot the difference, contrastingtwo different pictures.


  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    5. Problem-solving: logic puzzles, real-life problems, case studies,

    incomplete texts e.g. logic problems, giving advice, proposing andevaluating solutions, predicting a story ending.

    6. Projects and creative tasks e.g. doing and reporting a survey, producinga class newspaper, planning a radio show, designing a brochure.

    7. Sharing personal experiences: story-telling, anecdotes, reminiscences,opinions, reactions e.g. early schooldays, terrible journeys,embarrassing moments, personality quizzes.

    Adapted from Dave and Jane Willis- 2007


  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    What is the learner expected to do?- learners and teacher work through the process together

    What language input is given to the learner?- the content and language learners are expected to focus on

    What does the task focus on?

    - Meaning, Form (Language System), orMeaning and Form (Language System Relationships)


  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Choice of Task: Matching e.g. Listen and identify,

    listen and do (TPR), match phrases/descriptions to

    pictures, match directions to maps.

    What is the learner expected to do?- to match names of sea creatures to the pictures

    What language input is given to the learner?- the names of sea creatures, colour of sea creatures

    What does the task focus on?- meaning


  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Get learners ready for listening by providing acontext to the text, a listening purpose and

    the necessary language input

    TASK DESIGN:Create a worksheet with the names of seacreatures and get students to match themwith the pictures

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Sea creatures


    Angel Fish


    TurtleSea Horse


    Star fish

    Sea snake

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Provide the scaffolding of meaning and formby having learners listen to a story of how a

    baby shark was saved. Students sequence theevents in the story as they listen.

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    1. One day Sammy the baby shark decided to go for a dip inthe ocean. He was a very special shark as he was blue incolour.

    2. He had a great time as he swam in the blue waters withall the other sea creatures in the sea

    3. All of a sudden, he felt someone tugging at his fins

    4. Before he realised it, he found himself trapped in a fishingnet

    Form: simple past tense Meaning: sequencing of events in a story

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    All of a sudden, he felt someone

    tugging at his fins

    He had a great time as he swam in the

    blue waters with all the other seacreatures in the sea

    Before he realised it, he found himself

    trapped in a fishing net

    One day Sammy the baby shark

    decided to go for a dip in theocean. He was a very special shark

    as he was blue in colour.

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Listen to an environmentalist speak on why sharks are

    endangered species and how we can protect them.

    Take notes of the main points as you listen

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Role play You have been asked to campaign for the protection of sharks at your

    school assembly Use the notes you have made earlier and pictures provided, persuade

    your classmates to help save the sharks. Give reasons why they need todo so

    There will be a question and answersession at the end of your talk.Respond to theirquestions.

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Ban the killing of sharks as

    they are endangered speciesDo not maim the shark

    Stop serving shark fin soup atwedding dinners

    Boycott all

    products that are

    derived from


  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Ban the killing of sharks as they are endangered species Do not maim the shark

    Stop serving shark fin soup at wedding dinners Boycott all products that are derived from sharks

    Form: Use of the negative imperative

    Meaning : Campaigning for saving the shark

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    Listening Get students to retell the story to their friend They use the same forms but substitute with another

    creature which needs to be protected

    SpeakingStudents work in pairs. Based on pictures and notes given,

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    The listening component aims at developing learners ability to listen toand understand the spoken language better by:

    listening from the basic level of sound, word and phrase recognition to anunderstanding of the whole text;

    listening to various text types so that they will become familiar with thesounds, intonation and stress patterns of the English language as well asto get to know the correct pronunciation of words and the use of certainexpressions; and

    responding to the information or message heard in a variety of ways

    including verbal and non-verbal forms.

    By the end of their primary schooling, learners should be able to listen toand understand various text types such as announcements, instructions,and messages.

  • 7/31/2019 Language Curriculum and MaterialsDevelopment Workshop for Primary School English Teachers of Brunei Darussalam - Session 7


    The speaking component aims to enable learners to talk to friends,relatives, teachers and other people confidently using simple language andwith an acceptable level of grammar. As speaking is linked closely tolistening, the oral skills are developed by:

    listening carefully to what is spoken and giving an appropriate response; formulate and ask questions politely when seeking information or

    clarification and to reply giving relevant information; expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas simply when talking to friends

    and older people; using appropriate words, phrases and expressions that do not offend

    others which can occur with the lack of proficiency; and pronouncing words correctly and speaking clearly with the right stress

    and intonation to make utterances understood by others.